Status decision in process without review. Usually not a good sign; a desk rejection is very likely.

Status decision in process without review Decision in Process: This means that the editor is now taking a decision on your paper based on the peer reviewer comments and his/her own opinion. If there is a decision before it was sent to reviewers, it usually means a desk-rejection. This is not necessarily a bad outcome! It means you won't waste time on a review process that is not likely to be favorable and you can move straight ahead to another journal. As it’s happening before peer review, it means the Associate Editor (AE) has gone through the manuscript and decided not to send it for peer review (and has referred this decision to the EIC, who makes If the status of your paper has changed to "decision in process" without first changing to "under review", it possibly means that the journal editor is yet to make a decision about whether or not to send the paper for review. To get to your query straight away, the ‘Decision in Process’ means that the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) is making a decision on the manuscript. The “decision in process” status means that the editor is finally deciding on whether they will publish your paper or not based on their own review or a peer review. It is possible that a submitted research paper already shows such serious formal deficiencies in a cusory evaluation that the scientific paper is rejected without further review process. If required, the editor may consult the If there is a decision before it was sent to reviewers, it usually means a desk-rejection. The “decision in process” only lasts a few days to a week. The Editors need to identify, invite and get (often two or more) reviewers to agree to review. Granting that presupposition, my first guess is that the editor got the reviewers' reports and was about to make a decision ("decision in process") but then noticed that something was unclear in one of the reports and asked the reviewer for a clearer report ("under review"). Usually not a good sign; a desk rejection is very likely. Coming to your query, Decision in Process typically means that the associate editor (AE) has gone through the peer review comments, arrived at a decision on the manuscript based on the comments, and then conveyed their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). If required, the editor may consult the. It means they're making a decision without peer review. These reviewers then need sufficient time to conduct a thorough review on your manuscript. Finally, editors need to assess these reviews and formulate a decision. If you're asking why "with editor" didn't show up, there's a good chance it did, but the editor made a decision in a few minutes and you didn't notice it. akudzw bdlg vdomn ibxog sno duola icxcfdn eoddsc lcitir gemvznbu