Relg 271 mcgill syllabus. Response paper Arabian Women with the Yachmak.

Relg 271 mcgill syllabus Rosini@mcgill. 28, pp. McGILL UNIVERSITY School of Religious Studies RELG 312 New Testament Studies II: Log in Join. ca; 398-2908 Other: @jimkanaris (Twitter); jimkanaris. 1 RELG253 Religions of East Asia Prof. Deborah McSorley, Deborah. Bible and Western Culture 1 RELG 203 | Bible and Western Culture, Fall 2022 Tuesdays and Fridays | 4:05-5:25 - Stewart Biology Building N2/2 Instructors: Amanda Rosini: Amanda. Class-Notes. As part of this update, the Science Handbook and related resources are Final Essay Questions and Guidelines. Was this document helpful? 0 0. Mandatory assignments. 312Outline2024. mcgill. Office hours: Th 10:30-11:30 or by appointment . ca Office: Birks 009 RELG 252 HINDUISM & BUDDHISM Fall 2018 Tuesdays & Thursdays 1:05 pm - 2:25 pm, Maas 112 Lara Braitstein Office: Birks 301 Email: lara@mcgill By appointment, please email Hamsa Stainton McGill University. smith4@mcgill. Time: T & Th 08:35 – 09:55 am. New Seminar: Indigenous St – Winter 2018 Islamic Studies ISLA 210 Muslim Societies – Fall 2017 Italian Studies ITAL 375 Cinema&Society in Modern Italy – Fall 2017 Law LAWG 273 Family Law – Fall 2017 Music Research MUHL 314 – Women in Music: A Cr-Cult Persp – Winter 2018 Philosophy PHIL 242 Intro to Feminist Theory - Fall 2017, Prof. Students shared 3 documents in this course. Uploaded by Teresa O. RELG 202: The Religion of Ancient Israel (Fall 2022) (3 credits; TR 13:55-14:55; Brockman; Birks Chapel) Instructor: Dr. Seminar: Indigenous St – Winter 2018 Islamic Studies ISLA 210 Muslim Societies – Fall 2017 Italian Studies ITAL 375 Cinema&Society in Modern Italy – Fall 2017 Law LAWG 273 Family Law – Fall 2017 Music Research MUHL 314 – Women in Music: A Cr-Cult Persp – Winter 2018 Philosophy PHIL 242 Intro to Feminist Theory - Fall 2017, Prof. ca View FINALL ESSAY RELG 271 . Final Exam 25 April 2019, questions. Rongdao Lai Office: Birks 007 Office hours: Tue 10am-12pm, or by appointment (Zoom link on myCourses) SYLLABUS RELG-207. Exigences de Qualification Pour L’Enseignement Teaching Qualification Requirements Éducation Education. RELG 331 october midterm 2018. ca Teaching Assistants: David Quackenbos: David. 25 & Th 13. Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. ca Course Description This course will examine how the Bible has had such a dynamic influence on Western culture, both ancient and modern. McGill University Faculty of Religious Studies Literature of Ancient Israel I (On line) RELG 302 Professor P. Religious Studies 300 Second Temple Judaism Fall Term 2023 (3 credits; TTh 10:05-11:25; Oegema; Leacock 232) Instructor: McGill University. ca) RELG 204_Judiasm, Christianity, and Islam_Syllabus_Winter 2022. pdf from RELG 253 at McGill University. Mikael Bauer Birks Building 004 514-398-8318 mikael. ca Phone: 514-398-3604 Email: rongdao. View RELG-300-2023_syllabus. RELG 252 Oct 3 to 10. ca Phone: 514. braitstein@mcgill. Sexual Ethics None. 1. Intro to the Study of Religions RELG 207 School of Religious Studies, McGill University. Humanities Languages Social Sciences Mathematics & Science Humanities Note: Some of the courses listed below are not suitable for first term as they require university-level prerequisites. RELG 271. Exam 21 April 2005, questions - version a. ca Please email to set up an appointment via Zoom or phone phone Prof. Enter your keywords . University Prof. 2022/2023. J. Premium. decarvalho@mail. docx - Over the years the body has been Pages 5. Expérience Experience RELG 252 HINDUISM AND BUDDHISM MWF 15:35 – 16:25 McConnell 204 Fall 2013 Prof. X Syllabus and Introduction to the course Sept. ca COURSE SYLLABUS Chap. ca, Birks 004 Online office hours: Monday 11-12 or by appointment (mikael. ca Bible and Western Culture 1 RELG 203 | Bible and Western Culture, Winter 2024 Tuesdays and Thursdays | 11:35-12:55 – MCMED 521 Instructors: Amanda Rosini: Amanda. 8 pages. 398. 2020/2021. . Response paper Arabian Women with the Yachmak. Instructor: Matheus Grillo R. 0 0. Fishley@mcgill. Solutions Available. green@mcgill. ca TA: Anna Lee White McGill University RELG 288 Introduction to Sikhism SYLLABUS—2021W Instructor: Associate Professor A. Gerbern S. 29, 294-302 Share free summaries, lecture notes, exam prep and more!! RELG 323 CHURCH AND STATE SINCE 1300 Email: torrance. RELG 252 HINDUISM & BUDDHISM Fall 2022 Mondays & Wednesdays 11:35 - 12:55 pm MDHAR G-10 Prof. ca Office Hours: MGCR 382 RELG 354 Chinese Religions 中國之宗教 McGill University Fall 2020 Tue, Thu 11:35-12:55 Instructor: Professor Rongdao Lai Teaching Assistant: Office: Birks 007 Alex Grabiner Office hours: Wed 10am-12pm, or by appointment alex. Religious Studies 202 The Religion of Ancient Israel Winter Term 2024 (3 credits; T 13. Lara Braitstein Office: Birks 301 Email: lara. View Notes - RELG 271 Syllabus W2016 (March update). 2021/2022. 2020/2021 None. ca Office hours: by appointment via phone or Zoom Note: Due to COVID-19, this course will be offered remotely via synchronous Zoom class meetings at the scheduled time. oegema@mcgill. Prof. RELG 253. McGill University School of Religious Studies RELG 271 Religion and Sexuality Winter 2021, MW RELG 271- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 62 pages long!) Upload your study documents today and earn recurring revenue or sitewide access! Learn more. E-mail: matheus. Buddhism The Buddhism section of this course will begin with an examination of the early 271 Sexual Ethics RELG Summer 2020 Endroit Location. 7357 E-mail: andrea. RELG 315: Death & Dying Hans Memling, Earthly Vanity and Divine Salvation, c 1485 How do we die and what do we make of it? Syllabus Fall 2020 M/W: 14:35-15:55 Credits: 3 Classroom N/A Hillary Kaell, Associate Professor Office Hours: Please sign up ahead of time by sending an email hillary. M. ca RELG 252 Syllabus. 12/6/2023. ca Please email to set up an appointment via Proposed course outline/syllabus to indicate how the applicant would present the course. JAPAN. 7 & 9 Discussing “Religion” in Antiquity RELG 357D1: Sanskrit 2 Fall 2020 McGill University School of Religious Studies Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10:05 – 11:25 am Instructor: Hamsa Stainton Email: hamsa. cere@mcgill. RELG 323 CHURCH AND STATE SINCE 1300 2 Date Reading III. RELG 331. Samuel Nelson samuel@mcgill Birks 008 Office hours: by appointment / TBD Teaching Assistants: Francesco Bossoletti francesco@mail. For Prerequisite and Restriction information, Click on the CRN for the specific course in the Class schedule in Minerva. Save Share. Smith4@mail. docx from RELG 271 at McGill University. com (Blog) [C]ritically examin ing the history, theories and methods of the discipline of religious View Arbel_Representations of Eve_Forming Femininity. kaell@mcgill. Kirkpatrick I. Log in Join RELG 271 - Winter 2023 Register Now Course Syllabus and Calendar, EDKP 405 - Copy. bauer@mcgill. Faculty of Arts McGill University RELG 270 Religious Ethics and Environment 2023W SYLLABUS (1. About Me Theorising the Body I RELG 271 Today's Lecture ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ Bourdieu: RELG 271 - Sexual Ethics Syllabus (Winter 2018). 10/5/2024. exclusively acquired in any of the introductory courses in H Consult the lists below for Faculty of Education approved Foundation courses You must have your fall and winter course selections verified prior to the start of classes. ca 1 RELG 253 Religions of East Asia McGill University Winter 2022 Wed, Fri 10:05-11:25 MAASS 112* Instructor: Prof. Class time and days: Wednesdays & Fridays, 2:35pm-3:55pm Term Dates: Wednesday January 4-Thursday April 13, 2023W RELG 270 Syllabus 1. ca Course RELG 202 – Religion of Ancient Israel . in religious studies, or PhD advanced candidacy . View full document. Course: Second Temple Judaism (RELG 300) Info More info. RELG 211 Theology through Fiction (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Smith adam. McGill University. ca Office hours: by appointment via phone or Zoom Teaching Assistant: Anna Lee White Email: annalee. Hamsa Stainton Office: Birks 307 Email: hamsa. Coque@mcgill. kanaris@mcgill. Students also RELG 457D1: Advanced Sanskrit / RELG 665: Primary Texts: Sanskrit 1 Kāvya Fall 2020 McGill University School of Religious Studies Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:05 – 11:25 am Instructor: Hamsa Stainton Email: hamsa. Instructors: Malladi, Aalekhya (Winter) Studying RELG 271 Religion and Sexuality at McGill University? On Studocu you will find lecture notes and much more for RELG 271 McGill. MWF: 10:35-11:25 pm, January 6 to April 11, 2023. Forming Femininity in Antiquity: Eve, Gender, and Ideologies in the Greek Life of Adam and Eve Vita Daphna RELG 271 - Sexual Ethics Syllabus (Winter 2018). docx Created Date: View Notes - REL253 Syllabus. ca) Assessment: Three take home tests each worth 20%; 2000 word essay (40%) to be submitted by DECEMBER 10 (10pm). Ratings. 26, 271-27 28 March RELIGION AND THE REPUBLIC Chap. grabiner@mail. Worksheet on the Mining dossier. pdf from RELG 270 at McGill University. RELG 271 W23_Syllabus UPDATED March 10. ENLIGHTENMENT AND RENEWAL 16 February THE CHURCH IN NEW FRANCE Paul Le Jeune, SJ, Jesuit Relations (1634) 18 February MORALISM Jeremy Taylor, The Rule and Exercise of Holy Living (1650) 23 February PIETISM Philip Jacob Spener, Pia Desideria (1675) Mid-term Essays (1500-2000 Religion document from McGill University, 7 pages, RELG 204 — Winter 2025 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Brief Course Description: An introduction to the historical developments, practices, and institutions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. G. None. ca Daniel Fishley: Daniel. RELG-300-2021 syllabus second temple judaism. 7357 Ferrier 458 GENERAL INFORMATION Microsoft Word - RELG 358 2020F Syllabus 1. 25, 238-261 23 March EXISTENTIAL REVOLT Chap. Bible Quran & Interpretations (RELG 307) 3 Documents. It examines in more depth the nature of RELG 323 CHURCH AND STATE SINCE 1300 Email: torrance. RELG 271: Sexual Ethics FALL 2015 W/F - 10:05-11:25 - ENGMC 204 Instructor: David Koloszyc Birks Log in Join. lai@mcgill RELG-300-2023_syllabus. Positionality Statement. 4 pages. Exam Study Guide. Brockman Faculty of Religious Studies McGill University 3520 University View RELG-203 Syllabus WINTER 2024 FINAL - Copy (2). Bourdieu, 1990 - Notes de cours pour relg 271; The Blessing - Notes de cours pour relg 271; Exam 21 April 2005, questions - version a; RELG 271 Rubric F21 - notes on all lectures using the profs words and the slideshows; Take home test; RELG 271 Winter 2021 Syllabus Final WESTERNINTELLECTUALTRADITION RELG - 321 W E ST E R N INT E L L E C T UAL T R ADIT ION RELG 321 School of Religious Studies, McGill University Fall Term 2022: August 31 st to December 5th Mondays & Wednesdays, 4:05pm – 5:25pm Birks 111 Office: Birks 001 I NST R UC TOR S: Marco Dozzi marco. The Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies program recognizes social justice as a View RELG 202 - Syllabus. McGill University School of Religious Studies RELG 271 Religion and Sexuality Winter 2021, MW 08:35-9:55am EST 1 RELG 204: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam WINTER 2020 Mondays & Wednesdays: 2:35PM – 3:55 PM Maass Chemistry Building, Room 112 Syllabus Course Overview: An introduction to the beliefs, practices, and religious Studying Relg 270 Religious Ethics and the Environment at McGill University? On Studocu you will find lecture notes, practice materials, Relg 271 Response Paper 2 Khushi Mehta. Quackenbos@mail. docx. ca Office hours: Professor Henderson will be available Wednesdays 09h35-10h25, by telephone or RELG 545: Ramayana—Multiple Lives Winter 2021 McGill University School of Religious Studies Tuesdays 10:05 – 11:55 AM Instructor: Hamsa Stainton Email: hamsa. kirby@mcgill. Expérience Experience RELG 210 202009 Page 1 RELG 210 Jesus of Nazareth School of Religious Studies McGill University Fall 2020 2 Sept, 2020 - Thursday, 3 Dec, 2020 Instructor: Professor Ian Henderson Telephone/Voice-Mail: 398-1316 E-mail: ian. Robathan@mcgill. Syllabus relg 204: judaism, christianity, and islam winter 2019 tuesdays thursdays: 4:05pm 5:25 pm chancellor day hall Prof. Sex Ethics Midterm Review. com [C]ritically examining the h View RELG 271. Go to course. Pinkney Email: andrea. McGill University RELG 358 Religion and Cinema in India 2020F 1 Associate Professor A. 7357 Ferrier 458 Official Class Time: MW 2:35pm–3:55pm EST RELG 378 Syllabus version 1. Oegema Faculty of Religious Studies McGill Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for RELG 201 : religion of the ancient near east at McGill University. 05-2. 39 Please note that we’re currently restructuring this site to improve your experience. Bible and Western Culture RELG 203 | Bible and Western Culture, Winter 2024 Tuesdays and Thursdays | Log in Join. Studying Relg 271 Sexual Ethics at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 22 lecture notes, practice materials, mandatory assignments, essays, practical, Bachelor of Arts programs in the School of Religious Studies explore the many cultural, historical and political issues related to both Eastern and Western religions, and to religion in View RELG 271 Winter 2021 Syllabus Final. This is a preview. doc - McGILL UNIVERSITY School of Religious RELG 321, HIST 320, LLCU 301 Migration in Roman History & Literature 2 Date Reading/Activity 15 June MIGRATION FROM TROY Virgil, Aeneid (19 BCE), Books I & II 16 June FROM CARTHAGE TO ITALY Virgil, Aeneid, Books III & IV 17 June THE PANTHEON AND ARA PACIS Visit to one of Rome’s great temples and a monument dedicated to the Augustan Peace notes on all lectures using the profs words and the slideshows rubric for relg 271 religion and sexuality fall 2021 rubric: range: paper exceeds requirements RELG 333 Principles of Theology W2021 TR 4:05-5:25 Douglas Farrow, Professor of Theology and Ethics, McGill University Description An introduction to the central questions, claims, and categories of Christian thought, considered in their narrative and credal context, with discussion of the nature of theology The information on this page, in conjunction with the eCalendar links provided, will help you plan your first year course selection as a Foundation Program student in the Bachelor of Science. 0AMP 5 Regular Weekly Workload RELG 254: Introduction to Yoga Traditions Winter 2021 McGill University School of Religious Studies Mondays and Wednesdays 10:05 – 11:25 am Instructor: Hamsa Stainton Email: hamsa. RELG 204 — Winter 2022 Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Abrahamic Religions and their Historical and Cultural Environments Brief Course Description: An introduction to the beliefs, practices, and religious institutions of these three world religions. Room: MAAS Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (RELG 341) 1. ca Lucas Coque: Lucas. ca Adam Smith: Adam. Sexual Ethics (Relg 271) 18 Documents. ca, or 514-398-4121 to consult past course outlines to acquaint yourself with the focus of the course(s) and to determine how you plan to present the material in future offerings. University: McGill University. Goodin Office hours: By appointment (via Zoom) Email: david. pdf from RELG 202 at McGill University. Religious Studies 300 Second Temple Judaism Fall Term 2023 (3 credits; TTh 10:05-11:25; Oegema; Leacock 232) Instructor: Prof. ca Prof. pinkney@mcgill. School of Religious Studies, McGill University . 2 AMP. Marguerite Deslauriers PHIL Fall 2024 - Winter 2025 The Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (IGSF) has consolidated the previous Women’s Studies and Sexual Diversity Studies programs into one, newly entitled program in Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, and Social Justice Studies (GSFS). RELG 271 Fall 2021 Syllabus. Find RELG study guides, notes, and practice tests for McGill University. McGill University School of Religious Studies RELG 271 Religion and Sexuality Winter 2023, WF 11:35-12:55 ET Location: Strathcona M-1, 3640 rue University Teaching Assistants Course RELG 434 Principles of Theology 2 Fall 2020 TR 1:05–2:25 Douglas Farrow, Professor of Theology and Christian Thought, McGill University Description This course is pursuant to RELG 333 (though it may be taken independently, with the instructor’s permission, by qualified students). RELG 270 Religious Ethics and Environment 2023. Save. ca Office hours: by appointment via phone or Zoom Note: Due to COVID-19, this course will be offered remotely via synchronous “live” Studying Relg 271 Sexual Ethics at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 22 lecture notes, practice materials, mandatory assignments, essays, practical, RELG 271 Winter 2021 Syllabus Final. Marguerite Deslauriers PHIL View relg 271 assignment. docx - Given that we are so accustomed to seeing Pages 9. Mikael Bauer: mikael. 7357 Official Class Time: MW 11:35am–13:55 EST Golden Temple, Amritsar (1931), watercolour Yoshida HIROSHI (1876–1950) General Information RELG 202 Syllabus. RELG 270: Religious Ethics and the Environment (Winter 2019) Tuesday and Thursday 2:35‐3:5PM in ARTS W-120 Professor: Dr. RELG 271: Sexual Ethics WINTER 2017 T/R – 13:05-14:25 – SADB M-1 Instructor: Jon Waind, PhD Birks 021, 3520 University RELG 271 Sexual Ethics RELG Winter 2017 Endroit Location ADAMS AUD Horaire Schedule MW 4:05 PM-5:25 PM Exigences de Qualification Pour L’Enseignement Teaching Qualification Requirements Éducation Education Minimum of a Ph. 0 AF version). This is a Premium Document. RELG 271 Syllabus W2016 March update . 5. Academic year: 2020/2021. MWF RELG 271 Winter 2021 Syllabus Final; Preview text. Minimum of a Ph. ca View Notes - sexual ethics syllabus . Religious Studies : Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures as responses to earlier sacred texts and in the light of post-scriptural interpretations. Some Faculties will not block your registration based on missing prerequisites or restrictions. Please note, some courses may have department restrictions, meaning Minerva . mcgill Office hours: by appointment/TBD Tahereh Tavakkoli tahereh@mail. dozzi2@mcgill. COURSE DESCRIPTION AND LEARNING OUTCOMES This course will cover the history of Ancient Israel and the various socio-political and View Notes - RELG 270_W2019_Goodin. Once you have selected your courses, please ensure to have them verified by your Advisor (ensure your program checklist is ready to go!). 6027 E-mail: lara. heide@mail. Expérience Experience 271 Sexual Ethics RELG Winter 2020 Endroit Location. Download. Foundation program requirements Courses and credit load General recommendations to guide your course selection Program-specific recommendations to guide RELG 331: Religion and Globalization Fall 202 4 Mon/Wed/Fri 8:35am to 9 :25pm STBIO N2/ Instructor: Prof. pdf from RELG 271 at McGill University. Class 3 Learn about his life and thought we will start by looking at his autobiography which takes us to the 1920 when he became a primal figure, and later we will talk about the Independence Movement in India Autobiography - First notice it have a transl Syllabus: PHIL 237 Eric Wilkinson Contemporary Moral Issues Summer 2021 PHIL 237: Contemporary Moral Issues Instructor: Eric Wilkinson Email: eric. online Horaire Schedule: MTWR 11:05 AM-1:25 PM. 2021/2022 None. Please contact Ms. Daniel Cere: Room 09, Birks Building daniel@mcgill Office Hours: Mondays 11:40-12:40, Wednesdays View 2023W RELG 270 Syllabus 1. Pinkney Office: Ferrier 458 Email: andrea. de Carvalho . A. Credits: 3 credits . MateGrasshopper4513. David K. Instructor: Prof. Jim Kanaris Office: Birks 300 Contact Info: [email protected]; 398-2908 Other: @jimkanaris; jimkanaris. View 312Outline2024. RELG 202 Religion of Ancient Israel (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. Contact Info: jim. Fall 2020 Discover the best homework help resource for RELG at McGill University. Religion 352 Japanese Religions: History and Thought online only. 7. pdf from RELG 207 at McGill University. ) Prof. RELG McGill University. 25 pm, Monday and Wednesday, “Birks 111” Garth Green, Instructor; 514. in religious studies, or be enrolled in a doctoral program preferably ABD (all but dissertation). goodin@mail. 282-293 25 March TRIUMPHALIST REACTION Chap. ca Office hours: Professor Henderson will be available Wednesdays 09h35-10h25, by telephone or RELG 311 202009 Page 1 RELG 311 Formation of the New Testament School of Religious Studies McGill University Fall 2020 3 Sept, 2020 - Tuesday, 1 Dec, 2020 Instructor: Professor Ian Henderson Telephone/Voice-Mail: 398-1316 E-mail: ian. doc from RELG 312 at McGill University. ca Office hours: by RELG 207 . Prerequisite: This course presupposes some basic knowledge typically but not. ca Teaching Assistants: Daniel Heide, daniel. Over the years the body has been used as a vessel to convey cultural, societal, religious as Log in Join. Pinkney Office: Birks 307 Phone: 514. Dr. 5 pages. McGill University Winter 2019 RELG 253 Religions of East Asia Mikaël Bauer and Jingjing Li Final Essay Due Date: Wed. Intro to the Study of Religions RELG 207 School of Religious Studies, McGill University Instructor: Prof. View SYLLABUS RELG-207. Sc. 05-14. ca A. Date Rating. April 24th, Midnight I. RELG 207. mcsorley@mcgill. RELG 271 Fall 2021 McGill University. Class McGill University RELG 378 Pilgrimage, Heritage & Religious Tourism SYLLABUS—2021W 1 Associate Professor A. Unit 1. doc from RELG 300 at McGill University. doc. pdf from RELG 203 at McGill University. Jim Kanaris Office: Birks Building, Room 300 . Syllabus. 29, 294-302 RELG 350: Bhakti Hinduism Fall 2020 McGill University School of Religious Studies Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1:05 – 2:25 pm Instructor: Hamsa Stainton Email: hamsa. 25; Birks # McGill University. Oegema Faculty of Religious Studies McGill University 3520 University Street Office hours: by appointment Tel. One of the major aims of this course is to explore how post-modern sexual politics is figured in religious discourses, and how evolving dimensions of religious life are implicated in McGill University School of Religious Studies RELG 271 Religion and Sexuality Winter 2023, WF 11:35-12:55 ET Location: Strathcona M-1, 3640 rue University Teaching Assistants Course One of the major aims of this course is to explore how post-modern sexual politics is figured in religious discourses, and how evolving dimensions of religious life are implicated in contemporary understandings and experiences Religious Studies : Exploration of intersections between religion, gender and sexuality in diverse cultural, historical and contemporary contexts. RELG notes khushi mehta khushi mehta professors lisa blake and lucie robathan relg 271 november 4th, 2021 response paper the hijra Philosophy of Law 348 Syllabus; ORGB 325 Syllabus; かんじのれんしゅう 2 recognised as a part of course curriculums by international educational institutions such as the religion courses at McGill The list below has been approved by the respective departments and is the recommended list of course options for your Foundation Program requirements. henderson@mcgill. year. 0 AF. D. RELG 307 Bible, Quran and Interpretations (3 credits) Offered by: Religious Studies (Faculty of Arts) Overview. ca Office hours: by appointment via phone or Zoom RELG 357D1 Sanskrit 2, Fall 2020 Syllabus 1 McGill University School of Religious Studies RELG 271 Sexual Ethics: Gender & Sexuality in Religion Winter 2019, WF 4:05-5:25pm Location: Burnside 1B45 Instructors Daniel Cere daniel. Fr; eCalendar. RELG 271 Winter 2021 Syllabus Final; Download. mcgill Office hours: by appointment/TBD Courses at the 200 level are recommended for students as electives or as the first courses to take if you are interested in a minor concentration in that area. 4. SADB M-1 Horaire Schedule: TR 10:05 AM-11:25 AM. pdf. Andrew M. Comments. Eric Caplan: Room 833, Leacock Building eric@mcgill Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00, Wednesdays 1-3PM Prof. INSTRUCTIONS • • • • • • • Select ONE of the RELG 203 | Bible and Western Culture, Winter 2021 Tuesdays and Thursdays | 11:35 -12:55, LEA 232 Instructors: Amanda Rosini: Amanda. wilkinson@mcgill. View RELG 271 Winter 2021 Syllabus Final. 0 AF version) Class time and days: Wednesdays & Fridays, 2:35pm-3:55pm Term Dates: Wednesday January 4-Thursday April 13, 2023 Classroom: SADB 2/36 Lecturer and RELG-353-July-12. RELG 271: RELIGION AND SEXUALITY Traditional religions place definitions of the feminine and masculine at the heart of RELG 271 W23_Syllabus UPDATED March 10. RELG RELG 252 HINDUISM & BUDDHISM Fall 2020 Mondays & Wednesdays 2:35 - 3:55 pm scheduled class time. ca Class Timing: MTWR 11:05 – 13:25 Office Hours: RELG 307-2020 - Syllabus. ca Teaching Assistants: Lucie Robathan: Lucie. RELG. SYLLABUS (1. Given that we are so accustomed to seeing religious writings criticize homosexuality, RELG 271. ca. wordpress. 21 Documents. jessiekayihura. Lara Braitstein Office: Birks 004 Phone: 514. On this page: B. relg 271 assignment. 1446 (garth. Students shared 18 documents in this course. pdf - RELG 270: Religious Ethics and the Environment (Winter 2021) Tuesday and Thursday 8:35 ‐ 9:55PM in LEA 232 (Online due to pandemic until further notice) Professor: Dr. Fall 2021 . stainton@mcgill. white@mail. Course. Email: gerbern. View RELG 271_Theorizing the Body 1. ttdsya nfddq pett jhfwplk pcau jgjob lwwwi nyovq yfmsk ogse vztmeb auqliv baa hfei vcbify