Tiderace pace 18 review Its speed for a good touring pace or quick acceleration to play in features is quite useful. Here is his “A Year in the Tiderace Pace 18” with photos and video via the Expedition Kayaks blog. “Xcape is well built and well designed, with significant attention to detail. The Tiderace Pace Action - Rob Mercer Some thoughts on the Tiderace Pace Action, and a video of him surfing it on some fun waves last week. Speed: the boat is fast. Sea Kayaker Magazine Reviews the Tiderace Pace 18 Here's a review from the boat I've been getting to know over the past couple of months, both out on the ocean chasing down following seas, and also through 11 hours of toil on the Hawkesbury Classic. Construction; Design & Manufacturing; Add the Vortex to your quiver of Tiderace boats for a performance playboat for you and a stable, well-mannered sea kayak you can put your friends in! Vortex on the water reviews. Posted on 08 March 2012 Posted by Admin. Speed the boat is fast. Read More. Luckily for me he took a shine to the Xplore L, which gave me some brilliant downhill time in the Pace 17. Be the first to review “Tiderace Seekajak Pace” Antworten Review of Pace 18 Mark Sundin from Expedition Kayaks in Sydney has spent a lot of time in the Pace 18 in a wide range of conditions over the past year. Unknown View my Peter Kelly, a customer of the Tiderace dealer in Sydney, has paddled the Xtra for 12 months. Construction; Design & Manufacturing; Owners Manual; Reviews/Videos; Find a Dealer; Contact Circumnavigating Ireland in the Pace Tour, review of the Pace 17 Tour kayak, available from Tiderace Sea Kayaks. Home; Kayak Models. This 18 foot long kayak takes this measurement ratio as close to the limit as tolerances allow. Posted on 21 April 2013 Posted by Admin Review of Tiderace Pace Tour 17 kayak. Read More A review of the Tiderace Pace 17 Tour S, the smaller volume version of the Pace Tour 17 from Tiderace. Reviews of Xtra and Xplore. Image Credits Sitemap Sitemap Pure science! A fast sea kayak (FSK) is defined by the ratio of its surface waterline length to surface waterline width when it sits 4 inches deep in the water. Kayak Models; Xtra; Vortex; Pace Action; Xceed; Pace 17 Tour; Pace 18; Vortex Rotomolded; Design and Colourways; About Tiderace. I bought my Pace 17 off Dan 7 months ago, I use it mostly for day trips but have done a 5 day tour with a longest distance of 43km in a day sitting in it for 6 hours, I am 187cm tall weigh 78kg and wear size 12 shoes, the pedals are on the second to last setting and there is lots of foot room The buzz around the Tiderace range has been palpable, both Rob and I have been asked a lot of questions about the designs we've landed, the Xcite, Xplore and especially the Pace 18. I did not to a head to head speed comparison. " Four out of Five Stars. Tiderace Seekajak Pace 18. Review of Tiderace Xplore-M. Long distance test and review of the Xplore L, review of the Xplore kayak, available from Tiderace Sea Kayaks. Posted on 15 November 2013 Posted by Admin. at November 27, 2012. I did not do a head to head speed comparison. Since purchasing the Tiderace Pace Tour 17 (late Feb. Sitzposition ist optimal ausgerichtet, abgerundete Querschnitte im . 6 feet makes the Pace 17 a little slower than the longer QCC. Manufacture date February 2015. All rights reserved. But more importantly it is a fun kayak to paddle in any conditions, flat or rough. Tiderace Xcape review. Posted on 01 December 2018 Posted by Admin Review of Pace Action. Construction; Design & Manufacturing kayak. © 2025 Tiderace Sea Kayaks. Designed to take the hard work out of expeditioning, the Xceed glides through the most It has an adequate cruise pace and easy packing and gear stowage” (GL). Tiderace Pace 18 review. It delivers a solid performance in a broad range of paddling conditions”. 2013), I've now paddled it (GPS readings) almost © 2025 Tiderace Sea Kayaks. Posted on 03 August 2012 Posted by Admin Chris penned this lovely short review of the boat and emailed it over earlier in the week: "After trial paddling both the Tiderace Pace 18 and Pace Tour 17, I decided that the 17 was the kayak with the characteristics I was looking for. Jag är oförskämt nöjd med min Tiderace Pace 18. Check out a few other kayak As well as two racing Classics, he’s raced the boat in ocean events, paddled in strong downwind conditions & done many training miles. Posted on 19 August 2012 Posted by Admin. 08 waterline compared to the Pace at 17. Australia; Austria; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Italy; Netherlands; Norway; Republic of Ireland Tiderace PACE 18 , Ein schnelles Seekajak (FSK) wird durch das Verhältnis zwischen der Länge der Wasserlinie und der Breite der Wasserlinie definiert, wenn es 10cm tief im Wasser liegt. I’m a smaller female paddler, height 156cm and weight 60kg and was carrying a load of about 20kgs. Reviews. The great Xcape: reviews from the paddler. 10cm) tief im Wasser sitzt. Construction; Design & Manufacturing; Owners Manual; Reviews/Videos; Find a Dealer; Contact. The first ever Tiderace Pace 18 arrived in the UK just over a week ago. Posted on 01 December 2018 Posted by Admin Review of Pace 17 Tour Taking the Pace Tour for a paddle in Aus, review of the Pace 17 Tour kayak, available from Tiderace Sea Kayaks. The computer designed hull is specifically shaped to take advantage of the precise direction control gained by incorporating a rudder. Minimal mid-section rocker, rounded cross-sections throughout and computer designed to give the lowest possible resistance Atrocious weather seems to follow me around yet in my borrowed Tiderace Xcape and with Roddy’s calm coaching and eagle eye on what I was doing, I felt as steady as the QE2. Posted on 03 November 2013 Posted by Admin. Kayak Models; Xtra; Vortex; Pace Action; Xceed; Pace 17 Tour; and not carrying dehydrated packs ). Here are his thoughts via the Expedition Kayak’s blog . Circumnavigating Ireland in the Pace Tour, review of the Pace 17 Tour kayak, available from Tiderace Sea Kayaks. I think the QCC 700x being an 18 foot boat with 17. An excited Aled Williams headed straight for the water. com Review Tiderace Pace 18. “The Pace 18 offers impressive speeds and cuts through waves with incredible efficiency. " The Pace 18 can be an effective light touring kayak for the "mountaineering" style kayaker who wants to cover distances quickly. "When tiderace themselves described the Action as offering: "world class rough water handing and light touring in a compact ruddered format to sit nicely at the professional end of the recreation market. Reviews There are no reviews yet. A versatile craft, for a one-boat quiver. David Welch, 20+ years sea kayaking including 8 years guiding, NZOIA Sea Kayak Instructor, currently owns 5 sea kayaks. Email This BlogThis! Pace 17 Tour; Pace 18; Vortex Rotomolded; Design and Colourways; About Tiderace. Posted on 01 December 2018 Posted by Admin. The Pace18 is configured with the signature Tiderace cockpit design which allows full boat control in rough or moving water along with an ability to be eskimo Xplore by people who paddle her. TIDERACE. “It has done all that I need in a boat, has bomber build quality, is always up for a play, and looks damn sexy on the water. Cart The Pace18 is configured with the distinctive Tiderace cockpit design that allows full control of the boat in rough or moving water along with the ability to be rolled into an Click marker to view dealer information. Construction; Design & Manufacturing; Owners Manual I have used Tiderace Xplore for almost two years prior this and it Expedition Kayaks Review Tiderace Pace Action, review of the Pace Action kayak, available from Tiderace Sea Kayaks. Jag har haft den ett par säsonger nu och varje gång jag sätter mig i en annan kajak vill jag tillbaka till min Pace. The Pace 18 is a kayak brought to you by Tiderace Sea Kayaks. Contact; Become a Dealer; Tiderace Pace 17 Tour review Four out of Five Stars. Long distance test and review of the Xplore L. Hot of the press! Shiny, 18 feet long and very Pacey. 126 feet with a waterline of 16. Ein schnelles Seekajak (FSK Fast Sea Kayak) wird durch das Verhältnis seiner Länge der Oberflächenwasserlinie zur Breite der Oberflächenwasserlinie definiert, wenn es 4 Zoll (ca. Its stability was much higher than would be expected, but the Pace 18 is still best suited to more adva ced paddlers. No products in the cart. Posted on 14 February 2013 Posted by Admin Review of Xtra. ” Download the Tiderace Xplore review (PDF) Home; Reviews/Videos; Paddling. 0. I'm sure the curiosity about the Pace is borne out of the long distance ocean touring we've been exploring in the past 12 months, in fast kayaks like the Rockpool Pace 17 Tour; Pace 18; Vortex Rotomolded; Design and Colourways; About Tiderace. It’s probably not quite as fast as a Taran 18, but definitely more stable. This is a fantastic fast-touring boat that is also Here's a review from the boat I've been getting to know over the past couple of months, both out on the ocean chasing down following seas, and also through 11 hours of toil on the Hawkesbury Classic. Tiderace Pace 17 Tour review; Tiderace XPLORE Kayak Review April (3) March (2) February (3) January (2) 2013 (18) December (3) November (3) October (6) September (6) About Me. I bought my Pace 17 off Dan 7 months ago, I use it mostly for day trips but have done a 5 day tour with a longest distance of 43km in a day sitting in it for 6 Pace 17 Tour; Pace 18; Vortex Rotomolded; Design and Colourways; About Tiderace. Image Credits Sitemap Sitemap Review of Pace 17 Tour An excellent test paddle with Andrew, who was trying out the relative merits of the Tiderace Xplore L & the new Pace 17 Tour. As well as two racing Classics, he’s raced the boat in ocean events, paddled in strong downwind conditions & The Pace Action builds on Tiderace’s best selling model and is a ‘compact boat format’ which saves weight and makes full use of the waterline length. I'm sure the curiosity about the Pace is borne out of the long distance ocean touring we've been exploring in the past 12 months, in fast kayaks like the Rockpool Taran and the The Bottom Line e efficiency. Expedition Kayaks Review Tiderace Pace Action. Read Pace 18 reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Construction; Design & Manufacturing; Owners Manual; Reviews/Videos; Review of Tiderace Pace Tour 17 kayak. Taking the Pace 17 Tour out to play. However, once ‘in the groove Review of the Xtra: “A Year in the Tiderace Xtra†Posted on 18 August 2013 Posted by Admin Review of Xtra. Posted on 19 November 2012 Posted by The Pace Evoke (Pace Action) on the water, review of the Pace Action kayak, available from Tiderace Sea Kayaks. Cockpit foredecks are relatively high, retaining the dynamic and commanding paddling position associated with Tiderace designs. You can read Sea Kayaker Magazin'e review HERE. Pure science! A fast sea kayak (FSK) is defined by the ratio of its surface waterline length to surface waterline width when it sits 4 inches deep in the water. These are his first impressions “I’ve paddled the Pace twice now. You can read Sea Zusammen gefasst: mit dem Pace 18 ist Tiderace ein wirklich sehr schnelles und sicheres Boot gelungen, dass in der Welle sehr gut zu fahren ist und sich in Sachen Geschwindigkeit nicht Pace 17 is faster, more manoeuverable, more spaceous and easier to pack, the list is quite long. Force 4/5 winds, lumpy swells one day, rollers the next, Pace 17 Tour; Pace 18; Vortex Rotomolded; Design and Colourways; About Tiderace. Pace 18: long term review. First was a gentle paddle in the eddies of the Swellies, then a Recension av Tiderace Pace 18 kajak. Posted on 24 November 2016 Posted by Dave Felton. However, once ‘in the groove Paddling. Exped Orion Extreme – Tent; The Pace 18. com Review Tiderace Pace 17 Tour. Its stability was much higher than would be expected, but the Pace 18 is still best suited to more advanced paddlers. Vortex; Pace Action; Xceed; Pace 17 Tour; Pace 18; Vortex Rotomolded; Design and Colourways; About Tiderace. Dieses 5,4m lange Kajak bringt dieses Maßverhältnis so nah an die Grenze, wie es die Toleranzen erlauben. com Review Tiderace Pace 17 Tour; Paddling. qbrj kpgrv jtti zyiax qdpyst mrel wpcg wqbrvnii cgqur qqex dsyojg fhtw vnnth fyghsa jndbdfxr