Polk county clerk of court. The Honorable Stacie M.

Polk county clerk of court The Comptroller's Office is also located in Bartow. Polk The Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller, located in Bartow, Florida, is responsible for managing public records, public funds, and various other services for the county. If you are under the age of 18, ask the Clerk about an adult filing on your behalf. The action must have arisen in Polk County or the defendant must reside in Polk County in order for the court to have jurisdiction. You will need to register to view records in Polk County, Florida. Driver Licenses. Polk County Courthouse. Parker St. Court Records. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees The court oversees the estate to make sure debts are paid and proper distribution is made. This computer system is for authorized use only. Evictions. My office has three branches that oversee more than 1,000 duties for our community. Bartow. The service will send you a text or email alert 7 and/or 14 days before court hearings. Create an account, make a records request, or purchase bulk data with PIER application. Additional forms and checklists are also available via the Florida Courts Self-Help Center , The Florida Bar , and Florida's 10th Judicial Circuit . You have the option to pay in full or enter into a payment plan within 30 days of receiving your court order. Hardee County ; Highlands County ; Polk County All information on this website is the property of the 10th Circuit Court of Florida, unless directly specified otherwise. described in Rule 2. Confidential Information. Local Rules and Forms. To pursue an Injunction for Protection: The first step is to identify the type of injunction needed. Polk County Clerk's Office makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at Dockets refer to schedules, case information, and information on different parties in a court case. Our Document Center provides access to a variety of forms and documents that may be needed in your business with the courts. After the death of the person, the custodian of the will must deposit the will with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, within 10 days after receiving information that the person is deceased. Butterfield, CPA Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Polk County, Florida Court Date Alerts! Don't Miss Your Next Court Date. eFiling is required for attorneys filing in eCourts counties. The court oversees the estate to make sure debts are paid and proper distribution is made. Baines, Clerk of Superior Court, is pleased to provide our customers with this website to electronically search our Historic Index Books. Public Records Searches. Virtual Courtroom Link (Video and Audio) Telephone Number (Audio Only) The Clerk’s office uses an online service to manage all public record requests. Polk Pro Se. Click here for all Polk County virtual courtrooms. Document Center. Hardee County please call the Administrative Office of the Courts for an accommodation at (863) 534-4686. Learn how to request and access public records from the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller of Polk County, Florida. Clerk employees cannot give Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Polk county. You can request an official or certified copy of a record by using the “Request Records” button on the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Website. This report details the goals my office set and highlights the actions taken to meet those goals in 2020. Haga Clic aquí para ver las instrucciones del Juzgado Virtual. E-Notify alerts users about upcoming criminal court date via text and/or email. This site contains information recorded into the Official Records of Polk County, Florida. Information for virtual court in Hours. Search. Injunctions for Protection. It has three branches: the main office in Lakeland, the Northeast Office in Lake Alfred, and the Bartow Office. Welcome to the website of the Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. This website is designed to provide you with 24-hour internet based remote access to our index records as an alternative to in-person courthouse access. Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Polk County. Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm . You can get court dockets to public records by searching the Clerk of Courts & Comptroller, Stacy M. Injunctions can also include other relief that the court feels is appropriate. Tax Deeds. The Court may impose a fine of up to $500 along with the court cost and require completion of a Contact the clerk of court in the county where the case was filed: Court Directory | Iowa Judicial Branch (iowacourts. AOSC25-13 - In Re: Emergency Request To Extend Time Periods Under All Florida Rules Of Procedure For Polk County In The Tenth Judicial Circuit Polk Felony Master Calendar: December 23, 2024 – July 4, 2025 Polk County Clerk of The Circuit Courts & Comptroller Subject: Statement of Claim Keywords: Statement of Claim, Polk County Clerk of The Circuit Courts & Comptroller Created Date: 1/2/2015 11:19:04 AM Any information regarding case dispositions must be obtained from the Polk County Clerk of the Court. Do-It-Yourself Court Filings. Clerk Butterfield is a Certified Public Accountant and experienced public servant with more than three decades in the Polk County Clerk’s office. Rules for Virtual Court Hearings This video provides rules and guidance for those who are appearing in a virtual court hearing. Search the entire Polk County Public Records database for final court judgments, land records, deeds, homeowners association (HOA) documents, plats, mortgages, marriage licenses, and other public documents recorded since January 1, 1957. Skip to Main Content. The Clerk's Office maintains the Circuit, Criminal, General Sessions, Juvenile, Child Support and Traffic. Indigent Status. A parent or guardian may file on behalf of a minor child. Apply for a passport at any of the Clerk’s three office locations. County Recorder. Polk Family. Check out information regarding jury duty. Find out more about paying court fees, fines and traffic citation in Polk County. Minority. Before arriving at the Clerk’s office, you must also read the Marriage Handbook. 420(d)(1)(B), but a Notice of Confidential Information within Court Filing was not filed with the document and the confidential information was not maintained as confidential by the clerk of the court. Polk County ; Judges . If a fine and court costs have been imposed as a part of your sentence, prompt arrangement of your payment is important. Learn more about eCourts . Access public records and electronic records of Polk County Clerk of Court online. Clerk of Courts . A guardianship must be established for the property of a minor child when an amount of over $50,000 is to be paid to the minor. Jury Duty. Quickly Find What You Need The Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller is committed to preventing fraud and maintaining an environment in which internal controls can be established and improved. Judges & Welcome to the website of the Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. Butterfield’s website. Lakeland. Click on Public Access and indicate the case #, name of party(ies), and date to access court dockets. Surplus Funds List. Vulnerable Adult Injunction for Protection. You MUST complete the online questionnaire before reporting. Find Polk County administrative schedules and calendars. Fees for a license without premarital Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Stacy Butterfield and the Polk County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) together earned the coveted Triple Crown Medallion from the Government Finance Officers Association. Register for e-Notify to ensure you don't miss your next court date. Polk County courts use the Microsoft Teams application for virtual court hearings. Board minutes and county ordinances for the Board of County Commissioners. Juror numbers 2019195-2019388 must report at the time designated on your summons. Physical Address 930 E. Family Law Case Modification. Popular Links. Divorce. Jury Duty Welcome to the website of the Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller. The Polk County Clerk's home page features services allowing you to search the entire Polk County Public Records database for final judgments, land records, court records, and other public documents recorded since January 1, 1957. Payment Information. Search by case number, name, date, or parcel number and print uncertified copies for free. The next step is to complete the appropriate packet and file it with the Clerk's Court Records. gov) Can't access or log into Iowa Courts Online? Contact the Technical Help Desk at support@iowacourts. Any person(s) 18 years or older or any individual(s) doing business as a company may file a small claims case. eRecording. County Commission Records. A competent adult may also ­petition the court to appoint a voluntary guardian for himself or herself. Court dates often change. Traffic Tickets. Property Fraud Alert. Court Payments & Payment Plans. Search and view court records and images online with Polk Records Online, the consolidated case records search application of Polk County Clerk of Court. Virtual Court. . Lakeland . , Room 240 Lakeland, FL 33801-1929 Court Payments & Payment Plans. Find My Courtroom. Find out more The Polk County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller is a government agency that oversees public records requests, marriage licenses, and court records. gov or 1-800-831-1396, Monday - Friday 7 AM - 5 PM except holidays. I hereby notify the clerk that this confidential information is located as follows: (a) Title/type of document: ; Supreme Court of FL Admin Order No. Expunging a Record. Polk County Bartow County Civil (General) Winter Haven. Small Claims. Browse frequently asked questions and forms regarding small claims. E-Filing. The custodian should supply the person's date of Clerk of Courts . Foreclosure Sales. Alerts are sent by email when a document is recorded with data that matches the parcel ID or party name If you want a marriage license in Polk County, FL, you must apply for a license with the Clerk of Courts, have the ceremony performed in the State of Florida, and then record the license with the Clerk’s office. Child Support & Alimony. My staff and I are committed to provide professional, efficient and courteous service to the citizens of Check out information regarding jury duty. Find court records, official records, and tax deeds of Polk County, Florida. Passports. I look forward to serving you safely as I begin my third term as Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller for Polk County. Polk Domestic Violence *INJUNCTIONS* The Polk County Clerk of Courts’ Property Alert Service notifies users when documents are filed for a specified property or party name, ultimately helping users identify unauthorized or fraudulent activity. The office provides more than 1,000 services to the Polk County community. The custodian should supply the person's date of The Clerk of Courts Office serves as an important role in The Judicial System of Polk County. The court may also appoint a guardian before approving a settlement for a  · Arraignment Court Appearance By selecting this choice, you will be issued a court date and will waive your right to pay the civil penalty or attend a Basic Driver Improvement course. Read on The Honorable Stacie M. The office serves as the Clerk of Courts, County Recorder, and County Comptroller, providing services such as issuing marriage licenses, The Clerk of Courts Office serves as an important role in The Judicial System of Polk County. Top. For statewide criminal history information, please visit the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website or Sheriff Grady Judd Polk County Sheriff's Office 1891 Jim Keene Blvd Winter Haven, FL 33880 / Polk County Clerk's Office presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. A crucial element of internal control is a mechanism for preventing and detecting fraud, waste, and abuse of County resources. The Polk County Clerk of Courts provides four ways to pay your traffic citation. Stacy M. Jury Information - Monday, March 17th. Find information on court, criminal, marriage, divorce, property, and tax deeds records online or by mail. Public Records Requests. ; Juror numbers 2019389-2021272 do not report - your services are not needed. eCourts Services are now available. Clerk of the Circuit Court, County Recorder, and County Comptroller. DIY Court Filings. Polk Circuit Civil. You must read all the instructions provided in your notice for the virtual hearing, including any instructions that address who you The Polk County Clerk's home page features services allowing you to search the entire Polk County Public Records database for final judgments, land records, court records, and other public documents recorded since January 1, 1957. Official Records. If you do not do so, you will violate the order and be subject to driver license suspension or further court action. Chief Judge ; Circuit Clerk of Courts . Choose from public access, registration agreement, or login options. Guardianships. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. Welcome to Polk County Clerk's Online Public Record Search Page. hpbug owmdmw rthzvo frxhyzv lacwt xqgk jtvs wpbkmc ksuyih nspcu lnwnap zchob elyug myvfos mtgkj