Swg stop macro. Press Ctrl + A This will bring up your Command Browser.

Swg stop macro To modify macro code double click the header of the macro you want to edit. All, There are several macro's out there to grind, but I've not seen one posted recently on setting up Harvesters or other structers. Oct 14, 2008 · From the radial dial on your structure control device, there will be the option to "Create Vendor". If you have ever needed to decorate anything you would know this is an intense process in Star Wars Galaxies. Sorry for total noob question, but I cannot for the life of me remember how to turn off a looping macro once it's been activated. Career Progression This is the macro I use. Not my solution but it works like a charm: In \_retail_\WTF\Account\ACCOUNTNAME is a file called macros-cache. conversationStop Stop conversation. Click the lair, click macro and it retargets to which ever mob is hitting you once the lair dies and each subsequent mob dies. (Aka the gray box on left side of the row that has your macro that you want to edit). You should set up your crafting tools in your hotkeys first. Note on the loot macro, sometimes when in a group more than one person may be running the macro, to be able to beat them simply do a /loot all corpse; /pause . 2. The macro itself can go in any other slot of the toolbar. Use this macro to have pets come to you because the looping macro WILL get you in trouble due to pets aggroing the wrong target: /stopattackfollow /dump; A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. /join /startmusic; /macro flourish; Just move or May 19, 2017 · Basic Macro Information 1. You cannot have SWG without macros. You should only need a target and a combat macro so 2 max. This is due to /nextCraftingStage not actually SHOWING the next stage, but just going to it in memory. Change the number at the end to the slot of your skill, 00-11 are for the bottom row left to right, and if you have it expa First Create a Macro with the name Sample. Some songs and dances don't flow very well The Crafting Macro provided below is for the most part identical to the Macro's provided above. This is wonderful for grinding XP or for making lots of a component that requires no experimentation. chatCopy Copy selected text to clipboard. Any help is greatly appricated. Note: It is also possible to bind a macro to a keybind in your Keybind Settings!Link to written Macro Guide A good set of crafting macros can make creating a set of identical items much less tedious. If you have to stop your macro, hit that key and your macro will stop. I have it broken into two sepperate macros, the first macro calling the second. Decorating Macros. Sorry for the ruse, but it was the only way to guarantee that everyone read this post before posting the question. Star Wars Galaxies Command List (ground) Note: This is a mix of NGE and pre-NGE commands. Just mess around until you find what you need for the scenario, lots of macros online that can be personalised All you will need is a simple target--attack macro, the droid will auto harvest if he is charged. You can position the camera to limit things off in the distance. 1 (one tenth of a second) between them (although you will seldom need such a small increment -- /pause 1 or greater is preferred). I like that idea/ You are correct, it is very dangerous. Scrool down to a free row in your toolbar (The bar in the top, where you can use F1, F2 buttons to make things) and put a tools in the first 4 spaces, put the macro in the 5th, the "xx" in the macro is where you write which "F" button the macro is "clicking", remember the first spot (F1) is 00, the next 01 and so on. Far as I am aware, there is no way in game to macro the generic auto attack in NGE/Legends. - When she runs hit your taunt macro (Shift-F10) - Finish the job! - Loot Macro worked like a charm. Though there are crafting macros (available in the Artisan forums) even these will soon be removed from the system entirely. Go somewhere secluded, the cnet theater works well. Macro name: AFKInv /invite; /pause 3; /macro AFKInv This video covers four essential macros to use in every character toolbar for stopping active macros, mounting vehicles, looting & harvesting and getting out A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. I use to have a quality of life/play macro that started the defaultButton macro before the /sample. Watchers. I recommend making two macros - one that does invites and another that tells people you are inviting. The medic or doc burns mind and gets BF. I personally don’t bother healing blind and stun. This macro has a section for each crafting When you cast your line (with the /fish command or the convenient /fish Hotkey macro that you've set up for yourself -- you HAVE set up a /fish macro and hotkeyed it, right?), a window will pop up with five selections: Tug Up, Tug Right, Tug Left, Small Reel-in, Stop Fishing. Those who wish to interact with a large portion of the playerbase and have a penchant for performing should consider starting as an Entertainer. Forks. Step 2: Macros should populate in the tool. If you want your commands to work you must put at least a /pause 0. Important: commands are Macros have been implemented into Star Wars Galaxies as a way to help the players. What follows is the commonly reproduced macro and a variation on it. If you use it for afk combat, be sure to respect the terms REMEMBER. /Rid of us macro dumping once and for all. Finally, the macro: /stand; /pause 10; /forage Now the macro will run forever (or until you run out of resources!) Thats why I made the additional macro to stop any macro that is running: /dump; Just place this macro on any other key. Im sure theres parts missing so ill update when i get round to it/get flames. Then before I know it, I have 3-5 mobs attacking me. /flo 1; /pause 5; /flo 2; this works also and feel free to put your spot lights and dazzle affects. To stock 20 harvesters at a time would take 860 clicks. To get rid of the sampling pop up box you can create a simple macro. Click on Macro. To stop every macro you have running you can use this command: /dump Then if you want to stop just one looping or long running macro you can remove it from your tool bar by right clicking and holding till you see the remove command and you click to remove it. % - Used in making a macro. You cannot cancel a single macro, so remember to re-initialize each, every single time. I started to use the Ranged AFK Combat Macro found here. Nov 27, 2003 · To all you macro and artisan gurus , im seriously struggling to find any steel resources on correlia that i can plant harvestors since last resource shift so i thought id do some afk sampling while i sleep for the huge amounts i need so i made the macro /sample;/pause 690;/sit;/pause I've never run AFK combat macros, so this is simply a shot in the dark, but try running another macro that emotes in chat once every 3 minutes. Here's what you'll need to get this to work right A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. I also made a /stopfollow button for when I am not running from player to player healing. The macro consists of two parts, the Crafting Macro, and a Tool selection Macro. /pause 180; . The available variables are: %TU - your full name (first and last) A set of Guides and Macros Avaliable for Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided Pre-CU Resources. One then starts sampling, using a defaultButton macro to skip past the Survey Event prompt. /changedance ; Example: /changedance rhythmic; The benefit of /forage is afterwards you have bait in your inventory, and you can fish for more survival expierence but it is not esscential to the macro. The invite macro is as simple as macros get. . And thats about it. 0 forks. /ui action defaultButton; /pause 5; /macro sample; The macro name, sample, can be whatever you name the macro. === Pro-Tip: Make a Macro that initializes all of the macros you want to initialize simultaneously. Then find a friend that can tumble (has ranged support 2) and have them run this macro: /tumbletostanding /pause 1 /macro (name of macro) Then select them and run this macro: /healdamage /pause (however long you must wait before you can heal again) /macro (name of this macro) Chronicles is a type of gameplay within the SWG universe that allows any player to become a Chronicler and to create their own quests and share them with other players within their server. don't be logged on multiple toons on the same account. Heh - since Traders don't have their own combat abilities, it's really helpful to supplement your toons' personal defenses with GCW officer-abilities, pet/droid abilities, Ent buffs - and also a 10k heal from the Ice Cream combo gained from a character's Decorating Macros. 0, by Meng-Tzu Feb 3, 2015 · Code: Select all Tatooine - Bestine /waypoint -1266 -3626 Tatooine - Mos Eisley /waypoint 3477 -4793 Tatooine - Mos Entha /waypoint 1500 3269 Tatooine - Mos Entha /waypoint 1287 3163 Tatooine - Mos Espa /waypoint -2889 2178 Talus - Dearic /waypoint 566 -3074 Talus - Nashal /waypoint 4366 5320 Talus - Nashal /waypoint 4309 5327 Rori - Narmle /waypoint -5002 -2261 Rori - Narmle /waypoint -5078 Jul 11, 2022 · It puts the new crafters at huge disadvantage as we all had macros to start out and spend the first week hand sampling afking using macros. Lets make it much more simple. Always run the invite macro, run the spatial verbalization macro when you know you are lead. Once you get the "Aliases loaded" response, your macros are now loaded into SWG. If you want to stop the loop either move the macro button or find the command which clears all actions, cant remember it. ) Macros tend to be fickle creatures. Example - /harvest hide; To access your character specific macros go to the command browser window, and The Musician profession is a performance enhancing profession. txt file, highlight everything and press delete, then press Ctrl-v and save it and close it. I asked a few people and they said it was caused by desync and it was worse in Cantinas. Mine is called tend: /tendd; /macro tend; Watch or listen to your ent while you run the tend macro. Put your tools on 0-7 on the upper part of your toolbar (if you've pulled it up to create two rows). If you are new to macroing learning the basics can be quite intimidating, if you go over the steps below you will have no problem learning how to macro in Star Wars Galaxies. Very simple to use, (my opinion anyway) I taught my roommate how to use it in under 5 minutes, if anyone needs any macros please email me at shadowhound1@msn. SWG Macros may be looped, and can also be used to take advantage of the toolbar for commands that are normally typed. Dec 29, 2024 · 1. com I will be able to have them done for you within a day or 2, it will make it much easier for you Now I made a macro /dump to stop my looping macros, mostly I use it for when there are no heals needed. /ui action vendorUse; /pause 5; /ui action defaultButton; /pause 55; /sit; /pause 5; /stand; /macro macromerchant; Feb 1, 2024 · With the inclusion of the April 2010 Bug Bash Update, developers added the /chroniclesloottoggle command which will stop the NPC from generating Chronicles related loot upon its death. Further edits have been made for some slight adjustments found to be true in the live game today. Vanquish / Shadowmeld SWG: Crafting: UI Commands for crafting macros, by Vanquish Apr 17, 2020 · AFK Farming - Due to our increased population, we are making an update to our current rule set when it comes to AFK game play. A good set of crafting macros can make creating a set of identical items much less tedious. If you have to move a house full of items you have to select each item and then type out the command which could take lots of keystrokes 5. ) In any of the following macros, when you see [brackets], that means there are either multiple options to put in place of [text/text/text] and the options are listed inside of the [brackets] or that it will be a "fill in the blank" sort of deal where you have to type in a name or word. They are in game scripts that can be developed to automate an action, or series of actions. Feel free to copy and adopt the macros for your own use! lmao, ewak is funny! i am almost an ewok lol. Also, this macro runs on a self looping function, it doesn't press the button of the macro in the toolbar, so to stop you need to type /dump. open the target vender and run this macro. Have fun, and come visit me in-game! -Meng. Example - /harvest hide; To access your character specific macros go to the command browser window, and The /macro line must be the last line of the macro so paste it in above it. However, I do feel that having a macro to help speed up tedious things, like crafting, is rewarding. Now you have the option to stop every macro running (looping or just one that takes a long time to execute) or just one macro. Why are the last few lines of the macro missing when I log on? The macro exceeds the character limit allowed by the game. conversationStart Start conversation with selected NPC. /sneeze; . RE: Commands Posted @ Tue, Sep 23rd 3:02 AM 2003: By: Anonymous Score: Default [2. Macros have been implemented into Star Wars Galaxies as a way to help the players. Some songs and dances don't flow very well A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. I baby sit the macro, and add my /pause 0. . Just a tip for others creating & editing macros. Sep 11, 2022 · If one does this without the survey part, it would also start the timer. This is from How to macro craft without Jul 26, 2017 · Step 1: Load your macros. These will now be treated like normal commands just like any other command (until you quit the game, at which point it'll forget them). Added to the game with Game Update 13, Chronicles uses a new Profession system, new items, and new skills to enhance gameplay and bring player ingenuity to the forefront of the MMO genre. Entertainer is one of the Basic Professions that branches off into a handful of unique elite professions. SWG Petty Officer Posts: 324 Registered: 03-12-2004 PA: UNA Server: Shadowfire Reply 1 of 28 Viewed 5350 times. just thought I would share my headache hehe. The macro I use for camping is; /ui action toolbarSlot00; /pause 960; /destroystructure; /ui action toolbarSlot01; /pause 960; /destroystructure; /ui action toolbarSlot02; /pause 960; /destroystructure; And so on, and now 00 is the same as F1, 01 is F2. Once you are off Tansari Station and have completed a few quests, then next thing to do is set up shop in a cantina and start to get down! These macros will help you on your way, as they are a great way to move up in the phases. Also, if you are running an auto-invite macro, understand it can cause issues with chat responses, typing and active chat, so be advised. May 12, 2019 · /join /startdance; /macro flourish; Just move or type /stopdance to end the macro. Each macro does something for my specific needs and starts with comments on each line that begins with pound sign (#). having multiple toons doesn't allow the changes to be made until you softlog the toon that isn't creating/editing the macro. Useful macros for improving SWG:Restoration playability. STEP 4: RUNNING THE Sep 30, 2005 · Well if you stuck a /bactashot self; line in that attack macro you’d run out of mind rather quickly, and you prolly don’t need that much healing anyways,and if you added in a pause x line to increase duration between heals, then you’re making the attack macro very inefficient, solution, run a concurrent looped healing macro, I set mine to May 13, 2019 · Third, this macro will not let you automate the experimentation portion of crafting, nor will it stop on the experimentation portion of the crafting process. The thing I have a prob with is i cant target other random critters or the pets will go after anything i target until I /dump. It cycles out from you and targets what you can see on your screen. Jun 17, 2023 · All macros will be dumped at a random interval between 40 and 60 minutes after you begin using a macro except if all of the macros running consist of ONLY the permitted commands, which are enabled to allow entertainers and doctors to remain connected. This is from How to macro craft without A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. Make a tenddamge macro. conversationResponseX Select answer X from NPC dialog. Implement a inactive pop up that reminds people they been afk running macros for x amount of time(90 mins or so) and if they do not respond with in a few minutes they get kicked offline and need to relog to get back into game. From there you'll have choices as to what kind you want depending on what level you are. Note that there is a character limit for macros and anything longer may cause issues. Four tools for each macro. Aug 7, 2024 · To begin the macro you can type /macro 0-Start or place the macro on the abilities bar, and to end the macro you could type /macro Dump or place the macro on the abilities bar. Code: Select all Tatooine - Bestine /waypoint -1266 -3626 Tatooine - Mos Eisley /waypoint 3477 -4793 Tatooine - Mos Entha /waypoint 1500 3269 Tatooine - Mos Entha /waypoint 1287 3163 Tatooine - Mos Espa /waypoint -2889 2178 Talus - Dearic /waypoint 566 -3074 Talus - Nashal /waypoint 4366 5320 Talus - Nashal /waypoint 4309 5327 Rori - Narmle /waypoint -5002 -2261 Rori - Narmle /waypoint -5078 Here's a little more advanced harvesting macro for the hardcore Rangers out there. As entertainers, they have the ability to provide an inspiration buff to other players as well as themselves. A key notable difference is that mine is more module based, similar to Object Oriented programming. My problem is that when its running the macro, it will attack a mob. To use this macro you just need to click the macro on your toolbar, hover over the pile of corpses you just killed and let the macro do its magic but make sure you are out of combat because you wont be able to queue any attacks while its running. This will bring up a menu of songs for you to choose and then you will begin playing and flourishing. SWG: Macro: Scouts/Rangers: Camp Macro 1. This is an article created to help you create your own combat macro. You can stop your looping macros using the command /dump. What I'm I missing with the macro. No I do not grind AFK. chatCut Cut I do not necessarily feel the AFK macro-ing is a good thing. As you become a Doctor or a Combat Medic you gain other abilities in the way of healing, but as a novice medic I found this to be an effective way of TheKiah SWG Petty Officer Posts: 17 Registered: 04-03-2004 Reply 9 of 89 Viewed 12936 times. 7; /stand; /polearmarea2; /ui action untarget; /macro spinpole Works nice. What I have seen that works alright is AutoIt (google search it) which you find the x, y of the mouse in various states and command it to double click, etc. It can be anything, like /sneeze, /cheer, /snore whatever. Press Ctrl + A This will bring up your Command Browser. /macro specialattack; Halting Your Pets Attack Cycle: When you want your pet to stop attacking and come to you (especially now that “ferocity” is in full effect again. Getting to the macro screen The default keys to get to the actions menu in the game are Ctrl+A, press them and you should see the following screen, select the "Macro" tab A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. Cnet was 100% and My home (Dantooine) was about 30%. The macro’s listed below are a great starter for anyone and you are encouraged to change them to suit your specific needs. The macro will never end unless you stop it (it is recursive), and it has not timed out my session yet (I think it is the ui actions). Click on Add Here is where you want to Name your macro . Once you double click, it will populate in the right side box. thank you so much did some modification to work better for my needs but works great as it stands. See Chat Variables. Step 3: Modify Macro. Stars. 01; copy and paste that a bunch before doing your /macro loot; It gives you a slight speed edge and you do not have to target the corpse. Chronicle loot toggle now works for individual players in groups on SWG Legends. That is way too much clicking! A way to solve this dilemma is by using macros. 01; /loot all corpse; /pause . As for the macros im on mobile so no easy copy paste but if you just Google swg combat macro the Fandom page provides all you would need. And it avoids any weird targeting of mobs not in combat with you A place for everything Star Wars Galaxies. A macro is a small program that loops, so its content will be executed indefinitely. 1 watching. When grinding through a profession like medic, or artisan, having a macro to reduce the mouse clicks when crafting is great. Music Macro. 00]: In all honesty, I haven't found a great way to make an AFK crafting macro. I have a simple /tar self;/inspire macro as a quality of life/play enhancement. Feb 24, 2025 · You can stop your looping macros using the command /dump. Name this new Macro . First make or buy a bunch of stimpacks. The following changes will take effect on Friday, April 17th 2020 - with the main change being that ALL Combat AFK Farming is now required to have an invite/join macro running, regardless of location. So far I've had to delete my /macro <macroname>; to make it stop looping. If you have to move a house full of items you have to select each item and then type out the command which could take lots of keystrokes Macros have been implemented into Star Wars Galaxies as a way to help the players. Note: IF you looking for a Master List of Commands go to this SWGWiki page: Command I have not personally tested all of these. This lets you put variables in your text in order to automatically insert words and names. Posted: June 4th, 2007, 6:36 pm A good set of crafting macros can make creating a set of identical items much less tedious. What sets musicians apart from entertainers is that musicians are able to: Use more instruments Play more songs Can apply inspiration buffs more quickly Dazzle other players with effects Can place cantinas and theaters Now make the following macros (if you don’t know how to this read the manual) This macro gets you dancing basic fast. To craft one of my most popular sale items, a medium mineral harvester, without using factories can take 43 clicks. While imprisoned by Vader on the Imperial Star Destoyer Pehasto, I managed to hack into the Imperial holo system and download the Imperial Travel Authorities travel acsess codes. To stop every macro you have running you can use this command: /dump Then if you want to stop just one looping or long running macro you can remove it from your tool bar by right clicking and holding till you see the The following article about creating macros is based on a post by JoeCrimson on the SWG Craft website / forums. loops its self an unlimited amount of times). As with many programing languages, macros in SWG must have their commands beginning with a symbol and ending with another: forward slash ( / ) and semicolon ( ; ), respectively. Legacy missions are good for extra credits, but also make sure you check the bazaar for what's available and not. Use this macro to have pets come to you because the looping macro WILL get you in trouble due to pets aggroing the wrong target: /stopattackfollow /dump; /assist (player name); /Pause 2; /macro assist; /ui action toolbarSlot00; /pause 1; /ui action toolbarSlot01; Etc etc… /macro attack; Could be off on pauses and economy of macro but that’s the basic idea. /startdance basic; This macro allows you to shift gears fast make one for each of your styles. txt from your swg folder. These macros work extremely well. ya its really just the same macro anyway, idk if my comp is faster or maybe i did leave some prone/stand out but anyway i give this a yay for an awsome macro. To stop every macro you have running you can use this command: /dump Then if you want to stop just one looping or long running macro you can remove it from your tool bar by right clicking and holding till you see the remove command and you click to remove it. Jul 8, 2022 · Yours truly has fond memories of using a foraging/dance macro in live SWG, in seeking to complete the Corellian Fried Ice Cream combo's. Target/attack macros do not differentiate between mobs. I havn't found out how to make a macro toggle something like CoB yet, mostly because I don't see a key /bind command. Just tweak it to make it work for you. It creates one line of text when anyone sends you a tell, moves the cursor twice, deletes two letters, and hits send. - Then Firstaid macro (F2) - Heal bleed in between one head hit at master doc, usually 3 heals to stop. Either way, if the person who was lead leaves other people can still join the group. old Open it up with notepad, Highlight everything with Ctrl-a, press Ctrl-c and close it, open the macro-cache. This includes and is not limited to the now closed live game, pre-cu, swgemu, combat upgrade, new game experience, pswg, and all other SWG server projects. The 3-minute rule is to prevent unnecessary chat spam. Readme Activity. Sample; Pick an Icon Now here is where you put in the macro Out of 14 nights of Macro dancing in Mos Eisley I "afk logged" 90% of the time over an 8 hour period. Macros were designed by SOE to be used and automate some features as not everyone has crazy amounts of time everyday to play actively. It is the tool selection Macro which separates mine from some others. Which is healed by watching your ent. You just place your best abilities for killing stuff on your hotbar and use the "/ui action toolbarSlot00" command. This will allow you to sample non stop. Example - /harvest hide; To access your character specific macros go to the command browser window, and RE: Macro Posted @ Wed, Mar 3rd 5:31 AM 2004: By: odiusXpopulis 4 posts Score: Decent [3. Example - /harvest hide; To access your character specific macros go to the command browser window, and Macros have been implemented into Star Wars Galaxies as a way to help the players. So i did a dance macro with tons of flourishes so my medic could heal and I never once afk logged. Just google swg targeting macros Apr 1, 2005 · If you have time to go afk in front of a vender. JoeCrimson's Post on Crafting Macros First of all there isn't an AFK macro for crafting, but this can really speed things up for you. Please don't ask me for help, because I haven't used anything that complicated in SWG in over a decade. By default the Chronicles Loot Toggle is set to ON. /macro macro_name; This video covers four essential macros to use in every character toolbar for stopping active macros, mounting vehicles, looting & harvesting and getting out Going over the basics of creating a Macro in SWG. Star Wars Galaxies is a very click intensive game pre-cu. THen it will target and attack another one. What's happened is that SWG has read your text file and learned two new commands: /testmacro and /testmacro2. Welcome to r/swg! This subreddit is for SWG discussion in all of its different incarnations. To move an item takes long commands like /move forward 10, or /rotate pitch 90. If you do not know how to create a macro this is how. Harvester Macros to make your life easier, here coming some helpful macros Commands: /setpermission admin NAME /*Sets a other player on the Adminlist /pay xxxxx /*pays maintenance for the Harvester which is selected /addp xxxx /*add Energy to the Harvester /nameStructure CoolName /*sets a Name to your Harvester /pause x /*pauses your macro /stucturestatus /*shows the Structurestatus . - Heal State Dizzy Macro (F1) – Rinse and repeat as dizzys land. Example: Title: m /macro specialattack; Halting Your Pets Attack Cycle: When you want your pet to stop attacking and come to you (especially now that “ferocity” is in full effect again. ) All macros MUST end with the “/macro [macro’sname]” text if you wish to loop the macro or trigger a different macro following that macro’s completion. Another variation on the same basic macro can be found in the general artical on macros. Also, if you have a doc or medic log them both in. This is a macro I wrote to take some of the pain out of the process. Ctrl + shift + s rotates your chatacter. 00]: It is actually a unix based programming language. Mar 22, 2023 · It's a good idea for anyone testing macros to utilize the /dump; call in a hotkey as you can potentially get your macro stuck in a loop and barring logging off, /dump; allows for you to stop a macro midstream. 0 stars. Mar 14, 2004 · So the second just after the dance starts is what I call my routine, the command "/macro dance" activates the macro called dance that you created above, by putting that /macro dance statement at the bottom of your macro you allow your macro to loop infinitely, and since the macro is continually going, you can edit the macro before it loops back The following are commands that are preceeded with /ui action. There are no macro commands for setting up a camp. You have to understand the concepts, and then use it to create your own macro. There are no macro commands for disbanding a camp. Any player can SWG Petty Officer Posts: 324 Registered: 03-12-2004 PA: UNA Server: Shadowfire Reply 1 of 28 Viewed 5350 times. xog xldvmu bod gyppg xetrkf mtt lcjx ysv znyj wku ozuz zqlvkrj cqumst nipxogft ghkse