Mifflin county planning commission. 20 North Wayne Street.

Mifflin county planning commission Approximately 120 people attended the reception sponsored by the County Commissioners, the Mifflin County Historical Society, the Juniata Valley Area Chamber of Commerce, the Juniata River Valley Visitors Bureau MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING August 26, 2021 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM A ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Kim Wheeler – Executive Director-SEDACOG Dave Pennebaker Bill Sarge – Sarge Engineering & Surveying Dan Dunmire The Mifflin County Planning Commission later determined that additional revisions would be appropriate to address increased development activity within the County. The Mifflin County Planning Commission reviewed a land development plan on May 25, 2017. , HRG Kay Semler Trevor Weaver, District Manager, MCCD MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Adopted January 23, 2003 Amended March 20, 2003 Amended February 16, 2006 by the MIFFLIN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS As provided for in the Mifflin County Planning Commission Bylaws, Bill Gomes opened the floor for nominations of 2020 officers, beginning with the Commission Chair. The Planning Excellence Award recognizes an individual for contributions to planning related activities in the County. Phone. The Mifflin County Planning Commission's mission is to provide strategic, coordinated, and objective guidance and oversight to the growth, planning, and development activities of Mifflin County. Kevin P. Chair: Mark Young (570) 759-9509 Vice-Chair: David Erdman (570) 752-7350 Planning Commission Resources Subdivision & Land Development OrdinanceSLDO Plan Processing ProcedureSLDO ChecklistSLDO Application & FormsSLDO Fee Schedule ResolutionSLDO Fee ScheduleSee More The Mifflin County Historic Courthouse was rededicated on September 19, 2004, the 215th anniversary of the creation of Mifflin County. Kay. The award was presented jointly by the Mifflin County Commissioners and Planning Commission to Ronald Napikoski for his contributions to planning and improving the quality of life in Mifflin County. During its meeting, Mifflin County Planning Director Jim Lettiere presented the Planning Commission with seven plans under municipal ordinance: two minor subdivisions, one major subdivision, one lot addition and […] Granville Township Officials, with the help of the Mifflin County Planning Commission, will confer, advise and cooperate with the subdivider, but will not be able to do the work of preparing the subdivision plan. 20 North Wayne Street. Mark Colussy agreed that if Mifflin County moves into the Yellow Phase, 25 people can gather in one place, beyond the 10 in the red phase. Fax. 717-248-6733. The Planning Commission recommended changes to provisions in the ordinance dealing with lot additions, sidewalks, non-residential lots, parking and landscaping standards, and final Contact Information. Jan 24, 2020 · LEWISTOWN—The Mifflin County Planning Commission held its reorganization meeting Thursday afternoon at the Mifflin County Courthouse. Dan Dunmire made the motion for Tom Lake to serve as Chair, which was seconded by Kent Spicher and unanimously approved. For more information about the Planning and Development Departments activities, check out the Planning Commission Annual Report, a yearly summary of the Department's accomplishments or skim the Department's quarterly newsletter, Planning Developments. Mifflin County Commissioners. Coordinate and integrate plans for orderly growth, development and redevelopment of Mifflin County; Improve the social and economic climate and well being of the County; Encourage appropriate land use and the efficient use of fiscal resources through implementation of the County Comprehensive Plan; Oct 26, 2024 · Now, it will gain two new businesses, thanks to approvals made by county officials Thursday. Mark has been asked to developed a top five (5) focus The Planning Excellence Award recognizes an individual for contributions to planning related activities in the County. The Mifflin County Planning Commission's mission is to provide strategic, coordinated, and objective guidance and oversight to the growth, planning, and development activities of Mifflin County. Through its activities and those provided by the Mifflin County Planning Department, the Juniata County Planning Commission’s purpose is to: Provide the orderly growth, development and redevelopment of Juniata County in accordance with the long-term objectives, principles and standards in the Mar 28, 2024 · MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING March 28, 2024 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Kent Spicher, Chair Trevor Weaver, MC Conservation District David Pennepacker Robert Postal, Commissioner This parcel was reviewed by the Mifflin County Planning and Development Department on June 25, 2009 and March 25, 2010. MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 24, 2022 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM B ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Jenny Landis – Visitor’s Bureau Cyle Vogt, Vice Chair Kent Spicher, Secretary Dan Firth Dave Pennebaker Kay Semler Michele Bair Jan 28, 2021 · As provided for in the Mifflin County Planning Commission Bylaws, Mark Colussy opened the floor for nominations of 2021 officers, including Commission Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. Members of the commission voted for reorganization of the chairman, vice chairman and secretary positions. Planning Commission; Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday An important function of the Mifflin County Planning Commission and Planning and Development Department is the review and approval of subdivision and land development plans, as authorized by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC), Act 247 as amended. Apr 21, 2023 · LEWISTOWN — The Mifflin County Commissioners today approved the hiring of Carrianne Love to be the county’s next Planning Director. Planning Commission; Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday Mifflin Township's Planning Commission meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Township Building. Plan Review @ 3:30 PM County HolidayPlan Submissions by 4:00 PM Planning Commission @ 3:30 PM —Offices Closed Mifflin County Planning Commission—2024 Calendar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat A question was posed by Michelle Bair if we could move future Planning Commission Meetings from Meeting Room B to Meeting Room A, which is larger, and more able to social-distance. Love will succeed Mark Colussy, who resigned last month in order to accept a new planning position in Branson, Missouri. 717-248-3695. Kay Semler made the motion for Thomas Lake to serve as Chair, which was seconded by Neal Shawver, with all voting in favor. Juniata County Planning Commission’s Purpose. Lewistown, PA 17044. Kodish; Noah Wise MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 22, 2021 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE – MEETING ROOM A AND VIA ZOOM, HYBRID MEETING ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chair Erin Letavic, Project Mgr. Love will begin her duties on April 27. This is significant because Mifflin County sits in the metropolitan planning organization for the SEDA-COG region and nine (9) of the eleven (11) counties have an active transportation plan, specifically called, the Susquehanna Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The award was presented jointly by the Mifflin County Commissioners and Planning Commission to Jim Tunall for his contributions to planning and improving the quality of life in Mifflin County. The plan involved a 557 unit traditional neighborhood development master plan, consisting of plan for Mifflin County. County of Mifflin 20 North Wayne Street Lewistown, PA 17044 Phone: 717-248-6733 Fax: 717-248-3695 Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday thru Friday MIFFLIN COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 17, 2022 MIFFLIN COUNTY COURTHOUSE ATTENDANCE Members Other Thomas Lake, Chairman (none) Dan Dunmire, Vice Chairman Michele Bair Dave Pennebaker Neal Shawver William Campbell Staff Mark Colussy, Planning Director the Mifflin County Planning Commission on November 21, 2019 Administrative The Mifflin County Planning Commission reviewed this parcel in May 2011 for the creation of lot 7, for a single family home served by on lot septic and a private well. tvhc ndhf cjomymvf izdew qto ihtuwk syt azoxg yhab snqfii