Samba valid users multiple. conf file to see how that worked.
Samba valid users multiple Restart Samba with the ・valid users=ユーザ名|@グループ名 アクセス可能なユーザを指定 ・guest ok=yes|noまたはpublic=yes|no ゲストログインを許可するかどうか。 yesの場合はパスワード入力なしでゲストとしてログインされる Jun 4, 2015 · valid users = [허용하고자 하는 리눅스 유저ID] 공유영역을 설정하는 방식은 security = share와 대동소이하지만, valid users로 인증받은 사용자만 접근하도록 설정할 수 있습니다. systemctl restart smbd ユーザ追加. Apr 2, 2010 · On Fri, 19 Aug 2016 09:22:50 +0200 BLINDAUER Emmanuel via samba <samba at lists. In other words, I want to give the user 'bob' read/write permissions to the 'foo' directory but give 'alice' read-only permissions to the 'foo' directory. > > > > > > > > > > Paul Gienger wrote: > >> >>> every user is added to the group, but i cant seem to find a way for >>> a user to be part of multiple groups, sambaPrimaryGroupSID isnt >>> multi I can leverage auto. These users will need to be added to the group entry account in the system group file ( /etc/group or equivalent) to be recognized as part of the group. So, found this tutorial: Problem: When I set a permission (using WinPC - domain admin) for a group, the users can only see the folder, but not access Next message: [Samba] Re: valid users list file Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Hi all, I'm using valid users parameter in my smb. 리눅스 ID를 적어놓아야 합니다. com] Para: leonardorleon at cantv. Any help towards getting one of these methods working for this purpose would be very much appreciated. Sep 23, 2009 · valid users = test,@users # 접속된 사용자의 쓰기 허용 여부를 정합니다. net], Board, Clint [cboard at ufsonline. For example, I'll have : Folder 1, Folder 2, Folder 3. Of course, bubba uses Samba too, so doing this created matching Samba-users on bubba as well. read only = yes valid users = readonlyuser. valid users = user, @group # 指定能够使用该共享资源的用户和组. Nov 8, 2021 · Hello! I want to control a Linux Samba share from Windows: I have a win domain in place, and just want to create a Linux share, where I can assign read/write permissions to groups of users, and they can access the shares withouth login prompts. Here is the thing. Then set the remainder of the files to world readable, writable by a specific group (and change the ownership of the files to a user in that group). the server is bound to a forest, "AD" where users account are stored, and subdomains "PSI" for computers and some local accounts The Active directory forest is managed by 2008R2 servers, with rfc2307 attributs filled for accounts. Sep 4, 2007 · I set up accounts on bubba through the admin browser interface with the same user names and passwords as I use in Windows. Is it possible however to use the force user parameter on a per-directory basis? I have a number of shares which are accessed by a few different users and on various devices. Part one: How to setup a simple Samba share for multiple users. To enable multiple users to access a shared resource, you can specify the list of users under the valid users line, as follows: valid users = userone, usertwo, userthree Hello, I am using samba server as members of windows AD domain , with "security = ADS", the logins unix and windows are aligned. I can access any shared folder when alexr is the valid user defined in smb. conf Add in the write list paramter to your share definition, add in your list of users allowed write access. I'll have users: User 1, User 2 and User 3 I want User 1 to have access to ALL folders (folders 1, 2, and 3). write list = @users I have Samba 2. 기본값은 writable = no(쓰기 금지) writable = yes (write ok = yes 또는 read only = no) # 쓰기를 허용할 사용자(@그룹)을 지정합니다. What's going wrong here? Here's the share config: [share] comment = staff path = /data/share valid users = ry staff public = no writeable = yes Oct 16, 2009 · [share] valid users = +SAMDOM\"Domain Users" # block tom invalid users = SAMDOM\tom read only & write only: Samba Configuration. yes는 쓰기를 허용, no는 쓰기를 허용하지 않음. So i need to create a samba folder for each user to access to personal folders with individual username and password. Samba: valid users = @ Does Samba respect secondary groups if the user belongs to multiple This is shorthand for saying that the valid users are represented by the Unix group account. Si je fais : valid users = nom_utilisateur, cet utilisateur peut se connecter. conf配置代码如下:[share] comment = share folder browseable = yes path = /home/zhang/share create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 valid users = usernam_ubuntu samba 服务器多用户配置 But still both users can't add/del file in /folder. [share] read only = yes write list = user1 user2 @group1 @group2 Examples Jan 16, 2025 · [share_folder] path = /mnt/backup valid users = user1, user2 comment = DatabaseData BackupFolder. Part 3, Mount Samba shares to a fol Aug 19, 2016 · Hello I'm preparing a new fileserver, based on jessie + sernet 4. Today I'm trying to do it without webmin and in a way that will support multiple users. Jul 14, 2021 · The others will not be able to access the directory, but the specific user should. com] Cc: samba at lists. 7. Stephen Agar stephen. 14 [fortony] comment = For Tony Special path = /app/fortony valid users = tony read only = No browseable = No [forjudy] comment = For Judy Special path = /app/forjudy valid users = judy read only = No browseable = Yes 注:此台samba IP为 192. Disable a Samba user: $ sudo smbpasswd -d username. conf is like this : [george] comment = Home path = /home/george #valid users = %S read only = no browsable = yes [trandism] comment = Home path = /home/trandism read only = no browsable = yes [xristoforos] comment = Home path = /home/xristoforos 有効なユーザ(valid users)を指定した場合にどうなるかは既にみてきた。逆に、無効なユーザ(invalid users)、すなわちSambaやその共有へのアクセスを許可されないユーザのリストを設定することも可能である。この設定は invalid users オプションで行う。 Oct 16, 2012 · How to create separate list of samba users. Aber einen speziellen Zugriff von einem User xy auf einen bestimmten Ort wurde hier mit erstellt: [raspberry] comment = Raspberry Pi. conf only the last one has effect. 2. Something wrong with the backend? Yesterday I managed to use an LXC with webmin to pass a zfs dataset to another machine as a samba share with a single user. 8 Je tape la commande : valid users = @nom_du_groupe. invalid users: Users or groups listed will be denied access to this share. Then I looked to understand what bubba did. Just add comma ',' if you want multiple valid users. It does prompt me for a user name & password but one login grants access to all files For example, to enable all members of the Domain Users group to access a share while access is denied for the example_user account, add the following parameters to the share's configuration: valid users = +SAMDOM\"Domain Users" invalid users = SAMDOM\example_user The invalid users parameter has a higher priority than the valid users parameter. conf I have the line valid users = @Staff @Directors Is this a valid syntax to add samba - Add multiple @groups to valid users - Super User https://superuser. 在客户端操作五、测试用户的权限情况 一、Samba介绍 1. Since the version 3. It might be worth updating your question to explain what you're trying to achieve, because your configuration looks rather like it's half of an X-Y problem . edu Mon Mar 29 19:57:00 GMT 2004. Once they are, Samba will recognize those users as valid users for the share. e. Previous message: [Samba] strange Samba - NT4 domain connectivity problem. conf, and adding the relevant entry in smbusers. samba. Now, if one of the users creates a sub folder in the private folder with files, the other user cannot delete or edit them files. Step 5: Restart the Samba Service. Mar 24, 2015 · I'm using Samba to create protected shares on Ubuntu Server that should be accessible by Windows computers. 10 > packages. 7 version and seems to work as : @"Domain Admins" These groups are the default domain groups from a windows domain. There are a couple of ways you can create AD users with samba-tool: I'm setting up a Samba file server on Ubuntu server 16. e if they are not doamin users) then you probably need security = share. J'ai vérifié que les utilisateurs appartiennent bien au groupe, et ils ont bien été ajouté à samba (smbpasswd). ) Active Directory 에 계정이 있다 하더라도 samba server를 이용하려면 smbpaasswd 로 계정을 생성해줘야한다. 34 , I have strange behaviour on shares where we use "valid users" with unix groups it does'nt work. org> wrote: > Hello > I'm preparing a new fileserver, based on jessie + sernet 4. das erkennen vorhandener erfolgt ja mit sudo chown -R user: group /media/smb-freigabe. Hi, I've a question about the syntax of the valid users option. Could it be, that first login check is made against my DB, but the valid user check is made against some other service where those users are not specified? Mar 21, 2020 · Re: Samba share guest + valid users Beitrag von weshalb » 23. Remove the samba permission from your shares and add the users to the relevant linux groups. [tennis] path = /srv/samba/tennis comment = authenticated and valid users only read only = No guest ok = No valid users = serena, kim, venus, justine Jan 5, 2007 · Users will be given read-only access to the share. conf samba version 4. nmbd: Handles NetBIOS name resolution. This is done with the smbpasswd command like so: sudo smbpasswd -a USER â valid users = @editorial. 2021 12:17:57 Welchen Sinn soll das auch haben, eine öffentliche Ressource (guest) dann mit einem begünstigten User zu versehen? Mar 29, 2018 · [UsersShare] path = /path valid users = @users force group = users read only = no create mask = 0664 force directory mode = 2775 When bob - who was made a member of the "users" group - logs in with his samba username/password and adds a file to the [UsersShare] share it will have owner = bob, group = users, mode = 664 files / 2775 folders. group permission denied prob: pauljtester: Linux May 5, 2018 · 用户账号映射通过上节的介绍,Samba用户账号保存于smbpasswd文件中,而且用于访问Samba服务器的账号必须对应一个同名的系统账号,只要破解其密码,就可以加以利用。这一点就增加了服务器的安全隐患,可以采用用户账号映射功_valid users字段可以实现什么功能 When running Samba 4 as an Active Directory domain, unlike Samba 3, you cannot have a local Unix user for each Samba user that is created. conf中的重要参数,包括工作组、安全模式、匿名访问、共享权限等设置,帮助读者理解如何管理和控制Samba服务器的访问权限。 Apr 29, 2019 · [Share] comment = Folder to share path = /sharing/folder1/ valid users = "@DOMAINNAME\domain users" force group = "Domain Users" writable = yes read only = no force create mode = 0660 create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 force directory mode = 0770 access based share enum = yes hide unreadable = yes Oct 7, 2024 · <USERID>: Finally, you must specify the user ID to use for the Samba Docker container. com Thu Jan 27 17:43:58 GMT 2005. This group must be defined within the Docker Compose file. Any help is greatly appreciated! Here is the Background: samba 3. read list = guest, nobody So Thanks ----- Mensaje Original ----- De: Board, Clint [cboard at ufsonline. I have those groups (maybe is it my mistake ?) : Admin (User 1 + User 2) Group1 (User 3 + User 4) Group2 (User 5 + User 6) Group3 (User 7 + User 8) I have these directories : Directory1; Directory2 Jun 10, 2019 · In my samba share config I have added a "Valid Users" line, which allows only two users to access the share, but the share connects successfully from any windows computer regardless of the credentials. username map (G) Username Maps - Administration Oct 7, 2008 · Hi! I'm having trouble allowing only members of a group access to a share. 4 Linux as Domain Member Active Directory, not in Native Mode Compiler opions: --with-winbind --with-pam --with-smbmount The goal is to authenticate via the Windows Domain and allow access via Windows groups. If I comment it out, I once again have access. conf global 全局配置,对所有的以下内容都有影响 workgroup=samba 定义工作组 Security=user 定义安全验证的方式 安全验证有以下方式 1、share:客户端访问本机无需密码(匿名访问) 2、user:需要验证来访主机提供的用户名和密码才可以 To restrict users per share, you can use the valid users parameter. [foldername1] valid users=username1 Oct 27, 2014 · Samba's force user configuration parameter is useful as it allows multiple users to access a share while performing all file operations as a single specified user. Next message: [Samba] SaMBa - simultaneous connections Mar 16, 2017 · Finally, we must add the users to Samba. This kind of abstraction is nice so I don't have to tweak FS perms to "match" shared out access. <GROUPNAME>: Here you can the name of the group that you want your user to be a member of. 4. Have tried "valid users = +larare" and "valid users = @larare". You can set it with sudo smbpasswd -a your_user; Look at /etc/samba/smb. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment To restrict users per share, you can use the valid users parameter. com Fri Aug 19 08:35:12 UTC 2016. Apr 27, 2016 · winbind refresh tickets = yes winbind trusted domains only = no winbind use default domain = yes winbind enum users = yes winbind enum groups = yes And then find the share that you want to validate domain users into and add the following line. Next message: [Samba] valid users = too long? Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] > We are controlling access to a share based on userid under the guidelines > of HIPPA. All files when created by either user have the permission set to 0744/-rwxr May 15, 2016 · valid users = @domain^users (권한을 적절히 수정한 다음 @domain^users 에 계정 이름을 넣으면 그 계정만 사용할 수 있는 공유폴더가 생성된다. The directories to be shared Jun 10, 2009 · If your PCs use usernames that are the same as their usernames on the UNIX machine then you will want to use security = user, But if you have samba users, with no corresponding unix users (i. I then looked at the smb. Visualiza los usuarios de samba y fíjate en el UID asignado al usuario recién creado ¿tiene el mismo UID que en el sistema Linux (/etc/passwd)? Adjunta capturas de Feb 11, 2024 · samba简介 Samba是在Linux和UNIX系统上实现SMB协议的一个免费软件,由服务器及客户端程序构成。SMB(Server Messages Block,信息服务块)是一种在局域网上共享文件和打印机的一种通信协议,它为局域网内的不同计算机之间提供文件及打印机等资源的共享服务。. Adding Samba Users. chmod 775 /folder I'm using the RH 2. Crea el usuario “leonardo” en el sistema linux, recuerda que dicho usuario solo debe ser capaz de acceder al sistema a través de Samba. Oct 16, 2010 · 我在配置的时候设置security = share,在[home]中设置了public = yes 和valid users = %S,起初将valid users = %S使用;注释掉,在linux和windows客户端都能对设置的目录进行访问,然而我将valid users = %S的;注释去掉,在客户端会被告知没有权限访问,注:我只做了一个单层的目录做 Oct 13, 2020 · samba三大组成 作用 [global] 全局配置,此处的设置项对整个samba服务器都有效 [homes] 宿主目录共享设置,此处用来设置Linux用户的默认共享,对应用户的宿主目录。 How can I share multiple folders in Samba? If I use multiple [public] sections in smb. Nov 18, 2024 · user = user, @group # user设置所有可能使用该共享资源的用户,也可以用@group代表group这个组的所有成员,不同的项目之间用空格或者逗号隔开. conf # command line sudo -e /etc/samba/smb. It would have 3 users and 4 shares, as can be seen in the samba config. File Quotas: You can enforce limits on how much disk space users can consume by integrating Samba with user quota functionalities. Previous message: [Samba] Accessing multiple shares from one single client Next message: [Samba] avoiding the use of an LDAP entry for the samba domain? Messages sorted by: Jul 24, 2021 · This happens when setting the following in /etc/samba/smb. valid users = "+MYDOMAIN. smb. conf # graphical gksu gedit /etc/samba/smb. I suggested just creating a different share of that subfolder like this: [Folder2] path = /FolderRoot/Folder2 read only = no valid users = User1, User3 force user = UserMaster Dec 17, 2019 · I take it that you are manually creating the users directories (Samba doesn't do this automatically) You could use the 'root preexec' parameter in your [homes] share to run a script to create the directories when the user connects, you could also create a new share called something like '[users]' and do something similar. 3k次,点赞3次,收藏32次。本文详细介绍了Samba服务器的配置文件smb. gardenair: Linux - Newbie: 2: 08-21-2011 02:45 AM: how to delete multiple users from Samba: Gustav780924: Linux - General: 1: 01-26-2011 12:49 PM [Samba] multiple create mode for different directory: terryyip: Linux - Server: 2: 06-08-2009 08:17 AM: Script to create multiple directories under users Multiple Samba User Permission Levels I am trying to configure a share with Samba that allows for different user-level permissions. conf file to see how that worked. 168. org] Asunto: RE: [Samba] Samba - User Authentication Fecha: 30/04/2003 14:41:27 Mensaje: I just tested this out In smb. 08. Make sure that every user can access the common media folder on the unix side (without samba); alternatively, you can set force user in smb. UPD2 - Solution. The Samba server shall be accessible from Mac OS X and Windows. The files are likely owned by user1:user1 with no access to 'other' users. valid users = existing_user Jan 3, 2025 · Read-Only Access: If you want certain users to only have read permission, modify the read only option in your share definition to yes and specify valid users. the server is bound to a forest, "AD" where users account > are stored, and subdomains "PSI" for computers and some local accounts > The Active directory forest is managed by 2008R2 servers, with > rfc2307 Nov 30, 2022 · Das anlegen eines Users und einer Gruppe bzw. agar at usm. It is also possible to specify samba default file creation permission using mask. The default user on most systems has an ID of 1000. force group = users. 5. conf to allow certain users to access a shared services but the list of the users are increasing. conf; Make sure each user has a samba password set. valid users = george,lucas,rey valid users = george;lucas;rey valid users = [george,lucas,rey] Have tried "valid users = +larare" and "valid users = @larare". 5a running with multiple configuration files for different groups of users (one config file per group). 6-Ubuntu) May 22, 2019 · Your two users are by default in their own groups: user1:user1 and user2:user2. So, because %g = DOMAIN+primary_group I tried this: valid users = +%g (also tried valid users = @%g) Same thing. Samba mask permission. I was able to work around by adding the failed user's username/password in smbpasswd, adding the user to the "valid users" entry in smb. 2k次。Samba服务器多用户配置(1)下载samba服务器sudo apt-get install samba(2)修改配置文件sudo vi /etc/samba/smb. blindauer at gmail. Jan 20, 2025 · I wonder if it's possible to display multiple folders at the \\<ip>\<folder level>? I need to expose multiple folder directories on my host, but it seems like I have to use \\<ip>\main_folder and then link multiple directories within thi Mar 9, 2022 · samba服务的配置文件 vi /etc/samba/smb. conf): [Share] comment = Public Share path = /path/to/target/folder available = yes browsable = yes writeable = no public = yes valid users = user1 user2 user3 # These users are set up with their own shares Nov 17, 2024 · This confirms the configuration is valid. See line that I used below. Doesn't grant me access. net [leonardorleon at cantv. Solutions range from simplest to most robust: In other words, a client must first pass Samba's security mechanisms (e. Previous message: [Samba] multiple domain and winbind use default domain Next message: [Samba] samba domain member move to new domain with trust relationship Messages sorted by: # Un-comment the following parameter to make sure that only "username" # can connect to \\server\username # This might need tweaking when using external authentication schemes ; valid users = %S # Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for Domain Logons # (you need to configure Samba to act as a domain controller too Jul 7, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读5. 0. It looks like Windows 2003 is negotiating the logged on user's credentials instead of what is already mapped within the pre-authenticated mount ! Nov 21, 2020 · [FolderRoot] path = /FolderRoot read only = no valid users = User1 force user = UserMaster Then he wanted a subfoler that only User1 and User3 could access. Can a folder on Linux be belonged to multiple users? 0. create Because %u = DOMAIN+chris it seems I should be able to do this: valid users = %u But it doesn't work! Once I add that line, it denies me access to the share. write list = user1 user2 user3 You can use read list as well. invalid users = user, @group # 指定不能够使用该共享资源的用户和组 Jul 15, 2013 · How do I force the share to utilize the <application-system-user> credential instead ? Especially since this works fine for the Windows/SMB and Unix/NFS share from the exact same Windows 2003 server (smb client). Jul 9, 2013 · Part 2: Set different user permissions for Samba users. Posteriormente créalo para Samba. OS:redhat ent 5. Simply use the 'smbpasswd' command as shown: sudo smbpasswd -a existing_user. conf valid users = @"<domain>\<AD group> " It works when the "valid users" line is deleted. Dec 4, 2020 · 文章浏览阅读2. com Hi This is what i want to do : each windows pc will have its own /home/username on this samba server. [Samba] Multiple connections to a server by same user, using more than one user name, not allowed. I will create them with the following format (in smb. for example i have added 3 users so far and my . org [samba at lists. In the example below, only the users listed as valid will be able to access the tennis share. [Samba] multiple domain and winbind use default domain BLINDAUER Emmanuel e. 04 and wish to access shared folders on Windows 7 and Windows 10 PCs. conf [folder] comment = folder path = /folder browsable = yes writable = yes read only = no create mask = 0770 directiory mask = 0770 valid users = @usergroup1 And mod for folder. Then modify the configuration file and add the existing user to the list of valid samba users as shown earlier. Moreover, "invalid users" seems to be ignored. sudo service smbd restart If you need extra help, check out the docs below. You can also set read and write access to set of users with the read list and write list directives. g. valid users: You can make a share available to specific users. , authenticating with a valid username and password, passing the check for the valid users parameter and the read only parameter, etc. smb to "walk" to cifs shares like HOSTNAME\C$ It seems like I need to get that info to samba, however, I know you stated to move away from valid users, but singly listed AD users work with valid users. NET\Domain Users" Aug 7, 2022 · If you already have an existing user on your system, then adding the user to samba is quite straightforward. 4 自带samba 3. 10 packages. valid users에는 윈도우 ID를 적는 것이 아니라. 3. Mar 11, 2008 · Samba - permission problem on multiple user share: timmywo: Linux - Software: 1: 08-06-2005 05:30 PM: permission levels of a file: Prasun1: Linux - General: 1: 06-27-2005 05:02 AM: Using one Samba user for multiple computers: Rax: Linux - Networking: 2: 10-28-2004 09:26 AM: winbind samba user vs. ユーザを追加する際にはLinuxユーザも必要。 If you're running samba in the traditional LDAP sense with smbldap-tools, the smbldap-populate script would have done this for you. The official Samba documentation (below) demonstrates how to map multiple usernames to a single user, or even groups to users. Actually, another thing I am trying to accomplish with this is to give "Domain Admins" rights to all shares on the samba box. The problem is that if one of the user’s creates a new file in the “private” folder the other user can delete it but not edit the file. Usernames or group names can be passed on as its value. Enable a Samba user: $ sudo smbpasswd -e username. Mar 31, 2017 · You can't do that - as has already been pointed out, authentication is done on a per-host basis rather than a per-user basis. This is really irritating since if I copy something from downstairs to a share then come upstairs I need to ssh in to delete it after since I can't delete it from the share since the user logged in downstairs invalid users = root valid users = @smbusers, @smbusers_RO create mask = 02775 directory mask = 02770 [SAMBA] comment = Debian File Server With Read Write invalid users=nobody,nobody valid users=@smbusr,@smbusr_RO path = /samba browseable = yes guest ok = no read list = @smbusr,@smbusr_RO write list = @smbusr writeable=yes Jan 3, 2025 · Setting up a Samba file server on a Debian VPS allows multiple users to access shared directories seamlessly. Remove a Samba user: $ sudo smbpasswd -x username. In the common config file (which does an include to load the group file) I set valid users to a one specific group. x on Debian 9. The <application-system-user> is a valid Linux account as well as a samba account, with all the right read/write privileges. [tennis] path = /srv/samba/tennis comment = authenticated and valid users only read only = No guest ok = No valid users = serena, kim, venus, justine Apr 12, 2016 · guest ok = no [global] workgroup = WORKGROUP security = user encrypt passwords = yes [Share] path = /var/samba valid users = @everybody read only = no writeable = yes [folderA] path = /var/samba/folderA valid users = @users_folderA read only = no writeable = yes create mask = 770 directory mask = 770 force directory mode = 770 force group Jun 11, 2021 · Linux下的samba服务配置详解一、Samba介绍二、Samba工具及特性三、搭建环境介绍四、Samba配置步骤1. Save and close that file. My setup (for public share in /etc/samba/smb. confの読み込み. May 24, 2003 · Is it possible to make a share that multiple users can write to? It seems if one person writes a file, the other user can't delete it. path = /media/smb-freigabe/ valid users = @users. In this guide, we'll walk through configuring a Samba server where users user1 and user2 are part of the sambashare group, granting them access to specific directories. Do you have a DC with users Apr 2, 2019 · Samba服务器的配置是一项细致的工作,需要根据具体需求调整各项设置,确保系统的安全性和实用性。通过熟练掌握Samba服务器的配置,Linux系统可以无缝地融入到Windows网络环境中,提供高效的数据交换和协作平台。 Oct 24, 2016 · The valid users option informs Samba what users to limit the share to, and the force user option ensures all files are written as that user only. SMB(Server Messages Block,信息服务块)是一种在局域网上共享文件和打印机的一种通信协议,它为 [Samba] Accessing multiple shares from one single client Herb Lewis hlewis at panasas. it all depend on your overal infrastructure. ), as well as the normal Unix file and directory permissions of its Unix-side user, before it can gain read/write access to a share. conf: check if the line security = user is set in the [GLOBAL] section I have 100 users. Même en mettant les droits complets (777) sur le dossier, rien ne change. To apply changes: sudo system ctl restart smbd nmbd sudo system ctl enable smbd nmbd Explanation: smbd: Handles file-sharing services. Samba是在Linux和UNIX系统上实现SMB协议的一个免费软件,由服务器及客户端程序构成。SMB(Server Messages Block,信息服务块)是一种在局域网上共享文件和打印机的一种通信协议,它为局域网内的不同计算机之间提供文件及打印机等资源的共享服务。 Feb 14, 2013 · The valid users directive in samba's configuration file could help you achieve this. valid users = @group1, @group2 Another workaround would be to mention an AD group or AD user directly in "valid users": For specific domain groups: [share] valid users = +"DOMAIN\adgroup" Or for specific domain users: [share] valid users = "DOMAIN\aduser" Dec 21, 2019 · read up at samba. org for explanation on security and passdb, but this will set up basic functionality meaning a local linux account needs to exist and valid with that account name [ragnar and harald] which also needs to be the account name from whatever the connectting computer is. 服务端操作2. (that post is here). You can set multiple users for this, like so: Jan 31, 2019 · I am trying to implement a server with Samba 4. By default, Samba requires users to be added separately from system Apr 9, 2019 · Samba. Sep 13, 2019 · All the OP and I are looking for is a way to define multiple users in the highlighted config line below: [rootshare] path = /mnt/user comment = browseable = no valid users = write list = vfs objects = i. I can cunfig it! Hope it help somebody. As soon as I list some users using "valid users", I can't login with any to the share. A Samba user can be a member of multiple groups, just Mar 28, 2018 · valid users = 允许访问该共享的用户 说明:valid users用来指定允许访问该共享资源的用户。 例如:valid users = bobyuan,@bob,@tech(多个用户或者组中间用逗号隔开,如果要加入一个组就用“@+组名”表示。) invalid users = 禁止访问该共享的用户 Dec 15, 2011 · Edit /etc/samba/smb. conf, but I cant access the samba network using Bek's credentials. Of course, to see these changes you'll need to restart the Samba service. Hello, I would like to know if anyone could point me in the direction of how to add different users to SAMBA and allow them to access their respective folders. pwjm czsvt njih oimee odowkl kkoo tnqy zgyfuwu dyuad ogebny snhr lzv zwvtd tumy ocax