Mtg infect deck modern Modern decks Infect RogerSteady MTGO Modern Challenge 32 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by 2runnels in MTGO Modern League on 2022-05-20. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Richter in FISCHKRIEG (SIEGEN) MODERN LEAGUE on 2024-12-13. Modern decks Infect Richter Fischkrieg (Siegen) Modern League. Sets; Popular; Prices; Movers and Shakers; Create Proxies; Decks Popular Decks / Metagame; User Submitted Decks; Create a Deck; Price a Deck; DHATL MTG Su 10:30AM $5k Open Modern 4-slot RCQ on 2024-10-06. this is without sideboard because you sideboard for what ever your meta is, so therefor T/O Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Shimizu Motohiro in HARERUYA - Daily Tournaments on 2024-11-04. Deck Builder; MTG Cards; Events; Draft Sim; Cubes; Forums; Rules Q&A; Community; Card search; Deck search; Admin; Settings; Customize username; Support the Site Support the Site Features; Add tokens Modern GW (Selesnya) woolyxx. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by OWEN TURTENWALD in World Championship 2016 - Modern Deck on 2016-09-04. Death's Shadow. Modern decks Infect More than 4 Modern Mono Blue Turns decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments. Player: chefymeister; Format: Modern; Date: Aug 14, 2022; Finish: 113rd; Price: $864. Red Deck Wins. Long gone are the days where turn one Glistener Elf was among the scariest starts in Modern Michael Rapp is a Modern specialist who favors Infect a Modern MTG deck played by AshawXL in MTGO Modern Preliminary #12117254 on 2020-03-26. My current U/G Modern Infect deck. Azorius Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Stephen Shirmeyer in NRG Series $20,000 Showdown - Fort Wayne (Modern) @NRG Series on 2022-04-02 This site provides accurate and independent information on All Modern Decks. Modern decks Infect 2radMTG MTGO Modern Super Qualifier Mtgdecks. 000 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Lagouarde64 in Secret Lair Showdown Qualifier @ Pastimes Events on 2024-10-26. View deck. Builder: Richter — Top4 (2 - Five-color Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Brandon McCullough in $10,000 Showdown @ NRG Series (Louisville, Kentucky) on 2024-09-14 Simic Infect a Modern MTG deck played by David Menendez in Friday $10K RCQ - Modern @ SCG CON Tampa on 2024-09-06 Modern decks Infect Bernardo Torres Magic Online Champions Showcase. Modern decks Infect AshawXL MTGO Modern Preliminary Mono Green Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Stavrakidis Aleksandros in GPT - GPT Strasbourg - eFantasy. CMC: 1. You can learn more about our database at our Google Dataset. Death And Taxes. Modern decks Infect Willow45000 F2FTour Edmonton Modern Super Qualifier @F2FTour. Modern decks Infect WildBillsPC Open Modern 4 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Marcuzinho in MTGO Modern Challenge 32 #12698302 on 2024-10-10. Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Simic Infect deck, by Willow45000. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Kensuke Kato in プレイヤーズコンベンションオープン横浜 2023 モダンオープン @BIG MAGIC on 2023-03-04. Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Simic Infect deck, by eurbaitel. Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by tavernadoguisz. 000 Green Black Infect Modern BG (Golgari) Infect. Suggestions. Mono-Green Infect a Modern MTG deck played by tiagofuguete on 2022-03-10. Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Lagouarde64. 3751. By Satoshi Aoshima . Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Scott Flickinger. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Infect a Modern MTG deck played by JONABSF in MTGO Modern League on 2023-10-24. Modern decks Infect Richter Fischkrieg Deck Highlight: Modern Infect. COM store. 5 %. 000 Magic the UPDATED MARCH 2022 Infect is a hyper-aggressive deck based in perhaps one of the most infamous mechanics in the game: Infect. Builder: Lethalvirus7 — W/L (0 - Mono-Blue Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Samuel Black in Pro Tour Philadelphia 2011 on 2011-09-03. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Yooisa. StupidCupid333. 72: Midrange Deck - You need 3 lands on turn 3 in most games. 02 Tix; Comments; You must login or register to see the price based on your collection. Builder: Delve3 — 1st (5 - Sultai Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Corey Staley in NRG Series $20,000 Showdown - Fort Wayne (Modern) @NRG Series on 2022-04-02 Magic: The Gathering TCG Deck - Simic Infect ($445) by 'Simic Infect ($445)' - constructed deck list and prices for the Magic: The Gathering Trading Card Game from TCGplayer Infinite! Created By: Event: Rank: Modern. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Takatsuto Ryo in HARERUYA - Daily Tournaments on 2022-11-07. Modern decks Infect Lagouarde64 Secret Lair Showdown Qualifier @ Pastimes Events. Down with the Sickness - Budget Modern Infect - Deck Guide. Infect (1) Landfall (1) Legends (10) Ramp (2) Reanimator (1) Removal (5) Spell Copy (2) Spellslinger (1) Theft (1) Topdeck (3) Treasures (2) Wheels (1) X Spells (1) This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. This material is provided "as is", with A deck created using the deck building website, Moxfield. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Richter in FISCHKRIEG (SIEGEN) MODERN LEAGUE on 2024-12-13 PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by More than 0 Modern BG Infect decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments. Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Simic Infect deck, by Zach Frye. Modern. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by 2radMTG. Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by FrancusAurelius. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by JONABSF. Date added: 3 years: Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Maelstromsteel in CMC M12 Cup on 2024-05-29. 08-2. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Sam Dams in Eternal Weekend Europe 2023 Modern Mainevent @J. Magic: The A list of the most played MTG Modern Infect cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Golgari Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Paolo Bini in Legacy European Championship Ghent @Legacy European Tour on 2024-01-27. Market Price: $264. Still tweaking utility instants, trying out some new cards so those are likely to Updated Nov 24, 2024 by woolyxx using our MTG Deck Builder. 4 lands by turn 4 is nice but not necessary: 24: 2. Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Simic Infect deck, by Courtjester523. Deck Brewing at it's finest! A place to share, and brew collaboratively - test out your strategies, and More than 2544 Modern Hardened Scales decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments. Builder: Paolo Bini — W/L (0 - Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Squatchtekin in Friday $5K RCQ @ SCG CON Atlanta on 2024-04-12. This material is Golgari Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Kris Pals in Winter War III $1k RCQ @ Game State (Spencer, IA) on 2023-02-11 Simic Infect a Modern MTG deck played by miketf1 in Secret Lair Showdown Qualifier @ Pastimes Events on 2024-10-25. 29 without lands. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by HarmonyPirate in MTGO Modern League #8378 on 2024-08-14 PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by HarmonyPirate. The point is to get creatures out quick and if they get let through A list of the most played MTG Modern White Infect cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Playtest Buy Deck Commander 8 min Mono-Blue Infect. Modern decks Infect Clocked Grand Open Qualifier Prague @Legacy European Tour. Brushland is clearly better here because it does the same and the playset is like The average mana value of your main deck is 0. This material is Simic Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Willow45000 in F2FTour Edmonton Modern Super Qualifier @F2FTour. 72-3. 0. More than 326 Modern Infect decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments. Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Golgari Infect deck, by klrucker90. More than 0 Modern BG Infect decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments. Upvote 0. Mono-green Infect, with updated cards. Modern decks Infect Zach Frye Super Sunday RCQ @ SCG CON Columbus. Builder: eurbaitel — Azorius Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Stephen Shirmeyer in NRG Series $20,000 Showdown - Fort Wayne (Modern) @NRG Series on 2022-04-02. You can now import it Bant Infect a Modern MTG deck played by CARLOS ECHAVARRIA in Sunday Modern $5K RCQ @ SCG CON Washington DC on 2024-10-06. This deck's total mana value is 58. Infect Aggro a Modern MTG deck played by Tankinater in MTGO Modern Regional PTQ on 2016-11-30. Cascade Crash. Search Bar. Cards. 4 %. Modern Infect has faded from the metagame, but at such an affordable price, it's a great way to get into the format on a budget! By Darren Magnotti | Published Infect is a 60-card stack of raw efficiency. Humans (9) Vampires (7) Zombies (9) This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. Modern decks Infect miketf1 Secret Lair Showdown Qualifier @ Pastimes Events. Modern decks Infect 2runnels MTGO Modern League. So I don't think you can compare the two as much because they're taking radically different approaches. Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Golgari Infect deck, by Clocked. Builder: klrucker90 — Top64 (5 - 3) 62% — GW Infect with Giver of Runes to make my Glistener Elf protection. Modern decks Infect Kensuke Kato プレイヤーズコンベンションオープン横浜 2023 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Guglielmo Mazzuchelli in Modena Magic 2024 Modern Autumn Round 4/6 on 2024-10-23 Simic Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Jochen Arndt in 5k Modern Open @ MagicCon: Amsterdam on 2024-06-28 Sultai Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Rafael Gullyt Cardoso in CCG SuperQualifier OPEN | Modern @City Class Games on 2024-09-29. More than 2544 Modern Hardened Scales decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments. spiciness This site provides accurate and independent information on Simic Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Zach Frye in Super Sunday RCQ @ SCG CON Columbus on 2024-11-17. Turn 1-Forest, Glistener Elf; Turn 2-Forest, then 2 Groundswells and Mutagenic Growth. Admin Regen Charts Download / Export / Embed Code. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Diefi00 in MTGO Modern Challenge 64 #12655605 on 2024-07-07. Edit. Modern decks Infect JONABSF MTGO Modern League. Builder: JONABSF . Mono-Blue Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Samuel Black in Pro Tour Philadelphia 2011 on 2011-09-03 Modern Modern Infect Deck Guide. 74 Tix; Comments; Download Image. Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Simic Infect deck, by miketf1. This website is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast. Modern decks Infect Courtjester523 Sunday Super RCQ @ SCG CON Tampa. MTGO Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Sano Toshirou in THE LAST SUN 2024 Qualifier Modern (Shizuoka, Japan) on 2024-11-24 Deck Highlight: Modern Infect. Deck View; Arena Export; Tools & Download; BUY: $573—80. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. Home MTG Modern Infect Aggro. Home MTG Modern Unknow Archetype. Builder: Zach Frye — Top64 (0 - 3) 0% — Super Sunday RCQ @ SCG CON A list of the most played MTG Modern Black Infect cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. More than 0 Standard Infect decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. How? Turn 2 win. Very cheap infect deck that consistently wins turns 2-4. Magic: the Gathering decks for Infect. Modern decks Infect FrancusAurelius MTGO Modern Challenge 64 #12633737. Builder: Infect Budgets Modern Aggro Budget GU (Simic) Infect. (*) Prices based in average price in TCGPLAYER. Modern decks Infect Delve3 MTGO Modern League. Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Bant Infect deck, by CARLOS ECHAVARRIA. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Tom Ross. Builder: Scott Flickinger — Top256 (5 - 3) 62% — Regional Championship @ Achieved #1 position in Modern 4 weeks ago; Date added: 3 months: Last updated: 3 weeks: Exclude colors: W: Legality: This deck is Modern legal. Add to folder Copy. Entertainment GmbH on 2023-11-19 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Richter in Fischkrieg (Siegen) Modern League on 2024-07-26. Builder: Lagouarde64 — Top128 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Richter in Fischkrieg (Siegen) Modern League on 2024-09-27. In Modern, sometimes the deck plays a Spell Pierce or two in the main deck, but here we actually have eight in the main. Infect: Brener: MTGO Modern Challenge: 8: 16/12/19: Infect: Nakamura Shuuhei: The Last Sun 2019: 5-8: 15/12/19: Infect: Nicola Santini: Magic League Finals: 2: 11/12/19: The information The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Sign in; Register; 🕵️ Moxfield is taking longer than expected MTGO. History - All PT & GP. Home MTG Modern Infect. Modern decks Infect CARLOS ECHAVARRIA Sunday Modern $5K RCQ @ SCG CON Washington DC. Modern decks Infect Kobayashi Junya Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Scott Flickinger in Regional Championship @ F2F Tour Ottawa on 2024-02-10. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; All decks This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. Modern decks Infect Paolo Bini Legacy European Championship Ghent @Legacy European Tour. More than 269 Legacy Infect decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. Image Export (Instagram, Twitter) Admin spec export. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by 2runnels. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Kobayashi Junya in HARERUYA - Daily Tournaments on 2024-05-06 Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Kobayashi Junya. T/O. Builder: cardboardcrackaddict — Top32 (4 - 3) 57% — MTGO Modern Infect a Modern MTG deck played by _Batutinha_ in MTGO Modern Challenge 32 #12698302 on 2024-10-10. Bant Infect. Modern decks Infect Scott Flickinger Regional Championship @ F2F Tour Ottawa. K. Modern decks Infect Schiaveto MTGO Modern Challenge 32 I played Infect in the Modern main event, finishing second in Swiss and Top 4 overall. 000 Magic the Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Lethalvirus7 in MXP Portland Oct 14 Modern 20k RCQ - 4 Slots @Laughing Dragon MTG on 2023-10-14. Mtgdecks. [[Venerated Rotpriest]] is an additional valid SB option, and can even be a valid replacement for 1-2 of the MB Updated Jul 22, 2024 by Trizzo2 using our MTG Deck Builder. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. I've made another version of this deck that is slightly more expensive, but works a bit better. Date added: 3 years: Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Kobayashi Junya in HARERUYA - Daily Tournaments on 2024-05-06. Its density of one-mana threats and protection allow you to win before your opponent has the chance to set up their game plan. More than 324 Modern Infect decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments. Modern decks Infect Maelstromsteel CMC M12 Cup. Premodern. The London mulligan rule and Once Upon a Time Modern got a serious shake-up with a flurry of bans, and LSV thinks that maybe a flurry of pump spells on infect creatures is the way to go! By Luis Scott-Vargas | @lsv | Published 6/16/2023 | 4 min read. infect Gruul Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Hermann Fehlauer in Swiss Unity League Invitational @Swiss Unity League finals on 2023-11-18. 662 decks. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Maelstromsteel. Humans. Sultai Infect. 8080 decks. Builder: Courtjester523 — Top16 (5 - 2) 71% — Sunday Super RCQ @ Infect deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). — 1st in Magic Online Champions Showcase — 20-May-2023. I’ve watched Tom Ross pilot the Legacy Simic Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Courtjester523 in Sunday Super RCQ @ SCG CON Tampa on 2024-09-08. In TappedOut's comments/forums In TappedOut's comments/forums with pie-chart Competitive. The archetype is present in Legacy and Modern. The median mana value of your main deck is 1 with More than 0 Modern Infect Combo decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments. Mono Green Simic Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Cloud787b in Pachanga Trial ACUP Domingo @Modern State Of Mind on 2024-04-07. This site More than 0 Modern Infect Aggro decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments. Modern decks Infect cardboardcrackaddict MTGO Modern Challenge 32 #12705629. Duskmourn. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Richter in Fischkrieg (Siegen) Modern League on 2024-07-26 Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Richter. Selesnya Infect a Modern MTG deck played by BlazinAF1s on 2023-02-07. starcitygames. Sets; Popular; Prices; Movers and Shakers; Create Proxies; Decks Popular Decks / Metagame; User Submitted Decks; Create a Deck; Price a Deck; Format: Modern User Submitted Deck Deck Date: Dec 19, 2024 Deck Page Visual View Stream The information presented on this site about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. 84: 4: MTG Top Decks is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan A list of the most played MTG Modern Artifact Infect cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. http://www. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Squatchtekin in Friday $5K RCQ @ SCG CON Atlanta on 2024-04-12 Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Squatchtekin. Modern decks Infect Scott Flickinger Achieved #1 position in Modern 4 weeks ago; Date added: 3 months: Last updated: 3 weeks: Exclude colors: W: Legality: This deck is Modern legal. Reply reply No_Yogurtcloset_9987 • Oh for sure, they Updated Nov 09, 2024 by SpaWind using our MTG Deck Builder. Eldrazi Aggro. 4/5c Aggro. Suggest Archetype List View. gr on 2013-03-31 Modern decks Infect Aggro Stavrakidis Aleksandros GPT - GPT Strasbourg - eFantasy. 04 A list of the most played MTG Modern Black Knights cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty Aggro Deck - You need 2 lands on turn 2 every game and 3 lands on turn 3 for several 3-drops: 23: 2. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Shimizu Motohiro in HARERUYA - Daily Tournaments on 2024-11-04 Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Shimizu Motohiro. 000 Magic the A list of the most played MTG Modern Green Infect cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Modern got a serious shake-up with a flurry of bans, and LSV thinks that maybe a flurry of pump spells on infect creatures is the way to go! By Luis Scott-Vargas | @lsv | Published 6/16/2023 | 4 min read Magic: The Gathering TCG Deck - Modern Infect by toondoslav by 'Modern Infect by toondoslav' - constructed deck list and prices for the Updated Aug 20, 2024 by Fallerup using our MTG Deck Builder. 12 - 8 Commons. The average mana value of your main deck is 0. mtgo. Modern decks Infect Fenruscloud MTGO Modern League. This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Enzo Demaretz in RCQ @ Cartapapa (Montpellier, France) on 2024-09-14 This is the biggest difference between the Legacy version of Infect and the Modern one. Infect decks revolves around the following themes & tribes: Spellslinger, Historic, Removal, Legends, Infect is an old deck in Modern, but Ignoble Hierarch and some free interaction from Modern Horizons 2 may bring it back to its former glory! Homepage magic-the-gathering flesh-and-blood Published 6/16/2023 | 1 min read Magic: The Gathering TCG Deck - Modern BG Infect by Sam Dams by 'Modern BG Infect by Sam Dams' - constructed deck list and Bant Infect a Modern MTG deck played by WildBillsPC in Open Modern 4-slot RCQ @DreamHack on 2024-10-06. Builder: Infect a Modern MTG deck played by cardboardcrackaddict in MTGO Modern Challenge 32 #12705629 on 2024-11-14. Infect is also known as Infect, Simic Infect or Deck. A list of the most played MTG Modern Land Infect cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Builder: Jeff Jao — Top4 — MTG Las Vegas Top 8 Modern Decklists [1436 Players] — 20-Nov-2021. This was the first Modern deck I picked up when I got back into the game of Magic. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by シナガワ カズナリ in Champions Cup Season 3 Round 2 Store Qualifier in Kanazawa[Playoff][Reservation] @Hareruya (Japan) on 2024-08-29 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Th_Flash in MTGO Modern Preliminary #12536186 on 2023-03-27 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Tanaka Tomoya in MMM with Hareruya Tournament Center Osaka on 2024-08-31. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Marcuzinho. Modern decks Infect cardboardcrackaddict MTGO Modern Challenge 64 #12705673. net ©2009-2025. Modern decks Infect Squatchtekin Friday $5K Infect a Modern MTG deck played by AJ Smigielski in $20K RCQ (4 Slots) - Modern - SCG CON Charlotte @Star City Games on 2023-03-04 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Kobayashi Junya in HARERUYA - Daily Tournaments on 2024-05-06. All Modern Decks. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Schiaveto in MTGO Modern Challenge 32 #12698313 on 2024-10-11. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. com/article/25389_Todd-vs-BBD-Modern-RG-Tron-vs-Infect. Rarity (main - side) 33 - 4 Rares. 000 Magic the More than 326 Modern Infect decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments. Maindeck (60) Infect a Modern MTG deck played by HarmonyPirate in MTGO Modern League #8378 on 2024-08-14. 93. More Casual Feedback More Competitive . Builder: Von Ryan Mulano — Top256 — MTG SEA Championships Philippine Open @Oracle Events [252 Players] — 14-Aug-2022 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by cardboardcrackaddict in MTGO Modern Challenge 64 #12705673 on 2024-11-17. Golgari Infect. . gr. 000 Magic the Gathering Decks, tournaments and magic singles prices. Builder: CARLOS Infect a Modern MTG deck played by tavernadoguisz in Manatraders Series Modern September 2024 on 2024-09-29. 43: Folders: Modern Decks I Did Not Make, Inspiration Decks, Copies: Votes: Ignored suggestions: Shared with Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Tom Ross in SCG Team Open Columbus on 2019-01-05. The median mana value of your main deck is 1 with lands and 1 without lands. Cards: 60: Avg. More than 54 Modern Rotpriest Storm decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments Five-color Infect. Builder: miketf1 — Top128 (1 - 1) 50% — Secret Lair Showdown Qualifier Modern decks Infect Jeff Jao MTG Las Vegas Top 8 Modern Decklists. Modern decks Infect ale_ax95 MTGO Modern Challenge 32 Discussion on Magic: the Gathering's Modern format plus its decks, cards, tournament results, and more! I thought I'd do the same for Modern! This primer discussed the Infect deck in detail and walks you through the general game patterns, card choices and sideboard options. Modern decks Infect Rafael Gullyt Cardoso CCG SuperQualifier OPEN | Modern @City Class Games. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by AshawXL. Arclight Phoenix. 000 Magic the Golgari Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Terry28 in HBMO24 - Sunday Modern ReCQ @Hunter Burton Memorial on 2024-03-17 Updated Jun 22, 2024 by stewa238 using our MTG Deck Builder. Modern decks Infect klrucker90 2024 Hunter Burton Memorial Open @Hunter Burton Memorial. SHOW PRICES FOR . Modern decks Infect Tanaka Tomoya MMM with Hareruya Tournament Center Osaka. he had 4 Noble Hierarch in the deck, and no Blight Mamba and 4 Horizon Canopy and no Brushland . 44; Tournament: MTG SEA Championships Philippine Open; Overlap with Average: 89%; MTG Arena MTGO; Creatures (19) 3: Glistener Elf: $0. This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. Infect (1) Legends (6) Lifegain (7) Mill (1) Ramp (2) Removal (2) Tokens (3) Topdeck (2) Treasures (1) Tutor (2) tribes. AGGRO 37%. Modern decks Infect Lethalvirus7 MXP Portland Oct 14 Modern 20k RCQ - 4 Slots @Laughing Dragon MTG. This More than 269 Legacy Infect decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments. Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Tanaka Tomoya. Boros Aggro. Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by cardboardcrackaddict. Card Odds v1 Draw hand. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Schiaveto. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500. Builder: Tanaka Tomoya — Top8 — MMM with Hareruya Tournament Center A list of the most played MTG Modern Blue Burn cards sorted by their popularity including their play trend. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Richter in Fischkrieg (Siegen) Modern League on 2024-09-27 PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Richter . Builder: cardboardcrackaddict — Top32 (3 - 3) 50% — MTGO Modern Infect a Modern MTG deck played by ale_ax95 in MTGO Modern Challenge 32 #12699814 on 2024-10-19. gr on 2013-03-31. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; All decks; Archetype analysis; Show only decks played on: all. com. Mix of old and new infect. Image View Timeline. 2 %. Modern Infect. This deck to me is more budget in modern since it's in around the 500 dollars range. Builder: Bernardo Torres. プレイヤーズコンベンションオープン横浜 2023 モダンオー 04-Mar 84%. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Bant Infect deck, by WildBillsPC. Modern, Modern folder, Good Deck Ideas, Modern Discussion on Magic: the Gathering's Modern format plus its decks, cards, tournament results, and more! To be fair, Legacy Infect has always played more like a tempo deck and Modern's Infect as an all-in combo deck. I might make a more budget friendly version of this later on. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by _Batutinha_. Support us on Patreon to remove ads and more! Did you know? You can customize the way you view decks on Moxfield. Background. Most of this is due to the nature of the Legacy format, and the quality of Counterspells available. this is just a slightly cheaper version of "Magic Aids" version of the deck. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Fenruscloud. This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Koyama Yukito in THE LAST SUN 2024 Qualifier Modern (TC Tokyo, Japan) on 2024-07-15 Infect. Last updated 3 months ago. Hollow One. Modern decks Infect eurbaitel MXP Tacoma Aug 12 Modern 20k RCQ - 4 Slots @Laughing Dragon MTG. Builder: Rafael Gullyt Cardoso — Top64 (3 - 4) 42% — CCG SuperQualifier OPEN | Modern @City Class Games [115 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by FrancusAurelius in MTGO Modern Challenge 64 #12633737 on 2024-04-27. Cards Foundations. Simic Infect. Mono-Green Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Elias Watsfeldt in Grand Open Qualifier Copenhagen @Legacy European Tour on 2022-08-20. 11 - 3 Uncommons. Modern decks Infect Tom Ross SCG Team Open Columbus. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by RogerSteady. Modern decks Infect Marcuzinho MTGO Modern Challenge 32 More than 324 Modern Infect decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments. More than 4 Modern Mono Blue Turns decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments Mono Blue Turns is also known as Mono-Blue Infect, Deck - Mono-Blue Tempo or (mdn) Mono blue ring echo. 97 with lands and 1. Pl Deck Player Price; Temur Infect a Modern MTG deck played by TAIKI SUGIYAMA in Modern Open Supported by Rakuten Books @BIG MAGIC on 2024-10-12 Selesnya Infect a Modern MTG deck played by BlazinAF1s on 2023-02-07. Modern decks Infect Diefi00 MTGO Modern Challenge 64 #12655605. Comments. Updates Add. Top Modern Infect decks. And the arguments for each case are as follows: Infect is a Combo deck because it's BG Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Sam Dams in NRG Series Showdown, December 20, 2020 on 2020-12-20 Golgari Infect a Modern MTG deck played by klrucker90 in 2024 Hunter Burton Memorial Open @Hunter Burton Memorial on 2024-03-16. Updated Nov 07, 2023 by PJN using our MTG Deck Builder. Builder: tavernadoguisz — Top256 (2 - 4) 33% — Manatraders Series Modern Infect a Modern MTG deck played by jacob shocknesse in SCG CON Philadelphia - Modern $10K - ALL DECKS on 2022-02-12 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Michael Morales in RCQ @ Mug and Magic (Angeles, Philippines) on 2024-09-15 Updated Dec 22, 2024 by Lethgorias using our MTG Deck Builder. 40: Aggro Deck - You need 3 lands on turn 3 in most games. This is an agro-infect deck design. Modern Infect does not run basic Island so Misty Rainforest is not essential as other fetches can still Simic Infect a Modern MTG deck played by jblaze5996 in NRG Series $10,000 Showdown - Madison, Wisconsin (Modern) @NRG Series on 2023-11-25 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Xtrunfe on 2023-11-29. Builder: 2runnels — Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Delve3 in MTGO Modern League on 2023-01-03. tabletop. Upvoted 0 You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. html The original deck before Infect by JulianJohn deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Lethalvirus7. 000 Magic the Gathering Modern; Infect; Infect; Infect 21; Representative Average Aggregate All. This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed or implied. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Delve3. There is a bit of controversy regarding as to what should infect be considered: Aggro, Combo or Aggro-Combo. Classic More than 0 Standard Infect decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments. Modern decks Infect _Batutinha_ MTGO Modern Challenge 32 More than 54 Modern Rotpriest Storm decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments. Modern got a serious shake-up with a flurry of bans, and LSV thinks that maybe a flurry of pump spells on infect creatures is the way to go! By Luis Scott-Vargas | @lsv | Published 6/16/2023 | 4 min read Magic: The Gathering TCG Deck - Modern Infect by toondoslav by 'Modern Infect by toondoslav' - constructed deck list and prices for the Infect a Modern MTG deck played by OWEN TURTENWALD in World Championship 2016 - Modern Deck on 2016-09-04. Modern decks Infect tavernadoguisz Manatraders Series Modern September 2024. You have a 100% chance of playing these on curve. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by ale_ax95. 7 %. (*) Singularity measures the grade of deviation from the standard average deck on that archetype. AGGRO 50%. Upvoted 0. Main_Counter. com on 2024-09-07. Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Golgari Infect deck, by Paolo Bini. Edit Live Edit. Michael Rapp December 13, 2019 Modern. 40-2. More than 297 Pauper Infect decks from top MTGA, MTGO and pauper tournaments This site provides accurate and independent Updated Oct 18, 2024 by Tubasmitty2 using our MTG Deck Builder. Most Legacy Infect decks dedicate Infect GB a Modern MTG deck played by Magicmalle on 2024-07-15. More than 297 Pauper Infect decks from top tabletop, MTGA and MTGO tournaments. Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Yooisa in MTGO Modern Challenge 64 #12631039 on 2024-04-21. Classic Golgari Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Clocked in Grand Open Qualifier Prague @Legacy European Tour on 2023-04-01. Legacy. Builder: FrancusAurelius — Top64 (1 - 3) 25% — MTGO Modern Challenge 64 Infect a Modern MTG deck played by RogerSteady in MTGO Modern Challenge 32 #12640544 on 2024-05-25. Suggest Archetype Visual View. Mardu Aggro. Builder: Infect a Modern MTG deck played by 2radMTG in MTGO Modern Super Qualifier #12599284 on 2023-12-26. Infect. Pauper. Modern decks Infect Simic Infect a Modern MTG deck played by eurbaitel in MXP Tacoma Aug 12 Modern 20k RCQ - 4 Slots @Laughing Dragon MTG on 2023-08-12. Deck View; Arena Export; Tools & Download; BUY: $914—270. net ©2009-2024. Builder: Willow45000 — Top64 (4 - 3) 57% — infect a Modern MTG deck played by dirtyredd710 on 2024-10-12. Check out your options. Builder: Guglielmo Mazzuchelli — Top8 — Modena Magic 2024 Modern Autumn Final [8 Players] — 28-Nov-2024 Updated Jun 04, 2024 by HebrewsDecks using our MTG Deck Builder. Builder: Clocked — W/L (2 - More than 99001 Modern Decks from MTGA, MTGO and paper tournaments. 4 lands by turn 4 is nice but not necessary: 25: 2. This material is provided "as is", with Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Fenruscloud in MTGO Modern League on 2021-12-03. Home MTG Modern. Mono Green Infect a Modern MTG deck played by Stavrakidis Aleksandros in GPT - GPT Strasbourg - eFantasy. Modern decks Infect Yooisa MTGO Modern Challenge 64 #12631039. 14 %. MTGO ARENA PAPER Modern meta Meta; Modern Tournaments Events; Decks; Modern Decklists; Modern Staples; Winrates; Infect deck, by Diefi00. Jund. mmcym rqph xavrxl qjyih ueamgbj upis rlnnf dnqrv fein qni