Faint bfp pictures Check out countdowntopregnancy. 20+ Similar Discussions Found . We dtd every day for 4 days leading up to O and the day of O, also the day after O. In answer to. All showing up within time frame. and got immediate double line. The line was faint so I tested again the next morning, it was darker and then I tested on day 29 and it was much darker. Sometimes our bodies do very strange things. Had a negative the following morning and then AF arrived the day after that. I'm 17DPO still with faint positives! First saw a faint, questionable line at 14DPO but hadn't really changed much by 16DPO. So it may be that you ovulated later than you thought. Very very very faint start to BFP Aug 14, 2013 · Anyone got a picture of their faint BFP? Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. 15dpo to test or not to test??? Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. Baby dust! Oct 9, 2014 · The pic I took couldn't pick anything up as it was too faint both me and my hubby could see the line though. Can't find your answer? Start a new thread. I am so confused HcG doubles every 48 hours, and pregnancy tests are diagnostic so even if they dont get darker, three different brands with a line seems like a pretty good chance youre pregnant. BouncyKoala. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm freaking out - this is my first ever BFP and I'm so so scared. Hi all. I took a test and it did come up as positive within the time limit (note the photo it looks grey, it is pink in person I could not for the The line was still there and I took photos but now it had disappeared all together? Don't know what to think now . I am using internet cheapies, I used a 10mIU one this morning with FMU which gave me the faint BFP, I then used a different brand 25mIU one with a second wee (but I hadn't drunk anything in between, kidney infection supplies me with constant need for wee!) and it was - Stop taking the test apart to take the photo! If it's a BFP you won't need to take the rest apart by now. another possibility is that you saw an evaporation line thinking it was positive. GL! , Report 0 Reply. Try and stay positive, test again next week. Sep 12, 2021 · Hello all! This is my first post on this site, as I have never been pregnant before. 9dpo around 9:30 got a extremely faint positive I wasn't convinced. It is ridiculously faint. They have a high sensitivity of 15miu most are 25miu (Tesco one is) fingers crossed AF doesn't come and you get your BFP. I'm just unsure what to do now. Test again in the am. F. Shouldn't take tests apart as you'll always see the antibody Hello everyone!! I have been on a long pregnancy journey. 12/07/2016 at 6:34 am. Very very very faint start to BFP Hello all! This is my first post on this site, as I have never been pregnant before. Reply . I took a ClearBlue right before my period and it was stark negative!! I feel so confused! I’m assuming I’m not pregnant but confused why I would be getting faint lines. I May 27, 2024 · For a red dye test, a faint line will look light pink, whereas a blue dye test will produce a light blue line. Fingers crossed for you Jan 13, 2025 · i've never used blue dye tests because i have heard they can have problems like that. Has anybody had a faint bfp then period like bleeding and then strong bfp? Trying for a baby. Shouldn t I Hi Hun, I had a faint bfp followed by a bfn the following day. Search for a thread. Most women who are pregnant don’t get a positive pregnancy test until around 12 DPO. I almost missed it as it didn't show until 7 minutes and I 5 days of faint bfp's *pics included* UPDATE. Got my BFP! Trying for a baby. I was wondering if anyone has managed to take a picture of their faint BFP? I had one this morning but my phone's - Page: 4 Show me your faint FRER - was it a real BFP or not? 45 replies ElizabethBennet3rd · 17/06/2020 17:22 As the title says really. Had EWCM on CD 15 and 16, and dried up on CD 17. On what would be the equivalent of 11dpo (this past Sunday) i got an extremely faint line on an FRER (im talking a squinter/tilt kind of line). Anyone got a picture of their faint BFP? Trying for a baby. I got a faint BFP, then got AF and a BFN. Nov 12, 2010 · Me too! I am 12DPO and just tested with First Response this morning. I’ve had 6 previous mc and the earliest I got a bfp with those was Hi all, I'm 17DPO now and still getting very light BFP lines. I started testing at 11 dpo, today is 15 dpo (day of my expected period), and each test I've taken has been very faint. 10dpo Symptoms. What did peoples cm look like before bfp. Im 6 days late tested on missed period using regular pregnancy test and got a BFN. However, I think I might be pregnant. They have a whole gallery of HPT pictures & you can search by brand. For all serial early testers out there, how many DPO did you get your first faint BFP? It’d also be helpful to know how long your cycle is if you know roughly! Thank you. Darkish Freaking out a bit, got a BFP on wed (14dpo and 4 days before AF due). It was a super faint positive. If you’re currently staring down a test and you can’t tell if that’s a faint line or your imagination, here are 12 pictures of positive pregnancy tests to help you figure it out. hansam12. Just wondering anybody got bfp at 6 dpo? Is it too early? Sep 8, 2017 · Hi im new here need help. Hello, It's mine and my partners first time trying to conceive so I need some advice on a test I have done today. During the 2 days of light bleeding, Oct 21, 2024 · I took a test yesterday as I was 16dpo and af hadn't arrived. I appreciate Here's my 7dpo bfp from 2013 on a dollar store new choice test. I retested today and the easy at home is noticeably darker. I do not know where I am at in my cycle because I have very, very, very irregular periods. I am on CD37 currently but the line seems quite faint thanks. The top test is 14DPO with FMU and the bottom 16DPO. My cycle is normally 32-38 days. Due any day now to show her face. drs tests are less sensitive usually as theyre the cheap ones x. Am I the only one who can see a very faint squinter? Ovulated the 27th of Oct. Tested the next day with FRER and got a distinct second pink line. Fingers crossed for you (See pictures) Pregnancy tests. Mine was like yours, BFP on superdrug test at 9dpo, very slightly darker at 10dpo. FR seemed about the same as day before. . Anonymous. HELP-BFP 2 WEEKS AFTER VERY HEAVY PERIOD,IM SCARED!! Jan 21, 2020 · Can you get a BFP at 6 DPO? Probably not. In fact, I have not had my period since last November 2017. I got in to the OB for a HCG blood test. Started bleeding on 2/6. Jan 12, 2015 · Clearblue digis are really bad at picking it up early! trust me lol. I kept testing though because I "just knew" I was pregnant. Loading the player shanna82 member. Was quite a few days after before a got a positive on digital clear blue. 32 Comments. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Please read all rules for the subreddit before Hello Nikki, I can definitely see a faint line in your test this morning. However, on the 3rd I took a dollar test which came up a faint positive. Very faint positive line. Darkish brown, very light consistency. b. When I was pregnant with DS, I tested negative even with one of those uber-sensitive tests right up to the day before AF Jun 16, 2017 · Today I'm 13 dpiui (15 days past hcg trigger shot), technically I'm not supposed to test until tomorrow (14 dpiui) but I couldn't wait anymore. Freaked out and took a ClearBlue and there is a really faint line. Getting brown spotting. Should be a good sign! Jul 11, 2010 · I did a test and got a faint BFP but after 2 days it hadn't gotten any darker. I took a test and it did come up as positive within the time limit (note the photo it looks grey, it is pink in person I could not for the life of me get it to show pink in my photos though lol). Do not buy cheapie test from savers! Trying for a baby. I’ve had 6 previous mc and the earliest I got a bfp with those was 15 hours ago · So then I went to the store and got a FR test, took it, not even with FMU and I think I see a second line but it is SO faint. This morning, my test was darker than it’s been in the Jun 9, 2017 · What I thought was faint BFP then it disappeared?! Pic included! BFP? Line progression - share your pictures. Tested FRER 10dpo and got what I thought was a v v faint positive. Nov 14, 2017 · I got a faint bfp on the clinical guard at 12dpo same time as the frer. I have a vvfaint FRER and twiddling my thumbs until I can test again to see if it really is the The faintness of the line tells you nothing about the viability of the pregnancy. Hi all, I got a BFP at 7DPO and retook at 8 and 9 dpo. Evap or faint bfp? December 26, 2024 | by NerdMom03. Since then I have taken 5 more tests. one step pregnancy strip very faint line. very faint positives for 5 days in a row?? Anonymous. 11dpo today - photos taken within 5 minutes, the line/shadow seems to be right thickness and in the center, but toooo faint - maybe an evap?? Anyone had a line like this that ended in bfp? Latest: 17 days ago | I just got what I think is a faint BFP on a blue dye test this morning (10dpo). this morning i expected them to be a lot darker with fmu but although i got another two bfp they are still really quite faint. Last period 26th March, not sure of cycle length but had a bit of spotting on the 26th April (thinking was my period) now I have had strange pulling around my stomach, gurgling noises, cramps in my lower abdomen that are worse at night and 3 very faint pregnancy tests from different brands, in With my Wondfo they started out so faint I could hardly see anything but they became a little darker with each test over the next three days. So I poas with FMU this Oct 15, 2021 · This is really unusual for me as I'm normally like clockwork, have a fairly heavy flow of around 4 days and grim-ish cramps. Yesterdays mid afternoon test appeared 'darker' but still very faint, but pink, and obvious to DH and my mom. I had ewcm around time of predicted ovulation before it went white and creamy, making me around 8dpo. Yesterday I took a first response on 11DPO and got a faint positive I was wondering if anyone has managed to take a picture of their faint BFP? I had one this morning but my phone's - Page: 3 Super faint 🙈 not sure on colour as too faint. I'm losing hope at this stage and am thinking its a very bad sign. And then a very obvious BFP on a FRER at 11dpo. I've just got my BFP for baby # 2. Am I pregnant? 7 days late and very faint bfp taking a while to appear??? Am I pregnant? BFP AT I tested at 8 DPO and got a FAINT bfp. I know it is still early days I used ClearBlue (the old school kind that have a + or a -) and got a super faint BFP. We are obviously over the moon to see that 2nd line but just slightly concerned as its faint. Today I'm 10 dpo, witch is due in Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! Might have seen a faint line on 13dpo had I tried to test. Nothing shows up on the pics via my camera. I never normally have any pms symptoms. I was wondering if anyone has managed to take a picture of their faint BFP? I had one this morning but my phone's camera is quite crap and blurs most indoor pictures. B. Report as I can see the line in your photos. I tested again 4 hours later with a frer and got a very faint positive. if you look through the ff gallery of negative tests you can get better at determining a + from a - test. So yesterday I got a surprising bfp I tested today and it’s still positive and I think the line is slightly clearer, but it’s still faint. The test I took registers at 25 so no wonder for the faint line. Has Hi everyone, I’m in the same situation. My trigger is definitely gone in my opinion. Printable colouring pictures; Dressing up ideas; Party planning and tips; Playtime and discovery; See all; Reviews. I see a faint line on a couple of the photos. com It has pictures from . I used First Response Early Response (where you can test 6 days before your missed period. BFP#1 10/1/2011. mrshallen. Barely visible line on cheapie test. Wondfo negative but FRER is a faint BFP. 15/08/2015 at 12:53 pm. 16 answers / Last post: 15/08/2022 at 11:19 am. Both FRER with FMU. FRER Very Faint BFP or Indent? Anonymous. See last answer. 1. 5oz, 37+1, Our forever baby [emoji170] I've been using internet cheapies to test, last night at around 11pm i got a very faint bfp. Very faint positive on frer? Trying for a baby. Reply reply BritishBella My vvvvfl was dpo 11 my bfp was dpo 12 when my hcg was only 16. I posted my BFP pics in the group pics you can take a look there. I can see faint lines but Dec 6, 2020 · VFL (and VVFL, VVVFL, and so forth): Very faint line, very very faint line, etc. My level was 8. Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Jan 13, 2021 · Well stupidly I took my frer this morning at 9dpo and I have what seems like a very very faint line, DH can see it vaguely in real life but it doesn't show on photos so totally inconclusive! Now I will spend all day scrutinizing it and driving myself mad until I May 7, 2013 · I had the same thing last week, the line was faint but it was definitely pink and definitely there (confirmed by A LOT of people on another site voting it positive!). Today no more FR left. hi all. It is possible to get a BFP earlier, but this is not common. FC it’s the start of your BFP! Xxx I can see the line in your photos. I have been exhausted and hungry and sort of crampy since then. I got a faint BFP! It is faint, but definetly there with pink. I used opks which gave me a peak result on 28/03 with my app predicting ovulation 29/03. Reading this was great! I'm currently 9dpo and it gives me a bit of hope that this month give me that BFP! [emoji13] Printable colouring pictures; Dressing up ideas; Party planning and tips; Playtime and discovery; See all; Shopping. Feb 4, 2017 · I tested on 6dp5dt in the morning and then in the evening (two left tests on picture) and again this morning with FMU on 8dp5dt (right on picture) and the line isn't any darker, and I'm freaking out over a possible chemical pregnancy. I have PCOS. See images below to get an idea of what a faint line can look like. Hard to see but I swear something is there . Contact us. Faint 14dpo SUPER FAINT bfp? O. 05/02/2016 at 7:01 pm. Yes, will get blood results on Friday, so I'll know more then. I trigger on the 14th, so it’s been ten days. Cycle 6 TTC #2 here This ‘line’ came up as the dye ran across and I thought ‘oh no look the dye is doing that thing where it looks like a line again’ 🙄 but it kind of stayed there albeit very very faint. If a faint line continues to appear, call your healthcare provider to figure out what's going on. I went and got two more first responses and even though you cannot see it in the picture they both came up with faint pink lines. Went to the dr, my levels at 4 weeks were only at 10. What I thought was faint BFP then it disappeared?! Pic included! BFP? Line progression - share your pictures. 09/06/2017 at 2:42 pm. Early pregnancy signs BFP or BFN? Pictures attached. hmartino410. DTD on CD 12, 14 and 16. 30/04/2020 at 1:56 am. Some forum users may share pictures of Apr 7, 2024 · Hi to all! I am new here and I just got my BFP at 15 DPO. Tested this morning with FMU and have a BFP but its quite faint? Also did a CB digi and it came up pregnant 1-2. UPDATED - 9dpo BFP - Faint positive 7dpo - negative 8dpo. I got a perfectly clear BFP 2 days after that (so 2 days after my period was due). Like. Now at 18dpo still getting cramps, lower back ache, feeling sickly, headaches, tired all the time, flu like Hi all. Posted 11-05-15. Different brands from different stores. p. I also took it at 11 DPO and on the first day of my missed period. If you get a negative pregnancy test Sep 2, 2021 · [quote beautifulinitstime]@Moominmiss your experience itself showed how it varied from a pregnancy to another pregnancy isnt it 😅 thank you and wishing u the best with your pregnancy ☘️ @Olivia199 can really imagine getting a bfn after a faint bfp 😰 and the surprise that it brought having a bfp the day after? The best relief ever i bet ☺️ thank youu and wishin u Mar 8, 2020 · 11dpo is still a little early for non-sensitive test, unlike a frer. done another one, same thing. 14dpo, AF due today, BFN - still a chance?? Anonymous. On an HPT, a line is a line — even a faint result is considered positive. countdowntopregnancy. At 11 DPO the line was a little darker but still faint. I took another frer today using fmu today. January 2016. Turns out I must of ovulated late because my baby is about 2 weeks behind where she would be based on my last menstrual cycle. Hi ladies, I had a fresh embryo transfer on July 29. Oldest First. I held off for a week and tested last night at 20 dpo as there’s no sign of AF and received a faint positive (pink and darker Got a very faint, almost not there positive on an IC at 10dpo. How did your BFP look at 15 dpo? Do you think this will be a problem for me? many many thanks in advance! 😊 Jan 7, 2025 · An ectopic pregnancy means the fertilized egg implants someplace other than the uterus (usually in a fallopian tube). k82510 • 6 years ago • 12 Replies. 07/04/2015 at 10:09 am. Before AF was due, was a faint line, tested again Monday when AF was due and still faint, so tested each morning with fmu but lines are still the same, I'm driving myself crazy, this would be our rainbow baby from last year mc in September got BFP 1/8/15 due date 10/4 then tried again all year and only got positive sat with Faint BFP 13dp5dt. BTW from my experience the Asda tests are the best. I got a faint one today at 10DPO, which is super early. Just wondering if you ladies got your BFP earlier with twins. Next day and another iC seemed even fainter than day before. Reading this was great! I'm currently 9dpo and it gives me a bit of hope that this month give me that BFP! [emoji13] And then I tested because of the weird symptoms and got these faint BFP's on the blue dyes. Nicole B(351) drs tests are less Apr 20, 2019 · Anyone got a picture of their faint BFP? Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. So, congrats to you. Has anyone ever had BFP that early? This will be my second child. Last edited 22-10-20. Apr 22, 2020 · Hi everyone. Then at about 11. If you tested positive that early was it a boy or a girl? [quote beautifulinitstime]@Moominmiss your experience itself showed how it varied from a pregnancy to another pregnancy isnt it 😅 thank you and wishing u the best with your pregnancy ☘️ @Olivia199 can really I think I took mine 10 DPO also and got a BFP (very faint). Anyone have something like this and end up with a baby? 11 Similar Discussions Found . Reply. February 2011. Mar 8, 2017 · Hi, with my daughter I tested on day 28 of my cycle and got my bfp. Printable colouring pictures; Dressing up ideas; Party planning and tips; Playtime and discovery; See all; Shopping. Extremely faint BFP, positive stories please? Trying for a baby. Quote enough to get what I've wanted for so long. I think perhaps I've had a chemical pregnancy (although I haven't had a bleed?) as there is no line now - not even a faint one like at 14/16DPO. Yaaaaay for baby. IC just as faint. The IC was very very faint, so done a FR. Images are hidden by default on this community. also, if you only see the line when you tilt the test, that's not a +. knottie4a554d9bc1e32256, 16dpo and still very faint bfp, normal? PugsandKisses member. Faint BFP and now brown spotting? I then tested with a first response straight after and got a very faint positive again. Last edited 09-04-20. Obviously, everyone has a different idea of what a faint line looks like but we're talking anything from not very obvious to proper put-your-specs-on-and-peer-at – as you can see from our main picture of 6 different positive Hey ladies. What do u think . Not sure it's not a evap Anyone of u girls got bfp after bfn / evap at 11dpo. very faint bfp? or evap? 10dpo. 10dp5dt and faint bfp. Next morning (yesterday) tried again with FMU and got a faint BFP on frer What's going on? I have waves of nausea, heavy breasts but not tender or sore and mild cramping like twinges. Early bloated bump pictures! Kirsty M(1163) 29/04/2020 at 11:32 pm. Looking good . to tilt it to see it, that sounds positive. Last edited 23-01-18. I officially got my bfp with the blue dye. Pictures attached. With my first, which was a singleton, it wasn't until after AF didn't show. Unless it was an evap which is very cruel. They have always been bad, but after I had my I was about 20 DPO when I got a BFP and had a pile of negatives tests before that. Shopping homepage; Product Trial Reviews; Life. I was wondering if anyone has managed to take a picture of their faint BFP? I had one this morning but my phone's - Page: 3 Faint BFP and now brown spotting? 13 replies Nannon145 · 28/04/2020 13:54 Hey. maybe slightly darker. Harrison, 03-10-16, 6lbs 11. m. I took this this morning. Be gentle please we Hi Tara, don't give up hope! I got a faint positive with Asda HPT yesterday finally after 6 days past AF due date. I just got what I think is a faint BFP on a blue dye test this morning (10dpo). Took the digital and got a positive. 11dpo is still a little early for non-sensitive test, unlike a frer. Super wishful thinking I The clear blue digitalis aren't as sensitive. I've taken about 12 of them and had a line on each one - all I have a very very faint line that is hardly noticeable. This is my BFP from 14 DPO. Tested at 14dpo last pg with e. Fingers crossed for you So, I got my BFP on Saturday 2 days. Especially after having some pretty bad cramps/pain yesterday afternoon and late at night again. Gillianhopes. Trying for a baby. 5 weeks now. I think I will share a post separately of how it started with all BFNs and now finally at (I think) 17 dpo // 3-4 days dpaf I've seen line progression on FRER and cheapie tests and gotten confirmed BFP from midwife!! So definitely there is hope it can turn around. A line is a line it will gradually get darker, 10 dpo is still very early. But because I thought it was weird I had a bfp, I took another one tonight and there's the start of a line but it stops?! Aug 15, 2020 · Not personal experience but my friend didn’t get her BFP until 13dp5dt and it was fainter than that and she had a successful pregnancy. I feel so so ill. On the 4th I took an frer and it was positive, but an hour later it had disappeared. Opk and ovulation pains do not promise exactly when you will ovulation. So I think I ovulated on CD 16 (June 7) based on CM observations. Temp rose again today . Period 3 days late. I hot my faint bfp at 12dpo and my test are getting a little darker and I'm 15dpo u must of implanted late hun don't worry ur pregnant Yaay. i did a Clearblue Easy this morning with 2nd wee of the day, am on CD27. These lines are all super faint, but darker than anything I've seen on either brand before the past couple months. Lauren M(433) I've done a couple tests over the last few days and got my 2-3 on cbd at 14dpo. Bfp 10dpo? Trying for a baby. Jan 18, 2016 · Faint BFP 10 days before period help! Trying for a baby. 30am this morning, I went to the toilet and when I wiped I had brown discharge. I am estimating I am around 11-13 DPO (I wasn’t doing ovulation calculators but I felt my usual ovulation cramps a bit earlier than normal and they lasted 3 days, normally only lasting 1-2). I bled heavily for 3 days, there were clots, medium bleed for 2 days and then light for 2 days. 48 Comments . Stringy brown discharge after a miscarriage? Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. Darker ones as each day passes. Each lasted for about 15-20 minutes. Expected period is today - it's 14 DPO if I ovulated when I think I did (usually have a 12-13 day luteal phase). I then tested with a first response straight after and got a very faint positive again. com. How can I avoid getting faint lines on my pregnancy Oct 15, 2021 · Especially with faint lines, there is the worry it might not stick. Faint BFP? Please help. BabyFathers2020. But I've got a good gut feeling, cos this month we didn't really obsess over tracking OPKs or anything, just went for it. I received a faint positive on easy at home yesterday (8/9 DPO). I was disheartened and started testing loads! I got my next faint bfp a week later (evening) followed by a slightly darker one the following day. I have edited the picture because it really is faint. 9 dpo - very very faint hpt. Heeey. I say give it another another day or two and you should be getting a solid bfp by then, good luck! Like. With this one I got a faint faint line at 13 dpo. Had what looked like a faint bfp. Has anyone ever had this before???? It’s really concerned me. I’m only 9dpo I took it as I felt slight sore boobs and hot flashes last night. Show image Remember my choice on this device. Feels like it's always going to be the same situation, hoping to get a bfp and always getting a bfn. My first BFP with my daughter was a blue dye that looked similar to the middle one here. Baby dust! Hi everyone, I’m 10dpo. tracyca0126 Original Poster 11DPO- BFN, indent or faint bfp? **updated new pics - line eyes needed! Jmbodyguard. So yesterday I had alot of af like cramping again, strongest yet. Yes yours looks real!!! Mine looks the same, I’m using the same strips (and 3 other brands oh dear I’m also so obsessive Feb 2, 2015 · I had a chemical pregnancy. Anyone got a picture of their faint BFP? Am I pregnant? Is this my bfp at 7dpo? Am I pregnant? Very strong Bfp at 10dpo. it could have been just a faulty test. Ive attached photos of the test, bearing in mind the top which is peak has been Jul 14, 2013 · Hi I'm 8dp5dt, otd is Friday 13dp5dt, I stupidly tested the past 2 days, yesterday the first test I did didn't work at first as the urine hadn't hit the control after a couple of minutes so I put it in my drawer, when I went back to it an hour later there was a line in the control to say it had worked no a faint line in the test part saying pregnant, I then did a Asda test which was negative. I go back Monday for another draw Ewcm 8dpo? **update** faint bfp. Positive test then line disappeared. Jun 10, 2012 · With dd I didn't until 3 days after af was due. Symptoms and BFP; 14dp5dt - faint positive ; Moderation team See all. And did test this morning with IC (11dpo) and got a very very faint line - Can't even see when I take pic. Yesterday and the day before, my tests were so faint that they looked like shadows that were barely there. I have 28 day regular cycles but not sure if this line is faint or OK for 15 DPO. Are you being serious? This is clearly a bfp , no doubt about it Aug 4, 2020 · (See pictures) Pregnancy tests. at 2 mins, i thought i could see a really faint line, so in true POAS addict fashion, I opened the test and noticed it was still quite wet (understandably) when it started to dry off, the line got darker, its not as thick as the horizontal line, but its definitely there- I checked the test again about 2 Printable colouring pictures; Dressing up ideas; Party planning and tips; Playtime and discovery; So been thinking I'm having a chemical pregnancy as lines have remained faint😔 but I've been reading that a faint line doesn't always mean a chemical/unsuccessful pregnancy. Fast forward to yesterday and I decided to test again, have attached the results. How many dpo? Mine started so faint at 9 dpo that I couldn’t tell if it was a positive or evapthe next day it was more I got an extremely faint BFP on the day of my expected period so faint I couldn't even get a picture of it and finally decided I must have imagined it. GL! Married 12/8/07 | Sleeve Hey old thread hopefully someone may be able to offer any thoughts. Then, today with a CB still very faint. Extremely faint BFP, positive stories please? Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. I was 10 dpo when i got my faint positive, and that was on a clearblue plus test (go for the cb plus not digi until the line is dark) x Im now 33 weeks pregnant with my first and Feb 5, 2016 · BFP or BFN? Pictures attached. 19 answers / Last post: 05/02/2016 at 9:00 pm. Mar 31, 2019 · Hi all. Next morning with fmu got a BFN. The faint lines seem to good to be true. Our perfect little girl, Her heart stopped @ 12w1d. I mean faint. 5oz, 37+1, Our forever baby [emoji170] Friday evening I got a faint BFP on FRER. I've also had 3 mc, including a chemical one before my daughter. Mk1806. Very faint. Learn more. Any eyes please? 0. Twins run in my family and I'm just wondering if an early BFP is a sign? Thanks! Am I the only one who can see a very faint squinter? Ovulated the 27th of Oct. I have already posted on here before but I am yet to have many responses. I am terrified because I had a chemical pregnancy in December, I got a BFP on a FR at 10 DPO and the lines were not darkening, so by 15 DPO the line was barely there and blood work confirmed that my levels were dropping Feb 17, 2012 · To make a long story short, I had a faint BFP on 2/3, 2/4 and 2/6. I am 4 weeks 3 days just now. This month I had my first IUI. Reviews homepage; Product Trial Reviews; Competitions and offers; Top pages; Best all-terrain pushchairs; Best kids' water bottles; What I thought was faint BFP then it disappeared?! Pic included! 53 answers / Last post: 05/03/2020 at 2:37 pm. Took FRERs on Monday and Tuesday Second photo is 14DPO at the top and 16DPO at the bottom. That's a positive! Congrats!! Test again in a couple of days with FMU to make sure the line gets darker but that is Anyways this is the photo of the test with faint line?! 1. (7 dpo) and my fiancé and I both saw a very very faint pink second line, it definitely had colour to it! I took some May 25, 2011 · On the box of the Superdrug test, there is a picture of a pale pink line with the caption 'Pregnant' so the faint line is still a BFP so I'm trying to stay positive (ha ha!). Flutteramy. JA-fnuk Partner. Yesterday i tested using the cheepie strips online and got a very very faint line which im not sure if its there maybe Jan 20, 2018 · Tested on a FRER with fmu and a wondfo. Try to take a deep breath, wait and test again. 09/10/2014 at 9:11 am. I had a mc in Oct so I am getting to my doctor to get my beta's drawn. I took another this morning and it was bfn - but af arrived with a vengeance! Heavy usual period no different than before. I was super excited that I saw a very very faint line this morning but after my meeting it seemed to have Hi Hun, I had a faint bfp followed by a bfn the following day. I'm due on my period tomorrow too so not late yet!x Try a first response x. searching fb groups for people who’ve had similar and there are some that have had similar to this and then got their BFP a few days later but I don’t want hi there, does anyone have any experience with this? I had a bfn 12dpo, a very faint line 15 dpo, and at 17dpo the line seems even more faint. decided to try evening wee and got BFN. I'm so scared ill wake up to a bfn tomorrow. Try not to worry too much, a line is a line and there is no reason why it should end the same way it did last time. Trying to stay hopeful and positive, and I Feb 26, 2021 · Anyone got a picture of their faint BFP? Nicole B(351) 26/02/2021 at 9:53 pm. Abbie R(79) 12/08/2022 at 3:12 pm. HannahTramaseur Partner I had such strong cramps from getting my BFP until about week 6. Sticky baby dust. 2 We had 2 grade A blastocysts put back. Has anyone else had a faint bfp at this stage? Should I prepare LINE EYES- FAINT BFP 10dpo? m. Frecklemefree. Wouldn’t it be more obviously purple if it was a bfp at 11DPO? I’ve been stung by a bazillion indent shadows and this feels like maybe slightly more than that but really not sure. Blue that's nice that you got your BFP on the anniversary of getting a BFP for your DD. I even phoned 111 a few times because I was so convinced I was having an ectopic, but now 23 weeks with a healthy baby boy! Dont worry hun, your uterus has got A LOT of stretching to do over the next few weeks so its totally normal xx (Especially the photo, near spitting image). 10dpo nice clear positive on first response. Dec 2, 2021 · Printable colouring pictures; Dressing up ideas; Party planning and tips; Took one last night and thought there was an extremely faint line then same again this morning with FMU. I didn't test again until 15 dpo (day af was due) and the line was noticeably darker. After a couple of miscarriages I got pretty obsessed with tracker line progression and comparing with others brands, etc. Thanks! 1:52AM. That would be typical of a very early BFP around 8-9 DPO. How many dpo? Mine started so faint at 9 dpo that I couldn’t tell if it was a positive or evapthe next day it was more obvious. Claire_FNUK Administrator. With this one I tested on day 26 which I am assuming is 17dpo. This is gonna be a bit of a long post but I really need some advice. Congrats to me. Hannah D(499) Anyone got a picture of their faint BFP? Trying for a baby. Can you post a picture Nikki? X. Today is 8 days past 5 day transfer, so the equivalent of 13dpo. By the 4th day the doctor did a test and again faint 2nd line so I had a blood test but it came back negative!!!! The doctor at the hospital who took the blood test said that the egg and sperm met which gave me the BFP but didn't implant in my womb!!! Oct 23, 2020 · Reading reviews of FRER, the majority had a clear positive line by 11dpo (also looked at picture reviews) so part of me thought why not if I feel like testing? Before I did thought, wanted to know if those who got their BFP used FRER and tested around 10dpo? And seen a clear BFP (or even a faint one!) Hey everybody! I estimate that I'm about 6-7 dpo but not sure since I couldn't pinpoint ovulation this month but estimating based off of previous cycles. Hi ladies So today is our OTD from fresh cycle no. The absolute WORST ones are the blue dye in the clear casing. One or more faint lines on a pregnancy test, followed by a negative pregnancy test, can signal either of these conditions. Sep 25, 2018 · I’ve been testing out my trigger. @welshsoph thank you for the offer, I might Show image Remember my choice on this device. Been ttc for a year now and had a miscarriage in October. X Jan 7, 2015 · Hi Hun, I had a faint bfp followed by a bfn the following day. But at 13 DPO i would expect the line to deeper than that. Allison D(80) 26/02/2021 at 10:36 pm. Hair and beauty; Hay hun some ppl on here have had v v faint bfp on 9 dpo can u upload a pic? X. 18/01/2016 at 5:51 pm. I tested at 12 dpo and bfn. I tested again the day AF was due (yesterday) and got an extremely faint line on a dollar store test. Later with non-FMU with a I got a very, very super faint BFP with a FRER at 9 DPO. Good luck!!! t. Definitely hard to tel but there’s a light pink line there! I’ve seen shadow lines and white lines on these first hand and this is not that! Lol I Jul 31, 2009 · I got a very faint BFP today at 9DPO. I actually threw it away thinking it was negative and then got a stronger bfp the next day so I fished the old one out of the trash and saw that it was positive after all! My beautiful 3 year old DD is sitting next me now :) Like. Posted 02-07-16. Tested again today at 12 dpo and it didn’t look any darker. t. It was also afternoon urine. Not sure what to think. There are so many other factors at play like the strength of the tests, hcg concentration, dilution of urine, differences between tests (even of the same brand) and many more, that a faint line is just a faint line and all you can say for sure is that atm, you are pregnant. @mom2elli, Wow! Yay! That's so exciting to The problem is, even people who say that they got a faint BFP on a blue dye before they did on a pink test don't KNOW that it was a true positive and that the test was picking up HCG. 5oz, 37+1, Our forever baby [emoji170] 0. It’s hard to tell if it has color, but could certainly be the start of your bfp. Similar threads. I think I'm a bit paranoid because this baby will be a rainbow baby after losing our son at full term. If you're like me and have a BFP recently (or one in the past but kept you pictures) join here to share your journey on those lovely lines. I took a Clearblue pink dye and can see a vvvvfl but not clear enough to say for certain. Line was faint but could easily be seen and showed in photos no problem. I'd say it's way too early for a I have been testing since 7dpo and had received some very very faint lines (indents) and some BFN. OlliesMom77. g. i only have a photo of last night's one atm which is below. Report as Inappropriate. Jane H(1063) 05/02/2016 at 7:04 pm. Took 3mins to appear Test instruction states to wait for 5mins. 0. 9 Congratulations on your BFP!! A faint positive is a positive for sure :) I found out I was pregnant in March and got a faint positive on an EPT. I'm now 14+4. I will attach the photos. 17/09/2015 at 4:45 pm. Just tested 8DPO and got a BFN but with my DS I got a good positive on this day. D&E 11/23/11 check out www. I prepared myself for a cp. Please help 🙏🏼 me and bf been TTC for baby #1 for 2 years and I have so many weird symptoms right now. No bleeding or spotting. I was using Wondfo test strips. 1st BFP at 10dpo with a FRER w/FMU. Then to put my mind at ease and know a little more, I took a Clear Blue Digital and there it was "Pregnant!" Unfortunately it ended up being an ectopic for me, but I'm praying for a happy and healthy 9 Af is not late just yet.
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