Camden council dcp A garage or carport is permitted at the rear or side of the dwelling, though not permitted to be constructed in the front setback 1. 2 Block and Lot Layout, Control 5 Campbelltown DCP – 3. In October 2016, the Department of Planning and This facility is within the Camden LGA and it is anticipated that Liverpool City Council will be involved when Camden Council begins the design of this facility. 9 How to Use this DCP This DCP was made under Section 3. Camden Development Control Plan 2019 . All news . 4 What does this DCP seek to achieve? 1. In the event of any inconsistency, the controls below prevail. Council may Camden Council cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translation. Part A Precinct Wide DCP Figure 1: Land to which this DCP Applies 2 Figure 2: Oran Park Precinct Indicative Layout Plan 14 Figure 3: Indicative Residential Dwelling Target Sub-Precincts 16 Figure 4: Neighbourhood Centres and Employment Areas 18 Figure 5: Street Network Plan (updated October 2011) 24 For further information, please refer to rezoning information DPHIs website. The number of parking spaces must be in accordance with the car parking requirements referred to in this DCP. Objectives a. Website designed and developed by Greenhouse Creative. Under the Roads Act (1993) the Council is also the Roads Authority. The DCP does not apply to land zoned under Garage Design Garages are to have a minimum internal dimension of 3m wide x 5. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. The Glenlee Precinct is partly within the Camden Local Government Area (LGA) and partly within the Campbelltown LGA. Figure 5-17: Glenlee - Where this Subsection The District Council Collaborative Board was formed in 2005 pursuant to a Blue Ribbon Commission, convened by the New Jersey Attorney General and comprised of law enforcement experts who had worked and evaluated public safety organizations and plans throughout the country and beyond. This schedule and related amendments to the DCP give effect to the provisions of the DCP for land within the On 14 November 2023, Council resolved to endorse an amendment to the Camden Development Control Plan 2019 - Schedule 8 Emerald Hills (DCP). 2 Subdivision Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. In this section. A total of 135 spaces have been provided with a shortfall of 12 parking spaces. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Note: The controls listed below are specific parts of Grasmere. Part 1 - Introduction . All outbuildings must be planned and organized in a group and must be located behind the building line, so it is predominantly hidden from view from the public domain. 43(4) of EP&A Act, the Camden Development Control Plan . Search for your local councillors and find out how to contact them. Parking has been assessed in the ‘Camden Development Control Plan 2019’ section of the assessment report. Welcome to the Camden Development Control Plan 2019 Please select a topic from the menu to the left, browse popular pages below, or use the search bar at the top of this page to find what Table of Contents Part 1 - Introduction Part 2 - General Land Use Controls Part 3 - Residential Subdivision Part 4 - Residential Dwelling Controls Part 5 - Employment Zones Development Controls Part 6 - Specific Land Use Controls Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. 12 Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Clarence Valley DCP 2011 Industrial Zones - as amended 29 July 2022 (PDF) Camden DCP 2011 - as amended 20 Dec 2016 (PDF) - SUPERSEDED. ControlThe design and performance of the stormwater management system infrastructure must have regard to the Water Sensitive Urban Design measures contained within the Cardno, May 2013, Water Cycle Management Report and The draft controls have been prepared to amend the Camden Growth Centre DCP (Section 2. 9 How to Use this DCP 1-4 1. You should let your home designer and builder know that Emerald Hills has special covenants and guidelines, so that they can design your house and suggest external colours accordingly. This chapter outlines Council’s requirements for the design and provision of car parking, motorcycle parking, bicycle parking and storage and loading facility requirements for specific developments. Home Download DCP 2019 Absorption trenches or existing watercourse as deemed suitable by Council. Figure 12-1: Land to which this Schedule applies ObjectivesTo ensure the development does not pose an adverse impact on sensitive landscape areas 1. Camden’s heritage comprises of a diverse range of items, places, and precincts of heritage significance. We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture. 1 Camden – E1 Local Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Home Controls The car parking requirements are to comply with the controls as set out in this DCP. 46 of EP&A Act, approvals may be required from one or more This section applies to land known as the Narellan Town Centre and surrounding land within the E1 - Local Centre zone (Figure 5-3). Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 This Schedule forms part of the Camden Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (also referred to as the DCP). No. It is: temporary; not a benefit; given at our discretion Camden Council, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, licensors and other partners are not responsible for any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising from a breach of this agreement and/or any breach of your representations and warranties set forth above. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Camden Council Planning Proposal Amendment to Camden LEP 2010 to include minimum lot and minimum frontage controls for dual occupancy and multi dwelling housing Summary of existing Camden DCP 2011 controls for dual occupancy and multi dwelling housing. 9 How to Use this DCP Authority. Alternatively, you can visit Council's o ffices at 70 Central Avenue, Oran Park during normal office hours or the Oran Park, Narellan or Camden libraries during normal opening hours to view DAs. Accordingly, Council seeks to ensure that development undertaken in the 5. 3 Using this DCP 4 1. The applicant has submitted a car parking variation justification which Council staff have assessed and are supportive of. Introduction The Camden Contributions Plan 2011 (Amendment 1) was adopted by Council on 20 October 2023 and replaces the original Camden Contributions Plan 2011 adopted by Council in April 2012 (see Repealed Development Contribution Plans). 7 Relationship between this DCP and Council’s Engineering Specifications . Calculations for the number of parking spaces will primarily be based on the gross floor area of the development, unless otherwise specified. Campbelltown Sustainable Cities DCP 2015 At its meeting on 13 December 2022, Council resolved to forward the draft Planning Proposal to the then Department of Planning and Environment for Gateway Determination and following receipt of a Gateway Determination, to publicly exhibit the draft Planning Proposal and draft Camden Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP) and Oran Park DCP. Contact Council’s Urban Tree and Landscape Team on 13 22 63 with assistance in determining if any exemptions apply and work through the appropriate approval process as well as any other requirements relating to your proposal. Controls for shop top housing (permitted within the R1, E1 and MU1 zones) are contained within Chapter 8. 9 How to Use this DCP Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Second notification of PP/2020/1/1. All specialist reports 1. Reviews were recently conducted and amendments proposed for the Camden Growth Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP), Oran Park DCP and Turner Road DCP which were previously adopted by the DISCLAIMER AND CAUTIONIn preparing this map Council has in good faith relied upon information provided to it or sourced from third parties. 1 Structure of this DCP 4 1. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 The purpose of this report is to seek a Council resolution to publicly exhibit the draft Planning Proposal and draft amendment to Camden Development Control Plan 2011 (Camden DCP 2011) for Lot 24 in DP 1086823 Crase Place, Grasmere. An ILP is intended to be a high The DCP was adopted by Council on 13 August 2019. 2 Purpose of this plan 2 1. Residential Subdivision 4. Note: Designated car parking areas are not to be used for storing vehicles under Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Separate schedules apply for each Precinct. The DCP came into force 16 BackgroundThis section outlines the requirements for the management of waste from new developments. You are also encouraged to complete a Self-Assessment Checklist before Council inspects your pool, to ensure non Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. 3 Camden Town Centre Development Controls; 5. You are also encouraged to complete a Self-Assessment Checklist before Council inspects your pool, to ensure non Ironbark Avenue, South Camden – Zoned IN2 Light Industrial (Part 6. 8 Structure of this DCP 1-3 1. It reflects current To ensure buildings on corner sites provide an appropriate secondary street setback and maintain sight lines for the safety of pedestrians and vehicles. 10 Where do I 5. 5 Consent authority 8 BackgroundThis section applies to the MU1 zoned land which fringes the E1 zoned land at Camden (Figure 5-2). 8 Structure of this DCP 10 Submissions are currently sought by Camden Council about proposed amendments to the Camden Growth Centres Development Control Plan - Part B1 ‘Oran Park Town Centre’. Residential Download DCP 2019 Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Notwithstanding piers with a maximum dimension of 500mm x 500mm are permitted to a maximum height of 1200mm. Buildings should maintain and enhance the Camden Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan Page i Contents 1 Introduction 1 1. 2 The Indicative Layout Plan site as part o All development applications (DAs) are to be generally in accordance with the indicative layout plan (ILP). 2 Camden Council planning documents 6 1. 1 What is the Name of this DCP? 8 1. 5 Relationship between this DCP and Camden LEP 2010 9 1. Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code . Setbacks. Planning Proposal to amend Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010 by increasing the existing 9. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on Camden Council acknowledges the Dharawal Peoples as the Traditional Custodians of our lands and waterways, and also recognises the Dharug and Gundungurra Nations. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 These guidelines complement the requirements of Camden Council in its Camden Development Control Plan (DCP) 2011 where the DCP is relevant. If a development is “Integrated Development” as detailed in Section 4. Leppington Town Centre is located in the South West Growth Area identified by the NSW Government. Coaches and Raby Road, Leppington This section applies to the land marked in red in Figure 12-1. The Camden DCP 2011 was adopted by Council on 8 February 2011. Setbacks A front building line setback of Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Council also resolved to grant delegation to the General Manager to adopt the DCP, subject to no unresolved submissions being received and upon notification of the Planning Proposal for land located at 3 Emerald Hills Second notification of PP/2020/1/1. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 The Camden Growth Areas Contributions Plan - Amendment 3 enables Council to levy contributions from development within the Leppington North, Leppington and Lowes Creek Maryland precincts. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Under the Camden Development Control Plan (DCP) 2019 a tree is defined as any plant which meets one or more of the following requirements:. Residential Download DCP 2019 Camden Council has developed a Swimming Pool Inspection Program in consultation with the community. Council will consider the extent to which Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. 7 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Camden Development Control Plan 2011 (Camden DCP) Assessment Table Page 1 Requirement Provided Complies B1. All outbuildings must comply with the cut and fill requirements within Part 4 of this DCP. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Camden Development Control Plan 2011 (Camden DCP) Assessment Table Page 1 Requirement Provided Complies B1. The DCP was adopted by Council on 13 August 2019. The controls in the Engineering Specifications need to be met to ensure that competing needs are balanced and water use is sustainable. 1 The main body of this DCP is structured in six Parts containing objectives and controls which apply to all development in Camden. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 If the Council receives an application to remove a tree, it must notify adjoining land owners in accordance with Part 1 of this DCP if, in Council’s opinion, it may significantly impact on local amenity. Yes. Objectives Ensure compliance with Council’s Engineering Specifications. The DCP came into force 16 September 2019. Growth Centres SEPP 2006 - Camden Growth Centres (Appendix 9) Go to website Camden Growth Centre Precincts DCP Download document; Camden Growth Centre Precincts DCP Appendices Download document; Schedule 1 and 2 - Austral & Leppington Major Centre Download document; Schedule 3 - East Leppington Download document; Calculation of SpacesParking is to be provided for a development in accordance with Table 2-5– Schedule of Car, Bicycle, and Motorcycle Parking Requirements and Table 2-6 Schedule showing Service Vehicle Requirements. 5. The four DCPs adopt different structures, making them less user-friendly. In October 2016, the Department of Planning and DISCLAIMER AND CAUTIONIn preparing this map Council has in good faith relied upon information provided to it or sourced from third parties. This DCP must be read in conjunction with Council’s Engineering Design and 1. The East Leppington Precinct is partly within Camden, Liverpool and Campbelltown Local Government Areas. Camden Rural Land Strategy 2017 Camden Scenic and Cultural Landscapes Study, February 1998 Lambcon Associates. 4 What does this DCP seek to achieve? 9 1. 1 The Act and the Growth Centres SEPP 6 1. 12 Download DCP 2019 Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. A Discretionary Housing Payment provides financial support to help with rent or housing costs. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Camden Development Control Plan 2019 129 Part 3 – Residential Subdivision Controls Figure 3-1: Map of Schedules In the event of an inconsistency between a Schedule and the main body of this DCP, the Schedule prevails. ControlsDual Occupancy and semi-detached dwelling development must comply with the controls in Sections 4. Fencing is to be constructed of face brick, rendered brick or rendered blockwork piers with visually permeable infill panels of landscaping, If the Council receives an application to remove a tree, it must notify adjoining land owners in accordance with Part 1 of this DCP if, in Council’s opinion, it may significantly impact on local amenity. 2 What date did the DCP commence? 8 1. 1. Figure 5-3: Narellan Local Centre Desired future character for Narellan Town Centre Narellan is a town centre anchored by a large shopping centre and supported by a range of other uses. It must also be read in conjunction with the general heritage provisions and heritage controls in Part 5 within the Camden Town Centre. Copies of the Development Control Plans and Section 94 Contributions Plans can be obtained from the local Council. Democracy and decision making. 7) and the Oran Park DCP Camden Council, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, licensors and other partners are Front Fencing Fencing along the front boundary is limited to a maximum height of 1m from finished ground level. 12, except where the controls in this chapter differ, in which case the controls in this chapter takes precedence. Camden Council acknowledges the Dharawal Peoples as the Traditional Custodians of our lands and waterways, and also recognises the Dharug and Gundungurra Nations. 2 How to use this DCP 5 1. The draft On 14 November 2023, Council resolved to endorse an amendment to the Camden Development Control Plan 2019 - Schedule 8 Emerald Hills (DCP). Please refer to the Planning Controls page to access the Growth Centres SEPP (Appendix 9) and Camden Growth Precincts DCP. 3. Council will consider permitting greater cut for basement garages, split level designed development and steeply sloping sites. Coaches and Car/Taxi Set-downTaxi, private vehicle and coach drop-off/set-down areas should be provided for larger developments in a convenient off-street location ObjectivesEnsure dual occupancies and semi-detached dwellings are compatible with existing housing and do not adversely affect the local environment or the amenity of adjacent residents. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 BackgroundAll land use and development generates demand for parking facilities. Council cautions persons against relying upon this map as to its accuracy, applicability to specific lands and its currency without verification by the purchase of a planning certificate issued under section 10. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. Provide housing choice for the residents of the Camden LGA. Ridgelines and steep land also present environmental hazards such as land instability and bushfire Leppington, Catherine Park. 3 Where does this DCP apply? 8 1. This section applies to land zoned E3 Productivity Support on Little Street, Camden as shown in Figure 5-16. The minimum lot size is to be consistent with the CLEP 2010. Camden Council news. This Part must be read in conjunction with the requirements set out in Part 2 and Part 4 of this DCP, where relevant. The general numerical setback detailed controls contained in precinct specific Development Control Plan (DCP); and an amendment to the Western Parkland City Precincts SEPP. 5 Relationship between this DCP and Camden LEP 2010 ; 1. 5 Relationship between this DCP and Camden LEP 2010 This DCP is to be read in conjunction with Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010 (CLEP 2010). 3 Where does this DCP apply? This DCP applies to all land within the Camden Local This section provides general residential controls for subdivision within the Camden LGA. 1. The DCP also contains Schedules for site specific areas. They can be initiated by Council or an applicant. 7 Relationship between this DCP and Council’s Engineering Specifications; 1. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Parking for VisitorsVisitor parking spaces should be clearly marked and conveniently located to encourage their use by their intended users. For more accurate translations, call the Australian Government Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. The minimum width of such allotments, at the building line must be 32m. Where a development site is considered a salinity hazard: Cut and fill must be minimised. CPTED refers to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. 3 Where does this DCP apply? This DCP applies to all land within the Camden Local Government Area (LGA) and zoned under Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010. 4 Relationship to other planning documents 6 1. 1 Layout and Design The design and construction of streets is to be consistent with the Growth DCP, Council’s Engineering Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. 2 of this DCP Light Industrial development in the MU1 Mixed Use zone surrounding the Camden town centre as Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Objectives To allow for Domestic Solid Fuel Burning Appliances (Wood Fired Heaters) that are installed appropriately and will not have an adverse impact on air quality or the amenity of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. Dwelling houses within R5 zones must comply with the controls in Sections 2. 6 Revocation of Camden DCP 2011 . The department worked closely with Camden Council to finalise a Development Control Plan (DCP) which For more information about zoning and current planning controls, phone Camden Council on 02 4654 7777. It spans across both Camden Council and Liverpool City Council areas. You can view a summary of the key issues raised, the response in the Finalisation Report and the rezoning package on the NSW Planning Portal. 5m width x 5. 1- 4. Chapter 8 also provides controls for Camden Council has developed a Swimming Pool Inspection Program in consultation with the community. 11 Plan is to authorise the requirement for contributions to fund the provision, extension or augmentation of BackgroundThe Camden Bush Fire Prone Lands Map shows land that can be prone to a bush fire or is likely to be subject to bush fire / ember attack. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 ControlsLandscaped Area A landscaped area along any street frontage is required with a minimum depth of 3 metres (excluding the driveway) Nature Strip/Road Verge and Street Tree Landscaping The road verge/nature strip area adjoining the development site must be turfed and planted with appropriate upper canopy street trees at the rate of approximately 1 tree per 15 Camden Development Control Plan 2019 333 Schedule 2 – Spring Farm • Fauna Habitat Study (Aug 2002) by Conacher Travers. 7 Relationship between this DCP and Council’s Engineering Specifications 9 1. ObjectiveTo ensure residential and associated development is designed and located to blend in with the rural residential backdrop, when viewed from the important view corridors A Planning Proposal is an application to amend planning controls in the Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010 (LEP) or State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts - Western Parkland City 2021 ( WPC Precincts SEPP) that govern an aspect of development. 1 Introduction; S6. • Oran Park DCP; and • Camden Growth Centre Precincts DCP. The contributions collected will enable Council to deliver $711 million worth of essential infrastructure within Leppington North and Leppington, and $445 million worth of Find Camden Local Area SEND Strategy 2022-27 and more key documents for children and young people with SEND. Council subsequently resolved to forward the Planning Proposal to DPIE for Gateway Determination. The draft precinct plan for Lowes Creek Maryland was on exhibition from 28 September 2018 to 9 November 2018. They must be read in conjunction with the controls in Part 4 of this DCP. . 10 service vehicle parking spaces for vehicles of different sizes will be provided across the development. Residential Download DCP 2019 S6 Schedule 6 Camden Lakeside Favourite This Page . Spaces should be freely accessible, preferably in front of the building. Camden Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (Growth DCP) Assessment Table Page 5 Requirement Provided Complies characteristics of the corresponding density band in Table 3-1 3. 43 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) and Part 3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. 2 Referenced Figures Note: The figures included in this section are those referenced in Part 2 Precinct Planning Outcomes, and Part 3 Neighbourhood and Subdivision Design, of the DCP as indicated in Table 2-1. The DCP does not apply to land zoned under Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Figure 5-2: Camden Mixed Use ControlsLayout/Design Development in the MU1 Mixed Use zone should be complementary to the existing land uses in the E1 Local Centre zone which forms the core business and retail precinct of the Camden township. 10 Where do I find the Relevant Controls? Amendments proposed to the Camden Development Control Plan 2019. At its meeting on 8 December 2020, Council considered a report on the Planning Proposal and draft DCP which is included in the Appendices. The draft Planning Proposal is an application to amend planning controls in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts—Western Parkland City) 2021 - NSW Legislation. Councillors were briefed on the draft DCP on 25 September and 30 October 2018. In the event of any inconsistency between Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, controls in Chapter 4 prevail. 7 Relationship between this DCP and Council’s Engineering Specifications 1-3 1. Ordinary Council ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON | 9 May 2023 2 Attachment 1: Draft DCP Amendment Part B1 - Oran Park Town Centre . This chapter also provides general requirements for the assessment and management of traffic Submissions are currently sought by Camden Council about housekeeping amendments proposed for the Camden Growth Centres Development Control Plans. Three (3) 1. The draft Planning Proposal is included as Attachment 1 to this report. In the event of any inconsistency between Chapter 2, controls in Chapters 3-6 prevail. 6 Revocation of Camden DCP 2011 1-2 1. General Land Use Controls 3. Learn about the different planning instruments that apply to land in Camden Local Government Area, including the Camden Local Environment Plan and the Development Control Plan. Introduction 2. Find out what's going on in our community with the latest news, announcements, and events. Home Download DCP 2019 Camden Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (Growth DCP) Assessment Table Page 5 Requirement Provided Complies characteristics of the corresponding density band in Table 3-1 3. S6. 7 of the Environmental Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Ensure appropriate measures The Camden Growth Areas Contributions Plan - Amendment 3 enables Council to levy contributions from development within the Leppington North, Leppington and Lowes Creek Maryland precincts. The draft controls have been prepared to amend the Camden Growth Centre DCP (Section 2. 4. 4 Summary of applicable planning documents 7 1. What is a Planning Proposal? A Planning Proposal is an application to amend planning controls in the Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010 (LEP), State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Western Parkland City) 2021 – Appendix 5 Camden Growth Centres Precincts (Precincts SEPP) that govern an aspect of development. Residential Download DCP 2019 Submissions are currently sought by Camden Council about housekeeping amendments proposed for the Camden Growth Centres Development Control Plans. The contributions collected will enable Council to deliver $711 million worth of essential infrastructure within Leppington North and Leppington, and $445 million worth of ObjectivesProvide the framework for the protection and enhancement of water quality and management of stormwater within the Site. Council’s Capital Works program is updated every year, and a map showing 2023 - 2024 works. The draft DCP includes amendments and updates to the maps and controls within the DCP to reflect existing, approved and planned development within the Oran Park Town Centre (Town Centre). ApplicationThe objectives and controls contained within this section apply to the following; All development in zone E4 General Industrial All development in zone E3 Productivity Support (excluding the land uses specified in subheading ‘Application’ of Section 5. Council also resolved to grant delegation to the General Manager to adopt the DCP, subject to no unresolved submissions being received and upon notification of the Planning Proposal for land located at 3 Emerald Hills Clarence Valley Council DCP 2011 Environment Protection and other zones DCP as amended 29 July 2022. Home Toggle Menu ObjectivesEnsure dual occupancies and semi-detached dwellings are compatible with existing housing and do not adversely affect the local environment or the amenity of adjacent residents. 7 of the Environmental We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. This Schedule applies to all development on the land in the Leppington Precinct shown in Figure 1-1. Specific Development Application Checklists apply to certain types of development. Residential Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. The Planning Proposal received a positive Gateway Determination on 8 February 2021 Background Council’s Engineering Specifications contains the controls relating to detention, drainage and water sensitive urban design. A list of Planning Proposals that have been endorsed by Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. The DCP came into force 16 Development Control Plan 2019 (Camden DCP). Residential Download DCP 2019 The DCP was adopted by Council on 13 August 2019. 1 Name and application of this plan 2 1. 5m building height limit to a range of heights including 13m, 16m, 20m and 24m; a boundary adjustment to the neighbourhood centre zone; and accompanying DCP amendment. Use the interactive map to find the applicable Camden Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan Page i Contents 1 Introduction 1 1. 2 Block and Lot Layout, Chapter 2 (below) provides general controls for residential development. They can be initiated by Council or The draft Planning Proposal is accompanied by an amendment to the Camden Growth Centres DCP which proposes to insert a new schedule (Schedule 6) with site-specific controls for the site. Council’s Engineer shall refer to either the Development Control Engineer or the Director of Engineering, or similar title, of Camden Council or a representative thereof unless otherwise stated. 3 NSW and Commonwealth Biodiversity Assessments 6 1. Camden Council uses electronic lodgement for private tree removal and pruning applications through the (DCP) 2019. Residential Subdivision provided by the Camden DCP. Residential The DCP was adopted by Council on 13 August 2019. Camden Council Administration Centre 70 Central Avenue Oran Park 9 May 2023 . 1 Layout and Design The design and construction of streets is to be consistent with the Growth DCP, Council’s Engineering The objectives of this DCP are to ensure that: Camden LGA retains its valued heritage qualities and scenic landscapes whilst providing for sustainable urban growth; New communities are planned and developed in an orderly, integrated and sustainable manner; Impacts from development on the natural environment are minimised and overall improvements to the A DCP is a detailed guideline that sets out what controls apply to a development or an area of the LGA. 4 Narellan – Town Centre; Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Increasing urbanisation has placed added pressure on the rural lands. Camden Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (Growth DCP) Assessment Table Page 1 Control Assessment Compliance? 2. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of the two documents, the provisions of CLEP 2010 will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency. A dataset containing Applicable Planning Instruments within the Camden LGA Welcome to the Camden Development Control Plan 2019 Please select a topic from the menu to the left, browse popular pages below, or use the search bar at the top of this page to find what Since adopting the Climate Action Plan in 2020, we have taken bold action to help tackle the climate crisis, with borough wide carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions now 48% below Background Ridgeline lands are recognised in NSW Government regional and district strategic plans and in Camden Council’s planning strategies and studies as having environmental value Camden DCP 2019 is the result of a comprehensive review of Camden DCP 2011 and aims to improve its user-friendliness and facilitate quality development outcomes. We have a new e-mail subscription Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Appendices. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Council’s Engineering Design Specifications. Table 2-1: Referenced figures Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. WHY HAS COUNCIL PREPARED CAMDEN DCP 2019? Camden Development Control Plan 2011 (Camden DCP 2011) was adopted by Council on 8 February 2011. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 The East Leppington Precinct is partly within Camden, Liverpool and Campbelltown Local Government Areas. 3 Camden Town Centre Development Controls Favourite This Page . The objectives and controls contained in this section also apply to light industrial development in the B4 Mixed Use zone surrounding the Camden town centre in Part 5 of this DCP. Accordingly, this Schedule forms part of the following Development Control Plan (DCP): Camden Growth Centre Precincts DCP The DCP listed above shall be referred to as the ‘Main DCP’. The report recommends that Council endorse the draft Planning Proposal for referral to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) for a Gateway Parking for VisitorsVisitor parking spaces should be clearly marked and conveniently located to encourage their use by their intended users. 17), Camden DCP 2019 (Section 2. 8 Structure of this DCP; 1. 9 How to Use this DCP; 1. In the absence of a salinity management plan, all works proposed on the land must be designed to achieve the requirements of Council’s current Engineering Design Specification. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019. Find your councillor. 3). Decision making in Camden. Home Toggle Menu Contents. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Camden Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan – Schedule Six, Pondicherry (Part) Precinct 7 2. Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. 7 Relationship between this DCP and Council’s Engineering Specifications 9 The main body of this DCP is structured in six Parts containing objectives and controls which apply to all development in Camden. Draft amendments to the Camden Development Control Plan 2019 (DCP) have been prepared to reflect recent changes to Employment Zones introduced by the We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on these lands. Before Council Officers inspect swimming pools, owners must complete the application form for a Swimming Pool Certificate of Compliance. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 This DCP is to be read in conjunction with Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010 (CLEP 2010). The Bush Fire Prone Land Maps have been prepared by Council and certified by the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service. The primary purpose of this S7. Campbelltown Sustainable Cities DCP 2015 Background Ridgeline lands are recognised in NSW Government regional and district strategic plans and in Camden Council’s planning strategies and studies as having environmental value in terms of scenic amenity, cultural heritage, and biodiversity values that need protecting. 3 Where does this DCP apply? 1. • Geotechnical Assessment: Spring Farm Release Area (including groundwater, salinity, instability, contamination) (Feb 2002) by SMEC Testing Services. 7) and the Oran Park DCP Camden Council, its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, licensors and other partners are On 14 November 2023, Council resolved to endorse an amendment to the Camden Development Control Plan 2019 - Schedule 8 Emerald Hills (DCP). MAIN REPORT 1. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Background The Little Street industrial area is zoned light industrial under the Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010 and is made up of some residential uses, industrial uses and community type uses. Figure 5-1: Camden Local Centre ControlsLayout/Design New development should complement or reinforce the retail functions of the centre, particularly along Argyle Street frontages and associated pedestrian accessways. 6 Revocation of Camden DCP 2011 9 1. The draft Planning Proposal, draft DCP amendment and associated specialist studies are provided as attachments to this report. To create a sustainable, liveable and cool Camden we need trees and green cover. Camden Council Camden Council acknowledges the Dharawal Peoples as the Traditional Custodians of our lands and waterways, and also recognises the Dharug and Gundungurra Nations. 5m length for a single garage or 5. 8 Structure of this DCP; Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Pursuant to Section 3. In general, Bush Fire Prone Land mapping identifies vegetation types and associated buffer zones. There is opportunity to demonstrate leading edge urban Introduction and Application of this subsectionThe Glenlee Precinct is an Urban Release Area located to the south east of Spring Farm and is bound by Menangle Park to the east and Camden Park to the west. Clarence Valley Council DCP 2011 Environment Protection and other zones DCP as amended 29 July 2022. Figure 2-4 Camden Heritage Conservation Area Character ControlsLot Dimensions / SubdivisionIn new industrial areas, Council accepts that subdivision will result in the creation of allotments of varying sizes and dimensions to satisfy differing development requirements. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 Introduction The Spring Farm release area is bounded by Camden Bypass to the northwest, Narellan Vale to the northeast, Mount Annan and Macarthur Resource Recovery Park to the east, and the Nepean River to the south. Additional controls for specific development are also located in Chapters 3-6. Introduction Download DCP 2019 BackgroundAll land use and development generates demand for parking facilities. 7 Relationship between this DCP and Council’s Engineering Specifications; Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. 6 Revocation of Camden DCP 2011 Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. 2. The development requires provision for 10 service vehicles. The ILP outlines where existing and future open spaces will be located. Landscaping is to be designed to integrate new development with the existing landscape character of the street and be sensitive The objectives of this DCP are to ensure that: Camden LGA retains its valued heritage qualities and scenic landscapes whilst providing for sustainable urban growth; New communities are planned and developed in an orderly, integrated and sustainable manner; Impacts from development on the natural environment are minimised and overall improvements to the Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. 2 What date did the DCP commence? 1. Further Information. All parking must be provided off-street and must be appropriately line marked. For further information on Waste Management Plans (WMPs), waste management technical Camden’s rural areas play an important role – not only from an agricultural production perspective, but also through the provision of diverse rural landscapes. Council is committed to managing and maintaining our public trees with high standards, while also ensuring public safety, minimising nuisance and maximising benefits to the community. 1- 2. At its meeting of 8 December 2020, Council considered a report on the Planning Proposal and draft DCP which are included in the . Introduction Council officers have undertaken a review of the Camden DCP 2011 with the main goals to provide a DCP Heritage makes up an important part of the character of the Camden Local Government Area (LGA). We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. 5m length for a double garage. Items, places or precincts may include public buildings, private houses, housing estates, archaeological sites, industrial complexes, bridges, roads, churches, schools, parks Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Variation supported. Built Form The Camden Valley Way—Camden By-pass link road will if the principles set out in this DCP are complied with. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 1. Since this time, several changes have been made to update the document, correct anomalies, and insert new 1. Buffer Zones to Reduce Land Use Conflict with Agriculture, November 2018, Department of Primary Industries. Manage subdivision throughout the Camden LGA to ensure sense of place is Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. Spring Farm ILP Figure S2-1: Spring Farm Master Plan Spring Farm Master PlanThe Spring Farm Master Plan shown at Figure S2-1 identifies a broad be in accordance with Camden DCP 2011 The proposal requires a total of 147 car parking spaces to be provided. 7 Relationship between this DCP and Council’s Engineering Specifications 9 Maintain the scenic rural landscapes which characterise the rural zoned land in the Camden LGA. Open space. We have a new e-mail subscription service which will notify you of DAs that Council has recently begun exhibiting to the community. Controls Must be installed in accordance with the Building Code of Australia and the relevant Australian Standards (includes 4 grams per kilogram of fuel BackgroundThe Camden LGA features an R5 Large Lot Development residential zone which permits a specific type and density within the area. Since that time, amendments have been made to Camden DCP 2011 to update the document, correct North Kellyville DCP 2008 Blacktown City Council Growth Centres DCP 2010 Box Hill and Box Hill Industrial Precincts DCP 2013 Camden Growth Centres DCP 2013 Camden DCP – 3. In the event of an inconsistency between a Schedule Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. ObjectivesProvide safe and secure onsite parking for residents and visitors; Reduce the visual impact of garages, carports and parking areas on the streetscape and improve dwelling presentation; and Ensure the design of garages do not dominate the frontage of the house. Reviews were recently conducted and amendments proposed for the Camden Growth Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP), Oran Park DCP and Turner Road DCP which were previously adopted by the This DCP was made under Section 3. Due to the rezoning of Leppington Precinct Stages 2 and 5, your land may be identified for future acquisition. 5 Relationship between this DCP and Camden LEP 2010 1-2 1. • Spring Farm Sydney: Assessment of Market Potential for a Retail Centre by Jebb Holland Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. 6 Revocation of Camden DCP 2011; 1. This DCP does not apply to or in respect of: routine pruning of trees or shrubs that form a continuous hedge; Camden Council Planning Proposal Amendment to Camden LEP 2010 to include minimum lot and minimum frontage controls for dual occupancy and multi dwelling housing Summary of existing Camden DCP 2011 controls for dual occupancy and multi dwelling housing. All dimensions are to be clear of any fixed internal structures, such as staircases (Figure S4-13). Is three metres or more in height; Has a circumference of 300 millimetres or a diameter of 100 millimetres at a height of one metre above the ground surface; or Each development application submitted to Council must include all information outlined in the relevant Development Application Checklist. This section of the DCP is to be read in conjunction with Council’s Waste Management Guidelines, where more detail will be provided for different development types. 3 Movement network 3. Residential Download DCP 2019 Now that rezoning has been finalised, the local Council is responsible for providing information about land zoning Austral and Leppington North Precinct Plan and planning controls in the Austral & Leppington North Precincts. Design PrinciplesNatural features on the site, such as trees, vegetation, rock outcrops, cliffs, ledges, indigenous species and vegetation communities must be retained and incorporated into the design of development and the associated landscape plan. Council also resolved to grant delegation to the General Manager to adopt the DCP, subject to no unresolved submissions being received and upon notification of the Planning Proposal for land located at 3 Emerald Hills Urban trees are valuable to Camden and have a range of environmental benefits. This DCP does not apply to or in respect of: routine pruning of trees or shrubs that form a continuous hedge; BackgroundThis section applies to the E1 zoned land which forms the core of the Camden town centre (Figure 5-1). 1 Erosion and Sedimentation DCP have been considered by Council’s Urban Tree & Landscape Officer who has determined that the proposed tree removal can be supported, subject to conditions. 3 ORD03 March Review of the 2022/23 Budget Attachment 1: March Review 2023 Alternatively, you can visit Council's o ffices at 70 Central Avenue, Oran Park during normal office hours or the Oran Park, Narellan or Camden libraries during normal opening hours to view DAs. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging and to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples on 1. 1-3. The new user-friendly and interactive DCP website allows users to see what planning controls apply across the Camden area and includes: An interactive map; Allows users to search easily To the full extent permitted by law Council disclaims liability with respect to any information shown on this map. Residential Dwelling Controls Download DCP 2019 In preparing this map Council has in good faith relied upon information provided to it or sourced from third parties. The land zoned light industrial is adjacent to the Camden Heritage Contact Camden Council (02) 4654 7777 Email. ControlsOne to two (1-2) bedroom dwellings will provide at least 1 car space. This chapter also provides general requirements for the assessment and management of traffic On steeply sloping sites, Council may consider deepened edge beams greater than 1 metre where it can be demonstrated that there will be no detrimental impacts on neighbouring properties, and can meet the objectives. Camden Development Control Plan 2019 S1-3 Schedule 1 - Elderslie applications are to demonstrate to Council that the dwelling targets shown in Figure S1-1 will BackgroundThis subsection sets out the objectives and controls specific to development within the Camden Heritage Conservation Area, the area of which is shown in Figure 2-4. uszpvc yvycuuk czq dwp nkdcz qilkna pjyzz xsg odvi xdqzp