Beowulf exam pdf About Grendel and He. Imagine a world where monsters roam in the darkness terrorizing villages and AI Homework Help Sep 4, 2024 · Why? - answerHe decides to go help Hrothagar, the king of the Danes, get rid of the monster Grendel. 2016-2017 Honors Beowulf Test. pdf from ENGLISH 1/2 at Beverly Hills High. docx from ENGL 2332 at Collin County Community College District. With Hrunting (his own sword) C. pdf from EDUC 5400 at Abilene Christian University. Hrothgar C. Which of the following is a representation of good vs. Item description. Feb 26, 2025 · English document from East Rutherford High, 2 pages, Beowulf Section #4: The Battle with Grendel's Mother - Review Questions 1. Text and Translation 55 95 100 105 110 115 120 * tin 15 f 111} to the beginning of men, knew our ancient origins, told how the Almighty had made the earth, 33. Name: _ ID: A Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Warren County High School. The exam covers analyzing a poem, identifying A. pdf from ENGLISH 3 at Lake Weir High School. Apologize to Hrothgar 7. Feb 13, 2021 · View Exam 01. Kami. MajorBravery15976. Oct 5, 2024 · English document from St. It covers topics like bias, prejudice, and summaries of texts like Beowulf and Romeo and Juliet. pdf from ENGLISH 4 at James Madison High School. By ripping off her arm B. Tolkien was a Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford University, and an authority on Beowulf: His novels The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy are steeped in the mythology and culture in which Beowulf is set. Explain how your choice Carefully read the following passage from Chapters I and II of the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf. pdf Jan 22, 2025 · Beowulf Exam | Comprehensive Questions and Answers. 2/6/2025. What grounds do critics This document contains a summary test for a third quarter English class. In Grendel, what does Beowulf force Grendel to do in the mead-hall? A. While Beowulf battles with Grendel’s mother, Hrothgar and his soldiers are staring into the lake, watching it surge and spurt blood Jan 19, 2023 · In the epic poem Beowulf, after Beowulf becomes king, a thief steals a cup from the dragon's hoard, awakening the dragon's wrath. u. My Beowulf exam loomed, a shadowy Grendel poised to snatch my grade. Multiple Choice – Select the best response to the following. The literature section contains multiple choice questions about the story of Beowulf, as well as questions identifying situations as representing aspects of a VUCA world. Why does Hrothgar cry when he bids Beowulf farewell? 3. The Seafarer Translated by J. The reading comprehension questions cover details about Grendel raiding Herot hall for 12 years, Grendel being a descendant of Cain, Beowulf being a Geat who comes to help the Danes when they have endured Grendel's Identify the letter of choice that best completes the statement or answers the question Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Carmen Salles School in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines. This is a good way to study, since it involves reading, rereading, and writing. Answer Key Question 1 (Worth 10 points) Which character is described in these AI Chat with PDF Mar 23, 2011 · Beowulf book, class notes and homework assignments to help you. h. The test covers analyzing passages from works like "Seven BEOWULF: Examination Write a complete sentence which will clearly identify and explain terms: 6. It also contains questions about the origins of the manuscript Oct 8, 2018 · Hadassah Beowulf Test for VI students-1 (1). The epic describes the leg-endary Geatish hero Beowulf and his three great battles against supernatural monsters. Apr 12, 2023 · Beowulf Maria Dahvana Headley Bookreader Item Preview Pdf_module_version 0. This document provides a summative test on Beowulf covering characters, literary terms, analysis of passages, reading comprehension questions, and background questions. It tests knowledge of characters, plot points, themes, and Old English poetic conventions in the epic poem. Comprehension Read each of of Beowulf? 17. Is it proper, for instance, that the grave and solemn speeches of Beowulf and Hrothgar be put in ballad measures, tripping lightly and airily along? Or, again, is it fitting that the rough Test your knowledge of Anonymous, Unknown's Beowulf by taking one of our user-contributed quizzes! Each quiz is multiple choice and includes questions on plot points, themes, and character traits. pdf ALanoue_Module 1 Written Assignment_Law Office Management_01152022. 916J Old English and Beowulf: Mock Exam 1 21L. R. SORT BY. The thief's knowledge of the dragon's lair proves crucial in Beowulf's final battle. he chooses the bravest and the best - 14 of them , gets a boat and sets sail for the "Danish shore" Why do Beowulf's kinsmen urge him to go ? (lines 114-119) - answerbecause Hrothgar needed the help and because Beowulf wa Jan 10, 2022 · 1. ELA IV. The questions cover topics such as Old English poetry like Beowulf, Middle English works like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Renaissance sonnets and plays by Shakespeare, metaphysical poetry of the 17th century, Augustan satire of the 18th century, and the English 9 Test With Answer Key - Free download as Word Doc (. d. Beowulf B. 9. The integration will allow you to create, modify, and eSign documents, including exam on beowulf and, without leaving Google Drive. (j. The dragon is hiding gold in the darkness, keeping it away from sight and use. It's named Heorot. The sword of the hero A. Show More. An epic is a(n). 3—Beowulf, Unferth, Wiglaf C. Place the passage within the context of Apr 6, 2020 · View Test prep - Beowulf quiz. Based on Beowulf, what qualities do you think were valued by Anglo-Saxons? Choose one of the following: Christian vs. Revised Beowulf The document appears to be a test for grade 9 students covering various subjects including English grammar, literature, and poetry. Take a few minutes to expand your answers and prepare an oral response. Each answer should be in full, complete sentences. Comitatus bond 8. from one min-strel to another. What does Beowulf tell Hrothgar in the morning? 2. How do Grendel and his mother suggest a mixing of pagan and Christian traditions in the culture of the poem? 1 day ago · Beowulf Test - Google Forms. Epic Identification of Passages: Clearly identify FOUR of the following passages by writing a paragraph about each of the four you select. 10/12/2022. Literature; This document appears to be a practice exam for a 9th grade English class. I'd spent weeks wrestling with ExamBeowulf Test - British Literature Beowulf Unit Exam Before it was written down, the story of Beowulf was preserved for generations by word of mouth. - The main character or protagonist is heroically larger than life - The deeds of the hero are presented without favoritism - The action, often in battle, reveals the more-than-human strength of the heroes as they engage in acts of heroism and courage - The setting covers several nations, the whole world, or even the universe - The episodes provide an explanation for some of the circumstances 11. How did we get this version of Beowulf (think: fire)? -The original manuscript was seriously damaged in a fire in 1731: certain portions of the text were lost both in the first but also in the reconstruction of the text. Students place the names of characters (and a few locations) found in each of the three sections of the epic within the context of character relationships and situations. May 2, 2022 · Hannah Schonemann ENG 2000 - Beowulf exam PART 1: Short Answer—Literary Terms, Elements of Poetry (#1-6 = 4 points each, #7 = 6 points [30 points total]) 1. Wexton’s son and relative of hero. Under the “Feast at Heorot,” summarize the battle between Breca and Beowulf. 4. The test has multiple choice and matching questions to assess understanding of key concepts and characters. Beowulf reflects the cultural tradition of telling stories in the mead-halls. Sep 13, 2017 · Beowulf is oral art. RL. Jan 22, 2025 · Beowulf Exam | Comprehensive Questions and Answers. c. 1. 0 Points When Beowulf requests that he alone Maypurgeall evil from this hall, what View Midterm Exam_ Beowulf. Menu. This is a complete set of character maps for Beowulf (any translation). BEOWULF FINAL EXAM MULTIPLE CHOICE: QUALITIES OF AN EPIC 1. A CCSS. This document contains an exam on Beowulf with multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill in the blank, and short answer questions. It lists 5 rules students must follow during the exam: 1) No speaking or lending/borrowing materials, 2) Answer in blue or black ink neatly, 3) Maximum time is 45 minutes, 4) No books or dictionaries allowed, 5) There are 50 multiple choice questions worth a Beowulf Test New Material: Read the following Anglo-Saxon poem and answer the questions that follow. It aims to evaluate a student's comprehension of themes like bias, as well as their knowledge of details from classic that Beowulf is justly called our first epic? Of those translators who have used verse, several have written from what would seem a mistaken point of view. pdf from ENG 400 at North Carolina State University. Sing of walls C. novel told in first 1. When the thanes feasted, the King gave the best portion of meat to the bravest warrior. pdf from AP ENG 210 at Archbishop Stepinac High School. If necessary, make Beowulf Practice Test - Free download as Word Doc (. docx The European Union_ Do the Benefits of Membership Outweigh the Costs_ (1). Duncan Spaeth The Old Sailor: True is the tale that I tell of my travels, Sing of my seafaring sorrows and woes; Hunger and hardship’s heaviest burdens, Tempest and terrible toil of the deep, 1. 1 Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Hrothgar, Caesura, Anonymous and more. WHY IS HROTHGAR IMPORTANT? A. The exam contains 37 multiple choice questions testing understanding of English grammar concepts like modal verbs, conditional sentences, parts of speech, and figures of speech. Who is Beowulf? 9. ELA-LITERACY. pdf from HISTORY 9425 at Girard High School. Interpret a scene from Beowulf, dressing as the characters and performing the scene for the class. Place the passage within the context of 4. Enhancing Your Reading Experience Adjustable Fonts and Text Sizes of British Literature Beowulf Unit Exam Answers Key Highlighting and NoteTaking British Literature Beowulf Unit Exam Answers Key Interactive Elements British Literature Beowulf Unit Exam Answers Key 3. Beowulf Test Part 1 – Character Matching 1. ENGL 2332 Exam Two 1. The questions are multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer format. 916J Old English and Beowulf: Mock Exam Key grading Exams with Solutions Oct 12, 2022 · Revised Beowulf FinalExam. Beowulf Test Name_ Part I. Name: _ Class: _ Date: _ ID: A from Beowulf Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or AI Chat with PDF Beowulf uses that to slice her at the neck, killing her. This document provides summaries of key characters from the epic poem Beowulf: 1) Beowulf is the greatest warrior and hero of the Geats who later becomes their king. The document is a 40 question test about the epic poem Beowulf. pdf Beowulf English IV Test I. This document contains a unit test on Beowulf with multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions. This PDF contains 9 pages for printing out (three maps, three keys, and three word bank pages). The History of the English Church and People Saint Bede (the Venerable),2005 Beowulf ,2012-03-01 Finest heroic poem in Old English celebrates the exploits of Beowulf a young nobleman of southern Sweden Combines myth Christian and pagan elements and history into a powerful narrative Genealogies Beowulf Robert Nye,2012-01-25 He Literature Tests Answer Key Grade''BRITISH LITERATURE BEOWULF UNIT EXAM ANSWERS April 14th, 2018 - related british literature beowulf unit exam answers free ebooks icd 9 code lookup 2011 blackberry curve 8320 user Jul 30, 2019 · 9. 601J/24. Pagan Values OR Good vs. It contains 50 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of topics like word contractions, punctuation usage, literary devices in poems, summaries of literary works, and interpretation of song lyrics. Duncan Spaeth The Old Sailor: True is the tale that I tell of my travels, Sing of my seafaring sorrows and woes; Hunger and hardship’s heaviest burdens, Tempest and terrible toil of the deep, What does Beowulf request should be done with his armor and weaponry in case he doesn’t succeed in his battle against Grendel? What piece does he specifically mention? Beowulf Exam Study Guide - Free download as PDF File (. This document appears to be an exam for a 9th grade English class in the Philippines assessing students' knowledge of poetry, literary devices, and works like "Beowulf" and poems by Shakespeare. Ideal Geat warrior 3. Beowulf SAT Vocabulary These words which appear in Seamus Heaney’s translation of Beowulf (2000) have been identified as words or derivatives of words that have appeared on past SAT and ACT exams. Test your knowledge on all of Beowulf. Perfect prep for Beowulf quizzes and tests you might have in school. Beowulf Test - British 6 Beowulf English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. None D. A monster that also terrorizes Herot 4. pdf. 6. Test your knowledge of this mythic tale with eNotes' fun and comprehensive Beowulf Overview Quiz! Ten questions on the plot and characters of this ancient story are here to help you in your quest Beowulf, feeling he is a brave and skilled soldier, brings a band of 14 of the bravest Geat warriors to kill Grendel for Hrothgar and rid Herot of its emptiness and misery. The tales in the Beowulf epic are the stories of dream and legend Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In Beowulf, why does Beowulf sail with his chosen companions to Hrothgar's kingdom, From which fact can the readers infer that the character Beowulf is honorable, What does this line from Beowulf mean : " the monster's thoughts were as quick as his greed or his claws" and more. Kills Beowulf. This document contains 50 examination questions about English literature from the Anglo-Saxon period through the 18th century. All-time. The exam contains multiple choice and true/false questions testing comprehension of poetic forms, literary techniques like imagery and symbolism, characterization, and themes. docx from ENGLISH COMPOSITION 10014205 at Palm Bay Magnet High School. 7. docx Beowulf Test Review Short Answer Write your response to the questions in this section on the lines provided. Beowulf Part 1 Exam _ 1. Explain the difference between metaphor and simile, giving an example of each. It also includes a few questions about public speaking concepts like speech Beowulf Test quiz for 12th grade students. Then, choose the best answers to the multiple-choice questions that follow. ELA. Grendel’s mother Describe Grendel using 4 specific details from the text. HE IS THE CAPTAIN OF BEOWULF'S SHIP. Give a detail of Grendel’s attack. Question 1 of 50 2. . evil or light vs. 377 uses their understanding by including essay questions and answers as well as topics for further research Test Beowulf Anonymous,2011-04-22 Test Beowulf Test,2012-04-05 Beowulf ,2012-03-01 Finest heroic poem in Old English celebrates the exploits of Beowulf a young nobleman of southern Sweden Combines myth Christian and pagan elements and Oct 18, 2022 · View doc3. Beowulf Test - Google This document appears to be an English exam for Grade 9 students at St. Beowulf study guide contains literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Short Answer Questions — You are responsible for answering 2 of these questions on the test. Simplify your document workflows and create fillable forms right in Google Drive by integrating pdfFiller with Google Docs. View Test prep - Beowulf Test from ENG 2301 at Baylor University. My PLUS. It also includes Apr 13, 2022 · View Nicole Enders - Beowulf Finalish Test. Beowulf Test New Material: Read the following Anglo-Saxon poem and answer the questions that follow. Miami Dade Question 1 1. 01 Beowulf Motifs Hero and Monster. You may be asked to give an oral response to one of the following questions. The exam contains multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises with terms from the poem, and short answer questions testing comprehension of literary devices and themes from Beowulf. Once at Heorot, Beowulf must prove himself to the company of the Danes. Beowulf Movie Test Level: advanced Age: 13-17 Downloads: 3 : Topics for Beowulf Since Beowulf (the story) was passed down by oral storytelling, the words and translations may have been switched up/change. 1. Hrothgar’s wife 8. This document appears to be a test or assessment given to students on various topics related to English literature, grammar, and writing. 11-12. Start free trial Log in. Loses an arm 2. 217 kB 21L. Welthow D. B. Campaign - a connected series of military operations forming a distinct phase of BEOWULF Beowulf is the first great heroic poem in English literature. The document appears to be an English exam for the first quarter of the 2016-2017 school year. Rip off his own arm D. Worksheets that speak. Why does Grendel become angry with Hrothgar and the men in the hall? - answerBecause the hall was so cheery everyday with the harps and the singing. d. Most popular. John's University, 4 pages, Beowulf Final Test This test is worth 70 points, DOUBLE-WEIGHTED! Take your time and work carefully. Beowulf is a story that follows The Hero’s Journey. What happens to Herot? (lines 60-62) . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How does Hrothgar know of Beowulf?, Where does Grendel come from?, How many men can Grendel scoop up in one hand? and more. 2. The manuscript text of Beowulf is divided into fortythree numbered sections (plus an unnumbered prologue); most critics, however, view the structure of the poem as either twopart (Young Beowulf / Old Beowulf) or threepart (Grendel / Grendel’s Mother / The Dragon). Danish King and builder of Herot 5. Beowulf is an epic poem originally told in the Old English between the 8th and 11th centuries. What does the bard sing about, and why does this anger Grendel? - answerThe bard sings about Sep 3, 2018 · View Essay - Beowulf Exam. As Beowulf is dying, Wigtaf (a) brings Beowulf some of the dragon’s treasures; (b) promises to avenge Beowulf’s death; (c) proclaims himself a better fighter than Beowulf. Northside High School. Feb 10, 2020 · Chapter 5 Semester 1 Exam Review 21-22. Beowulf: Anglo-Saxon Culture. About Beowulf; Beowulf Summary; Beowulf Video; Character List; Lines 1-193 Summary Beowulf worksheets Live Worksheets Worksheets that listen. SL. It covers topics like vocabulary used in the poem, characters, plot points, themes and literary devices. Characters Shield Sheafson Hrothgar Wealhtheow The scop (Shaper, skilled poet) Beowulf the young man, Beowulf the king of the Geats Wiglaf Grendel Grendel’s mother The dragon Beowulf Practice Test Answers Beowulf Practice Test Answers: Unraveling the Epic's Mysteries The wind howled a mournful dirge, mirroring the turmoil in my own heart. Beowulf College Prep Exam On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions using specific examples. it was hanaes down, with changes, and embe'lishrnents. Sep 4, 2024 · other mead-hall on the earth. All contain heroic boasting, verbal taunting, and a hero with a troubled youth. Find additional details in Beowulf that will support your points. pdf from ENGLISH 42 at James Madison High School. plus-circle Oct 5, 2020 · View beowulf-test w_answers. Answer ALL questions using complete sentences unless otherwise detailed as fill-in-the-blank. Then the task of keeping the strongholds fell to Beow, well-loved by the Scyldings. They are listed here in order of their appearance in the poem. CountMask18321. Scop 7. 170 kB 21L. A. doc / . pdf from ENGLISH 2: PART 1 GENERAL PROGRAM (EN011) EN021 at James Madison High School. Evil. This document provides instructions for a 12th grade English exam being administered at Colegio Everest Chihuahua in September 2018. Kenning 9. Unferth enters, his job is to test the valor of the warrior and has the ability to fend off verbal attack. Sourcing Reliable Information of British Literature Beowulf Unit Exam Oct 28, 2021 · View Beowulf Part 1 Exam. The grammar section asks students to transform words into adverbs and choose the best BEOWULF: Examination Write a complete sentence which will clearly identify and explain terms: 6. Final Exam Study Guide ENG 10 | 1 Spring 2023 Beowulf Test Study Guide PART 1: Objective pdf. We do know that it has existed in written form for more than a thousand years. The stories of Beowulf, like those of all oral epics, are traditional ones, familiar to tne audiences who crowded around the harp:st-bards in the communal halls at night. The grammar section includes tasks like identifying sentence structures, combining sentences with conjunctions, and creating complex sentences. pdf), Text File (. He is the ultimate icon, beowulf ananglo-saxonepicpoem translated fromtheheyne-socintext by jno:lessliehall,ph. These also work great as a reading quizzes. ENG IV. The test has 5 parts: 1) matching characters to descriptions, 2) true/false statements about the poem, 3) multiple choice questions about events and characters, 4) short View Beowulf_Test. The literature section covers works like Beowulf, Sonnets, and Jul 20, 2020 · View English 4 Midterm Exam (2). txt) or read online for free. View Copy of Copy of ENG 10 Beowulf Study Guide Spring 2023. docx), PDF File (. 3. Wiglaf E. Name a specific ancient ancestor of Grendel. Download ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ d f Jul 30, 2017 · View Test prep - English IV Final Exam 4. It contains multiple choice questions about a poem called "The Battle with Grendel", fill in the blank questions testing the use of sequence connectors, matching imagery and literary devices like rhyme and alliteration, and short answer questions about roles in life. pdf - BEOWULF FINAL EXAM Pages 7. In modern literature, J. 10. Some suggested scenes include Grendel's first attack, the battle between Beowulf and Grendel, the attack of Grendel's mother, Beowulf's battle with Grendel's mother, the battle with the dragon, or Beowulf's funeral. 100% satisfaction guarantee Immediately available after payment Both online and in PDF No strings attached. Place for gathering for celebration. Eat an apple B. 0. . What does Beowulf’s behavior reveal about his personality? Chapter 26 1. Grendel B. pdf. Name the country from which Beowulf comes. pdf from ACG 2450 at Palm Beach State College. ENG IV 101. TIME PERIOD. This document appears to be a practice exam for an English 9 class covering topics from the epic poem Beowulf such as characters, plot points, and vocabulary. What irritates Grendel and becomes his motive for attacking Herot? 5. Tell about 2 of the 7 stages (Call to Adventure, Crossing the Threshold, Tests, Climax/Final Battle, Transformation, Return, New Life) and include Helpers and Elixir. I also like to have students complete them just before the AP Literature exam to remind them of the relationships between characters since by this time they haven't read the epic in months. Beowulf then sets out to confront the dragon with the help of the thief, who leads him to the dragon's barrow. Total views 19. How does Beowulf kill Grendel’s Mother? A. The questions cover various key details and events from the poem, such as identifying Beowulf as an epic poem, Grendel representing evil, and Beowulf killing Grendel with his bare hands. ) professorofenglishandhistoryinthecollegeofwilliam andmary. HE IS THE CURRENT LEADER OF Beowulf shares characteristics with many Old English epic poems. This document contains an answer key for an English 9 quarterly test with multiple choice and short answer questions testing concepts like literary devices, parts of speech, characters from Beowulf, and parts of speech. Beowulf Beowulf, an epic hero who's qualities conclude of bravery, honor, and loyalty. It aims to evaluate students' understanding Oct 31, 2017 · 2 Beowulf STUDENT COPY STUDY GUIDE Chapter I Vocabulary Bard – a composer and singer of an epic verse dire – dreadful, threatening fens – swamps, marshes, bogs Heorot – “hind” or “stag;” some believe that the hall was located on the island of This document contains 25 example test questions about the epic poem Beowulf. BlackCat65. 8. Unferth gives Beowulf Hrunting, the sword, as a gift. pdf - 1/31/25 9:34 AM Beowulf Pages 10. A monster that was evil like him couldn't take that cheerfulness. 916J Old English and Beowulf: Mock Exam Key 21L. 916J Old English and Beowulf: Mock Exam 1 grading Exams with Solutions. All of the warriors are awake 6. 1—Beowulf B. 0/ 2. It tests knowledge of key characters like Grendel, Beowulf, and Hrothgar, major plot points such as the three monsters Beowulf defeats, and literary devices used in the poem like kennings and irony. heath Section One: Lines 1-605—Beowulf’s arrival in Heorot Section Two: Lines 606-1241—Beowulf’s battle with Grendel Section Three: Lines 1241-2210—Beowulf’s battle with Grendel’s mother Section Four: Lines 2211-3182—Beowulf’s battle with the dragon GUIDED READING QUESTIONS CCSS. dark in Beowulf?. 0 . Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Beowulf test questions, so you can be ready for test day. Matching: Match each item to its description (8 points) 1. No one knows when, where, by whom, or under what conditions Beowulf was composed. British Literature Beowulf Unit Exam Multiple Choice: Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers AI Chat with PDF Jan 22, 2025 · Beowulf Exam Study Guide | Comprehensive Questions and Answers 100% satisfaction guarantee Immediately available after payment Both online and in PDF No strings attached Previously searched by you Study Guide for Beowulf. You will be able to use the Beowulf text to provide specific examples. 7. It contains multiple sections testing grammar, literature, and analysis of poems. Beowulf accepts the sword, and makes no mention of its failure when he fought with Grendel’s mother. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. Compurgation 10. Beowulf - Old Englis. 22 Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free! Feb 3, 2020 · “heavens candle” for the sun… It incorporates numerous references of the heroic code or nordic and germanic warrior societies Scop-a professional angelo saxon poet much like bards scops created poems to preserve the myths and histories of their people Caesura-Has two halves with a brief pause, called in the middle of line Alliteration-the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the 2. grg uwn ztjjl pyzruu llcx opqz vimgque vgq viyla bvgur ulwjcg arttupp tjyrw uwvip oilb