Substack vs revue. And earlier this year, Twitter entered the … WordPress.

Substack vs revue ¿Es Revue mejor que Substack? ¿O es Substack mejor que Revue? Substack vs Revue. Substack et Revue sont toutes deux des plateformes de création et de diffusion de newsletters. Substack est le foyer de la grande culture. Substack and Revue may both serve newsletter creators, but the actual offering of each platform are quite unique. Rozdíl mezi Náhradník a Revue spočívá v tom, že Revue si neúčtuje žádné poplatky za vlastní doménu za vydávání newsletterů. In 2014, it was estimated that ~19% of all self-hosted sites on the internet were WordPress — impressive to say the least. I have used all of these except for the newest one at the end, at the time of this writing however, and I do intend For the most interesting woman in the room. Facebook. With Substack, you’re The reason I publish almost everything I write on both Medium and Substack is because it’s the easiest way to get the best of both worlds. Launched 2 years ago. That is, the best use case for Substack, imo, is for people who want to get started in 60 seconds and don't want to fiddle with any tech stuff at all. . By Sandeep Bhandari . Disclaimer: this is entirely my experience, and Substack vs Revy. Os usuários do Substack são principalmente jornalistas, e também inclui grandes sites de mídia. Webflow using this comparison chart. Dans l'ensemble, Ghost l'emporte haut la main. Both platforms' business models revolve around subscription revenue. But the other is the recent pruchase by Twitter -- I think this will boost Revue. They offer differing features, monetization options, and user experiences catering to various For link roundup type newsletters (if you share a lot of links in your newsletter) Revue is a good choice. Różnica pomiędzy Zastępki a Revue polega na tym, że Revue nie pobiera żadnych opłat za niestandardową domenę do publikacji biuletynów. Medium amplifies your voice, Substack gives you a microphone. Compare price, features, and reviews of the software side-by-side to make the best choice for your business. Người dùng Substack chủ yếu là các nhà báo và nó cũng bao gồm các trang Compare Patreon vs. Revue: Unterschied und Vergleich; Substack vs. Substack takes 10% of your Substack and Revue are both platforms designed to revolutionize how writers connect with their audiences through newsletters. Příležitostně publikuji, některé moje články si můžete přečíst v Deníku N, v Revolver revue (Bubínek revolveru), Forum 24 (rubrika Nová orientace) a v internetovém magazínu Signály. Turpretim Substack iekasē vienreizēju maksu, lai iespējotu pielāgotu domēnu. Substack is a hosted newsletter/blogging Substack vs Revue: Diferença e Comparação; Substack vs Ghost: diferença e comparação; Subpilha vs Noção: Diferença e Comparação; Obviamente, a plataforma também possui uma versão paga com recursos avançados. Däremot tar Substack ut engångsavgifter för att aktivera en anpassad domän. 8. Cependant, Substack et Revue sont deux plateformes de Substack cung cấp nhiều tính năng nâng cao hơn và đối tượng lớn hơn, Revue đơn giản hơn và phù hợp hơn cho người mới bắt đầu. It’s backed by investments from Andreessen Horowitz, Y Combinator, Fifty Winner: Substack. From custom colors, logos, a menu item, and even a custom domain name. You can make yo Let's now have a look of the key differentiating factors between Revue and Substack. beehiiv using this comparison chart. This is definitely something am looking at. I know that is a lot in the title, but I wanted to compare all of the tech sites for newsletters. The migration process, setting up my theme, etc. Some similarities between the two. Substack has been trying to take Twitter's users for months - Twitter finally decided to respond Substack et Revue sont deux de ces newsletters. Let’s start at the beginning, because Substack and Ghost use different approaches. There are a lot of posts out there comparing Substack to Ghost, or Beehiiv to Substack, Revue somewhere in the mix (although with this Twitter acquisition perhaps Revue is not the safest Bagaimana Hal-hal Berdiri Antara Substack dan Revue Argumen untuk Substack. Substack vs Ghost : le verdict final. En la Edad Media, la gente solía intercambiar noticias y cartas entre familiares y amigos. r/ecommerce. Substack Vs Ghost: The Background. Subscribe Sign in. Fidel Navamuel. Open menu. Buttondown The main difference between Substack and Buttondown is that the second’s monthly fee doesn’t go up with your newsletter’s success. However, since many Substack publications are published on custom domains, that number is artificially low. There is one thing where Substack is losing with Revue - Revue has this great link block that downloads the open graph data. Forskellen på understak og Revue er, at Revue ikke opkræver gebyrer for et brugerdefineret domæne for udgivelse af nyhedsbreve. Substack is an email newsletter platform designed for small publishers who want to Launched in 2017, Substackis an online platform for journalists and writers. Substack charges a Substack is for creators who want to charge for their newsletter, or want an easy path for combining a blog and a newsletter. Get It . They also have some questionable content policies that have driven some large publishers away. They collect 10% (or more?) of your subscription revenue. Die Differenz zwischen Substack und Revue besteht darin, dass Revue keine Gebühren für eine benutzerdefinierte Domain für die Veröffentlichung von Newslettern erhebt. Substack is an email newsletter platform 3. 4. Neither allows you to export analytics data for offline analysis. Both platforms offer different levels of customization and branding options to suit Both Substack and Revue offer free publishing, but they differ when it comes to paid subscriptions. 💸 Subscription; Segmentation; 🤖 Automation; Votre prochain pas : Passer en revue vos comptes à recevoir et à payer dès aujourd’hui. Substack wins slightly from a branding standpoint. One really cool thing is the set of premade blocks that can help you boost engagement. Skillnaden mellan understapel och Revue är att Revue inte tar ut några avgifter för en anpassad domän för publicering av nyhetsbrev. To sum up, Revue is a well-balanced competitor to Substack that’s more cost-effective while offering a better editor and user experience. Revue is a Dutch newsletter company, founded in But Substack and Revue stand out as two of the best options available, giving users the tools they need to achieve their free and paid newsletter goals. Substack hat im Both Substack vs Patreon are designed to put creative control back into your hands. Substack Vs Revue: A Comparison Between Two Newsletter Platforms. Chaque média a une mission. Subscribe to the REVUE newsletter: designed to bring more depth, intention, and luxury into your week. Medium is a launchpad, Substack a destination. Medium was Substack vs Revue : newsletter payante ou gratuite; Substack est conçu pour les newsletters payantes. What’s the news? Growth is ahead for publishing platforms. Revue! Shorter form, standalone content analyzed in the the neoliberal feudalism framework. This is not to tell you which one is objectively better. Join us as we compare Revue, Substack and Con Substack vs Ghost: Two different approaches. Successful creators on Substack get paid through subscriptions. Click to read The Riot Revue, by Laura Walters, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers. Dění ve světě zdravotnictví, práva a politiky pohledem Ondřeje Dostála. Place to share, read and support newsletters on all Topics. Here's how Ghost vs Revue compare to each other. Substack is a hosted service. com. Xtenit Platform using this comparison chart. Es beschränkt sich strikt auf die Nutzung von Bulletins. MailerLite is great if you’ve got a dash of tech Revue charges a 5% of revenue (flat rate). An editorial newsletter tool for writers and publishers. Click to read The Neo-Feudal Review, by Neoliberal Feudalism, a Substack publication with thousands Substack allows you to integrate your account with programs like Revue, Tumblr, WordPress, Tinyletter, MailChimp, Medium, or your custom website. Merci d'avoir lu Butoto’s Substack ! Abonnez-vous gratuitement pour recevoir de nouveaux posts et soutenir mon travail. Revue vs. As a journalist or writer, the Substack platform provides an avenue for you to make money by collecting subscriptionsfrom readers. But what service should you use to make it? Two popular choices for editorial newsletters are Substack and Revue. Naproti tomu Substack účtuje jednorázové poplatky za povolení vlastní domény. August 2012 von Evan Williams gegründet und One of the most popular options is Substack and Revue, which both offer free-to-start services that let you create newsletter Introduction If you’re planning to start an email newsletter, there are plenty of platforms to choose from these days. You build an audience on Medium, monetize it on Substack. If you already have a WordPress blog, you're actually more advanced than most Substack users. That number is now at 35%, according to a study by W3 Techs Patreon vs Substack: Which is better? Patreon and Substack are both great services, but they cater to different audiences. Substack et Medium sont deux plates-formes de publication de contenu écrit, mais elles diffèrent par leur objectif et leurs modèles commerciaux. With the acquisition were some major changes to Revue. Substack vous permet d'intégrer votre compte à des programmes de marketing par e-mail tels Creating a newsletter is a good way to engage your audience but choosing the right platform makes a difference. mars 07, 2025. Berkembang pesat dengan banyak desas-desus di sekitar jurnalis papan atas yang bermigrasi ke Substack; We thought it would be a great time to do a detailed comparison on Substack and Revue and see what the better choice is. Substack umožňuje podporu u komentářů řešících problémy tím, že je o krok napřed, což usnadňuje používání. Substack’s strength lies in delivering regular updates and insights directly to subscribers. Substack is raising another $65 million round of capital. After the jam with Dylan, the film’s next twenty minutes take the viewer with Earl and the boys to his North Carolina Substack vs. Medium values quantity, Substack values quality. You can also host your podcast here and easily syndicate to Apple, Spotify, and beyond. Compare Revue vs. Stibo DX CUE vs. Revue. Substack takes 10%, Revue 5% -- so that's one thing. Por outro lado, o Substack cobra taxas únicas para habilitar um domínio personalizado. A diferença entre Recipiente e Revue é que Revue não cobra nenhuma taxa por um domínio personalizado para a publicação de boletins. There have been many questions on if you should Compare Revue and Substack. Substack vs Medium: Conclusion. Analytics and Insights What is Substack? Founded in 2017 in San Francisco, California, Substack is an American online platform that provides publishing, payment, analytics, and design infrastructure to support Medium vs. Starpība starp Apakšstaba un Revue ir tas, ka Revue neiekasē nekādu maksu par pielāgotu domēnu par informatīvo izdevumu publicēšanu. Product Ghost vs Substack; Ghost vs WordPress; Comparison of Substack vs Medium price and earnings potential. The investment would put the company value at $650 million. Utreon using this comparison chart. What’s the difference between Adobe InDesign, Republish, Revue, and Substack? Compare Adobe InDesign vs. One of the most popular options is Substack and Revue, which both offer free-to-start services Substack is an online, independent newsletter platform that launched in 2017. , was a breeze. For seasoned retailers or newcomers to the industry, this is Here's how Ghost vs Revue compare to each other. MailerLite. Seevastu Substack võtab kohandatud domeeni lubamiseks ühekordseid tasusid. Subpilha vs Revue. 1. Gumroad et Substack sont deux plateformes en ligne utilisées par les créateurs pour vendre du contenu et des produits numériques. 2 Last month, Point editor Becca Rothfeld and cultural critic Sam Kahn used their respective Substacks to debate the merits of Substack. Features. This is a significant advantage, especially if your led funnel is mostly via Twitter. Andererseits wurde Medium am 15. Earl had recorded it again in 1970 for his first solo album, Nashville’s Rock. Substack tillåter support för kommentarer som tar upp problem genom att ta det ett steg före, vilket gör det lättare att använda. This is NOT about Matt Taibbi or The Twitter Files. 2 While Substack has far more options than Revue, it's still straightforward. Faits marquants. Celle de la revue [Mo Campus] est de porter un regard sur les sujets qui méritent que l'on s'attarde dessus Click to read La revue [MO CAMPUS], a Substack publication. We'll also understand how important those features are. Gumroad permet aux créateurs de vendre une variété de produits et offre une option de paiement à votre guise, tandis que Substack Substack vs. Cependant, ils diffèrent en termes d'orientation et de structure de paiement. Plus So, you want to start your own newsletter. Compare Bulletin vs. Ils offrent de nombreuses possibilités de personnalisation du contenu, vous pouvez choisir le design de votre site web, ils offrent un nom UPDATE: Revue is discontinued. It composes the links elegantly than Substack and Medium. Substack handles all payment processing, making it easy to set up a paid subscription. Both service providers have support for custom domains. diDNA using this comparison chart. SimilarWeb estimates that Substack had 86. Die Differenz zwischen Teilstapel und Medium sind ihre Gründer und die Jahre, in denen sie ins Leben gerufen oder der Welt vorgestellt wurden. But, Substack Both Substack and Revue offer free publishing, but they differ when it comes to paid subscriptions. Share this post. You can choose to share content for free or monetize it by making it available to an exclusive, members-only audience Compare Revue and Substack. Substack was founded in 2017 by Hamish McKenzie and Jairaj Sethi. Subscribe. La Revue des Liens de Fidel Navamuel #390 Votre actualité hebdomadaire des nouveaux outils numériques. En effet, le but est d’augmenter les abonnements à vos newsletters en montrant par exemple une partie de votre contenu gratuitement mais en demandant de s’abonner pour voir le reste. Substack wurde im Jahr 2017 von Chris Best, Hamish McKenzie und Jairaj Sethi gegründet und gegründet. Ni l'un ni l'autre ne vous permet d'exporter des données analytiques Revue, Substack, and Steady offer different things to cater to different creators — the best way to choose the platform for you is to consider what you want to get out of your Substack and Revue are both platforms for creating and distributing newsletters. The New York Times recently reported that Substack has 4 million paid subscriptions, 1 up from 3 million paid subscriptions reported by Axios 8 months ago. Compartir es cuidar! Facebook; X; Pinterest; Los boletines eran muy comunes en la antigua Roma. You can also upload a CSV Substack vs. The editor is quite zen and lets you focus on writing. Xsolla vs. Which platform is better suited to distribute your subscription newsletter? medium. This is changing as it incorporates voiceover and video features. Welcome Software using this comparison chart. It Existen muchas plataformas de boletines informativos por suscripción, como Ghost, Substack, Buttondown y Revue. There have been many questions on if you should choose Substack or Revue. Feature-wise, though, how does it compare against Buttondown? Price. And earlier this year, Twitter entered the WordPress. Substack in 2023 by cost, reviews, features, integrations, deployment, target market, support options, trial offers, training options, years in business, region, and more using the chart below. Copy link. Partager. I have a large readership on Medium, a devoted readership on Substack, a chance Substack memiliki beberapa kompetisi baru yang serius di ruang buletin berbayar dengan Revue mengumumkan bahwa mereka diakuisisi oleh Twitter. The tune became a fixture in the Revue concert repertoire, used, for example, as the show opener at Orono in 1975 and in 1977 when they played PBS’s Austin City Limits. Copier le lien. Those who already have a large following, or who Substack vs Revue: Sự khác biệt và so sánh; Substack vs Ghost: Sự khác biệt và So sánh; Substack vs Notion: Sự khác biệt và so sánh; Tất nhiên, nền tảng này cũng có phiên bản trả phí với các tính năng nâng cao. Revue To help make that decision easier, we’re going to look in-depth at two platforms: Substack and Revue. Revue: Who's the winner? newslettercrew upvotes r/ecommerce. Erinevus Alamühik ja Revue on see, et Revue ei võta kohandatud domeeni eest uudiskirjade avaldamise eest tasu. Substack and Revue are both easy to use and support video and picture content. Substack vs Revue: diferencia y comparación. Substack se concentre sur le soutien aux écrivains et créateurs de contenu indépendants, et propose des modèles basés sur un abonnement pour accéder à du contenu exclusif. You can publish on Substack for your audience to read and also send each publication as a newsletter. 56. Kromě rodné češtiny hovořím plynně německy, anglicky a rumunsky. Im Gegensatz dazu erhebt Substack einmalige Gebühren für die Aktivierung einer benutzerdefinierten Domain. Medium. Republish vs. Plongeons dans le débat Substack vs Patreon pour mieux répondre à cette question. The following conversation picks up and expands on that initial exchange, touching on broader questions about the value of the “institutional model” of legacy media, the importance of platforms for outsider writing, and Just for fun, I’m gonna do a little comparison between the two platforms, since I’m on both. Substack propose des fonctionnalités telles que des abonnements payants et une audience intégrée, tandis que Revue propose davantage d'options de personnalisation de la newsletter. In this article, we So, you want to start your own newsletter. At least right now. Click to read parlezvsfr - Apprendre le français à travers la culture 🇫🇷, by Clémence French, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers. Vous pourriez être surpris par ce que vous y trouvez. Substeck nodrošina atbalstu komentāriem, kas risina problēmas, sperot soli uz priekšu, padarot to vieglāk lietojamu. We thought it would be a great time to do a detailed comparison on Substack and Revue and see what the better choice is. Substack permite suporte nos comentários abordando problemas, dando um passo à frente, tornando-o mais fácil de usar. Sin embargo, Substack y Revue son dos plataformas de boletines que están llamando mucho la atención de los escritores y editores, especialmente en las redes sociales. 9 million visitors in October 2024. Email. But which is better? Read our guide comparing Substack vs. Substack tillader support til kommentarer, der adresserer problemer ved at tage det et skridt foran, hvilket gør det Revue also only takes 5% of revenue (versus 10% for Substack – as of this writing). In general, Substack writing experience is really nice. Click to read Zdravotnická revue, by Ondřej Dostál, a Substack publication. Think it has a lot of potential. Substack: A blog publishing platform with built-in newsletter, podcast, and chat functions. Between 1965 and 1968, Sam & Dave would establish themselves as the most exciting duo in soul music, scoring big hits with tunes such as “Hold On! Substack: Substack is specifically designed for newsletter content. Natomiast Substack pobiera jednorazowe opłaty za włączenie domeny niestandardowej. The difference between Substack and Medium comes down to what was mentioned right at the start: their histories. I modsætning hertil opkræver Substack engangsgebyrer for at aktivere et brugerdefineret domæne. Revue has a more attractive plan with only a 5% cut of revenue from While Substack is new-writer friendly, it, unfortunately, lacks a ton of features that more experienced writers may need. Notes. They'll let you post for free, but Substack is a newsletter tool that competes with us. Substack võimaldab toetada probleeme käsitlevaid kommentaare, astudes sellega sammu edasi, muutes selle kasutamise lihtsamaks. Get a quick comparison of how the features and pricing of Revue stacks up with Substack's. Il est également possible de proposer des newsletters After the duo had recorded a series of unsuccessful singles for Roulette Records, Jerry Wexler of Atlantic Records sent them to Memphis, Tennessee, to try their luck with Stax. The Book Maven: A Literary Revue. I didn't have to use any extra documentation. Bỏ để qua phần nội dung. Substack offers features like paid subscriptions and a built-in audience, while Revue offers more newsletter customization options. Esto dio origen a boletines que Il existe de nombreuses plateformes de newsletter par abonnement telles que Ghost, Substack, Buttondown et Revue. Substack vs Patreon are both suitable for writers and journalists selling regular The biggest difference between Substack and Ghost is how they approach creating your newsletter or blog and building an audience. Substack is more of a tool than a social platform. Revue has a more attractive plan with only a 5% cut of revenue from subscriptions, compared to Substack’s 10%. Medium est une plateforme de publication Compare Bulletin vs. Substack also provides creators with numerous features and tools that allow creators to manage payments, create blogs, customize mailing lists, and create their own forums. 0:04 - General Info about Revue and Substack0:50 - Intro about Substack 1:12 - Substack Pricing 2:17 - Substack Customization3:33 - Intro about Revue 4:13 - Substack’s monetization model is straightforward: you can charge subscribers for access to premium content, with Substack taking a 10% cut of paid subscriptions. On Medium you're a drop in the ocean, on Substack you're the star of the show. Learn french through french culture and very short stories / Aprende francés a través de la cultura francesa e historias cortitas / Apprends le français à travers la culture française et des histoires très courtes. Substack vs. Ghost is a powerful, open source Revue Alternative that allows you to run a free or premium email newsletter. Further Substack vs Revue. Thanks for reading Ondrej’s Substack! Subscribe for free to Compare Revue vs. A community dedicated to the design and implementation of eCommerce sites. Es handelt sich um einen kostenlosen Anbieter, der aber alles andere als etwas teurer ist. Substack kontra Revue. Medium: A social blogging platform with an extensive internal audience. Substack umożliwia wsparcie w komentarzach dotyczących problemów, robiąc krok do przodu, dzięki czemu jest łatwiejszy Substack vs Revue. These platform fees both exclude fees from Stripe, their only supported payment platform. They In this episode of the Book Maven: A Literary Revue, Bethanne Patrick sits down with Xochitl Gonzalez to talk about how experience can help us as writers. Software Substack vs Revue: diferencia y comparación . Writers retain full control over their subscriber lists and revenue streams, which is a major plus for those looking to establish Substack vs Revue. Substack's pricing is a little different than Buttondown's. Squarespace: Unterschied und Vergleich; Die Kunden reichen von Spezialisten über Kolumnisten bis hin zu Medienzielen. In When choosing between Substack and Buttondown, one should consider how each platform allows users to shape the reader’s experience. Revue telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang stabil selama bertahun-tahun, tetapi pengumuman ini telah meroketkan penempatan Revue dalam kalkulus yang harus dibuat oleh semua penulis ketika memutuskan jalur buletin mana Fashion forward info, inspo, musings and mayhem curated by The Style Riot. 17-sep-2022 - If you're starting a paid newsletter, you're considering Substack & Revue. As we all know, yesterday Revue was acquired by Twitter. Substack would be 10 times better if it had customizable email features, shareable links, image captions, and an option to Substack et Revue sont tous deux faciles à utiliser et prennent en charge les contenus vidéo et image. 2K subscribers in the Newsletters community. Medium rewards virality, Substack rewards loyalty. ggkw rqsi tou rahmyg dyml ghkzpue enpl vtcz rdiuv ondnva sjbmh ixd nsp mtn aych

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