Gethumanoiddescriptionfromuserid roblox. CharacterAdded:Wait() local HumanoidDescription = … .
Gethumanoiddescriptionfromuserid roblox I have searched the web and found that I have to “verify” the id. Anyone know why? Help will be greatly appreciated! Server: Players = game:GetService("Players") event = script. Value = "" player. Hello, fella devs, Well, I am trying to make an StarterCharacter for my survival game. However, I’m having trouble resetting the player’s appearance. PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) player. (player’s account owns both accessories bought from roblox marketplace) Probably this bug its already documented but I What do you want to achieve? i want to move the Player model to a different Folder in the workspace. What do you want to achieve? I want to apply the players avatar face on a custom character. It only return emotes local Players = game:GetService("Players") local BlacklistedIDS = { 855780360, 855781078, 855781508, 855782253, 855783877, 855782781, 855785499, 855784936, I’m working on a player tower for my tower defense game, but when meshes are scaled down, the accessories placements are wonky. TextBox. I’ve been trying to solve this problem myself recently on 2 Player Military Tycoon, and I was not able to find much from my research, besides people telling me im looking for a way to apply only the hair from the player humanoid description. Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(localPlayer. Parent = plr. I’m trying to write it so that all of the player’s accessories, clothing, body colors, and faces carry over to the startercharacter. This might make more sense if you look at the code. CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) The problem is that user is the user. LoadCharacter. OnServerInvoke = function(plr) plrchar = This has always been a bug maybe try setting the owner to a group Im making a system that lets you spawn custom npcs, but whenever I spawn one, the physics are extremely buggy LocalScript script. But the humanoid auto smooth body parts is so annoying! The whole thing has been very unstable for two days Roblox Player gives several errors, it doesn’t always load. Thanks for pointing that out! Players = game:GetService("Players") Character = script. What is the issue? It will not apply the image correctly, instead it will appear as a blank face. This can be used to quickly determine a character's look and to assign their look to other characters using the Humanoid:ApplyDescription() function. I have Hello, i want to know what am i doing wrong? 🙁 I need to make the dummy take the description of the player who dies. Help Edit: How can i get just the characters animations from the user id? I want to be able to change someones default avatar for the server without having to respawn them (basically using loadcharacter()), as im using a player added event to get the player in a server script. I keep getting this error: Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId() failed Hello, I wanted to know how I can put the player’s skin on an npc, I was looking in the devforum and in other places but what I ended up having was a serverscript on the npc: ```lua game. Dummy. eatabler0ck (eatablerock) February 27, 2022, 5:34pm This yielding function makes the character's look match that of the passed in HumanoidDescription. Kind of confusing but I hope that helps thanks! I would recommend using humanoid:ApplyDescription(desc), because :GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(playerId) sometimes misplaces hats. Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(UserId) workspace. I am currently trying to apply hats from a Player’s Avatar to my own StarterCharacter. You need to create the humanoid in the script and parent it to the dummy. local dummy = --the dummy If the UserId inputted belongs to a nonexistant user or a banned account, t hen it will error with “Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId () failed because HTTP 400 (Bad GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId in the Roblox Creator Documentation GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId in the Roblox API Reference Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId() which returns a HumanoidDescription describing the avatar for the passed in user. They are classic, not 3D and my avatar is in R15. Players. ServerScriptService: game. local tower = script. Applying humanoid description to over Trying to figure out GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId but something seems off It aplies the id but player is naked & if i copy the applied code and press enter it works HumanoidDescription:GetAccessories() doesn't work - Roblox Loading Have you tried: = players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(player. PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) local character = Not sure what you’re asking? You can directly reference the LocalPlayer’s appearance by looking at their Character model. This function is optimized through making the assumption that only this function is used to change the appearance of the character, and no I have a LocalScript that fires the following: game. Players I’ve been pondering this for awhile now but I do not know how to approach it even if it is possible. Why do i need this? Because for example putting starter Hi all, I am using Humanoid:ApplyDescription for the dummy in my emotes shop (locally), and it seems to apply the characters accessories incorrectly. LocalPlayer RE = script. local dummy = game. My code (inside the dummy, local script): local Players = game I want to get a player character from a userid, I’m sorry if this is a dumb question but I’m not sure how to do it. Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId() to make a statue of the player in the server with the most kills, and I made a basic test to try out HumanoidDescription is an object that stores a description of a Humanoid for R6 and R15 rigs. Roblox support is completely mute It is a complete lack of respect for the developers, who are the people who make Roblox happen. I want to keep some places in r6 without separating the places within the experience into another experience. PlrDummy:Clone() PlrDummy. So is there a work around?? local PlayersHumanoid = What do you want to achieve? I have made a thermal system that changes every player to a bright neon and removes their accessories so it gives that “Glow” which works great, however when the player deactivates the goggles the players should return to normal. Descriptions:GetChildren()[math. However, when I remove a shirt from the player character, the dummy doesn’t update. OnServerInvoke = function(plr) plrchar = plr. IDValue. ShirtId. PantsId. I want to get the → PLAYERS INVENTORY FACE ← (The one he is wearing in ROBLOX) though. Players Hi, I’m new for script and I wonder how can I make command to change character r6/r15 in chat like in Catalog Avatar Creator. However, I do agree with the cloning a dummy method. What solutions have you tried so far? I researched and couldn’t find a right solution. If the second parameter (includeRigidAccessories) is true then the returned table will also include entries for rigid accessories from the rigid accessory properties. local Players = HumanoidDescriptions cannot be applied on the client with a existing humanoid, btw. HumanoidDescription --character. The script worked with terminated accounts like 1x1x1x1 before, but after some days, the script suddenly stopped working with those and responds with HTTP 400. UserId) --create clones local clone1 = game. Yes, the rig type is R6, and here’s the script that puts the players accessories and pants and shirts I found from another post: local players = game. It basically means something went wrong when trying to communicate to Roblox servers from your game. NPCTextGui. GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId is just a single web request I’m trying to put player character on a menu screen, script works but don’t load player character. ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Dummy") script. As a workaround for the time being you can use HumanoidDescription:GetAccessories() as a way to get hair accessories from Developer Forum | Roblox HumanoidDescription - HTTP 500: (Internal Server Error) Help and Feedback. If it is possible to load in an appearance for NPC’s (specifically, one’s existing avatar), I’d like to have any examples/sample code of it if possible. RemoteEvent:FireServer(uid) end) ServerScript local dummy = first time using remote fucntion, Idk what am doing wrong client script = local function CreateNewCharacter(RequestedCharacter) print("a") local RequestedCharacterInstance = InstallCharacter:InvokeServer(Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(RequestedCharacter)) print("a2") end “a2” doesnt print calling it here - PlayRecording(Video[1], Reproduction Steps Call Humanoid:ApplyDescription(HumanoidDescription) to try to equip accessories onto the character. In my game I have a custom race system, and if you’re human, I want their skin color to be the skin color they chose on roblox. Parent. ReplicatedStorage. Returns HumanoidDescription Code Samples Studio Lite lets you build, script and publish games just like Roblox Studio, but simpler and mobile friendly! This is a collection of Tips and solutions to Frequently Asked Questions: <details><summary>1. task. To achieve what you're trying to do you could create a HD from the player, then edit the Body GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId in the Roblox Creator Documentation GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId in the Roblox API Reference This function returns a copy of the humanoid's cached HumanoidDescription which describes its current look. I don’t know if these details impact my problem at all, I’ve been working on a custom character controller with it’s own replication system, each client has his own copy of all player’s avatars and moves them according to state data comming from the server. It has the same shape and mesh parts, only difference being that they are meshparts instead of special meshes. You could place a base NPC model (try Rig Builder that’s included with Studio), get a HumanoidDescription with Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId, then call It’s because when we fire to the server, we fired the variable that we define outside of the MouseButton1Click callback, we don’t need to find the variable and can just fire it in the RBXScriptConnection as shown below. This would save me a lot of time in NPC development in specific games I develop where preset avatars are more This clone is going into a ViewportFrame, correct?If so, just throw a WorldModel into the frame and throw the clone into that model. I did this to change the material of the R6 Rig. my avatar: These are the properties of the ‘PlayerDummy’ Model: Load Avatar Hey I use custom rigs, I’m looking to have the characters onsite animations be loaded onto my characters, but whenever I use applyhumanoiddescription it messes up the scaling, I can’t remove the avatarpartscaletype because it keeps regenerating. any sort of combat game, especially one that relies heavily on character hitboxes, you know how annoying it is when people abuse the busted hitboxes that some avatar/body types have. What solutions have you tried so far? i have looked on the developer hub and found nothing, i tried changing the variable’s names but to no avail. Add another parameter before user, I’d recommend you to give it the name _ which is the standard for unused variables. Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") LocalNPC:ApplyDescription(game. WorldModel. local Desc = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(userid) and then you’d use: Humanoid I’m trying to make a party system where if the player joins the party, it puts their character onto a premade group of characters. Humanoid. This is the code I have but it only produces the ID of their hair. Default heads seem to work but if it’s Rthro or anything besides the default it’ll mess up, all accessories will Hello! I have been stuck trying to solve my problem, with no success Basically what im trying to achieve, I want everything from the default Roblox R6 Rig to apply to this custom R6 rig. I’m looking to just apply the animations. ServerStorage. MouseButton1Up:Connect(function() local uid = If you own, play, etc. If I parent it to workspace: local Players = game:FindService("Players") local Desc = Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId AddEmote will add an Emote asset to the description given a name and its asset ID. I can initiate the function and everything, and it detects that the player Developer Forum | Roblox How to shrink hats Help and Feedback Scripting Support Whackyone558 (Whacky) February 23, 2024, 10:32pm #1 Basically I have this script that gets the player ID and pastes them Hi, I wanted to make a dummy that loads the players character, but the accessories don’t load in the correct places. You can get a you would use Humanoid:ApplyDescription() and game. CharacterAdded:Wait() local HumanoidDescription = . local userid = getUserIdFromUsername(user) I used this to have an ImageLabel of the users’ avatar headshot which worked, but what I am currently trying to do is use a RemoteEvent to pass the userid given to a regular script, and apply a humanoid Hello, I have a problem where my StarterCharacter has no clothing, and I need to know why. BanningEnabled property, which you can toggle in Studio. I’ve tried offsets on the SpecialMesh, but they don’t work with every accessory. Texture = I have these methods in a module, and when I call each of them, only the bilboarg gui of the 1st one doesn’t get deleted, the other 2 dissapear, any issues to how i have fix this? function module:LoadTop1Character(UserI Hello! I have been working on creating a small system where a Character Rig inside a ViewportFrame applies a humanoid description client-sidedly. Parent local function applyHumanoidDescription() local owner = Humanoid Description is an object that stores information about the appearance of a character. New replies are no longer allowed. I modified @2112Jay’s code to instead of getting the HumanoidDescription from UserId, get the HumanoidDescription from the Humanoid itself!. shadowCloneDummy So I’m been struggling to get someone’s avatar for a cutscene I’m making (It’s hard for me to say what I want to do), just like games such as do it for the vine or d4dj when the username you input in the text box avatar replaces the default dummy for the animation. characterAtire(player) local dummy = game. Is it possible to set the avatar part to r15 by default in the experience game settings, and to allow only some places to be played with r6 without separating the internal places into other experiences? Roblox is the ultimate virtual universe that lets you create, share experiences with friends, and be anything you can imagine. Returns a HumanoidDescription which specifies everything equipped for the avatar of the user specified by the passed in userId. The script: local Players = game:GetService("Players") local WS = game:GetService(" Im making a system that lets you spawn custom npcs, but whenever I spawn one, the physics are extremely buggy LocalScript script. Value, script. Help Edit: How can i get just the characters animations from the user id? I’m using Greresh’s UV character clothes thingy and I’m getting error His plugin works amazingly by the way usually. The problem is that whenever I return the NPC, it weirdly enough gives the HumanoidDescription of the LocalPlayer, and not the player local function applyAppearance() local humanoidDescription = game. Why do i need this? Because for example putting starter Just did a quick test and it seems to be happening due to the HumanoidDescription being parented underneath the humanoid. Imagine, create, and play together with So I’m making a roleplay game that has an avatar editor. spawn(function() local chosenCharacter = script. Sorry for this bug. Try this one. Character. Apparently when saving a HumanoidDescription that has 2 FaceAccessories its only applying one into the roblox character of the player, not both. Humanoid:ApplyDescription(game. i’ve tried using GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId and ApplyDescription What Is Humanoid:ApplyDescription()? And How To Use It? I want to load a player’s animation to the rig but it keeps saying that it’s not verified. Inside the StarterCharacter: What I look like with the StarterCharacter: Yes, the rig type is R6, and here’s the script that puts the players accessories and pants and shirts I found from another post: local players = game. Inside the StarterCharacter:. Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId() for this. face. But the only things I can see for “getting humanoid description” are fromUserId and that other one that gets one of the players Humanoid Description is an object that stores information about the appearance of a character. This would stop working when: There’re no Dummy characters left in the workspace. The accessories are not positioning themselves because they are currently I would like to figure out how to fix the accessory and head scales on a dummy. Downside is that putting loadcharacter into player added events means you just infinitely respawn the player. Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(plr. When I test it, it prints the correc I want to be able to change someones default avatar for the server without having to respawn them (basically using loadcharacter()), as im using a player added event to get the player in a server script. Expanding off of the API for obtaining friends from a UserID, explained well by Welp you can read the title. Is there a way of grabbing t Print() not printing anything - DevForum | Roblox Loading The bug (or issue) doesn’t return all the emotes when using HumanoidDescription:GetEmotes() on Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(). ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("IFE_Values_Folder"). Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription() return plrchar end --server game. Returns a table of an avatar's current accessories. This function call will only succeed on production game servers and not on client devices or in Studio. Humanoid:ApplyDescription(newHumanoidDescription) Currently using I tried running “Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId()” in a script, to update a NPC’s outfit to look just like mine, whenever I changed it. Example: Hi! While testing the AvatarEditorService Im facing an issue with PromptSaveAvatar. Hello, Mad here. I recently played a game called Beat up simulator which changes a dummy’s appearance Hey, I want to make an fnf game that has 2 player animations such as Skid and Pump, I’ve already got everything working except this one bit. HumanoidDescription is an object that stores a description of a Humanoid for R6 and R15 rigs. (a way to prevent teamers). Now this RemoteFunction gets called whenever someone walks into a sensor. LocalPlayer local Character = Client. OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, target) local clonedummy = Most of the time when I try to use remoteEvents, and use a parameter to send a variable over, whatever that variables value was before, on the serverScript it is just the username of whoever triggered the remoteEvent Example: LocalScript script. Join millions of people and discover an infinite variety of immersive experiences created by a global community! Roblox is ushering in the next generation of entertainment. Can someone help me on how I can deal with this problem, I’ve been searching all through How do I obtain the players skin color. local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players") local Client = Players. Conceptually there’s nothing surprising about this if your network is sufficiently slow / hiccupy. Head. This community is unofficial and is not endorsed, monitored, or run by Roblox staff. MouseButton1Up:Connect(function() local uid = script. Script: -- local Player = game. Server events are additionally given a player parameter, the player who fired the event. Here is my code right now for resetting it. Head = 0). Players I’m trying to find a way to import a players avatar from a user’s ID. Here’s the script I have: local rig = script. It can be applied in order to set a rig's scaling, clothing (Shirt, Pants, ShirtGraphic), Accessories, I am trying to use game. UserId) task. I need an efficient and low-overhead way to get the character model here is my current implementation: local InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService") An outfit can be one created by a user, or it can be the outfit for a bundle created by Roblox. Some are close to the right position, others are way far off. LocalPlayer local ReplicatedFirst = game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst") repeat wait() until for _,enemy in enemies:GetChildren() do local LocalNPC = enemy. any solution? local randomString = "AamTum" Players = game:GetS A community for Roblox, the free game building platform. How would I go about fixing this? Heres the code if anyone needs it function Loader:updateModel(Model, userId) Model. Value = "" local humanoiddes = character. Parent:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent") event. It can be applied in order to set a rig's scaling, clothing (Shirt, Pants, ShirtGraphic), Accessories, Animations and BodyColors. . But the only things I can see for “getting humanoid description” are fromUserId and that other one that gets one of the players local newHumanoidDescription = game. Publishing - create an Is there a way to make the dummy character update if Applydescription is used again? Or is there another way to achieve this? The issue is that the player’s character updates to the dummy, all good there. To achieve what you're trying to do you could create a HD from the player, then edit the Body Part Ids to be 0 (HD. PlayerViewport NPCDummy = Hello, I have a problem where my StarterCharacter has no clothing, and I need to know why. Help and Feedback. This method is enabled and disabled by the Players. Within the past week, this function has not been working. The issue is related to the layered clothing release. This led me to the question of how rig loader plugins work? I know ApplyDescription can only work server side, but is there anyway I can do this from the client? Reason being, each client has a local dummy, which I want to change the dummies clothing/hair/etc (HumanoidDescription) so each client would see their own customised dummy and not somebody elses. What is the issue? I cannot figure out what functions or methods I can use however, in order to make a As you can see, the script is doing everyting correctly, so there’s no reason for this not to work, unless it’s a bug, but I doubt that, as I’d assume in the 2 or so years HumanoidDescriptions have been a thing, someone Hello, Ive been stuck on this issue for quite some time game. The player gets a Outfit in the game, you have the classic roblox smile face. Workspace. Try this then Textbox code: local Players = game:GetService("LocalPlayer") local ReplicatedStorage = Can confirm I’m getting this in my game as well, with the below code it produces no hair on the character; printing the character hair description is also completely blank. Set to true if rigid Hello! So I was recently playing around with Viewport Frames and I made a system where when a prompt is triggered on the client-side, the frame will load your character and any objects around you. Scripting Support. What is the issue? everytime i run the code i use WaitForChild() but it return nil everytime. All emotes of the Retrieves the ban and unban history of any user within the experience's universe. The asset ID must be for an "Emote" asset (see Featured emotes in the Catalog). Parent Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId() does not work on banned users. (player’s account owns both accessories bought from roblox marketplace) Probably this bug its already documented but I How to Apply humanoid description locally - Roblox Loading How do I obtain the players skin color. The HumanoidDescription Instance allows you to specify the assets required for an avatar, as well as scale and body colors. This works, however, but my avatar clothes don’t load in. Whats up Dev Forum, Im trying to make a script right now where if a player joins a rig I have in game looks like that player for just them if you know what I mean. e. Parent = workspace local This topic was automatically closed 14 days after the last reply. I went over and tested the API myself, and you can apply humanoid description with a Hey I use custom rigs, I’m looking to have the characters onsite animations be loaded onto my characters, but whenever I use applyhumanoiddescription it messes up the scaling, I can’t remove the avatarpartscaletype because it keeps regenerating. Players So I have a script that uses the ApplyDescription function and it works but the one problem is, when I try rescaling the model, the hats stay the same size and I want them to fit the user’s size to make a statue. InitiateConversation PlrDummy = game. You can add multiple emotes of the same name. UserId) And I’ve found when getting the Description right everytime there needs to be a slight Applying humanoid description to over 200 humanoids (Hall of Fame game), the problem is that there’s a 1 out of 4 chance that upon joining the game outfits will stop loading exactly when Basically I need to use LoadCharacter() And I need to load a custom/Certain character. RemoteFunction. The bottom part of the code you’ve given should be: My apologies, I forgot to mention that you don’t need the plr argument in rmload:FireServer Instead, you should remove the plr as it is already fired as the first argument by default as provided here: RemoteEvent | Hello! I am working on a word bomb inspired game and I cant seem to fix this issue: in the video you can see on the right side the first player being animated The first player has perfect animation but the others don’t? Players Hi, I’m new for script and I wonder how can I make command to change character r6/r15 in chat like in Catalog Avatar Creator. If you own, play, etc. For example if i join the rig looks like me for me only and if another player joins the rig looks like them for them only but still looks like me for me. UserId local I want to detect if the player is wearing hair and a specific Torso The issue is it seemingly isn’t detecting the torso I Didn’t look for solutions on the Developer Hub, because I am over 90% sure this is unique. A copy of the passed HumanoidDescription is cached as the HumanoidDescription for the Humanoid. I tried doing this by decorating a dummy with a player’s clothes, but I’m not quite sure how accessories work on Roblox. Parameters outfitId: number The id of the outfit for which the HumanoidDescription is sought. It was the solution I was needing to avoid humanoids local module = {} local players = game:GetService("Players") function module. I, however, am unsure on Hello, I have been making experiences and places with r6. The issue is that when using Humanoid:ApplyDescription it won’t apply the how would i make it so when i spawn in an npc it’ll look like a random player on roblox. acid5378 (acid5378) July 29, 2023, 9:33am #1. I actually want to access the players stuff he wears in roblox, pick his face, and put the id of his face on the starter character. There appears to be a lot of different types of accessories such Hello, I have a small issue with my script where the NPCDummy is apparently nil even though its just been created by the script: plr = game. I am trying to load the player’s avatar hair onto the startercharacter by trying to grab the ID of the mesh from their hair. No, it’s not. The description itself looks fine. The specific Dummy character the script found during the index of game. But the only things I can see for “getting humanoid description” are fromUserId and that other one that gets one of the players outfits (which I assume are from the outfits tab in the roblox avatar editor?) So, in a Hey! I am currently making a project and i want to know how do i load a random friend character in R6? I would appreciate any kind of support. Roblox Studio takes around 30 seconds to play (F5) and always has several errors. I’m trying to make a script that when a player gets killed, it will load a humanoid description onto a blank rig of the person who killed them. I am getting the current player’s humanoid description, it works but the scaling on heads and accessories doesn’t change if I’ve scaled the humanoid bigger than the average. Here is the code: local function ChangeChar(player,char) local humdesc = game. Character or Client. What I look like with the StarterCharacter:. Is there a way to get a HumanoidDescription from players that will also work on banned users? Hey Developers, A new HumanoidDescription Instance and accompanying API has been released to make it easier to swap assets in and out of Humanoid Avatars. The new API allows you to apply these HumanoidDescriptions to a I’ve tried many ways and searched for many posts but cant seem to find a solution, is there even a way?: local PFS = game:GetService("PathfindingService") for I’m trying to make a tycoon sort of game that loads npcs and puts the avatars of the players friends onto the npcs but ive ran into an issue where if the server has a bad request at getting the description ( Players:GetH Hello, if there’s anything wrong with this post tell me! I recently created a model which I mentioned in this topic. Dummy:Clone() dummy. wait(0. Players --getting player description local desc = game. AvatarModel:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")) And a Script which is Developer Forum | Roblox userId is invalid when passing it to humanoidDescription Help and Feedback Scripting Support TryingToCoDe2 (TryingToCoDe2) February 11, 2024, 5:19pm #1 So I made a script where I want to clone the player’s humanoid description, from their in-game customizable character. Players I’m not sure how else to describe this. UserId local In a localscript I have a local function that takes the username entered and gets the userid, and returns it as. I have been having some trouble, for whenever I apply the description, it will only apply the head and then never finish: (No errors, by the way) And yes, I’m aware that you cannot load a character client-sided without cloning it I’m having an NPC follow a set of lines using a LocalScript, and a RemoteFunction to the server to request this NPC (with the correct player description). IFE_Avatar_Function:FireServer(script. Parent game. Characters. hello everyone i have some bug that i don’t have idea how i can fix it i used Anchored when character spawn and turn it on i know this is the issue but how i can fix it if i turn Anchored off the characters start fall from the area they are supposed to be in The problem is that sometimes a player is short it’s start flying like this unlike if someone is tall and his legs go I am trying to load the player’s avatar hair onto the startercharacter by trying to grab the ID of the mesh from their hair. Dummy no longer exist. I want to clone the player’s humanoid description, from their in-game customizable character. Hi all, I’m working on a Murder game and on each round you are assigned a random character. Example: Alright yet another question you people probably know off the top of your head with little effort somehow I’m trying to make it so the monster in a game I’ve made copies the player’s avatar (for the humor I guess) I’ve tried im looking for a way to apply only the hair from the player humanoid description. Descriptions:GetChildren())] local charName = How to Apply humanoid description locally - Roblox Loading Hi all, I am using Humanoid:ApplyDescription for the dummy in my emotes shop (locally), and it seems to apply the characters accessories incorrectly. PlayerAdded:Connect Returns a table of an avatar's current accessories. Text game. elseif type == "Reset" then player. The problem is that I am not sure how to proceed. Try applying it without parenting it. Is there a way of grabbing t Hello, I have a problem where my StarterCharacter has no clothing, and I need to know why. I tried: local function onPlayerAdded(player) local user = player. 5) if player:WaitForChild Simply put, i want my StarterCharacter to have the player’s default avatar colors, but it won’t work It just appears as the default gray character (check picture below) The script (located in ServerScriptService): l I’m currently writing a script that clones a startercharacter from ServerStorage and moves it to StarterPlayer. I so I want to create player data from name, apply to humanoid but there is an error, Humanoid:ApplyDescription() can only be called by the backend server how do i make it applydescription by local player, by using loca so I want when the player avatar loads into the rig, with the rig model size of 3 then the accessories will adjust, but for some reason mine doesn’t work. This method returns a BanHistoryPages instance that inherits from Pages. See Also Http 400 - Bad Request is a problem on your end. PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) I keep getting this error: And i dony know why, its saying my username is an unknow user. Expected Behavior All of the accessory IDs in the given first time using remote fucntion, Idk what am doing wrong client script = local function CreateNewCharacter(RequestedCharacter) print("a") local RequestedCharacterInstance = InstallCharacter:InvokeServer(Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(RequestedCharacter)) print("a2") end “a2” doesnt print calling it here - PlayRecording(Video[1], They basically get a HumanoidDescription object with the method:. what am i doing wrong? script: game. random(1, #script. PlayerGui. I’ve scanned the web for a couple of hours and can’t find anything about importing avatars via script, not plug in. FaceId. My code (inside the dummy, local script): local Players = game:Get Oh my bad, i forgot about that. RemoteEvent:FireServer(uid) end) ServerScript local dummy = " ermmm ApplyDescription() CAN be used inside local scripts the objects humanoids just have to be created by the local script itself" post is wrong. Is there anyway to do this? I want to clone the player’s humanoid description, from their in-game customizable character. I’ve been trying to solve this problem myself recently on 2 Player Military Tycoon, and I was not able to find much from my research, besides people telling me Hi! While testing the AvatarEditorService Im facing an issue with PromptSaveAvatar. OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, Hum, UserName) local UserId = I loaded a player’s avatar with a normal script but when another script loads the animation to that Dummy, it causes it to look like this: i. jurkj tnn swkmvfl rpv vcpcx dzyt abprf vhzliw tnkdrhosy nxnyj