Hoi4 best defensive template 2020 You want to pick on type (medium or heavy, usually). The more tanks you have, the less SPG you can have before the terrain penalties start to Mobile warfare is best if you can afford tanks and use them in the open but not good if you are trying to fight through mountains or are mostly infantry and artillery. 6 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 motorized, 1 small tank, (I forgot the support equipment so I'll just name the symbol. Your most basic offensive template is 40 wide infantry, and just add as many tanks as you can produce to it. Width is gonna be around 23 here. Surprisingly, I didn't need that many fort levels to successfully hold, the sheer defensive stats of my divisions were enough. 25-width mountaineers (3 artillery) and a heck of a lot of support equipment for pushing northern Ethiopia. Hey guys, sorry if this isn't allowed, does anyone have a good defensive template for infantry, UK trying to defend France Archived post. The 1. Attacking armor divisions should use tanks instead of artillery (12 tanks - 8 mot is a good template, 15-5 if you use mobile warfare doctrine). I figured I Before i started playing i saw on a tutorial video talking about defensive lines that there is not much use for them. So do 40 widths. Using a 6/4 (MOUNT/INF) would make you be able 8-4 will work, but you could also go pure infantry or go with a 9-2 for more defensive purposes. Optional: support artillery, support AA (which becomes critical if you lack air superiority). This video covers division templates that will make your game much more enjoyable and easier to play for the Millennium dawn hoi4 mod. New comments cannot be posted. This would make each battalion use less of your cap, but the mountaineer bonuses (Higher ORG, terrain buffs) would be reduced. Although they use a Steam Community: Hearts of Iron IV. Also what’s the Skip to main content. Needed suppression is the amount of suppression the garrison must provide. Their natural training in Alternatively, you can use some regular INF in your templates. EDIT: I made a mistake, the maximum penalty is 33% not 30%. You'll want to make offensive templates for serious pushes. I'm not actually sure if this is even worth it, but I can see a case for it. Shovel and medical stuff. Hot to donate: https://www. My main question is width anyway. Support companies are interchangeable, I'm mostly concerned about the battalions. 20-width templates have more effective org than 40-width templates, so it’s in your best interests to use 20W on defense. I see 2 approach: A defensive template that the AI will attack relentlessly (and lose manpower and equipment Best offensive tactics (in order): Breakthrough, Suppressive barrage, Blitz. There's no cost to duplicating and modifying templates for different theaters or after seeing the What is the best defensive template for minor nations (like without a good industry or manpower) but can still defend against tanks and planes. Recovery rate: When this division loses manpower after a battle, it has a faster rate of restoring its strength compared to other division templates. The concentration of stats in a bigger template is worth it, but aim to incrwase firepower with tanks and artillery, and speed with cav and motorized. Same thing just with medium tanks instead of small Best all-around defensive infantry template in 10 INF w/ ENG. r/hoi4. After that is juts micro and cycling. A defensive template that the AI will attack relentlessly (and lose manpower and equipment over time) A defensive template that will just hold the line and not lose ground to AI attack Of course a template that fill role 1 will also fill role 2, but it will be more expensive without providing more (if you just want to hold the line). r/StremioAddons. So a simple 8 Inf division (or less) with eng support and give them a gun thats most plentiful not necessarily the best. The Japanese will typically invade the Shandong peninsula. All claims of “best template” are best taken with many grains of salt. UK. What is good division template for Greece? Skip to main content. For coast guarding maybe 10w 5/0s. Having tons of infantry will ensure that your troops are able to repel any amount of attacks on your position. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Skip to main content. A collection of all division I used a similar template that didn't do that well. The exact composition depends on your circumstances but anywhere from 13-7 to 15-5 is a good place to start. I didn’t fallback and hide behind the river by the way. youtub Best Naval Bomber Plane Design. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise Soft attack: While not the best, this template’s soft attack is decent, meaning it can fight other infantry-based divisions/templates. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app 409K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Although controlling the seas is vital to the war effort, managing a navy, even with the best ships available, can be a hassle. You can also work around the amount of infantry and edit this if 10-0 infantry is the best overall defensive template. You can toss support AA on them to make This division template (and #11 template) has the highest air attack, meaning that any bomber plane that attempts to target this division will first have to get through some of ten best air defenses on this list. Bonjour, je suis encore nouveau dans le jeu et je me demandais si vous pouviez m'aider avec un modèle de division pour un It’s probably a bit too artillery-heavy to be a cost effective defensive template. For that, you get +33% soft attack, +37% breakthrough, 42% more defense, and comparable organization. Open comment sort options. Depends on what country you're playing as. I’m on twelve Stimm injectors, Tied the ops to the back of a Hammerhead and dragged them around the block for 24 hours, Dreadnought looked like a Fire Warrior (PS2) campaign extra after we was done with him. Reply reply More replies More replies More replies. Interested in your opinions I thought you meant you used a different template, not a different doctrine. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. For support, engineer gives extra entrenchment, military police diversifies its role as all-around garrison template as As for the defensive, what's with the anti tank? If you are using it in multiplayer then it's good to have at least as a support company. That would tend to imply some Cavalry divisions or if you had the IC and later the fuel Motorized Divisions. Add support ART if you can afford it, but otherwise that gives you the best bang for your buck. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise Calvary have it rough because doctrines don’t affect them too much. That has a supply use of about 1 each (about 0. Pure INF with support arty and shovels, it's the same as a generic defensive template. Defensive infantry (critical): use 10-0: that is 10 infantry battalions + engineers. I mostly play single-player so I don't know much about mp meta. 7inf2art is the best divisions for every purpose early on. Otherwise, grand 7 infantry and 2 artillery is probably the best for infantey divisions, since you probably will be going for the superior firepower doctrine and save your manpower, wich empowers your artillery and infantry. I took out russia with 20 width infantry (only engineer support) and 5 medium tank Best Coastline Garrisons/VP Defenders Template for Germany. Pros: 1. You just want your organization above 30 Since infantry are your defenders, what benefits them? Org, defense, hit points, with org at the top. Early on, you can use half-sized divisions if needed. 20w or 40w it won't matter as AI won't push in this configuration. It's a quality vs quantity case. I programmed a simulator to check back when I used to play multiplayer (sounds more complicated than it is, took about an hour). Assuming you won't have air superiority, you could also consider AA, but that will increase the light tank divisions work best. Personally I don't even bother with making a special garrison army for that. Some number crunchers say 15W is best (7 infantry / 1 anti air) with support companies, but they are more expensive in the long run due to # of support companies per army. Land doctrine obviously. The next best puppet can send their manpower to free up your own manpower and one or two extra factories from those you conquered produce additional support equipment. If you cant afford tanks then in many cases you are best using two templates: 10 infantry for defensive purposes and a few 7inf/2art or 14inf/4art for offensive use. They also lose a lot to attrition taking mountains since the reliability of towed artillery cannot be boosted. Take that baseline and mess around with it, keeping org above What are the best/worst field marshall/general traits in the game so I know to avoid these mistakes in the future? Archived post. If you arent doing tanks or motorized, do 14/4 infantry or 11/6 mountaineers/Marines. And any efforts at min-maxing must intrinsically exclude infantry as an offensive division (if you had to use offensive infantry, you would probably include far more artillery). I pin some forces and even attack if I see a weak point. There are so many different types of situations that what might be best in one specific set of circumstances, might be third best or last in another set of circumstances. Best Defensive Division Templates in HOI4. As I occupy new territory I immediately start building Best division templates for defence . #8 - African Division (Artillery) Image. All other support companies hurt your template. Im looking for these templates, however any good tips or templates are appreciated All around template Offensive infantry Defensive infantry Motorized template Light tank template Your defensive templates can be pure infantry with engineers to give them better entrenchment. If you have the chance u can do some cheap Medium tanks and add them in order to get some armor (Space Marines). This is a cheap defensive division and should not be used to attack. Enter naval bombers. Offensive templates are typically going to be 40 wide, if all you got is infantry then so be it. For instance you can have Sidebar has the new discussion. Superior Firepower is generally the best doctrine for all purposes, and definitely the best one if you're using infantry. The game takes the suppression amount that the division template assigned to the state and then determine the number or fraction of a division needed. Germany and the Soviets should both be going for heavies in min-maxing historical timelines game. Reply reply geomagus • Same templates as anyone else, tbh. I'm was wondering what the best way to fight defensively against Germany and Italy would be? I'm using the defensive tank templates that I added some tank destroyers too and I've been marathon building onto the Maginotn with 10 forts and Max AA but I'm afraid it Try to get some support arty and 10-20 width cavalry divisions. What's a good minor nation Tank Template? upvote · comment. Best. Support engineers and arty. depending on the coastline and nation though. Oct 7, 2023; Add bookmark #3 It depends on Ditch line artillery, only use support arty. I just have one of my regular armies with 2 fall back lines along the french border with 8 divisions holding across the river and 16 divisions holding the northern edge of the maginot. Strengths: 409K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Then put some early research into tanks and motarized. Best Infantry template . I alternate between those two, recruiting another division whenever my equipment stock is high enough, choosing the better template if my AA stock is high enough. Make sure to go SF right doctrine (not sure about the second split), by far the best for infantry. If you have the industry for artillery, ho superior firepower. Infantry are bad to attack with, they are much better at forming your defensive line. If you're Germany probably shouldn't need to really hold the line since you should be on offense most of the time. If anyone has any good ideas about which Demo is usually the “meta” damage division for the large amounts of soft and hard attack, but I personally prefer MGs for the air attack and their defensive bonuses. All that matters is taking out the logistics. The only way you I use a small template of maybe 4-6 infantry with engineer company (important for defensive units) and maybe artillery. The more piercing the enemy has, the more tanks you need to have the armor bonus. The reason being that UNTIL the enemy is starting to occupy CORE territories you own, it does not matter how much non-core territories they steal back from you. Last_Butterfly • Some people like the old 7/2 with engineer and support artillery. 14-4 is an offensive template, but it's not that useful since tanks are usually a better choice. Q&A. (yes i will use forts). I'd suggest building sea forts instead of factories to start off with, and put some I’m reworking some of my strategies on countries and I wanted to ask y’all what template would be best against infantry yet still be somewhat org Skip to main content. Share Sort by: Best. Like I said, garrison templates don't win the war for you. This 404K subscribers in the hoi4 community. With max planning mountaineers can push mountains, but the losses will be horrific. What is the best infantry template after the AAT update? Question Title^ Archived post. For defensive templates a 9 infantry, with engineers/support artillery is a good starting point. DM me if The "best template" is gonna be whatever badass tank template you want to make after you've built up your industry enough. There are four nations that will face the wrath of Germany in HOI4 that will need some of the best defensive division templates in the game: Poland; Czechoslovakia; France; Soviet Union; Poland and Czechoslovakia are the first minor nations that will have to face Germany by themselves. 9/2 is too much artillery for a Soviet defensive division. Reply reply Sprint_ca • About 90% of you entire arly should be 10/0 Infantry with Eng and artillery support. Maintenance companies shouldn't be researched in the first I'd say that the standard 7infantry/2 artillery 20 width template should serve you well transitioning into 13/4/1 template (with medium and higher tank destroyer) or even 10/6/1 with marines if your industry allows (which it probably won't). What is the best template(s) for artillery divisions? I've been in pursuit of reforming Byzantium - to get the achievement and also because it looks sexy from the photos I've seen - but Greece is weak compared to her neighbors. When the Allies decide to attack its coastline, the war usually ends if the troops there aren’t decent enough. In fact, non-core territories should 399K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Most powerful Danish formable? upvotes · comments. New. Add a Comment . i would make a generalist template, probably infantry, to do a cautious slow push then put your production into cas and maybe 3 or 4 tank divisions. Remember, attacking forces will always take more casualties than the defenders. However, Germany can’t invest too much on that part of the country considering the war with the USSR. If you're gonna be stuck in an early defensive war, the entrenchment bonuses are busted. This is a Ultimately it’s best to have set divisions for holding the line and attacking. 10-0 is a pure defensive template, try to never attack with it. Also, what is best for the UK to use if I primarily want to focus on infantry Skip to main content. best special forces division template. With limitless possibilities to designing your divisions in Hearts of Iron IV, it is easy to be overwhelmed when you open the division designer. It is chea TL;DR: There is no best defensive template. They Do require taking Mass Assault doctrine though Edit: I found the 20/4/1 to be a sweet spot for this unit as it allows for reinforcement on size 70 tiles. Hmm, the case like holding back France is a temporary case. r/hoi4 A chip A close button. for example in a recent historical france campaign i held against the germans and use 14/4 to push all the way to berlin in 1942. I feel like these are good divisions, but I really wanted to ask the community for tips to see if there is anything I can do to make them better. As for offensives: Don't push low supply areas unless you have an overwhelming advantage. These examples are great for a variety of terrains. This division has 20 combat width (optimal for defense), high organization, high defense, and high hit points. For the front you're focused on pushing for early game use a 9-1 with engineers, support artillery and support AA. If you are I just want a strong defensive template that is strong enough to hold the line against the ai especially ai German tanks. Later replace one inf with medium tank battalion. You'll also need some defensive infantry to hold the long lines in China. This template yep. The main templates are 15-5, 13-7, and 12-8 (tanks-mobile). I am not sure if i totally agree on other commenters. I’m doing a fortress Poland and I need good defence templates Archived post. Is there any truth to this claim? What are the best division templates for Poland when it comes to defence and offends against Germany and/or the Soviet Union? Skip to main content . Plus, the combat width would be 10, which wouldn't complicate the full defensive stats you can throw. 19 votes, 21 comments. You will also burn more manpower with smaller I’ve been improving at HOI4 and noticing my templates are pretty bad. r/Kaiserreich A chip A close button. Best defensive tactics (in order): Backhand Blow, Elastic Defense, Overwhelming Fire Click to expand Steam Guide More analysis here . The best defense is a reserve squad of 3-4 light panzers sitting 10-20 tiles away if you even bother to cover your ass in such a manner. Q&A [deleted] • 18 or 20 Widht pure infantry with You can add support AA these divisions and even trade one infantry for 2 AA to make a 13-4-2 inf-art-AA template. At least for infantry. What division template then should I go for defence against Soviet Union I give those up since the swap is very nice defensive position with a fort. Medium or heavy 515 votes, 75 comments. For mid/late game use 9-3 with engineers, support artillery, support AA, logistics company and a medium The only stats that matter are manpower, surpression, hardness and production cost. 20 width infantry with engineer supports are the standard, 40 width is better if you can equip them (because you want more defense than enemy soft attack so you don't take 4x damage). Findell_HOI Colonel. Not only that, but your tanks which you seem to admit are the core capability of your army would be even stronger if you used something like superior firepower instead of mass assault. If you're really poor, using light tanks will since the recent combat width changes, there are a ton of templates that work well all with relatively matcheable performance. Notes: Guard your coastal ports or supply hubs against potential naval invasions or airborne invasions with a This will change a little depending on the exact goal of your defensive template. Cheap and numerous, perfect for holding the line with. 10-0 pure infantry is your best option. I lost track of how many times I got navally invaded. Also support equipment US. KnightIT • Heavy tanks are not really worth it IMO: mediums have the advantage of both speed Detailed template guife is too long to write everything down here so I suggest watching some YouTube hoi4 content and steam guide. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. If you want more, later today I can check on my own games and directly send you some of my own division templates. Change the preferred tactic by clicking the icon next to the A template I used very effectively for defense is just 10w with support engineers and arty. Every other division is gonna be boring. Best defensive template: again depends on what you are defending against, but probably also just a tank division the enemy can’t pierce with more mobile infantry units than before. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's better to have 20w because of how attacks get spread out in combat. And falling back to the even cheaper basic initial template (no engineers? I forget) If necessary. vigirebs • 9/1 still works fine for the vast majority of your army, but more as a line filling and defensive unit. Unofficial Stremio In addition I have a better template that adds AA and logistics. Hoi4 Templates 2024 What is the best defensive template for minor nations (like without a good industry or manpower) but can still defend against tanks and planes. I've been stuck between these 4 templates. Greece just so happens to have an Artillery Expert, along with an Infantry Expert. Put like 1-2 factories on motarized and 2-3 on light tanks. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Best template for jungle?? I need a good infantry template for the jungles of South America I was asking how I can set up my infantry units to get maximum attack and defensive bonuses in the jungle terrain. This is the best offensive unit. Sep 30, 2022 936 1. One of the most common problems Germany has in a HOI4 game is D-Day. Report. For soviets or germans. What I’d recommend is maybe jumping into a single player with console commands and see what kind of stats you can get by messing with template size and different support companies. Some prefer the 10inf I just want a good division template for these countries. I In singleplayer, I don't think templates matter that much now. Controversial. Then as you keep getting more tanks and trucks, keep using army experience to add more to that tank template until it’s 40 width and 10-10 or 15-5 (tanks-trucks). Heavy tank-amtracks is the best invasion template mathematically. Q&A [deleted] • Depressingly enough, I feel like Offensive Doctrine has gone from being the best, to Italy division templates. You want more weaker divisions Vs less stronger ones with how you can support the smaller divisions better. You have to consider supply effects and your industrial capacity, but those affect how many divisions you can field, rather than what templates. Best Division Templates/Doctrine for low manpower countries? Title. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Skip to main content. An AA or an AT in the 5th Arty slot gets the unit down to 45W which is a breakpoint for the size 70 tiles. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Drop right behind the enemies front line and then take tiles to connect your frontline with the paratrooper backline. 9 update is the latest and largest update to date for md an Well, using those templates in a role their aren't suited for is basically the entirety of your problem. It should have engineers. Best defensive tactics (in order): Backhand Blow, Elastic Defense, Overwhelming Fire. Old contents are still very helpful and you can work from those popular/meta temps. Tip It's 20/5 for offense and 25/0 for defense, hands down. Last What're you guys using for minors/majors in hoi4 with the new update Archived post. I'm having difficulty envisioning a scenario in which a maintenance company is the best use of an research slot in the early game. HansLemurson • The Amazon contains a lot of empty space, so speed is what I've found to be most valuable. For infantry’s role, holding a line, there is no better standard (although there are cases where other options shine). Another your Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. Variants need to be added if you are losing the air or armor war. As the war progresses you should try to add more piercing to your infantry divisions with AT guns and tank destroyers and you should harden them as much as you can - transition to motorized and mechanized infantry on your most active frontline infantry divisions and maybe give them some armor variant battalions, if you do that and keep them entrenched behind rivers and in Your template costs 66% more than the one that I'm recommending. Do not attack with it. As a volunteer force (particularly in spain) you are the tip of the On mountains it is far better to just use a normal 10-0 and CAS. I'd replace the line AT with normal line artillery and then it's good. Kostinha18 • If you have low manpower, you could go Mass Mobilization. A new best airborne division template taht deals more damage than a tank division. Members Online • Incizive. I've been experimenting and here's the template I mostly use. Eventually I cut off the North and destroyed all the north forces while slowly pushing south. Same plan for both, let them attack my budget inf while i overrun and encircle them with tanks. It’s also cheap. If you can't afford tanks then you shouldn't use motorized either, instead build more infantry and Your division is way too expensive, for defensive infantry a lot of times quantity is better than quality. Expand user menu Open settings menu. For infantry, 10 CAV/0 ART with ART, ENG, LOG, RECON as support companies. However when looking for templates most of them are for multiplayer or are outdated. For defense artillery, and engineering supports would be best. I saw a BICE campaign which had 6x Mot, 8x Light Tanks, and Mot recon, horse recon I think?, Div HQ***, Eng, Field Hospital, and a comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Honghong99 • Additional comment actions. Something like 6 tanks and 4-6 motorized will work depending on your doctrine. Any thoughts? note: don't ask why I take photo with my phone I have long heard rumors that in the US Army, during WWII, NCOs and junior officers sometimes shot men for cowardice under fire. If you insist on not attacking, you may want some AT as a support too, to pierce Germany’s 60-70 armor mediums. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on My only div template was 10inf with engineers, support arty and anti tank. 403K subscribers in the hoi4 community. As a minor country, your resources are most likely limited and you need to make the best of them, so maximum planning is the way to go in order to execute a perfect operation on an enemy before they drag you into an unsustainable offensive war. Reply reply More replies. Just got pushed back a few tiles. If playing a major like Germany using a few tank divisions to open the front. Anti tank is You don't. With tanks, I only know that Germany can go 4 med, 4 mot, 2 stugs and 1 stug TD. Best Cavalry Template in HOI4. 14-4 mountaineers takes special forces cap away from amtracks which is what you should be building if you can as your invasion force. My problem isn't just finding a good template, I also want one that won't make me deficit and lose all of manpower Archived post. Pure infantry can be used on offense but losses will be very high; just use them to hold the line. Home; Calendar; Printable; Templates; Hoi4 Templates 2024. Best approach to invade the USA as the USSR post WW2? upvotes · comments. That is: 20W infantry with You should be making them 40 wide instead of 20 because that is what best suits offensive templates, and have them either supporting tanks, or being supported by tanks. Top. You'll have to be aware though That is basically the default defensive template. It is now corrected in the pdf and the Among specialized units under the Infantry in Hearts of Iron 4, it's perhaps the Marines that offer some of the more diverse gameplay options at a player's disposal. 261. I enjoy hoi4 but I am shit at designing templates. In this case the bulkiest division is going to do best. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on R5: I have been playing hoi4 for probably 3 years now and I’m still not sure if I use the division template designer correctly or not. I held at the Polish border. A place Just build an all round infantry template there's no need for defensive infantry unless it's hold a port or a front you don't want to bother with at the moment. Hearts Of Iron 4: Best Combat Widths Combat width plays a major role in how battles are conducted in Hearts of Iron 4. Your volunteer cap is based on division number, not battalion number. 10/0s, 9/1s, 6/1s, 12/2s, 7/2s, and more. Using a fully equipped 14/4 with green air should have no problem handling any ai. Old. But you don't need AT against the AI, because its tank designs suck. I'm of the opinion the best division template is multiple templates. Best support companies are probably artillery, engineers, and That's the defensive templates; however consider that given the huge IC differential that you really should be pushing at the start of the war to attempt to equalize that. These are your offensive templates that you attack with. The attacks are more or less focused on one unit at a time, so bigger units will focus on one smaller unit and take it out more quickly since it's defense is only half, and it will deal less damage than a 20w would. One tip: the best template is a template that your country can afford and equip enough units on time. This is a very standard division template for almost any nation as it gives sufficient organisation and a lot of soft attack (wich is If you want to spare no expense and focus on what is the best, 40 wide amphibious mechanized with modern/super heavy tanks for armor and modern/super heavy SPG for attacks. My preferred defensive division is 9/0 or 10/0 (18w/20w) with the previously mentioned support companies. I had only 87% equipment in the field after switching my entire army the that template so that might have been the issue. We smokin ion discharge. I would only use support arty and ENG, the rest is unnecessary for inf. The quality of a template doesn’t really change across nations. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on I love playing as small countries in hoi4 like Yugoslavia or Greece. Infantry can also work if you don't mind time and casualties. The number of tanks will probably end up Off the bat the 6/1 15 widths did fine on the defensive. 20 width pure inf has some the best cost:soft attack and organization:combat width ratios of any template with enough defense to resist German tanks, engineers and AA are a must and support arty helps too (you only need one factory). Maybe a template that includes some sort of tank as well for defensive support could be useful. It has excellent org and defense and and hp, and is phenomenally cheap in IC/resource cost and in supply/weight. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on I played UK today and used three templates: 10-width infantry + engineers for port defense and also for defensive battle plans. It depends on what the enemy is packing and what combat modifiers you expect. Your hp tooltip covers the org value, but it appears to be 43, extremely low for a defensive unit. Here is my reasoning: 5 infantry battalion isn't large enough for offensive combat, but not too small for defensive combat. Still, if you Make your volunteers as beefy as possible. What's the best resistance unit for each level of suppression or a decent rounded unit for all of them. note the AI does 3 infantry battalions and engineer company as their "garrison" unit they use for ports and victory points. I never do. Members Online • [deleted] ADMIN MOD What's an ideal Africa/ High Attrition Division Template? Question I'm doing it with 7 Inf 2 Art divisions and am dealing with any opposition quite well but the attrition is really eating Best offensive tactics (in order): Breakthrough, Suppressive barrage, Blitz. 0 coins. Q&A [deleted] • • Edited . 29 Badges. 45w are an okay alternative too, but it's better to have 12 30w divisions than 8 45w divisions for example. Confirm trade neutrality, use manpower & colonial templates from East Indies to build ~4 armies, get the defensive bonuses from collaborating with UK & France, build 4-5 level forts on German border, tiles with only 1 German tile bordering them do 3-4 level forts to channel the German attacks into a kill zone, and do static warfare + mass assault do time to get 50%+ Motorized is best suited to follow your blitzkrieg tank divisions because they're fast and armored. 393K subscribers in the hoi4 community. I'm looking for great Barbarossa-type units, as well as good Naval, and Air invasion ones (Marines/Paras templates). ADMIN MOD Best templates for minor nations? Please. Even the 21 votes, 13 comments. pick whichever one you feel youre able to work with the best. These are: 10 infantry + engineers, maybe support AA, maybe support art. You have three options Tanks. As whenever I go to war with them I Advertisement Coins. A lot of people are saying 15 width now but other factors far outweigh the width penalties so I still mostly use 9/1 This is Tank divisions are by FAR the best attackers, since not only do they have a lot breakthrough, and generally have pretty high soft attack, but to top it all off, tank divisions (medium tanks or above) have a lot of armor, which shrugs off 50% of damage taken if an enemy division can't pierce the armor of the tank division (and deals 50% extra damage to enemy divisions!). The basic tank template is 15 tanks 5 motorized. That template will hold practically every single front (Even better if you are defending over Mountains and river crossings). Members Online. This division is an artillery man’s dream. Tanks are the best. I'm sick of running out of manpower as nations that have no man power to begin with (Portugal and Netherlands mainly) Archived post. If North Africa, then your standard templates will work fine. Then I make like 16 divisions of 9/3 or 9/4 (infantry equivalent/artillery) to pack a real punch There is no best for anything. Another way of looking at it is that for every 2 of your divisions, you could Hi guys, what’s the best defensive doctrine. It benefits a lot from being 40 width, but if you only wanted 20 wide for some reason, you can use something like 6 tanks 4 motorized. 2; 2; Reactions: Reply. Myself i have been using A LOT with Soviets defending the German push and the lines seem to be decent. As long as your mobile battalions keep up with your tanks, it doesn’t matter too much which you use If you need stronger defense and can afford it then make them bigger and add more defensive support companies or move over to mech if you are really rich. Locked post. They are best used in support of tanks in a tank division, rather than their own 54 votes, 24 comments. The curve for the battle width penalties has been flattened, so Offensive+Defensive Templates Question Basically, with the new AAT DLC, what are some good budget holding infantry? What are good tanks to aim for by roughly late '40 and good tank templates? If it helps, I'm looking for a good barb campaign army. Add Tanks are generally best used at 40W, to reduce losses and concentrate stats. Inexpensive but high Does anyone know a good defensive infantry template? Specifically i'm attempting to fight off Germany and the USSR as Poland-Romania. Rd_Svn • It depends on what limits Hi all, I was just wondering what some of the best division templates are for beating nations like Germany etc. Depending on what he throws at you you may also modify the template a bit. I make separate templates just for sub-Saharan Africa, which I'll eventually used in Asia as well (if I'm going for WC). 408K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Once you have a Best division templates . (Yes I will use forts) Here is the best defensive division template in HOI4 for major powers in the close to 1940, such as the USSR against Germany: 4 Infantry + 1 Artillery; 4 Infantry + 1 Anti-Tank A few days ago I uploaded some templates I used to defeat Germany as Poland before the soviets attack from the east, I found that the defensive template This section shows the optimal templates used to populate the front lines for defensive and offensive purposes. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. ). Question Playing a game as Russia and have basically unlimited industry, anyone know any good division templates, such as one for heavy tanks? Share Sort by: Best. What are good medium and light tank, infantry, motorized infantry, etc Templates. 6 with 1942 tech). Add maintenance so you can train them without losing equipment. I won´t Without question the best tank is a 40w heavy tank. Amphibious tanks are also basically the worst tanks in the game, you would be much better served by using amphibious mechanized and regular heavy tanks. Division template: Just use 30w tanks, you'll mostly be using them in plains tiles anyway. F. I think even better than my 9-1s usually do. 18-21 width if you are a larger minor. There is only couple problems with them, you never wipe out enemy divisions by just defending and retreating. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on When you play as France, what kind of templates do you Skip to main content. I'm Playing as France. Swarming hundreds of these over a sea region that you have air superiority in can destroy the opponent’s navy for relatively no investment on your end. Hoi4 Templates 2024 - These are the designs that worked best for me, in the majority of my runs. They didn’t suffer excessive casualties either. Add rocket artillery support. If you cannot compete in the sky Go to hoi4 r/hoi4. If I remember correctly, 40 cw takes about 40% less damage than 20cw if they're fighting each other. Attacking shouldn't really be done with infantry, so if you are piss poor, then TL/DR: I did some math to determine the best combat width in the new system. Put two 40w paratroopers per tile and last stand them to oblivion until tank backup brings them supply. 6 light tanks, 4 motirized, + light tank recon, engineers, support art, maybe support AA. I’m mostly looking for divisions that can absolutely rip This question goes for infantry template only which has high organisation/defense stats I'm curious if using let's say 10 infantry 1 artillery would be better than 11 infantry for defense. There is a Cavalry template for HOI4 that you can use from 1936 to 1942. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on I know that you asked for a general purpose Infantry template, but you will definitely have to ask yourself one question: Do I want to attack with Infantry, or is it just there to defend? For purely defensive Infantry, you simply just need Infantry and Engineers; a 20w 10/0. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. MP help, but are best in 50 width templates. I'm generally able to get only part of my army equipped by 39 with a SM template so I think I could do with splitting things into "attack" and "defend" armies. I have been told to work with the strengths of the nations I play. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. if you don't feel like making tanks, or can't for some reason, then they're the way to go. The armor bonus is a very strong bonus. Personally I like the concept of filler divisions and pushing divisions. technically 6/1 has the best weighted combat width, though being a smaller template means it will take more losses so getting those divisions to I've been trying out different templates for frontline infantry divisions and I still don't know which one I prefer. Though if you need defensive divisions, 20 width pure infantry with an engineer company and recon company are probably the best. Rd_Svn • 9/1s aren't dead, so if you're used to it you can go on with them. That's useful depending on how heavily the Allied AC focuses on you. No point to get fancy if the It is also more expensive than a 14/4, so you're not really saving anything by using that template with that doctrine in comparison to some other template from another doctrine. In low-infrastructure rough terrain, the Best defensive template for Iran? Question My friends and I are trying to have an FFA tomorrow and I've never played Iran - Friends are being Iraq and Afghanistan and they're going to invade me in 1939 Archived post. By 1942, you should replace the Cavalry with Motorized Infantry since they are a lot better stat-wise. r/hoi4 A chip 389K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Best Black ICE templates? Question Hey, I've been trying to look around but there doesn't seem to be any of these threads. I assume that the best templates have changes due to patches and would Skip to main content. 10 or 15 width would be good for small minors. . For the frontline units you should use (from best to acceptable): Medium TD Posted by u/Touvernal - 4 votes and 43 comments So it does not matter what template you assign resistance will not change. Luckily, I'm here to walk you through the most optimal division templates in the The basic meta templates are good for all nations; the question is just one of how many can be fielded. Because only the latter scale with tech you should only use the most outdated stuff. You can also throw on support AA, which should give you Depends on the industry, but the perfect choice for defensive purposes is that template, with Engineers, Support AA and Arty. Stack it 4-7 per tile along your front line. 10, 15, 18, 27 and 41-45 seem to be the best. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the These are a defensive division like any infantry based template, and you should avoid attacking with them. Question I was playing Turkey last night trying to recreate the Ottoman Empire and I tried using the old 20 width light tank division Mountaineers tend to be more defensive since you can attack mountains with reliability boosted tanks. With the Mass Assault doctrine these 135 votes, 42 comments. Mechanized cost too much to be in their own dedicated template. It Another issue that hasn't been raised: there's also a significant opportunity cost to researching maintenance companies, particularly in the early game. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on As a returning HOi4 player I love trying to play defence as the Soviets vs AI. Ultimately that just relies on your personal tastes. r/hoi4 A chip A So I usually use 20w 7/2 infantry for naval invasion defense but I feel like that’s a waste of equipment, what is the best defensive division templates you guys use? Archived post. (om average, in battle my divisions had around ~1000-1200 defense. Motorized/mechanized are second best. 15 votes, 12 comments. 407K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Best attacking template: it again depends on whether you are attacking lightly armored units or heavily armored units, but in general probably tanks, especially a super heavy tank division. lck whpg juxfgt qzc qduzasm nsi aqsgq yftr ydtsf jtu