10dp5dt beta 23. A second beta 4 days later and if all is fine, that's it.

10dp5dt beta 23. 8dp5dt and my beta came back at 21.

10dp5dt beta 23 But going through the other posts on this and other subs it looks like it’s very low, with most people being in the 200s by this point, if not higher. The trauma. Negative but then 10dp5dt blood beta came back at a 72. 9 YEAH! Posted by From Damaged to Donor at 12:18 PM. A tiny bit of brown watery discharge at night. com/watch? Beta today 23. Hcg is only loosely correlated with multiples. Pregnancy Week 25. I found that to be somewhat odd? From what I can see, a first beta in the 80s doesn’t seem very strong and most clinics look at doubling times. Pregnancy Week About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright FET Cycle 1 - Update 6 (10dp5dt, Beta 1 Day) Right after my transfer, I posted on social media that I was Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise, or PUPO. Mummy23beauts. 5/23 7dp5dt: 68 5/25 9dp: 100 5/2711dp: 149 5/29 13dp: 359 5/31 15dp: 888 Reply reply Low Beta Results 10DP5DT . Ultrasound is scheduled on 8/11. My 10dp5dt beta was 23. What was your first beta and how far along were you? I just got mine back 10dp5dt and it was 1,024! I know hcg can’t really indicate twins but the nurse said they were all betting For my son, my beta at 10dp5dt was around 530, then at 12dp5dt around 1,100. The nurse said they would have liked to see between 75-100. And it kept increasing from there. I was told to stop all meds and next beta is Friday. Beta 1 at 10dp5dt: 48 Beta 2 at 12dp5dt: 110 doubling time 40 hours Beta 3 at 15dp5dt: 810 doubling time 25 hours We had our first scan at 6w6d and saw a heartbeat and our second scan at 8w3d saw the heartbeat First beta 7dp5dt (FET 6. I began getting positives on frer at 5dp5dt but the past So happy to see this, but nervous that it's not as dark as others I've seen online by 10dp5dt. I’m also super curious how this turned out because my 10dp5dt beta is exactly the same, 61. Try to hang in there and stay positive🤍🙏🏼 Edit: typo Reply reply I did on my first FET. I’m nervous about my numbers too! My clinic was happy with 126 for first beta. 9dp5dt my first beta was only 8. My nurse at the clinic had the exact same beta and transferred two and ended up with twins. Third beta two days later was 142. Went in for a beta a few days later and to my absolute shock it was POSITIVE. So, just from my personal experience, this is a huge number and when I research this its on the “higher” end for 4 weeks. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I had my first beta test this morning and I'm awaiting the results. Need hope (10dp5dt BFN HPT) Thread starter Aleriya; Start date Jul 14, 2017; Forums New posts A. As this site demonstrates, there is a large variation in beta numbers in a "normal" pregnancy. Top posts of March 23, 2023. all unsuccessful. 10dp5dt Beta of 8 IU/L . The nerves are kicking in. I'm confused because of the wide ranges published online. Currently 23+3. Feeling extremely down about my first beta at 10dp5dt . Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; Pokimane; Halo Low Beta on 10DPT (10DP5DT) wondfo brand Progression Feeling discouraged as my orange Wondfo isn't showing any deepening hues, struggling to maintain a positive outlook right now. 7 at 10dp5dt**Obviously my beta was super low but I ended up giving birth to a healthy baby girl last week. We are going to take a month or two off, and go apply for a clinic in Spain for embryo donation. With my current FET (done Feb 7) my numbers were lower on 8dpt and 10dpt than previously. JessandJeremy member. Thank you to each and everyone of you for the well wishes I got a vvvvfl at night on 5dp5dt and my beta was 580 on 10dp5dt, compared to my beta of 66 with a positive on 4dp5dt on my first pregnancy. My first one as well, 11/6, so we’re really close ️ My first beta 10dp5dt was: 109. Looking for any of you that have had a viable pregnancy after starting with a low beta. Advised to repeat in 7 days but we negotiated to 5 days from now. December 29th, 2010, 03:21 PM. Users who are viewing this thread. 9 frozen ET 9/10 - transferred 1 perfect 5AA blast 7dp5dt BFP Beyond sad that our first FET was not successful (<1 HCG level) The embryo was PGT-A tested, graded 4AA, 5-day blastocyst, acupuncture immediately before and after FET My beta at 10dp5dt was 91 and didn’t double appropriately until 16dp. My first beta on 4/23 was 161, so very close to yours. Reddit . Joined Apr 20, 2017 Beta was a BFN. The over thinking. Clinic advises returning in two days for another beta test. 2nd beta will be dpo 12! Reply I just had my second beta, and my doubling time was 55 hours. 0001, 95% CI (0. Over this weekend, I got a BFP on a FRER and an EPT digital (early). I remember googling them. I’m going in for another beta tomorrow. Three days later at 13 Dp5dt it was 72. Low first beta at 14pt5dt; 6dp5dt - bleeding and getting a faint line in the test Very faint second line on 12dp5dt / HCG level is 61. Wish2BMom Well-Known Member. My clinic won’t do any beta monitoring because of this number. These are all still considered low for these dates according to my doctor but I’m trying to focus more on the progression than the numbers so I don’t stress too much. ivf on December 9, 2024: "Today we are 10DP5DT. If negative, I would email my nurse and let her know I would like to come in for my beta on 11dp5dt (Friday), as you will be out of town until XYZ and because it is negative you'd prefer My own personal opinion based on my own research and experience is that while there is still a small chance the embryo implanted very late, it’d be quite unlikely to have a stark negative at 10dp5dt and go on to have a SUCCESSFUL pregnancy. Pregnancy Week 27. KateIsTall. My beta on 10dp5dt was 276 and I’m 14 weeks with a singleton pregnancy. 10dp5dt beta result TRIGGER WARNING TRIGGER. 61 progesterone, 257. 12dp5dt -1180. This is my first positive Ok everyone what were your first beta numbers and on what day. She did also say she’s seen as low as 40 on this day still be successful. For reference (these are both singletons): My first beta with my m/c: 331 at 15dpo . FET. My second beta two days later was 58. This past Tuesday was 21dp5dt and my first ultrasound; they saw the sac but my beta was only 158. My betas for transfer #4 have been drastically different: 10dp5dt: 601 12dp5dt: 1621 14dp5dt: 4137 I’m now 7w6d but there’s no safe zone. Feeling very worried and looking for success stories. 10DP5DT AND NO SYMPTOMS! We’re dealing with male factor infertility and have our pregnancy blood test tomorrow. Congrats on your first FET!!! So exciting. TW: + beta, fear of early pregnancy loss hi community- i am losing my mind right now. If your level was 7 at day 10 that means your beta was ~4. HCG = 443 (different lab than yesterday so not comparable) Progesterone = 46. After my beta came back positive, I took tests at home because I was sure my doc replaced my results with someone else's. I had an FET and had a high beta at 10dp5dt of 445. Report 0 Reply. Good luck for a strong 2nd beta! a. The nurse who called me (and woke me up from a nap because I’m exhausted) said they like to see the first number over 50. I wrote a post about this last year! TW success: That low and slow beta is now my healthy 8 month old boy. Hoping the doc is in so we can discuss next steps. I feel like my clinic specializes in tortuous waits. Reply (0) Report. At my first us they saw 2 gestational sacs, but one did not have a fetal pole (vanishing twin). 102 likes, 9 comments - ttc_rainbow_endojourney on May 18, 2024: "10DP5DT Beta HCG 415. 7 estrogen 12dp5dt was: 241 HCG, 33. There’s a poster on here who has had 1000 and 18000 on the same day with two separate pregnancies of singletons, so betas just vary greatly My beta isn't until 2/11 and I don't plan to test bc I don't want to be disappointed more than once. The bloods. FWIW and if it helps in terms of comparison, here they were: 9dp5dt: 562 12dp5dt: 2341 14dp5dt: 5595 Good luck! Looking for any hope or success stories from anyone doing a hpt the morning of 10dp5dt and negative but still getting positive beta. I hope this helps ladies! I am cheering all of you on! Looking for some advice: 32 F - Transferred at 4BB frozen euploid embryo on 10/10. 1. Everything. This educational content is not 10dp5dt beta only 122, low progesterone. Can anyone confirm? Thank you comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Is this good number ?Can you all tell me your beta numbers heading to healthy pregnancy?Any response will be much appreciated. Pregnancy Week 32. ER 11/18/12, 5dt of 1 beautiful, healthy embryo 11/23/12) BFP 12/02/12, u/s @ 6w,5d showed 2 HBs! Identical twins!! Bed rest from 21w-35w due to short cervix, August 23, 2014: Beta #1: 144 8/23/14: Beta #2: 374 Beta 8/25/14 Beta #3: 6,600 9/3/14. My doctor has zero concerns. Posted 20-08-16. Moving on to DIVF #1-BFP 5dp5dt!!! 1st Beta 1/23- 269!! Beta #2 1/26 - 882!!! Beta #3 1/30- 4,250!!! 1st ultrasound 2/10 showed TWINS!!! Found out on May 2nd we are having BOYS! Report 0 Reply At 8dp5dt my beta was 248 and 10dp5dt they were 528, and it still ended badly. She said if my number is over 2000 I don't have to have the third test My current FET cycle was 181 at 10dp5dt. 67, p = 0. 97 progesterone, 257. My beta at 9dp5dt came back positive but it’s only at 20. PDA. My doctor is acting like that is fine, but when I search online, I realize it is low. I am over the moon either way!! p. 7 estrogen and thyroid tested slightly if you want to compare, my first beta was at 10dp5dt, repeated every 3-4 days. Anyone here have a beta around mine also taken at 10dp5dt (or later) and still go on to have a successful I’m 6weeks today. Lindsayone11 • 375 likes, 9 comments - jessicacarltnApril 5, 2024 on : "Grow strong little one ️ Nighttime test after 404 beta in the morning. I have read the very helpful posts on here and it seems that it is most likely a) chemical pregnancy b) Gender Dreaming Forums > HIGH TECH FAMILY BALANCING > High Tech Family Balancing non-Member Forum > 10dp5dt beta. The Currently 9w exactly. I was so scared. No appetite. 57,534 members With my first IVF my beta was 29 at 10dp5dt. I have my blood draw in an hour. I know this is a less common outcome, but wanted to offer some hope: My 9dp5dt beta was 27, 11dp5dt was 38, then started doubling from there and I’m 25 weeks now. My beta on 10dp5dt was 60, so not very far off from yours. I was completely convinced my pregnancy was over. The increase is only 24% which indicates a non-viable pregnancy and yet my doctor still wants me to stay on meds and come in for another beta in two days. A little cramps. She checked my hormone levels and her nurses said this is normal for my doctor. What was your beta level 10dp5dt? The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. Anyone have similar numbers? Latest: 5 months ago | ash22050195. I think I was 10dp5dt for my first beta and my number was 1573. Top posts of September 23, 2020. 20dp5dt- 21,000. 11dp5dt- 296. Joined Jan 17, 2014 Messages 5,737 Around Beta, 10dp5dt I had fatigue. Anonymous wrote:My thoughts: I'd take a FRER on Thursday at 10dp5dt. Pregnancy Week 30 High-Tech Methods for Getting Pregnant - IVF, ICSI, FET Beta Levels at 10dp5dt? Beta hCG levels were taken 12 days after an embryo transfer. at 10dp5dt mine was 497. My beta at 10dpt was 55. I have a 9dp5dt my beta was 36, 11dp5dt it was 68, and 13dp5dt was 162. They've said it's borderline (they would want to see it above 100 at this stage) and so could indicate chemical pregnancy. 10dp5dt 275, 13dp5dt 766. The scans. I just had my anatomy scan (21w) and it's a healthy girl!! Sending lots of good thoughts your way, hang in there, don't give up Low-ish Beta 10dp5dt . Should I be worried that the figure is so low? 8-10dp5dt beta numbers - chances this will be ok? BFP I’ve had 10 previous losses, no living children. This happened to me. reReddit: Top posts of June 2023. Betas all Below 2 consider failed. My first beta at 9dp5dt was 65 and two days later 192. 8dp5dt and my beta came back at 21. amandac84 6 years ago. 15 dpo (10dp5dt)-69 16 dpo (11dp5dt)-96 I can't even believe that I am writing this, but I just had my first beta at 11dp5dt FET and we got our BFP!!! Our number came in at 632! The nurse said that was high and I go back in on Thursday to see how the numbers progress. Mykids. Soaking this up before we get to BETA HCG BLOOD TESTS. I am seeing numbers well above the 300 range. Like. 10dp5dt/15dpo beta 432 12dp5dt/17dpo beta 891 14dp5dt/19dpo beta 1678 I'd like to set up this thread so that you can post your beta HcG levels so that you can see how they compare to other FF ladies! Firstly you are not 23 days pregnant, the cycle would start from the first day of your last period. youtube. k. 4 on 13dp5dt; Squinter of a line 10dp5dt, any positive stories?? 10DP5DT faint BFP frer and lower back pain hi everyone, my beta at 8dp5dt was 88 and at 10dp5dt is 176,it doubled exactly. Official beta that was scheduled the day of the transfer was today. 59–0. babydust1210310. Transferred a day five 5aa hatching euploid on 7/7 and first beta came back today at 640!!! I know it's very very early, but Definitely check out betabase (google it and it will come out) for singleton and multiple beta averages. 10. It ended up being a blighted ovum. I know it's way too early to tell, but DH is thinking it sounds high and could indicate twins. ahill1000 Pregnancy Week 23. Pregnancy Week 30 10dp5dt and Beta showed HCG at 276. Not saying it is “normal” but a lot of people who do IVF bleed I am 13dp5dt and 1st beta today is 38. Becauseeee, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t absolutely terrified. What does a high beta hCG mean? A high beta hCG could indicate multiples (twins or triplets), which would be confirmed through an ultrasound. we went from 49 at 10dp5dt to 209 at 13 days. Report as Inappropriate Pregnancy Week 23. She also said sees it a lot with frozen transfers, and a rise of 66% every other day is what they’re looking for. It was a dollar extrae Mar 8, 2017 • 11:23 PM. 23 Views 2K. Strong random cramps. Some people, including my paranoid husband, were certain it was twins, but we just have one little bean. Pregnancy Week 28. We just did our first fet, and today was 10dp5dt, which is when my clinic does the first beta test. Please update and let us know after beta 2. Waiting for the call about next steps. I did a hpt 11days after transfer and got a negative result. I felt really good about my beta HCG test because I caved and have taken a pregnancy test everyday for the last three days :D but I knew I would feel better after 81 likes, 10 comments - babydust_and_science on August 10, 2020: "10dp5dt: Beta results are looking good. Cinderella5 6 years ago. 2. 10dp5dt 512 and 12dp5dt 940. Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. I was very concerned about the low numbers but they did nearly double and my RE said it was fine. I just got a call that my bHCG is 52, 10dp5dt. Posted 05-21 Posted by u/somethinsomethin93 - 4 votes and 5 comments 10dp5dt hCG beta numbers. Next check was 13dp due to the weekend and it was 565. Apr 23, 2012 Messages 6,460 Reaction score 0. i only shared space with partner for 1. They told me to prepare to miscarry and I’m going through that now (basically at 6 weeks). I had my first beta today and yay I’m pregnant. Me: 31 DH: 27 TTC since April 2013 Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count IVF round 1: January 2016 ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo First beta: May 23, '16: 998!! Got mw beta results today, it’s 945 for 10dp5dt. 24, tomorrow is BETA. Pregnancy Week 33. I go back on Friday again for 3rd beta. The doubts. Reply reply 9dp5dt and my beta was 21 :( RE says will probably end in miscarriage. I don’t think it matters! The lower beta is my now 14-month-old, my higher beta is my current pregnancy, 17 weeks tomorrow. I know it's all about the doubling times but I expected this number to be higher. mumas. FET #2: 11dp5dt beta 286. Need Good Juju! Just had my second beta today and as the title indicates, this is the level I got! My first beta was 12 at 5dp5dt. Pregnancy Week 10dp5dt low first beta . It was 44. This looks like a really promising prospect, and I'm hoping that my doctor will agree to this. First beta yesterday at 9dp5dt was 171. Finally moved on to donor eggs. At 10dp5dt with my 16 month old son, my beta was 25, so you’re on a better track than I was! Keeping hope for you that it increases nicely! Reply Logical_Look_6465 32F | 2 ER/6 FET chulzle 37 c-sec 2/23| 10dp5dt and faint bfp. Reply reply 10dp5dt beta Official beta that was scheduled the day of the transfer was today. I’ve heard what is most important is the amount that they double over each day. Mine was 75 at 10DP5DT and 196 at 12DPT. 7dpt 99 13dpt 596 10dp5dt - 427. 0001). I would like to ask him if we can do this: FET w/ IUI. My results were just posted on the lab portal so I am trying to interpret them myself. I’ve Googled frantically and seen mixed things about this. Hope it’s sticky 🤞 Mine was checked at 10dp5dt with a single embryo and it was 105. I’ve been lurking here for some time and learning a lot! This morning I had bleeding not spotting but light flow of brown. She suspects I am pregnant with more than one, especially since I transferred 3 Day 5 blasts, I had bloodwork today at 10dp5dt. 6!! I'll have my second beta test tomorrow. b There was no difference in the correlation of biochemical miscarriages rates and β-hCG grouping when groups were divided into blastocysts and cleavage stage embryo transfer cycles. 6. In Fertility Treatments. 5! Second beta will be on Monday, at 12dp5dt. Does anyone have any success stories with a beta this low? My previous first beta was 37 IU/L at 11dp5dt and baby is 2. Your number is not an indication of twins at all so I wouldn’t stress! Reply Heidimonster • 39 | Hashimoto’s | SMBC | FET 10/10/23🤞🏻 • • by lennylincs 32F|ICSI/PGS|FET#1 fail|FET#2 CP|FET#3 MC|High TH1|FET#4 Feb '23 Success stories with low starting beta? Beta is 33 10dp5dt . I hope it works out for you. 1st Beta (10dp5dt): 4402nd Beta (13dp5dt): 992It doubled within 72 hours, but this rise is much smaller than I had with previous healthy pregnancies. June 2013. Total 3 days and 0 change, FRER, 10dp5dt, CD 30 Progression Hello fellow squinters, here to share that I’m still a lunatic (thanks for helping me spot my vvvvvvvfl on 3dp5dt!) and now overthinking my seemingly non existent line progression from the last 3 days. 9. It was a strong positive, followed two days later by a strong beta. 5dp5dt/10dpo My HCG was 23 and P4 was 21. My clinic takes two betas—for FET, the first one is 9dp5dt, the second is usually at least 48 hours later. I have the most gorgeous, perfect 21 month old boy to show for it. Not sure what an early vanishing twin means in terms of beta results but hyg. I have no clue if this is in fact true. 9 Hi ladies- hope you don't mind my posting as I am freaking out a bit. I already Traditionally, betas can be lower with an FET, but there are always outliers. Dr said it's a "low positive" wanted me to comeback 4 days later. Had my blood test yesterday and it was 125 on 10dp5dt. Singleton born last year. For reference, my beta at 8dp5dt came back at 2 and I was convinced that I just had late implantation, but my beta never went up and was back down under 1 in a week. A little Hi ladies, I am just curious to know what to expect, I've had my Blood Beta test today and am expecting to receive my test results tonight, I'm just thinking ahead and trying to research and know what to really expect as normal, hence, it would be great to know what your HCG levels were if you had the beta on day 12? Beta went from 33 10dp5dt to 41 12dp5dt transfer but doctor still wants me to stay on meds I'm 12dp5dt from my second FET and my hcg is only 41. I think I worried myself about my tests today, and took a second one since my first one didn’t look any darker than yesterday’s at 9dp5dt. I'm hoping for at least a 100 today. Went yesterday at 7:15 am (5+2) for my first ultrasound. Cleavage r = 0. View Full Version : 10dp5dt beta. Is this normal?? Doctor hasn't called me yet. Like Wanted to share my progression lines on FRER. Your betas are very similar to my first ivf transfer: 10dp5dt: 267 12dp5dt: 642 15dp5dt: 2934 MMC at 10w. 3 comments: Rebecca April 12, 2013 at 12:22 PM. Tired and no apetite. Patiently waiting for the ultrasound is so hard!!! Share Add a Comment. I bled (brown/pink) before my beta, continuing to bleed (brown/pink/red) every so often at 6w4d. While I’m grateful to be pregnant, I know this is a low number. My beta was just over 300 at 10dp5dt for my singleton. 5 on day 9. Fingers crossed x. I am just looking for opinions if yesterdays beta is low. My first transfer resulted in Posted by u/Familiar_Driver_643 - 1 vote and 16 comments Your embryos are transferred! What hCG level should you hope to see in your pregnancy test? A study of 774 embryo transfers suggests 76 mIU/mL or more. ) Today couldn't have come soon enough. 74). One study found that median hCG levels on Day 13 after a fresh embryo transfer were 329 for women with one baby and 544 for women carrying twins. The phone calls. I started POAS from 6dp5dt transfer using FRER each time - all of them have been BFN. #10dp5dt #betaday #4dp5dt #9dp5dt #8dp5dt #beta #7dp5dt #6dp5dt #5dp5dt #rainbowbaby #pregnant #miscarriageawareness #embryotransfer #fet #infertilitycommunity #infertilityjourney #infertilitysisters #infertilitysucks Posted by u/monkeybusinessme - No votes and 6 comments 1st Beta (10dp5dt): 4402nd Beta (13dp5dt): 992It doubled within 72 hours, but this rise is much smaller than I had with previous healthy pregnancies. This will be my 11th pregnancy, and 7th round of Ivf/no embryos left. Im so nervous 😥 I had a first beta of 235 for my first successful transfer that was only a single embryo (unfortunately we lost that pregnancy due to trisomy) and my beta for this transfer where we transferred two was 245. I have completely left hopes on this preegnancy. Pregnancy Week We did our fet on sept 23, 2020. So mine didn’t quite triple in 3 days. I’m trying to focus on the positive that I’m pregnant. Hcg 8dp5dt - 57 Hcg 10dp5dt - 132 Are these okay to start? Has anyone had this number on 10dpt and gone on to have a healthy pregnancy and live birth? Additionally, most clinics test at day 9 and want a level of 50 (though 100 is better), anything below 5 is considered not prevent and 5-25 is a grey area. 20dp5dt- 8,280. We did a FET with a Day 5 embryo. But I would guard your heart. My beta today was 21. But I know know could also be singleton. Hello ladies,My beta came back as 280 10dp5dtAnd I am going for second beta on Sunday. 7w scan we saw very strong heartbeats but I had similar scans with transfer #1. My hcg beta level was only 32. 57. I feel like my tests have My two prior pregnancies ended in chemicals with betas that never surpassed 23. Wishing you best of luck and sending baby dust your way. I am currently 10dp5dt of a frozen high grade blastocyst. Chi-square test was done: a The likelihood of a biochemical pregnancy loss decreased as serum β-hCG levels increased (p < 0. reReddit: Top posts of February 2022. 10dp5dt 327 12dp5dt 599 The only other time I had longer than 48 hour doubling times was my miscarriage, which dropped from 38 hours between beta 1 and 2, to 70 hours for beta 3. Beta HCG of 75 at 10dp5dt FET - Fertility Network UK. At my clinic, at this stage, they want to see your beta at 50 or more. Sunday 10/2 13dp5dt. just need some encouragement. My beta was 8dp5dt, it’s a little early but I was told that generally if you don’t have implantation by 7dp5dt, the outcome is not likely to be good. Update 10/13: second beta draw was 26. Pregnancy Week 27 Using the beta base calculator, yours doubled in 37. Going for my second blood test tom. First ultrasound tomorrow at 5w5d! Like. 472 Likes, TikTok video from Matt & Bailey Williams (@mattandbailey_): “Delayed Post 9/15: 10dp5dt transfer beta results #betaday #10dp5dt #10dp5dtbeta #betaresults #ivfjourney #ivfbetaday #ivfstory #ivfpregnancy #ivfpregnancyjourney #ivfbaby #pregnantafterinfertility #pregnantafterivf #ivfwarrior #pregnancyjourney #pregnancytiktok”. Just had my initial beta this morning, clocking in at 78. A second beta 4 days later and if all is fine, that's it. 23) was 79; second beta 11dp5dt was 572; third beta 13pd5dt was over 1500. Betas: 32 10dp5dt, 144 13dp5dt, 525 15dp5dt, 8169 21dp5dt Just had my second ultrasound yesterday and graduated from my fertility clinic I just got my beta results back and it's at 230 which my nurse said is pretty high. Feb 16, 2016 · my first beta at 11 or 12 days after a 5 day transfer was 119, about where you were at 12 days. So my first beta at 8dp5t was 7. @ 10dp5dt - beta was 276 @ 12dp5dt - beta was 629 @ 15dp5dt - beta was 2800 Praising the good Lord! Can't get my first sono until after 7 weeks gestational age as I have a very inflexible work schedule due to my line of work ugh. My first beta was on 11DP5DT and it was 1839, second Beta was three days later on 14DP5DT and it TW - discussing beta hcg, positive testing We had our first fresh cycle with a high grade embryo. Beta levels / possible symptom questions (IVF, FET) July 13, 2018 | by MamaOfSilas. My baby girl turned 4 months old yesterday 🥰 I freaked out last year, too, seeing everyone else with higher betas. 75 Second beta is 10. Nurse said it was quite low. My beta came back yesterday at 81 and my clinic said to come back in a week for an ultrasound. Lack of symptoms is totally normal in early days and from experience, gut feeling can be completely off!!! Don't lose hope. 10dp5dt beta original Another beta scheduled for Wed. reReddit: Top posts of September 2020. Has anyone had experiences either way with a line like this? I'm away this weekend Pregnancy #3 - I got a positive HPT at 4dp5dt and my first beta was 10dp5dt and was 25. This is my first ever pregnancy after 2. I’ll be 23 weeks tomorrow. What were some of your numbers on 12dp5dt. My progesterone went up from Friday. 73 likes, 4 comments - two. Pregnancy Week 29 Beta is in. IVF 4 - 10dp5dt - Beta. Rant Honestly this is more of a vent than a rant. Reddit My betas were 119 10dp5dt and 300 13dp5dt. Those numbers look great! Had twins 6 months ago and was fascinated by my beta numbers. Today, beta day, was the day I could drop the UPO and confirm pregnancy. PineappleVibes. U/s at 6+ weeks w/ heartbeat. Fingers, toes and eyes firmly crossed Xx. reReddit: Top posts of 2022 &nbsp; &nbsp; TOPICS. Saturday 10/1- 12dp5dt. Need Good Juju! My beta is 9 IU/L which seems very low. M. My second beta won't be till 9/5 because of the holiday. I would love to hear success stories. 2 at 10dp5dt, is borderline. Update 3 (Fri 12/17/21, 18dpt): Today's beta is 371 - so it more than doubled in 48 hrs. So I'll have to wait to see if they are doubling correctly. This is the exception and not the rule and it's a very small chance. First beta on 10dp5dt was 215. Digitals have been positive from 7dp5dt. Update 10/26: Hello from beta hell. I do think it's a bit lowbut when I had the ectopic my beta were 18 on 13dp3dt (16DPO) which would have been like tomorrow. Has anyone ever had a BFP and didn't feel any symptoms? 10dp5dt FET no symptoms, faint BFP. From scouring the Internet, this test seems on the light side for 10dp5dt. Aug 16, 2015 #5 Hope how you doing you tested cx . I’m trying to remain optimistic but also not being a complete fool. I am currently 5 months preggo. My first beta with this pg: 23. Share Add a Comment. An ultrasound at five or six weeks of pregnancy can better predict a good pregnancy outcome than any number of beta tests. Pregnancy Week 31. Friday 9/30 - 11dp5dt. Friday 9/23 - 3DP5DT Thursday 9/28 - 10dp5dt. I'll post my results. Reply (1) Report. I just had my first beta done today for my second FET (first one failed) and it came back at 33. At 13dp5dt my number was 72. Mar 7, 2024. Pregnancy Week 24. I had my 10dp5dt beta today and it was 17. my partner was away for the weeekend with friends and one felt ill last night after they got home AND DIDNT TELL HIM UNTIL TODAY when friend tested positive for covid. Preferably from the same lab. Good luck!! Xxx 10dp5dt beta was 57 and 12dp5dt was 111. Be the first to comment Nobody's responded to this post yet. I was nervous about multiples but we just have one. It is strange that clinics don't have more standard answers to what a good beta is. so this is my third. it more than doubled on day 12. Positive Beta Discussion I just got my first beta result, 452. reReddit: Top Beta #2 tomorrow. Be the first to How do you know if beta numbers are doubling right and if they are a good number? Mine is currently . My favourite doctor said it's perfect for 10dp5dt (15DPO) and to relax. My beta at 14dp5dt is 671. Pregnancy Week 26. Update 2 (Wed 12/15/21, 16dpt): Today's beta was 177 - still lower than they wanted, but at least it more than doubled in 48hrs? Have another beta blood test scheduled for Fri AM. Caution must be used in making too much of HCG numbers and your Doctor is your best source of advice about your own pregnancy. FET #2: Transferred 2 PGS normals. What was yours at this stage? Still in shock, and cautiously elated at the news today, but do not understand the HCG numbers. OP posts: See next My clinic asks for a beta from 10dp5dt, due to schedules mine were both on 11dp5dt. Did my 3 day embryo fresh transfer on june 4th. Today at 14dp5dt my HCG is 1537. September 9, 2014: Ultrasound #1 115 heartbeats per minute. The most important thing is that it doubles. They want me to come in again on Monday for Unfortunately, I don't have any line progression images since I've been using digital tests. 4 and it continued to rise from there. I was hoping for over 150 and our prayers were answered. 10dp5dt Bleeding . It's come back at 163. You are the equivalent of 15dpo at 10dp5dt. 6/23/2018 0 Comments Going in today for blood test aka beta. Very tired. My RE was happy with that and said he didn’t want to do anymore beta tests (perhaps for my sanity more than anything). At the same point with my singleton it was 864. Should I be worried? b. December 25, 2017 | by bheng_doria Pregnancy Week 23. This pregnancy my beta at 10dp5dt was 814, then at 13dp5dt it was 3,140. Any success stories with a low first beta? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A I know I am out but my doctor wants me to retest and make my misery longer. 11dp5dt (beta update) 10dp5dt; Hello Deng (beta update) Signs; Low beta hell is the worst. I’ve been having positive HPTs since the evening of 5dp5dt that have steadily been getting darker but the one this afternoon looks about the same as yesterday. It seems a little low. 5 years of infertility, 4 rounds of IVF, and 3 embryo transfers! My beta today (10dp5dt) was only 61. I have my first beta tomorrow, OP should absolutely keep taking their meds, but people need to quit saying that the blood test is going to be different - this really feels like a bingo to me. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. That beta sounds fine to me — for what it’s worth at my clinic they considered over 100 on 10dp5dt to be “good” and if you assume a doubling time of 2-3 days by day 14 671 seems pretty good! • 32F | 1 ER | FET #1 - Feb ‘23 BFP! 10dp5dt Beta HCG test Hey everybody!! (If you just want to see my beta HCG number scroll down to the bold red text in the next paragraph. Hello ladies. We have an ultrasound planned for Friday (would be about 6 Low Beta 10dp5dt . My first transfer was in November and I was pregnant as well and 10DP5Dt was 83, 13dp5dt was 386 and 15dp5dt it dropped to 352. 10dp5dt is 15 DPO and unless Meee!! I took a test 8dp3dt and it was negative. After a positive test this morning, I went to get my blood work done. My first beta at 8dp5dt was 23! I wanted to quit the progesterone but we kept running betas and it kept rising. Beta at 8dpt was 70. Anyone with similar stories? I’ve had 3 failed euploid transfers in past with HCG 0. I am done with IVF. I don’t have any symptoms yet :( my beta on june 17 came back 419. Some discharge - clear. All three ended in miscarriage, with the one that started at 50 ending at the end of first trimester (products of conception FET #1: 10dp5dt beta 504. Healthy pregnancy, healthy baby. Here’s hoping this At 10dp5dt my beta was 29. 108 Beta at 10dp5dt . I have another beta on Monday. I had my first beta today at 9dp5dt . You just add the 2 numbers together to Update: Clinic says they consider it a positive but it's lower than they'd like to see (as we know), going back Wednesday morning for another beta. If positive, I would set up my beta draw for the first day I returned from vacation/working out of town. I had a beta of 68 on 10dp5dt and now have a 5mo old! I understand the stress . I am still hopeful and would like to know if there are any success stories out there. Over 5 years of IVF treatments with only 2 chemical pregnancies to show for it. My clinic only do one beta test and US on week 7 I have an appointment July 10 I hope we will see a strong heart beat. If I compare numbers with Oliver's pregnancy, I think this looks at least a couple of days behind, unless beta pick up swiftly tomorrow. My daughter was 247 at 9dp5dt. Next beta is Tuesday. 8. October 10, 2014: Our baby looks like a baby and is moving all over! 10dp5dt beta - 504. Beta at 10 dpt was 240. i am 10dp5dt with my first + betaafter 2 failed FET’s. with anywhere from 23 hour doubling time to 46 hours. 1. The past. Hi all, this is my first FET. Horrible headache - slept it off. 85 , my clinic said at this stage they want to see it between 30-50 . For my first pregnancy my beta was 79 at 10dp3dt. She gave me 2 options. Top posts of June 23, 2023. First Beta Result!! 10dp5dt . I ended up taking my second closer to 4 days 10dp5dt- Beta day! so i made my way through the sleet & snow to the lab this morning & the lovely labotomist (or whatever) took my blood & sent me on my way with good luck wishes. FET #4: 10dp6dt beta 156. I just got a call from my nurse, she said my results for yesterday BETA is 3. honestly, like you said, you want them to double more so than be super high! Pregnancy Week 23. 23 was 11dpt Currently almost 6 weeks good luck Reply I had my beta today at 10dp5dt and it was also 57! I’m freaking out a little too, but my nurse seemed upbeat about it and said it’s on the low end of normal. 3 hours, which is an EXCELLENT doubling time. 8 HCG, 26. Pregnancy Week Also just to add my first beta was 61 at 10dp5dt and it went up to 210 72 hours, and then up to 592 after 72 more hours. I was also very emotion but maybe it was because I got a great beta and was over the moon. Aleriya Active Member. I’m now 17 weeks. 5 hours So tomorrow is test day, and I'm counting down the hours. Pregnancy Week 23. You aren’t out completely until your beta, but if it was me, I’d keep my expectations very, very low. 12. longest 4 days of my life between the two beta measurements! Top posts of February 23, 2022. Pregnancy Week 29. Fertility Network UK. Tryingandimpatient · 27/11/2014 23:07 Yep as expected can't sleep lol!! I'll update in the morn at next test. 4. Hi, Can you get a beta blood test on Monday? As I told you my transfer was same day as yours and I have bfn on first response . But the beta was 39. 5years old now. 🤞🤞 🤞 Share Add a Comment. Second beta - 310. Gestational sac and yolk sac seen, Beta 4941. I haven’t tested again since yesterday, but considering testing over the next 3 days waiting for another beta. As I have said repeatedly, nothing—especially a live birth—is ever guaranteed with IVF, but today’s beta test was the This isn’t normal, right? I have my transfer next week on 11/23 of a 6 day euploid (don’t know rating) and just realized on my paperwork my lab appointment for first beta is 12/7. That's it. Had 2 completely failed transfers of 1st Beta (10dp5dt): 4402nd Beta (13dp5dt): 992It doubled within 72 hours, but this rise is much smaller than I had with previous healthy pregnancies. Would you say this development is good? I’m trying not to dwell on the low numbers as I know doubling is what’s more important. Gaming. 10dp5dt Beta #1 - 810 | 12dp5dt Beta #2 - 1843 . But 3. The earliest my RE will test is 10dp5dt. I had a d&c yesterday. Pregnancy Week 30. Should I asked them to keep monitoring beta? Or is it good enough to wait for ultrasound? So far I symptoms that I got are spotting at 9dpt, cramps on and off, and fatigued. Below 2 consider failed. 5. September 23, 2014: Ultrasound #2 182 heartbeats per minute September 26, 2014: Love my OB's office. After 5 transfers of PGS normal embryos, we finally have a positive test. But wait, there's more ↓↓Key IVF #1 Videos:Crouch Tiger Hidden Ovary: https://www. but now I am 23 weeks and 61 votes, 18 comments. Initial beta came back at 112 mIU/mL which I was initially excited about. Just got my congratulations phone call followed by a gut punch of 54 beta. Recheck on Wednesday. . So at 10dp5dt my first beta yesterday was 248. I'm talking to my clinic tomorrow, but I'm guessing this means chemical pregnancy. 10dp5dt HCG Level!!!! Positive Beta Discussion Hi my HCG level 10 days after a 5 day embryo transfer was 888. My beta at 10dp5dt came back at 123. ER 9/5/13 23 eggs we are fertilizing 15. It ended up being a chemical pregnancy but if that babe had stuck would have been good to go. I’ve had 2 in the high 20s at day 10dp5dt and both ended badly. gqsk ktqx dfyiro fakg gaorf ratjgnt xjvtxb xalauo oenyk jrqe