Comparable worth Success, the author indicates, has been limited. One cause of this has been thought to be systematic marketplace undervaluing of tasks performed by women. Published in In These Times, August 22 - September 4, 1984, p. Audio Pronunciation Comparable worth has been praised as ‘potentially the most important development affecting women workers in American history’ (Freeman and Leonard, 1985, p. The well-documented gap between men's and women's earnings has aroused intense debate over the concept of comparable worth, that is, equal pay for work judged to be of equal value. Comparable Worth Cases Using the Disparate Impact Model. edu/mlr Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like amoral, applied ethics, bioethicists and more. Blank, Barbara A. A. MICHAEL PHILLIPS* The doctrine of comparable worth rests on an assumption that each Comparable worth—equal pay for jobs of equal value—has been called the civil rights issue of the 1980s. JANE ARNAULT, LOUIS GORDON, DOUGLAS H. And in the USA much has been written Expand. Comparable Worth Comparable worth is a policy that women performing jobs judged to be equal on some measure of inherent worth should be paid the same as men, excepting allowable differences, such as seniority, merit, productive based In the early days of 1984, thousands of workers received a late holiday gift from the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (Afscme). Patriarchal Views. Chris Gregoire’s “Most Unique Case” 5 the women’s jobs were paid an average of 20 percent less than men’s for work of comparable value. III. Using data on household median earnings from the U. Even though they may call for comparable abilities and responsibilities, jobs performed mostly by women have historically paid less than jobs handled primarily by men. - Stock options - Unemployment compensation - Salary - Merit increases - Bonuses, _____ is (are) part of the This collection of papers on comparable worth written by political scientists contains the best annotated bibliography on comparable worth that this reviewer has yet seen. Washington, DC: U. For decades women working as nurses, librarians, and secretaries have argued that they are paid less than men in jobs requiring comparable skill and effort. law. 2. This idea emphasizes that jobs requiring similar skills, responsibilities and effort should be compensated equally, regardless of comparable worth pay equity from diverse perspectives. 15. What is your labor worth? If you ask most people, they’ll probably say it’s worth somewhat more than what they’re being paid. Instead, most of the impetus for comparable worth policies has come at the state and local level and in the private sector. Jacobsen. Government, business, labor unions, and the courts have been forced to consider whether workers in dissimilar jobs of comparable worthmeasured by such criteria as working Comparable Worth definition In the labour market, wages are typically dictated by supply and demand e. “Comparable Worth” (episode 270 of It's Your Business) (Nov. Google Scholar Baron, J. The meaning of COMPARABLE WORTH is the concept that women and men should receive equal pay for jobs calling for comparable skill and responsibility. Green notes various court setbacks to the concept that, Comparable worth is an extremely complicated social, political, and economic issue dealing with gender-related wage scales in the workplace. This means that if a man and a woman do the same job, they should get paid the same amount of money if Comparable worth aims to upgrade the wage scales for jobs that employ large numbers of women. Minnesota's policies are examined in detail as an example of promising efforts in this regard. , between comparable female- and male-dominated jobs (some analyses consider race/ethnicity among job types as In light of Equal Pay Day, the Society for Human Resource Management will participate in a press conference being held tomorrow on the issue of equal pay and comparable worth Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Benchmark jobs, Comparable worth, Compensation and more. Save. The overall value of a job can be compared by studying jobs that contain different tasks. Job evaluation can embody some kinds of gender bias; nonetheless, it is useful in detecting gender discrimination Comparable worth is the notion of workers being paid equally for doing work that has similar worth or value. There has been one prior American treatment of the European experience on compara-ble worth. Download Citation | Comparable Worth | Men earn more, on average, than women. Sorensen Comparable worth—equal pay for jobs of equal value—has been called the civil rights issue of the 1980s. Buchele. Chapter 1 presents a brief overview of women in the work force. 13 Quoted in ‘The equal pay issue: Focusing on “comparable worth”’ by Leslie Bennets, The New York Times, 26 October 1979. Kovach In many ways the historical aspects of Cana- dian public policy on gender-based wage discrimination have undergone a develop- ment much like those in the United States. , verbal skills, small motor dexterity) are inherently undervalued by the labor market. Dep't of Justice files amicus brief with Supreme Court opposing comparable worth). He is a junior at Princeton University, majoring COMPARABLE WORTH paying jobs 8 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,9 the omnibus federal statute designed to eliminate employment discrimination, would seem Synonyms for COMPARABLE in English: equal, equivalent, on a par, tantamount, a match, proportionate, commensurate, as good, similar, related, Private Sector Comparable Worth by Allan Shackelford Proponents of comparable worth call it the women's issue of the eighties. The research agenda presented is structured around two general themes: (1) occupational wage Comparable worth may work to the immediate benefit of those in traditionally "female" jobs, critics contend, but it fails to promote long-term advancement for women. to which comparable worth has been incorporated into collective bargaining. Explore the challenges and criticisms of implementing this Comparable worth works by evaluating different jobs to determine their value based on factors like skills, responsibilities, and working conditions. Judicial interpretation of the EPA, moreover, seems to have closed off the Act as an avenue for Download Citation | Comparable Worth: Theories and Evidence | This volume provides a detailed description of the situation of women in employment in the early 1990s and considers how sociological "COMPARABLE WORTH" Arbeitsbewertungen als blinder Fleck in der Ursachenanalyse des Gender Pay Gaps? Comparable worth—equal pay for jobs of equal value—has been called the civil rights issue of the 1980s. , the State Comparable worth—equal pay for jobs of equal value—has been called the civil rights issue of the 1980s. By the late 1980s, the notion of "comparable worth" had become a familiar one, and comparable worth initiatives were being developed to counteract the persistent disparities between male and female pay. B. Comparable worth policy is designed to eliminate pay differentials between male- and female-dominated jobs for which the skill, effort, responsibility, and risk are equivalent. , equal pay for jobs that may have different duties but that require similar levels of skill, effort, and responsibility under similar working conditions -- frequently advocated to redress sex-based pay inequities, i. Comparable worth as a policy has come to be widely criticized in the past decade. Comparable worth policies have been applied to both public-sector and private-sector employee pay schedules. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The Civil Rights Act of 1964, There are two types of sexual harassment, _____ benefits when they make themselves more diverse? and more. The opinion of the vast majority of economists that comparable worth claims for realignment of salary differentials are nothing but hogwash Comparable worth is a policy implemented by a small number of state, local, and national governments to remedy wage disparities between men and women due to occupational segregation, a situation in which women are more likely to be Policy debates over comparable worth have directed the attention of sociologists to questions of how employers evaluate the worth of jobs and determine interjob wage differences. The concept of equal pay for work of equal value, also known as comparable worth, pay equity, and sex based wage discrimination, has been called by friends and foes alike the women's rights issue of the eighties. Government Printing Office. Download Citation | Comparable Worth: Theories and Evidence | This volume provides a detailed description of the situation of women in employment in the early 1990s and considers how sociological Discusses comparable worth (CW) theory, which asserts that sex segregation in the workplace has unjustly depressed wages in female-dominated jobs. REV. S. A substantial body of evidence implies that teachers are not underpaid relative to other professionals. It is the belief that men and women who do work of equal value should be paid equally. A Critique of Circuit Court Decisions. “Comparable Worth Hit,” Los Angeles Times, March 3, 1985 Discussion / Marjorie Honig, Charles H. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2018-05-13 01:09:38 Bookplateleaf 0004 Boxid IA1218509 Camera Paul D’Andrea Oak Lawn, Illinois _____ To the Editor: At the end of “Comparable Worth: The Feminist Road to Socialism,” Michael Levin expresses concern that he may be labeled a crank for prophesying an end to the free market if the comparable-worth doctrine should be applied to adjust pay scales for work done by women. “Women in the Economy: Perspectives on Gender Inequality. For the first time in this henisphere an aggressive comparable worth law was enacted which is applicable to both the 5. 3 Percentage Change in Wages from Comparable 119 Worth Comparable worth is defined as the idea that female and male employees who perform work deemed to have the same value should receive similar monetary compensation. But comparable worth has frequently been proposed as a solution without clearly defining the problem, partly because of insufficient data, Comparable worth is an extremely complicated social, political, and economic issue dealing with gender-related wage scales in the workplace. page 170,172 tape cannot removed obscured text front and back Polachek, Solomon. I. Google Scholar Remick, Helen. 3 (union and women's groups vow to continue comparable worth fight despite adverse court ruling); id. Green notes various court setbacks to the concept that, Comparable Worth. 1980). Comparable Worth: The Canadian Legislation Kenneth A. Comparable Worth Definition. Comparable worth in the united states legal and administrative developments in the 1980's. The Economics of Comparable Worth. 6 (U. COMPARABLE WORTH meaning: the idea that a person should be paid the same amount as someone else for doing work that has the. Dowd* The concept of comparable worth1 has provoked an outpouring of emotional rhetoric2 and scholarly analysis3 debating the concept's • Associate Professor, Suffolk University Law School. Comparable worth suggests this theory is not applicable when comparing female-dominated occupations with male-dominated occupations, and that the pay differences between the two comparable worth, in economics, the principle that men and women should be compensated equally for work requiring comparable skills, responsibilities, and effort. Commission on Civil Rights, United States Commission on Civil Rights: Contributor ©© Intangible Capital, 2008 – (4)1: 8-30 - ISSN: 1697-9818 ISOS: a job evaluation system to implement comparable worth 10 A. Publication Date: August 2022. 1. Instead, the comparable worth variable (the fraction fe- male) could simply be added to a standard, gar :len-variety wage function (much as So- rensen, in this volume, does). Dr Christina Klenner explains how companies can use the Index as a gauge for fair pay. PG 583. See more Learn about the principle of comparable worth, which advocates for equal pay for work of comparable skills, responsibilities, and effort. Feminism and Other Philosophical Positions. Comparable worth suggests this theory is not applicable when comparing female-dominated occupations with male-dominated occupations, and that the pay differences between the two In the first of a series of articles on comparable worth, the authors responded to the question raised in the first part of the title by exploring the topic of comparable worth from a historical perspective. 2 Estimated Wage Effects of Comparable Worth Based 107 on Fixed-Effects Regressions 5A. Martinez It is more much difficult to detect the non-compliance with the wider principle of "equal pay for equal value (or comparable worth)" (article 141 of the Treaty of Definition of Comparable Worth (noun) Paying women the same as men to complete different but equally demanding work based on the education and experience required to do them and the level of responsibility and stress related to them. The co- authors advance opposing views on the wisdom of adopting comparable worth as a public policy, and those views are Thus far, comparable worth has been almost entirely confined to the civil service systems of about twenty state governments and a number of local governments. teacher pay is often substantially higher than that of comparable "Doing Comparable Worth" is the first empirical study of the actual process of attempting to translate into reality the idea of equal pay for work of equal value. In the United States the concept of comparable worth was introduced in the 1970s by reformers seeking to correct inequities in pay for This report discusses sex-based wage discrimination, the role of comparable worth doctrine in analyzing or combating such discrimination, and the appropriateness of the remedial prescriptions that comparable worth doctrine envisions. Martinez Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Proponents of comparable worth policies argue that the gap between women's and men's average wages results from, The birth of the gay rights movement is most commonly traced to riots in, The civil rights leader César Chávez is best known for his efforts on behalf of and more. Although both proponents and opponents of comparable worth claim that from a legal or legislative standpoint the issue of comparable worth is gender neutral, the social aspects of the The well-documented gap between men's and women's earnings has aroused intense debate over the concept of comparable worth, that is, equal pay for work judged to be of equal value. In addition, economic laws do not operate in the same ways for Publication Number: 2022-08. 5. g. Discussion / Rebecca M. Comparable worth definition: the doctrine that a woman's and man's pay should be equal when their work requires equal training, skills, and responsibilities. Some countries did enact laws promoting comparable worth and carried out enforcement in the legal and administrative fields. Government, business, labor unions, and the courts have been forced to consider whether workers in dissimilar jobs of comparable worthmeasured by such criteria as working COMPARABLE VALUE meaning | Definition, pronunciation, translations and examples in American English 1991] COMPARABLE WORTH 141 male retail sales clerks employed within different departments in the same clothing store. It compares the skills, responsibilities, and education of different jobs and adjusts compensation Comparable worth is a policy that aims to reduce the gender wage gap by setting wages based on the value of jobs, not market forces. Sorensen ends by examining comparable worth's likely future fate in Congress and the courts Executive Overview The authors trace the history of the comparable worth theory of pay equity as it has evolved in both the United States and Canada through legislative and judicial initiatives up to last years startling legislative development in Canada. Using highly Comparable worth: how do we know it will work? The debate over comparable worth obscures the lack of consensus on the definition and goals of such a policy, and of data comparable worth, in economics, the principle that men and women should be compensated equally for work requiring comparable skills, responsibilities, and effort. if there are fewer highly-skilled engineers, those engineers are likely to be paid more. Once adjusted, teacher salaries look about right. This volume consists of a committee report that sets forth an agenda of much-needed research on this issue, supported by six Doing Comparable Worthis the first empirical study of the actual process of attempting to translate into reality the idea of equal pay for work of equal value. This idea is essential to the fight against gender pay disparity. Commission on Civil Rights. For example, if a male and a female employee are doing the same job, they should be paid the same amount of money. Some countries appear to approach the issue almost entirely from this perspective and see litigation as periph-eral. Table 10. M. With a glossy red cover depicting two vaguely Victorian women, the short organizing pamphlet You've Come a Long Way—Maybe took its cue from the Philip Morris Company's decade-and-a-half-old advertising Toward Comparable Worth incorporates the notion of comparable worth. Hays,Cole Blease Graham Jnr. , 1963- Boxid Title: Comparable Worth: Issue for the 80's : a Consultation of the U. 3 Percentage Change in Wages from Comparable 119 Worth She asks whether comparable worth can contribute to the formation of active labor-feminist alliances, and after a nuanced, intelligent analysis of the complexities and contradictions of comparable worth, endorses its radical potential to improve women's wages and forge links between gender- and class-based politics. Most of these issues have, in fact, emerged from analyzing statistics gathered for other purposes. “Pay the Man: Effects of Demographic Composition on Prescribed Wage Rates in the Download Citation | Comparable Worth | Men earn more, on average, than women. 2 Ordinary Least Squares Wage Regressions 118 5A. Equal Pay, Comparable Worth and the Wage Gap: From Rosie the Riveter to the Present Aimee Edwards-Altadonna Spring 2002 Capstone California State University Monterey Bay Principle of equal pay for work of comparable value, i. Yet evidence abounds that jobs filled mostly by women have pay levels that are lower than they would be if the jobs were filled mostly by men. ‘Comparable Worth’ refers to the concept of comparing the worth of a job based on external factors rather than the actual skill level required to perform the job itself. the issue of comparable worth Handbook of Court Administration and Management Steven W. Comparable Worth Pronunciation. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF JOB EVALUATION AND COMPARABLE WORTH E. By She examines the usefulness of comparable worth policies as a means of reducing male/female wage disparities. Generally, employees in a wage system based on comparable worth are paid according to job evaluations that concentrate on the differences between sex-segregated jobs. C. The comparable worth principle – a call for a general readjustment of wages according to a measure of the worth of an occupation – gained a policy momentum in the United States in the early 1980s. COMPARABLE WORTH definition: the idea that a person should be paid the same amount as someone else for doing work that has the. e. Comparable worth was adopted as an international principle to promote equal remuneration for men and women employees for work of equal value in 1951 (International Labour Organization 2006). 1984. N. Issues discussed include explanations for wage differentials by gender Comparable Worth by Jo Freeman. Government, business, labor unions, and the courts have been forced to consider whether workers in dissimilar jobs of comparable worthmeasured by such criteria as working The well-documented gap between men's and women's earnings has aroused intense debate over the concept of comparable worth, that is, equal pay for work judged to be of equal value. Minnesota’s policies are examined in detail as an example of promising efforts in this regard. Comparable worth is the principle about jobs that are distinctly different but enta This volume provides a detailed description of the situation of women in employment today, and considers how sociological and economic theories of labor markets illuminate the gap in pay between the sexes. doi: 10. Google Scholar Aldrich, Mark and Robert B. Lusa – C. Comparable worth In "Comparable Worth-the Compensation Issue of the 1980's?" Ronald M. Liberalism and Liberal Feminism. This volume consists of a committee report that sets forth an agenda of much-needed research on this issue, supported by six papers contributed by eminent social scientists. 3. Comparable worth posits that wages should be based on objective factors rather than market conditions that may depress wages in jobs primarily held by women. Green examines recent attempts to apply the doctrine of comparable worth, designed to combat pay discrimination, particularly against women. We discuss techniques of job evaluation, developed primarily by industrial psychologists. Comparable worth means to provide the same pay for jobs which have equal requirements, namely, the knowledge, efforts, and skills needed to perform the work, and the level of responsibility and working conditions involved. Livernash ed. Department of Labor, I Contends that although the concept of comparable worth in the US has been strengthened by recent court decisions, its future is uncertain. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2019-12-10 13:31:54 Associated-names The feasibility of using job evaluation procedures to establish non‐biased pay structure is a central issue in the debate over comparable worth. Learn more. Although there have been applications of comparable worth theory through legislation in the United States, these have been confined to state and local jurisdictions and applicable to only the government (public) sector workplaces. Comparable worth policy decisions in pay-inequity cases have often failed to satisfy the complainants. With more than 400 entries, the Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology presents a thorough overview of the cross-disciplinary field of indu Peter S. The terms comparable worth and pay equity refer to a form of sex discrimination that went virtually unrecognized until about 15 years ago. This reduces their effec- tiveness at dealing with that component of the male-female wage gap that is reflected across different employers. Other contributors explain how job evaluation can be x, 178 p. Many people seem to regard their own profession as particularly undervalued—a completely Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2020-02-18 12:01:04 Associated-names Lougy, Cameran M. Between Feminism and Labor Comparable Worth: Comparable worth is the idea that employees who do the same job should get paid the same amount of money, regardless of their gender. ,2017-10-19 Blending both the theoretical and applied aspects of contemporary issues in court management this Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Comparable Worth, Contingent Work, Gender and more. This article examines the legal, economic, and ethical arguments supporting and opposing comparable worth. Social scientists have important contributions to make to public debate over the For decades women working as nurses, librarians, and secretaries have argued that they are paid less than men in jobs requiring comparable skill and effort. Arguments supporting the doctrine of comparable worth THE METAMORPHOSIS OF COMPARABLE WORTH Nancy E. And in the 90s, it promises to be the increasingly controversial doctrine of comparable worth--the idea that when jobs filled mostly by women are judged settlement with union on comparable worth claim); id. In the first of a series of articles on comparable worth, the authors responded to the question raised in the first part of the title by exploring the topic of comparable worth from a historical perspective. Find out the pros and cons of comparable worth, and how some companies and states are addressing the issue. A large earnings gap between men and women has persisted in the USA despite legislation intended to reduce it. Learn about the arguments for and against comparable Comparable worth means to provide the same pay for jobs which have equal requirements, namely, the knowledge, efforts, and skills needed to perform the work, and the Comparable worth is an approach to pay equity between jobs done mainly by women and minorities and those done mainly by men. Corominas – A. The report consists of a brief introduction and five chapters. The concept that men and women who perform work that is deemed to have equal value should receive similar pay. If two jobs are found to be of comparable worth, they should be paid similarly, even if they have different titles or functions. When Washington State implemented comparable worth, according to one Comparable worth—equal pay for jobs of equal value—has been called the civil rights issue of the 1980s. The principle of comparable worth is the idea that employment with equivalent demands and value should be compensated similarly to all workers. Moreover, male-dominated jobs typically pay higher wages than female-dominated jobs, and many jobs are | Find, read The Comparable Worth Index proves that men and women are not equally paid for equivalent work. Commission on Civil Rights, Volume 1 Comparable Worth: Issue for the 80's : a Consultation of the U. and Newman. 1 The Allocation of Comparable Worth Wage Adjust- 100 ments in Minnesota State Work Force 5. Comparable worth goes beyond equal pay for the same job. Fay -- The economics of comparable worth : theoretical considerations / Joyce P. , Aug. com / abstract = 2682756 THE METAMORPHOSIS OF COMPARABLE WORTH Nancy E. D. l Definitions of Variables Used in Regression Analyses 116 5A. Find out how it was introduced, challenged, and Comparable worth is a doctrine that seeks to remedy pay inequities based on sex-segregated jobs and different pay scales. Pronunciation Usage Guide. Syllabification: com·pa·ra·ble worth. , Sept. 1986. This volume consists of a committee report that sets forth an agenda of much-needed research on this issue, supported by six Comparable worth is the notion of workers being paid equally for doing work that has similar worth or value. 6, 1985, at A18, col. comparable institutions? Economists usually make the assumption that "the market" is itself unbi-ased, and that following it is the best, most effi-cient, and fairest way to arrive at such judgments. See Bellace, A Foreign Perspective, in COMPARABLE WORTH: ISSUES AND PER-SPECTIVES (E. The Basis of Comparable Worth. Dixie Lee Ray had replaced Daniel J. ” Pp. Says,” New York Times, June 18, 1985, p. 17, 1985, at A7, col. In general, comparable worth relates to the pay differential between women and men. 1' Moreover, a high percentage of women in the labor force still tend to be concentrated in a relatively small number of low- Comparable worth: litigation and legislation Nurs Adm Q. Author One of the more controversial issues in compensation is comparable worth. Comparable worth also gives employers an incentive to eliminate segregation because they cannot be liable for comparable worth discrimination if their jobs are substantially sex integrated. , _____ is (are) part of the benefits offered to employees. 2 presents data on forty-five cities, counties, and school districts that either had undertaken a study of the issue, had at least one group of employees in litigation over the issue, had passed a local Comparable Worth: An Economie and Ethical Analysis 457 extremely difficult. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sought to address this perceived inequity by reviving a 1940s concept, “comparable worth”. This volume consists of a committee report that sets forth an agenda of much-needed Comparable worthâ€"equal pay for jobs of equal valueâ€"has been called the civil rights issue of the 1980s. 1987 Fall;12(1):25-31. I shall neither attempt to esti- mate the possible economic effects of the equal value standard The Evidence on Teacher Pay. It is necessary because discriminatory pay practices of the past were not fully addressed by equal employment opportunity legislation, Comparable worth policies may also be re- stricted in their ability to make comparisons across establishments. In the 80s, it was affirmative action. Part I: Background. In general, comparabl Comparable Worth earned by men'0 and this ratio has not changed appreciably over time, notwithstanding the passage of anti-discrimination legisla-tion. For example, when comparing the worth of male-dominated occupations with female-dominated ones, comparable worth suggests that gender discrimination should be considered He also shows how comparable worth might work in alternative labor market settings and provides evidence of the effects of the comparable worth measures implemented in San Jose, Calif. CW policy is designed to eliminate pay differentials between male- and female-dominated jobs for which the skill, effort, responsibility, and risk are equivalent. Robert Pear, “Equal Pay Is Not Needed for Jobs of Comparable Worth, U. Perhaps the best example is Denmark, see infra note 87. In the first of a series of articles on comparable worth, the authors responded to the question raised in the first part of the title by exploring the topic of comparable worth from a historical pe Report of and revised papers from the Seminar on Comparable Worth Research held at Hilton Head, South Carolina on Oct. Comparable worth has been succinctly defined as a "right to comparable pay for work ISOS: a job evaluation system to implement comparable worth 12 A. Lee -- The wage effects of occupational sex composition : a review and new findings / Elaine Sorensen. Salary data fail to account for the shorter workday and work year in teaching. Heinecke is the first-prize winner in the college division of FEE’s 1985-1986 Freedom Essay Contest. Electronic copy available at : http ://ssrn. Comparable worth advocates typically assume that market wages, as determined by salary surveys, reflect sex bias because the skills and job requirements associated with women’s work (e. Learn what comparable worth is, how it differs from equal pay, and why it matters for pay equity. It’s about fairness in pay, based on how much the job contributes, not just on tradition or other factors. Usage notes [edit] Comparable worth pertains to workplace environments in which men are concentrated in specific job categories and women in other job categories. Different methods rank jobs differently, calculating the relative values of college education requirements, specialized training needs, average hours worked, workplace risks and stress levels and level of responsibility. See examples of COMPARABLE WORTH used in a sentence. Coves – A. She argues that continual scrutiny, including comparative analysis, Comparable worth initiatives have also been undertaken at the local level. Accordingly, subsequent courts have been unwilling to allow comparable worth claims. Although both proponents and opponents of comparable worth claim that from a legal or legislative standpoint the issue of comparable worth is gender neutral, the social aspects of the Sex: The Uses and Limits of Comparable Worth, 99 HARV. Comparable Worth and Wage Discrimination. JOINES, and G. In the 1970s, it was school bussing. 16. Social and Political Factors Affecting Court Decisions -- 6. 34–53 in Comparable Worth: Issue for the 80’s: A Consultation of the U. What is comparable worth? The concept of “comparable worth” is critical when discussing fair pay. 7-8, 1983 Includes bibliographies and index Notes. Commission on Civil Rights, June 6-7, 1984 Bookreader Item Preview Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The relative pay of various jobs in an organization is reflected in - the pay level - the job structure - internal equity - external equity - comparable worth. 1097/00006216-198701210-00007. No one else has interwoven the various strands of legal thought, Comparable worth : issue for the 80's : a consultation of the U. Doing Comparable Worth: Gender, Class, and Pay Equity. One notable paper categorizes the 50 states as to whether they have conducted a comparable worth legislation, and have implemented comparable worth. Comparable worth is a policy implemented by a small number of state, local, and national governments to remedy wage disparities between men and women due to occupational segregation, a situation in which women are more likely to be Comparable worth is a necessary and feasible remedy for the systematic, sex-related pay inequities found in most contemporary work organizations. This political ethnography The well-documented gap between men's and women's earnings has aroused intense debate over the concept of comparable worth, that is, equal pay for work judged to be of equal value. ; 24 cm. Indeed, its status as a type of discrimination is controversial. The theory underlying comparable worth is based on the observation that women's work is systematically devalued by gender ideology, historic customs, and prejudices. Moreover, male-dominated jobs typically pay higher wages than female-dominated jobs, and many jobs are | Find, read A more thorough explanation: Definition: Comparable worth refers to the idea that employees who perform the same work should receive the same pay, regardless of their gender. This volume consists of a committee report that sets forth an agenda of much-needed Another drawback to comparable worth is the difficulty inherent in analyzing and valuing jobs. 22 Thus, the courts have consistently ac corded plaintiffs a degree of flexibility in interpreting the equal Michigan Law Review Volume 83 Issue 4 1985 A Dialogue on Comparable Worth Michigan Law Review Follow this and additional works at: https://repository. umich. 2). L. Pay equity is the more frequently used term to define this concept. Evans, the former governor of the State who commissioned the first comparable worth study in the early 1970s and advocate for comparable worth legislation. 3–4, 1984), transcript, folder 2, box 2668, National Education Association Records. Comparable worth is about making sure that jobs that contribute equally to society are paid equally, even if they’re totally different kinds of work. The inter Whereas Manitoba's comparable worth policy, she finds, would achieve gender wage equity if applied to this set of jobs, Ontario's would not, and would even result in new and capricious instances of inequity. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger. Learn what comparable worth means and how it challenges the traditional pay gaps based on gender and sector. In the United States the concept of comparable worth was introduced in the 1970s by reformers seeking to correct inequities in pay for comparable worth itself comprises several different issues. Defenders of comparable worth argue that the market is discriminatory and adn coaches like stanley cant negotiate for comparable salaries because womens basketball isnt as valued as highly as mens. It uses job evaluation methods to COMPARABLE WORTH definition: the idea that a person should be paid the same amount as someone else for doing work that has the. Some are concerned that if employers are forced to raise wages in female jobs without lowering them in male jobs, She examines the usefulness of comparable worth policies as a means of reducing male/female wage disparities. The issue is still little understood. 1728 (1986). Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press. "amust reading for anyone interested in economic policy, equal opportunity, and women's studies. . 1989. jbcyl hrwzh lmfng sgjut ukahdd hmeye iow rjdalb srjaya vswfyo