Wows zao captain skills. Or drop a 1 point skill and get RPF.

Wows zao captain skills 7 Grease the Gears; 2. Well the first ten points are basic, as you can see my final ZAO captain (and iirc my final 155 Mogami captain as well) have EM skilled. She is fun, but watch her reloads. It's interesting as it often shows the most popular 19pt Captain builds, but also some alternatives that might be better for different playstyles, like a Warspite Secondary build, or a Warspite Survivable build, Warspite Anti-fire/asbestos build, A friendly reminder from your r/WorldOfWarships Mod Team!. Question Im currently struggling quite a lot to figure out HOW I should be getting both my captain to perform competitive in T10 matchs. Second Channel for full games and Stream Highlights: https://www. Instead, just stick with your standard concealment/reload build, and focus on positioning and map awareness to stay alive. At 11 points, it is just the standard starter set of skills anyway. Maybe take Vigilance+Double Fighter plane/Radio Location. Makes the ship absurdly tanky to fire damage especially with the heal. Note: I currently use Yamamoto on my Izumo (painful grind. If you plan on going up the line without respeccing, I would skip EM altogether despite some discomfort at tiers 5 and 7. But, since the recent changes, I've noticed the 'Bots are doing a better job of setting my ship on fire, repeatedly. Yamamoto Isoroku commander. The three points for Demolition Expert could also be spent a lot more effectively on one-point skills. Time one's use of the main-guns to coincide with opportunities. Captain skills though should go towards the torpedos, with them, Jinan is a true pain to deal with when pushed into. I suggest checking out some of the CC’s videos on her. 11. With Clan Battle specific captain skills, modules and upgrades I'm PQ, I make videos about World of Warships. Tier 3 skill should be either Demolition Expert or Superintendent. 1. Captain skills, already done, has lots of different builds, ship specific and voted for by Captains. 1 Base Skills. Zao is a stealth ambush CA with high HE (and AP) alpha strike, guns that deliver shells exactly were u want them and most often enough survivabillity to get out of said position again. 11 Priority Target; 2. Zao and Atago use a standard kiting cruiser build. Many players will only have 10 or 12 point captains and it's not always obvious which of the 3 and 4 point skills should be taken first. Or drop a 1 point skill and get RPF. However, for the US fast BBs, the Just build the captain the same way you would for the Zao. "The Blood Angels, originally known as the Revenant Legion were the IX Legion of the original Space Marine Legions under their Primarch Sanguinius. Optimal Configuration. Then I'd be tempted to go for Gun Feeder because that 8" AP has quite a punch against cruisers and it's nice to be able to switch in a hurry, especially with the recent buff and Priority Target to round out the build. 4th slot: obligatory concealment, the captain skill that boosts your reload, if someone is in your concealment range, the skill that gives you bonus speed and accuracy. 8 Inertia Fuse for HE Shells; 2. It helps that my Zao captain has a bunch of floater points; like a previous poster said only 13 are really non-negotiable, and pretty much all the other options are a big ball of meh. Aug 30, 2022 · For those who want to start or return to the game, here is a referral link where you can get started with many bonuses: https://warships. You don't need superintendent until T9. Tier 12 skills either depending on class - Deck protection isn’t all that great and barely buffs a ships armour and is mostly beneficial on BBs. So far I have: -Priority Target -Last Stand -Vigilance -Superintendent -Concealment Expert I'm thinking Smoke Screen Expert or Adrenaline Rush, but I could really use some tips from those whom have played the ship more. DM can absolutely run SE, especially if you use the same captain on Salem as Salem 100% wants SE. Swift Fish and Priority Target are also ok skills to take. Little Note No one in the Japanese Naval High Command said: "Damn those torpedo angles on the Myoko-class suck, we can't rush the enemy BBs in close combat. EM is kind of weird. Heck maybe in the current anti-Zao meta manual AA might even be worthwhile. A volley of twelve laser-guided 5400 damage AP shells is absolutely disgusting, and 6 seconds is often the difference between getting to nail those citadels or the enemy getting the time to Dec 29, 2024 · If one intends to utilize Zao's torpedoes, do so with stealth. In that sense; Zao I think. Bonus points for double Jinan + Yueyang division. Then adrenaline rush at 13, and the remaining points would go into grease the gears, top grade gunner or radio location (I use and prefer radio location for the extra intelligence utility, but if you’re going for a more damage focused build you could use top grade gunner), and super The last 8 points can go into Swift in Silence and Torpedo skills for torpedo boats like the Shimakaze line. That's the must have 15 point captain. Similarly, for ships with Advanced Firing Training you may want to skip Last Stand and use the points on Preventative Maintenance. Ein in allen Belangen sehr leistungsstarker Kreuzer. This video shows 2 games Oct 31, 2022 · The Yodo is the newest Tech-Tree T10 Japanese Light Cruiser. It has 12x 203mm guns with improved HE alpha and dispersion. 7) deg/s to traverse speed of guns with a caliber above 139 mm In the hands of a confident and well learned captain, Kleber, like Minotaur, peaks the upper echelons of the skill ceiling matrices. Question Hi, I am new to the game and started grinding American battleships. So far I'm liking my build and works well with the medium-long range play style of the yoshino (In my opinion) Plus having the reload shaved down to 16 seconds (same time as the atago) really helps with her damage and overall improves her performance greatly After the captain rework I find that most cruiser can justifiably run SE after it got buffed. Yamamoto Isoroku receives improved skills. 1 Gun Feeder; 2. Decided to give the new commander skills a try and see if the SubSanity ever died down (sadly it didn't). I will add that the wiki is pretty much a "general" approach, whereas Yurra's guide is primarily for random builds. 6 Preventive Maintenance; 2. So, for most of my captain skills decisions, I use the WoWs shared captain skills google doc. A place for Warhammer 40k Blood Angels and their successors. Discover detailed stats, optimized builds, player ratings, and more for ★ Zao in World of Warships: Legends. I don't even feel that the skills are that essential in normal gameplay. For a long time, I didn't bother with Fire Prevention. 12 AA Defense and ASW Captain skills - > battleship . Problem is still that nobody hits with the asw planes, I sure as hell can't predict which direction the thing is going to go in 15 seconds even when I see them. What you pick next, is completely up to you. DE for the fire bread and butter. While her potential is inarguable, Kleber has quite lack luster defenses, especially when caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. imagine playing the game every day and still not knowing what these skills are called lol Posted by u/Glynwys - 5 votes and 12 comments For the first 10 points, I’d go with expert loader, priority target, superintendent, concealment expert. Unstoppable Zaō — Japanischer Stufe X Kreuzer. Yoshino is a brain dead dmg farmer and has all the tools for it. 8 during the Origin of Wisdom Campaign for Mainz and Sirocco. The final stage of these sequential bundles cost 20,000 doubloons, and unlocking Yodo on the first day of the patch cost players up to 83,000 doubloons. wows zao captain skills 2019welche unterlagen für visum. Previously, I found that with AFT on my Zao, I couldn't really survive air attacks, so I went with DE. It has 18x 150mm guns. Swift Fish and Fill the Tubes are the most important, but you need to pick between SiS+FtT plus a 1 point skill, OR the 2+3 point torpedo skills, + whatever you prefer. Des Moines benefits greatly for having a better EM. On top of Torpedo Armament Expertise is optional, so you may want to save the points from that and something else to get Level 4 or 5 skills sooner. If you compare Zao and DM, where Zao normally takes the range mod (or the special mod) that does not penalize traverse, while DM takes a traverse penalty for taking the reload mod, DM actually will come out to have worse turret traverse than Zao. It's just that after the last buff of the 155s the turret traverse is acutally fairly good. If you want a suggestion for later in your build, get Eye in the Sky. Biggest issue I have with these type of docs is they don't rank the individual skills for builds with less captain points. All my high point captains got traded in with the captain skills rework so I could bump up the captains that had special skills. 2. This feature provides Zao Apr 5, 2024 · Yamamoto was the captain of my Yamato for a long time, but since I don’t play tier X very often and also have Shikishima he is now trained for Nagato. So many of the skills now are situational, more HP not so much. People keep suggesting IFHE on Mogami but unless you want to play Mogami forever you will have to respec for Ibuki and Zao. Developed after the end of World War II from the Neptune-class . It's a non-trivial amount of additional effective HP. I’m using Ciliax for Arena, with Cunningham and Hipper as inspirations. Next up on the review list for this update is another older cruiser, Atago, which represents one of the first campaign and later GXP ships brought to the game. SI for the heal. 2 Demolition Expert; 2. an Akizuki with a heal - type line (why not? If the answer is yes to the first half, go with the 155mm guns and a captain with IFHE and you have a Mogami with a really scarry gun batterie that can punch out a lot of damage. youtube. FdG's health and above all detectability skyrockets from Bismarck on, which means you become even more vulnerable to fires and long range shelling. 9 Brisk; 2. See full list on wiki. " Torpedo angles are purely an arcade thing in WOWS. It's kinda funny. I have barely played in the last year or so due to my frustration with subs and WG. It is a heavy cruiser. Standard IJN CA build works great, and you can keep moving the captain up the tech tree line. Dec 14, 2024 · These adjustments enable Zao captains to maintain effective firepower without needing to expose as much broadside, thereby improving survivability. Use Captain's skills and hull-modules to improve the Zao's concealment as much as possible. Expert Loader is a good thing to have with the Zao's reload, and Direction Center for Catapult Aircraft can at the same time help you defend against planes, spot torpedoes more frequently and spot ships What are the recommended captain skills for the Furutaka? The ship has the bigger 203mm guns, so the usual cruiser skills that apply to 155mm or less don't make as much sense. Verglichen mit den vorhergehenden Klassen schwerer Kreuzer hatte die Zaō mehr Hauptbatterie- und Fla-Geschütze, eine dickere Panzerung und verstärkte Torpedobewaffnung. Torps and smokes for the entire match. ): I already had a Zao captain. by; on August 6, 2020; under hochzeit madeleine von schweden einzug • bundesliga fans ranking For example, if you hate the turret traverse a lot, you can switch EL and PM for EM. If the answer is no to the first half and you train the captain for either Ibuki or Zao, go with the 203mm guns and play it just like you did Myoko before. Oct 5, 2022 · The Zao is a Tech-Tree Tier 10 Japanese Cruiser. All lootboxes, Supercontainers, random bundles, and "Surprise mechanics" drops are prohibited, paid, free, or otherwise. Ibuki and Zao are able to get some really good range when running Let's take a look at one of World of Warships' oldest cruiser lines: the Japanese heavies. : I like to play agressively. Pair that with the slot 4 damage con module and you take 34 second fires. ly/LivestreamTeamkrado🔸 Discord Te For the last 3 points of a 19 point captain, I'd take Vigilance instead, assuming SI already. Jul 7, 2023 · Second Channel for full games and Stream Highlights: https://www. Mostly I've been killin Captain Skills: Priority Target, Expert Marksman, Superintendent, Concealment Expert, Adrenaline Rush, Demolition Expert. I had a bunch of 19 pointers too. I would also recommended OP to use Spotter Plane instead of catapult fighter as well. A major update for Zao is the addition of a torpedo turning feature, which increases the versatility of its torpedoes. 3 Consumables Specialist; 2. I guess I won't changing them that much then. We have to improve them. IF the IJN would get a 'Kidd' DD, say. Expert Marksman +3 (up from +2. She can be fitted out as an anti-aircraft platform rivaling that of Des Moines; she can boost her main battery range and rain shells on opponents from positions that make her difficult to hit; she can boost the rate of fire of her Nov 3, 2024 · I won't use him because it is so cheap to train a 10 point captain for a ship than it would be to train a 21 point captain. net/YoutubeWarshipsW With Clan Battle specific captain skills, modules and upgrades Some lower points skills could be swapped around more or less freely depending on the ship and build (for example eyes in the sky if you have spotter or consumable skills to improve radar/speed boost duration or reload when appropriate, maybe the torp skills on Jinan, etc). Noch nicht genug von Teamkrado? Hier gibt es alle Links & Infos!! 💖 💖 💖 🔸 Twitch/Livestreams "Teamkrado": https://bit. Elevate your gameplay for this tier ★ Japan Cruiser. Examples: ~ Fire just before sailing behind an island, to become undetected and avoid return fire from opposing ships. 5 knots of speed,equal to Zao and beated by Henri IV,Alexander Nevsky and Venezia(unsurprisngly You have an outrageous 1050 meters of turning circle,this thing turns like a truck. Edit: I just saw your Myoko captain build. Miss manage that and you will get out gunned super fast. wargaming. Captain Skills. If it is just for Kidd, maybe Demolition Expert. As for perks in general RPF is pretty decent on the IJN cruisers. Many T10 cruisers should take SE, and especially low HP ones like Zao, Minotaur and Worcester. Demo experts effectiveness decreases somewhat as you get closer to T10. Personally I run SE, but my Zao is still set up for clan battles (back when it was still a relevant ship >_<). net I second'd this build. Modules. Any recommended build for Zao's captain? (Not Yamamoto, he is on Yamato). Skills to avoid - Exploit weaknesses Fire and flood resistances IFHE. In reality the angles didn't matter and it wasn't something that had to be "improved". The Zao has better 85mm+ AA than the DM, meaning Manual AA is better for Zao while AFT is better for Des Moines. Citadels are more great for hard hitting BBs St. Mar 2, 2025 · There is a "Captain Build Resources" page that provides WoWs Wiki link and a direct link to Google documents (by Yurra) regarding captain builds. At last, we come to Tier X's Zao. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but secondary build only works up to and including the Bismarck imho. Torpedo Turning Feature and Adjusted Firing Angles. It’s much more important for you to learn how to play the ship. My build on DesMo is pretty standard: - Main-Armament Mod 1 - Damagecontrol Mod 1 - Aiming System Mod1 - Propulsion Mod 1 - Concealment Mod 1 - Main Battery Mod 3 (you can take Gun Fire Control System Mod 2, which will increase your range to about 18km, but I personally don't like it since DesMo, like pretty much all US ships, has very floaty shells arcs which makes hitting targets at ranges Yoshino. Now it has better torps and turrets angles If you intend to continue the line, as I imagine, ignore the final 3 skills, save the points for Superintendent (extra heal for Ibuki and Zao), maybe take Last Stand anyway, and final 2 points for Eye in the Sky or the AA buff. It has improved dispersion (relative to other large cruisers like Alaska and Stalingrad) and decently effective HE and AP shells as well as torpedoes (two quad launchers per side, with the choice of Zao's 12km or Shima's 20km torps). And exp Update 0. Keep in mind that manual AA stacks with defensive fire. Is it better to get fire prevention or last stand, and superintendent or vigilance? Appreciate any help, and advice in general. Jun 27, 2023 · Second Channel for full games and Stream Highlights: https://www. I only had a few games in this and had good results, i. Discord Just got my Zao today, and wondering what the general approach with commander skills is. Anyhow, as I am grinding these two lines I Am finding I am getting a massive amount of shatters when firing at superstructure and deck. My general approach to these types of special captains is to place them according to where their improved skills will have the most benefit on a ship I enjoy playing regularly. Wow nice write-up! The Mogami skills are indeed very similar to your suggestions. I run Kidd captain on Black too so I have Consumables Enhancements as the last skill. 4 Emergency Repair Specialist; 2. Thus, Yoshino’s same-strength 25mm number in that area is actually quite in-line with the other Cruisers in its Tiering range. Unless you want to run 155s with the "Mo Money" Mogami, you won't need IFHE. Primarily a long range HE platform, in many ways it's a Mega-Zao. My old Furutaka captain is now my Zao's resident pyromaniac. But as a free to play player, have limited amount of resources to reset commander skills. Last two points you can choose quite freely. You CAN build them as lighthouse range build, but there are lots of other cruisers better at it. A light cruiser design with a more powerful and sophisticated AA system. 10: Available in early access as the last bundle out of 9 in the Japanese Cruisers event. May 5, 2020 · You can play like a BB if you must and a lot of the lines like Atago, Zao etc. Standard ijn cruiser captain skills is still the best. After years of using nerf hammer on my beloved Zao, War Gaming finally saw the truth and buffed this amazing ship. But you are right, since I kept the Mogami I will just train a new captain then. Oct 2, 2024 · Just recently found this guy's channel and since then have reworked a lot of my ship builds (modules and captain skills) and also gotten some new knowledge/insight regarding certain ships that even I didn't know before. 1 Situational Awareness; 2 Battleship Skills. In particular, I am unsure for the tier 2 and tier 3 skills. But I am unsure if this is the most fun build for Henry. You have a pretty decent 10,9 seconds of rudder shift Concealment(45) Nov 2021 Added to WoWS Builds. PT helps especially while open water gunboating. tv/p Your T3 and T4 skills should be BoS, AR, Conceal, FP, and ERE. 00:00 - Intro00:08 - Meet Zao02: The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Ideally, I'd like to avoid re-specing the captain again as I progress to higher tier ships (stupid WG extortion tac Posted by u/keepsummertime - 2 votes and 20 comments It's about 8% more HP on the Worcester, plus all of your heals heal for 8% more. That leaves you with 4 more. 5 Incoming Fire Alert; 2. Atago. 10 Vigilance; 2. But I have been wondering about swapping them out. You want it on the Konigsberg and Yorck, but Nurnberg and then Hipper up have quite good turret traverse and EM doesn't help that much. Expert loader is definitely worth it for Zao. I need some help choosing good Minotaur captain skills. 3rd slot: ugh Adrenaline rush and SI wow such original, who would have thought. The fire chance nerf is pretty major but like OP said the combo of Kuznetsov and shatter makes fires pretty unreliable, and if you're the only effective You have an impressive 34. Obs. Off the top of my head- Priority Target first, then Expert Marksman so you can turn your guns before dying of old age. Dec 23, 2023 · Put your trust in your reading and comprehension skills. Yodo can still torp well, just not as good as Jinan, but Jinan doesn't have glaring deficiencies outside her specialization. Good luck, Captain 🫡 Technically the Azuma is the same (on PC Original Wows), with 25mm Bow / Stern. Excellent Kiter; Witherer; Great Torpedoes; Scope: It's v 3. Zao is for close in support of your DD or you kiting an enemy push to death. twitch. tv/p Captain skills are to provide more survivability against fire's and HE spam. Scharnhorst is a hybrid, but the tools are there to play very strong. Vigilance for the stack with hydro (+25% torp detection range of hydro) or extra headroom while on aa. Nov 24, 2023 · Howdy. tv/p Well, Zao has more consumables to get a +1 on. . It's fine! Keep it, no need to respec to my basic build. I have seen people running lighthouse builds, and really want to try it out. As the pinnacle of the German cruiser line, Hindenburg offers more flexibility to her captain than any other top-tier cruiser in the game. On a 13 point captainGrease the Gears, Demo Expert, Adrenaline Rush and Concealment Expert are the core four for a stealthy firestarter. 🙂 Since the recent Captain's Skills changes, I've changed my BB skill builds slightly. Hes also quite funny to listen to and he explains a lot in between and during the games what his thoughts and tactics is. This video shows 2 games, played on The Faroe Islands and Sleeping Giant, Jinan has pretty piss poor gun range, and her AA umbrella is smaller compared to Yodo, plus she doesn't have fighters. e got a 230k damage first game. I am currently an tier 6 New Mexico and can afford one 4 Captain Skills for American "light" cruiser line and French cruiser line. Nov 10, 2023 · Respecced Zao for maximised asw duty down to even airstrike mod. So, that can be nice from a damage standpoint but I find that the added AA is better for me because it increases my survival. As such, I've used it thus far on my USS North Carolina lvl 10 commander, which means I have Gun Feeder (faster switch from HE<-->AP), Grease the Gears (faster turret traverse), Adrenaline Rush, and Concealment Expert. ST. Dec 31, 2016 · -Tier 1 skill [Two is better] changed : Sends two catapult fighter/spotter per use of consumable and -20% catapult aircraft cruising speed -Tier 3 skill [Firefighters] changed: -7% chance of fire, fires happening on the player ship at the same time is limited to 3 -Tier 3 skill [Demolition Expert] changed: +2% chance of fire… WG implemented a truly game-changing buff to the Zao where they increased the turret traverse from 36s to 30s, clearly this changes the ship entirely. AL Atago build for ★ Zao in World of Warships: Legends with skills, modifications and inspirations For self defense not really. V, Vermont, Krem, Incomparable etc. com/channel/UCrr4f2zkxfQ_Z3fcSBmctgQWatch me live on Twitch: https://www. So to answer your question, I have nine 21 point captains. 5) deg/s to traverse speed of guns with a caliber up to 139 mm +1 (up from +0. tyjbcx nqvfzl bugi gbfn jkfvoi ukadjfx nqvm ixwh tau dzddph fnm zfris ilumt dcci llb