35f ncoer bullets. See also: Redeployment NCOER Bullets.

Kulmking (Solid Perfume) by Atelier Goetia
35f ncoer bullets This should help a rater in distinguishing between a ‘success’, ‘excellence’ or ‘needs improvement’ bullet. com -- Bullets that Don't Suck! New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! o added over 100 non-sucky bullets to the ArmyNCO. Back to CMF 92 NCOER Bullets. MOS 35S Signals Collection Analyst NCOER Bullets. MOS 79R Award Examples. MOS 35F Duty Descriptions. Applicants should wait for their most recent finalized NCOER before application submission. Shop Foreman NCOER Bullet Examples. Echelon: Battalion Principle Duty Title: Intelligence Analyst Duty MOSC: 35F2O Duty Description: Provides full direction to junior intelligence analysts for maintaining intelligence files, order of battle, and intelligence graphics; maintains personnel security files ArmyNCO. Character NCOER Bullets. Refresh your browser (press F5) MOS 89A NCOER Bullets. The best NCOER bullet comments are the Achievement type. 35F20 Intelligence Analyst - MICO NCOER Bullets Sorted by MOS. MOS 92Y Duty Descriptions. Air Force Transportation Performance Report Examples. o represented the unit during USAREUR-AFRICA Best Squad Competition; demonstrated team cohesion, technical and tactical proficiency, endurance, and resilience See also: Air Force Arms Room EPR Bullets o served as unit armorer for B Co. Failed to conduct proper ArmyNCO. See also: Navy Cryptologic Technician Interpretive (CTI) Evaluations. They describe exactly what was accomplished and the positive result of that act. See also: Air Force Aid Society Examples. o provided critical insight Serves as an intelligence analyst for an Artillery Battalion of over 300 Soldiers; develops mission analysis products to be used by the commander, command staff and five subordinate Units in ArmyNCO. Back to Additional Duty. Home; NCOERS; Awards; Counseling; developed and implemented a junior analyst training program designed to reinforce all core 35F critical tasks; I then read through the NCOER portions of AR and DA PAM 623-3. NCOER bullets APFT. NCOER bullets for platoon sergeant. He was chosen to assist the G-8 Quality Assurance team in conducting USARC mandated Quality Assurance Reviews at two separate units and trained the unit pay personnel in the proper USARC required pay procedures. o completed over 60 Theatre Property Equipment (TPE) lateral transfer directives prior to drawdown and the movement of two Battalions to support the enhanced Combat Aviation Brigade (eCAB) Deployment NCOER Bullets. Drug Demand Reduction Program EPR Bullets - Oversaw DDR pgrm; mng'd shipment/quality ctrl of >1000 tests--upheld 100% compliance/DoD zero tolerance policy - Powered 2 unit DDRP sweeps; coord'd 36 observers/6 TAs/625 tested--fortified msn readiness f/65 acft/1. o fraternized with lower ranks; needs to maintain formality when in presence of Soldiers NCOER Bullets. power units, our top maintenance priority in support of the DCP MOS 88M, Motor Transport Operator NCOER bullet examples. The guides explain the rules for comments, narratives and bullets found in AR and DA PAM 623-3 (to include prohibited and negative comments/bullets), and gives examples of narrative comments (individual sentences that can be Sample NCOER Bullets and NCOER Duty Descriptions, NCOER Preparation Tips, NCO Counseling Tips and Techniques, and AR 623-3 requirements. Senior Rater Guidance. o prepared three Patrol Drug Detector Dog teams for rigorous FORSCOM validation and certification events; resulted in 100% certification success rate What if I don't like the bullets generated? Occasionally, even sophisticated language models such as ChatGPT may require some additional guidance to achieve optimal results. MOS 35M Duty Descriptions. NCOER bullets for Met Standard and Did Not Meet Standard. See also: Air Force Cryptologic Language Analyst EPR Bullets. Must submit a minimum of two (2) NCOERs, 24 months rated time reflecting technical, tactical competence and exceptional duty performance ratings as a 35F demonstrated by rater and senior rater comments. See also: Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Examples. A. The most recent NCOER submitted cannot exceed 12 months Sample NCOER Bullets and NCOER Duty Descriptions, NCOER Preparation Tips, NCO Counseling Tips and Techniques, and AR 623-3 requirements. Contributions without MOS or duty ArmyNCO. Back to NCOER Bullets by MOS. Highly Qualified looks like: SSG: 12+ months in the following: Squad Leader, Section NCOIC. MOS 35M, Human Intelligence Collector NCOER Bullet Examples. o stood as a steadfast guardian; sustained the integrity and readiness of the command's mission o augmented the undermanned Auxiliary Security Force for several major events; ensured NCOER Bullets. 2017 Category: Comments Author: ncoer. Brigade Budget Analyst. Don't hesitate to re-generate the text or include Gunnery NCOER bullet comments. MOS 96B Intelligence Analyst Duty Descriptions. Presence incorporates a leader’s effectiveness when demonstrating military and profession bearing, fitness, confidence, and resilience. Bullet comments are mandatory regardless of the box check rating provided (at least one bullet will be entered in each block of c through i ). This is an effort to collect examples for the Performance Goals and Expectations block but we need your input. Bullets Basics The Mechanics of Bullets Short concise and to the point 2. Part V, NCO Support Form. English good, proof read it. Back to CMF 79 NCOER Bullets. MOS 88M Motor Transport Operator NCOER Bullets. How to Write Bullet Comments that Match the Rating. The more specific, the better. The purpose of these pages is to help Army leaders properly prepare timely and relevant Army awards by providing a wide range of sample Army award achievement statements (Award Bullets) and NCOIC NCOER Bullet Examples. MOS 92G Duty Descriptions. MOS 35X Intel Senior Sergeant NCOER Bullets. See also: Navy Defense Travel System Examples. NCOER bullets additional duties. They do. Creates a positive environment, Fosters esprit de corps, Prepares Self, Develops others, Stewards the profession. 2nd Bn. See also: Air Force Controlled Area Examples. o assisted in the draw of 87,400 rounds of 5. o managed and coordinated all logistical operations, including MOS 29E, Electronic Warfare Specialist NCOER Duty Descriptions. o demonstrated unparalleled analytical prowess in a high stress deployed environment; provided unwavering support for 75 missions in Kandahar province o contributed to over $2. Leads NCOER Bullets. MOS 35M HUMINT Collector NCOER Bullets. See also: Student Status Awards. Finally I read through the NCO's career map and NCO Performance Measures supplement. MOS 89A Award Examples. S. To help in this difficult task, we've assembled ArmyNCO. o reviewed over 13,000 voice and graphic files and translated over 650 items; resulted in the disruption of al-Qa'ida activities ArmyNCO. o successfully processed 29 missions during lanes at annual training o organized and led a team in making map boards for the entire platoon during annual training. Gets Results, Accomplishments. o qualified tank gunnery table six with a score of 902 and qualified all 10 engagements during this annual training period MOS 79R, Recruiter NCOER Bullet Examples. o led UH-60 maintenance at Western ARNG Aviation Training Site; minimized the impact of unscheduled maintenance on the flight schedule o managed the UH-60 maintenance night shift during manning shortage; increased and expanded the capabilities of junior mechanics NCOs do, they don’t help, they don’t assist. Be short, concise, to the point. For promotion only Senior Rater comments matter. o served as the 2SBCT Brigade Fires AFATDS box operator at the NTC at rotation 08-21; processed over 300 live fire missions in conjunction with Air Force JTACs, foreign military JTACs, and SOF NCOER Bullets. o handled 208 contractors and reverified at least 4 a week as a TASS TA; maintained security in the workplace o checked in 10 military personnel and contractors combined as a security clerk; protected critical information from unauthorized access Within these pages, I have compiled a list of sample NCOER bullets to aid in your NCOER preparation. com's Achieves NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing IVh Achieves on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). Must start with an action word 4. If possible, the NCOER should be packed with this type of bullet. Don't forget to browse my static bullet pages here for hundreds of MOS non-specific bullets to "fill in the gaps. » NCOER Bullet Database » DA Form 2166-8 Sergeant Irrizarry is a highly effective leader and technician who made a lasting contribution to the 416th Theater Engineer Command. a. Bullet comments are mandatory for a ‘no’ rating and must be specific. com database and still filed taxes two days early [LEADS: FAR EXCEEDED STANDARD] Hot News! Make $500 in daily commissions - Start an online side-hustle with this 100% Foolproof Blueprint! ArmyNCO. o supervised 4 personnel to ensure 27 pieces of different types of CESE were cleaned and prepared to ensure readiness for inspection resulting in 0 failed inspections Achieves NCOER Bullets. Examples can be contributed by using the form Areas of Special Emphasis (Block 3D on the NCOER form) Back to NCOER. NCOER bullets for Met Standard and Did Not Meet Senior Rater NCOER Narrative Comment Examples. 5M in aviation repair parts; resulted in bringing deploying aircraft sets to fully mission capable status ArmyNCO. 56 and 32,100 rounds of 7. MOS 25B Award Examples. Contact Note: My database currently contains only very specific MOS related bullets. Additional Duty NCOER Bullets. Sample Army Award Achievement Statements (Award Bullets), Award citations, and Award writing tips, techniques and advice. MOS 92Y Award Examples. com's Sample NCOER Duty Descriptions CMF 35 - Military Intelligence - Your only source for sample CMF 35 NCOER duty descriptions to aid in your NCOER preparation. 35M40 Senior Strategic Debriefer Sergeant MOS 35S, Signals Collection Analyst NCOER Bullets. 5. o developed a rigorous fitness program improving overall team fitness and decreasing each member two-mile time o his/her constant drive to improve him/herself led to them to be selected to compete for the NCOER Bullets. 00 worth of supplies and equipment to ensure Team Renegade maintenance readiness and missions success o assisted with the turn in of over 200,000 dollars worth It's hard to express in just a few words all the ways you've contributed to the mission. Counter-Narcoterrorism Analyst. Military and Professional Bearing. See also: U. MOS 35F Award Examples. UH-60 Phase Team Mechanic. NCOER Bullets by MOS. MOS 35T Award Examples. com database and still filed taxes two days early [LEADS: FAR EXCEEDED STANDARD] Transportation NCO NCOER Bullets. o restored, using local parts and maintenance, the 24-hour operation of the D. Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. Then I organized my thoughts into bullets. NCOER bullets ACFT. Successive, Broadening Assignments. o attended Advanced Leaders Course and maintained a 94. SENIOR RATER COMMENTS GUIDE . However, the APFT date does not have to fall ArmyNCO. 11B4E1B/Brigade SARC. o ordered over $1,200,000. Required maximum supervision to produce marginal results. Duty Title. See also: Redeployment NCOER Bullets. employee’s leadership potential to serve in positions of increased responsibility Presence is the impression a leader makes on others contributing to his or her success in leading them. MOS 13F3V, Fire Support Sergeant NCOER Example. MOS 25B Duty Descriptions. 150 NCOER bullets for leads others, builds trust, extends influence beyond the chain of command, leads by example, and communicates. CSM/SGM: 35Z5O become 35Z6O at SGM. 35S Award Examples. o served as Directorate Defense Travel System Approving Official; audited 15 DTS personnel sites in Army units located in TX, NM, AZ, OK and AR New NCOER Bullet about social media? 12 Votes 14 Comments. NCOER Adjectives. MOS 92F, Petroleum Supply/Fuels Specialist NCOER Bullet Examples. NCOER bullets for EO and SHARP. Double spaced between bullets 5. New Army NCOER form DA 2166 - What are your thoughts on it? 4 Votes 4 Comments. MOS 92F Duty Descriptions. o steamlined the POV inspection process for soldiers storing their vehicles inside the 1-37 motorpool cutting the time required in half for over 150 Soldiers o supervised the loading of 109 ArmyNCO. E5 NCOER don’t matter for promotion but they do for packets. PSYOP Sergeant. Examples can be Not officially writing down your ncoer's major performance objectives with your rater is the same as having year weight lost plan with the goal plan of "im gonna lose weight this year" vs "im going to go do 60 minutes of cardio 3 times a week and go to the gym 3 times a week from 5AM to 6AM, and i will fix my diet to include 16 hour fasting" MOS 35M NCOER Bullets. See also: Annual Training NCOER Bullets. Aviation Tech Supply Clerk. Needs Improvement NCOER Comments. CMF 15 General; 15B Aircraft Powerplant Repairer; 15C MQ-1 UAS Operator; NCOER Tools and Generators. Bullet Comments. 04. How to Write Strong NCOER Bullets. 6th Inf. Cultivated a mindset to get better every day; encouraged subordinates to introduce ideas for improving the operating efficiency of the organization. Each bullet comment should begin with a lower-case letter unless it's a proper noun that is normally capitalized. o spearheaded the end of year push which led to the company being recognized as one of the top five companies within the brigade during 4th QTR, FY09 • Rater left most box restricted to <50% for Officers; NCOER unrestricted but tracked – Rater narrative focus is performance – Senior Rater narrative focus is quantifiablepotential – NCOER Rater bullets focus is excellence & quantifiableperformance • Selection & Promotion system is based on Army requirements Operations NCO NCOER Bullets. And positions which facilitate a well-rounded career and eventual promotion to the highest rank. Team Leader. NCOER education bullets. Presence NCOER Bullets. NCOER Part IVc. o served as Frequency Manager for USAREUR; foresight and exhaustive coordination reduced frequency conflicts in deployed locations by 50% o deconflicted and assigned over 5,000 frequencies; sustained the highest standards of mission readiness for spectrum supportibility Within these pages, I have compiled a list of sample NCOER bullets to aid in your NCOER preparation. NCOER bullets must be preceded by a lower-case letter "o" to indicate the comment's beginning. ArmyNCO. Performed leadership duties in a decisive and positive manner with exceptional results; Actively leads AIT soldiers physical development and trains to excel in common Task Skills; A true mission oriented leader Performed leadership duties in a decisive and positive manner with exceptional results Back to NCOER Examples. No longer than 2 lines 3. This list provides a sample of Excellence, Success, and Needs Improvement NCO-ER Bullets highlighted in recent Quarterly NCO-ER Updates as being those bullets that justified the marked rating. Ten (10) NCOER bullets listed by the evaluation type (SGT, SSG, SFC, etc. A true mission oriented leader. Berlin Brigade; received highest possible score on the annual Inspector General's inspection o kept accountability of sensitive items resulting in zero losses or discrepancies; successfully passed all physical security inspections Next, in my opinion, the Rater Overall Performance bullets should be brief and to-the-point. Sponsored Ad. CSM/SGM: 35Z5O become 35Z6O at SGM NCOER Bullets. MOS 56M Duty Descriptions. If you have a large collection of bullets, you may be eligible to receive payment for each CMF 92 Logistics NCOER Bullet Examples. 1. CMF 15 Aviation NCOER Examples. o supported the Joint Warfighting Activity; facilitated the seamless integration of Intelligence systems between the Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders, British, and the 4ID G2 ArmyNCO. The purpose of these pages is to provide information to help Army leaders properly counsel and evaluate their subordinate noncommissioned officers. MOS 35G Award Examples. MOS 88M Duty Descriptions. See also: Air Force Defense Travel System Examples. See also: Air Force Military Working Dog Evals. DA PAM 623-3 Para 3-7. R. o deployed to Romania; provided critical intelligence updates to the commander during the initial Russian invasion of Ukraine CMF 15 Army Aviation NCOER bullets. MOS 92G Culinary Specialist NCOER Bullets. MOS 92F Award Examples. Back to CMF 25 NCOER Bullets. NCOER Phrase Examples. MOS 96B, Intel Analyst was changed to: MOS 35F, Intel Analyst. These bullets should not be specific to any one area, but rate your NCOER’s overall performance as it relates to not only the other NCOs of the same grade that you may rate, but also to other NCOs that you have rated throughout your career. com's Leads NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing IVf Leads on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). SENIOR RATER POTENTIAL EVALUATION . 5K sorties NCOER Bullets. NCOER Bullet Examples for Presence, Character, Intellect, Leads, Achieves, and Develops As a 35F Intelligence NCO serving in HHC BDE 16th CAB, SGT Fanidi exhibited unparalleled proficiency in executing a comprehensive analytical work environment. Action Verbs for NCOERs (. For each performance evaluation, professionalism, attributes, and competencies bullets listed in PART IV of the NCOER, I have categorized each of the bullets into what I consider as met Far Exceeded Standard, Exceeded Standard, Met Standard, and Develops NCOER Bullets. Achieves NCOER Bullets. CMF 35 Intelligence NCOER Bullet Examples. Standardized rules apply to bullet comments on NCOER. Looking at it again, it really does take a bit of a skillset to write mundane, everyday tasks to seem like laudable feats and accomplishments(?). MOS 35F - Intelligence Analyst; MOS 35G - Imagery Analyst; MOS 35H - Common Ground Station Analyst; MOS 35L - Counter Intelligence Agent; MOS 35M - Human Intelligence Collector; MOS 35N - Signals Intelligence Analyst NCOER Bullets by Additional Duty. NCOER bullet generator. MOS 35M Award Examples. MOS 13D and 13P merged to form MOS 13J. MOS 56M Award Examples. Thanks for your contributions! Leadership Bullets. It simplifies the process of writing NCOER bullets, making it quick and efficient. See also: Air Force All Source Intelligence Analyst EPR Bullets. This commitment to the mission prevented 160 hours of lost POI time for the 35F Committee. How to Write an NCOER. MOS 96B, Intel Analyst, was converted to MOS 35F, Intel Analyst. o acted as photographer, videographer, writer, and editor despite not being PAQC trained; prevented coverage failure and showcased event MOS 92Y, Unit Supply Specialist NCOER Bullet Examples. o contributed to ammunition details during ranges, ensuring timely distribution of ammunition to execute training operations NCOER Bullets. o instructed team on troubleshooting and correcting IPPSA issues; led to a smoothly flowing Approval queue which never exceeded 50 PARs Senior Rater NCOER Bullets (DA FORM 2166-8 Legacy Bullets) Headlines. NCOER entries must begin with verbs or possessive pronouns (his or her); personal pronouns he or she may be used. Failed to supervise subordinates; relieved for ineffectiveness and ArmyNCO. General/Non-specific. 0 to re-read my first NCOER. CMF 92 Logistics NCOER Examples. o recognized junior Soldiers' successes; increased involvement and inspired enthusiastic interest in an alternate MOS MOS 25B, Information Technology Specialist NCOER bullets. Shop Foreman NCOER Bullets. Echelon: Battalion Principle Duty Title: Intelligence Analyst Duty MOSC: 35F2O Duty Description: Provides full direction to junior intelligence analysts for maintaining intelligence files, order of battle, and intelligence graphics; maintains personnel security files Back to NCOER Resources. Public Affairs NCOER Bullets. MOS 25H was established in October 2022 and consists of former occupational specialties 25L, 25N, and 25Q. Positions in which NCOs could best serve the Army. Leave Form Examples? 5 Votes 8 Comments. Unit Armorer NCOER Examples o worked tirelessly to prepare for the change of command layout; zero deficiencies were found throughout the arms room -first time in 5 years o provided exceptional support during the unit's individual weapons qualification resulting in Bullets comments are used to explain any area where the rated NCO is particularly strong or needs improvement. NCOER Powerpoint Presentation. o operated and maintained the S2 Section for the Battalion Rear Detachment performing the duties and tasks of a senior non-commissioned officer o supported over a NCOER bullets for gets results. 4M in opioid seizures, 24 HVT apprehensions, Leads NCOER Bullets: Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence, Leads by example, Communication Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence, Leads by example, Communication o reversed negative trend; identified NCOs who failed to follow instructions and replaced them; improved work environment and morale NCOER bullets for key control, NCOER bullets new. Welcome to my NCOER resource pages. Refresh your browser (press F5) on MOS 35T, Military Intelligence Systems Maintainer/Integrator NCOER Bullet Examples. MOS 79R Duty Descriptions. SFC: 12+ months in the following: Detachment Sergeant, SEA/SEL, Platoon Sergeant, Section NCOIC. Intel Chief. Needs Improvement Bullet Comments. Home; NCOERS; Awards; Counseling; developed and implemented a junior analyst training program designed to reinforce all core 35F critical tasks; Security Manager NCOER Bullets. NCOER Part IV Performance Goals and Expectations. POC Chief. " For now, my primary focus for the dabase is MOS specific bullets, but eventually all my NCOER bullets will be added! Click on a Tab to View Query Options. Whether you need a bullet generator, bullet writing tool, or an AI bullet point generator, our service has you covered. com's Intellect NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing IVe Intellect on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). MOS 35F Areas of Special Emphasis: Special Security Representative, Foreign Disclosure Representative, Security Manager NCOER Bullets o protected some of the Army's most sensitize research, development, testing, and experimentation from disclosure; recognized by the DAG2 and INSCOM Command team o provided CI support to multiple combatant commands for Austere Challenge 23, Camp Aachen, and Grafenwoehr; exercise results validated intelligence methodology and scope o improved immensely the NCOER tracker for daily reporting and Command and Staff o promote now and select for ANCOC o a rare mix of intelligence and initiative; a technically gifted NCO who shows a genuine concern for mission accomplishment o a true professional; his dedication to mission excellence will be an asset to any unit ArmyNCO. Presence NCOER Bullets: Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience o served as OPFOR during KFOR34 with Dragon Company, 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment; provided realistic training and increased soldier confidence New Bullets added to the Database every Sunday! o added over 100 non-sucky bullets to the ArmyNCO. Instructor & Trainer NCOER Bullets. 62, contributing to the completion of Individual Weapons Qualifications and Crew Served Weapons Qualifications during Annual Training Intellect NCOER Bullets: Mental Ability, Sound Judgement, Innovation, Interpersonal Tact, and Expertise Mental Ability, Sound Judgement, Innovation, Interpersonal Tact, and Expertise o focused on metrics and assigned top performers to key positions; enabled the unit to operate at a greater capacity with fewer resources Presense NCOER bullets: Military Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, and Resilience. See also: Navy Public Affairs Evaluations. com is celebrating its 17th official year on the web in 2023Thanks so much for over 17 years of support, and here’s to 17 more. com) and a page will be made for it as soon as possible. See also: Navy Personnel Specialist Evaluation Examples. MOS 89A Ammunition Stock Control & Accounting Specialist Leads NCOER Bullets. com. ) that are not already in the NCOER bullet tool workbook. MOS 56M, Religious Affairs Specialist NCOER Bullets. See also: Navy Military Working Dog Evals. Back to Duty Descriptions. com's Character NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing IVc Character on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). Examples can be IT Specialist NCOER Bullets o processed and managed active directory accounts both on the NIPR side and the Portal side of the house; sustained secure communications o created a load plan for equipment, manned the help desk, and worked on radios during Operation Diadem NCOER Bullets. For each performance evaluation, professionalism, attributes, and competencies bullets listed in PART IV of the NCOER, I have categorized each of the bullets into what I consider as met Far Exceeded Standard, Exceeded Standard, Met Standard, and MOS 35F NCOER Bullets. Intellect NCOER Bullets: Mental Ability, Sound Judgement, Innovation, Interpersonal Tact, and Expertise Click the appropriate link below for MOS-specific examples. CHARACTER: (Army Values, Empathy, Warriors Ethos/Service Ethos, Discipline. MOS 35F Intelligence Analyst Duty Descriptions. com's Presence NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing Part IVd Presence on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). APFT. NCOER bullets appointed duties. NCOER Part : IIIe: Appointed Duties Include duties appointed that are not normally included in the duty description. MOS 35M HUMINT Collector Duty Descriptions. MOS 29E NCOER Bullets. MOS 35G Imagery Analyst NCOER Bullets. MOS 35T Duty Descriptions. Duty descriptions can be contributed by using the form below. See also: Air Force Leadership Performance Report Examples. NCOER part IV: block c-APFT Action required: In the space after the word "APFT" the rater will enter "PASS" or "FAIL" and the date (YYYYMMDD) of the most recent record APFT administered by the unit; it will be within the 12-month period prior to the "THRU" date of report. For ARNGUS AGR Soldiers assigned as Readiness NCO or Training NCO, enter both the NCO's TOE or TDA assignment and the full-time support titles such as Chief or Firing Battery/Readiness NCO. Character. 13B. Instructor Duty Descriptions. Start every bullet with a different action verb. DA PAM 623-3, Chapter 3 - Bullet comments are mandatory regardless of the box check rating given (at least one bullet will be entered in each block of c through i). Back to CMF 56 NCOER Bullets. And knowing how important the NCOER is to your future and reaching your goals makes it even harder. o acted as the SOF LNO for Eager Lion 2022, a joint-combined exercise with multiple partner nations hosted in Jordan o engaged with all US SOF elements to provide exercise overview Published by: 18. o seamlessly integrated new Soldiers within the S3 section; consistently showed genuine concern for his Soldiers MOS 96B NCOER Bullets. o performed her duties in the Battalion S2 shop; helped over 500 Soldiers maintain their security clearances to ensure unit readiness o enrolled in and completed All-Source Production Course 1 (ASPC1); earned grade of 100% and contributed greatly to ArmyNCO. o failed to respond to a complaint of sexual harassment/sexual assault o retaliated against a victim that filed a report of sexual harassment; does not support the SHARP program or NCOER/OER Bullets examples So after like, 20 straight minutes I managed to get onto Iperms poo. Quantify when possible. Examples can be contributed by NCOER Bullets. o utilized the HITS system with near real-time feedback allowing accurate and timely weapons effects information to be passed; validated exercise use of the HITS system o contributed to training 350-1 MOS 35X, Intelligence Senior Sergeant NCOER Bullets. MOS 35T MI Systems Maintainer/ Integrator Awards. To contribute examples, use this form. 67% average throughout the course; was recognized as distinguished Honor Graduate o provided exceptional service during his time as class leader during ASI H8 training; facilitated participation and advancement Defense Travel System (DTS) NCOER Bullets. NCOER Bullets. 351L Counterintelligence Technician OER Bullets. This impression is the sum of leader’s outward appearance, demeanor, actions, and words. MOS 92F Petroleum Supply Specialist MOS 351L, Counterintelligence Technician OER Bullets. o organized a North Korea working group that prioritized tradecraft and collection capability; improved focus on tactical indications and warnings Student Status NCOER Bullets. Gunnery NCOER Bullet Comments. If you'd like to contribute but don't see a page for your additional duty, enter it in the form at the bottom of this page (or send to editor @armywriter. See also: Air Force Personnel (3F0X1) EPR Bullets. o displayed confidence and professionalism as a Lead Defense Travel Administrator (DTA); assisted over 25 subordinate DTAs o funded 7. Back to CMF 35 NCOER Bullets. If you'd like to contribute but don't see a page for your MOS, enter it in the form at the bottom of this page (or send to editor @armywriter. NCOER 35F Intelligence Analyst ; 35G Intelligence Analyst; 35L Counterintelligence Agent ; 35F Intelligence Analyst . MOS 351L Duty Descriptions. Good NCOER bullets. Gets Results. NCOER bullets Army. Like the old bullets, I showed an action and result, but with this one I emphasized the competencies. Intel Duty Descriptions. SHARP, EO, and EEO. o taught, coached, and certified every Drill Sergeant in the unit on the Mantis-X and Black Beard systems; modernized and improved the Battalion Marksmanship program Evaluation and NCOER bullets for fosters espirit de corps, prepares self, creates a positive command/workplace environment, develops others, stewards the profession. com's Develops NCOER Bullets - Your only source for NCOER Bullets to aid in completing IVg Develops on the DA FORM 2166-9 (NCOER). MENU. MOS 92G, Culinary Specialist NCOER Bullet Examples. Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence, Leads by example, Communication. 35S Duty Descriptions. The Senior Rater Potential Evaluation (SRPE) documents an . H. o served as Container Control Officer; inspected and certified 5 containers going overseas filled with the entire unit's equipment and sensitive items before a unit deployment Needs Improvement NCOER Bullet Examples. Examples received will be listed below. Back to CMF 88 NCOER Bullets. Contributions received without stating the specific MOS will be listed at the bottom of this page. Intel NCOER Bullets. o stepped up in the absence of our FSNCO and assumed the duty in order to lead our team through live fire exercises successfully o completed high quality bi-lateral training with the Royal Thai Army with minimal guidance o conducted several 1 Examples of EPR bullets for Drug Demand Reduction Program. Intel Award Examples. MOS 35T NCOER Bullets. MOS 35G, Geospatial Intelligence Imagery Analyst NCOER bullets. MOS 35G Duty Descriptions. 35F become 35Z5O at MSG. Home; NCOERS; Awards; Counseling; developed and implemented a junior analyst training program designed to reinforce all core 35F critical tasks; Back to NCOER. Bad NCOER bullets. MSG: 35F become 35Z5O at MSG. Welcome to my Army award writing resource pages. Curious what benefits you may be missing? 67 Votes 8 Comments. docx) thanks, SSG Jones. Army values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. MOS 35X Duty Descriptions. Our NCOER Bullet Generator is a powerful tool designed to help you create precise and impactful NCOER bullets. o accomplished productive Liaisons, Key Leader Engagements and Interrogations of High Valued Individuals during Operation New Dawn o facilitated and improved the effectiveness of Iraqi counterparts, within the Karkh Area Command G2, planning and exploiting interrogations and documents Achievement-type bullets have the most impact. Home; NCOERS; Awards; Counseling; developed and implemented a junior analyst training program designed to reinforce all core 35F critical tasks; 35F Intelligence Analyst ; 35G Intelligence Analyst; 35L Counterintelligence Agent ; 35F Intelligence Analyst . 92A Automated Logistical Specialist; 92F Petroleum Supply Specialist; 92G Culinary Specialist; 92L Petroleum Laboratory Specialist; 92M Mortuary Affairs Specialist; 92R Parachute Rigger; NCOER Bullets. Instructor Award Examples. MOS 13J, Fire Control Specialist, NCOER Bullets. o drove the Bn AER initiative; his diligent efforts ensured the support of Soldiers in need o liaised with 7 units and led 3 Soldiers in an organized fund raiser; maximized the 3,000 post personnel opportunity The NCOER Bullet Assistant facilitates comprehensive performance reviews by helping users create detailed and balanced NCOER bullets that cover all necessary aspects of an NCO's performance and achievements. Thanks for your contributions! We need more examples. MOS 92Y Unit Supply Specialist NCOER Bullets. o synchronized main and alternate routes for 300 mile convoy in 3 tactical vehicles to Grand Prairie back to Round Rock, TX; zero incidents reported o chosen over Senior NCOs to be the convoy NCOIC for annual training; completed more than 150 miles with no accidents Craft impactful performance report statements and awards for the USAF, Army, Navy, USMC, and Coast Guard effortlessly with RapidEPR's generator. Develops NCOER Bullets. Recommended Positions. Instructor, Trainer, and Certifier NCOER Bullet Examples. Examples can be contributed by using the form below. 3. MOS 92G Award Examples. o acheived all "GO"s during the Brigade's communication exercise; recorded lessons learned and passed on to other sections to help complete the tasks given See more o monitored and tracked enemy composition and disposition for 10 combat aviation missions in support of 3-17 Air Cavalry Squadron; enhanced defensive posture. MOS 88M Award Examples. NCOER Bullet Assistant can be applied to multiple using scenarios to quickly give correct answers, and handle diverse tasks more easily. Contact Character NCOER Bullets: Army values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos, Discipline, SHARP, EO, and EEO. Bullets will not be longer than two lines, preferably one, Needs Improvement SHARP NCOER Bullets. Bullet comments will— 1. Back to NCOER Bullets. MOS 29E Decorations. jjru hana jjievbkt zbn ahxwd xkewyvuz hcbiz ugffc vjxv vhok