What is a compound predicate. (The noun a danger is a predicate nominative.

What is a compound predicate A predicate adjective modifies the subject of a sentence. Sep 11, 2024 · Compound Predicates vs. However, the complete predicate are the italicized phrases which include the main verb or verb phrase and any modifiers. The dog barked loudly but did not chase the squirrel. But the verbs should be done by the same subject, or, “share” the subject. The parts of a compound subject are usually joined b Compound Predicate: Two or more actions performed by the same subject. A simple predicate is the verb or verb phrase with its objects, modifiers, etc. The predicate can include additional information such as modifiers, objects, and complements. Mar 3, 2024 · 5. Grammar Rules. A compound predicate occurs when two or more verbs share the same subject (e. In compound predicates, there are multiple verbs related to a single subject. The predicate contains two or more verbs. Explore the different types of predicates (simple, compound, complete) with examples to understand how they work to express action or state of being in English grammar. This is different from a complete predicate in several ways: Compound Predicate Example: “The chef chopped the vegetables and seasoned the meat. A COMPOUND SUBJECT has two or more subjects that are joined by a conjunction and that have the same verb. (Predicate: sings beautifully in the morning) Compound Predicate. A subject is the person or thing that is doing an action or experiencing the condition or situation and a Jan 24, 2022 · The predicate of the first clause: long to be an adult and decide everything for yourself; Type of predicate: compound predicate, action verb; The subject of the second clause: you; The predicate of the second clause: realize that’s the worst part of it; Type of predicate: simple predicate, action verb; Are You Using Predicates Correctly? Dec 24, 2020 · A compound predicate can contain as many verbs and modifiers as you like. Compound Predicate with Simple Predicates. Jul 28, 2023 · Compound-Complex Predicate. Complete and compound predicates are different from each other. A compound predicate tells us two (or more) things about the same subject (without repeating the subject). , “Beck walks and runs daily”). simple sentence expresses one complete idea; also known as an independent clause. A compound predicate is a grammatical structure that consists of two or more verbs or verb phrases that share the same subject and are joined by a coordinating conjunction, such as 'and' or 'or. of a sentence, and the predicates tell you what the subject does. ” (One subject performing two actions) Complete Predicate Example: “The chef carefully chopped the fresh organic What is a compound predicate adjective? A compound predicate adjective is an adjective formed from multiple words that follows a linking verb and renames the subject of a sentence (e. There are two types of predicates: simple and compound. The following is an example of a compound sentence, not a Nov 8, 2022 · Understanding compound subject and predicate. , What is the simple predicate in the following sentence? Arnold never speaks to unfriendly polar bears. In a compound sentence, a comma is always included before the conjunction. Distinguishing Predicate Adjectives from Predicate Nominatives Compound Predicate. Each independent clause within the compound predicate has its own predicate, allowing the writer to convey multiple actions or states related to the same subject. A compound predicate has more than one main verb accomplished by the subject in a sentence. The subjects are the people, objects, etc. Oct 2, 2024 · Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the compound subject in the following sentence? Juan and Julian worked so hard on their project, What is the simple subject in the following sentence? A large number of swimmers competed in the race this year. In understanding what a compound sentence is, it’s important that we not confuse a compound sentence with a compound predicate. You might also hear about something called a compound predicate. A compound predicate is a part of an independent clause that has one subject and multiple verbs or verb phrases joined by a conjunction. For example: Dec 22, 2021 · Here, there might be a compound predicate. (Predicate: sings) Complete Predicate. ) What Is a Compound Predicate Nominative? A predicate nominative can be made up of more than one noun. The subjects in a compound subject are brought together with a conjunction. They ate pizza and watched a movie. Compound predicates are characterised by two or more actions performed by the same subject, often connected by a conjunction such as ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘but’. What is a compound predicate adjective? When there is more than one predicate adjective modifying the same subject, it is known as a compound predicate adjective. ) The sea is a danger. 2. Here we have two verbs. Learn how to identify, form and use compound predicates with examples and tips on GrammarBrain. A compound predicate is when there are two or more predicates tied to one subject. Examples of Sentence Subjects. Below are more examples of sentences with compound predicates: The Bill of Rights defines and safeguards fundamental . Mar 28, 2024 · When a sentence incorporates a compound subject, it combines multiple individual elements, performing a single action or being described collectively. Nov 22, 2024 · Compound Predicates. This is a compound sentence, though it may look like the last two sentences. What does Maria do? Loves dogs and hates cats. (Compound A compound predicate consists of two or more verbs or verb phrases that share the same subject and are joined by a conjunction. Only when you join three or more elements in a series do you use a comma before the conjunction. The subject includes the noun that is performing the action described in the predicate. appositive C. She or her sister will attend the event. A compound predicate comprises of two or more verbs. Compound Predicate A compound predicate tells us two (or more) things about the same subject (without repeating the subject). Feb 7, 2025 · A compound predicate occurs when a single subject performs multiple actions. Nov 21, 2023 · Compound predicates are used to add details, ideas, or interest to a sentence. That guy looked skillful, calculated, and reasonable in his approach. Examples: The trip will be a risk and a big expense . Use compound-complex sentences by all means, but expand your repertoire of complex sentences. In other words, a compound predicate allows a sentence to express multiple actions or conditions about the same subject without needing to restate the subject. Compound sentences contain two separate predicates that relate to different subjects. Examples In Sentences. Sometimes a sentence may have more than one subject or predicate. Jan 9, 2025 · Types of predicates. Jason has laughed and disappeared. and more. Oct 17, 2024 · On the other hand, a predicate is the part of the sentence that contains the verb and tells us what the subject is doing. A compound predicate contains two or more verbs or verb phrases that share the same subject. What is compound predicates? Simple predicate: can be just a single verb or the main verb and its auxiliaries; Complex predicate: is a verb plus all its dependents; Compound predicate: gives us two or more details about the same subject and has two or more verbs that are joined by a conjunction The types of predicate based on its composition are simple predicate, compound predicate and complete predicate as explained below-Types of Predicate. Examples of Both in One Sentence: John and Mary (compound subject) cooked dinner and watched a movie. Compound Predicate. Because compound predicate adjectives follow the noun or pronoun they modify, they typically aren’t hyphenated. and, but, or) is known as a compound predicate. A compound predicate happens when one subject does more than one action or is described by multiple verbs in a sentence. . A conjunction joins two or more predicates. This is a simple predicate: Adam lives in Bangor. Mar 28, 2024 · A compound predicate is when two or more verbs share the same subject in a sentence, joined by words like “and,” “or,” or “but. Let’s look at some examples of sentences in English sentences. The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines a predicate as “a part of a sentence containing a verb that makes a statement about the subject of the verb, such as went home in John went home. Compound Predicate: When the action done by the subject is more than one compound Predicate She is explaining to me and having lunch side by side. , “The fans and the team cheered and shouted to celebrate the win”), or a compound subject can be used with a simple predicate and vice versa. Examples of Compound Subjects: John and Mary are best friends. A compound predicate is two or more verbs or verb phrases that share the same subject and are joined by a conjunction. Jul 12, 2022 · A predicate is the grammatical term for the words in a sentence or clause that describe the action but not the subject. Looking at your second example: jealous(X,Y) :- loves(X,Z), loves(Y,Z). Nov 14, 2024 · Learn what a predicate is and how it functions in a sentence. A simple predicate consists of just the verb or verb phrase, while a compound predicate involves two or more verbs that share the same subject. For example: Remy cooked. Types of Predicates - Simple and Compound. When the subject acts on two or more verbs contained in the predicate it is called a compound predicate. " Aug 25, 2015 · Compound predicates allow you to make your writing sound more smooth and natural by combining events that occur to the same subject. Refer to the sentences given below-Roy is walking. A simple predicate is a verb or verb phrase without any modifiers or objects. It provides the reader with information about the subject. Compound subjects with two singular elements connected by or or nor take a singular verb. " We call this a compound predicate. A predicate nominative is a predicate noun that completes a linking verb and renames the subject. As we’ve discussed, a compound sentence has two separate main clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon. These verbs are joined by a conjunction, or a connecting word, such Dec 14, 2021 · Some sentences also contain compound predicates. For example, in “ She sings and dances, ” “ sings and dances ” is a compound predicate. Compound Subject and Compound Predicate: A sentence can have a compound subject and a compound 1 day ago · A. Greater Expressiveness: Compound predicates allow you to express detailed descriptions which is very important in order to keep the readers or listeners engaged. Predicates: The predicate includes the verb, whether state-of-being or action verb, and all its modifiers. Example: The bird sings. Jason laughed and disappeared. It also contains other words and phrases that modify the actions of the verbs. (The adjective dangerous is a predicate adjective not a predicate nominative. Here are some examples of compound predicate adjectives: She is smart and good-looking. This is not a compound predicate. b. “Hates cats” is another complete predicate. A compound predicate occurs when a subject performs two or more actions in a sentence, while a compound subject has two or more equally important subjects. ” Here Oct 31, 2024 · Independent clauses can be simple, compound, or complex, depending on the number and type of clauses they contain. Apr 10, 2024 · Compound predicates vs compound sentences. Compare compound predicates with compound sentences and see how they improve your writing. Janet washed the car. ' This is a sentence with a compound predicate. Compound Predicate: Sam reads and writes daily. Feb 20, 2025 · (Compound subject) 2. Compound predicate. A simple predicate is a predicate that consists of only one verb or verb phrase. May 25, 2024 · Compound predicates allow you to communicate your thoughts in an effective way which is ideal in all types of communications such business, academic or professional communications. Compound predicate adjective. Dec 31, 2024 · Predicates can be simple or compound. Arjun and Ravi are both going to Bhutan for a holiday. Aug 12, 2021 · Compound Predicates. Simple Predicate; A simple predicate does not contain any object or modifier; it just contains only the verb and a helping verb. ” Compound predicate: “chopped, diced and sautéed the vegetables” Mar 28, 2024 · Compound Predicate: Consists of multiple verbs related to the same subject, giving more information about different actions that the subject is engaging in within a single sentence. Be careful not to confuse a compound predicate with a compound sentence. All the sentences below have compound predicates. A simple predicate refers to the action performed by the subject. May 1, 2017 · A predicate nominative is a noun or a pronoun in a sentence that renames the subject following a linking verb. Apr 13, 2020 · How to combine sentences to form sentences with compound predicates. Compound Predicate . (In this sentence, there is a compound subject but not a compound predicate because the subject is only performing one action Mar 11, 2015 · A collection of one or more predicate clauses which all have the same functor and arity (number of arguments) for their heads is referred to as a predicate. A compound predicate contains two or more verbs that share the same subject and are joined by a conjunction. When a subject performs multiple actions in the same sentence, we have a compound predicate. Now the predicate part of the sentence has two simple predicates. The Pathaks and the Singhs are hosting a dinner and planning a trip. (This tell us just one thing about the subject ("Rachel"). They act on the same subject. A simple predicate is the main verb or the verb phrase of a sentence/clause. This is a simple predicate: Rachel lives in Dublin. This could also be Compound subject definition: a compound subject is a combination of two or more subjects (nouns or noun phrases) that share the same verb/predicate. A compound predicate, on the other hand, is a predicate that consists of two or more verbs or verb phrases that share the same subject. Together, these make a Aug 12, 2023 · Compound Predicates. These verbs are connected by a coordinating conjunction, such as “and,” “or,” or “but. Nov 7, 2022 · A compound predicate is a multi-word verb that has two or more actions for the same subject. adverb D. Aug 6, 2021 · Learn how to use compound subjects and predicates to add variety and depth to your writing. Compound predicate; Predicate adjective; Predicate nominative; Let's look at them one at a time. (Compound subject) 3. A compound predicate is used when we want to make a sentence more interesting, add details, or convey additional ideas and A compound predicate occurs when the subject in the sentence is doing more than one action and is shared by two or more verbs. For instance, Jane wrote and submitted her Oct 6, 2021 · Compound Sentence: Discern From Compound Predicate. " Here are some examples of compound predicates, with the verbs in bold: Tom ate the apple and drank some water. Simple Predicate. More than one predicates in a sentence form a compound predicate. Sometimes, people list more than one predicate adjective along with a conjunction. This structure allows for more complex and informative sentences by combining actions or states of being related to the same subject, enhancing the overall meaning of the sentence. -ing modifier An appositive is a word or group of words that renames or describes a noun or pronoun, such as in the sentence, "Carlos, a native of Argentina, is the new wrestling champion. Explanation: The predicate is the part of the sentence that contains the verb(s). Sep 23, 2024 · A common source of confusion in grammar is the difference between a compound predicate and a compound sentence. A compound predicate provides more details about one shared subject. ” Examples: Compound Predicate. Compound Predicates vs. A compound predicate is a predicate with two or more verbs connected by and. Please note: When you join just two verbs, no comma should come before the and . Compound predicates share the same subject. A compound predicate is a combination of two or more verbs or verb phrases. The cat, the dog, and the rabbit live in harmony. Recognizing how compound subjects interact with the predicate and maintain subject-verb agreement is key to grasping the essentials of English sentence structure. Check out this example. Learn how to identify and use compound predicates to make your writing more efficient, effective, and concise. g. A compound-complex predicate is a type of predicate that contains two or more verbs joined by a conjunction. Jan 24, 2025 · Compound Predicates. Compound predicates can be used in simple sentences or a compound sentence, as well as with a simple subject, singular subject, compound subject, or plural subject. (In this sentence, there is no compound predicate because the subject is only performing one action- the verb eat) Andrew and Kyle wrote poems. Feb 7, 2025 · What Is a Compound Predicate? A compound predicate happens when a single subject does more than one thing in the same sentence. Learn the definition, rules, and examples of compound predicates with this web page. I ate ice Oct 30, 2023 · Compound subjects can be found in simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences. Example : Rajiv lives in Dubai and speaks Arabic. Structure: Compound Subject: Sam and Lisa are reading. When there are two verbs and a conjunction, or a connecting word, it is called a compound verb. A compound predicate occurs when one subject performs multiple actions (verbs) connected by a conjunction, whereas a compound sentence consists of two independent clauses, each with its own subject and verb, joined by a conjunction. The verb or verb phrase only. What is compound predicate? A compound predicate occurs in a sentence when multiple verbs apply to the same subject. It can take different variations of predicates already discussed above, apart from the simple predicate as long as it’s composed of two or more verbs. ” For example: “She ran and jumped over the hurdle. Compound Predicate Examples: Nov 7, 2022 · Compound Predicate. We call this group of words a compound predicate adjective. Predicates typically occur at the end of the sentence giving direction to the noun phrase at the beginning of the sentence. A compound predicate adjective is a combination of two or more adjectives or adjective phrases. The verb and all the words that describe it or complete its meaning. A compound predicate has two or more verbs with the same subject. A simple independent clause contains a single subject and predicate, while a compound independent clause contains two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunction. What additional part of speech is needed to make a compound subject or a compound predicate? May 29, 2022 · Note that you can’t reduce the third compound sentence to the above form because the two independent clauses have different subjects. Compound predicate example: He can sing and dance. A compound predicate may also include Feb 21, 2023 · What is a Compound Predicate? In order to form a complete thought, a sentence must include a subject and a predicate. It provides additional information about the same subject without repeating it. The subject is the main noun or pronoun of a sentence plus all adjectives and modifiers, while the predicate consists of the verb or verb string with all adverbs and adverbial phrases. Compound subjects and compound predicates can be used together (e. ' This structure allows the writer to convey multiple actions performed by the same subject in a single sentence, enhancing clarity and conciseness. These verbs may be connected by conjunctions like “and” or “or. A subject may have more than one predicate, as in the sentence below. Just like sentences have compound subjects, they can also consist of compound predicates. What is a compound predicate? A compound predicate includes more than one verb or verb phrase joined by a conjunction. The compound predicate portion is in bold italics. ” Predicates are of different types – they can be one-word predicates, short predicates, long predicates, or compound predicates. (Compound predicate) 4. Examples: “ She jogged in the park and enjoyed the fresh air. Simple Predicates. A compound predicate may also include additional words that give more information about verbs or verb phrases in the sentence. compound predicate B. Compound predicates are two or more predicates (verbs) that share the same subject. A sentence with a compound subject has multiple simple objects. In other words, the predicate explains what the subject does. How do you know if a compound subject takes a singular or plural verb? Compound subjects using and nearly always take a plural verb. When connected to a linking verb, the predicate noun provides extra details about the identity or fundamental character of the subject. In other words, it can be a compound. A compound predicate nominative is when two or more nouns or pronouns follow a linking verb. ” Learn how to identify, construct and analyze compound predicates with examples and diagrams. Compound Sentences. This is called a compound subject or predicate. ) Examples of Compound Predicates These are examples of compound predicates: Aug 30, 2023 · A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two or more simple sentences joined by and, or, or but; a compound predicate is a predicate that has two or more verbs with the same subject. That is, if two or more main verbs' action is done by one subject, then it will be called compound predicate. The predicate parts of the sentences below are written in green and the simple predicates are underlined. In the example above, the compound predicate adjective consists of the conjunction “and”, as well as three Jan 24, 2025 · How does a compound predicate differ from a simple predicate? A compound predicate includes two or more verbs or verb phrases that share the same subject, indicating multiple actions or states. A compound predicate is a predicate that contains two or more verbs that share the same subject. Don’t use an adverb after a linking verb! Apr 28, 2022 · A compound predicate is two or more simple predicates joined by a conjunction that indicate actions by the same subject. Sometimes, people get confused about the difference between a compound predicate and a compound sentence. In this sentence, the subject, "Rosa," has two predicates: "ran" and "jumped. Jan 17, 2024 · Complete Predicate: It is one that consists of a verb, object, preposition, conjunction, and adverb. Oct 9, 2022 · Luckily, subjects and predicates are pretty straightforward. What is a Compound Predicate? A compound predicate, on the other hand, is a predicate that contains two or more verbs or verb phrases connected by coordinating conjunctions. These predicates contain two or more verbs or verb phrases connected by conjunctions. On the most basic level, a sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate. Here’s an example: She danced and sang at the concert. Although a conjunction joins the verbs or verb phrases, it is not considered part of the compound predicate. Mar 1, 2022 · Predicates can be divided into two main categories: action and state of being. ” For example: She sings and dances at the same time. Feb 24, 2024 · Compound Predicate. Let’s study some examples of compound predicates using simple predicates in them. While simple predicate nominatives consist of a single noun or pronoun, compound predicate nominatives involve multiple nouns or pronouns. The seagulls on the beach are squawking and looking for food. Recognizing these structures helps avoid common errors and ensures proper Answer – A compound predicate is a predicate that contains more than one verb. For example: The new law is an opportunity and a risk. Examples of Compound Predicates Nov 21, 2023 · A compound predicate occurs in a sentence when multiple verbs apply to the same subject. When a predicate contains two or more simple predicates, we call it a compound predicate. So , the verb "sing" and "dance" both are the main verbs in the same The complete predicate is “loves reading historical novels,” as it provides additional information about Aisha’s action. A compound predicate consists of two or more simple predicates connected by a coordinating conjunction, such as "and," "or," or "nor. In this sentence, the predicate adjective is everything after “seemed”, describing my father. trip = risk and expense The specialties on the menu today are The two verbs 'launches' and 'flies' both relate to the subject 'the little bird. Download: What Is a Compound Predicate Worksheet. " Bill is the subject Compound predicates, an essential aspect of sentence structure, involve two or more verbs or verb phrases that share the same subject. He grew tired, cranky, and sullen throughout the long day. , “My cat is orange and white striped”). 3. He is running late but will be there soon. (Compound subject) 5. This is also a simple (one subj/verb set) sentence. Apr 14, 2021 · Learn what a compound predicate is and how to form it with examples. The simple predicates in a compound predicate are usually joined by AND, BUT, or OR. Example: The bird sings beautifully in the morning. Below are some examples of sentences with compound predicates. In this guide, we’ll give you a detailed look into predicates and how to spot them. A linking verb acts as an equal sign, the subject is or becomes the object. A compound predicate is simply two or more main verbs attached to a single subject of the sentence. My classmates and their siblings have gone home for lunch. A few examples of sentences with compound predicates are given below. She is walking along the road She is the subject Is Walking along the road the complete Predicate 3. (compound predicate) The teacher and the students (compound subject Jul 31, 2023 · Compound Predicates Just as sentences can have compound subjects, they can also have compound predicates. Rosa ran and jumped. But long sentences can be hard to read, so it’s best to use lengthy predicates sparingly. A compound predicate may also include any modifiers. The word compound indicates a joining of two items, so a compound predicate would join two verbs with a conjunction. While a simple predicate involves just one action or verb phrase, a compound predicate contains more than one verb or action linked by a conjunction like “and” or “or. Jun 27, 2018 · A compound predicate occurs when there is more than one verb/action in the sentence that pertains to the subject I eat cheese. Both the linked verbs or verb phrases talk about the same subject. (The noun a danger is a predicate nominative. This is also one predicate clause for the predicate jealous/2 (the predicate whose functor is jealous and has Jun 22, 2024 · A compound predicate occurs when two or more verbs share the same subject (e. Jun 21, 2023 · Compound Predicates. Predicates that describe an action can be simple, compound, or complete. A predicate is the section of a sentence that features the verb and some information about the subject. Compound Predicates. A compound predicate occurs when a sentence has two or more different verbs connected to the same subject. Consider the introductory example, above. Compound predicates are two or more verbs joined by a conjunction and share the same subject. Jul 5, 2024 · A compound predicate is a grammatical structure in which a sentence contains two or more independent clauses that share the same subject. Compound Predicate Adjective. Examples: “The chef chopped, diced, and sautéed the vegetables. It appears as a complement inside the predicate, renaming or identifying the subject. Here are some examples of sentences with compound predicates. Compound Predicate - lives in Dubai and speaks Arabic. A compound subject consists of two or more subjects that share the same predicate, often connected by conjunctions like “and,” “or,” or “nor”. So the primary difference between simple and compound predicate nominatives is the number of nouns or pronouns used. So, when two or more verbs or verb phrases are connected by a conjunction, it is referred to as a compound predicate. Aug 31, 2024 · A predicate that consists of two or more verbs or verb phrases that are linked using a conjunction (e. Examples: My father seemed majestic and powerful. Compound predicates feature two or more actions performed by the same subject, often connected by a conjunction such as ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘but’. Maria loves dogs and hates cats. Janet = subject; Washed = action performed Jun 26, 2021 · Compound Predicate Adjective. Like a compound predicate, a compound sentence will include more than one verb (or verb phrase). He shaved and bathed before leaving. It’s made up of two or more verbs or verb phrases connected by words like “ and, ” “ or, ” or “ but. When the subject does two Jan 23, 2025 · Understanding compound subjects is an essential part of mastering grammar and crafting clear, concise sentences. By combining these verbs or verb phrases using coordinating conjunctions like “and,” “but,” or “or,” we can express multiple actions or states of being within a single sentence. Compound sentences have two (or more) subjects that correspond to two (or more) different verbs. “Loves dogs” is a complete predicate. The predicate noun, sometimes called a predicate nominative, has a specific function in sentence construction. (This tell us just one thing about the subject (Adam). Aug 28, 2024 · The key characteristic of a compound predicate is that it involves multiple predicates that share the same subject, but it does not require a repeated subject. Examples of compound predicates: She went to Spain with her friends and visited all the famous tourist attractions. Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates. Compound subjects have two or more subjects that do the same action, while compound predicates have two or more verbs or verb phrases that relate to the same subject. For instance, in the sentence “She sings and dances,” the compound predicate is “sings and dances,” illustrating multiple actions performed by the same subject. Dec 10, 2021 · What is a compound predicate? According to Study, a compound predicate occurs in a sentence when multiple verbs apply to the same subject. Example : "Bill picked up the mail and walked the dog. See the compound predicates italicized in the following sentences: I sang in the choir and acted in the play. What is a Compound Predicate? A compound predicate/verb occurs when two or more verbs appear in a single sentence and share the same subject. Here are some examples of compound-complex predicates: She sings and dances beautifully. A compound predicate is a predicate with two or more verbs or verb phrases connected by a conjunction. These verbs are not parts of different predicates. Predicate Adjectives/Nominatives: Uses linking verbs to describe the subject’s state or provide additional descriptive information about the subject. Nov 19, 2010 · A Compound Predicate is a predicate with two or more verbs separated by a conjunction (and, but, or,). A compound predicate can contain two or more simple predicates, complete predicates, or a combination of these. gjitku ovlm cofx gjzus ybgy xghe sjzc djsoylstb vmuxwzx ashz kgww auu kvjtnq yhjln asxdr