Trigonometric functions worksheet kuta. u T OAUlNlz tr jijg bhQtTs a 0r qe ts AeMrbveid 9.

Trigonometric functions worksheet kuta 17) cos U = 0. Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC HPC Exact Value 6 Trig Functions Name_____ ID: 1 Date_____ Period____-1-Find the exact value of each trigonometric function. -1- Using degrees, find the amplitude and period of each function. -1-Find the value of the trig function indicated. h 8 e s 6 p 4 d t 3 K w o i N Z 8 r i h Y f Y E h 1 U M G g k C P R Q k c c K 5 5 v J L 3 c c j a W a W m k t 3 L S 2 D v g z z w J F 6 y w 6 e v 8 N 8 p J. 1) f(x) = tan−1(5x4 + 3)3 2) f(x) = csc−12x3 3) y = (cot−15x5)4 4) y = sin−13x3 5) y = cos−12x2 6 Trig: Finding Missing Sides and Angles Find the value of each trigonometric ratio as fractions in their simplest form. Infinite Geometry Graphing trig functions; Simple M Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry Name_____ Trigonometric Ratios Date_____ Period____ Find the value of each trigonometric ratio. 8746 18) tan Z = 2. Then sketch the graph. K Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Calculus Name_____ Integration by Substitution Date_____ Period____ Graphing Rational Functions Date_____ Period____ Identify the points of discontinuity, holes, vertical asymptotes, x-intercepts, and horizontal asymptote of x N XAcl Qlu 5rRi5g mh8tRsC urie ls Aesr TvweHdv. J 4 ZM ia Pd Re7 kweit6hg 0I kn WfaiTn4i Pt deH wC3a Alzc Pu rlauFs 5. c Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry Name_____ Inverse Trigonometric Ratios Date_____ Period____ Infinite Precalculus covers all typical Precalculus material and more: trigonometric functions, equations, and identities; parametric equations; polar coordinates; vectors; limits; and more. p f BAmlWlV dr tiugyh 2twsT orie YsKesr VvLexdA. R 9 kA 5l cl b Kr0iYg7hptas 2 ir pe6sfer5v Leod g. 11) sin cos cos sin 12) sin cos cos sin 13) cos xcos x sin xsin x 14) tan u tan u tan utan u Write each trigonometric expression as an algebraic expression. 11) cos Z Y 12 9 36 A 14) tan A C 30 A 20 19) sin 48deg 21) cos 61deg 0. m Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Calculus Name_____ Differentiation - Inverse Trigonometric Functions Date_____ Period____ Differentiate each function with respect to x . 3) cos A 30 40 50 A C B 4) tan Z 48 14 50 Z Y X Find the missing side. -1- Find the amplitude, the period in radians, the minimum and maximum values, and two vertical N k qA ilul5 NroiYghZtDsN Wrzezs Recr9v verdF. 1) csc θ x y (−2, −3) 2) csc θ x y (−8 Differentiate each function with respect to x. mathworksheets4kids. E U rMJazdke 9 dwFiotCh6 wIVn ufri Ynzi8tGe i WAUlDgmekb mr6aO 02 2. Free Trignometry worksheets includes visual aides, model problems, exploratory activities, practice problems, and an online component Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Algebra 2 Graphing Trig Functions Review Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©i b2t0a1F8v SKIujtmaY KSGorfjtIwraVroed hLmLeCs. 4751 19) cos B = 0. Free trial available at KutaSoftware. T Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC 9) cos A 27 36 45 A B C 0. N m DAul[lX PrMiegnhetKsY ZrRessbe\rcvuerdp. L N UABlXls SrpiCgIhQtasD HrWeusJefrZvLevdt. 15) sin (cos Limits and Derivatives of Trig Functions Name_____ ©j J2v0Q1W6g RKOuqtMa\ ^SToVfTtzwOaLrvee sLyLUCN. p T mMYaudbel VwCiUtLhw ZIKn[fpiDnziYtTey wPErIegcMablrcdull_uis]. 5 d EAhlLlf drVi9gKh1t 6sV Nrceds 5e Srwvle5d2. u T OAUlNlz tr jijg bhQtTs a 0r qe ts AeMrbveid 9. 9205 20) cos V = 0. 1 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC PCM 40S - Chapter 2 ID: 1 Name_____ Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle Date_____ Use the given point on the terminal side of angle Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Trig Equations w/ Factoring + Fundamental Identities Name_____ Date_____ Period____ Solve each equation for Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Trig Equations w/ Factoring + Fundamental Identities Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Math Analysis Honors Worksheet 102 - Solving Trigonometric Equations Worksheet 102 - Solving Trigonometric Equations Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©D K2g0]1c5v ^Kuurtuay ISroxf[t]wPaCrFe[ xLvLlCq. Free Algebra 2 worksheets created with Infinite Algebra 2. F Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Function Operations Date_____ Period____ N k qA ilul5 NroiYghZtDsN Wrzezs Recr9v verdF. - Finding Missing Sides and AnglesDate_____ Period____ 0 0 1AwlWl5 ar6i mgsh zt3sc xr 8e6s Ve4rBv WeldC. W Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC 9) Right Triangle Trig. G X FAulhlS qr tiEgWh3t Ps1 6reuswe3r JvKeEdX. z t lMNaRd 1e0 wmiAtahq 7I fnsf Giwnki4tNeJ 3AnlPgve TbZr kae N2h. -1-Find the amplitude, the period in radians, the minimum and maximum values, and two vertical asymptotes (if any). Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Honors PreCalculus Graphing Sine and Cosine Trig Functions WS #3 Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©y L2w0U1o8t MKquftka] [SaojfbtSwfaQrSeN OLPLCCx. Find the exact value of each expression. 1) cos − 5π 4 2) Free Precalculus worksheets created with Infinite Precalculus. I Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Calculus Name_____ Differentiation - Natural Logs and Exponentials Date_____ Period____ Right Triangle Trigonometry - Finding Angle Measures Name_____ Date_____-1-Step One: On each diagram below, label each side according to the position of the reference -2-Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Step Three: Complete the same processes as practiced in Steps One and Two. 2 1) tan θ . Create customized worksheets in a matter of minutes. 19) cos 135° 20) sec 30° 21) sin 855° 22) cos -450° 23) csc -90° 24) cos -1020° 25) cot 210° 26) cos 480° 27) sin 0° 28) csc -990° Free Calculus worksheets created with Infinite Calculus. 6. 1 0. 1 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC PCM 40S - Chapter 2 ID: 1 Name_____ Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle Date_____ Use the given point on the terminal side of angle ©W 2X0N1u3f YKBuBtMav uSToJfbttw Na2rJe N kLTL1C i. f ( x) = sin 2 x3. HINT REWRITE WITH SINGLE TRIG FUNCTION HINT SQUARE & CONVERT TO QUADRATIC TYPE 5. 1) y = (−4x2 − 3)csc3x4 2) y = (−x2 + 2)cot4x5 3) y = (−3x3 − Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-2-4) ©A 42 C0z1l2 b fK Ju Stza N HSZo hfot AwIa Vrqe p IL 0LlC D. Then differentiate the function. s t xM pa mdDeo 7w liWtdhl GI Nn fXi pn9i 0t XeP iG MemoMmye MtprWys. -1-Find the exact value of each trigonometric function. 1) tan Z 28 21 35 Z Y X 3 4 2) cos C 16 34 30 C B A 8 17 3) sin C 21 28 35 C B A 4 5 4) tan X 24 32 40 X Y Z 4 3 5) cos A 30 16 34 A B C 15 17 6) sin A 24 32 40 A C B 4 5 7) sin Z 32 J D xMSad7eH kw Ti atrh6 vI rnAfqiEnciYtje 5 PAtl Ygae xb Lrwat E2 Z. 01 0. ©8 b2B0Z1 62E 9KeuWtUa 2 7Sqozfst6w la Wrve H EL QLsC0. Printable in convenient PDF format. n Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Translating Graphs of Trig Functions Date_____ Period____ Using degrees, find the amplitude and period of each function. 0353 2) cos -0. ©8 P2M0e1E2 y yK6uKt1a R Sbo6fFtSwaorSe0 WLKLtC C. -1- Find the amplitude, the period in radians, the minimum and maximum values, and two vertical Free Algebra 1 worksheets created with Infinite Algebra 1. Y Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Right Triangle Trig. n Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Calculus Name_____ Evaluating Limits Date_____ Period____ Evaluate each limit. y Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-5-Answers to Trig Ratios Practice 1) 0. . Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle Date_____ Use the given point on the terminal side of angle θθθθ to find the value of the trigonometric function indicated. 2 Evaluate trig functions without the use of a calculator Name_____ ID: 1 ©n T2W0g1y6H aKAuVt^aJ dSUoTfnthwuaVrxei QLyLWCS. 33334 −0. s Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Calculus Name_____ Integration by Substitution Date_____ Period____ Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Calculus Derivatives and Integrals of Inverse Trig Functions Name_____ Date_____ Period____-1-Differentiate each function with respect to x. X Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Angle Sum/Difference Identities Date_____ Period____ Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Algebra 2 HW #11 Reciprocal Trig Functions Name_____ ID: 1 Date_____ Hour_____-1-Find the exact value of each trigonometric function. Evaluate this limit using a table of values. Then graph. Answers to Inverse Trig functions (ID: 1) 1) 69° 2) 87° 3) 27° 4) 34° ©W 92 k0a1e2 H GKUuMtDad mSMoGf4t ywkawrqeA pLgLrCb. Infinite Geometry. k z JAulzld CrZiwg[hbtLsH CrgensgeDrovueVdY. L d ZMLaedme4 LwBibtqh 4 HIhnXfNiPn1iNtuek nC uaSlVcunl eu isQ. 1) If sin , find cos ). 6 O oM raDdGeH jw xiNtPhp OIFn Sf6i wnMiKtKeG RAFlcgTeZbEr0a S 2W. n L kA el Glm 9r6iegnh ptLs g CrmeOsne ur av BeQdo. Differentiate each function with respect to x. -1- Using radians, find the amplitude and period of each function. v L vAJlyln prbiegKhxtVsN frpeXsheorIvqeGd`. Kuta Works - Option to hide answers and results from students until after due date; New: Kuta Works Trig units for piecewise functions and ordered pairs; Fixed: Graphing Rational Functions - Prevent equivalent choices; Answers - Calculus 1 - Limits - Worksheet 5 – Limits Involving Trig Functions 1. These worksheets will help you learn how to simplify and find the values of different trigonometric functions. N B dM0aAdreI dwei3tJhH CI8nWfli pn0iCtYeV mGWeMo5mMeFtCr4yk. 1) sec θ 17 8 15 θ 2) sec θ 13 5 12 θ 3) cot θ 5 3 4 θ 4) csc θ 17 15 8 θ 5) csc θ 16 2 24 8 θ 6) cos θ 21 7 14 2 θ 7) cot θ 25 15 20 θ 8) tan θ 24 22 2 23 θ Evaluating Trig Functions (use a Calculator!) Name_____-1-Use a calculator to find each. K Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Calculus Name_____ Integration by Substitution Date_____ Period____ Directions: Solve each trigonometric function IN THE INTERVAL [0,2𝜋). ©Y 62 V0c1l3 B 2Kguit 9aN CSGoHfjt 1w xa xrye 2 gLbLDCb. com Find the derivatives of trigonometric functions: =4sin +5cos =sin cos =2sec +tan = Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions . 1) y = cos −1−5x3 2) y = sin − G 3 3A Clul O 2rli Hgih it ls 5 4r de4s YeVrTvmeodM. K Q UAWlhll Nrii`gghhtYse brgeAs`eDrZvaecdN. L Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Calculus Name_____ Integration - Trigonometric Functions Date_____ Period____ Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Inverse Trig Functions Name_____ Date_____ Period____-1-Find the exact value of each expression. P Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Calculus Name_____ Trigonometric Functions Date_____ Period____ Differentiate each function with respect to x. t Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Calculus Name_____ Derivatives of Inverse Functions Date_____ Period____ Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Algebra 2 Graphing Trig Functions Phase and Vertical Shifts Name_____ ID: 1 Date_____ Period____ ©l C2W0g1c5v lKNuFtPai \SYoffwtAwkaFr]ez SLcLrCr. 6157 4) 0. Algebra 2 Evaulate Trig Ratios Given a Point Name_____ ID: 1 Date_____ Period____-1-Use the given point on the terminal side of angle θ to find the value of the trigonometric function indicated. 33333 −0. Kuta Works - Option to hide answers and results from students until after due date; New: Kuta Works Trig units for piecewise functions and ordered pairs; Fixed: Graphing Rational Functions - Prevent equivalent choices; Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 1 Evaluating and Graphing Functions Name_____ Date_____ Period____-1-Evaluate each function for the given value. c Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry Name_____ Inverse Trigonometric Ratios Date_____ Period____ Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Trigonometry CP Unit Circle Worksheet Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©g A2T0\1A7m VKeu[t[aV RS_oifOt^wraOrpeO ZLnLDCZ. (You will need to use pythagorean theorem to find the missing side length) 1) csc q 16 13 q 2) csc q 629 q 3) sec q 2524 q 4) cot q 86 10 q 5) csc q 10 6 q Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Precalculus Graphing Trig Functions Practice Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©i b2C0W1W6f kKvugtmas ]SsoFfwtUw[aTrDel nLSLgCz. 2 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ A recollection from geometry that an accompaniment is apparent as two angles whose sum is 90° These worksheets explain how to solve for cofunctions and how to simplify expressions containing cofunctions. T T wAflYlg GrJiegrhEtTsi jrGessieLrUvlezda. F T xA2l DlM 9r 7i Pg Yh8t1s q BrLe Ws0eKrav bede. k Y ZAkl4ld 8r Bifg Qh1t asI Pr6e ZsoeJrjv je MdR. Some may be undefined. 7 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry Name_____ Trigonometry and Area Date_____ Period____ Graphing Trig Functions Date_____ Period____ Using degrees, find the amplitude and period of each function. 1) f (x) = sin 2x3 f '(x) = cos 2x3 ⋅ 6 Finding Trigonometric Ratios Date_____ Period____ Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the nearest ten-thousandth. 1) tan θ; (3, 4) 2) sec θ; Create your own worksheets like this one with Infinite Algebra 2. Show work when reducing or rationalizing denominator. - Finding Missing Sides and AnglesDate Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Right Triangle Trig. Use your unit circle. 4848 Critical thinking Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Exact Trig Values of Special Angles Date_____ Period____ Find the exact value of each trigonometric function. n Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Trig Ratios of General Angles Date_____ Period____ Find the exact value of each trigonometric function. 1) tan A 16 34 30 M l SMRaFdDeL twhiDtyhe HIMnfJi Vndi Rt OeE OAHllg TeQbNrHaX F1Y. Many answers: Ex y = (((2x + 1)5 + 2) 6 + 3) 7 dy dx = 7(((2x + 1)5 + 2) 6 + 3) 6 ⋅ 6((2x + 1)5 + 2) 5 ⋅ 5(2x + 1)4 ⋅ 2-2-Create your own worksheets like this one with Infinite Calculus. ©t 8KHuntta E jSbolf5tnw7aRr5eA 4LuLCCh. 8 A lM uaid Eew cw0i et vhi LI 8nyfXiXnPi tie b uClafldcJu vlyu8s I. 1 y gMGapdFea Vw Ei t9h5 vI Lnhf sibnki Ltvem BA1lZg3e8bTr an 2Y. Y Y eADlIlg CrjiHgthetBsw ^rLe`sYebrrvTeBdE. Find the amplitude, the period in radians, the phase shift in radians, the vertical shift, and the ©f d2W0M1H36 CKyurt UaV iS o0fpt Xw3a4r ueJ fLzLqC 9. 5593 2) tan 0. -1- Find all solutions to each equation in radians. R X BARl1lD VrEiIgh1tvsJ Fr3e0steRrBvceUdx. ] u kAIlll^ GrUiTgGhxtGsM krVeWsYetryvqePdy. L l hAblXl7 Sr zi fg Nhgt osR r6e9sIe prwvWedo. 0 H bMwaBdIe5 Uwui Mtha qIDnEfOi8n Iipt5eP eClailLcGurl 9ubsb. 1) tan A 24 32 40 B A C 2) sin X 20 15 25 X Z Y Find the value of each trigonometric ratio as decimals rounded to the ten-thousandths place. 9 5 rMagdZeI Owuit6h k Ixn Rfoi 5n FiQtaen XG3eFoQmReEt arXy8. 9) 13) Give a function that requires three applications of the chain rule to differentiate. 1) sec θ x y 5π 4 2) cot θ x y 225° 3) sec θ x y 150° 4) csc θ 9-Trigonometric Ratios Worksheet - Free download as PDF File (. x p UANl GlB br xig hdtys T qr3e Tsmefr zvWeEdj. Tan Z X 35 21 34 30 2) cos C A 3) sin C A 5) cos A A 30 C A A A Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the nearest ten-thousandth. Y C TAWl0lC BrYipg jhFt 7sg CrIe qs7e9r7v deHd e. Use the hints provided. Identities (basic) (ID: 1) 1) tan2x - sec2x cosx Use tan2x + 1 = sec2x-1 cosx Use secx = 1 cosx-secx 2) tanx + secxDecompose into sine and cosine sinx cosx + 1 cosx Simplify 1 + sinx cosx 3) secx sin3x Use cscx = 1 sinx csc3xsecxUse secx = 1 cosx csc3x cosx Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-3-Find the exact value of each trigonometric function. E o 6M RafdGe P Owhi Mt0h T YIUnYf2i2nSi4t Xex RCFa pl3cEuAleu2s9. 1) Printable Math Worksheets @ www. n Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Trig Ratios of General Angles Date_____ Period____ Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Right Triangle Trigonometry Name_____ Date_____ Period____-1-Find the value of each. 1) y = sin (θ − 135) 90 ° 180 ° 270 ° 360 ° 450 ° 540 ° Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Acc. Kuta Works - Option to hide answers and results from students until after due date; New: Kuta Works Trig units for piecewise functions and ordered pairs; Fixed: Applications of Differentiation: Intervals of Increase and Decrease - Wrong Create customized worksheets in a matter of minutes. 19) cos 135° 20) sec 30° 21) sin 855° 22) cos -450° 23) csc -90° 24) cos -1020° 25) cot 210° 26) cos Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Math Analysis Honors Worksheet 102 - Solving Trigonometric Equations Worksheet 102 - Solving Trigonometric Equations Name_____ Date_____ Using radians, find the amplitude and period of each function. ) sin𝜃+1=cos𝜃 Directions: Solve each trigonometric function IN THE INTERVAL [0,360). 9703 3) 0. 1) y = cos −1−5x3 2) y = sin − ©Y m2j0 O1c3 b NKfu mtaj lS bo eflt owka 9rle a nL PL2CA. 33333 0 Undefined −0. Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Exact Trig Values of Special Angles Date_____ Period____ Find the exact value of each trigonometric function. 3) csc Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-3-Answers to Worksheet Review Trig. L d eMMaBd6e W KwyiptPhO tI AnTfBien 1i5tNeG 0G ze co gm Ze KtJr Tyk. Problems Date_____ Period____ ©n U260v1 A3r DKauwtia N xSSoSfwtnwLaSrnej YLgL rC y. 1) y = sin (θ − 135) 90 ° 180 ° 270 ° 360 ° 450 ° 540 ° Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Honors PreCalculus Graphing Sine/Cosine Trig Functions WS #1 Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©h B2_0m2L0q rKFuKthai WSpolfDtTwnaLrSeY wLdL\Cz. 9135 5) 1. E A LArlClb 9r SidgohDt Rsi lr0e fs ge 8rpv 1e5d8. T d EAflplO zruiLgehftxst IrBe`sFe\rwvZeIdc. 𝑥 tan𝑥 3𝑥 0. Ratios Date_____ Period____ Find the value of the trig function indicated. com. 0 E vA wlXlU Dr3iaguh 6tTsn lr ceOsFeyr JveLdm. H t GAPlslZ hrjiqg[hctFsH ]rkevsoeNrqvBezdu. -1-Using radians, find the amplitude and period of each function. Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Trig Ratios of Any Angle Name_____ Date_____ Period____-1-Use a calculator to find each. 2349 6) 0. 2079 2) 0. Find each angle measure to the nearest degree. 1) cos 330° 2) sin 300° 3) tan -30° 4) tan 0° Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Algebra II Practice with Reciprocal Trig Functions Find the value of the trig function indicated. g 5 sM2azdje Y WwOiQt lhC tI znbf 5iknUidtne J kCjaplqc au rlZuQs1. 6000 12) sin J D xMSad7eH kw Ti atrh6 vI rnAfqiEnciYtje 5 PAtl Ygae xb Lrwat E2 Z. Products Free Worksheets Infinite Pre-Algebra Infinite Algebra 1. 1) tan ( ) 2) cos 3) sin 4) csc Identify the domain and range of each. ©L 0290k1 T28 dK pu 6txa g pSQoef8t uwza BrAed rL sL 1C r. 1) tan θ x y 60 ° 2) sin θ x y 225 ° 3) sin θ x y 90 ° 4) cos θ x y 150 ° 5) cos θ x y 90 ° 6) tan ©L 0290k1 T28 dK pu 6txa g pSQoef8t uwza BrAed rL sL 1C r. 8000 10) cos Z 15 20 25 Z Y X 0. ) 3sec2𝑥−2tan2𝑥−4=0 6. Free trial available at ©z 62f0 q1i2 J XKugt6aa ASTo1f ntVwua KrDeB WLfL xC m. F P MMga6dke 5 kwCiTtrh A DIrn Tfbijnhi 0t seZ YAcl 4g 1eGbprpa4 62T. K _ oA]lyld VrliVg]hNtxst PrietsBe\r`v^eZd`. 1) tan q 25 7 24 q 2) cos q 24 20411 q 3) csc q 52 55 q 4) sin q 20 1216 q 5) cot q 10 8 6 q Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Precalculus Graphing Trig Functions Practice Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©i b2C0W1W6f kKvugtmas ]SsoFfwtUw[aTrDel nLSLgCz. 9 L ZMka7dJe h jw Vihtsh M 2I Yn2fci 1n eiltpeZ JC iaVlyc 0uvl 7u tst. Title: Microsoft Word - trigonometric-functions Author: educurve 13 ©n U260v1 A3r DKauwtia N xSSoSfwtnwLaSrnej YLgL rC y. e m TMeaId Ce0 jw 5iCtChN aI7n Of2iln fi0tle T AC9a Rlfcpugl Su1s 8. Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Pre-Calculus The Six Trig Functions Name_____ ©b V2B0b1M5S IKMuKtZax RSNobfxtcwoaur]ex lLOLACf. 0 x xAclil F brOiJgwhitIs R Urce Tsfe Nrhv fehdj. 4663 Find the value of the trig function indicated. Find the exact value of each trigonometric function. Try for free. 1) sec θ 17 8 15 θ 2) sec θ 13 5 12 θ 3) cot θ 5 3 4 θ 4) csc θ 17 15 8 θ 5) csc θ 16 2 24 8 θ 6) cos θ 21 7 14 2 θ 7) cot θ 25 15 20 θ 8) tan θ 24 22 2 23 θ Find the exact value of each trigonometric function. h T JM KaHdMeD jw Tistyh 0 cI7n7fli KnQidt Geu cAzl gPerb arqa b 62p. 1) y = sin (θ − 135) 90 ° 180 ° 270 ° 360 ° 450 ° 540 ° ©b b2j0`1r6M [KMustMaM vSJoOfftywPaFrNey FLgLOCT. 6 9 FAGlwlZ WrjiCgkhItms3 frZelsueOrxvje 4d8. 1) y = ln x3 2) y = e2 x3 . r C 2MEatdse N Ww4i2tuhc VIenIf ei BnMiVtae U NC Dafl ckujl PujsK. Round your answers to the nearest ten-thousandth. ©O M2a0 I1H3y PK Qu ktHa8 XSNoHfct 5w4a4rmeu uL VL0C s. Inverse Trig Functions Practice Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Precalculus Inverse Trig Functions Practice Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©P d2A0m1]6Z aK]uvtHaH rSfo\fmtlwKaBrkeC mLZLMCG. D M xMkaWdPeT Awwigtmh0 gIfncfNiCnSi1tUen cAFlqgpePbvrea1 w2k. 33334 0. 2) If tan ( ) Create customized worksheets in a matter of minutes. x P rARlIl1 ZrOikgph xt4s 4 ir 7ecsIearkvGe4dY. J a ZM ea Jd GeP Cw0iptRhj xIdnzfSi9nKi btteT 8G pe WoBmueyt CrNye. 9) cos θ 10) tan θ Find the exact value of each trigonometric function. 1) sec -90° 2) sin - p 4 3) cos 4p 3 4) tan 45° Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Precalculus Graphing Trig Functions Notes Name_____ Date_____ Period____ ©d i2W0c1V6i fKlu^toaL sSEoWfOtYwqaGrIek KLHLJCU. 3256 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Inverse Trig Functions Name_____ Date_____ Period____-1-Find the exact value of each expression. 1) sec °-1. x Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Geometry Name_____ Special Right Triangles Date_____ Period____ Free Algebra 2 worksheets created with Infinite Algebra 2. txt) or read online for free. 1) lim x®-3p 4-sec (x) 2) lim Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Calculus Limits and Derivatives of Trig Functions Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC . 1) csc ° 2. Round your answers to the nearest thousandth (three decimal -2-Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Find each angle measure to the nearest degree. 33445 0. 1) y = 2cos3q p 2 p3p 2 2p-6-4-2 4 6 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Precalculus Fundamental Trig Identities Name_____ Date_____ Period____-1-Use identities to find the value of each expression. 9659 Find the exact value of ©f d2W0M1H36 CKyurt UaV iS o0fpt Xw3a4r ueJ fLzLqC 9. G w aMda rd Rec 1w8iJtGhg nIunQfBiln hi AtMeh yA 3llgne AbBrMas b2C. 1) cos − 5π 4 2) tan − 4π 3 3) sec −60° 4) cos −330° -2- Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Simplify. 001 0. 8192 7) 20 29 8) 8 17 9) 40 41 10) 21 20 11) 3 4 12) 21 29 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Calculus Trig, Product and Quotient Rule Practice Name_____ ID: 1 Date_____ Period____-1-Differentiate each function with respect to x. R Z sAllelS HrriAgwhitXsZ srFeAsveWruvOezdW. 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