Parsec windowed mode hotkey. ️ Expected Behavior.
Parsec windowed mode hotkey I have a 1920x1080 resolution Parsec stream open in windowed mode on a 4k monitor. 2, AES 128-bit encryption - Reduced default audio buffer for lower latency - Fixed a bug related to audio capture and opus encoding (server) - Client can now be launched in windowed mode with 'client_windowed' configuration option - Windowed mode size can be set with 'client_window_x' and 'client_window_y Mar 16, 2019 · In the latest update for Parsec, they added several new features and have fixed a handful of bugs. Sound should be heard of feature activating. Set this to 0 for fullscreen (default), or 1 for windowed mode. does anyone know of a way to disable the samsung shortcuts while using parsec immersive mode? Quick Question - Exclusive Input Mode Heya, anyone know off the top of their heads how long the time is between the start of host mouse inactivity and guests ability to control the mouse again ? This is when exclusive input mode is on of course. It's basically TeamViewer but maxed to the limit, supporting up to 4K 60FPS video at ultra low latency with controller support. I have a high DPI display which . My issue is that the Samsung Book Cover doesn't seem to allow me to utilize the Alt+Tab hotkey, or utilize the OS / CMD button to interact with Parsec in Windows. Dec 16, 2020 · Default Parsec hotkeys are listed below. It says "Do you wish to accept the new resolution?" but the resolution and windowed situation hasn't changed. WinMove Parsec,,500,500. System Preferences ⇒ Keyboard ⇒ Keyboard Shortcuts ⇒ App Shortcuts Application: Parsec Menu Title: Close My guess is that software keyboard acts like a bridge even for physical keyboards. I updated my parsec installation in Ubuntu and the hotkey is completely gone; ctrl+alt+i does NOT work. Window border should appear, indicating activation of feature. How to Switch to Window Mode With a Hotkey You can switch to a windowed mode whilst playing many games by pressing a keyboard shortcut. Learn how to give Parsec system permissions. exe" -windowed then run the shortcut. My friends have been playing pranks and searching stupid stuff to mess up recommended videos/feeds. If anyone has worked with Parsec has come across this? A few things I've tried are:-ensuring client and host Parsec is running in admin mode-AHK on host computer is running in admin mode-Immersive mode has been tried on and off on both host and client the answers I did see say to make sure that windowed mode is not enabled - which it isn't and it wasn't to begin with. Kinda ruins my plan of replacing my laptop with dex if we encounter these breaking changes. Mar 9, 2021 · OK. Privacy Mode is a feature available for Teams and Warp customers that disables the physical displays on the Windows 10 host to offer privacy to the user who is Oct 31, 2016 · The second funny thing I noticed was a a funny thing that didn't happen - when I checked the 'windowed mode' box either on Steam or via my Skyrim non-SKSE desktop shortcut my resolution was not reset to a lower value like Cal at Dirty Weasel reported in his video. My issue was that I wanted to swap my Win and Alt key to correspond to Option and Command on Mac so that my USB keyboard on windows feels more like using the onboard keyboard. When streaming with parsec fullscreen windowed games the taskbar stays above it. Can be changed. La table des matières affichée ci-dessous et dans la barre latérale devrait vous permettre d’accéder facilement à la documentation. I am using parsec to work on another computer of mine but when I press some key combinations or the windows key for example it opens the start menu in the host computer an in the computer I am joining from, so is there anyway I can make the input exclusive to parsec while the window is selected? May 16, 2020 · Parsec has a setting they call "Immersive Mode" and if it is toggled via a special hot key combination, all keys, including special keys are sent to the remote pc. This is how you can play games in window mode within Windows 11/10. g. Civilization 6 Artwork. I’m using paper space as my host and when I use their browser remote app and launch the same games that have this issue (because they only support this mode of full screen) the issue goes away. I know Parsec has a setting labeled "Immersive Mode" which is intended to prioritize special key inputs to the host client, but I haven't been successful with that, as it seems that Jun 12, 2023 · You can switch to a windowed mode whilst playing many games by pressing a keyboard shortcut. You can switch to a windowed mode whilst playing many games by pressing a keyboard shortcut. This happened in all games I tried. That can all be done with AHK. another answer said to go into the skyrim document files on the computer and change full screen to 1 instead of 0 - tried it and it did not work. It seems I cannot get my game into windowed mode. Here is the autohotkey script I am using Apr 26, 2023 · After the newest EmuDeck update which added the ability for us to add Parsec, Moonlight, Discord, amount other apps along with emulators, it seems trying to open parsec, just doesn't work. Now I can type just fine but I am still not able to send special keys, Win Key, Ctrl-Alt-Del etc even with immersive mode on (Dex and without Dex) -Typed on wireless keyboard on Parsec client for Samsung S6 Lite Oct 28, 2019 · 순서대로 번역하자면, 연결 해제 (Disconnect), 메뉴 (Menu)는 좌측 위 파섹 로고 버튼 그것, 대화 (Chat) 채팅창, 창모드 (Windows Mode), 몰입 모드 (Immersive Mode), 단축키 무시 (Ignore Hotkey), 마우스 분리 (Detach Mouse) 마우스 조작이 입력 안 되게 하는 기능인 듯, 모두 허용 (Accept Enhance your display settings (and overall Parsec experience) by upgrading to Warp! https://parsec. I can't play windowed games because the mouse doesn't stay locked to the window. app/warpCheck out Teams: https://parsec. if u have any quest. This hotkey might activate a windowed mode when pressed; however, it’s not a universal keyboard shortcut that every game supports. Oct 2, 2024 · 还有PARSEC是一直在默认更新的,不排除教程有些地方可能会在未来更新后不一致,请见谅。 PARSEC是一款可以支持多人连接的P2P远程软件,类似原理是window rdp,使用显卡编码成视频的一帧一帧的传递,软件默认设置20人上限连接,可去配置文件修改。 Specifically on MacOS, if you have Immersive Keyboard off and ^→⌘, you can fix this issue by reassigning `Close` for Parsec to something obscure, like ⌘⌥⬆W, so ⌘W is correctly passed through to the host. So you have to use Sandboxie-Plus to launch the parsec. Apr 28, 2023 · Go into the game’s Settings menu and look for Windowed Mode. I'm having a problem with parsec. I have Parsec Immersive Mode enabled (Keyboard and also tried Both) and running in Full Screen. Tried swapping but still couldnt get my brain to use the buttons correctly. The table of contents displayed below and in the sidebar should let you easily navigate the documentation. I click And while some features and keyboard shortcuts were carried over from Windows 10, several new ones have been added. Running latest Parsec build both client and server. In Eternal, build any deck you can imagine by freely mixing cards from an expanding collection, and plunge into lightning-fast battles. In full screen it totally discards the color profile -I think this is something related to DX 11, but I tried with OpenGL without any luck- but when in Windowed mode the colors do shift a little. PSA: Anyone who wants to play multiplayer using Parsec but is annoyed by split screen, play in windowed mode and stretch the game across a dual monitor set-up. I am facing a similar issue. When I run games in Fullscreen Windowed I feel like I'm getting dropped frames in the Parsec client. Take a look at the Introduction to get an overview of what Parsec can do for you. Also, manually stretching the RD Client window to be near-fullscreen alleviates the issue. XButton1:: ; This uses one of the mouse thumb buttons. The Parsec machine never lagged, just my local machine when parsec was the active window. if u did window mode just to tab out, theres an easier way. The game performance itself is fine, which reports a constant 144 fps. Thanks for your work on Parsec its a great piece of software. If the computer you're joining has multiple monitors, Parsec may be choosing the wrong monitor to stream. Commenting because I found a somewhat related solution that I didn't see posted elsewhere in case this helps someone else. If you would prefer to not use a third-party driver to to keep a mouse cursor visible at all times, you can follow the steps outlined in this article . What is the shortcut for windowed borderless fullscreen? Alt + Enter shortcut key is used to switch between full screen mode and window mode. Hosting available for Windows 10+. , an open Web browser page or document) also called "Moonlight"? Does Parsec have on-top window status? Are you able to use a hotkey to minimize the Parsec window and then activate Moonlight? Feb 4, 2023 · Therefore, some players might occasionally prefer to play in the more flexible windowed mode. For some games, press Alt+Enter or Ctrl+F. I just posted an update though. While many games follow a similar pattern, if you are playing an uncommon title, checking community forums, game manuals, or the developer’s website may yield specific instructions, especially if it’s an older game. Actual Behavior. Using a VPN (ZeroTier) to Connect on Parsec; Cloud Workstation Setup Guide; Running Parsec On A Headless Gaming PC Or A Server; Run Parsec App From Command Line; Improve Stream Quality and Color Accuracy; Accept a Guest Access Invitation; Configure Hotkeys; Configure Approved Apps; Configure App-Level HTTP Proxy; See more Context: I use Parsec on my Mac to game on my PC. Unfortunately, this will not work for Civilization 6. There are several keyboard shortcuts that you can use in Parsec, which you can view and change in the settings, in the It's possible to toggle immersive mode at any time with Ctrl+Shift+I (Cmd+Alt+I on macOS). If you can't use the Windows 10 method, you'll need to use Display Capture to capture the entire screen in OBS, and crop the screen with the OBS settings to show only Parsec, in case Parsec is Mar 9, 2021 · OK. Jun 18, 2024 · After connecting to the host, you can also click on the Parsec icon in the top left corner to adjust settings freely. app/teamsJoin our Jan 4, 2025 · Window Mode: Change the Window Mode option to Windowed or Full-Screen Window. exe" change it to: "C:\Program Files\Company\File. ĭisplay the Parsec overlay button in the top-left while connected. Immersive mode is on so I'm not sure what's happening. Virtual Desktop. Other Software. Mar 26, 2017 · To stream games using Parsec, we recommend users running their games in borderless windowed mode. If anyone else finds this through google, a workaround to get Parsec to ignore shortcuts on Wayland if you're using KDE Plasma is to: Right Click window title -> More Actions -> Configure Special Application Settings Take a look at the Introduction to get an overview of what Parsec can do for you. Common Issues and Suggestions# Common shortcuts# Ctrl + i: Enter focus mode, using shortcuts will not interfere with the host Ctrl + Shift + W: Switch between full screen and windowed mode Ctrl + Alt + · (tilde key): Exit with In the comments, someone mentioned that using windowed mode optimizes data transmission and recommended using it. I'm used to play league of legends windowed because my screen is a little too big so I like to keep everything in the focus of my vision. When I go into the graphics options menu and select 'full screen', nothing changes. I assume this is just a problem with the way i3 handles things (fullscreen works fine). Anyone know what might be causing it? Latest NVidia 3090 drivers and latest parsec on both pc's. Lightweight apps that To capture Parsec, if you have Windows 10 1903 or newer, use Window Capture as a source and select the Windows 10 (1903 and up) method in its settings. You can also use the search function in the top left corner. Parsec offers this, for example. It looks like Windows + ALT + F to move Shadow to windowed mode, Windows + ALT + M to allow you to move the mouse outside the window, click on the Desktop, send the keypresses that you want, then click on the windowed Shadow, then Windows + ALT + F again to make it full screen. Everytime i try to host a game in fullscreeen mode it crashes, blazblue is the only exception games like guilty gear xrd and umvc3 always crashes, i've been trying everything like restarting the pc, reinstalling parsec and verify the game's files in steam and nothing works My specs are: CPU: Intel i5 6400 GPU: nvidia 1060 6gb This only happens when I run Parsec on my client pc in fullscreen mode. This hotkey might activate a windowed mode when pressed; however, it's not a universal keyboard shortcut that every game supports. LBM and RBM actions worked without delays or freezing – it was perfect. , an open Web browser page or document) also called "Moonlight"? Does Parsec have on-top window status? Are you able to use a hotkey to minimize the Parsec window and then activate Moonlight? Right click parsec shortcut, go to properties, click shortcut tab, drop-down menu option on "run:" change to minimized Reply reply Top 7% Rank by size The host needs to give permission by clicking the profile picture of the people connected at the bottom of Parsec. Any help would be appreciated. You'll need to make sure Parsec's immersive mode is on, which you can turn on via the hotkey combination of Ctrl + Shift + I. To fix this issue, we’re going to force the game to launch in windowed mode. Try pressing the Alt + Enter hotkey when you're playing in full-screen gaming mode. json. I decided to try switching my Parsec Client to "Window Mode: Windowed," and it resolved my problem. txt to config. It is also possible to temporarily detach all inputs from the stream by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Z (Cmd+Alt+Z on macOS). Right click the shortcut, go to properties, in the "Target" box you'll see something like: "C:\Program Files\Company\File. (White part on right=diff res) This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. 0 update. Issues with task manager and elevated programs. Use 1 for VSync (default), or 0 for turning it off. when parsec launch within sandboxie, autohotkey works. This happens even if immersive mode is enabled. I want the display resolution of this stream to be exactly 1920x1080 pixels as to avoid text being blurry, but there seems to be no way whatsoever of doing this beyond manual clicking and dragging. I can still manually for a session to start with immersion but in order to alt-tab back to my client desktop I have to fully close my pasec session. Hi I'm new to Parsec and wanted to see what my opinions are to force disconnect my friends computer if I'm hosting my computer and letting a friend play through his computer. Parsec cannot control task manager, and other programs running as administrator, in case it lacks system permissions. Is that the entire script? Are any other scripts running at the same time? Are there any other windows (e. Method 2: Using Keyboard Shortcuts. As shown in the image below, when the button is clicked, you can view performance stats and stream details (1), and can change various settings related to the stream (2). The first new feature is the ability to set cutom hotkeys for the various actions within the Parsec client. Jan 28, 2024 · Windowed mode, also known as windowed fullscreen or borderless windowed mode, is a display option for computer games that allows them to run in a window on your desktop rather than taking up the entire screen. General Windows 11 shortcuts. Pass brings a higher level of security with battle-tested end-to-end encryption of all data and metadata, plus hide-my-email alias support. Also, please don't suggest me to use Parsec or Moonlight. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. Run the Parsec application in windowed mode while connected. json, for backwards compatibility. r/cloudygamer • I’m using paper space as my host and when I use their browser remote app and launch the same games that have this issue (because they only support this mode of full screen) the issue goes away. You can also use the hot key ctrl + shift + i to quickly toggle Immersive Mode on/off. Hello so I've been using Parsec for school connecting it to my android tablet, the one thing that bothered me is that I use a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and I cannot for the life of me find a way to use alt-tab and window button on my keyboard, every time I do it my android switch tab instead and the window button doesn't do anything. Understanding the benefits of windowed mode can help you decide whether it’s the right choice for you. The wrong monitor is being streamed. If you want to turn it default on, you'll have to change the setting to 1. It works better if you have the monitors at the same Resolution either natively or through display settings. Window Mode: client_windowed=0: Run the Parsec application in windowed mode while connected. Jun 18, 2022 · It looks like it's being pressed rapid fire as apposed to being held down. Once that is done, enable immersive mode in Parsec's settings to ensure your hotkeys are passed onto the host. The following screenshot shows the full list of actions that can be assigned a cutom hot key. 連線狀態或是品質不好時會提醒你,這我就覺得關掉也行,畢竟網路不穩可以直接感覺出來。 Window Mode The game should now run in windowed mode the next time you launch it. It was G-Sync on my local client PC causing the issue. It is a family of operating systems that are designed to combine elegant and efficient desktops with high stability and solid performance. Here are the steps we took to fix the issue: Jan 3, 2025 · Launch the Game: Start the game and press the hotkey to enter borderless windowed mode. To do it on windows/linux it's Settings > Client > Immersion Mode > Keyboard , although am using an older parsec android version and not sure if it was implemented in the newer android version. Again, CTRL+SHIFT+L works fine locally on the host, just not through Parsec. This new configuration file exists in the same location as config. I switch desktops constantly in win 11 and that keyboard shortcut no longer works with the UI 6. You can still add your configuration options to config. Window Mode - Toggle between windowed and fullscreen mode. From there, we can change to borderless windowed mode within the game once we get into the game. Here’s a list of handy keyboard shortcuts to help you get the most out of Windows 11. Only workaround I've found is running in windowed mode, but that isn't great. 15+. What happened to the immersive mode hotkey for linux. Hello, I have been currently using dex and parsec to access my virtual machine, but even when I enable immersive mode the keyboard shortcuts from samsung override the keyboard shortcuts for my windows virtual machine. Jan 18, 2017 · Starting this morning, when I open Civ VI it is in a window that only takes up part of the screen. As a result, with RD Client in full-screen, I've resorted to using keyboard shortcuts to open (Ctrl + T) and close (Ctrl + W) remote Windows browser tabs. These shortcuts are for general functions, such as copy, cut, paste, and more. If you want to pass Windows special keys to your server (alt+tab for instance), you'll want to be in "Immersive Mode". I can use a hotkey to activate the Parsec window, but once there, I am unable to use hotkeys to activate a different window, even if running as Administrator. Parsec Overlay Button Is it possible to show the overlay button again after hiding it in game? im playing on Android via streaming and when i hide the overlay via the in game parsec button i need to close the stream and open again for it to show, isn't there a shortcut for it? This results in an inability to click a remote browser-tab's close button, for example. 5x my refresh rate in borderless window. (4k/144fps, virtual monitor) When I run games in Fullscreen mode (True Fullscreen) performance is absolutely perfect. It happens to be somewhat difficult to force ME:A into this mode at launch, and it actually fixes the black screen at launch. Window should stay always on top. It happens to be somewhat difficult to force ME:A into this mode at launch, and it actually fixes But something I realized while trying this is that color is rendered differently when Parsec is in Windowed mode or in Full Screen. I have been playing Civ VI for months without any issues like this. Windowsキーを押すと、クライアント側(操作してるpc)のパソコンで反応してしまう問題。 他にも、Alt + Tabなんかでも同じ症状がでますね。 スタートメニューが出なかったり、仮想デスクトップの切り替えのショートカット(Win + Ctrl + →)が使えないのでコマッチコマッチ 対策 クライアント側のParsec Some games will switch to Windowed Mode if you press the Windows key + D. Nothing happens. Parsec works great, except that my host PC doens't meet the minimum hardware requirements and so I can't use that either. Apr 19, 2019 · Change this to the exact name of your game streaming window. when the game is loaded click the esc button to the settings menus and tab out there your mouse doesnt messup when i do it that way. Eternal combines the infinite possibilities of a deep strategy card game with the pace and polish of a modern video game. client Oct 21, 2016 · The standard way to launch a game in windowed mode is through the steam launch options. May 31, 2020 · 순서대로 번역하자면, 연결 해제 (Disconnect), 메뉴 (Menu)는 좌측 위 파섹 로고 버튼 그것, 대화 (Chat) 채팅창, 창모드 (Windows Mode), 몰입 모드 (Immersive Mode), 단축키 무시 (Ignore Hotkey), 마우스 분리 (Detach Mouse) 마우스 조작이 입력 안 되게 하는 기능인 듯, 모두 허용 (Accept Aug 20, 2022 · 上記のWindowsキー関連の動作の問題を解決するためには、クライアント側のParsecで、ClientタブのImmersive Modeの設定を変更する必要があるようです。 Immersive Modeの設定を「Keyboard」に変更すると、Windowsキーがリモート先のPCで動作するようになります。 Nous vous recommandons de lire la page d’introduction pour avoir un aperçu de ce que Parsec peut vous apporter. ️ Expected Behavior. Jul 17, 2011 · Create a shortcut to the executable that runs when you double-click the drive in Computer. Immersive Mode is default off with the setting at 0. If the game does not offer a windowed mode option in its settings menu, you can try the following methods to force the game into windowed mode. Parsec faithfully reproduces the hidden mouse cursor based on this. Troubleshooting Common Issues Parsec is game streaming software that lets you play your PC games on any hardware by streaming the video from your PC to your other devices. Starting in Parsec version 150-89, Parsec will move any advanced configurations from config. Aug 2, 2021 · I have one simple feature request (seems simple), could it be possible to switch the mouse to relative when in windowed mode, then in absolute when in fullscreen ? Today we need 2 shortcuts to switch to another app : CTRL+ALT+X and CTRL+ALT+Z, systematically. The host PC doesn't have any dedicated GPUs and so Moonlight is out of the question. Another simple way to force a game into windowed mode is to use keyboard shortcuts. I now run BDO with GSYNC on (for ALL applications, in window & fullscreen, Ultra low latency mode on, and Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling on. When im in immersive mode from PC to PC I sometimes forget im on Parsec. Mar 26, 2021 · OK. I have it set to a specific firefox Click the Parsec icon in your session window; Highlight 'Add Screens' Select a screen you want to add; You can also use the Add Screens hotkey (Ctrl+Shift+S by default) while connected to the stream. When I run parsec in a window this goes away completely. Could we have a simple option to enable mouse relative when the 1st shortcut is done ? MX Linux is a cooperative venture between the antiX and MX Linux communities. Hosting hardware requirements. just ask. all you have to do is 1. Unless you either activate Parsec first and then move it, or you specify Parsec in the WinMove directly, the WinMove as you've specified will move whatever window is currently active at the time (which is, more than likely, not Parsec) Jun 17, 2022 · 當你連線到其他人的電腦時的設定,在連上時左視角預設會顯示Parsec的按鈕,可以選擇要不要開起,但通常我是留著,調一些功能會方便許多。 Overlay Warnings. On some Intel decoders, you can actually turn this option off and continue to play without tearing. We figured it out. We have tested and verified that this driver will allow Parsec to emulate a mouse as if there were one plugged into your computer. Unfortunately, this will not work for Civilization 6 Dec 16, 2020 · Default Parsec hotkeys are listed below. 1. The lag happens on the local client PC when the remote parsec host is the main window, parsec runs smooth but everything else local tanks. Hosting available for macOS 10. The standard way to launch a game in windowed mode is through the steam launch options. but when mouse focus on parsec window, it will prevend autohotkey to action. Proton Pass is a free and open-source password manager from the scientists behind Proton Mail, the world's largest encrypted email service. Other Games. Parsec 150-94a Download Parsec Choose Platform Below. They also broke some windows shortcuts. Did you find a workaround? I tried going to Android Parsec>Client>Ignore hotkeys. Opening the second one doesn't allow me to mouse between the two displays so I close the second one and reopen it which fixes it. This is di The only issue I can report with Parsec is that it if I use windowed mode and switch focus to another window and back I lose the ability to move the mouse and send keyboard events. This keyboard shortcut even works in some applications that aren't games. Try pressing the Alt + Enter hotkey when you’re playing in full-screen gaming mode. May 22, 2024 · In-game settings: Many games have a “Full-Screen” or “Windowed” option in their graphics or display settings. Unfortunately, this will not Happens with Microsoft RDP too. txt, and Parsec will move them to config. I found a workaround until the windowed mode works properly: As a workaround to the current Linux client ignoring window size settings via commandline and config, run parsec via a script and use wmctrl (may need to install wmctrl) Example I use: When connected to a host, and have the Parsec overlay enabled in your app settings, a Parsec icon is overlayed on the stream window. In Parsec Hotkey settings, I do NOT have any hotkeys configured to use CTRL+SHIFT+L. Immersive Mode - Toggle immersive mode during a client connection. I'm trying to run the Steam Link app itself (on my local machine) in window mode. How do I switch to windowed mode? May 27, 2024 · Start Parsec, focus the window, perform shortcut to activate AlwaysOnTop. go on full screen mode, 2. , an open Web browser page or document) also called "Moonlight"? Does Parsec have on-top window status? Are you able to use a hotkey to minimize the Parsec window and then activate Moonlight? Jul 12, 2020 · If this keyboard shortcut doesn't work in the game you're currently playing, you'll need to open the PC game's graphics settings window and choose full-screen or windowed mode instead. However, the issue I then start getting is that Parsec doesn't capture keyboard events such as the Windows key and Alt+Tab. For certain games that strictly require full-screen mode I have a hard time going back and forth since command + w closes a window on mac, but ctrl + w closes it on PC. Immersive mode (2 shortcuts) # 4 Many Parsec users who have set up a cloud machine to play the game while they wait for the Mac version to be released know that our application only works with games that are launched in windowed mode. I get it mixed up when using parsec. - All connections secured with DTLS 1. If disabled, it behaves like Moonlight behaves now. To open in Windowed mode, edit the shortcut properties and add -window or -w to the file path. Alt+Enter Shortcut: In some games, you can simply press the Alt+Enter keys on your keyboard simultaneously to toggle between full-screen and windowed mode. I ran into an issue where if GSYNC was off, using windowed optimizations would still cap my FPS at 1. All shortcuts should start with a modifier key such as Ctrl, Alt or Shift. I am using Autohotkey to resize the parsec windows size. Ignore Hotkey - Prevent this hotkey from being passed to the host during a client connection. txt. These shortcuts (except Accept all and Kick all) an be customized in Settings > Hotkeys. Parsec still might be conflicting somehow. Your host computer needs at least two displays connected, with the screens set to the "Extend" mode in the OS settings, for the option to show up. Send {Esc} ; Pause the game Sleep, 200 ; Wait 2 ms WinMinimize ; Minimize the remote window IfWinExist, Sysadmin - Mozilla Firefox ; You can change this to any window you want. Automatically Open Additional Screens: client_automatic_displays=false: On connection, Parsec will automatically connect to all screens that are present on the host, up to a total of 3. vav pvif ownin rlthuc havx tclht yug jobrxhi bfepa crslwrt eoni itssu qmbn ozo mslszb