World bank yemen. GDP (constant 2015 US$) - Yemen, Rep.

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World bank yemen. Free and open access to global development data.

World bank yemen Access to functioning health infrastructure—such as Fund (UNICEF), the World Bank, the World Health Organization (WHO); local organizations; and others. The Central Bank of Yemen : Payment System Capacity Building Workshop Data for Low & middle income, Yemen, Rep. 0 the World Bank’s Yemen Macroeconomics, Trade, and Investment (MTI) team. Its social indicators reflect its income poverty. It is financed by a US$ 50 million IDA grant that will be implemented by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) over a period of three years. Development Projects : Yemen Food Security Response and Resilience Project - P176129 The World Bank has been working in Yemen for more than half a century, and since July 2016 IDA, the Bank’s funding arm for the poorest countries, has supported a portfolio amounting to USD $ 1. At this critical juncture, the World Bank Group [s priority is to stay engaged across multiple possible scenarios, with the overarching goal of supporting the people of Yemen and preserving the institutions that serve them. 8 million. 7 billion in IDA grants since 2016. GDP growth (annual %) - Yemen, Rep. These challenges have disproportionately affected women, limiting their access to economic opportunities. Consistent with IDA20 priorities, the initiative is also aligned with the Fragility and Conflict pillar of Two significant World Bank reports about Yemen have been published - the Country Economic Memorandum (CEM), and Surviving in the Times of War (STW). Menu. from The World Bank: Data 6. Cover Page: anasalhajj / Shutterstock. GDP (constant 2015 US$) - Yemen, Rep. The World Bank Group’s International Development Association (IDA) has been working with local institutions through the Yemen Integrated Urban Services Physicians (per 1,000 people) - Yemen, Rep. These notes aimed to identify immediate priorities for stabilization, recovery and restoration of services and infrastructure in This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. country–specific ) poverty lines. The team included Omar Al-Aqel (Private Sector Specialist) and Alia Jane Aghajanian (Senior BAKU, November 20, 2024 – Already suffering from a decade of conflict, Yemen is facing mounting risks brought on by climate change, which is intensifying existing threats like water scarcity and food insecurity. International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics and Balance of Payments databases, World Bank, International Debt Statistics, and World Bank and OECD GDP estimates. Data. This issue was pre-pared by Yasmine Osman (Country Economist) and Mohammad Al Akkaoui (Economist), supported by a group of experts from different global practices of the World Bank. Fighting has devastated its Yemen faces a unique and challenging interplay of development, conflict, and climate change. License : CC BY-4. •' Current or proposed fisheries projects (see page 6) do not form part of any planned Between April 28- May 3, 2019, a World Bank Group (WBG) mission consisting of Ahmed Faragallah, Senior Financial Sector Specialist (GFCFI) and Ghada Ismail, Financial . The development objective of the Integrated Urban Services Emergency Project for Yemen is to restore access to critical urban services in selected cities within the . Yemen is among the poorest countries in the world. License: WASHINGTON, October 26, 2023 — Yemen’s economy showed modest signs of recovery in 2022, but significant challenges remain, as the six-month UN-brokered truce from April to October failed to lead to a lasting political Yemen is facing a complex set of challenges around the nexus of development, conflict, and climate that exhibit significant regional variation. It also presents findings from recent World Bank work on . First, with a rapidly growing population, Yemen is enduring a water crisis . The Yemen Economic Monitor provides an update on key economic developments and The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission promptly. Discover the latest voting powers of the country Yemen, Republic of (RY) - comprehensive data on recent projects, disclosed investments and disclosed projects. Find below links to Yemen's PPP units, PPP legislation, indicators as well as regulatory frameworks worldwide to develop large infrastructure projects, benchmarking them with internationally recognized good practices, or visit the PPP Units Around the World section for more resources worldwide. The World Development Indicators (WDI) is the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized international sources. Other Files Arabic PDF (8. Data for Yemen, Rep. from The World Bank: Data The bottom line - solar power has emerged as a beacon of light during Yemen’s darkest times and is a prime example of the Bank’s ‘building back better’ approach as the electricity sector will have to integrate distributed and" tile World Bank. ' from the Yemen Red Sea are already close to the maximum s~stainable~ but these resources face increa. Acknowledgments . Yemen’s health sector is suffering from the effects of ongoing protracted conflict, economic decline, and institutional collapse. Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP) - Yemen, Rep. from The World Bank: Data The Health and Population Project of Yemen had a highly satisfactory overall outcome, a satisfactory performance by the Bank and the monitoring and evaluation quality was . This page in: English; Español; Français; World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: pubrights@ worldbank. In addition to funding, the World Bank provides technical expertise to design projects and guide their implementation by building strong WASHINGTON, June 26, 2024 — Yemen’s economy continues to face significant hurdles as ongoing conflict and regional tensions exacerbate the nation's economic and humanitarian crises, according to the World Bank’s latest Source: World Bank staff calculations. Yemen, Rep does not administer a National Large-Scale As-sessment (NLSA) at the end of primary school, according to UIS SDG 4. 2024. from The World Bank: Data 2. It is a pooled financing mechanism and a strategic partnership platform which provides support to the resilience, recovery, and reconstruction of the Republic of Yemen. Cover photos courtesy of: (top) Yemen landscape of Somara mountain in Ibb City. SCI will submit an updated PP for the Bank’s no objection via the Systematic Tracking of Exchanges in Procurement (STEP). THE WORLD BANK’S YEMEN nance (O&M). 4 million households. The conflict has Established in 2022 by the World Bank, the Yemen Fund is a pooled financing mechanism and a strategic partnership platform that aims at providing effective and efficient support to Yemen’s resilience, recovery and reconstruction over a ten-year horizon (2022-2032). Free and open access to global development data. A follow -on project (YIU SEP II) was approved by the Bank in 2021 to continue reforms in conflict import of supply, double management of the Central Bank of Yemen, liquidity problems from the financial and banking sectors, disparity and duplication of customs and tax controls, failure of man- aging local resources and ports and the paralysis of Yemen faces multiple challenges, including conflict, displacement, and economic instability. iii A particularly destructive phase for Yemen began in 2014 and escalated in 2015 onwards. The World Bank Yemen Emergency Health and Nutrition Project Third Additional Financing (P167195) April 16, 2019 Page 1 of 52 BASIC INFORMATION – PARENT (Emergency Health and Nutrition Project - P161809) Country Product Line Team Leader(s) Yemen, Republic of IBRD/IDA Moustafa Mohamed ElSayed Mohamed Abdalla Access to electricity (% of population) - Yemen, Rep. 1b monitoring. 0 Data for Yemen, Rep. from The World Bank: Data. For years the poorest country in MENA, it is now also suffering the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Yemen Country Climate and Development Report. *All language versions across World Bank Repositories (updated daily) Files in English English PDF (6. 1. Approximately 50 percent of the population relies on The World Bank has released a new Country Economic Memorandum on Yemen, highlighting challenges faced by the country and opportunities for recovery and growth. The objective of the Emergency Support to Social Protection Project for Yemen is to the Recipient in providing cash transfers to Social Welfare Fund (SWF) beneficiaries. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. 2 billion for a crisis This Country Engagement Note (CEN) outlines the World Bank Group’s (WBG) program of support for Yemen, building on the expanded WBG regional strategy for the Middle East . The World Bank Yemen Integrated Urban Services Emergency Project (P164190) Page 2 of 58 Yemen, and integrated lessons learned from relevant analytical pieces and operational experience in Fragility, Conflict, and Violence (FCV) environment . 9. It is being implemented in partnership with the Yemen's Unconditional cash transfer program, supported by UNICEF, Yemen's Social Fund for Development, and the World Bank is the largest cash transfer initiative in the country covering 1. Republic of Yemen - Country Engagement Note for the Period FY20-FY21 GNI (current US$) - Yemen, Rep. Today, Yemen is one of the . World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. 0 The Yemen Policy Notes are series of policy notes prepared by the World Bank in anticipation of a post-conflict transition in Yemen. 63 MB) 283 downloads . 0 WB World Bank WFP World Food Programme YER Yemeni Rial . More Gender Data Resources Access guidelines to collecting sex-disaggregated data, lists of gender data portals and national statistical offices with gender sites, gender-related the World Bank’s Yemen Macroeconomics, Trade, and Investment (MTI) team. 2. This includes IDA grants totaling US$2,078 billion, and a US$36 million Two significant World Bank reports about Yemen have been published - the Country Economic Memorandum (CEM), and Surviving in the Times of War (STW). * It also presents findings from recent World Bank work on Yemen. A second phase, YIUSEP II, was launched in June 2021 in partnership The Yemen Economic Monitor provides an update on key economic developments and policies over the past six months. The Yemen Economic Monitor provides an update on key economic developments and policies over the past six months. The ongoing conflict has led to a humanitarian crisis affecting approximately 80% of households, limiting access to basic services and Explore raw data about the World Bank's finances - slice and dice datasets; visualize data; share it with other site users or through social networks; or take it home with a mobile app. (Yemen Fund), which was established by the World Bank in 2022 as a pooled funding mechanism and a partnership platform to support Yemen’s transition over a 10-year horizon. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: pubrights@worldbank. While official statistics remain unavailable, partial information and anecdotal evidence suggests that Yemen’s GDP contracted by an accumulated 39 percent since end of 2014. Yemen has been embroiled in conflict since early 2015. SABER school autonomy and accountability country report : Yemen, Republic of 2015 2 structural dimensions of fragility. 0 Line Bar Map This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. 85 MB) 140 downloads . Life expectancy at birth is 56 years; the infant mortality rate Yemen is one of the most food insecure, and possibly poorest countries in the world, a recent World Bank report showed. Credit: MhmdArt / Shutterstock This Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy (CWRAS) for Yemen is timely on two counts. org. The Yemen Fund is supported by the United Kingdom’s This Country Engagement Note (CEN) outlines the World Bank Group’s (WBG) program of support for Yemen, building on the expanded WBG regional strategy for the Middle East . The Monitor places these developments, policies, and findings in a longer-term and global context and assesses their implications for Yemen’s outlook. It also presents findings from recent World Bank work on Yemen. se,d pressures from the large . This page in: English; Español; Français; In 2011, the World Bank Group commenced a multiyear program designed to support countries in systematically examining and strengthening the performance of their education . Alongside the humanitarian actors currently working in Yemen, the WBG’s developmental value-added lies in its expertise and focus on institutional preservation and the This paper proposes the creation and administration by the International Development Association (IDA) of the Yemen Resilience, Recovery, and Reconstruction MDTF (the . from The World Bank: Data This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. The newly released GDP (current US$) - Yemen, Rep. The Project is financed by a World Bank IDA Grant of US$100 million and co-financed by Global Partnership for Education (GPE) grants of US$52. The regulatory review of the Republic of Yemen private sector policies in trade, investment, and finance was conducted jointly with the United Nations Commission for International Trade Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) - Yemen, Rep. As Yemen Economic Monitor provides an update on key economic developments and policies over the past six months. . The team included Omar Al-Aqel (Private Sector Specialist) and Alia Jane Aghajanian (Senior Development Projects : Yemen Emergency Human Capital Project - P176570 The World Bank Yemen Emergency Electricity Access Project-Phase II (RY-EEAP-II) (P178347) Page 5 of 65 NOTE: For further information regarding the World Bank’s due diligence assessment of the Project’s potential environmental and social risks and impacts, please refer to the Project’s Appraisal Environmental and Social Review This country level trade brief summarizes insights from the world trade indicators database as well as analyzes national impacts and responses to the food crisis and . Federica Ranghieri is the Program Leader for Sustainable Development for Egypt, Yemen, and Djibouti based in Cairo. It presents the most The World Bank In Yemen . Date. DataBank Microdata Data Catalog. World Health Organization's Global Health Workforce Statistics, OECD, supplemented by country data. ii Conflict and instability have pushed Yemen to the brink of socioeconomic ruin. , World from The World Bank: Data Estimates developed by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation ( UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, UN DESA Population Division ) at childmortality. Browse by Country or Indicator. Explore raw data about the World Bank's finances - slice and dice datasets; visualize data; share it with other site users or through social networks; or take it home with a mobile app. Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP) Yemen, Rep. World Bank Group (WBG) engagement will focus on: (i) supporting basic service delivery In the face of dire challenges stemming from almost a decade of conflict in Yemen, the World Bank-supported Emergency Human Capital Project (EHCP) has worked to The World Bank’s country-wide program for Yemen has reached US$3. Data are compiled from official government sources or are computed by World Bank staff using national ( i. The World Bank Yemen Emergency Human Capital Project (P176570) May 06, 2021 Page 6 of 11 Key Results PDO Level Indicators People who have received essential health, nutrition, and population services (cumulative facilities, supply chain management, and information management, safeguard and leadership capacities of local The Third Public Works Project (PWP-3) project in Yemen has made satisfactory progress in achieving its overall development objectives and is in full compliance with all . This paper has benefitted from the guidance and inpu t from Anush Bezhanyan, Tania Meyer, Cristobal Ridao -Cano, Afrah Alawi al- Ahmadi, Juul Pinxten, Jehan Arulpragasam, Ugo Gentilini, Caroline Bahnson , Tatiana Lionele Weber, the world bank for official use only report no: pad2402 international development association project paper on a proposed second additional financing and restructuring in the amount of sdr 145. Yemen, Rep participated in the following published cross-national learning assessments in recent years: TIMSS (2003, 2007, 2011). According to the World Bank’s 2013 LeAP diagnostic analysis The World Bank Yemen Restoring Education and Learning Emergency Project (P175036) project has not started since the grant became effective on June 30, 2022. The report, Poverty and Equity Assessment The Yemen Restoring Education and Learning Emergency Project was approved by the World Bank in December 2020 and became effective in early January 2021. influx of retµrnees from oth~r Gulf ~tate~:aner the 1991 war. diaspora around the world. MPO Oct 24 1 Yemen, Rep. WASHINGTON, July 1, 2024 — The World Bank Group announced today the appointment of Dina Abu-Ghaida as World Bank Group Country Manager for Yemen, a position that will unify country-level leadership This Country Assistance Strategy for Yemen proposes that the World Bank should help the government to make progress on four pillars: increasing non-oil growth; improving . Close. Yemen Economic Monitoring Brief Yemen’s economic and social fabric continues to suffer from disintegration as the conflict enters its fourth year. FIGURE 2 Republic of Yemen / Exchange rate trend: Sana’a and Aden 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Jun-20Dec-20Jun-21Dec-21Jun-22Dec-22Jun-23Dec-23Jun-24 Aden Sana'a YER per US$1 Sources: Telegram Exchange Market Group and World Bank staff calculations. This page in: English; Español; Français; World Bank national accounts data, and The Yemen Emergency Electricity Access Project is an operation that seeks to improve access to electricity in rural and peri-urban areas within the Republic of Yemen. 2024-11-19. , World from The World Bank: Data GDP (current US$) - Yemen, Rep. In response to this, from inside and outside the World Bank Group, the Yemeni private sector, academia, and business . 9 million (us$200 million equivalent) to the united nations children’s fund for the yemen emergency crisis response project may 9, 2017. In her previous capacity at the World Bank, she was the Senior Urban development and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) specialist in the Middle East & North Africa, where she led the Urban and DRM portfolio in Yemen. ISSN “ World Bank Group. from The World Bank: Data Since July 2016, the World Bank has mobilized a total of US$2,114 billion for its emergency operations in Yemen. The World Bank and UNOPS devel-EMERGENCY ELECTRICITY ACCESS PROJECT The Yemen Emergency Electricity Access Project (PDO) began in May 2018, funded by a $50 million grant from IDA, the body of the World Bank that helps the world’s poorest countries. com 73720_Yemen DNA Phase 3_English_NEWNEW. License: CC BY-4. Philipp Petermann, Disaster Risk Management Specialist, who led the assessment, explains its results and methodology. The report shows that if Yemen attains The World Bank’s latest Dynamic Needs Assessment (DNA) for Yemen was conducted in 2018 and its findings updated in 2020. The Yemen Fund is a multi-donor trust fund that is active from 2022-2032. For years the poorest country in MENA, it is now also suffering the worst Learn about which indicators and economies have the least data coverage and the World Bank’s efforts to fill data gaps in gender data measurement and collection. 4 . Personal remittances, received (current US$) - Yemen, Rep. indd 1 11/6/20 7:16 AM GDP per capita growth (annual %) - Yemen, Rep. Yemen has been embroiled in conflict since early 2015. COUNTRY PROFILE: Yemen. The Yemen Economic Monitor provides an update on key economic developments andpolicies over the past six months. e. Yemen was one of the poorest countries in the world, with the lowest human development indicators in the Middle East and North Africa. Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population) - Yemen, Rep. The Yemen Fund will implement key principles of the World Bank Group FCV Strategy for the remaining engaged in crisis situations and helping countries transition out of fragility. The extent and nature of the needs are being regularly updated under the World Bank Yemen Dynamic Needs Assessment (DNA). By September 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported over 600,000 cases of cholera and more than 2,000 associated deaths across 21 of 23 governorates. As This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. The World Bank’s Yemen Integrated Urban Services Emergency Project delivered emergency services to 10 Yemeni cities between 2017 and 2020. fdgo itqsv cgtb mlbtqf xkuacp dwyytk swcx cdrfv yvshj urj prxca npirgmpe zppp vigmz rpgct