Amtrak superliner roomette room numbers The roomette is a small room comprised of two comfortable seats facing each other and a pull-down table. I traveled in the Superliner Roomette on the California Zephyr round trip! Jun 26, 2021 · Your ticket will list a car number along with your room number 12. Mar 18, 2022 · We will be riding the California Zepher in June and have been automatically assigned roomettes as follows: Car 540 Room 22 (Train 5)and Car 631 Room 12 (Train 6). The LINE NUMBER thread will show you the car number information for the train in question. Does anyone know if this roomette # is on the upper or lower level?? Also, how are the car numbers placed within the train? I understand that the “4” in the car number is actually the train number with the “30” being the sleeper number. The lower level of Superliner sleeper cars contain the following: One family bedroom (2 adults and 2 children maximum) One accessible bedroom with a private bathroom; Four roomettes Feb 5, 2024 · The Superliner Sleeper Cars are configured with 10 Roomettes (formerly called "Standard Bedrooms" and "Economy Bedroom") and 5 Bedrooms (formerly called "Deluxe Bedroom) on the upper level plus 4 more Roomettes, 1 Family Bedroom and 1 Handicapped Bedroom on the lower level. On the California Zephyr, which is the longer route, we booked a roomette. Nov 14, 2023 · November 14, 2023 Bedroom Superliner refresh 2023. Book a private room on Amtrak’s Viewliner or Superliner trains for your next trip and enjoy our unique sleeper car accommodations. 007 and 008 are the next to last roomette toward the end of the car with only 009 and 010 next to the end exit of the car. Jun 11, 2012 · The rooms themselves are nicer, in my opinion. It gives passengers a memorable trip through the U. We then told another attendant our room number (Room 6) and they directed us up the stairs on the Double Decker Superliner. Dec 27, 2010 · 5. But the Superliner stands out. Mar 4, 2018 · I’ll spare you all that gory detail and explain to her about Superliner room numbers and car orientation. The easy way to confirm this would be to check your room number, if it's between 1 and 14, then you are in a standard sleeper. Jan 23, 2007 · Called Amtrak immediately and easily modified to a lower bucket. 5 feet. You will find them to be friendly, knowledgeable, and very willing to help. Key Takeaways. ) Roomette 4 is next to Roomette 2. I just wanted to make them more accessible to the internet crowd. Jul 25, 2006 · The diagrams were published in recent Amtrak publications including the most recent Amtrak Vacations brochure. Personally, I would like these, as they are in the center of the car. My point (and I do have one) is that you won't know unless you try it. It would be advantageous to grab a few hours of sleep before we get in to OMA at 11 PM. Your ticket will show your exact car and room number. There is no room G. Most sleeping cars are at the front of the train. 1430, Diner, Obs, Coach, Coach. Amtrak Vacations or Travel Agents: Authorized agents can also help. 2140/2240 would be the trans dorm. Jan 18, 2016 · Superliner I or Superliner II Bedrooms. Roomettes in standard Superliner cars are always 1 to 14. No problem. No problem making the second change, and the reduced cost allowed me to book roomette on another segment. I think any spot on the train is pretty great though. The Family room is room #15 and also sometimes referred to room F. Locomotives, baggage, sleeper, coach, dining and SSL cars get taken out of the consist of each train periodically for maintenance. Capacity • 2 Adults • 1-2 Suitcases Specific rooms may not be reserved online, so rooms are automatically assigned when your reservation is completed. Jan 6, 2025 · How to book a Superliner Bedroom. Mar 2, 2011 · As said, a call to Amtrak will tell you the car number and room number (or letter). Apr 17, 2012 · The door opening and closing once a minute is more than distracting, especially since most children like to slam the door. The primary difference: a Superliner features two levels of private rooms per car and a Viewliner features a single level of accommodations. In fact 007 is right over the trucks or just a little forward. Also there are a few longer stops where you can get off of the train for a few minutes and stretch. As you can see, the roomette varied pretty significantly from CO2 1,000ppm to 2,100ppm. Oct 11, 2005 · There are 24 roomettes on the upper level and a handicapped room on the lower level as well as 4 restrooms. Apr 26, 2018 · cpotisch comment may be incorrect. Three restrooms and a shower are on the other side of the vestibule, with the handicap room at the end on that side. Additionally, all qualifying Coach customers can place a bid to upgrade from Coach to a Roomette or Bedroom. I recalled Amtrak and requested previously assigned upper level roomette. Considering how valuable these cars are to Amtrak and the number of years Mar 12, 2023 · (Note that roomette number 1 in a Superliner sleeping car is usually occupied by the car attendant. Feb 2, 2010 · If you want to chose when booking, you must call an agent. . You can book your Amtrak room through: Amtrak’s Website or App: Quick access to all options. It would take a lot of Sep 17, 2017 · I was planning a trip from San Diego to Chicago on the Coast Starlight and the California Zephyr. The lower berth in the bedroom is 40-inches wide, just a couple of inches wider than a conventional twin bed. Roomette #1 is - but that is the attendant's room. Apr 25, 2023 · Each train car has several numbers on it – the one in the middle of the car indicates the car number, which is on your ticket. If you know your room & car number you can post it here and one of us can tell you in much more detail where you will be in the train. Yes. On a Superliner roomette 007 is not near the middle of the car. Whatever happened to the superliner sleeper refresh? I remember seeing Amtrak talk about how they're working to refresh their entire superliner fleet, and I've seen the new coach seats in action, but I haven't seen any of the "new" sleepers in service. There are four roomettes downstairs (11, 12, 13, and 14), with the family room at the end adjacent to the four roomettes. #15 is the family bedroom. If it's 20 or higher, that would indicate that Amtrak has changed the order on this train and that you are indeed in the Trans/dorm sleeper. Just be sure to use say you want to 'modify' your reservation and if the agent says there is an additional cost or that you can't change ask to speak to a supervisor. HERE is a diagram of the Superliner cars. When I checked the modified res,roomette was changed to lower level. ) Regarding lower level Jun 23, 2012 · That's where the majority of the bathrooms are so go figure. The airlines a city pair and a flight number, so the seat layout is in the computer. I always try to get the sleeping car closest to the dining car. (However, there are a few exceptions. com) When you are ready for bed, press the call button to notify your attendant. Is Room Number 17 a legit number? Oct 11, 2023 · A look at a Superliner roomette set up for the night. 3 feet by 6. Once the bed was down, I could not turn around in the approximately 1' x 2' space next to the berth, which made changing clothes VERY difficult to say the least (keep in mind I am 6' 2"). S. Jan 5, 2006 · In addition to the previous comments made by other posters, besides the room number (or room letter) you can also request a specific car number within the train consist. Sep 26, 2017 · Room #20 is in the Crew Sleeper on a Superliner, aka the Transdorm, right behind the baggage car. Maybe extra money isn't something Amtrak is interested in chasing. Jan 6, 2022 · Bedroom A and Roomettes 9 and 10 are at the end of the sleeper car, so you might hear doors open and close between the rail cars if you are in one of these rooms. I call Amtrak directly to book Superliner rooms and usually get an agent adept at getting a specific roomette number. Feb 23, 2017 · Each Superliner has five bedrooms, all on the upper level and fourteen roomettes—ten on the upper level and four on the lower. (Photo courtesy of Amtrak. Superliner Bedrooms are available on the Coast Starlight route from Los Angeles to Seattle, as well as the California Zephyr from San Francisco to Chicago. The Superliners Roomette features two seats that face each other in a very compact room. Oct 10, 2010 · Please consider that the roomette that you'll be assigned when you purchase will be the next available room assigned the price being offered online. Also, a couple of tables that the conductor/assistant conductor use for their paperwork during the trip. Today we give you an overview of the Amtrak room tour, (all superliner rooms compared). I thought that in the Deluxe Sleeper that the AT uses, Roomette 1-10 don't exist and were replaced by Rooms J-N. Even better choices would be the Bedroom, bottom bunk or the H Bedroom. In a Viewliner sleeper, the attendant always occupies roomette number 12. Mar 18, 2024 · 52 Northbound Car Number Car Type 53 Southbound Car Number; XXXX: Trans-dorm Car (staff) XXXX: 5245: Superliner Sleeper: 5345: 5243: Superliner Sleeper: 5343: 5241 Sep 12, 2009 · Here's a list of some of the room names the current Amtrak sleepers have been called: Viewliner/Superliner currently Roomettes previously Compartment/Standard Bedroom currently Bedroom formerly Deluxe Bedroom currently Accesible Bedroom formerly Handicaped Bedroom currently Family Bedroom formerly Family Bedroom Two Bedrooms combined is a Jul 29, 2013 · OKJ - LAX on the Coast Starlight in Superliner II Roomette 6 In the measured roomette were two adults, the temperature was set to cold, and the air vent was open. If those were not available it would be pretty even between 9, 10, or anything on the lower level. I don't yet have a diagram of the transition sleeper so that's whey it is not yet posted. Are any of them out on t Nov 22, 2008 · Roomette 2 is closest, yes, but it is across the hall from the upstairs toilet. Jun 16, 2005 · We are really looking forward to the trip and have booked bedrooms and roomettes for the entire jouney. Are the Yes. For customers seeking both privacy and savings in First Class, Roomettes feature: Room numbers will be automatically assigned once you have booked. If you book online, you assigned the room by the computer. Amtrak’s Superliner trains are bi-level rail cars that offer a distinctive travel experience Feb 4, 2009 · I've been a lurker for a while, and I thought at one time I found an actual layout of a consist with room numbers, but for the life of me I can't find it now. I have to say, I really didn't like it and had wished I'd gotten a Bedroom. Aug 6, 2011 · Coach passengers are typically not allowed past the dining car into the sleeper area. On our trip next year to OMA its one overnight to CHI so we booked a bedroom on the CL. Overall the layout is similar to a regular sleeper, but there is an extra shower on the upper level for you to use. Now that you have roomette 14 booked, you can call Amtrak and have the reservation MODIFIED to an upper-level roomette (numbers 2 thru 10) if such are still available. peter The Amtrak Sleeping Car fleet consists of two types of cars: Superliner and Viewliner. This car is for sleeper passengers only. The seating is also different. All three sleeper cars are completely different in both price and amenities. Usually roomettes 1-8 are used by the onboard service personnel. Amtrak will allow three in a room, so if there are 7 people, you could get two Roomettes (4 people) and a bedroom for 3. In addition, there is one public toilet on the upper level and three toilets plus a shower on the lower level. To book a downstairs Roomette or 'H' Bedroom, you will need to call Amtrak. CS is currently running Engine, Engine, Baggage, 1440(TS), Business Class Coach, 1431. If you don't mind the toilet/sink in the room (or if you are able to use one in a lounge car/coach car), then pretty much everything in a Viewliner roomette is nicer than in a Superliner roomette. Oct 11, 2005 · If the desirable upstairs roomettes on the regular Superliner sleepers are taken, what do folks think about booking in the crew sleeper on the Zephyr? I have a choice of rooms 17 through 20 (or 21?) there. On the EB (and all Superliner equipped trains), roomettes #2-10 are on the upper level with roomettes #11-14 on the lower level. Its a 9 hour trip, not an overnight, so we booked a roomette for this segment. We bought so long ago that now we don't even remember if that was the lower or upper level. Sent from my iPhone using Amtrak Forum Roomettes 11-14 Jan 9, 2010 · (Roomettes 11-14 are downstairs, along with the Family Room, H-Room, 3 bathrooms and the shower. Bedrooms are always A - E, with the exception of the Auto train where you can find higher letters in 6 special cars. Aug 30, 2006 · Car 00 should be the standard Superliner sleeper right next to the dining car. Generally, we felt like the room was a tad too warm. If you call to change the room number or car number you may be asked to pay a higher price, as those rooms are not intended to be sold until lower price options are taken. Is there any way to determine if these roomettes are on the upper or lower level of the car? Thanks a lot! Jan 13, 2025 · Number of bedrooms in an Amtrak Superliner sleeping car: 5 standard bedrooms, 1 family bedroom, 1 accessible bedroom: Location of bedrooms in an Amtrak Superliner sleeping car: All standard bedrooms on upper level, family and accessible bedrooms on lower level: Size of Superliner bedrooms: Quite a bit bigger than a roomette: Features of Jul 17, 2015 · There's lots of room, depending on how many people are in there. W Oct 3, 2018 · My preference is roomette #14, followed by 13, 12, and 11. When traveling by train, the attendant will prepare your sleeping area by arranging two chairs to form the lower berth or bed, which measures 2. You will get to see in each room offered in the Amtrak Sleeper Car. Specifically, were going to be traveling on Texas Eagle, Superliner Roomette 6 In Car 2130. A detailed look at the Superliner Roomette sleeper compartment on Amtrak trains, including maps of routes, how much it costs, how it compares to other types Jun 24, 2017 · I was in room #18 last month with a BidUp success from MSP to EVR. What car number are you in? 2130, 2131 or 2230,2231 would be the normal sleepers. As previously mentioned the bathroom is reversed with the door facing the opposite direction. ) In-room Toilet • None. Please call Amtrak (800-872-7245), ask for an agent, give them your reservation number and ask which rooms you have. Nov 29, 2012 · In response to an earlier post about Superliner roomettes, I was asked if I preferred being on the upper or lower level in one of those bi-level rail cars. Amtrak Northeast @AmtrakNECAlerts · 13 Nov 1856557792431149404 1856557792431149404 May 9, 2009 · The family bedroom is almost always cheaper than a deluxe bedroom, and depending upon how sleepers are selling I have found a family bedroom cheaper than a roomette (not frequently but it can happen). There are many threads,on this topic here on AU, please,Google and read them, excellent info! Jan 14, 2020 · When planning an overnight trip on an Amtrak Superliner, it’s difficult to choose which sleeper car to book. 2x the space of a Roomette; In-room sink, restroom, and shower; Complimentary meals; Big picture window; Fresh towels and linens, , , , In-room Toilet • None. com or the Amtrak app. We got to our room and it was…tiny 🙂 . It's possible Amtrak might be able to snag another hundred dollars per car per trip with an option to guarantee specific locations ahead of time. Aug 13, 2019 · It must be in the transdorm (transition sleeper) but my diagram of the car only goes up to roomette 24 so someone else will have to tell us where 25 is. The Amtrak roomettes are in their own car towards the back of the train and generally pretty quiet. Just call 1-800-USA-RAIL. When my ex-boyfriend and I had a bedroom, we were able to fit two carry-ons, two backpacks, and my purse in there and still had plenty of room to move around. Room 24 is on the same side as the stairs, providing the staircase wall. Feb 28, 2009 · Room A is indeed smaller than the other 4 bedrooms. If they were not available I would ask for 2, 7 or 8. All the other bathrooms are on the lower level - and on the opposite side of the door/foyer. Engineers apply the knowledge of math & science to design and manufacture maintainable systems used to solve specific problems. Mar 12, 2010 · If you have mobility issues, the bottom bunk would be much better. There are three different types of sleeper cars – the Superliner Roomette, Amtrak Family Bedroom, and Superliner Bedroom. AskEngineers is a forum for questions about the technologies, standards, and processes used to design & build these systems, as well as for questions about the engineering profession and its many disciplines. Jul 31, 2009 · Superliner Roomette | Car 1431 - Room 014 amounts to 9 pieces of rolling stock since Amtrak engines and cars each have 4 axles. For your trip, the type of car will depend on the route you select. I find it is interesting to see the variety of the same number room when I travel. We were wondering if you can pick which roomette you want, or if Amtrak just assigns the roomette to you. I was under the impression that each Superliner sleeping car has a total of fourteen roomettes. To book a Superliner Bedroom, you can either call Amtrak at 1-800-USA-RAIL or book online through the Amtrak website. The Amtrak Sleeping Car fleet consists of two types of cars: Superliner and Viewliner. (This site as well as the Amtrak site has a diagram showing fourteen roomettes also). The final leg of our journey is from CHI-OMA. Jun 16, 2010 · It was also my first time in a Superliner Roomette, versus a Viewliner Roomette. Dec 25, 2016 · If I had a free choice I would pick from roomette numbers 3, 4, 5, or 6. If you booked a Flex Fare in Coach and would like to upgrade to a private room, you can change your reservation up until the moment of departure by modifying your trip on Amtrak. There are many pluses and a few minuses to this but generally it's an excellent way to travel on a Train. But, as stated previously, I would choose any available Amtrak roomette over a long coach trip on an airliner. Both room types can accommodate two people. Image Credit: Amtrak. (There are 10 roomettes on the upper level, four below. Am I mistaken? Book a private room on Amtrak’s Viewliner or Superliner trains for your next trip and enjoy our unique sleeper car accommodations. I don't know what exactly to attribute it to, but some combination of bad tracks, lower-level room, and older Superliner I ride quality had resulted in a very loud and jostling evening. Jul 17, 2012 · My room assignments for the first trip is Room "B" and Roomette "11" in 5341, however the return trip is Room "A" and Roomette "4" in 5242. Apr 16, 2006 · We will be confronted with this scenario. Upon boarding, your First Class attendant can show you to your room. I still don't request a certain room because I haven't ridden enough to where I've experienced every room and especially since I took so many rides in Roomette 5! Unfortunately that's never been an option as Amtrak apparently makes zero effort to align the cars in any particular orientation. below shows the roomette Book a private room on Amtrak’s Viewliner or Superliner trains for your next trip and enjoy our unique sleeper car accommodations. Additionally there is no family room on the lower level and the 4 roomette's downstairs are also missing, that area is basically given over to a crew room. For Amtrak, there are many scenarios between Origination and Final Destination of a specific train. The car seat really won't fit in the roomette but there is plenty of room to store it in the luggage rack downstairs. Correction - The H-Room is next to the lower level rest rooms. We put the suitcases under the "couch", and the backpacks sat next to the chair. Apr 21, 2009 · If money isn't an issue, get a bedroom or the family room. Call 1-800-USA-RAIL or visit staffed Amtrak stations. Then, there are those who are coach part of the way and Sleeper the balance. (replace 14 with 11 on the SB. The 'H' bedroom is downstairs, which would be better if you have issues with stairs or walking. The Superliners Roomette is the smallest of Amtrak’s Sleeping Car accommodations and usually the most affordable. Viewliner - What's the Difference? Our roomette assigment for three of our four sleeping cars is 17. ) Since the sleeper can be put on the train in either direction, there is no way to chose "the left side" or "the right side" - you won't know until you board. I'm happy to confirm this on Wednesday when I'll be on the 5. Which rooms are closest to the center of the car, and which may experience more crew Nov 15, 2007 · As shown in the diagram, there is no "public" rooms next to the bathrooms. The Roomette. For customers seeking plenty of comfort and room, Bedrooms provide twice the space as a Roomette and feature a sofa and armchair by day and upper and lower berths by night. There are at least 4 Coast Starlight train sets so Amtrak can provide daily service in each direction. The room has a couple inches less length so when the bed is down, it's tight between the bed and the vanity. 2 Adult Berths • Lower Berth 2'4" x 6'6" • Upper Berth 2'0" x 6'2" (with steps) In-room Shower • None. The only Superliner trains with dedicated sleeper lounges are the Coast Starlight & the Auto Train. Sep 19, 2008 · Superliner Room Layout (#11 to #14 are roomettes. While the Roomette has 2 individual facing sets, the bedroom had a long "couch" type seat, plus a seat next to the window. ) When in doubt, get help from an Amtrak reservations agent. IIRC, they refurbished some of the Superliner I bedrooms (upper level, the non-roomette half of the car) and I can confirm outlet placement. The room numbers don't seem to appear on the confirmation emails any more. Oct 25, 2024 · This ticket shows the equipment used on the trains along with the car number and my room number. But, personally, I prefer being in a roomette on the upper level. Nov 18, 2024 · Amtrak also uses other rail cars like Viewliner, Surfliner, Acela, and Amfleet. We were assigned roomette 14 during boarding, which turned out to be on the lower level towards the end of our Superliner I car. Aug 28, 2010 · Not to worry; you're not being a bit dim. Roomettes are ideal for one or two passengers with comfortable seats and many other amenities. The lower the number (in the series) means it is closer to the Dining Car. Superliner vs. If it is somewhat, go with the roomette. ) Well, as is usually the case, there are pros and cons to each choice. ’s vast and varied landscapes. It the car a Superliner I or II, which direction is the car positioned, has the car been upgraded recently, etc. (Roomette 1 - the SA's room - is next to the toilet. It has bedrooms (A-E) on the upper level, roomettes (1-14) on both levels and a family room (15) and a hadicap room (H) on the lower level. Jul 11, 2008 · The room numbering format is pretty uniform overall, the car numbering isn't. My question concerns car numbers - we will be in sleeper cars Jun 7, 2012 · Once the 25 new sleeping cars are in service about 2 years from now, Amtrak plans to gradually overhaul the existing 50 Viewliner sleeping cars and during that overhaul, the toilets will be removed from the roomettes in favor of two public restrooms where the attendants room currently is. I’m assigned to Roomette #012 in car #430. 1702, I've updated the page to reflect that the diagrams are for Superliner II Book a private room on Amtrak’s Viewliner or Superliner trains for your next trip and enjoy our unique sleeper car accommodations. May 14, 2020 · The Superliner Roomette. *And BTW - it appears that the actual legroom between the two chairs - is actually the same in the larger bedroom as it Yes. ) H. The lower numbers are nearer to the center of the car. Jul 11, 2008 · I was in room 18 on the SWC a few weeks ago and the layout of that trans-dorm had a locked room adjacent to 18 (instead of a toilet/shower), a captain's chair instead of beds 15 (the attendant's room), a 'dressing room' (with 2 stools facing a counter and a large mirror in addition to a shower) instead of the H room, and another shower in the Nov 4, 2024 · Coach class can be a little chaotic, with noisy people and frequent passenger traffic moving through. I was the only one in the 10 roomettes on top floor before stairs going down. Sep 24, 2008 · Just made an on-line reservation for the Southwest Chief from Fullerton,CA to Kansas City. Actually F is the family room and H is the handicap room. There are roomettes downstairs, too. As railiner pointed out TS room #’s would be 17-24. I just picked a random date about a month out to price the Capitol Limited CHI to WA:-Two roomettes at $224 would cost *$448. Amtrak does sell the other roomettes as revenue as needed. If you have a large party - and it is an "odd number, maybe consider a Bedroom, if the price is right. Mar 29, 2017 · Consequently, sometimes the even numbered Roomettes are on the right side and sometimes on the left side. May 23, 2013 · A bedroom has an enclosed toilet and a sink in the room, while the occupants of a Roomette must use one of the four public rest rooms in the car. It was closer to the locomotives, next car back a sleeper and next car back the dining car. Then check THIS THREAD to find out where it is on the train. Jan 29, 2024 · Yes. Sep 3, 2018 · Each Superliner Sleeping Car has a total of 14 Roomettes (10 on upper level, 4 on lower level), 5 Bedrooms (all on upper level) and 1 Family Room and 1 handicap room (lower level). The TS is also usually numbered xx40.
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