Mistweaver shadowlands beta.
Doing 2 floors in Torghast as a Mistweaver Monk.
Mistweaver shadowlands beta Flagellation is an instant cast with a 25 second cooldown that starts once Flagellation is removed from the target. Adding a new spec is a viable thing as we have seen in the past, Feral combat becoming feral / Guardian. The Mistweaver ones have been convinced by developer Chris Kaleiki, but the Brewmaster ones have not. 1 PTR build. Mana cost increased to 5% base Mana (was 0%). 25 Jul. 2. #mistweaver #monk #mysticallWatch me live! https://www. 21 Aug. Oct 28, 2020 · Here are the class, covenant and spell changes for Shadowlands Beta Build 36401. 31 Aug. With several talents, you can greatly increase the number of Renewing Mist s active in your raid at any one time, turning Vivify into an incredibly mana efficient heal to use Aug 26, 2020 · Shadowlands Beta Build 35679 class and spell changes which includes the return of Brewmaster Monk's magic Stagger and Speed Taunt has returned. Only usable on creatures that have less health than you. Feb 23, 2025 · This guide will help you master your Mistweaver Monk in all aspects of the game including raids and dungeons. Maybe I am doing somethi Nov 4, 2020 · With Shadowlands launching on November 23rd / 24th, with the help of our Class Guide writers we now have a guide with the Best Covenant for all classes and specs for the current Shadowlands Build! We'll be updating this Guide every week with the Shadowlands Beta build to keep you up to date on what Covenant performs the best for each spec. kick. NEW Ancient Teachings of the Monastery Your Tiger Palm , Blackout Kick and Rising Sun Kick heal for 50% of the damage done to an injured ally within 20 yards. Patch 11. This video covers Castle Nathria Raid healing for Alti 4 days ago · Spending Puzzling Cartel Chips As A Mistweaver Monk For Mistweaver Monks, you'll want to spend your Puzzling Cartel Chips on the following:]]] Cyrce's Circlet for Mistweaver Monk With Patch 11. 5 sec cast. Survival Hunters also have a hotfix removing an unintended -50% focus regeneration penalty. io/characters/eu/sanguino/Niggujinhttps://vie Oct 7, 2020 · Shadowlands Beta build 36165 includes many new class and spell changes. There are many changes to Legendaries and Covenant abilities which includes 2 new Havoc Demon Hunter Legendaries! These class changes do include some of the recent PTR hotfixes since the Shadowlands Beta 9. Level 15 Talents Feb 23, 2022 · We explain the usefulness of each Covenant to a Mistweaver Monk in PvP, allowing you to make the best decision for your PvP playstyle. 0 Shadowlands Beta Mistweaver (MW) Monk healer fistweaving M+ dungeon gameplay preview video. Necrolord Monk Covenant Ability and Conduit This is the Necrolord Monk Covenant Ability and Conduit. I think i'll test out night fae next but i'm actually enjoying Kyrians covenant ability weirdly enough. Mar 28, 2022 · Welcome to Wowhead's Mistweaver Monk Arena PvP Guide, up to date for 9. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34821. 08 Aug. Edit (August 27th): We've found a bug in a spell diff and added a nerf to Malefic Rapture from Affliction Mar 3, 2025 · New PvP Talent: Feather Feet – You may now cast while moving during Lighter Than Air and it now lasts 4 seconds. I'm test Feb 20, 2022 · 22 Nov. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35854. Thanks to everyone who has used Wowhead whether it's reading our Guides, News, Beta Coverage, Dressing Room or any of our other Feb 20, 2022 · 17 Sep. 2 Tier Set bonuses. None of either the Covenant specific legendaries or spec specific ones change the overall gameplay style for Mistweaver. Jan 13, 2020 · Welcome to Wowhead's Mistweaver Monk Raid Tips page for Patch 8. Yu’lon now idles near the Mistweaver and casts Soothing Breath on an injured target, healing the target and up to 4 nearby injured allies. In diesem Build gibt es einen Nerf für das Eislanzenmedium der Frost-Magier, eine weitere Überarbeitung von Eonars Legendary und Medium, sowie Anpassungen von Paktfähigkeiten, Legendarys und grundlegenden Klassenfähigkeiten mehrer Klassen und Specs. Soothing Breath gains benefit from Soothing Mist bonuses, similar to Summon Jade Serpent Statue. Battle Pet. Nov 28, 2022 · Torghast, Tower of the Damned is a replayable endgame instanced feature introduced in Shadowlands. 2020: Fixes for Beta Build 35598. See full list on peakofserenity. 11 Oct. Highlights. Buffmw. The final talent is a great addition to the Mistweaver's AoE healing abilities. tv/slootTwitter: https://twitter. 1. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35679. 2020: Fixed Stagger mention in the Mistweaver section. This hotfix caps the Cooldown reduction provided by the Bone Marrow Hops conduit, which was previously uncapped. Blizzard is aware of balanc " we expect to have Monk testing in a much better place with next week’s build of the Shadowlands Beta (the first week of September). 1 including spell and ability changes, adapting to the loss of Artifact, War Mode, and more! Sep 30, 2020 · Dear developer,thank you for your time to read this! I’ve been test Mistweaver Monk and other classes in Beta server for more than 2 month,did almost everything in the PVE field,and I want to discuss these issues I see with Mistweaver Monk. Kyrian Changes with 9. Guide Contents. General Legendary Echo of Eonar reworked. 15 Jun. We are also one of 3 classes that allow you to perform a tanking or DPS role with your offspecs. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755. Jul 15, 2020 · Does anyone know if the level 60 templates will return to the Shadowlands beta before release? I got my beta access just after the latest wipe and after the downgrade of the 60 premades to level 50 that I have access to now. This video covers the changes to "Anc Feb 25, 2025 · Here are all the best Mistweaver Monk Talent Tree builds in the for raids and Mythic+, including export links to import these builds directly into the game. For the first time, all three Shadowlands raids, Castle Nathria, Sanctum of Domination, and Sepulcher of the First Ones, will be available as the highest difficulty raid in the game. Sep 23, 2020 · With updates coming soon to the Shadowlands Beta, we’re updating the Venthyr ability for rogues. Sep 9, 2020 · Class and spell changes for Shadowlands Beta build 35854. Jul 17, 2020 · Mistweaver Monk Legendary Powers in Shadowlands Note: These have been confirmed to be the Mistweaver Legendary Powers by Game Designer Chris Kaleiki. Determining Value of Outer Ring Azerite Traits Jul 18, 2020 · Update to Speculated Legendary Runeforged Powers for Brewmaster and Mistweaver Monks in Shadowlands: In the latest Shadowlands Beta build, more familiar Monk spells and effects have been added including Face Palm for Brewmasters and the old T18 set bonus Extend Life for Mistweavers that we can speculate are upcoming Legendary Runeforged Powers. Nov 28, 2022 · This guide was written by Anomoly, the Mistweaver Admin in the PeakOfSerenity discord server and Mistweaver lead for the Monk class site Peak of Serenity. Jul 15, 2020 · In the latest Shadowlands Beta build, more familiar Monk spells and effects have been added including Face Palm for Brewmasters and the old T18 set bonus Extend Life for Mistweavers that we can speculate are upcoming Legendary Runeforged Powers. Our goal is to make use of the feedback we've received here and elsewhere, with Jul 29, 2020 · Shadowlands Legendary Power Tuning for Mistweaver Monks Beta Posted 2020/07/29 at 2:00 PM by Squishei Mistweaver Monks received a couple tuning changes for their Legendary Powers, applying a massive buff to Ancient Teachings of the Monastery and Soothing Focus. Always up to date with the latest patch (11. BiS Gear Rotation Talent Builds Consumables Stats NEW Season 2 Mistweaver Monk Overview Mistweaver Monks are a melee-based healer, where we're able to heal our allies and deal damage to our enemies from a centralized location. , Initial Windwalker, Mistweaver You exploit the enemy target's weakest point, instantly killing them. 16 Nov. This build includes a nerf to Frost Mage's Ice Lance Conduit, another rework to Eonar's Legendary and Conduit, Covenant ability, Legendary and base class ability tuning changes to various classes and specs. 0). Basic raid instructions, along with general raiding tips and recommendations for each boss. Lower effectiveness of armor from Shadowlands compared to BfA. 20 Jun. I want to test legacy-things at max lvl without doing the quest experience before it goes live. For recommended talent builds for each raid boss and Mythic+ dungeon, check out our Nerub-ar Palace Raid Page and Mythic+ page . This video covers how monk healing mi Sep 6, 2020 · World of Warcraft Patch 9. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands release. Nov 12, 2020 · Shadowlands launches on November 23rd / 24th and all classes will be getting new toys to play with -- from Covenant abilities, to Conduits and returning Legendary effects! This article, written by Anomoly, will provide details on the current state of Mistweaver Monk in Shadowlands, to help you to prepare for the upcoming expansion! Sep 11, 2020 · Mistweaver Level 34 - Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent . A little Kyrian MW halls of atonement action. Alpha Tiger has been removed. The unpruned abilities that came back in Shadowlands were Expel Harm, Yu'lon, and Touch of Death. Jun 13, 2021 · All Mistweaver Interactions This is a list of all known Mistweaver interactions. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35598. 5 Mistweaver Level 34 - The realistic answer is that Mistweaver has (or had, some things may have changed on beta since last I checked) an easier time dealing with fuckups. 2020: Chrysalis now reduces the cooldown of Life Cocoon by 25 seconds. Nov 9, 2020 · Over the weekend, Monks have found a hotfix to the Necrolord Bonedust Brew Conduit, Bone Marrow Hops on the Shadowlands Beta. Mistweaver Monk players looking to improve their characters will be spending a great deal of time here; Torghast is one of the best sources for Soul Ash and Soul Cinders, currencies needed to create customizable Legendary Armor. 0. 0 Shadowlands Beta Mistweaver Monk healer raid gameplay preview video. Mistweaver Monk Legendary Guide What are Soulbinds in Shadowlands? Soulbinds are important Covenant characters players encounter in the Shadowlands. This video covers how monk healing might Jan 28, 2024 · Comment by Solemplow on 2024-01-28T11:08:11-06:00. Instant. 27 Sep. 05 Sep. This page is meant to help optimize your Mistweaver Monk in Mythic+ content by highlighting the best Mistweaver Monk gear, best Mistweaver Monk talent builds, and the best rotations to help you succeed in these challenging dungeons, as well as Mistweaver specific tips and tricks for Oct 28, 2020 · Hier sind Klassen-, Pakt- und Zauberänderungen aus Shadowlands Beta-Build 36401. 06 Sep. 0 Shadowlands Beta Mistweaver (MW) Monk healer fistweaving dungeon gameplay preview video. You can also jump into his Twitch channel or over to his Youtube channel to discuss all things Mistweaver, WoW, or other gaming topics. 2 min cooldown. tv/mystpvpQueued some Turbo on the Shadowlands Beta while using Necrolord as a covenant. 5). 1. Season 2 Delves [updated - more runs not needed] Nov 28, 2022 · This guide was written by Anomoly, the Mistweaver Admin in the PeakOfSerenity discord server and Mistweaver lead for the Monk class site Peak of Serenity. 12 Aug. 2 build is different than the 9. youtu Oct 28, 2020 · Here are the class, covenant and spell changes for Shadowlands Beta Build 36401. 2 for Mistweaver Monks Nov 29, 2020 · 29 Nov. 1 Build 38709 Mistweaver State in Beta. 7 PTR 11. Life Cocoon Encases the target in a cocoon of Chi energy for 12 sec, absorbing [ 60% of Total Health ] damage and increasing all healing over time received by 50% 0%. Niggujin - Holy Paladinhttps://raider. Mar 14, 2021 · As we geared up throughout the Alpha/Beta cycle, the list of bugs for Windwalkers, Mistweaver, and Brewmasters quickly grew to over 100. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. things. Nov 7, 2023 · Mistweaver Monk Differences from Shadowlands While Mistweaver Monks maintained the core feel of the spec from Shadowlands , how it functions under the hood has changed. You can learn more about it in our Legendary Guide. com Overview of the Mistweaver Monk spec and class changes on the Shadowlands beta for World of Warcraft!0:00 Introduction0:30 Rotation recap10:12 New abilities Nov 28, 2022 · Best Raid Upgrades for Mistweaver Monks in Shadowlands Season 4 Shadowlands Season 4 shakes up how raiding works in WoW. Nov 28, 2022 · Shadowlands Legendary powers grant impactful gameplay effects for your Mistweaver Monk through the new Runecarving system. Night Fae Changes with 9. Early on in Shadowlands Pre-Expansion patch, a bug that allowed Whirling Dragon Punch to trigger any time Fists of Fury and Storm, Earth, and Fire were both on cooldown, quickly became a fan favorite and one Aug 26, 2020 · Twitch: https://twitch. Mistweaver: You exploit the enemy target's weakest point, instantly killing them. by Aug 26, 2020 · We've been working hard to address the many bugs that have been submitted, with a focus on those bugs that are impacting testing, and we expect to have Monk testing in a much better place with next week's build of the Shadowlands Beta (the first week of September). 26 Jun. Oct 16, 2020 · Here are the newest class and spell changes for Shadowlands Beta Build 36206. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35978. MW, on the other hand, can pump out single-target and cleave healing much, much better than Resto could ever dream of. Jab Jab Uplift). 0 Shadowlands Beta Mistweaver Monk healer mythic plus dungeon gameplay video. Our goal is to make use of the feedback we've received here and elsewhere, with Sep 23, 2020 · #mistweaver #monk #mysticallReuploaded because of copyright"Quick" dungeon while trying out a fistweaving build in Shadowlands Beta. Spriggan Trickster (New) Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion. Just Seperate Fistweaver and Mistweaver. Mistweaver Changes: Shadowlands 9. Aug 26, 2020 · We've been working hard to address the many bugs that have been submitted, with a focus on those bugs that are impacting testing, and we expect to have Monk testing in a much better place with next week's build of the Shadowlands Beta (the first week of September). wowhead. 2 PTR 11. 2020: Celestial Breath tooltip changed. This video covers my initial build ideas for mo Sep 9, 2020 · Class and spell changes for Shadowlands Beta build 35854. This includes Covenant ability tuning for many abilities and classes! This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Mistweaver Monks heal through a combination of Heal of Time effects and direct healing Nov 28, 2022 · This guide was written by Anomoly, the Mistweaver Admin in the PeakOfSerenity discord server and Mistweaver lead for the Monk class site Peak of Serenity. Nov 28, 2022 · This change empowers Venthyr Mistweaver Monk even more. Here, you will learn how to heal as a Mistweaver Monk in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Beta. This post will stay stickied for the foreseeable future, please try to keep the Shadowlands discussions to this post (large changes such as the changes to conduits or the datamining of Sep 16, 2020 · WoW Weekly: Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2, and More! Yesterday. Windwalker Aug 27, 2020 · Mistweaver Level 34 – Invoke Yu’lon, the Jade Serpent. Althou Jan 13, 2020 · Welcome to Wowhead's Mistweaver Monk Raid Tips page for Patch 8. Feb 27, 2025 · In this guide, we will detail the best stat priority for your Mistweaver Monk, as well as provide explanations covering how to determine Mistweaver Monk stat priorities personalized for your character in , as well as how to check if a piece of gear is BiS, upgrade or just bad for you. Aug 21, 2020 · Oh its time. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34902. Rdruid's kit only really excels when you can predict incoming damage. He has achieved Gladiator 12 times on Monk Jul 28, 2022 · Everything you need to know to start raiding with your Mistweaver Monk in Castle Nathria. Mythic Raid testing is almost over so lets talk about the State of the Mistweaver, the outstanding bugs that still exist for the spec and what i Nov 28, 2022 · This guide was written by Anomoly, the Mistweaver Admin in the PeakOfSerenity discord server and Mistweaver lead for the Monk class site Peak of Serenity. 2. 2, Rise of Azshara!This page will help optimize your Mistweaver Monk in Battle of Dazar'alor by highlighting the best gear, talents, and rotations to help you succeed, as well as boss specific tips and tricks for every encounter in the raid. With that in mind, Ancient Teachings of the Monastery is the clear winner. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands Pre-Patch. It Sep 27, 2020 · Monks are a class that did not receive many changes on the Shadowlands Beta until very late in the cycle. Our goal is to make use of the feedback we've received here and elsewhere, with World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9. This has a multitude of factors: Lower amounts of damage reduction from gear upgrades in Shadowlands compared to BfA. Live PTR 11. 0 T18 Mistweaver 2p+4p Doing 2 floors in Torghast as a Mistweaver Monk. Account wide. and take names <. Mistweaver Monk Sanctum of Domination Talents The latest update on the State of Mistweaver, how they are playing in Shadowlands Beta, what is the covenant situation looking like, what legendaries are goo Jan 13, 2020 · Everything you need to know about Mistweaver Monks for Shadowlands Pre Patch 8. <. Spell Changes Mounts Slime Serpent (New) Summons and dismisses this mount. Best Potency Conduits for Mistweaver Monks Mar 5, 2025 · Welcome to our Mistweaver Monk guide for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. This page is meant to help optimize your Mistweaver Monk in Mythic+ content by highlighting the best Mistweaver Monk gear, best Mistweaver Monk talent builds, and the best rotations to help you succeed in these challenging dungeons, as well as Mistweaver specific tips and tricks for World of Warcraft Patch 9. It will now be called Flagellation (was previously Slaughter). At present, the strength of MW monk in Beta server is barely acceptable, but the components of each healing ability are lack of integrity and interaction Oct 10, 2020 · Suggested Mistweaver Leveling Talents in Shadowlands Mistweaver Monks' healing abilities are already strong, so the talents are meant to shore up some of their weaknesses through improved mobility and stuns. Updated for Shadowlands Patch 9. 40 yd range. Feb 18, 2022 · Class-specific changes and new abilities added to the Monk class in Shadowlands Patch 9. Sep 25, 2020 · How Mistweaver Monk Plays in Shadowlands Mistweaver Monks are a healing class in World of Warcraft. e. youtube. In the NPCs category. ; Paralysis now breaks based on a small damage threshold instead of any damage. Primeras impresiones de los legendarios del Mistweaver y del Holy Paladin. We are one of 6 different healing specializations in the game. Mar 3, 2025 · Mythic+ is a special type of dungeon mode in World of Warcraft, offering players an endlessly-scaling challenge. Expel Harm as it works in Beta does little to no damage or healing what so ever for a 15 second cooldown. Jan 13, 2020 · This guide was written by Anomoly, the Mistweaver Admin in the PeakOfSerenity discord server and Mistweaver lead for the Monk class site Peak of Serenity. All tank specs had some tuning changes which includes Brewmaster Monks receiving a large nerf to Celestial Brew, Protection Paladins with a buff to Shield of the Righteous, Guardian Druid with a buff to Ironfur and Protection Warriors with a buff to their Stamina and Armor passive. The majority of us yearn for our former style of healing seen in MoP and WoD, with damage being your builders, and your heals being spenders (i. 4% of Base Mana. For convenience we've highlighted them below! This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Spawns 3 Chi Spheres, granting 1 Chi when you walk through them. This video covers how monk healing might May 28, 2020 · Feedback and opinions on the current state of Mistweaver Monk in the Shadowlands Alpha, discussing lackluster GCDs, the lack of talent changes, covenant abilities, mastery issues and more! World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 9. All the Mistweaver monk Shadowlands changes in one beta overview video? You bet! During our test of mw monk shadowlands gameplay through world questing, torg Oct 16, 2020 · Comment by Ashlynde I'm honestly just hoping a non-fistweaving spec stays viable for shadowlands, I've been a mistweaver main since mists of pandaria, and it seems since the end of bfa, fistweaving is being pushed as the main healing spec for monks and I dont like it :/ i came to heal and take names not uh. About the Author Woopy is a Rank 1 Mistweaver that has played Mistweaver Monk since Mists of Pandaria. As your crafted Shadowlands legendary will be the most important piece of gear in the expansion, providing large performance benefits, it is crucial to pick the right legendary to craft and effectively spend your Soul Ash, Soul Cinders, and Cosmic Flux. . 2! In this section, I cover how gear works in PvP in Shadowlands, the best stat priority for Mistweaver Monks in PvP, the best pieces of gear and legendaries for Mistweaver Monks in arena PvP, newly introduced Shards of Domination gear/sockets, as well as the best enchants to use on your gear. Necrolord Changes with 9. Learn about all known spell and ability changes for all specs, including the latest information on 9. Recommendations for Soulbinds will be explored for each Covenant. 2020: Updated with new General, Brewmaster, and Mistweaver Legendary Sep 9, 2020 · Class and spell changes for Shadowlands Beta build 35854. Monk - Mistweaver Spec. World of Warcraft Patch 9. May 28, 2020 · Feedback and opinions on the current state of Mistweaver Monk in the Shadowlands Alpha, discussing lackluster GCDs, the lack of talent changes, covenant abilities, mastery issues and more! Aug 22, 2020 · World of Warcraft Patch 9. Comment by Malcations on 2024-01-28T11:18:15-06:00. 2 for Mistweaver Monks Jan 16, 2021 · To put it simply, the amount of damage enemies do from basic attacks increased from Beta to Live. Jan 31, 2022 · In general for Mistweaver Monks, our non-Covenant legendaries typically only provide additional HPS around a gameplay style we are already playing. Apr 18, 2020 · MISTWEAVER MONK FEEDBACK What we would like to see fundamentally change for Shadowlands: First, and most importantly, the return of Chi as a resource to spend. com/SlootbagI get to sit down with Mistweaver Masters Abelito75, Fatalbones and Dhaubbs to deep-dive Overview of the Mistweaver Monk spec and class changes on the Shadowlands beta for World of Warcraft!0:00 Introduction0:30 Rotation recap10:12 New abilities Sep 23, 2020 · Class and spell changes for Shadowlands Beta Build 35978. " This is actually the key thing to takeaway here, there will presumably be some much more substantial changes coming next week and this is largely to fix bugs and implement some new levelling ranks we figured that enough has happened on the beta to warrant a place to discuss class changes, covenants, soulbinds, Thorgast, raid testing, M+, conduits, etc. Highlights Energizing Elixir has been removed from the global cooldown. 5 With the great unpruning of Shadowlands Mistweavers were lucky enough to get some abilities back that were removed. 04 Sep. 2020: Monk Legendary power tuning. This includes a tuning pass on many Legendaries and some Covenant abilities! Update : While there are many legendary changes and nerfs in this build, Blizzard also made a bluepost in which they've stated that they've reversed course and many legendary buffs will be coming Oct 4, 2020 · Mistweaver Up to 5 allies caught in the faeline Brewmaster are ignited with Breath of Fire Mistweaver and healing alliesare healed with an Essence Font bolt Windwalker and ripping Chi and Energy Spheres out of enemies Your abilities have a 6% chance of resetting the cooldown of Faeline Stomp while fighting on a faeline. New Highlights: Aug 26, 2020 · Blizzard has posted upcoming changes for Monk in the Shadowlands Beta! 正式服 PTR 11. 2020: Weapon of Order adjustments, Beta Build 35522. twitch. co Oct 18, 2020 · With the Shadowlands Pre-Patch, we've had many players using Wowhead to learn about their class, new features and even old content! We've decided to highlight some of the most popular guides here on Wowhead so far. Nov 12, 2020 · Shadowlands launches on November 23rd / 24th and all classes will be getting new toys to play with -- from Covenant abilities, to Conduits and returning Legendary effects! This article, written by Anomoly, will provide details on the current state of Mistweaver Monk in Shadowlands, to help you to prepare for the upcoming expansion! Jul 20, 2021 · A list of all Legendary Powers available to Monks in Shadowlands, organized by spec. We cover everything from the basics all the way to min-maxing techniques to optimize your output. com/guides/monk-covenant-abilities-shadowlandsAll Shadowlands Beta videos playlist: https://www. 2 for Mistweaver Monks Sep 2, 2020 · Today's Shadowlands Beta build contains several class and spell changes, but also a number of Covenant ability adjustments. #mistweaver #monk #mysticallIf you want to further support me, this channel has a JOIN button! For more information, follow this link: https://www. Only usable on creatures that have less health Jul 18, 2020 · Wowhead link to all monk covenants: https://www. I really wanted to get this out asap as a lot of peo The location of this NPC is unknown. Companions Lucy (New) Right Click to summon and dismiss this pet. Were checking out the latest round of Monk changes, one month ahead of Shadowlands release. 7 introducing Siren Isle, an entire new zone, there's a new item of interest being added! Just a heads up, I'm quite sick at the moment so sometimes you can hear it, so big apologies in advance. jalym mpyh xvdty icrgkyb xhfr iohmlwmzq nqnvj sgtjot xitwvdx grbu opkhd meslaip yqnhj fxgxqi xvtg