Space engineers all factions Aug 28, 2021 · Hello. Les fondateur de la faction peut choisir de faire la paix ou de déclarer la guerre à une faction. +-> Test all this in Local world to see how it goes before doing it on a server. Do NOT expect to see any engineer characters from any of these factions or the headquarters for any factions because they don't exist. I created my own faction a newly joined member told me that mine was the only one colored white and so he joined. Hello thank you for the response. Hello- In a single player game, is it possible to trade with factions? I don't mean the IGMA station; that one is easy. Is this a bug or do I have to do something special? Sep 11, 2020 · Your Faction will show green antenna names and enemies will be red. Jul 14, 2020 · Hmm. Do work for an ally, and you get some rep. It does seem to be related to a specific faction as it does seem to only happen everytime I click on a specific faction in the list but not the ones May 27, 2020 · I am playing with the MES and Surface Occupation mods, and I have some q's please. The first part is an arbitrary Pages in category "Factions" The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total. Even with no faction created, a player is considered Apart from Sabiroids (SPID faction) and Cyberhounds, Space Engineers does not have any Non-Player Characters (NPCs). The achievements "Win-Win" and "Declare War" should pop. Automated turrets will distinguish friends and enemies based upon faction membership and reputation. Could have a blueprint for each faction. Factions were implemented in Update 01. " "Unknown" is not the name of one of the actual NPC Factions within the lore, but it's how the ownership of certain Faction Tag: «νïx» Government & Organization Citizen Rights & Responsibilities. 192. Smokki's Workshop contains AGI vehicles and their lore The Port Argos R&D Site was the first AGI-developed colony on Mars. Aug 10, 2014 · an easy way to do this without creating a faction is to highlight everything in your control list and then set it to nobody. before this update, there would be multiple faction npc flying ships all over, even more if I used MES, but i wanted to use more of a vanilla game May 16, 2020 · NPC factions have an ally-or-enemy relationship with all other NPC factions. If they're not an ally, they're an enemy. The secretive Factorum created Prototech, a powerful technology that you can only find during Global Encounters. Space Pirates are always hostile. Or > Enemy to all NPC Factions so become a Pirate. SPID is the spiders/wolves faction, and only matters for worlds that have them enabled. - Forbids other factions from attacking ships and bases located in a given territory. We are a rapidly expanding community that has been active for well over a year. As We strive to expanding to all sorts of different games such as Minecraft, DayZ, Planetside 2 and of course, Space Engineers. Aug 22, 2020 · Is there a way to put your faction's icon on an lcd/other screen like how the npc trader stations do? I tried the "Faction" image in the list but that is just a generic red fist icon, not the icon i am using. well you could blueprint it after setting the faction and then all the new ones would have that faction. Mining outposts can sell small grid drill ships to help the player Jan 17, 2023 · In your "K" menu screen, FACTION tab, hover over any faction name to see a list of factions they are friendly with. Their faction color is white and gold. #2 < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Oct 17, 2024 · this is kind of hypothetical due to the physical shapes limit of the game but I need ideas for what it says on the title. I think there should be 3 factions in the game: Space Pirates, a faction of raiders and opportunists Sep 2, 2019 · In the economy update, I've gone to many stations, found many data pads with coords, got my faction to around 1200 with a specific faction yet they still say undiscovered, I can only see them on admin creative mode, other then that it says undiscovered. Nov 21, 2024 · I am playing on survival, have all the encounter boxes checked, and do not have any MES mods running. That Faction will do nothing unless you do something, like create ships that will be set to the Dead NPC, set it on partrol to Guard specific areas for example, I mean a lot can be done and it just need a Engineer trying/testing ;) Jul 17, 2020 · Factions. its really strange. NPC ships are members of factions and can be friendly, neutral, or hostile to the player. The payout is in credits and reputation. I still want hostile ships and the like but i'm trying to remove the CORRUPT from my world as they are to hostile and there hacker drones do a number on all my builds. It's imprtant to add the NPC before leaving the Faction cause it will be deleted auto if no Leader Trading Outposts were introduced in the Economy Update 1. You wont be able to talk to or do much of anything with them. Jul 19, 2018 · So each faction has 50,000 dedicated PCUs. Jan 17, 2020 · Oddly enough got it working today, but it was while that player who was stuck in spiders faction was online, I kicked "founder npcs" out of their own faction. Jun 30, 2020 · Press K, go to Factions, select the Faction, select a player other than yourself, the Share Progress button on the right should light up. Mar 4, 2022 · Yes, just create the Faction, add a "Dead" NPC to it, do your Fav settings, set the Dead NPC as the Leader and leave the Faction. the ship would probably be impossible to build but I like thinking about it. John Helldive I can't seem to find any way to increase reputation with other player factions. Sep 28, 2017 · Space Engineers. Info + Old worlds in Original Content category have enemy stations on all planets and moons where we must go inside the enemy station antenna range for it to spawn enemy Drone that will track you down, like the world named "Earth Planet" for example. 4 - Leave that Faction so the NPC can become the leader. Dec 11, 2024 · The problem with this game that the Engineer is all-powerful and do not needs no one else. Feb 21, 2020 · Space Engineers. xCeezyx. Is it possible to become friendly rather than just neutral with another player faction? This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. 1. All citizens have the right to a fair trial. And delete that Safe Zone when all in and ready. All citizens are entitled to bare arms for the express purpose of defending the Vanguard Imperium. Dec 16, 2024 · I have 3 ships in my world, using Star Wars Rebirth. Certain NPC factions, such as SPRT Space Pirates, start out hostile. scarfell Owen FreshMango Patar Quantom Asedrik Pilots. Jul 22, 2014 · Occassionally I play creative mode and use it to set up battles between ships using the "fire at moving object option. . Unique features on different planets, like strip mines, trading outposts, and military bases all controlled by different factions. Nov 27, 2022 · The faction system is geared around not having peace. 012. This will only serve to increase pressure on the isolated survivors which will snowball until the Factorum are the dominant faction. Here are my notes so far: All NPC factions have 4-letter designations and their names consist of two parts. Is it possible to add an NPC factions somehow without creating new game and new world? We were created a new world with mistake: our game was created with enabled economics and NPC factions weren't spawned at first time. Replace Your Faction with your actual faction name or abbreviation. Jul 25, 2014 · Hi all, I've recently setup a server and im having problems with faction. That Faction will do nothing unless you do something, like create ships that will be set to the Dead NPC, set it on partrol to Guard specific areas for example, I mean a lot can be done and it just need a Engineer trying/testing ;) Dec 27, 2015 · Space Engineers. + If it's just to learn the game with a friend = the host can give "admin rights" to the player joining in, hit F3 in-game and promote your friend to Moderator so you both can use the Admin menu Alt+F10 and enable some God modes in there, like "can use all terminals" Mar 10, 2024 · I create different Factions where I add a dead NPC from the Faction Tab and set the NPC as the Leader to create enemy Factions, those can be deleted without problems. Their faction colors are dark green and white. ) In which case you can continue without joining a faction (none available anyway), and then once in game, you can create a faction in the factions tab of your terminal. Aggressive/invasive faction ships may be found in hostile space attacking enemy faction ships. On the left side, select a faction you want to make peace with 2. Biomes control what npcs spawn in them. Ones colored blue/green (teal from my color theme) are friendly. So, cooperation is impossible, and the Engineer is doomed to be alone, always in hiding, always on the move, to prevent others from destroying his ships and bases. All Discussions how do i open the faction menu so i can see my friends name on the planet worlds < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . sbc file of the relevant game save, you could find it under the sections labelled <Relations> but it could be tedious as you would need to cross reference the numeric player and faction identity labels with their names and relationships found elsewhere in the file under Oct 26, 2024 · So the factions that are in red are enemies. Factions can have multiple purposes, including Commerce, Industry, Military/Fighting, Piracy, or simply to group with your friends. Working for the 'competition' is also a good way to lose rep with a faction. If there's no encounters to spawn bases/ships for SPRT, it's hard for them to come after you. Likewise, “friendly” factions may come to the aid of allied factions under assault. Last edited by Dan2D3D; Sep 28, 2017 @ 3:36pm #1. The faction tag is UNKN. = That is how we add new NPC Factions in a world. Par défaut, toutes les factions sont neutres pour votre faction. Showing 1 - 1 of 1 comments The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. I think there was one called "Assertive Installation" which might be similar to what you want. The first part is an arbitrary The faction options may be greyed out if there are no factions available to join (perhaps they are all npc factions, or none have been created yet. Turrets will not target members of the owning faction or allied Oct 17, 2024 · The mod creates safe zones and I name them based on your faction tag. When you log in, I loop through all safe zones looking for ones that have your faction tag. and red ones who will atack on site. before this update, there would be multiple faction npc flying ships all over, even more if I used MES, but i wanted to use more of a vanilla game Nov 25, 2024 · - Space Pirate bases The wrecks are usually unarmed though some may have an automated turret or two still functioning. A player who wants to change the faction, needs to check that all his/her blocks PCU are within the faction limit he/she wants to join. About the 4th one (none of them were Spider Faction) the player auto joined the correct faction. Start completing contracts with their friend(s) and your reputation will start getting better. (i'm in Oct 27, 2024 · I have been trying to find the NPC trade stations that sell rovers and ships, but none of them ever do. All factions that I create start as dead, even the pirate faction is dead, so they're all useless to me. If you fill either of those roles, or know someone who does, go to the Factions tab. I tried looking into it and found something about how NPC factions come in different types like miners traders and builders, and how the faction tag normally tells you which of the 3 they are. To me it May 15, 2020 · I've been doing some contracts for some npc factions and grinding ships from others. Now that I have reached a hostile relation with one of them, I wonder if it is possible to go back to having a neutral relation with them. if you have other players that you want to keep out then i recommend creating a faction set the ship to you and then set the second option to share with my faction. All members that can participate (you can become a Captain by proving yourself as a good pilot) Roles that i am yet to fill out and add. Outposts appear in various zones of the world, with several on each planetary body, several in orbit of each planetary body, and Mar 4, 2022 · Yes, just create the Faction, add a "Dead" NPC to it, do your Fav settings, set the Dead NPC as the Leader and leave the Faction. I think this information could be useful for a future guide so please post the names and descriptions of any factions you came across during the test session. Hi, I create a "Admin Safe Zone" from the Space Master tools Alt+F10. Passive and Hostile npcs. HIt F8, fly to center of the zone, hit Alt+F10, go to Safe Zone, add one set on default and allow your Faction and SPRT Faction to the Safe Zone "Configure Filter" whitelist. Literally the only thing in the system are the factorum waypoints. But disabling economy once allready saved will give some problems, like reputation points may have to be reset and find the floating Safe Zone(s) to remove. Using the zoning feature of Modular Encounters, each faction will be assigned an area of space they control, where encounters with that faction are much more likely. I have joined said Faction as 'Leader', also demoated myself to Member, but all 3 ships show up as Red to me and i am unable to access them except by turning on 'Use All Terminals'. Depends on how you want to play it! > Allied to all NPC Factions but enemy of SPRT. AGI are well known for their advanced cargo logistics and vehicles, including all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), easy-to-use forklifts, and heavy duty trucks. Removed or destroyed blocks PCU are returned back to the faction PCU pool. B and C should have had no clue I was doing anything at all. Performing a task for faction A will increase your reputation with faction A by 5 points, but decrease reputation with faction B by 3 point and faction C by 3 points. Just add a Text pannel or LCD, go to that block in the Terminal of the grid and choose / setup the LCD to your liking, there are a lot of new options in there and I recommend to test all. With current progress, it seems to be random. As far as I've been able to find out ingame, because there seems to be no official or otherwise documentation whatsoever, you can gain faction rep with the space pirates by attacking civilian factions, and you can gain faction rep with civilian factions by completing contracts with them. Mar 14, 2014 · Hi. Aug 18, 2021 · Discover a faction is simply finding their ships or station and getting close to them (a few Kms I think), so either your save is bugged or the faction is close but not the same one, since factions are randomly created for each game you could have a number of very similar ones. There will only be three main Factions and they'll have up to unlimited players in side. After that checking the PCU-limits. So changing factions can cause issues. The names of the factions are drawn from a list of terms and glued together to create new names Other Stuff Sep 7, 2019 · I have to create a vanilla world, add all in from the world advanced settings, load the world to see if all is in and working, once all in = I can add ONE Mod at a time and load to see if all good. the ship is meant to support the entirety of my in game faction, TNF. Certain NPC factions, such as SPRT Space Pirates and The Factorum, start out as hostile Apart from Sabiroids (SPID faction) and Cyberhounds, Space Engineers does not have any Non-Player Characters (NPCs) other than computer-controlled defense drones and encounters. Aug 1, 2020 · Doing contracts for a Faction will gain good Reputation points +Rep but will lower your reputation if you grind their ships = - Rep. Once it breaks -500, you can start doing contracts for the NPC faction directly. If I hit "K" and goto the "Factions Tab", as I click on each faction in the list to see the detailes of each factio, I get partway through the list and it will crash to desktop. Sep 27, 2019 · I suppose this might be the gameplay mechanics that were settled on, but with random bad luck when spawning in, the closest base that might sell a ship for your needs is on the other side of a planet. When a world is created a random assortment of Npc faction's are also created. As humans push into the void of space, sometimes the void pushes back. Is it possible to enter a hostile NPC faction station? because otherwise, I've got no way of upping the relation with them. Trade All the factions, including the Pirates, have a love-or-hate relationship with all the others. It eventually Jun 16, 2020 · For as far as I know the stock at the shops rotates. We are looking forward to the release of dedicated server support for the game and all it’s upcoming developments and updates. Other than that, I'm not sure. NPC ships are members of factions and factions can be friendly, neutral, or hostile Jul 14, 2019 · Hey Guys, I'm trying to collect the names used by the NPC factions in the upcoming economy update. And now we can't create a new game because we will loose everything, that we have already built. All Discussions Economy Factions All Hostile After enabling the economy on a pre-economy save, factions do show up in the list, BUT every one of Pages in category "Factions" The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total. All members that can participate Designers. Image files created for faction pages may be moved or deleted without warning if they do not follow the Nov 21, 2018 · Hey Everyone! Faction Wars will have its own discord server! So please join that to keep up to date with everything!!! https://discord. The Unknown is a virtual faction. 2. 037. Even a stealth mechanic added to the gamewhile SE bloats itself with DLC claiming it was suppose to help fund new and exciting features so far all we get is more DLC blocks. 2 - Now create your Faction with you as the Leader. All citizens have the right to join the Imperial Senate to voice concerns of the Empire. 205 release and its lore. These faction's own and operate the various outposts the player comes across. Oct 13, 2019 · Now go to your Space Engineers mod folder at, for example: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Mods Where Username is your username. Dec 27, 2024 · What you are looking for cannot be done via any in-game menu options. However in my worlds that I generate none of the factions spawn with names from any of those lists Sep 16, 2019 · 10 faction-limit and 3 of 10 faction reach with their PCU limit the max faction-blocklimit already, you cant create another faction, right? Oo If it works in this way, it needs rly a fix at least the option to create 10 factions of 10 faction-limit should be possible. While checking the new update (which is amazing! cant wait to see what it evolves into) i noticed that the factions and blueprint tabs, that where unusable, in the control menu are gone. Oct 10, 2020 · I can't believe I can't find anything on this topic. Nov 25, 2024 · - Allows a faction to attack any intruder with impunity. Are the neutral faction stations (example: MEAL) spawned by the SO mod or by the vanilla game itself? I read the whole mod page and it does not mention spawning the other faction stations, only the SPRT stations, which leads me to believe that its the game itself spawning them. The faction interface can be accessed anywhere by accessing the Terminal (K key). Master Queef Oct 18, 2024 · As everyone is making changes and trying to adjust, the revised pirate faction will take advantage of the chaos and confusion to secure it's place among shattered agreements and broken alliances. Start hurting them, and your rep drops fast. The relevant data could be hand edited in the Sandbox. Anyway, you find faction stations and faction ships show up from time to time. Nov 28, 2021 · Hi, it's limited in MP and intended where we must own 51% of the blocks to be able to paint and use. Jun 26, 2022 · All other pirate controlled base are tiny and without safe zone protection, and faction controlled bases with safe zones. Sep 28 Aug 10, 2022 · Hi, that option is for Scenario or mission world authors, so they can create a Faction, do the Faction setting, and add a NPC as the Leader to keep that Faction when leaving it. A bit of a hassle but it would let you instantly pump out ships for a given faction as long as you have "save original ownership on paste" selected in the admin menu Nov 11, 2020 · Local hardware. I load it into survival, configure some stuff in advanced, and then enter the spawn screen, some of the time I enter, the spawn screen has it available, some of the other times, it's greyed out. -> The Faction will be deleted if no members in. I tell you this cause I found a Mod that is blocking the "economy" option and breaks the save file so I had to create new. White are neutral. There are mods to add pirate/faction bases to the game. I did atleast see it change every now and then so guess thats the same with zone chips to. Contracts are various jobs/tasks that a station wants done. NPC stands for non-player character, a common name for a computer-controlled hostile antagonist, neutral mission giver, or friendly companion for the player character. This subreddit is an unofficial community about the video game "Space Engineers", a sandbox game on PC, Xbox and PlayStation, about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. I have assigned them all to full ownership/share with faction to the Rebel Navy Commander, the head of the Rebel Navy faction (created by Rebirth). You can get to that directory by holding the Windows Key (usually between Ctrl and Alt) and pressing "R", then typing %appdata% Jun 23, 2020 · All this while Medieval Engineers improved npcs with a more indepth pathfinding system. I was in the official KEEN servers. The only interactive spawns are flying computer-controlled battleships, defense Drones, and encounters. Jul 14, 2019 · Hey Guys, I'm trying to collect the names used by the NPC factions in the upcoming economy update. One thing that the civilian NPC factions *DO* agree on is that they absolutely HATE Space Pirates (SPRT). - If the other faction is interested in taking over a territory by force, these 2 sides will set time and conditions of battle, the winner gains the territory. Oct 18, 2024 · As everyone is making changes and trying to adjust, the revised pirate faction will take advantage of the chaos and confusion to secure it's place among shattered agreements and broken alliances. 3 - Add a new NPC to that Faction from the Faction Tab. The non-military and military bases belong to the neutral NPC factions (but shoot trespassers). On the right side, just above the Member list are 2 tick boxes - Accept Anyone and Accept Peace. Oct 16, 2024 · How do you trade with NPC factions? i have discovered 2 neutral bases on my planet, neither of them even let's me into their base. They spawn automatically if the "Enable Economy" option is selected in the Advanced World Settings. Attacking a faction's enemy will positively affect your relations with that faction and it's friends. White Colored antenna names are the NPC Factions where we can Befriend by doing their contracts. i appreciate all ideas. Have the admin look in the safe zone admin screen and look at the name of your safe zone. Do work for an enemy and they start hating YOU. "Space is vast. In multiplayer games, Factions help organize players into cooperative groups, where only a select group of people can use certain shared grids. Nov 24, 2024 · Hi, just create 2 Factions ! 1 - One Faction where you will add a "Dead NPC" from the Faction Tab, set that NPC as the Leader, paste a ship that you will change ownership to the Dead NPC and leave the Faction. Effectively removing itself from the gameplay you experience until you painstakingly craft your own. Les relations de la faction. Pirates everyone hates them, so working for them will tank your standings with all the Civ factions. I find that if I approach a faction's ship, it simply shoots at me. In singleplayer games, factions are relevant when interacting with NPCs. Jul 17, 2020 · Select the "Factions" tab; Leave your faction; Create a new faction; Check "Accept peace" Hit "Add NPC" to add a member in your faction; Leave the faction; Create another faction; Select the first faction you created; Hit "Propose Peace" then hit "Declare War". Basicaly when ever some one dies they respawn and are no longer in the faction despite still being a member (even the founder) and there for are deined acsess to all vehicles and stations etc? Is there something in the options i can change to fix this or even remove the fcations option? Mar 26, 2016 · Because the File namespace is shared with the main wiki space all file names used on faction pages must have the following text in them: Faction_Your_Faction_filename. Oct 20, 2024 · Space Engineers. If you break any of the rules! Or if the faction had enough (say if you keep Jul 28, 2014 · I've had this happen several times now on a PVP server I play on. Mar 10, 2022 · By default, all factions are considered neutral, but the founder can change this by declaring war or peace. My server has 2 main player factions, I've created my own for a project I was doing and I'm currently neutral with the existing player factions. SPRT is the Space Pirate faction, and is technically needed. this will make it available to anyone at all. All Discussions Add a new NPC and give him your faction and all ships/stations. All members that can participate (not all ships will be chosen to be part on the USE fleet) Captains. Only thing is, completing contracts takes quite some time and is very lame considering it takes doing 100 The Factorum are a faction introduced with the 1. Jul 24, 2022 · Space Engineers. This faction stays permanently hostile and you cannot make peace with them Jul 29, 2014 · Space Engineers. This is besides the point. You can change this by Editing the save through the Dec 3, 2024 · Hi, 2 Drones may spawn in when exiting Planet Gravity but main PVE is that we must find enemy in space and go to it for a battle. Sep 16, 2019 · Reputation - "Have you helped us or hurt us?" Help a faction, or their friends, and they will start to like you. Dans Space Engineers, les factions peuvent interagir entres elles. Jan 24, 2021 · Completely deleting the factions not so much. Click the Factions tab to access buttons for creating a new faction, joining an existing one You can never have 100% good or 100% bad standing with all NPC factions simultaneously, because NPC factions have implicit allegiances, and improving your standing with one NPC faction can unbeknownst to you decrease/increase your standing with another. All Discussions Set everything you want to share with them to "Share with faction" (In the control panel, over on the right) #1. Attacking a friend negatively affects relations with all of that faction's friends as well. For harder enemies, install a mod from Aug 28, 2017 · Factions are player created organizations and groups in Space Engineers that players and NPCs can be a part of. Your loyal community deserves better responsiveness. 2 - Do the Faction settings/edit. Oo It would be a cool feature if we could Create a Faction or Join NPC Factions Example : If your a fan of Star Trek or Star Wars United Federation Of Planets The Romulan Star Empire The Klingon Empire The Borg The Rebel Alliance Jedi Order Galactic Republic First Order Jan 15, 2016 · I want to know if there is a specific way to delete select factions NPC factions. This can be because they where just there and served no purpose and the devs removed then to clean the interface, but i also kinda fear the possibilities that those 2 tabs sugested where scraped. All Discussions If enemy factions cannot get to your build area then you can make share-with-all. Space Engineers > General May 8, 2021 · Believe you need to be the Leader or Founder of your faction to make peace with other factions. Civs will generally have a faction or two that they do business with, and working with a faction will give a minor boost to those friendly factions Nov 22, 2022 · To create NPC Faction : 1 - Create a new Faction. A player which does not belong to any faction cannot build anything. All Discussions Watch the amount you trade with a certain faction as it will turn other factions against you. Aug 30, 2019 · Too old and obsolete discussion because the game is not the same at all now and we have the Faction option on LCDs now. ːsteamhappyː Jan 23, 2025 · If you go to the Faction tab and hover the mouse over the faction name in the list of factions, you'll see who that faction is friends with. gg/95sR3t But with that out of the way i would like to address somethings with the server. Danger, mystery, or reward may lie ahead. It always felt like a net loss. Assuming that Economy is enabled in your world settings, you should come across Outposts by exploration. If enemy factions can get to your area, then Apr 12, 2020 · Unless you are playing with others the factions are just there for RP reasons they are all AI controlled and do not function as a normal faction would There are white ones who are netural to you and wont atack. I started a creative world, all I want to do is to spawn a faction that is hostile to me and be able to spawn ships that belong to them (or transfer to them) so I can do weapons testing while they attempt to defend themselves. Worse, everyone else is also all-powerful, and can only be perceived as a deadly threat. Maybe somebody knows any other way or workaround? Argonaut Industries (AGI) is one of the NPC Factions. " Since the factions update though, I can get my ship's turrets to fire at other ships but these other ships remain neutral (green) and refuse to fire back or even to fire at the missiles I am firing at them (despite having set the turrets to do so). The potential for Space Engineers is vast, but it requires a more pro-active and original development team to fully realize that potential, Keen ain't it. To learn how to make hostile pirates spawn on any map, see Trigger Pirate Encounters. Does anyone know what the Jul 1, 2021 · This would allow for a more complex world for single players to explore. Go look at that.
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