Cisco config register 0x102. It should not change on power cycle or reload.
Cisco config register 0x102 I'm trying to do a factory reset on a couple of Cisco 3650 switches. 100% worked! Reply Aug 19, 2024 · 注意:命令config-register不能更改控制檯波特率。在舊版Cisco IOS中,config-register命令確實用於更改控制檯波特率,但是,對於Cisco IOS XE,您需要配置線路控制檯速度以更改波特率。 Cisco(config)# config-register 0x2102 上記により、コンフィグレーションレジスタの値は2102に設定されます。 最後の数字が2のため、起動時にはboot systemの設定に従ってイメージファイルが読み込まれます。 Feb 7, 2025 · The startup-config is lost and I get the initial startup-config tutorial. 2611XM#show version | in 0x Configuration register is 0x2102 2611XM#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. Dans l'ancienne version de Cisco IOS, la commande config-register était en effet utilisée pour modifier le débit en bauds de la console, cependant, pour Cisco IOS Aug 30, 2018 · Bias-Free Language. Solution. 4 and 17. Have any of you ever seen this? thanks I am having an issue with a Cisco 3850 Catalyst switch, issue as below: - Current config register is 0x142 and have configured the config register to 0x102 but even after reload the new config register does not come in place. The configuration register can be set from configuration mode using the config-register command. no system ignore startupconfig switch all. SPA. boot: image specified by the boot system commands. What got it to work was writing the startup config to a file in flash, then putting this in the config: boot system flash:/ir800-universalk9-mz. config-register 0x2101 tells router to boot into rx boot mode. In this example, we will change the configuartion register to 0x2142. . So you don't have an ACL called "acl-vty-session". @marce1000's link is a good reference and contains other values for the Configuration #0x102 #0x2102. Use the location node-id keyword and argument to display the configuration register setting for a specific card. The boot variable is set in ROM Monitor mode. See full list on cisco. You have 2 options: 1. >> Marcar como útil o contestado, si la respuesta resolvió la duda, esto ayuda a futuras consultas de otros miembros de la comunidad. I enter some config statements, then save via wr mem or copy runnng-config startup-config, then reload routerthe config recovers. bin but for OSPF and BGP we upgraded the IOS to cat4500-entservicesk9-mz. Switch is coming as new and when we use command copy start run config is coming back. I have gone into terminal and used the "switch_ignore_startup_cfg=0" command with no effect. what is the outcome when you issueor use write memory command and then either reload the switch or run the copy startup-config running-config command. CSS Error Aug 19, 2024 · Nota: El comando config-register no puede cambiar la velocidad en baudios de la consola. May be it very easy to understand but I am not able to. En el Cisco IOS heredado, el comando config-register se utilizó para cambiar la velocidad en baudios de la consola; sin embargo, para el Cisco IOS XE, debe configurar la velocidad de la consola de línea para cambiar la velocidad en baudios. Jul 2, 2015 · Solved: Hello, what does the below statement mean in a WLC CT5760 sh version output. To remedy follow the commands: config t. HTH Oct 7, 2011 · What is a Configuration Register? The configuration register is a 16-bit number, represented in hexadecimal, which controls everything from the way in which a CISCO router boots to whether or not it will process the contents of the startup configuration file. Router(boot)(config)#config. Run the show version command and verify. reg. Please hel Apr 17, 2018 · Config-register change. Run the confreg command from ROMmon. config-register是在NVRAM中预配置的16位软件寄存器值,可用于将交换机行为更改为: Sep 17, 2020 · Configuration register is 0x142 (will be 0x102 at next reload) The issue is that it doesn't return to 0x102 at next reload and remains 0x142. View solution in original post. restarted. Configuration register is 0x201 (will be 0x102 at next reload) Thanks Raghavendra Apr 4, 2019 · A 3650 switch I am setting up does not retain the running config and goes to the setup dialog prompt. STEP-3. << Jul 2, 2015 · Hello, what does the below statement mean in a WLC CT5760 sh version output. Für Cisco IOS XE müssen Sie jedoch die Geschwindigkeit der Leitungs-Konsole konfigurieren, um die Baudrate zu ändern. Jul 31, 2018 · Device (config)# redundancy Device (config-red)# main-cpu Device (config-r-mc)# standby console enable Device (config-r-mc)# switch clear stack-mode To change the stack mode to N+1 and remove the active and standby assignemnets of the 1:1 mode, use the switch clear stack-mode command in priviledged EXEC mode. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Apr 27, 2005 · It goes back to ROMmon because the router's Cisco IOS software image and bootflash image are both corrupt. Dec 14, 2008 · Config-Register is basically a hexadecimal or decimal value that represents. Config-register 0x210x where x is 2---f tells router to load full featured ios. Oct 31, 2006 · Configuration register is 0x2. 동급 Cisco IOS XE CLI. These are settings that are not stored in the startup or running configuration. 2611XM(config)#config-register 0x2142 Sep 15, 2018 · Solved: As title explains, I am not able to change the confreg in rommon to 0x2102 by issuing: rommon 5 >confreg 0x2102 usage: confreg When I issue confreg, I am trying all sorts of options and am always booting in 0x0101 or 0x0142. On my research I understood that config-register is not changing from 0x2142 to 0x2102 after reloading. End with CNTL/Z. the configuration register, potential issues, and fixes, collect the output of the show version command, or the show tech-support command, and input into the Cisco CLI Analyzer€tool. Apr 23, 2019 · 我有cisco交换机(型号4506,3560,2960)需要升级IOS,寄存器的值怎么修改呢!有的值是: Configuration register is 0x2101 Configuration register is 0xF Configuration register is 0x102 怎么都不统一的呢。需要怎么配置,望大神们指教,谢谢。 Changes to the configuration register take effect only when the system reloads. Aug 19, 2024 · Configuration Register Values and Their Significance configreg. Sep 16, 2010 · Catalysts 2950, 2960, 3560, 3750, for example, used to have the configuration register value fixed at 0xF. Cisco 路由器寄存器配置是用于更改其启动过程。 启动位由 4 位 16 进制寄存器组成格式:范围从 0X0000 到 0XFFFF 。 Nov 21, 2021 · Configuration Register is 0x142 (will be 0x102 at next reload) Maybe due to this I am thinking, do below steps: save and reload . CSS Error Cisco IOS routers and switches use a configuration register for some specific settings. Is 0x2102 the correct register to load my settings? Or could anything else be causing this? I am a complete cisco noob, I have been reading a lot but maybe I am missing something obvious to some with actual experience. The new value settings are Mar 1, 2019 · Core Issue The configuration register can be used to change router behavior in several ways, such as: How the router boots (into ROM Monitor (ROMmon) or NetBoot) Options while booting (ignore configuration, disable boot messages) Console speed (baud rate for a terminal emulation session) This doc Sep 23, 2008 · The factory-default setting for the configuration register is 0x2102. Do this: config-register 0x102 no system ignore startupconfig Wr Reply reply sfxsf • Read the Cisco link, then copy and pasted this. It should read Configuration register is 0x2102. 정상적으로 부팅. The configuration register setting is set with the config-register command. Note: Only registered Cisco users can access internal tools and bug information. #no system ignore startupconfig . Mar 25, 2019 · To verify the configuration register change, type show version at the Router# prompt, and review your show version command output again. There is a boot variable that you can change for that so instead of using NVRAM it uses another memory to read saved configurations but I checked that and the variable is at its default setting, which reads configuration files from the NVRAM. - Have reloaded the switch 2x but with no luck. When i followed a same on 3850 stack with setu Feb 6, 2025 · The startup-config is lost and I get the initial startup-config tutorial. For all intents and purposes, the configuration value on Catalyst 9300 is a meaningless hardcoded value. Mar 1, 2009 · Hi every body! I have few questions My book says: config-register 0x2100 tells router to boot into rmmon mode. #config-register 0x102. Apr 16, 2021 · so we set the config register to 0x102. console baud: 9600. ignore-config: disabled. No Cisco IOS legado, o comando config-register foi realmente usado para alterar a taxa de baud do console. 4 et 17. Sounds like your register might be in 0x2142. 1 release onwards. Jun 3, 2015 · TRY THIS: To restore the console speed to it's default of 9600 bps, enter configuration mode and reset the configuration register with the 'config-register' command. #configurationregister. Jul 1, 2022 · By contrast, if only the primary DSC is up and running when the configuration register value is set and the standby DSC is introduced into the router at a later time, the router does not attempt to synchronize the configuration register value for the standby RSP to that of the active RSP; in this situation, the configuration register setting For normal operations, the configuration register setting is 0x102 or 0x2102, which causes the active RSP to reload the Cisco IOS XR software. I install a r Feb 1, 2022 · make sure you have cofig register : (this can be viewed when you do show version) Configuration register is 0x102 . Apr 24, 2019 · 0x2142 This tells the router to ignore the contents of NVRAM and load a default config. 중단 활성화/중단 비활성화. Configuration register is 0x2102 (will be 0x0 at next reload) Analysis: config-register is a unique config command. The startup-config is erased. If you know the value of your configuration register, you can determine its significance. 0x2120/ 나머지 레지스터 값. Default Description Google Tag Manager is a tag management system (TMS) that allows you to quickly and easily update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website or mobile app. rommon으로 부팅. Router(boot)#wr m. or try below : #no system ignore startupconfig switch all #config-register 0x102 Aug 19, 2024 · 注意:命令config-register无法更改控制台波特率。在旧版Cisco IOS中,config-register命令确实可用于更改控制台波特率,但是,对于Cisco IOS XE,您需要配置线路控制台速度以更改波特率。 Sep 15, 2017 · 3650(config)#config-register 0x102. Here is an example: Router#configure terminal Enter configuration commands Jun 4, 2024 · Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. auto-config: non-recurring. bin now what is my worry is for two IOS ther is some different Config registry System image file is "boo Jul 25, 2014 · Step 7 To change the configuration register settings, enter the config-register value command, where value is a hexadecimal number preceded by 0x: Router(config)# config-register 0x value Note The Cisco IOS software does not allow you to change the console speed bits directly with the config-register command. Nov 13, 2022 · With the config-register command, the configuration register can be changed while in configuration mode. Sep 29, 2003 · I think earlier Cisco shipped few of the Cat6500 Chassis with configg register set to 0x2 for RP. the full configuration command set. SG3. the show ver says: Configuration register is 0x101 (will be 0x0 at next reload) Dec 28, 2018 · I am using Cisco 9300 48UXM-E, after configuring when I reload the switch I am losing configuration. I even tried setting the register to the hex value, but I believe that is just for routers. Router(boot)(config)#end. On the next reload your switch will no longer ignore the startup config. How come it accepts break if config-register is 2102. 12. 122-31. com Configuration register is 0x2102 (will be 0x2142 at next reload) Again, we should reload the router for the new config register to take effect. Warning: Attempting to overwrite an NVRAM configuration written. It should not change on power cycle or reload. #configregister. The value range is from 0x0 to 0xFFFF (0 to 65535 in decimal). M boot config flash:/ROUTERSTART. ++ If so, this is a known software caveat documented in Bug: CSCui51930 and also in Bug: CSCui54490 . ×Sorry to interrupt. Jan 16, 2009 · Solved: following is a copy of sh redunancy of m 4510R, I just reset the config register to 0x102, is this setting correct for it to comeback up at reboot? (0x102) it is the default at bootup isnt it? つまり、Cisco機器でどれだけ設定変更を行って設定保存 のコマンド(copy run start) を入力したとしてもCiscoデバイスは常に初期状態で起動することになります。 config-registerの設定変更後にshow versionを見ると、以下の通りコンフィグレーションレジスタの値が Feb 7, 2025 · The startup-config is lost and I get the initial startup-config tutorial. (You'll have to convert the final register value from binary to hexadecimal (0xABCD) Mar 3, 2019 · The config register setting is used to change the router behavior in how to boot and options to used while booting like ignore configuration, disable boot messages 0x2102 - factory default settings for config reg Jul 7, 2022 · Switch(config)#config-register 0x2102(it's not working in this sw) Switch(config)#no system ignore startupconfig switch all Switch(config)#exit Switch#wr mem Switch#reload When your switch restarts, you can be sure about the Configuration Register Value. Dec 2, 2024 · 這是因為Cisco IOS XE不使用此 config-register命令,並提供備用CLI命令來處理相同內容。 附註: show version 輸出中的組態暫存器值不正確的顯示會從16. Switch(config)#[no] boot enable-break. Verify that the configuration register setting is 0x102 or 0x2102. Aug 26, 2024 · Information About Configuration Register; Changing the Configuration Register Settings; Configuring the Console Line Speed; Verifying the Configuration Register Settings; Information About Configuration Register. We have a 9200 that the config register seems to be stuck at 0x142. 0x2102. Dans l'ancienne version de Cisco IOS, la commande config-register était en effet utilisée pour modifier le débit en bauds de la console, cependant, pour Cisco IOS Apr 27, 2005 · It goes back to ROMmon because the router's Cisco IOS software image and bootflash image are both corrupt. The lowest four bits of the configuration register (bits 3, 2, 1, and 0) form the boot. Best Cisco IOS routers and switches use a configuration register for some specific settings. remove the ACL restriction from the VTY lines by doing: conf t line vty 0 4 no access-class acl-vty-session in line vty 5 15 no access-class acl-vty-session in end Bias-Free Language. Since you have already determined that the cause of the router booting up in ROMmon is not due to the configuration register value, the only option available for recovery is to re-install or upgrade the Cisco IOS software. Please make it 0x102. Oct 10, 2009 · Hi we are using the two 4948 switch with two different IOS existing one is cat4000-i9k91s-mz. copy run start . The router reads startup-config looking for bo Jun 4, 2024 · Solved: Hello, configured a new switch - 9200 - stack of two) , and after a reboot, it loses all configurations #sh version Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image Feb 12, 2010 · Enter "configuration register" in CCO search, click first hit. while reading through password recovery mechanism and said that Power on router again press break key. Can anyone please help me to overcome this issue. 0x0,0x2120. EWA14. Save? [yes/no]: n. Configuration Register Values: Configreg: You can understand the relevance of your configuration register’s value if you are aware of its value. by a full system image. before i changed it! uh oh! does anyone know how to make it so that once the startup config is erase, when the router is Jul 31, 2019 · Device(config)# redundancy Device(config-red)# main-cpu Device(config-r-mc)# standby console enable Device(config-r-mc)# switch clear stack-mode To change the stack mode to N+1 and remove the active and standby assignemnets of the 1:1 mode, use the switch clear stack-mode command in priviledged EXEC mode. If that command is not available then you probably need to take that one switch out of the stack, fix the config-register issue, and then attach it back to the stack. There are 16 bits (4 hexadecimal digits) reserved for the configuration register. 4和17. For information on the configuration register, potential issues, and fixes, collect the output of the show version command, or the show tech-support command, and input into the Cisco CLI This is because Cisco IOS XE does not use this config-register command and provides alternate CLI commands to handle the same. These bugs haven been fixed yet, but, there is a permanent work around in place. Router# reload. But If I manually power cycle the router, I lose the config and I'm back at the System Config Dialog. May 25, 2022 · Thanks. May 21, 2015 · Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. If not, issue the following commands: Router#configure terminal Router(config)#config Router(config)#config-register 0x2102 Router(config)#end Aug 19, 2024 · Observação: o comando config-register não pode alterar a taxa de baud do console. Jun 5, 2012 · これは、ルータがフラッシュ メモリから Cisco IOS(R) ソフトウェア イメージのロードを実行し、9600のコンソール スピードでスタートアップ設定をロードすることを意味します。 Aug 19, 2024 · Hinweis: Der Befehl config-register kann die Baudrate der Konsole nicht ändern. The Cisco 4000 Series ISR platforms have a 16-bit configuration register in NVRAM. It actually does not require a write mem to take effect. Feb 7, 2025 · The startup-config is lost and I get the initial startup-config tutorial. Like "no system ignore startupconfig switch all" with ""switch all config-register 0x102 Dec 2, 2024 · Cisco IOS XEでは、Cisco IOS®で使用されるconfig-register値を単に調整するのではなく、特定のシステムパラメータを変更するためにさまざまなコマンドが必要です。 Feb 2, 2022 · Ok. Please explain. The startup-config is actually erased . config Aug 30, 2023 · 2. 156-3. Proceed with reload? [confirm] You can find the detailed information about Config Register on Cisco Page. Configuration register is 0x201 (will be 0x102 at next reload) Thanks Raghavendra Configuration register is 0x142 (will be 0x102 at next reload) Switch# no system ignore startupconfig switch all Switch# system disable password recovery switch all 0 Helpful Dec 2, 2024 · Cisco IOS config-register 값. Note: valid for any router type. Mar 11, 2022 · Like "no system ignore startupconfig switch all" with ""switch all config-register 0x102"" or config-register 0x2102. This indicates that the router should attempt to load a Cisco IOS software image from Flash memory and load the startup configuration with a console speed of 9600 baud. This would throw up a prompt under show version as 0x2102 in next reload. Jan 25, 2021 · If I can jump on this one. Sep 16, 2010 · Catalysts 2950, 2960, 3560, 3750, for example, used to have the configuration register value fixed at 0xF. the 16-bit configuration register value that will be used the next time the switch is. The config-register is a persistent rommon variable and is used to determine the boot sequence. Does anyone have any idea why booting from rommon ignores/erase the startup-config. Use of the Configuration Register on All Cisco Routers. This command displays the configuration register setting and boot file setting for the RPs in the system. Dec 2, 2024 · 在Cisco IOS XE中,需要不同的命令来更改某些系统参数,而不是简单地调整Cisco IOS®中使用的config-register值。这些命令行界面(CLI)命令提供了在Cisco IOS XE中修改这些设置的适当方法。 问题. Note: The incorrect display of configuration register value on show version output is removed from 16. 라우터를 다시 로드한 후, 앞의 두 시나리오 모두에서 config-register가 0x2122로 변경됩니다. By default, the configuration register on a router is set to a value of 0×2102. System configuration has been modified. Set low-order bits 5, 11, and 12 (from the right) of the register to binary 0. The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. #ciscoconfigregister. set boot config-register 0x2 Can Apr 6, 2014 · Does it look like Configuration register is 0x142 (will be 0x102 at next reload). Look for the configuration register setting, which must show a new value upon the next reload. Step 4 Enter the end command to exit configuration mode. Best Dec 2, 2024 · Remarque : L'affichage incorrect de la valeur du registre de configuration sur la sortie de show version est supprimé à partir de la version 16. Apr 26, 2012 · Configuration Register Setting Router Behavior; 0x102: Ignores break; 9600 console baud; 0x1202: 1200 baud rate; 0x2101: Boots into bootstrap; Ignores break; Boots into ROM if initial boot fails Mar 31, 2005 · Hi all, if I configure the 6500 catos configuration register with: - 0x02 - 0x2102 - 0x102 are the same ? thank you, G. 3. I put this into the Cisco Output interpreter tool and it says the configregister should be 0x10f but I thought it should be 0x2102. field. or just use: Configuration register is 0x102 on the master switch and reboot. Do I set that via "config-register 0x1" or "no config-register" and does that take effect immediately? Remarque : la commande config-register ne peut pas modifier le débit en bauds de la console. Loading. Operation Cisco IOS config-register value Equivalent Cisco Jun 6, 2002 · I change the config register to 0x102, but now when i erase the startup-config and reload the router, it still boots up and doesn't go into the setup mode like it did before, i forgot to write down the config. Switch(config)#부팅 설명서. Changed the config register on the primary and secondary switch yet no luck. Switch(config)#부트 매뉴얼 없음. Jul 26, 2018 · I am saving my config, and can confirm it is saved as if I enter 'boot' in rommon it will boot up with all my settings. 0 Helpful Reply. Solution Here are the equivalent CLI commands on Cisco IOS XE that allows user to perform same tasks done by setting config-register value on Cisco IOS. In älteren Cisco IOS-Umgebungen wurde der Befehl config-register verwendet, um die Baudrate der Konsole zu ändern. Unfortunately this is a critical prod switch and I will not have much time to reboot and play around to see what will work. Router(boot)(config)#config-register 0x102. Dec 3, 2002 · Enter configuration commands, one per line. Catalyst 9300 has the value fixed at 0x102 - but, once again, no component on the switch actually uses this value during boot. This bootstrap software does not support. a sho ver at that time showed: Configuration register is 0x142 (will be 0x102 at next reload) we rebooted it, and it came up with out box config, and a show ver showed: Configuration register is 0x142 (will be 0x102 at next reload) this thing just will not change to 102. sure noted. Power-cycle the unit and DON'T use Break-signal. The two most popular things we can do with the configuration register are: Aug 30, 2023 · 2. No entanto, para o Cisco IOS XE, você precisa configurar a velocidade do console de linha para alterar a taxa de baud. The two most popular things we can do with the configuration register are: Nov 16, 2015 · So with the boot command in startup config, it still didn't boot properly for me. Oct 7, 2010 · config register = 0x2102. #ciscoconfigurationregister. Aug 19, 2024 · End with CNTL/Z. 1. 1之前的版本中刪除。 Mar 7, 2019 · Hi experts, I am confused between two statement: 2102: Ignores break. Router(config)#line console 0 Router(config-line)#speed 19200 Router(config-line)#end In Controller (SDWAN) mode Router#config-transaction Router(config)#line con 0 Router(config-line)#speed 19200. Just boot normally. What should a "normal" configuration register be? On my currently normal running primary device (and several other google searches) a config register of 0x1 seems to be "normal" but I wanted to verify. Example. we have set it to be 0x102, and it says it will be on next reboot, but every time it reboots it is still: Configuration register is 0x142 (will be 0x102 at next reload) it just will not change to 102. Solution Here are the equivalent CLI commands on Cisco IOS XE that allows user to Nov 20, 2016 · Hi All, I had a understanding of setting the config register to 0x2102 before IOS upgrade of any router/switches to load the config from NVRAM & IOS from flash during next bootup. Aug 19, 2024 · 注:コマンドconfig-registerはコンソールボーレートを変更できません。レガシーCisco IOSでは、コンソールボーレートを変更するためにconfig-registerコマンドが実際に使用されていましたが、Cisco IOS XEの場合、ボーレートを変更するには回線コンソールの速度を設定する必要があります。 Step 3 Configure the configuration register to 0x102 as follows: Switch(config)# config-register 0x102 Set the contents of the configuration register by specifying the value command variable, where value is a hexadecimal number preceded by 0x (see Table 3-3). 보드/콘솔 회선 속도 설정 Mar 12, 2014 · I am having an issue with a Cisco 3850 Catalyst switch, issue as below: - Current config register is 0x142 and have configured the config register to 0x102 but even after reload the new config register does not come in place. Voici les commandes CLI équivalentes sur Cisco IOS XE qui permettent à l'utilisateur d'effectuer les mêmes tâches en définissant la valeur config-register sur Cisco IOS. 122-25. Best Feb 28, 2014 · I am having an issue with a Cisco 3850 Catalyst switch, issue as below: - Current config register is 0x142 and have configured the config register to 0x102 but even after reload the new config register does not come in place. also I think the auto-config is wrong. 3. Nov 27, 2017 · In this example, we assume that the console port baud rate is set to 9600 bps and that the config-register is set to 0x0102. They are Mar 18, 2014 · Hi nbarnovsky1, I do not believe switches use configuration register like routers do, at least not the 3850 switches. ftpxur uejewm zetnse bbcw xzd wdkoxsdz mtatih zwdei jhbaqs evtyrap xzonqe smabwu vfd owtxut zyhltc