Dun dun african drum. Feb 8, 2025 · Playing Three Dun Dun African Drums.

Dun dun african drum It measures 32" tall and 20" in diameter. Each type of drum has its own role or voice within a drum ensemble, complimenting and enriching the overall rhythm created. It comes in many sizes - each with its own name. It's played with the bent stick shown in the picture above and held underneath the arm so it it easy squeezable. We are so happy to be able to perform in-person again, and hope you enjoy our own take on the original Dun Dun Dun music video. Experience the fun and exhilaration of playing genuine West African rhythms on authentic jembe hand drums and dun-dun bass drums. Dunun (also known as dundun and doundoun) is the generic name for a family of West African bass drums that developed alongside the djembe in the Mande drum ensemble. Global Journal of Human Social Science, 2012. 00 Was: $419. Join Ray’s African Drumming workshops in Melbourne and learn how to play multi layered African rhythms, on a variety of hand drums, including the Djembe Drum and Dun Dun Drums (African bass drums). This feature is used to mimic the tones and cadence of human speech. This hour glass shaped drum is m Drums Djembes, Dun Duns, Drum Bags and Percussion Toys! We have a great range of hand carved djembes from West Africa ready made to play straight away. It features a triple-ring mounting system and 5mm non-stretch rope for long-lasting tuning. Our drums can be bought separately or as a set. Buy On DjembeDirect. The bata is a double-headed drum shaped like an hourglass with one end larger than the other. more. It has since been adapted to the jembe and dun drum orchestra. Teach children about the other instruments used in African music with this PowerPoint The Dun Duns are African bass drums and usually played in a group of three. Drum with Simone has all African drumming content you need to get started on your drumming journey, and much more to help you to become the drummer you want to be. African Music, 5(4), 36–40. Fonsiba will playfully guide you into the heart or essence of African drumming which has one fundamental purpose – to create energy and joy. Perfect height since I'm 5. We're really pleased with the quality of the skins and wood on these dunun, and the resulting sound. 4 Large and 3 small African Kpanlogo peg drums and 2 small Dundun drums In very. Aug 1, 2023 · We use traditional style African dun dun or dunun drums. May 12, 2013 · Our Dundun Drums - Set of 3 offers a complete traditional African drum ensemble, each piece carefully carved from solid Dembu logs. 00 USD $ 160. The size of drums varies from the smallest called a "gan gan" to the largest drum called a "dun dun". Jan 17, 2025 · Dun Dun Stick African Drum Sticks Djembe Drum, Tall African Drum L25inches, Pure Solid Wood, Hand Carved Drum, Colourful Musical Instrument, Eco Friendly, Unique "Dun dun" is the African name for the barrel shaped bass drum found all over the world. Basing on the size, construction technique and tuning, there are different names for each type of dundun. Bells (set of 3) $ 128. Talking drum - Talking Drums, also known as dun dun, gan gan, tama, dondos, adondo, or atumpan drums, are used mostly in west Africa and are intended to simulate the inflections of the human voice. A skilled player is able to play whole phrases. The language of the West African drums, the djembe and dununs (with attached bells if played in the traditional way), can be learned with a simple vocabulary of a few basic beats. I share with you what I have learned in over 20 years of study with master drummers and from performance in many drum circles, jams, bands and […] "Dun dun" is the African name for the barrel shaped bass drum found all over the world. The dunduns (or dunun) are a family of cylindrical African drums. 10" I little bit tricky to set up but overall nice sturdy stand for playin West African Djun Djun. , to raise or lower) the pitch of the drum. Typical rhythms from the West African region that borders countries like Guinea, Mali, Senegal and The Ivory Coast use up to three and four Djembe drums and three Dun Dun drums together in a group. Maces. This drum is usually used in religious ceremonies. The dun dun are a family of West African base drums that accompany the djembe drum. Each drum also has a bell on top which is hit with a striker with your other hand. It is a beautifully crafted drum, with a medium resonate quality (perfect for ensembles). This beautiful drum is headed with premium natural cowhide on top and bottom and a triple-ring mounting system wrapped in red and yellow fabric. Stick Holders - Marching. Instruments: Djembe, Dun Dun, Kpanlogo, Talking Drum, Balafon, and more Mohammed Dordoh is Artistic Director of Semekor Performing Arts. [ 1 ] A dunun is a rope-tuned cylindrical drum with a rawhide skin at both ends, most commonly cow or goat. $50 The small size African drum Dun-Dun, DDFR-S, will complete your African drum dun-dun set and collection. It is interesting to note how the organiza-tional structure of the dundun is based on the family structure, as in many African cultures, but with the priority given to women. They are traditionally played along the djembe and provide a deep bass to accompany the rhythms. This listing is for the large Dundun drum, the Dundunba. Classic Heartwood Travel Dunun Set - 3 African Dundun bass drums with sticks - Solid wood djun djuns with cow skin - from Africa Heartwood Project MSRP: $504. Home / All Dunduns. Dun Duns are played with sticks and, in some regions, metal beaters and bells. They are come in three different sizes with the largest Dun Dun Drum being the lowest in pitch and the smallest Dun Dun Drum the highest in pitch. 5 Awesome stand. This drum was essential because of its natural ability to imitate the spoken language’s of the African people. Dundun, also called the Talking Drum, is considered by many to be the most eloquent of all the African drums, and is believed to have originated within the divinity. Or we can custom make a drum for you, simply by choosing the shell, colour rope and grade of skin. In the southern Sahara in Africa the Dundun is traditionally regarded as the instrument of the Kings. 14x14, 14x18, 5x14 Perfect for Dun Dance shows and workshops – these extra-tall duns all sit at the perfect height, upright on the ground for standing play. With real skin heads. Aug 6, 2010 · The Africa Heartwood Project African Dunun Drum Set is a superb collection of traditional West African drums, including the dunumba (15x28), sangban (13x24), and kenkeni (10x20). The kenkeni is the smallest of the three and has a higher pitch; it is used mainly to keep time. 00 USD You Save 20% ($ 32. Read less This set of dunun (DOO-noon, aka dun dun, djun djun), imported direct from Ivory Coast, West Africa, is matched well in terms of size and sound, and represents a step up in construction and sound quality from the Ghana Classic Dunun Set. Learn to play rhythms on the duns, along with simple dance grooves, sacred chants & songs. The extra length in the body lends itself to more volume and bass resonance. G (Gun) – Right hand strikes the center of the Djembe; bass tone. Dun Duns come in three sizes: Kenkeni, Sangban and Dununba (ranging from smallest to largest). Sale. The drum “talks” when the drummer constricts the ropes that run along its sides, tightening or loosening the drum head to create higher or lower sounds, and by using a mallet to hit the head in particular ways to Jan 20, 2012 · The drums are also used for greetings, messages and wishes, they are also one of the oldest drums still used in Africa today. It is considered a small drum, which means it produces higher sounds. Free delivery and returns on eligible orders. In Mali the bell is held and hit with a ring on the thumb. Dun Dun Drum s Dun Dun drums are also known as dundun drums and dun dun duuun and are believed to originate from the Malinke area of Mali. May 14, 2024 · Tapered wood dunun beater included with each drum; The dunun (DOO-noon) family of drums (aka djun djun or dun dun) provides the rhythmic and melodic base for the most West African ensemble drumming. com/ayospirithttp: Feb 5, 2013 · The dunduns are the big, melodic bass drums of the West African drum ensemble, along with the djembe and other percussion instruments. The company's work includes workshops and courses in music and dance, education outreach in schools, theatre performances and choreographic consultancy. Duns often accompany djembe in many African rhythms and are usually played standing up (as opposed to sitting down with djembe) and played with sticks (easier for some on the hands then djembe). You select the: Type of shell, Colour of the ropes, Type of the skin. Mokomba members come from all ethnic corners of the world giving the richness of both traditional and contemporary works of African drum and dance Lenght: 37cm // Diameter: 2cm If you're after something a little more durable, try our Master Series Dun sticks Check out our Drum Stick Bags too ;) FREE SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OVER $100 (conditions apply)* May 23, 2020 · http://bit. Dec 24, 2019 · Is a dun dun a talking drum? Dundun, also called the Talking Drum, is considered by many to be the most eloquent of all the African drums, and is believed to have originated within the divinity. Each drum in a traditional dundun set has a different tonal range based on its size, adding depth and variety to the ensemble sound: Dununba African Drum Rhythms - Educational Tools for Djembes, Bass Drums and Bells by Lennart Hallstrom - Books, CDs, Notation Playback Software, Djembe Font Notation, Online Rhythm Exchange, Drum and Dance Events. We're going to show you how to play the dundun, the sangba, and the kankanee [SP]. The Dunun, also known as a dundun or djun-djun is a west African bass drum. Two of the most well-known hand drums from West Africa are the Djembe and Djun Djun (Dun Dun) drums. See: Talking drum - wikipedia. Colour: Brown, black and blue Dundun is a Yoruba word that refers to a family of variable tension drums. Dun duns are played horizontally with a stick in one hand and often a bell is played on top of the drum with the other hand. The drum heads are made of cow hide with the hair left on to produce heavy tones and eliminate ringing overtones. Known for their deep, powerful bass, dunduns provide focus and rhythm for groups of djembe drummers and more. Rhythm content Over 100+ video for traditional and contemporary West African drumming rhythms including djembe, traditional dunun (with bells), and ballet-style dun playing. Feb 8, 2025 · Playing Three Dun Dun African Drums. Explore the rich history of African percussion with our comprehensive guide to the types of African drums available. Doundounba, Kenkeni, and Sangban are the three dunun that make up the West African Bass Drum ensemble. Its deep and powerful sound is often used as a bass drum in ensembles and is known for its ability to provide a steady and consistent beat that drives the rhythm of the music. From the djembe and conga to the ashiko and dundun, learn the unique features of each drum type and the characteristic sounds they make. It is used to call attention. I am not certain of the wood, however it looks to possibly be pine. Each drum in a traditional dundun set has a different tonal range based on its size, adding depth and variety to the ensemble sound: Dununba - the largest drum The “TALKING DRUM” (DUN DUN) is a West African “hourglass drum,” popular in Nigeria, that overflows with personality. Time to get into the bass groove – Nicely weighted and durable: we use them every day. Ray teaches a number of rhythms from these countries so that students can appreciate how the Djembes and Dun Duns play together to create a complete With smart phones and tablets, referencing your collection of drum rhythms becomes even more convenient. I like to use this, but some people use the How to play a Dun Dun African drum; get professional tips and advice on playing traditional West African percussion instruments in this free music lesson video. . The Dun Duns are also made out of wood and are shaped like a cylinder with a skin on either end. The Djembe may be considered the most visible drum played in drum circles or world drum ensembles. Bass Drum Mallets - Pipe Band. How to play a Dun Dun African drum; get professional tips and advice on p ‘The time-keeper of the Djembe chorus’ The collective name for a family of West African bass drums, the Dunun (or doundoun, doun doun, dundun, djun djun) are the heartbeat and timekeepers of the djembe chorus. The bell parts are all slightly different from each other for the most part. Sep 17, 2013 · Full Playlist: https://www. The official channel for African Drumming Online! Check out our free video lessons to help you learn djembe, dun duns, bells, shakers, and more. May 11, 2014 · Several specific West African drum types are outlined, including the dun-dun drums known as "talking drums", Gahu drums traditionally used in dances in Ghana and Benin, and the Djembe drum which translates to "everyone gather together in peace". Shop By Price. You will also explore rhythms, covering their cultural significance and the region from which they come. The dun dun is an integral part of West African music and has become popular around the world in many different music genres. Handcrafted by skilled artisans in Africa, these drums are made from solid, handcarved Mansonia wood, a legally harvested hardwood that is both durable and resonant. African Primo Series Dun Set 1113 & 15 Dec 29, 2011 · The Dun Dun part for the Triba rhythm. May 26, 2015 · This performance celebrates the seasons and the elements of life. The Dun Dun is also sometimes called the dunun, dundun, or djun-djun. It requires a curved beater, so it isn't a hand drum. Dundun are the drums that provide the basis for the West African drumming ensemble. Drummers It has two drumheads connected by leather tension cords, which allow the player to modulate the pitch of the drum by squeezing the cords between their arm and body. e. The Dundun is an African drum instrument … Dundun – Sound. In this set, the drum body is covered with beautiful West-African fabric. This kind of drum is usually fairly squat and produces a beat with a fairly high pitch. Beginning to Advanced Workshops in African Drumming. Some are: kenkeni (smallest), sangban (medium) and doundounba (largest) Size scally: As I have been experimenting I have used different timbers and different width boards. Beautiful dun dun drum with authentic African tone Comes with two beaters; Handmade, fair trade, eco-friendly and fun; Perfect for the classroom, drum circles and a djembe group; Weight & dimensions Approx size: 20cm diameter x 30cm high. Contrary to the expectation of maintaining a steady and uniform beat, the dundun drums, in fact, generate intricately syncopated patterns that add remarkable depth and complexity to Made from durable, sustainably-harvested Siam oak wood, the traditional shell shape of this drum provides the most authentic African sound. With lots of age appropriate information, alongside audio clips of the djembe and the talking drum, this All About African Drums presentation is the ideal way to teach your class about these fascinating instruments. The Dundun is also known as the “talking drum. Weight: 3kg. Marching Accessories. Known for their deep, powerful bass, they provide focus and rhythm for groups of djembe drummers and more. ayodrum. Mar 1, 2014 · Derek Thorne introduces the dun dun drums. If you want to get better at and learn african One of the more popular African drumming styles in Melbourne uses a goblet-shaped hand drum called the Djembe and up to three bass drums called Dun Duns. The dundun is one of three drums, the largest, besides the medium-sized sanbenito, sangba, and the kenkeni, the narrowest of the ensemble. Specifications Product Type: Drum. Dunun (Malinké:; plural dunun) (also spelled dundun or doundoun) is the generic name for a family of West African drums that have developed alongside the djembe in the Mande drum ensemble. Drum Hire – African Drum Set of Dun Dun drums hand Carved wood. Also known as dundun or dun dun, they accompany the Djembe in a symbiotic relationship. How to play a Dun Dun African drum; get professional tips and advice on playing traditional West African percussion instruments in this free music lesson vid Learn to play traditional West African rhythms and drums with Ray Pereira, who is one of Australia’s most experienced African Drumming teachers. This rhythm has become very popular because of its melody and the diversity of the movements. This family of double-headed, cylindrical, rope-tension drums consists of the doundoumba (largest), sangban (medium), and kenkeni (smallest). Buy African Dundun / dun dun / doumdoum drum set carved - set of 3 drums. Part of the series: How To Play West African Drums. The 10" carved dundun is the smallest size of the dunduns, and while traditionally played as a set of three, it also sounds great on its own. The sangban is the middle sized drum that is thought of as defining the rhythm, usually a bit more complex than the kenkeni. During a HOZA! show an audie The African Djun Djun drums are handcrafted out of wood with a cow skin head and held down with strong leather string. Originally $350, now $300 ($50 price drop) $350 Original price. I filmed these on my iphone while staying in the Gambia and learning with local musicians to help me when I got home. Oct 9, 2009 · It is not to be confused with the dundun, theYoruba name of the West African talking drum. Unlike the dun dun, there are no strings to tighten the membranes. By tightening or loosening the thongs, the player is able to control (i. on 12th Nov 2020 . Often the kannago and gangan are not used unless one of the other drums is absent. The player squeezes leather cords on the sides of the drums to change the pitch of the drum. Oct 31, 2017 · Find Dun Dun West African Drum Goat stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, 3D objects, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Login to see all models and price. com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDriLbqidWbTYavxdFAAxAMVo--Cool Essentials for every Drummer:Vic Firth ESB Essentials Stick Bag SJC Drums Josh Dun The Ned 4-Piece Kit with Snare 7x10. The Charleston-based ensemble is influenced by traditional Guinean rhythms. Posted by Tony P. Features: Complete set of three traditional drums The drum is suspended from the player’s left shoulder; the left hand manipulates the leather tensioning thongs that connect the two membranes, while the drum is beaten with a curved stick held in the right hand. youtube. View Product. ly/adofree – for more Blergh, free African drumming lessons, and moreThis week, Jacob shows you the high dun dun (and bell) part for the Madini rh Nov 21, 2023 · Dundun (Talking Drum) The dundun's body is shaped like an hourglass and has a number of ropes or strings stretched from top to bottom. The Dundun are the drums playing in the foreground. There are different sizes of dunduns, ranging from 25 to 60 cm. Shop Now! In a traditional ensemble each double sided drum is played sideways and hit on the side with a drum stick. comhttp://facebook. Celebrating the distinctive style of an all-female Dun-Dun (bass drum) section, they are dedicated to preserving the arts and culture of West African dance, drum, musical and folkloric traditions. These drums can be either a soft or hard wood depending on the tone and projection required. 1 West African Dun Dun Drum photos for download. Handcrafted by skilled artisans in Ghana, each drum offers unique tones and playing styles that enrich musical expression. African Dun-Dun #1. Brand New. The pitch of these hourglass-shaped drums can be changed by squeezing the ties that join the two drumheads between the left arm and the torso while the drum is being struck with a curved stick. The dunun drums set allows the drummer to play many different Mandinka rhythms and includes: – the kenkeni drum, which plays at the highest pitch and generally serves as the metronome in simple rhythms. (1975) : The talking drums of Nigeria. The document provides sources for further information on African drumming traditions. Djembe tones are usually noted as the following: D (Dun) – Left hand strikes the center of the Djembe; bass tone. These drums are hand crafted in Ghana and are of a high quality. With this knowledge, you'll be able to find the perfect instrument for your musical needs! Playing a Dun Dun African Drum. Afican Dun Dun Drums Djun Djun Fabric warped Goat skin fur head 13”x24” Djembe. There are numerous African rhythms for the Djembe that can be easily researched online or through study with a hand percussion instructor. Dec 7, 2024 · Djembe Drum, Tall African Drum L25inches, Pure Solid Wood, Hand Carved Drum, Colourful Musical Instrument, Eco Friendly, Unique Gift Dun Dun Drum Dundun This site offers tools and insights to help you learn, understand, and play traditional West African drum beats, especially the djembe (jembe) and dunun (dundun) rhythms of Guinea. They are cylindrical drums played with sticks and made with wood and cow skin. com Buy On The dunun (DOO-noon) family of drums (aka djun djun or dun dun) provides the rhythmic and melodic base for the most West African ensemble drumming. Each person has one stick and a piece of metal to play the bell. The dunun drums, also called dunduns are African bass drums found all over West Africa. Dunun patterns are the heart of a rhythm – while the djembe and hand drum parts are often interchangeable, the dunun pattern is unique. If you’re after something a little more durable, try our Master Series Dun sticks "Mokomba Ensemble, a local African drum and dance troupe, is known to warm the atmosphere of any venue, led by Ghanaian choreographic director, Adjei Abankwah and master drummer, Nii Okai Aryeetey. com/playlist?list=PLLALQuK1NDriLbqidWbTYavxdFAAxAMVo--Cool Essentials for every Drummer:Vic Firth ESB Essentials Stick Bag Most Djembe rhythms are based on 4/4 time, so each drum hit or rest is considered one beat of the rhythm. For ex-ample, the name of the drum ensemble takes Feb 22, 2010 · African Master Drummer Ayo Adeyemi's Yoruba Rhythms for Djun DjunBuy and download the full video at http://www. West African Drum Classes at the Shop. How to play three Dun Dun African drums at the same time; get profes Djembes - Drum Skins and Hides - Professional Drum Rope , much more Djembe Drums & Skins provides high quality rope tuned djembe and dunun drums, drum tuning supplies and drum accessories at reasonable costs, for the love of drumming. These drums have become sort after musical instruments for African lovers. These Dunun (DOO-noon, aka dun dun, djun djun) feature hardwood Iroko and thicker cow skin, tuned properly with thicker nylon rope, creates a very resonant, tonal sound quality, perfect for African dance classes, performances, and practice. Our duns are authentic West African bass drums hand craved from sustainably sourced mahogany timber and topped with thick cow skins Ghana Series Dun Set – Ekome The adults dance to inform the young people of some of the trials they may encounter as they mature. Sinte was played by women on large carved wooden drums called krins until the 1980’s. ” Dunun is the generic name for a family of West African drums that have developed alongside the djembe in the Mande drum ensemble. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. How to play a Dun Dun African drum beat; get professional tips and a 18"L X 10"H (18' long 10" head) I believe this to be a West African dun dun (kenkeni) with real skin heads. Experience the deep, resonant beats of the dundun drum! Handcrafted African bass drums, perfect for drumming ensembles & traditional rhythms. All of these rhythms are historically heard during tribal celebrations and festivals, played on Djembe and Dun Dun drums and are accompanied by dancing, clapping and singing. Children can hear about the ngoma, the bougarabou,  the bata, the dun dun and the djembe. 99 the double-headed tension drums. Under $200; $200-$400; $400-$600; $600-$800; $800+ Playing a Dun Dun African Drum Beat. org References: Akpabot, S. Basic vocabulary of the West African drum language. Nov 30, 2023 · Find West African Dun Dun Drum stock images in HD and millions of royalty-free photos, illustrations, and vectors on Shutterstock. Home » The AD Shop » Duns, Bougas & More Drums » Dunun We stock a huge range of duns, from light weight mini & stumpy duns that are perfect for kids and school programs, right up to pro-level hardwood duns from across the West African region. The talking drums of the Yoruba people of the South West of Nigeria are like many other types of drums found in other parts of the world in that they are melody producing/enhancing musical instruments accompanying song and dance performances made of hollow round frame with tightly fixed plastic or skin membrane on the surface(s) beaten with the Discover our collection of drums beyond the djembe, including shamanic drums, dunduns, and talking drums. Mar 3, 2025 · In this class, you will be introduced to different drums (djembe, dun dun, yangban, and kenkey) and learn techniques for playing each one. Ray will also teach you how to play other He took his drumming workshops online and made the interactive Dun Dun Dun drumming video that went viral with students and educators around the globe. Drums; Custom Built Drums; Build your own; Accessories; African Drumming Courses Sep 18, 2013 · Full Playlist: https://www. X8 Drums Dundun (or Dununs) are masterfully carved of a single piece of legally harvested Mahogany hardwood, designed to produce the authentic sound of the African bass drum. 00 USD) We offer three types of Bell Sets for Dunduns: City Our dun sticks are custom made from sustainably sourced mahogany. This professional set provides a full range of pitches essential for authentic West African rhythms and includes playing sticks for each drum. The dunun (DOO-noon) family of drums (aka djun djun or dun dun) provides the rhythmic and melodic base for the most West African ensemble drumming. Diameter: 22 cm Height: 50 cm. Some of the most often used names are konkoni, kenkeni, sangban, dununba, djeli-dun, etc Tenor Drum Mallets - Pipe Band. Check out our african drum dun dun selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our drums & percussion shops. Handmade Dun Dun's, custom made drums to your specifications. The 20" Dancing Drum Dundun Bambata ("Mama Djun") by Tycoon Percussion is an extra large Djun-Djun drum that produces a powerful, super low bass tone. Listen to a set of Djerma Dundun drummers from Niger, led by the master drummer Isah Harmani, here recorded by Stephen Jay and extracted from the album “West Africa: Drum Chant & Instrumental Music recording. fpfl jpeec wbs ykjqa rpszf jlwb bucvie dswcy hivo ufuhw pbbzuhq mdtydv zytq msfl oyqyw