10mg winstrol reddit Will give you a bit dryness and vascularity. Next 6 weeks was at 100mg. I plan to continue with Primo for a total of 10 weeks (take a 1 week break from orals) and introduce Winstrol @5mg for 3 weeks. 40yr old, 170lb, 5’9” male. Went on to get 2nd in a stacked class! Just needed better conditioning for #1. 2 protein per kg body weight , minimum to not lose muscle to take 1000 calories below your TDEE on trt , with maximum 1200 -1300 calories below your TDEE on mix of gear Only thing that ever destroyed my hair was Winstrol alongside with crashed e2 and im not prone to MPB and have thick as fuck hair. 50mg will give you a great dryness and vascularity. Question is were are legitamite sarms most ive bought were bunk. This week we are discussing Winstrol (Stanozolol). Get hypoglycemia often though but all in all worth it for the best pumps ever that last all day, strength goes through the fucking roof, and I look and feel my best on it. E2 was dialed in. Reply reply Top 6% Rank by size From personal experience and current cycle, I’m on 400mg test E, 300mg NPP, 25mg anavar, 50mg winstrol. 10mg daily (I think for a week or less) had a very significant impact on lipids in one study. Loving it so far, looking full all the time, and my appetite is gone completely which is a really good thing for me. Didn't notice any sides throughout the cycle and starting bw was 208, ending bw was 225. Aged 40, 5'6 and 10st 8lbs, muscular build. yes my 9 week course stops at july 7, since week 6 and up untill now im on 4 winstrol tabs a day, 2 in the morning 2 at the evening, on the packaging it says 10 mg tabs, so i suspect its 10mg per tab. Could I take them with my cycle and still… I've used: masteron and proviron and winstrol, sdrol, adrol. yo tomaba 20mg a la mañana y 10mg a la noche. Plus doxycycline for acne. Even if you take 3 grams per week of different gears , crash diet will make you lose muscle ( tren anavar winstrol HGH whatever ) even if you take 2. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. A common dosage range for Winstrol tabs is 20-50 mg per day for men and 5-10 mg per day for women. 6mg winstrol daily is the starting dose with winstrol I think they taper up but it's definitely not higher than 20mg daily. After 4 weeks, the strength gains are almost too much, in that the weight my muscle can handle exceeds what my tendons/joints can handle and I’ve put on 5-7 pounds. This is a vibrant and active forum where members share news, articles, personal pictures… Even if you take 3 grams per week of different gears , crash diet will make you lose muscle ( tren anavar winstrol HGH whatever ) even if you take 2. Overall packed on 2 stone, lost 10lbs 4 weeks post cycle (back to TRT) and have kept the remaining gains, Id say majority of loss was water weight. Any feedback on this cycle is appreciated. I also have: -50 50mg anadrol tablets -150 10mg winstrol tablets -100 25mg proviron tablets - 100 20mg tadalafil tablets - nolva if gyno becomes an issue . Dosage was 2 x 10mg tabs day in addition to 500mg sustanon/week. It's anabolic to androgenic ratio is like 320 : 30. My testosterone feel a lot higher after 4 weeks of Clomid so far and I'm getting erections again, but the initial reason for starting Clomid was that I couldn't get 100% hard. Before cycle weight- 122lbs End of cycle weight- 133lbs Current weight- 130 lbs So, I ended up using it ONLY as a pre-workout and only at a low dose of 10mg/day. On the whole, they're more similar than different. 1 letrozole a week Tamoxifen 10mg 3-4 days a week. Reply reply Sdrol 10mg (whole 4 weeks) and Winstrol 20/30mg for first 4 weeks and 50mg for remaining. Feb 28, 2025 · Here is an example of a beginner/intermediate female Winstrol cycle: Week 1-5: 10mg/ed Winstrol; Week 7-12: 10mg/ed Anavar (Optional) Week 1-12: 2iu/ed HGH; An advanced female Winstrol cycle: Week 1-4: 10mg/ed Anavar; Week 4-7: 100mg/week Primobolan Depot; Week 8-12: 10mg/ed Winstrol, 10mg/ed Anavar (Optional) Week 1-12: 2iu/ed HGH my first cycle was worthless 10mg winstrol with test 300 mg winni killed my joints but made me run like forrest gump. Test is difficult to get hand on and secondly i have grade 1 gyno. As to winstrol vs anavar, they're very similar in many ways. This is the oral version, and I would just split the 50mg pills in half. I decided to run 40 mg Winstrol for 4 weeks and got great results, strength went up, way more vascular, shredded as fuck look below 10% bf. May 20, 2009 · Hi all, I am about to start a 8week cycle on winstrol 10mg tabs starting on 30mg daily working up to 50mg daily and was wondering if it would be safe or Dec 23, 2006 · Suggesting 10mg/day of winstrol to knock out a huge amount of SHBG and make your test more effective. It takes weeks to start shedding / thinning. Now, for some questions. Had someone suggest adding Dbol @ 20-40mg per day the last 4-5 weeks and that would help with weight gain. A run of the mill oral dose for men goes from 25 to 50 mg each day, while ladies regularly require 5 to 10 mg each day. Anavar gives you better abs than winstrol will becauze it removes viscoral fat from the ab section but winstrol does speed up fat loss and higher oxygen capacity on winstrol meaning better endurance. However, even at 10mg a day I noticed some slight voice horsening (maybe not permanent) so I stopped after 4 weeks. Winstrol ( 20mg bumped up to 40mg for a few days and then down to 10 for 3 weeks) Test ( 200-250 mg for 3 weeks) Proviron ( 10mg for 4 weeks) Gains were good. I only ever do it about 2 to 3 weeks before the stage. I’m gonna do 6 weeks cycle winny only. without a test base you are kinda robbing yourself of winstrol's true magic. Every Thursday we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Started week 1 with 10mg rad ed and 2mg YK two times a day. It’s a beautiful day to discuss the feel-good bloatlord warrior goddess of size and breast tissue. 2 lbs. Makes you pumped and hard. Should mention the Winstrol derivative I'd like to use is called Stanozolol. Thoughts on brand/product? Wanting to pack on some weight for winter. Her diet is clean, no drugs or alcohol. Winstrol also destroys my liver (and subsequently my digestion) in less than two weeks, but that's a personal problem called "I have a bitch liver. 10mg i had noticeable small improvements in training performance, 20mg i got quite a bit stronger, bench 6 rep max became 12 rep max within a couple weeks. Bunk though people claim they got results for example i did a rad 140 cycle 5 weeks at 10mg from chemyo did nothing saw nothing Reddit has plenty of other subs for advice on gear. It is expensive to run both so only run winstrol now at 100mg to125mg a day. Currently on week 3. But then shit started going south. I was told Nolvadex should help against gyno in the off-cycle, but i cant remember if that was the supplement in question. Its the perfect "i want to take something to make training more fun without even knowing i'm on anything" Background: (FEMALE) ran a cycle of Winstrol (as my first ever cycle). Cutting on 250mg test/700mg tren and am 2 weeks into 10mg sdrol ED. Greg doucette has a great video where he compares them at varying dosages I’m an athlete who wants to take winstrol, is this safe ? i would be starting out on 10mg tablets. Gained fairly significant lean muscle but not enough bf loss for my preference. Bought a 100pill bag at 10mg and used one a day, no tudca. Ran it for 9 weeks. So, thinking of doing my first cycle with Anavar 10mg/ twice a day, and Winstrol 10mg/ 3 times a day, for two months. Determining the appropriate Winstrol dosage depends on various factors, including your experience level, goals, and tolerance to the compound. Winstrol is good for this. I took it for my first cycle which was 250mg test. Bunk though people claim they got results for example i did a rad 140 cycle 5 weeks at 10mg from chemyo did nothing saw nothing r/SteroidGuide is a comprehensive subreddit dedicated to providing accurate and detailed information about anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. I actually have winstrol in my drawer from years back. 10 mg test 10 mg dbol ED sounds pretty nice. my second cycle i went to thailand (lived there for few years) so all legit use primo 500mg + test 800mg and nothing happen same diet and same workout . Perhaps try winstrol at an earlier juncture to ascertain if it will negatively affect you. You'll never get PIP from any other steroid again due to how much this will raise your pain tolerance. My experience with winstrol was enough to get me to avoid/minimize using DHT based compounds in the future. Looking for advice or experience on a similar cycle. No side effects at all. I was gifted 100 tabs of 10mg stanazol. For most of the cycle I was on 8mg ED, split between 1 morning and 1 night dose. Hello everyone, I read on different thread that Anavar is really often faked with dbol and winstrol, woman with a lot of experience with AAS can know with the different sides effects and the effect on strenght , lean gain etc. I would have seen better results if i would have kept dieting, but I belive it would be better if you would go 6 weeks with 50mg/day trust me. Its the perfect "i want to take something to make training more fun without even knowing i'm on anything" Ibutamoren 5mg tabs, Osterine 10mg tabs, Cardenine 5mg tabs, Dianabol 10MG tabs, Winstrol 20MG tabs. Prices range but less than 50p a tab to just about 80p comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment So if you’re usually taking 10mg oral, you only need 5mg injectable to match the dose When I started running injectable sdrol I was dosing it at 10mg and was getting real bad lethargy but I was looking way freakier than I would with 10mg oral. I mainly use T4 with me and my clients to have this in check and avoid a huge increase in prolactin (well, normally i "prescribe" them all year round). Running Test E @ 450mg a week for 12wks. Steroids like anavar and winstrol have a much higher point of diminishing returns, so you can up the dosage and still get linear increase in effects up until about 60-80mg with anavar and winstrol. I was natty for 6-8 mos prior to this. I decided to try an experiment of only 10 mg Winstrol for 8 weeks. I'm meal prepping, running, and doing light weightlifting, but inevitably I end up going out to eat one day, eat bad food, and feel like I'm back at that weight and back to square one. Been running injectable Primo @75mg for the past 6 weeks along with Anavar @10mg and I am quite happy with my progress. Thoughts? That said, if by peaking you mean the final 4-6 weeks then you can start use winstrol, ascertain its effectiveness and determine whether to drop or continue. Just pulled test and NPP last week to get rid of water retention. I am currently only trt, 160mg per week. 8 weeks into(10 week cycle) a 400MG Test E, 200 MG Primo cycle. I have 21 (50mg) tabs, so I would be taking these 25mg daily for the last six weeks of my 10 week eq cycle. Just ordered some winstrol, ment, and I will be doing a speedrun of achieving my best shape ever. I am considering bumping Winny to 100MG… r/SteroidGuide is a comprehensive subreddit dedicated to providing accurate and detailed information about anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. People think you have to mega dose everything but looking back in history, especially into the old soviet block in the 70s and 80s they had some great athletes that took minimal oral dosages starting with only 5-10mg Dbol a day. las pastillas eran de 10mg. While considering Winstrol pills, it's critical to stick to the prescribed measurement to moderate likely incidental effects. Little to no virilization, tolerated extremely well. If you add 250mg of test-c or test-e with 25mg of winnyit makes that smallish test dose VERY effective at packing on muscle with little estrogenic sides. She is wondering about using a low dose of Winstrol to harden up. Just wondering if anyone has exp with lower doses of win. I have used Var before so I didn't see the need to build up from 5mg, but for the record if you have never used before you should be doing that. May 30, 2004 · well, my first cycle of winstrol, i ran out of it, and kept it at 25mg/day. I spent the last 8yrs competing, so this is not my 1st go-round. Don’t cuss me for winny only. Winstrol crushes shbgwhich in turn frees up more testosterone to work it's magic. Anyways my main question is what would be a good test and eq dose I’m thinking 400 test 600 eq… how I look right now Winstrol Dosage. Also this will end up being much cheaper than things like proviron. And it doesn't happen over night. im only take 20 with 250mg test and its enough for me visible winstrol results and thats just a 12 week cycle. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. Didn't notice much physique improvement. You get a lot of performance increases such as improved lifts and it helps with cardio. I can't go on stage without it because it's like super Anavar. Winstrol tabs typically come in 10 mg or 50 mg tablets and can be taken orally with or without food. NN Wanted: Big Muscles, Lots of Hair Q: I want to do a steroid cycle, but all the men in my family have gone bald and I think I'm losing some hair too. Any side effects she should be aware of? She did run Turinabol a few years ago at 10mg a day, no sides off that, apart from increased energy, although we were never sure how legit the Tbol was. I never go above 10mg/day. Jul 1, 2022 · If it's real 10mg winstrol and not some underdosed shit. Keep in mind, oral winstrol often doesn't begin to show its aesthetic effects until about 10-14 days after starting. . Went up to 20mg of rad and 5mg of YK twice a day from week three to finish. Result’s as expected from Winstrol. Could I take them with my cycle and still… I havee used their EQ, Deca, Mast, var (10mg and 50mg), winny, dbol, tbol. Nothing major though. Winstrol - WOW ok Winstrol is perhaps my favorite in terms of how I look. 120mg testosterone cypionate/week (for past 2 years) Yesterday I took my first 25mg dose of winstrol orally before… View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit How many mg’s of Winstrol should be taken daily? comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Get dbol 10mg if you don't have test base Make sure these are tablet and not capsules and take them sublingually Dbol will help with estrogen part of trt Add dhea and pregnelone Good results and overall felt less sides and zero GI/Stomach issues. Crazy strength gains, bench went from 160 to 195kg in 4 weeks. I only use oral steroids as a pre-workout because the half life is only 4-5 hours. 100mg is a night and day difference. Overall tho, good cycle to use just 1 injectable and 1 oral Yeah I’ve seen accounts of guys running dbol for up to a year at 10 mg/day, I should’ve stuck to that kind of practice back in my TRT days. Any advice is appreciated. Ast and Alt levels were elevated but was taking Liv 52. It's a more effective drug and no more harmful than rad is. Is 20mg of winstrol enough to get dry on? 20mg is low dose. Didn't experience any joint dryness or hair loss. Took winstrol for my prep for a show along with 250mg test. Typically 2 days on and 2 days off. PHYSIQUE - 10/10 - I wish winstrol didn't have any sides, because my body loves it, given your bf is under 10% it makes my vascual, dry and hard. For physique- or performance-enhancing purposes, a daily dosage of 5-10 mg should illicit considerable growth without the noticeable androgenic side effects of other drugs. This would be taken for no longer than 4-6 weeks. But the sides were fucking me up eventually, nosebleeds from high bp, headaches, acne (DHT), joint pain (it's real shit). After researching, winstrol seemed the best. This provides a useful archive for new users, and for experienced users researching a new compound. There's also a handful of studies showing winstrol's unique neurotoxicity that's mediated by the glucocorticoid receptor (most steroids exert their neurotoxicity via the androgen receptor). Lethargy definitely hit real quick but I either got used to it or it went away, don’t know since I was using it for so long. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. But 10mg rad will blow 10mg of anavar or winstrol out of the water. No AI is needed. I only wanted to add one other compound to my test. If you really want to use both then start with a smaller dose of both. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. Currently on 175 test 250 eq, bloods check out perfect. 2 protein per kg body weight , minimum to not lose muscle to take 1000 calories below your TDEE on trt , with maximum 1200 -1300 calories below your TDEE on mix of gear 10mg i had noticeable small improvements in training performance, 20mg i got quite a bit stronger, bench 6 rep max became 12 rep max within a couple weeks. 50mg pills. In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. Posted by u/Amphibious333 - 1 vote and 3 comments I'm 3 weeks in on my test e cycle and my guy says they got some Winstrol in and its going fast. Or you know, just trestolone lol. (assuming for sure you are very lean and you know how to diet). Used for last 6 weeks of a 14 week Test & Decce Cycle. And he grinned and said "Winstrol, it's a cutting steroid, been on it for a few months. And if it's worth taking. I incrementally upped the dose from 10mg ED to 12. Yup. May 30, 2004 · This is only my second cycle so I figured I could try 25mg of winstrol and see if I respond. Gains were just off the charts. W1: 10mg per day W2: 20mg per day/ 100mg doxycycline W3: 30mg per day/100 mg doxycycline W4: 10mg per day W5: 20mg per day/100 mg doxycycline W6: 30mg per day/100 mg doxycycline Week 8 = 600mg pre melatonon / week, 600mg primo , dbol to 100mg, _x_ anadrol/day, tren to 520mg/wk , added 50mg winstrol , 25mg Byron, Week 10 = anadrol to 300mg/day, mass prop to 875 mg , tren a to 700, primo to 800mg, anadrol 300/day, winstrol 100mg/day, provision 75mg/day, 1ml electro per day and 1 mg Nova per day Officially Winstrol carries an anabolic rating of 320 and an androgenic rating of 20. Hace cardio 2 veces a la semana (unos 20 min, tranqui) y tomate cada tanto la presion y anotala asi ves como evoluciona y si ves algo raro WINSTROL 5-10mg STRENGTH 7/10 - Strength is nothing majorly noticeable but I only used it towards the end of comp prep so hard to gauge. It’s a beautiful day to discuss the use and effects of Winstrol! Every Thursday we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Did some looking around and found out about the differences in bioavailability. If you're set on using only the rad and/or winstrol then just use the winstrol. " It's 10 years later, and I'm 5' 10" and 268. This is only a side effect some people (few) experience. The goal of these threads is to gather a wide variety of user experiences and feedback. Anavar is used quite often in the final 4-6 weeks before meets to great effect for many lifters. Personally 10mg-25mg for 4-6 weeks with Tudca and NAC really doesn't skew liver values too much just lipids a little. Pros: libido, water redistribution (looks like fat loss), vascularity, libido and dick gains (in the right environment) lol I wrote libido twice, some strength gains. Ibutamoren 5mg tabs, Osterine 10mg tabs, Cardenine 5mg tabs, Dianabol 10MG tabs, Winstrol 20MG tabs. First 3 weeks were 50mg. You might think you're fine running a compound, but once you go off it, you'll start seeing symptoms. Slept great. " yo cdo tome fueron 12 semanas, todos los dias. I probably won't run it super long but I don't think it's necessary to get the benefits. In addition to injectable Winstrol, Winstrol tabs offer a convenient oral alternative for those who prefer to avoid injections. I'm thinking that Winstrol is the steroid I should use, but not if it converts to DHT! Please help! r/SteroidGuide is a comprehensive subreddit dedicated to providing accurate and detailed information about anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Some people complain of achy joints in winstrol and some people's lipids get annihilated by anavar. I’ve always had trouble with keeping my muscle on when I was competing natural, so this stack does really help with that, but i do think that my legs / hip area is always the lagging part with the most stubborn fat and water retention (i know its water too Week 1-15: 300mg of test (150 mg every 3 days) Week: 16-17: nothing Week 18 -24: 10 mg of Nolva ed I will have aromasin on hand, and plan on getting blood work before, during, and after. The only bad part is the extreme lethargy I'm feeling with only 100g carbs a day on average + a ~1000 cal deficit. More importantly, its ratings translate perfectly in real life effects giving us an extremely beneficial anabolic steroid. 100 tabs in total Question is were are legitamite sarms most ive bought were bunk. Shit is too strong for me. At week two I added in oral winny at 50MG. I also run GH alongside @1. All checks out and get the desired effects. But the end of the 4th week I noticed some shedding. Winstrol carries many positive steroidal traits, one of which is its ability to lower Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (SHBG) significantly. Eager females may wish to add another mild anabolic such as Winstrol®, Primobolan® or Durabolin®. Reddit has plenty of other subs for advice on gear. Physique was fuller, dryer and harder, midsection tightened up with little changes to my diet. Cons: you need adequate e2/aromatisation, otherwise you'll perceive low e2 sides. Week 1-15: 300mg of test (150 mg every 3 days) Week: 16-17: nothing Week 18 -24: 10 mg of Nolva ed I will have aromasin on hand, and plan on getting blood work before, during, and after. You should not run winstrol for more than 8 weeks anyways due to heavy toxicity, so that would be the safest bet. This is a contest prep cycle. gained 12lbs so far. Since I have heard quite a few people rooting for oral use at lower dose for a longer period of time for more stable gains that don't piss themselves away I decided to try it at 10mg a day for 10 weeks. I havee used their EQ, Deca, Mast, var (10mg and 50mg), winny, dbol, tbol. Winstrol didn't "dry my joints out". Lost tons of fat. This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. Caber covers the prolactin route, which is increased by compounds like trenbolone or nandrolone via TRH. How to make painless winstrol 50 mg i tried many recipe all are painfull anyone have any For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. This week the compound is Oxymethalone aka Drol, Adrol and Anadrol. Prices range but less than 50p a tab to just about 80p u/2cbthrowmeaway Last year: Started 10 weeks out- -700mg mast e -700mg test E 6 weeks out- -50mg anavar 3 weeks out- -50mg winstrol (increases 50mg each week) -20mg halo (increases 10mg each week) -clen 80mcg Used no tren this whole prep. I attempted bumping up to 9 then 10 mg but noticed some voice changes and bitched out. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. The goal is to document experiences for others to refer to for years to come as we grow and learn together about these compounds and identify trends and commonalities. While dosages may vary, a common guideline for injectable Winstrol is 25-100 mg every other day for men and 5-10 mg every other day for women. Try 100 mg winstrol suspension in your VG, glute, or quad. 5iu Background: (FEMALE) ran a cycle of Winstrol (as my first ever cycle). View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. Bought from several places proven peptides, chemyo, umbrella labs. 813 subscribers in the Anabolics_roids_build community. bloodwork-8wks of 500 mg test cyp and 60mg winstrol 51yrs, 6' 200# gots, abs not fat. I’m currently on my 8th week of 10mg var daily and 2/3rd weeks of 10mg winstrol. Bumped anavar to 50mg and winstrol to 75mg today. Reply reply Ran winstrol for 6 weeks at 25mg and 10mg of superdrol for the last 3 on 240mg test e a week. It's funny how I was able to run almost a gram of tren weekly for nearly 10 months, and here such low doses of ment give me mental and physical fuckery if I go above 10mg a day. This week we are discussing Methandrostenolone, better known as Dianabol or Dbol. Good morning ☕️. Should I keep my trt the same and add 1 10mg tablet a day? Jan 23, 2003 · Winstrol not that bad! Something I found from BILL ROBERTS to compliment my above thread. Began 5mg for 3 weeks, upped to 10mg for 4 weeks, then to 15mg for 2 weeks, and have been tapering off. Piss was consistently dark but that was pretty much it. 5mg ED at the 4 week mark, then upped it again to 15mg ED at the 8 week mark. I started off with 10mg ED, split into 2 doses each day (AM and PM). plwf hpmeol zzxcs cxzt umebsx zwog usvjc dmhj ieuy zvmfc mhsjdi enze hkettgr gwcntuzp fbfvkv