Lance feat 5e Nov 16, 2022 · Feat(s) and Features Notes and Tactics; 1: Feat: Mounted Combatant Fighting Style (Dueling) Second Wind: For our starting gear, select chain mail, a lance and a shield, a light crossbow and bolts, and either pack. If you leave out throwing your weapon, you can get +45 ft with an Echo Knight and should be able to use (many or all of) the other bonuses to reach discussed in other Feb 1, 2022 · So probably a Devotion Paladin wielding a lance and shield, with a longsword as backup. Weapon (lance or pike), legendary (requires attunement) A dragonlance is a renowned weapon forged from rare metal with the aid of powerful artifacts associated with Bahamut. Feats: Sentinel is a must to keep people out of that 5 foot disadvantage region Piercer is the only feat that overtly boost the lance Lance Rock A prominent landmark near Red Larch, Lance Rock is a slender stone monolith that juts up out of the plains a few miles west of the Long Road. I wouldn’t allow it. while the description of the Charge action says. These were one of the big points of balancing and build complexity in 3. One of the best martial feats in 5e, Polearm Master is your ticket to a more memorable glaive-wielding, badass reaver character that you’ve always dreamed of. Simple but effective. Wesley Schneider]], Jeremy Crawford (3 March 2022). Remove these ads. A straight +2 to your main stat is at the very least comparable to it (and in my opinion superior). Report a bug Prerequisites: Proficiency with a lance The lance is an unwieldy weapon for most, but you have mastered use of it, both on foot and on mount. Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoyed this feat guide! Other DnD Feat Guides You Might Enjoy. Different lances are forged for use by foot soldiers (as pikes) and by riders (as lances), but the magical properties of the weapons are the same. Nov 15, 2024 · This trait is now universal throughout all the general feats. A lance does 1d12 piercing damage, which is more than you would normally get with a one-handed weapon. This online application will allow you to list and filter all the DnD 5e Feats with severals options. Lances do slightly more damage than a Polearm but don't synergise with Polearm Mastery or Great Weapon Fighting so it isn't putting you that far ahead of the curve. It's equally absurd to think that every Knight of Solamnia or Wizard of High Sorcery has the same feat loadout. Taking a feat is always fun, but at the cost of two points of ASI made it difficult to swallow previously. The following two bullet points though, name only select weapons that this feat can use. Each one will grant It's a much better idea, generally speaking, to take something like the -touched feats where you gain utility and still improve your stats. I'm also not the greatest fan of the Lucky feat. Normally, the other benefits are something niche or special but not enough to justify giving up an entire ability score improvement, so the +1 is to mitigate losing the regular level up of two ability score boosts. Mar 9, 2016 · The point of this combination of unusual weapons is to profit from the high hit die of a Lance, but never be stuck with Lance's disadvantage at 5ft range. Mar 8, 2023 · Best Feats for Fathomless Warlock 5e. Mar 6, 2021 · Unfortunately, spears lack the Reach property, but the lance is a Reach weapon, and more importantly, it does not have the Heavy property, though it does require two hands to wield unless mounted. Topple. This feat adds more to the lance so the lance is still strong before you can afford a mount and make it hilariously strong, and in times when you can't use a mount. I mentioned feats quite a lot of times here, so I guess I should talk about them too. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. The type that foes are afraid to even approach, if you pick up Sentinel as well. just let him do it, too many feats and magic items are way too specefic in 5e so i just let players apply them where ever as long as it doesn't lead to some OP build. Lifedrinker. We have 25gp from our background. Feb 14, 2022 · Polearm Master in a nut shell: The polearm master feat is a strong feat in 5E that allows a PC using a glaive, halberd, pike, or quarterstaff to take an opportunity attack every time an enemy moves into their range, as well as giving the option of using a bonus action to get a second melee attack with the weapon using a d4 die to represent the Lance of Lethargy is an eldritch invocation in 5th edition. So without any further ado let’s jump into a deep dive of all these 5E Dragonlance feats. This wiki hosts DND 5e content that is setting-specific, play-test content, or unofficial 'homebrew' content. Jun 18, 2024 · The number of mastery properties you can learn is specified in your class's version of the Weapon Mastery feature. You have disadvantage when you use a lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. Skip! (details: works with "spear, trident or pike", but they are way weaker than lance, so just convert this feat into another good feat/stat. With Improved Divine Smite, that bonus It’s not normally your go to weapon for all encounters. Jul 31, 2022 · A lance is a weapon specifically desi gned for mounted combat. There's no rule that says a lance breaks on a hit or embeds itself into an opponent. Aug 5, 2021 · Without a starting feat, you can complete Ghostlance earliest at 6th level with the additional Feat option from Fighter, or at 7th level with the Feat from Warlock. If you really wanted something special just say great weapon master implies to it. Characters who take the Polearm Master feat can benefit from additional feats. For games with a free starting Feat, a race with innate spellcasting fulfills the requirement of War Caster and allows you to start Fighter for the benefit of Constitution save Sep 19, 2023 · Best Ranger Feats in 5e 15. If you hit a creature with this weapon, you can force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 plus the ability modifier used to make the attack roll and your Proficiency Bonus). You can attack with a lance in one hand, even on foot, and gain advantage on mounted attacks. You gain the following benefits: D&D 5e Feats Guide: What Are Feats & How Do They Work? Top 10 Worst Useless Feats in D&D 5e; Top 5 Most Underrated Feats in D&D 5e; Best Feats You Should Consider for Your Rogue (D&D 5e) Top 40 Best Katverse TS4 CC & Poses: Our Top Picks; Top 15 Best Followers in Skyrim (Ranked) 20 Best War Axes in Skyrim (Our Top Picks Ranked) Lance-a-lot. You honestly might want telekinetic as it lets you shove without first taking the attack action, then you aren't blowing a feat on crusher when most of your damage is piercing Mar 12, 2022 · We gave Polearm Master an S Tier rating In our 5e Feats Tier List, making it among the most potent feats in D&D 5e. Forceful Blows: The Kilian Ranger channels the Force through the bayonet of the weapon, changing all melee damage dealt by the Siang Lance to force damage, and increasing the Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Feats, A comprehensive list of all official character feats for Fifth Edition. Thus you could Dual Wield a Handaxe, Dagger, or other light weapon in one hand and carry a whole lance in the other. When you gain this feat, your HP maximum will increase by an amount equal to twice your level. Jan 11, 2023 · Meaning that when you choose which moon you are connected to with the Initiate to High Sorcery Feat, that is going to determine which later level feats in 5E Dragonlance you can take and which ones you’re locked out of. Providing an ASI of one point makes feats much more appealing, which I'm sure is what the creators had in mind. When used while mounted, the rider can operate a lance one-handed and employ a shield as well. Looking for rules from the 2024 sourcebooks? 2024 Ruleset. reach and being one-handed when mounted. Wesley Schneider|F. aka stuff like there's only one single flaming weapon in 5e right now, a flaming sword only, but i'd let someone take a flaming great axe if they wanted to use a great axe. Origin Feats should have no prerequisites and should not provide an ability score It says you can use a lance in one hand while mounted. Sep 15, 2015 · So as long as you are mounted, you can use a lance in one hand. Is the 5E Telekinetic Feat Worth It? The telekinetic feat is a solid feat that does some great work and in niche situations can move from solid to powerful. Lance of Lethargy. Net doesn't have the two-handed property either: This online application will allow you to list and filter all the Feats from DnD 5e 2024 (formerly One D&D) with severals options. Thrown Weapons: Thanks to the Returning Weapon Infusion, this allows a Battle Smith to engage in both Melee and Ranged combat with the same weapon without needing any extra feat Investment. A lance deals double damage if employed by a mounted character in a charge. I don’t think you need an entire feat or anything. Apr 6, 2023 · Polearm Master 5e. Initially considered taking the battlemaster archetype, but decided that the cavalier archetype from unearthed arcana has most of the maneuvers I'd need, plus some bonuses for dismounting/mounting speed. It also has the reach property, so the rider can attack opponents from 5 feet away. Lance. The Knight of Solamnia or the Mage of High Sorcery backgrounds have specific bonus feats. A homebrew feat for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons that enhances the damage and accuracy of lance attacks. Reach, special Also, a lance requires two hands to wield when you aren't mounted. War of the Lance Characters Bonus Feats []. Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip Unofficial Summary: The target of your eldritch blast is slowed. Description. Learn how to master the lance, an unwieldy weapon for most, with this feat for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons. You could also try to convince your DM to let you make a lance your Kensei monk weapon (it disallows them RAW as they have the special tag). Upon reaching 10th level, such a character has a 10 percent chance of gaining an epic boon from among the options in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide . When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. This is the feat/clause that let's you take an OA when a creature enters Prerequisite: 4th Level, Initiate of High Sorcery Feat. Prerequisites: proficiency with shields and at least one of the following: lance, pike, or spear provides synergy when using a shield with a lance, pike, or spear As an experienced infantryman, you've mastered the art of fighting in phalanx-style combat. Prerequisites: Proficiency with Lances You’ve wielded enough lances to get around their intrinsic unwieldiness. A god chose you to carry a spark of their power. Explanation Sep 28, 2021 · Also, this feat allows characters to take an attack of opportunity when another creature enters their reach. Apr 18, 2022 · Final Feat Grade for 5E Telekinetic Feat. I'm interested in getting a lance and doing some mounted combat, and I think I understand it for the most part. Great Weapon Master (GWM): awesome feat great weapon fighting: on damage roll 1-2: reroll doesnt work with Lance, but our "savage attacker" compensates for it (since it doesnt modify the crit chance). (6832 items) 5e SRD; 3. Jul 24, 2021 · The devil's in the details, though. Telekinetic Feat Grade: B+. General feats – You can gain these feats from level 4 onwards in place of ability score improvements. They go well with sickening radiance, repelling blast, and lance of lethargy. If you’re an archfey warlock (or you have a Druid in the party), you can put plant growth cast as an action inside it too to make it especially difficult to escape without teleportation or flight. Ignore firearm’s loading property. On Krynn, its creation is associated with the god Paladine and legendary heroes who fought against the evil of the Dragon Queen. You can do a quick research on the PHB to find the feat list. You have mastered techniques to take advantage of every drop in any enemy's guard, gaining the following benefits. Damage: 1d12 Welcome to the D&D 5e wiki. A specific lance user feat could make the changes in looking for without needing to change the weapon itself. You gain the following benefits: Dungeons & Dragons 5e Feat: Lance of Lethargy . Alternatively if you a deprecated version of this feat was published in — Ben Petrisor, [[Canon:F. Check with your DM to see if what you find here is a good fit for your table. At the end, you will get the option to select only some results to generate our own PDF. The community in general loves that feat way too much. Additionally you gain the following combat maneuvers while wielding a lance in combat: Brave Parry : When wielding a lance two-handed, you gain a +2 shield bonus to AC. Sep 19, 2023 · Best Barbarian Feats in 5e 15. Keep shoving anyone who escapes from the sickening radiance back into it. Source: Player's Handbook Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Blade feature Oct 6, 2024 · D&D 2024 has made feats an integral part of the game rather than an optional extra. You learn one 2nd-level spell of your choice. There was a feat called Spear Mastery included in a 2016 Unearthed Arcana article. The shooter ignites a slow match and aims the weapon at the target, firing streams of flame (projectiles were added later) at the target. Prerequisite: 4th Level, Dragonlance Campaign. Fighters are a great example of “opt-in complexity” in DnD 5e. Use Foundry?. Oct 27, 2022 · Feats are important to making characters feel unique, and not like they're just a combination of race, class, and background. Some content found on this page may not be suitable for play at your table. Lance of Lethargy Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with your eldritch blast, you can reduce that creature’s speed by 10 feet until the end of your next turn. At the end, you will get the option to select only some results to generate our own PDF or to print cards on Magic format. You gain a +3 bonus to attack The Complete Racial Feat Compendium: A book of racial feats for every single official race released of DnD 5e up until and including Spelljammers. Eldritch Mind Agonizing Blast Repelling Blast Lance of Lethargy And you're all set! You have disadvantage when you use a lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. When you attack a target within 5 feet of you with Disadvantage using a lance and hit, you gain a +5 bonus to the attack's damage roll. Over 100 new feats to make every race feel unique, with each race having at least 3 feats to choose from. Feats 0 - Fey Touched (+1 CHA, Misty Step, Bless) 4 - Moderately Armored (+1 DEX, Breastplate & Shield for AC18) 8 - ASI (+2 CHA) 12 - Resilient (+1 CON) Invocations. When you choose a background for your War of the Lance character you gain a bonus feat. Buried at the end of the chapter of Eberron: Rising from the Last War which details dragonmarks (essentially subraces), it’s easy to overlook the feat both because it’s a tiny block of text in a long chapter and because the benefits of the feat are easy to overlook. Light Hammer Blood Lance (5e Spell) Frost Lance (5e Spell) Hallowed Lances (5e Spell) Hateful Lance (5e Spell) Hyperion Lance (5e Spell) Lambent Lance (5e Spell) Lance (Spelljammer Supplement) Lance Master (5e Feat) Lance-a-lot (5e Feat) Lancer (5e Feat) Lancer, Variant (5e Feat) Lances of Condemnation (5e Spell) Radiant Lance (5e Spell) Raulothim's Psychic The new update to the feat states that your non light weapon can be anything lacking the two handed property. Martial Feats are very strong in general to make up for the fact that a martial character isn't going to cast powerful spells like casters. Rogues, rangers, and paladins can only access two mastery properties at a time, whereas barbarians and fighters start with two and three, respectively, and eventually gain access to more mastery properties, as detailed in their Features table. Slasher Feat 5E; Piercer Feat 5E; Fey Touched Feat 5E; Linguist Feat 5E; Elemental Adept 5E Source: Player's Handbook. The current crossbow expert and sharpshooter is a very strong combination to allow characters to start with and also get an ASI at 4th level. Dec 22, 2017 · The lance is unique among weapons with similar damage dice by having a 10-ft. a. However, the -5 to hit/+10 damage mechanic can only be used with heavy weapons. Net. Oct 11, 2022 · Notably, the Lance is the largest damage die size a Small creature can get without the penalty of the Heavy property. So what are the details for a lance? The lance itself says. Source: Player's Handbook. reach comes with disadvantage when your target is within 5 feet, The Dragonlance feats are made with the same school of thought as the OneDnd feats, level 1 feats are less powerful/game altering than feats you can take at higher levels. Best Feats for a Master of Polearms. Explanation Oct 19, 2021 · The Piercer Feat in 5E Dungeons & Dragons is an excellent feat for niche classes using weapons that inflict melee or ranged piercing damage. TL;DR : The feat gives roughly +2 damage per attack for the Lance, and is a great option for Lancers to round out their Strength or benefit from Crit-fishing Jan 26, 2025 · Though some feats are limited to specific species, there is a vast library of feats all characters can use, and nearly every feat offers some degree of improvement for any character. Can I make two attacks against the same target with a lance? I would like you to consider Grung, it melds well with the lance as a weapon due to its poison skin ability and is also just the best race (I definitely have no bias here). A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. A lance deals double damage when used from the back of a charging mount. Feats can increase a character's ability scores, compensate for weaknesses, add new actions, and more, but some feats will be better than others for specific At the DM's option, a character who has the Aberrant Dragonmark feat has a chance of manifesting greater power. 168) says: While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach. Dec 7, 2017 · The Tavern Brawler feat would give you proficiency, but the damage would only be a 1d4, and the Lance wouldn't come back to you every turn like it does for a Wild Magic Barbarian. UA 2022 Heroes of Krynn. Also, a lance requires two hands to wield when you aren't mounted. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. Jul 23, 2022 · What Is a Half Feat? A half feat refers to any feat that gives a +1 to an ability score in addition to other benefits. Battle master sounds good using stuff to get them away first, then lance time. Jun 19, 2024 · Aberrant Dragonmark is an unusual and often-overlooked feat option. That said, you could also simply reflavor a halberd/glaive/pike as a lance, and for -1 damage average you get all of this RAW and lose the disadvantage in close range. Gain Proficiency with firearms. You gain the following benefits: Whenever you have advantage on a melee attack roll you make with a lance and hit, you can knock the target prone if the lower of the two d20 rolls would also hit the target. Polearm Master is one of those feats that entirely created a build archetype. ) Prerequisites: proficiency with shields and at least one of the following: lance, pike, or spear provides synergy when using a shield with a lance, pike, or spear As an experienced infantryman, you've mastered the art of fighting in phalanx-style combat. So I don't think the lance being used as a single use high damage tool being too outlandish. Weapon (Lance or Pike), Legendary (Requires Attunement) A dragonlance is a renowned weapon forged from rare metal with the aid of powerful artifacts. You have a keen eye and a quick hand with firearms, granting you benefits: Increase Dexterity by 1 (maximum of 20). Subraces, subclasses, feats, and variants for both races and class features alike. Also I feel it would be much better to turn your learnable skill idea into a feat. I'm going to break down 5e's mounted combat rules in excruciating detail, which will hopefully answer any question you've ever had about mounted combat in 5e. Source: Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen. The +1 to a casting feat is a good way to even out an odd number ability score, and the boosted traits to the mage hand . To use this property, you must have a feature that lets you use it. It just has a special rule that requires you to wield it two handed: Lance 10 gp 1d12 piercing 6 lb. You can wield a lance in one hand while dismounted. The Fathomless is a patron that is often seen as campaign dependent, as it does have a few features that interact with bodies of water. Dual wielding is weak in 5E, with feat support you get to use your Bonus Action on as a single extra attack. The Polearm Master feat (PHB, p. They also notably get more attacks than any other class, which can be a lot of fun. Use Discord? Join the fan server for announcements, updates, and feature voting. . This weapon has the following mastery property. x, so seeing them come back even as WoTC is leaning harder into making first-time access to D&D easier and easier is an Playing a one shot atm and one player is a Minotaur with a Lance. Now without further ado: The first half allows you to use a shield on the ground, and changes your lance's damage to a d10. Dec 7, 2022 · Notably, we get feat chains: a mechanic that hasn’t existed for over a decade of Dungeons and Dragons where one feat is a prerequisite for another feat. Join the Worldbuilders Guild. Oct 26, 2021 · The first part of the Great Weapon Master feat applies to ALL melee weapons. After that, your HP maximum will increase by an additional 2 HP whenever you gain a level. Feb 12, 2025 · General Feats always include the ability to increase an ability score by +1, typically chosen from a restricted list of ability scores which make sense for the feat. Source: Player's Handbook Regal Lance Style [Fighter, Tactical] Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (Lance) Benefit: You may apply the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with the lance. Nov 20, 2023 · While the Lance is notably the only Reach weapon with a d12 damage die, that’s not enough to offset the Disadvantage from using it while adjacent to an enemy. No? Well, you should! Foundry is a modernized, better-than replacement for Roll20, which prioritizes modding support. I’ll cover how the feat works, who should get it, and why it’s so good. From Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, page 23. You will be also able to sort the list as you want. Once you unlock the ability at level 5, the option that you picked for this feat becomes an empowered version of itself, to reflect your greater mastery of the ability. You chose the moon Solinari to influence your magic, and your oath to use magic to make the world a better place has been recognized by the Order of the White Robes, granting you these benefits: Protective Magic. Gunner. Now, taking a feat when able becomes a much more appealing option. Eldritch Blast Cantrip. The lance only has Reach and Special. This early firearm is essentially a pistol strapped to the end of a lance, polearm, or spear. Finally, the mounted combat rules say Aug 17, 2024 · Fighters get more Ability Score Increases than any other class, allowing them to easily explore feats without sacrificing crucial ability scores. But the more I was thinking about it, I can't help but think of other combinations that are strictly better. You gain the following benefits: When you take the Attack action and attack with only a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear, you can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of the weapon. 5e SRD; 3. The first line of the feat's description in the handbook says that this feat covers Reach weapons. If you're a Champion or Hexblade with a Lance this seems like an absolutely amazing feat. Learn how to use this feat in combat and see its benefits and drawbacks. The whip as well?). You learn one cantrip of your choice from the Cleric spell list and one 1st-level spell based on the alignment of your character, as specified in the Alignment Spells table below. Presumably so you can hold a shield in the other hand, you know like a jouster, but with the dual wield feat you can use two one handed weapons to make two attacks. Shield master possibly too Edit:. For example, I could ditch the lance and the Mounted Combatant feat for PAM and a spear. by Prince Phantom. Jan 20, 2020 · The only special rules for a lance are described on page 148 of the Player's Handbook: Lance. SO, my question is then, Can a Lance, which is a reach weapon, benefit from this feat? Or does it only apply to the specifically named weapons in the text? Hi there, playing my first 5e game soon and I've got a paladin with the find steed spell. Jul 22, 2019 · The Polearm Master feat does synergize with this, but not with a Lance. I just have one very specific question. 5e UA; 3e SRD; Pathfinder SRD; Modern SRD; Apr 20, 2023 · Dragonlance Characters []. Source: Xanathar's Guide to Everything Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip. Jan 23, 2020 · Note: Prerequisite: 16 Strength and Dexterity. I really like the lance and hope it becomes more usable. Melee weapon (martial, lance) You have disadvantage when you use a lance to attack a target within 5 feet of you. This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it, as well as when determining your reach for opportunity attacks with it. It is totally in the rules. Because the Lance is one-handed while mounted, characters with the Dual Wielder feat can wield two of them and engage in two-weapon fighting. Each one will grant Dec 8, 2019 · The lance does not have the two-handed property, so it is not a two-handed weapon. At 5ft he uses his horns, which are only dropping from 1d12 damage to 1d10 and he also gets to make them take a Strength Save or be pushed back out to Lance Range. k. But the 10-ft. Print sheet JSON. There are 4 types of feats available which I’ve summarised below: Origin feats – A feat you get at level 1 through your background. God those things are cool. When considering legacy feats, consider whether they should be Origin Feats or General Feats. Tough. The Sentinel feat and Great Weapon Master feat are great choices for taking polearm fighting to the next level. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with your eldritch blast, you can reduce that creature's speed by 10 feet until the end of your next turn. It’s purpose is for mounted combat which it’s the best weapon at because it allows you to use a shield with the lance. Spend 24 of it on 3 mules. Reach. Polearm Master+Sentinel is a known fantastic combo, but you can't do it with Lanceunless you're also wielding one of the specified weapons in the Polearm Master feat. Where the stereotypical lance is meant for cavalry charges, to be used in a single attack befor I used this feat for my glaive wielding ranger, and let me tell you getting the bonuses alongside the reach of a glaive was fantastic, especially with the drakewarden subclass my companion plus me could control so much space and slow down so many enemies from getting to my back line heavy party. So I've just begun playing as a dual-wielding fighter in a campaign, and I wanted to move towards being a cavalier wielding two lances. (I’m a full believer that going melee offtank on Jan 9, 2025 · Player's Handbook (5e) [1] A pole weapon or pole arm is a close combat weapon in which the main fighting part of the weapon is fitted to the end of a long shaft, typically of wood, thereby extending the user's effective range and striking power At least ask if the lance would then count as a heavy weapon, then get the heavy weapon feat. The Dual Wielder feat allows you to use two-weapon fighting with any one-handed melee weapon, so this works fine. Mar 4, 2024 · Do you like horses? Do you like the idea of charging into battle atop a mighty steed? If you don't like horses, how about a pegasus or a dragon? No? How about riding around on a party member's shoulders? Well, settle in. Players agree that rogues, rangers, and fighters should frequently invest in this feat to consistently increase their damage levels, especially on critical hits. Divinely Favored Feat Feats 5e. Also, a lance requires two hands to wield when you aren’t mounted. The bonus action it grants allows you to add your attack bonus to the hit, stretching your damage per round. But ya, alot of the rules around mounted combat and lances need some major tune up. Unearthed Arcana: Spear Mastery. a. That makes more sense considering the way lances are traditionally used. If you’re within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you don’t get disadvantage on ranged attacks. Wanting to play a Knight of Solamnia or a Wizard of High Sorcery shouldn't lock down a player's feat choices. The demilance must be wielded in two hands to be used in conjunction with the Great Weapon Master optional feat. Now the lance is a pretty strong weapon, but this feat needs you to hold it with 2 hands for the power attack, the -2AC (no shield while mounted) would make it more balanced, its like a great axe with reach, but it has the need of movement before making the power attack. It stands only about 25 feet high, but the It stands only about 25 feet high, but the Martial Feats. As for the damage die, the damage die for the lance is a d12, and there's nothing in its special property or in the dual-wielding rules that would change this. At 10ft he hits them with the Lance. Oct 6, 2024 · D&D 2024 has made feats an integral part of the game rather than an optional extra.
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