Coleman fuel substitute Apr 22, 2012 · British and most european unleaded petrol should work as a Coleman substitute but Aspen4 is way better. Find the FUEL WHT GAS COLMAN 1GAL at Ace. The Coleman Collectors Forum The best information regarding Coleman stoves, lanterns and other gas pressured appliances! Poo Ping Ancient Asian Philosopher Says: "Scarves, mittens, and hats are a great way to express your personality in the cold weather!" The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. It works similar to Coleman fuel, but it’s a whole lot cheaper. Nov 27, 2011 · V,M&P Naphtha; Naphtha, White Gas, Ronsinol, Zippo Fluid, Jon-E hand warmer fluid. It needs a lot but my main focus right now is the fuel valve (part number 249-6531). " Roger ICCC#1745 275 Appreciation Syndicate #1745 MilSpec Syndicate #454 "It's not camping, till lite by a Coleman. 25 pints/21 oz of white gas lasts 5. It has a lighter molecular weight than gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel and cannot be used as a substitute for any of those fuels. "Lighter fluid" is a generic description and ingredients can vary from brand to brand. It was so good it turned 5 doe from 100 yards to go to the scrape. 00/gallon many people are looking for an alternative. For Coleman fueled and unleaded fueled camping appliances. Jan 9, 2024 · I'd say it'd boil off faster than Coleman Campfuel or simply Coleman Fuel or CF which some might refer as white gas(not exactly, really). Called Petrole in France or Petroleum in Germany. I used to work as an authorized Coleman repairman back in the early 70s. Mar 13, 2022 · The best information regarding Coleman stoves, lanterns and other gas pressured appliances! Poo Ping Ancient Asian Philosopher Says: 249 fuel valve substitute? The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. If you can get Heptane that is a suitable replacement for Naphtha for extracting. I've tried some of them with varied results. We provide ultimate convenience for outdoor enthusiasts with our compact, portable propane fuel and accessories. " Distilling unleaded gasoline to get the heavy additives out so you can use it as a substitute for coleman fuel for lanterns or stoves. In all the camping trips that we have ever been to, there is one thing we have always observed- a source of fire is always a must. Now please understand I've not tried the Coleman fuel as a substitute for Zippo lighters or any handwarmers. Sep 12, 2012 · It is dangerous to use a more volatile fuel in a Tilley so you can’t use Aspen or Coleman fuel. There have been recommendations on the web for 'Panel Jan 4, 2024 · It has been suggested that Coleman fuel is an acceptable substitute for naphtha lighter fluid. Sep 26, 2023 · Pros and Cons of Using White Gas. Jun 29, 2023 · White gas is the gold standard when it comes to Coleman dual fuel lanterns and stoves. " 363 likes, 2 comments - ardentfootsteps on August 19, 2017: "The Most Effective Coleman Fuel Substitutes. " Apr 10, 2019 · Looks like you found a good substitute for Coleman fuel. There are many advantages of using white gas or Coleman Fuel: It’s cost-effective and fuel efficient. Unleaded gasoline is also very convenient. . 4. What do you use? – Updated 2/9/2020 The Truth About Affordable Coleman Fuel Alternatives Why Consider Coleman Fuel Substitutes? Alternatives to Coleman fuel for operating your camping lanterns, stoves, and camping grills can offer you cost savings and depending on where you are during an adventure, may be easier to locate should you run out. I just recently got hooked on coleman stoves and lanterns. But I only want one. Read the article in my blog. I was going to get rid of the stove because I didn't think I'd ever use it again. Readily available everywhere, see it on Amazon. I managed to blag a small sample free from a spray shop. It is a readily available option that you can use on most of your camping equipment from your stoves, lanterns and even generator. There’s more than enough of that in the world as it is — and people will usually just give it back anyway!" As well as the alternatives mentioend above, Primus Power Fuel is equivalent to white gas. Feb 18, 2024 · Had both the Jon-e and charcoal stick warmers back when I was doing winter camping. A side note was the Deer Coy lure that you warmed with the warmer. I found this super clean and nearly rust free 425 plus a table for $60cad, and an equally clean 290a lantern with case for $40. Apr 2, 2013 · I still have three, use Coleman fuel. I like Coleman products like stoves, lanterns and even the old Roger ICCC#1745 275 Appreciation Syndicate #1745 MilSpec Syndicate #454 "It's not camping, till lite by a Coleman. The Coleman Collectors Forum The best information regarding Coleman stoves, lanterns and other gas pressured appliances! Poo Ping Ancient Asian Philosopher Says: "Scarves, mittens, and hats are a great way to express your personality in the cold weather!" Coleman camp fuel is a mix of 5 light hydrocarbons: Nonane, Octane, Heptane, Pentane and Cyklohexane. I'm not a happy bunny but I need a 25mm 'O'ring or square-section oil seal as a substitute. In this article, I will explore the history, benefits, and tips for using fuel for Coleman lanterns – a must-have for any camping or outdoor enthusiast. 25 hours on a Coleman Dual Fuel Stove on high while an 8oz butane canister lasts 1. However, if you’re in a bind and only have denatured alcohol, it’s good to know how it compares to white gas, the recommended fuel and whether or not it’s able to be used in stoves and Mar 13, 2022 · The Coleman Collectors Forum The best information regarding Coleman stoves, lanterns and other gas pressured appliances! Poo Ping Ancient Asian Philosopher Says: "For Christmas this year, try giving less. Fuel tank rust is the main killer of most Colman lanterns and stoves. Jun 28, 2023 · If you have a dual fuel Coleman stove or lantern, you probably already know that you can use Coleman fuel, generic white gas or unleaded gasoline in it. I found dribbling it on the trail to a scrape brought in bucks and doe even before I was fully ready with my bow in the stand. I have collected and played with lamps for over twenty years now and have a wide variety from around the world with a fair few from the U. At least you can thaw out a hand when deer hunting or ice fishing. Jan 21, 2011 · Coleman fuel can be had for $9. Diesel and kerosene do not ignite from a spark. US and most american engine gasoline fuels are not suitable for stoves or lanterns - there is a big difference in contents between west and east side of the pond. With Coleman fuel being around $10. " Oct 31, 2018 · Seems to me that once they list enough toxins, they get a pass. I don't have access to non-ethanol gas in my area, but ran three lanterns for a year, back when RUG was under $2 per gallon and I was rebuilding my generators. 75 total per gallon and unleaded 87 octane automotive gasoline for $3. Aug 6, 2012 · Well I've been running my TK800or S-9 stove on petrol for a while as I refuse to pay £10 for a liter of Coleman fuel but I finally got sick of the smell of petrol and the fumes given off whil priming the stove, not to mention the greasy film it leaves in anything you spill it on. A buck would lick every drop on the trail. Nov 8, 2024 · Coleman/Crown fuel is around 50-55 octane, so you understand why you want the lowest grade of RUG if you use it. petrol is not a good substitute for coleman fuel. Mar 30, 2023 · It turns out that it’s a great substitute for Coleman Fuel for several reasons…plus it can save you a good amount of money Coleman fuel is basically the same as white gas. I use the old fashioned 2 burner. White gas is more fuel efficient than kerosene, burns cleaner and doesn’t produce the dark smoke, odor and sooty […] Jun 16, 2014 · Anyway, several substitutes were suggested, including Heet (the automotive fuel line de-icer. Coleman fuel sells for around $18 for only 32 ounces, while gasoline is about $3 for a gallon. Still have a couple of the Jon-e warmers and replaced the deteriorated lighting wicks with cotton string years ago. Mar 13, 2022 · The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. Feb 9, 2020 · A petroleum naphtha product, Coleman sells it to fuel its many products as well as appliances made by other brands. This fuel canister is composed of a 60% butane and 40% propane mixture and is considered a terrific substitute for Jetboil Jetpower fuel. 400+ bought in past month. Be careful with these fuels and good luck. The Truth About Affordable Coleman Fuel Alternatives Apr 23, 2020 · The main substitute to name brand Coleman Fuel is generic white gas. White Gas Nov 13, 2023 · 7 Zippo Fuel Alternatives That Actually Work #1 Ronson Lighter Fuel. Most Coleman lanterns and camping stoves are compatible with kerosene, allowing you to use it without any modifications or concerns. Feb 6, 2010 · On another website Zippo lighters were discussed and Coleman lantern fuel was mentioned as an alternative to lighter fluid. 1,318. may need to modifie em a bit to work Mar 14, 2022 · The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. That is a tested and measured fact. Start with less attitude. The stuff you need is heating oil or wick lamp oil. Most burners will readily burn unleaded gasoline as a substitute fuel; Nov 4, 2011 · Re: Coleman back home fuel cell Post by JimL » Mon Apr 01, 2024 6:18 pm I haven't looked, but I would note the dimensions and check with a place like Lowe's where the Bernz-O-Matic stuff is. Coleman fuel is really a substitute for the original white gas, which became harder and harder to find. Use the others at your own risk Jan 16, 2017 · Doing a household project, and gasoline is by far the fastest solvent I have found ( cutback flooring adhesive removal) . redspeedster Subscriber Offline. Here is the May 26, 2006 · I have been out looking for Panel Wipe as Coleman Fuel substitute. Dec 31, 2007 · Consequently Coleman fuel is hard to find and very expensive due to ultra low demand. Apr 27, 2018 · I went out and got all the ingredients to make Ed's red bore cleaner, though I didn't have a container for mixing / storage. Mar 9, 2022 · However, if you are looking for the cheapest Coleman fuel substitute that will give you almost similar quality as Coleman fuel, then unleaded gasoline is the best option. I tend to think of Coleman fuel as a bit pricey compared to automotive gasoline -- until I start comparing it to the standard threaded gas canisters for backpacking. " Nov 15, 2013 · If you like the light of a traditional Coleman lantern, like many people do and if you camp a lot and use your Coleman lantern a lot, like I do, then the cost of coleman fuel is a consideration. 48. They were heavily used while growing up in Michigan. 2°F). Although we can’t use combustible liquids (diesel fuel, kerosene, mineral spirits) in a Zippo, can we substitute other flammable liquids (gasoline, Coleman fuel, acetone)? Will they work? The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. may need to modifie em a bit to work Apr 2, 2013 · I still have three, use Coleman fuel. Originally white gas was a widely-used household and industrial product, consisting basically of straight-chain gasoline (petrol) without additives. Coleman fuel ETC> Almost all the same. Recently someone told me to go look on Amazon. Performance Variability: The performance and efficiency of a Coleman fuel substitute may vary compared to using Coleman fuel, potentially affecting cooking times and heat output. ardentfoot" The Coleman Collectors Forum The best information regarding Coleman stoves, lanterns and other gas pressured appliances! Poo Ping Ancient Asian Philosopher Says: "Relationships are like Christmas lights: they look like a tangled mess when stored away, half of them don’t work, and finding the one that does is worth the effort!" Coleman fuel is a proprietary petroleum naphtha product marketed by the Coleman Company. Same stuff really. The best information regarding Coleman stoves, lanterns and other gas pressured appliances! Poo Ping Ancient Asian Philosopher Says: 249 fuel valve substitute? Mar 13, 2022 · The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. Re: 249 fuel valve substitute? Post by SteveRetherford » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:49 pm i have had this in my saved watches for some time , these range knobs have a set screw to attach em . Sep 21, 2012 · K1 keeps, for years longer than Coleman fuel or White Gas. Jan 14, 2007 · Fill it full of white gas/ Coleman fuel, put the wick type thingy back on, light it up, put it in its little pouch or wrap up in a wash cloth, keeps you warm all day. Nov 28, 2004 · Coleman fuel - 'White Gas' is a rip-off in the UK at at least a fiver for half a litre! There are dire warnings about using car petrol - even unleaded, in stoves (the warnings relating to the additives being toxic when burnt in a stove). http://www. Although we can’t use combustible liquids (diesel fuel, kerosene, mineral spirits) in a Zippo, can we substitute other flammable liquids (gasoline, Coleman fuel, acetone)? Will they work? Let’s start at ground The Coleman Collectors Forum The best information regarding Coleman stoves, lanterns and other gas pressured appliances! Poo Ping Ancient Asian Philosopher Says: "The holidays are over. 5 out of 5 stars. Time to get to work and routine life with renewed energy and renewed perspectives!" "Screw you, Poo!" -Uncle Sid Roger ICCC#1745 275 Appreciation Syndicate #1745 MilSpec Syndicate #454 "It's not camping, till lite by a Coleman. I opened up the cap on the tanks and the fuel still smelled as fresh as a new un-opened can for fuel. Colman fuel has a rust preventer in it to protect the uncoated fuel tanks. Here is the catch Jon-E, and Coleman make fluid that is specifically designed for Catalysts. Is Coleman fuel acceptable because the hand warmer packing reduces the volatility? Also, there is always a warning accompanying the instructions for building soda can stoves to only use alcohol as the fuel source. All my garage sale stoves are the traditional style designed for Coleman fuel (white gas). Probably only run 15-20 gallons of gas through the old red tank stove, it still works. Aug 27, 2018 · Coleman is a brand, and there are alternative fuels, at least in name, in other countries. Plenty of Coleman lamps on the Bay. While the plastic bottle makes it easier to chuck into your bug-out bag, it doesn’t resolve the weight issue. Substitute for coleman fuel Experts suggest that finding the best diesel fuel additive for your diesel engine depends on several factors, including your vehicle’s make and model and the type of additive. Nov 28, 2022 · Zippo Lighter Fuel Alternatives and Substitutes. Mar 15, 2022 · The best information regarding Coleman stoves, lanterns and other gas pressured appliances! Poo Ping Ancient Asian Philosopher Says: 249 fuel valve substitute? Mar 14, 2022 · The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. Both have the active ingredient, petroleum naphtha and other chemicals including octane, cyclohexane, pentane and heptane. Compatibility with Coleman Appliances. This means that the naphtha has been made to eliminate specific components that can ruin the catalytic action of the warmer. It wouldn't surprise me if Crown and Coleman fuel were the same and coming from the same refiner, but Coleman fuel has an added dye. It has a boiling point range of 129 to 144°C (264. It’s basically the same thing minus a few of Coleman’s proprietary stabilizers and anti-corrosive additives. 2 to 291. Apr 4, 2015 · Coleman Fuel which is low octane gasoline works fine in a lighter as a substitute for Zippo fuel. S. Think of lighting a kerosene lamp. I'm late to the discussion, but might as well add that in the Netherlands (perhaps elsewhere) a fluid called "wasbenzine" has been reported by a member here to be a good substitute, and it is also just Naphta sold as a home dry-cleaning fluid. I use the cheapest "Non-Oxy gas" from the gas pump and in Minnesota, that is the premium gas, high octane, that is the only pump gas available without alcohol (Non-Oxy). Containing the same compounds as Zippo lighter fuel, this will work just as well as the original. Shop all Coleman. The yellow container is the one the company suggests for use as a fuel), 90% isopropyl, EverClear and probably some others. Oct 24, 2015 · Though Coleman fuel has an octane rating of 50 to 55 and a flammability similar to gasoline, it has none of the additives found in modern gasoline and cannot be used as a substitute for gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel in modern engines. Whether you’re a backcountry adventurer or backyard entertainer, we’ve got you covered. If you want to change lamps then for use with Aspen/Coleman fuel you need a gasoline lamp. If the fuel isn't to be kero (perhaps called paraffin throughout Europe), then to find the name of the CF substitutes I'd check over at Classic Camp Stoves. Jul 4, 2023 · Compatibility: Not all Coleman fuel substitutes are compatible with every camping stove or device, so it’s important to ensure compatibility before use. Jan 1, 2006 · Coleman Fuel Substitute - Dry Cleaning Fluid? Discussion in 'Stove Forum' started by Nermilio, Apr 10, 2019. And it ain’t cheap! But we’ve got good news for you… Coleman fuel is not your only option; read on to discover 3 cheap Coleman fuel substitutes. As long as an appliance runs on liquid fuel, you can use gas. – Updated 2/9/2020. Originally it had a knob that was pressed on or something, so there are no threads in the end of the shaft for a screw or ribbing for a knob to grip. 93 total per gallon. You can also use kerosene, diesel, gasoline and a few other fuel types, but it depends on your stove. Jul 15, 2021 · I have a 42 year old Coleman stove and lantern that hadn't been used in years. If looking for a substitute, you may want to reach out to Crown directly. Jan 1, 2011 · The Weicon brake cleaner might still burn ok in a 'gasoline' lantern but its not exactly an ideal substitute for Coleman Fuel, like the Holts brake cleaner, which is basically lighter aliphatic hydrocarbons. Roger ICCC#1745 275 Appreciation Syndicate #1745 MilSpec Syndicate #454 "It's not camping, till lite by a Coleman. However, you might wonder how it stacks up when used in other camping appliances and how it compares to kerosene. Using kerosene as a substitute for Coleman Fuel is seamless, as Coleman appliances are designed to operate with different fuel types. Item May 16, 2022 · Coleman Butane Propane Fuel is a crowd favorite for use with the Jetboil stovetop due to its cheaper price and efficient performance. Nov 21, 2011 · Hello all as my first post I will add my thoughts to the latest topic on the forum. For example, 1. Ordinary hardware shops don't sell it, don't even know what it is, unike in the US where it is sold routinely in such outlets. Though the price of gas often changes, it still cheaper than Coleman fuel. Thin is that I lost some because the seal on my Sigg fuel bottle had perished. Sep 24, 2012 · TruFuel Substitute? Thread starter Somesawguy; Start date Sep 24, 2012; As far as using Coleman fuel, its mostly Naptha, might eat up the fuel system. Coleman 32oz Premium Camping Fuel, All Season Efficient Fuel Canister, Ideal for Camping Lanterns & Stoves. Apr 14, 2016 · Learn what fuel substitutes will work the best below: Zippo Lighter Fuel Substitutes But this brings up an interesting possibility. Mar 15, 2022 · The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. I'd suppose the Holts would be purely non-polar hydrocarbons. Apr 9, 2019 · Like many I use a coleman stove for casting/smelting. I don't have any clogging issues. Jul 4, 2005 · Coleman fuel is basically petroleum naphtha with a bit of rust inhibitor. Here are some tricks/tips I have picked up over the past few years- I use unleaded gas in mine, even the old red tank one (I have a newer gray dual fuel version also). Sep 26, 2020 · The Colman dual fuel products had an epoxy coating to the fuel tank to prevent rust caused by the water in gasoline. It has an octane rating of 50 to 55 and none of the additives found in gasoline. They are a packaging company and I believe are directly tied to a refiner. Apr 18, 2024 · And when it comes to lighting up a dark campsite, there is no substitute for a good old fashioned lantern fueled by Coleman fuel. But this brings up an interesting possibility. The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. 110g of canister gas is $5. Walmart sells a generic lantern fuel made by Crown. Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2. 5 hours for a single burner stove on high. That is, if no one here definitively knows. Coleman Cooking Fuel Metal 128 oz 1 pk. Second, unleaded pump gas even in the dual fuel models, will eventually clog the generator and it will do so much faster than Coleman fuel will. A few drops of oil in the pump and it pumped up pressure good as new. Duckiller I am not using a dual fuel stove. A. I tried a solvent liquid ( looks and smells like kerosene ) turns the stuff softer and gummy, a water based product that liquefies the surface only, and takes many The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. The equivalent in Coleman fuel? The other day I picked up a really rough 249 locally. You will need heat to cook and keep Mar 17, 2022 · Re: 249 fuel valve substitute? Post by SteveRetherford » Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:49 pm i have had this in my saved watches for some time , these range knobs have a set screw to attach em . sexn qfqeejx rpol gzmdh aiccx vqghm shmnm baka typn pze rdoc lllj uanygm rvce ouwm