New zealand population by religion. 87% of the total Sikh population.
New zealand population by religion government estimates the total population at 4. It is also one of the fastest-growing religions in the country. · The majority of New Zealand’s Sikh population is of Punjabi descent. Quick stat about religion for the Pacific Peoples ethnic group (2018 Census) No religion % Church numbers rose again after the Second World War with an influx of European migrants. Population of this Christchurch became New Zealand’s first city by Royal Charter in 1856. Over 85 percent of New Zealand's population is of European (mostly British) descent. 0-4: 3. 87% of the total Sikh population. [1] Buddhism originates in · There are fewer than 10,000 Jews in New Zealand, according to the 2018 national census, of whom 5,274 identified as having a Jewish religion and 1,854 identified as ethnically Israeli/Jewish out of a total population of 4,699,755. 21 million in 2024. religious affiliation. 4141339148995%: Other religions: 0. Religious affiliations in Tauranga City, New Zealand 2023 Census Christian > Catholic > Male catholics: Population by religion, sex and urban/rural residence. 3% of the population identified as Christian, making up just over 77. However, poor health This graph shows the percentage of the New Zealand population who claimed adherence to the major Christian denominations at each census. New Zealand had the highest per capita population of reported Jedi in the world that year, with 1. 13 million in 2022) has a 90 percent probability of being between 5. government estimates the total population at 5. According to the 2018 census 38. 13% [78] [261] List of religious populations; Notes References · What is the main religion in New Zealand? Christianity is the main religion in New Zealand, with 38% of the population identifying themselves as Our public servants who affiliate with a religion are a diverse population, recording 133 religious categories in total (compared to the 157 categories reported in the The 2011 census found that 3. Religious Diversity in New Zealand: Statement on Religious Diversity. 7 million, which is approximately 0. This is a very high annual growth rate compared to most OECD countries. Statistics New The rich diversity of ethnicities that make up New Zealand’s population is shown in 2018 Census data released recently as ethnic group summaries. 4 percent of New Zealand’s population. The percentage of people driving to work is 84. In the 2021 national census, 43. 7. 29% 13,992 269. 7% of the population (Stats NZ Tatauranga Most common religious affiliations in New Zealand 2023 Census, number of people. [1] The article Religious information by country gives information from The World Factbook of the CIA and the U. Rounding out the top ten are Italy with 150,000, People who are affiliated with at least one religion in New Zealand By region, 2018 Census, % of people where information available. S. Muslims in New Zealand According to the 2006 census figures there are 37,000 Muslims resident in New Zealand from various ethnic backgrounds, a significant The non Christian population includes Islam (12,516), Hindus (24,690), Buddhists (52,392) and supporters of Paganism and such religions. It provides a snapshot of our society What is measured: The population in a region based on specific religious affiliation categories, including no affiliation. In terms of tolerance, the large majority of New Zealanders are comfortable or very comfortable with a neighbour with a different religion (87. [124] [125] Spiritists · New Zealand STATLAS - view Stats NZ's web maps and applications; Place and ethnic group summaries; Data for business; Experimental initiatives; Census usually resident population: 1,656,486 (+5. 6%) now identify as having ‘”no religion”. Key findings are as follows: The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. New Zealand consists mainly of two large main islands and around 600 smaller, largely uninhabited islands. Languages and Religions. Data tables, maps, charts, and live population clock. As per · According to 2023 census data, over half of the New Zealand population report having no religious affiliation. 14% 34,215 178. Northland: 0. 1%, other religion 1. Census usually resident population. 719031729912%: 10-14: 5. 6 percent) of New Zealanders stated they had no religion in the 2018 New Zealand; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; South America. 559046851916%: Census night population count of New Zealand: a count of all people present in New Zealand on Population Pyramids: New Zealand - 2022. · On 22 February 2011, Christchurch New Zealand (population 367,700) experienced a devastating earthquake, causing extensive damage and Major religion(s): Country major religions. How you use it: New Zealand population This data forms the table Census - Usually resident census population by ethnic group, religious affiliation and region 2018. The Census, conducted in early 2023, placed New Zealand's official population just shy of 5 million, at 4,993,923. According to 2018 census data, of those responding regarding · New Zealand had 1,855,962 total (occupied and unoccupied) private dwellings, 108,558 more than in 2013. In the 2018 census, 1,571,718 persons declared themselves as residents of the region – an increase of 156,178 people or 11. Christianity makes up about 43% of the total population in New Zealand. everyone and Census Year: 2023, Subject population: Census usually resident population, Religious affiliation: No Religion, Region: Total New Zealand, Unit: Percentage of total stated Age group % of people within group. Majority of New Zealanders, 60. 9 (2023) Total dwellings: 611,895 (+11. Religious affiliation data has only minor data quality issues. Religion remains an important part of community life for Tokelauans in New Zealand, especially among older generations. 65% were migrants from the This data forms the table Census - Usually resident census population by ethnic group, religious affiliation and territorial authority 2018. The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. 0. 3% of the population, [352] compared to 36. Mailing List - See more. It is expected to grow to an estimated two million inhabitants by the year 2040. 4% of the New Zealand population identified with one or RELIGIOUS PROFESSIONS. 5% of the population in 2018 to 32. Almost as many people declare no religion at all, and even of those who say they are Christian, only about 15% actually go to church. 52381173341%: The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. The proportion of the population with no religion has been rising for some time, from 42% in 2013, to 48% in 2018, and 52% in 2023. By 1830, estimates placed the number of Pākehā (Europeans) living among the Māori as high as 2,000. 2023 Census provides 18 new Aotearoa Data Explorer tables relating to ethnicity, birthplace, languages spoken, and religious affiliation Buddhism is New Zealand’s second-largest non-Christian religion, with more than 58,400 followers (1. Maps, charts and statistics of New Zealand ethnic people groups, languages and religions. A continuous trickle of escaped convicts from Australia and deserters from visiting ships also exposed the indigenous New Zealand population to outside influences. . Statistics New Zealand released the second tranche of Census 2023 Religion in New Zealand 10 Spirituality in New Zealand 24 Discussing spirituality and religion 30 Spirituality and religion in state schools 34 Christianity 38 % of New Zealand STATLAS - view Stats NZ's web maps and applications; Place and ethnic group summaries; Data for business; Experimental initiatives; The 2018 However, roughly half of the New Zealand population do not identify as religious. Major ethnic groups in New Zealand – infographic View key features of New Zealand’s major ethnic group populations. 17% of the population identified as Christian. Approximately 38% of the The U. 07%. Spiritualism and New Age religions: 0. Toggle navigation The census usually resident population count of New Zealand is a count of all people who usually live, and are present, in New Zealand on a given census night. By 2013 there were 7,176 in New Zealand, compared to 1,383 living in Tokelau. 0% since the 2013 census. After the Immigration Act of 1987 came into force, migration to New Zealand steadily increased, especially from Asian countries like India. Most of the Muslims in New Zealand are descended from refugees who migrated into the country during the 20th century. Religion; Related pages. Place and ethnic group summaries tool allows users to view and compare simple graphs and tables of data for local communities and New · Christianity is the main religion in New Zealand and its followed by 37. 3% between 2006 and 2013 (compared with 14. 2%, Pentecostal 1. 25 million, compared to 5. Hoverd (2008) systematically documented the changes in religious affiliation in New Zealand census data from 1966 – 2006. While there is no There were 887,493 people identifying as being part of the Māori ethnic group at the 2023 New Zealand census, making up 17. 80 Lakh. [30] Statistics New Zealand This information is for the census usually resident population. From the Census Year: 2018, Subject population: Census usually resident population, Religious affiliation: Islam, Ethnic group: Total, Unit: Proportion Region % of people where information available. This data forms the table Census - Usually resident · More than half of Kiwis now report having no religion — for the first time since the New Zealand census began to collect the data. 4949499636521%: Sikhism: 0. Christian organisations are the leading non-government · The area with the highest Muslim population in New Zealand is Auckland. En 1950, la New Zealand Muslim Association est fondée et en 1959, elle ouvre le premier centre islamique du pays à Auckland [5]. government estimates the total population at 5 million (midyear 2021). Census Year: 2023, Subject population: Census usually resident population, Religious affiliation: Christianity, Region: Total New Zealand, Unit: Percentage of total stated Age group % of people within group. 07% of the population. ) Net migration rate. European (not further defined) 10. Population clock live, current, historical and projected population. 9%), Islam (1. Buddhism is New Zealand's third-largest religion after Christianity and Hinduism. 9% of the New · The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings has been collecting data on religious affiliation since the early 20th century and their data corroborates that while the vast majority of New Zealanders were affiliated with Christianity early on, that trend changed and over the past few decades, there has been a steady and significant decline Hindu Religion in New Zealand The fastest growing religion in New Zealand, Hinduism constitutes almost three percent of the country’s total population. 3 percent of private dwellings were unoccupied. It provides a snapshot of our society at a point in time and helps Population Pyramids: New Zealand - 2023. It provides a snapshot of our society at a point in time and helps Immigration is making religion in New Zealand increasingly diverse even as more and more people are rejecting religious labels. 2 Unlike in some other secular Western-speaking cultures, there is a lack of · The biggest religion in New Zealand is Christianity, with 37. It provides a snapshot of This is an overview of religion by country or territory in 2010 according to a 2012 Pew Research Center report. No date was available from The population of New Zealand Muslims has witnessed substantial increase over the past decades: from about 6000 in 1991 to approximately 46,000 in 2013; The census usually resident population count of New Zealand is a count of all people who usually live, and are present, in New Zealand on a given census World population by Region and by Religion. ETHNIC ORIGINS OF USUALLY RESIDENT NEW ZEALAND POPULATION. 0 years for males and 83. Religious affiliations in Dunedin City, New Zealand 2023 Census; Religious affiliations in Christianity remains New Zealand's largest religious group, but no one denomination is dominant and there is no official state church. net Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100. In 2018 there were about 3,600 New Zealand Lutherans, 0. Currently, the Jewish population is estimated at around 7,000 out of the total New Zealand The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. Sortable and downloadable New Zealand data. 6%, Mormon 1. This data forms the table Census - Usually resident census population by ethnic group, religious affiliation and region 2018. 6% of the population, up from 29% in 1991 and with "undeclared" accounting for 6. 2% in 2018, and 51. Historical census data shows that New Zealand’s population reached 1 million by 1911, surpassed 2 million by 1956, 3 million by 1976, and 4 million by 2006. Religious demographics (New Zealand) 3 The country is an island nation with an area of 103,000 square miles and a population of 4. 9% since 2018) The following information applies to all values in the table. The Muslim New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Niue Norfolk Island North Macedonia Pakistan Palau Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Religion Record Type Reliability Australians with New Zealand or Māori Ancestry. If I walk west towards Blockhouse Bay I [] · New Zealand - Maori, Polynesian, Pacific: Contemporary New Zealand has a majority of people of European origin, a significant minority of Māori, and smaller numbers of people from Pacific islands and Asia. over three-quarters of New Catholic immigrants to New Zealand, have replaced Anglicans as the largest church in New Zealand at 11. Muslim Women, Dress Codes and Human Rights: An Introduction to Some of the Issues. 7% and has doubled in Wellington and Auckland since 2018. New Zealand - Age Structure - Historical & Forecast. [2021 Census, ABS] New Each nation contrives a unique religious fabric with their weave of faiths, making the study of religious populations by country an insightful endeavor. New Zealand is now the 15th most religiously diverse country in the world, sitting between Malaysia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Buddhism. · Still, New Zealand’s population grew last year by 2. Chart Table 0 10 20 30 40 50 Auckland Hawke Census night population count of New Zealand: a count of all people present in New Zealand on census night. ; New · New Zealand's population has strongly opposed the testing and use of nuclear weapons. 1 million (midyear 2023). [315] As the largest religious minority as per the census, the Christians forming 32. The religions among the residents of New Zealand come in at Christian 44. Census provides general information about the New Zealand census, and data Globally, Australia is home to 0. According to the 2023 census, Hindus form · Islam is the third-largest religion in New Zealand, representing around 1. New Zealand’s 34th Census of Population and Dwellings was held on 6 March 2018. In addition, 9. 45% 5,199 0. Census Year: 2018, Subject population: Census usually resident population, Religious affiliation: Catholic, Region: Total New Zealand, Unit: Proportion Ethnic group % of people where information available. 3% over the 2006 census. Rugby union inspires more passion than religion, and New Zealand's national team is the mighty All Blacks, whose ground-trembling The list of religious populations article provides a comprehensive overview of the distribution and size of religious groups around the world. Aotearoa Data Explorer – 2023 Census provides this data. 1768673259232%: Sikhism: 0. 8 The rate of growth of Pacific populations in New Zealand has slowed. 9% 10 years ago, to 48. 36036036036% Census night population count of New Zealand: a count of all people present in New This data forms the table Census - Usually resident census population by ethnic group, religious affiliation and region 2018. 5% of the New Zealand population identified as Hindus. 3% (including Catholic 11. Nearly a million people (one in five) are of Māori Changes in New Zealand’s immigration policy from the 1980s onwards contributed to growing diversity in the source country of migrants, and has transformed the · What religion is NZ? New Zealand does not have a state religion, but the main religion in the country is Christianity. The subject population means the people, families, households, or dwellings to whom the variable · Aotearoa New Zealand as a village of 100 people presents an overview of New Zealand's population based on 2023 Census data. Population Density, Fertility Rate, Median Age, Migrants. · According to the 2018 Census in New Zealand,around 315 thousand people in the country reported to follow the Anglican denomination of the Christian religion. Religious affiliation is the self-identified association of a person with a religion, denomination, or sub-denominational religious group. Population of New Zealand: today, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age. Christian > Mormon > Temples: Temples. This count excludes visitors from overseas and excludes residents who are temporarily overseas on census night. There are Buddhists from many different Buddhist branches and Although church and state have always been separate in New Zealand, most people were religious until the 1960s, and the first Labour government described the Islam is the third-largest religion in New Zealand (1. 2% of the population identifying as Baha’i. The population of New Zealand as at the end of April 2017 was approximately 4. 4. This is more surprising when we consider that Christians represent much lower proportions of the populations of almost all source countries of Asian immigrants except the Philippines. Although church and state have always been separate in New Zealand, most people were religious until the 1960s, and the first Labour government described the the Pacific peoples population in New Zealand. The country comprises two main islands—the North and the South Island—and a number of Religion in New Zealand 10 Spirituality in New Zealand 24 Discussing spirituality and religion 30 Spirituality and religion in state schools 34 Christianity 38 % of The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. Conservative Christian morality is · Find information about New Zealand's 5-yearly census of population and dwellings. 9%, up by 1. Religion. Population. · Key facts. 2 Unlike in some other secular Western-speaking cultures, there is a lack of New Zealand Religion, Economy and Politics. . Christian affiliation As of 2025, the population of New Zealand is projected at 5. 4). The Auckland Region is New Zealand's most populous territorial authority and Auckland its most populous city. The percentage of New Zealand people who identify Human Rights in New Zealand 2010: Nga Tika Tangata o Aotearoa 2010. Find information about New Zealand's 5-yearly census of Subject population. Today, the population of New Zealand (opens in new window) is made up of people from a range of backgrounds; 70% are of European descent, 16. 3%, Muslim, 1. 79%) over the 2013 census. From as early as the 1780s, Māori encountered European sealers and whalers; some even crewed on the foreign ships. Access data in Aotearoa Data Explorer . In the 2023 census 32. Almost half (48. 5% of the population living in the North Island and 23. 8%, Presbyterian and Congregational 5. (2007). Entre les années 1950 et 1970, la communauté musulmane croit grâce à l'immigration de réfugiés des pays européens de l'Est, de Hinduism is the second largest religion in New Zealand after Christianity. It describes our population as if the country were a village of 100 people. Births, deaths · Religious Diversity in New Zealand: An Overview. The Sikh Council of New Zealand works to promote understanding of the Sikh faith and culture in New Zealand. 2%, other 10. Note: % | forecast Hinduism is the second largest religion in New Zealand. 5%), Māori religion (1. 8% per year between 2018 and 2048, at the same rate of growth as New Zealand's total The median age of the New Zealand population at the 2018 census was 37. 6% (includes Judaism, Spiritualism and New Age religions, Baha'i, Asian religions other than Buddhism), no religion 48 More data. 0-4: 6. [114] This is an increase of 111,657 people (14. About this dataset. In the early 21st century, Asians were the fastest-growing demographic group. Christchurch city's most recent population estimate was 396,200, at June 2023. Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Guyana; Paraguay; Peru; Suriname; Uruguay; Venezuela; Religion portal: Religion in Australia is diverse. 7%), Hindu 2. New Zealand 2023 Census; Religious affiliations in the Northland Region, New Zealand 2023 New Zealand's population is mainly of European descent, owing to being a former British colony and the nation's immigration policy pre-1987 giving preference to European, North American and Australian citizens. 7 (2018), 35. Religious affiliations in Napier City, New Zealand 2023 Census; Religious affiliations in Mosquée de Chirstchurch. 5% of religious people in New Zealand. [ 26 ] On 30 June 2023, the field collection The Greater Auckland area has a population of 1,303,068 (2006 census) or 32. 0% of the population. The 1931 census was The current population of New Zealand is 5,240,676 as of Sunday, March 16, 2025, based on Worldometer's elaboration of the latest United Nations data 1. Christianity is trending downwards at about the same rate. Among the Christians, Anglicanism is the largest Update to date information about population of New Zealand in 2025. 86854170864%: 10-14: The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings New Zealand [d] 40,908 1. Few New Zealanders live on New Zealand's More than half of New Zealand’s population now has no religion which one expert says is being driven by a shift in young people. 4%) of New Zealand's population. New Zealand’s society, economy and identity continues to form an increasingly important part of its future (The Treasury, 2018, p. The quality of coding and responses within classification categories is high. 4%. How to use Aotearoa Data Explorer contains video tutorials In the 19th century New Zealand’s religious landscape was replete with competing sects – a ‘veritable forest of denominations’ as one visitor astutely observed · New Zealand: Administrative Division Contents: Districts and Cities The resident population of the District and City Council Areas of New Zealand Spiritualism and New Age Religions: 08: Other Religions, Beliefs and Philosophies: 80: Object to answering: 99: years since arrival in New Zealand, and The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. They show the number of people who associate themselves with each · Christianity is the main religion in New Zealand and its followed by 37. Population: 4,834,420 Surface in km²: 268,107 Religion freedom Situation in country: Unclassified New Zealand deemed religious gatherings during the · Changes in numbers are due to birth rates and people moving to new places; By 2025, the world’s religions will have some key features: · Indians make up around 5% of the New Zealand population and the approximate population of Indians in New Zealand in 2025 is 2. Christianity, the largest religious group, fell from 36. The three largest religious groupings were Christian, Hindu and Islam. Other major religions include Hinduism (2. 5% of New Zealand's Muslim population). Religious Diversity in Aotearoa New Zealand: Statement on Religious Diversity (2nd ed. 5% of the population) in 2013. In the 2013 census, over 90,000 people (just over 2% of New Zealand's population) said they practise Hinduism. Department of State . [43] The population of New Zealand was counted as 4,699,755 – an increase of 457,707 (10. It was 11. 1809287676741%: Auckland: 2. 1% Asian and 8. 3 million [6] people living in New Zealand. Figures compiled, and chart and The 2018 Census saw lower participation rates than previous censuses for the overall New Zealand population, but particularly for Māori and Pacific peoples. 5% in 2018. Nicola Willis’s nightmare. [7] It increased to 1,866 Muslims in 2018. 29. However, it has a very low population density because it sprawls over more than 400 square miles. 8 million, according to Statistics New Zealand’s population clock. Region Name Percents Number; Christian (Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian · The official 2018 census results saw a growth in "no religion" to 48. 1%), and Sikhism (1. 5% of the population of New Zealand. As of 2023, the world's core Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 15. [337] Census usually resident population count of New Zealand: a count of all people who usually live in and were present in New Zealand on census night. 5% are indigenous Māori, 15. 6% of the population identified as Buddhists, making it the third-largest religion in New Zealand behind Christianity and Hinduism. 8%, Methodist 1. 7% between 2001 and 2006). It provides a snapshot of Religion in New Zealand 10 Spirituality in New Zealand 24 Discussing spirituality and religion 30 Spirituality and religion in state schools 34 Christianity 38 % of · More than half of New Zealand’s population now has no religion which one expert says is being driven by a shift in young people. settling in the country. note 1: consists of two main islands and a number of smaller islands; South Island, the larger main island, is the 12th largest · New Zealand - Population Growth Drivers. 5 years for females. 83% of its own population follow the religion. The prospect of nuclear armed US warship visits meant that its Parliament enacted anti-nuclear legislation in the mid-1980s. 65 million in 2048 and between 5. As in the rest of the country, more The census usually resident population count of New Zealand is a count of all people who usually live, and are present, in New Zealand on a given census night. 07% [e] 19,191 0. 1485685537755%: Other religions: 0. Baha’i Baha’i is the sixth-most practiced religion in New Zealand, with around 0. 9 million (midyear 2020 estimate). Among the Christians, Anglicanism is the largest · Religious affiliation is the self-identified association of a person with a religion, denomination, or sub-denominational religious group. [2] The population of New The following information applies to all values in the table. Some visitors think the national religion in New Zealand is rugby union! The all-conquering national team, the All Blacks · As you can see, the answer "No religion" is trending upwards at around 10% per decade. 373,719. [1] · Statistics about religion are about religious affiliation in New Zealand. Any impact of other data unpaid activities, income, smoking, religion, number of children born, households and families, housing, and motor vehicles and telecommunications. Beginning in the mid-19th century the government encouraged immigration from Europe, especially the United Kingdom, but discouraged immigration from Asia. Muslim > Muslim percentage of total population: Muslim percentage (%) of total population 2014 Pew Report. This is unprecedented although Catholics numbers Buddhism is New Zealand's third-largest religion after Christianity and Hinduism standing at 1. 8 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2023 est. Seven years later, in the 2013 Census, the proportion of Christians had dropped to 43% whilst those identifying as non-religious had increased to almost two in five (38%). Chart Table 0 500,000 1,000,000 The New Zealand Census of Population and However, roughly half of the New Zealand population do not identify as religious. Note: % | forecast after 2023. The remaining 6. Missionaries such as Samuel Marsden then converted most Māori to Christianity, which remains the dominant religion in New Zealand to this day. This article aims to present statistical information on the number of adherents to various religions, including major faiths such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and others, as well as smaller religious communities. 452736730845%: Census night population count of New Zealand: a count of all people present in New Zealand New Zealand vacations are always a fantastic blend of extreme fun and stunning natural surroundings. The latest New Zealand's 2013 Census of Population and Dwellings was held on 5 March 2013. [1] The largest Christian groups are Anglican, Catholic and Presbyterian. According to 2018 census data, of those responding to the question regarding The population of New Zealand was counted as 4,242,048 – an increase of 214,101 or 5. This includes visitors from overseas who are counted on · The largest of the “Asian religions” in New Zealand is in fact Christianity. 3% in 2023. (2005). 6. 5% of responses were imputed. According For the first time since the New Zealand census began to collect religious affiliation, over half of the census usually resident population had no religion at the time of The demographics of New Zealand encompass the gender, ethnic, religious, geographic, and economic backgrounds of the 5. 5%) after Christianity According to 2013 census data, there were 1,536 Muslims among the Pacific islander community (a little under 3. 08% of the The first full census in New Zealand was conducted in 1851, and the census was triennial until 1881, at which time it became five-yearly. The country does not have a state religion, but Christianity is the Census night population count of New Zealand: a count of all people present in New Zealand on census night. The proportion of people with "no religion" has steadily increased from 41. Religion has played an enormous role in New Zealand mainly in the politics of the country. During the 20th century, Christianity is the predominant religion in New Zealand, POPULATION The Pacific peoples’ ethnic group is the 4th largest major ethnic group in New Zealand. 5% marking "Jedi" as their religion. New Zealand Population by Religions. 88112943544%: The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. 5117361296713%: No religion: 22. Countries and territories Sikhism is also the fastest growing religion in New Zealand and Australia. AFRICA ASIA Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Australia/New Zealand Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium After 1976 immigration dropped, but the birth rate of Tokelauans in New Zealand swelled the population. A religion is a set of beliefs · Religions: Christian 37. From my house in Avondale on any Sunday morning I hear the steeple bell of St Jude’s Anglican church calling the faithful to worship. Muslim · New Zealand is one of the most secular countries in the world. 01817394397785%: Jedi: 0. (2009). 1%). · The majority of New Zealand’s population identified as having no religion, for the first time, in 2023. It provides a snapshot of our society Geography New Zealand is an island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean and is located around 2,000 kilometers southeast of Australia. As of 2013, (the date of the most recent census at time of writing,) less than half the population identifies as Christian, when just a few years ago Christians were the majority. 4% since 2018) Median age: 34. It provides a snapshot of our society at a point in time and helps to tell the story of its social and economic change. 86 million in 2073. 3% (Catholic 10. In this increasingly unreligious population estimates, population projections, and; productivity. 2. 4%). RESIDENT NEW ZEALAND POPULATION 1981: COMPARISON OF POLYNESIANS, NEW ZEALAND MAORIS AND OTHERS The New Zealand Official Yearbook is prepared and edited in the Department of Statistics mainly from contributions provided by other Government A map showing the prevailing religious population by country based on the Pew Research Center's 2010 baseline estimates [2] By proportion. ) Population distribution. Unexpectedly, a huge Spiritualism and New Age religions: 0. New Zealand was one of the last sizable land areas suitable for habitation to be populated by human beings. This figure includes 170,057 responses nominating Māori ancestry. 6%, Anglican The current population of New Zealand is 4,984,461 as of Friday, March 14, 2025. Population by Country Countries · Tolerance of ethnic and religious diversity. 3%) since the 2006 census. Among the Christian denominations, · New Zealand STATLAS - view Stats NZ's web maps and applications; Place and ethnic group summaries; for example religion, Participation in religion may be dwindling overall, but the practice of faith remains a highly visible and active component of New Zealand society. The five largest cities are Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Hamilton, and Tauranga. 62 and 7. He reported that the non-religious · It was first published in 2007 and endorsed by a wide range of faith communities, with a second edition following in 2009. We combined data from the census forms with Immigration is a major contributor to population growth in New Zealand, and it has long been regulated. 4 years, [314] with life expectancy in 2017–2019 being 80. 3%), Buddhism (1. 2% of responses were sourced from forms submitted during previous censuses. In research based on 2006 and earlier census figures, Dr Yaghoub Faroutan The census usually resident population count of New Zealand is a count of all people who usually live, and are present, in New Zealand on a given census night. Christians. 03 September · In 2018, the number of New Zealanders declaring that they were of “no religion” was nearly half of the population. According to the 2023 census, Hindus form Growth in New Zealand’s population since 2018 Census similar to adding current census populations of Northland and Southland regions New Zealand’s 35th There is no state religion in New Zealand, but the principal religion is Christianity, with 38% of the population identifying themselves as Christians. Our public servants who affiliate with a religion are a diverse population, recording 133 religious categories in total (compared to the 157 categories reported in the 2018 Census for the New Zealand population). 8%, with net migration gain accounting for the bulk of it (2. Five of these shifts occur within the changing nature of Christian affiliation in New Zealand. Information from various data sources, including the 2013 Census, are brought together into one · The percentage of people working from home is 17. 3% of the total population. Census Year: 2018, Subject population: Census usually resident population, Religious affiliation: Total with at least one religious affiliation, Region: Total New Zealand, Unit: Proportion Ethnic group The U. 29 July 2024. 3%, Buddhist 1. Age distribution of people who affiliate with Spiritualism and New Age religions 2023 The 2018 New Zealand census, which took place on Tuesday 6 March 2018, was the thirty-fourth national census in New Zealand. It provides a snapshot of However, New Zealand’s population grew by 7. New Zealand 2023 Census; Religious affiliations in the West Coast Region, New Zealand 2023 Census; Religious affiliations in the Hawke's Bay Region, New Zealand 2023 Census; · Religion in New Zealand was originally dominated by Māori religion prior to European colonization. New Zealand 2018 & 2023 Census, % Religious affiliations in Upper Harbour, Auckland 2023 Hinduism is the second largest religion in New Zealand after Christianity, with over 153,534 adherents according to the 2023 census, constituting 2. What are some New Zealand (Kiwi) traditions? New Zealand is a very welcoming, all inclusive country with freedom of religion protected by its constitution. 2% of the 8 billion With a patchwork history of Māori, European, Pacific Island and Asian influences, New Zealand's population of five million people is a melting-pot of cultures. 9 deaths/1,000 population (2023 est. Les premiers musulmans à arriver en Nouvelle-Zélande sont 15 travailleurs chinois en 1874. 8% of New Zealand's population. · population growth will slow as New Zealand’s population ages and the gap between the number of births and deaths narrows; New Zealand's population (5. in New Zealand religious affiliation over this period. Even more Christianity is the New Zealander's top religion, around 54. The response rate from 2023 Census forms was 84. Though numbers dropped to 492,000 in 2013, Catholics overtook Anglicans as the largest · Fewer babies and migration that "fell off a cliff" during Covid-19 have contributed to slower population growth in New Zealand, the first Census results released today reveal. New Zealand is predominantly an English-speaking country · Geography - note. 7%, Maori 1. Hinduism is the second-largest religion in New Zealand. New Zealanders predominantly live in urban areas on the North Island. 4%) since the 2013 census, and an increase of 288,891 people (48. It is the third-most populous country in Oceania and ranks · New Zealand's population today is concentrated to the north of the country, with around 76. Te Taunaki results generally indicate that the experience of working in the Public Service doesn’t vary substantially by religion. · As a travel writer, I am often asked about the main religion in New Zealand. 6% in 2023. 10. 05659754429544%: Jedi: 0. Religious affiliations in Porirua City, New Zealand 2023 Census For the first time, slightly over half of New Zealanders (51. 9% of Their population increased dramatically from The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand. 1%, Anglican 6. Census Year: 2018, Subject population: Census usually resident population, Religious affiliation: No Religion, Region: Total New Zealand, Unit: Proportion Ethnic group Summary of Religious Diversity in New Zealand (2018 Census) Raw data (numbers) provided by Stats New Zealand (23 Sep 2019). 5% in the South Island as of June 2023. The Significance of Religion in New Zealand . This third edition reflects the changes in our religious demography during the last decade. New Zealand is known for its cultural diversity, and this extends to its religious beliefs. New Zealand. Around 1,000 kilometers further north are the island states of Fiji, Tonga and New Caledonia. 55 and 6. PopulationPyramid. In addition, around 8% of the population are affiliated with other religions (including Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism) and almost 49% of the population don’t identify as belonging to any religion. Our data set encompasses ranked religious populations across 222 nations and regions, offering a fascinating array of belief systems. All-time population total. According to 2018 census data, of those responding to the question regarding Religion in New Zealand 10 Spirituality in New Zealand 24 Discussing spirituality and religion 30 Spirituality and religion in state schools 34 Christianity 38 % of RELIGION IN NEW ZEALAND Sometimes the original patterns of migration are still visible in the propor tional distribution of denominations The 1961 Census figures show that close to half the population of Otago and Southland are Presbyterian although not even quarter of the total New Zealand population belongs to that denomination This reflects the concentration of the Scottish in Our public servants who affiliate with a religion are a diverse population, recording 133 religious categories in total (compared to the 157 categories reported in the 2018 Census for the New Zealand population). Aotearoa Data Explorer user guide. According to the 2017 census, 5. Hinduism is the second largest religion in New Zealand. The total of the categories "No religion", "Object to answering" and "Not stated" is at around 50% of the population in New Zealand. 5 • RELIGION The majority of New Zealanders are Christian. Victoria University of Wellington associate professor of religious studies Geoff Troughton joins Emile Donovan to discuss. Most of the population belongs to one of four main churches: the Church of England, the Presbyterian Over 85 percent of New Zealand's population is of European (mostly British) descent. 5158306652437%: No religion: 53. 979472772811%: Census night population count of New Zealand: a count of all people present in New Zealand on census night. It provides a snapshot of our society at a point in · New Zealand is a largely secular country, meaning that it has no official state religion and a significant portion of the population does not identify · Religion in New Zealand encompasses a wide range of groups and beliefs. The New Zealand The U. All The population of Canterbury is projected to grow by, on average, 0. [1] The 2013 census forms were the same as · New Zealand is considered a highly secular country, with religion not playing a major role in the lives of many of its population. 81%, consider themselves religious. New Zealand is a remote land—one of the last sizable territories suitable for habitation to be populated and settled—and lies more than 1,000 miles (1,600 km) southeast of Australia, its nearest neighbour. The 6. Hinduism. The Auckland Region accounts for about one-third (33. According to 2006 Census Year: 2023, Subject population: Census usually resident population, Religious affiliation: Hinduism, Region: Total New Zealand, Unit: Percentage of total stated Age group % of people within group. We are changing our In the 2006 Census, half of New Zealand’s population (49%) identified as Christian, and three in ten (31%) identified as non-religious. 3% of the population identifying as Christian. 8% in this period. ). The Maori, New Zealand's first inhabitants, are the country's most significant minority group. Most of the population belongs to one of four main churches: the Church of England, the Presbyterian · New Zealand, island country in the South Pacific Ocean, the southwesternmost part of Polynesia. 2 million.