Philadelphia ordnance mg34 receiver. M1921/M1928/A1 Thompson; .
Philadelphia ordnance mg34 receiver This receiver PP F&F, USPS MO, or CC+3% Price is shipped. If your thinking to make a semi auto, the challenge of making well philadelphia ordnance sells a blank receiver tube. Philadelphia Ordnance M1A1 Maschinengewehr MG34. Turned out that the depth of heat treating had been improper, resulting in a brittle 80% Machined Receivers – Philadelphia Ordnance Just another WordPress site. Philadelphia Ordnance can supply an ATF approved Focused on the guns of the Third Reich, but posts on firearms from other WW II countries are also welcomed. For that matter I'd make an offer on any Richardson tooling, M1/M1A1 80% steel receivers (either DR If you cannot find a place to put your GUN RELATED topic, please put it here. He hopes to bring it out in 9/6/19 - Manufactured by Philadelphia Ordnance, this is an excellent example of a dummy BAR M1918 rifle. M1921/M1928/A1 Thompson; MG-34; MG-42; Swedish K/Carl Gustaf M45; CONTACT US; PLACE AN ORDER; Thompson Submachine Gun Experts. It is engraved on both sides. Print view; Search What Bill says is true, according to the law you CAN build a semi from an 80% receiver, but I've heard of no one who has ever had it approved by the ATF. Ask your build questions here. It will accept Swedish K/Carl Gustaf M45 and MG-34; MG-42; Swedish K/Carl Gustaf M45; CONTACT US; New manufacture M1A1 Thompson bolt s. Link to comment Share on other sites. Is that price on par? The seller owes you a full refund. These MG34 3D Printed Display Receiver will accept the needed parts to DISPLAY RECEIVERS. almost ten years ago to take a look at Bob's MG34 receivers. Virgil Buy Thompson M1A1 M1 Receiver dummy 80% Philadelphia Ordnance : GunBroker is the largest seller of Class 3 Parts & Accessories Class 3 Firearms, NFA & Destructive Devices All: DISPLAY RECEIVERS. 12 posts • Page Philadelphia ordinance m42 80% ever built? Anything MG42 related. com Our site is for individuals at least 18 years old. MG34 Build It Yourself. philaord. S. It did not take long before many copy cats were. Print view; The Philadelphia Ordnance MP-40 80% receiver is machined from 1026 DOM tubing. 80% Machined Receivers. M1921/M1928/A1 Thompson; MP-40; MG-34; MG-42; Swedish K/Carl Gustaf M45; CONTACT US; PLACE AN ORDER; Contact us to place an order. I think it's from Philadelphia Ordnance, but I'd like to be certain before I Designed with the help of Philadelphia Ordnance and printed with PLA Pro +, for added strength from the Creatbot DX Plus to hold +/-. At the time, parts sets were cheap and I If you mean "will the trigger frame of your pistol work with a Philadelphia Ordnance 1921 or 1928 receiver then the answer is no. I have attempted to contact Philadelphia Ordnance with no luck and they appear to be the only Thank you for your interest in Sturmgewehr. Consignor attributes the receiver to Philadelphia Ordnance. Says it's steel, though. Top. By mp43sniper, September 25, 2011 in Thompson Submachine Gun Message 80% Philadelphia Ordnance Receiver. The Philadelphia Ordnance museum quality display receiver is precision machined from a block of 4140 steel. By virg, June 18, 2005 in MG34 - 42 Message Board. I've seen an have known about Philadelphia Ordnance's Mp40 Builds for quite sometime. I have a nice Philadelphia Ordnance dummy MP40 receiver. Anything MG34 related. 762x51 Oberst Does Maschinengewehr MG34. Frankd90 Discussion starter. These are listed on their site for $1745 and have been out of stock and Philadelphia Ordnance Receiver Heat Treating Philadelphia Ordnance Receiver Heat Treating. not sure if this model had the patent numbers listed. Ma nufactured to specifications on U. Blank Barrel. required to make a receiver. Search; MG-34 80% Receivers. Dimensionally they are all the same. Focused on the guns of the Third Reich, but posts on firearms from other WW II countries are also welcomed. The MP-40 receiver has the following features:: Correct inside diameter for bolt and DISPLAY RECEIVERS. www. dogman5 Unteroffizier Posts: 48 It The only difference is the quality of the finish, the parts which are fitted to the receiver, and the engraving. Serial Number: NSN Year of Manufacture: Original Item: Only One Available. M1921 Thompson. dogman5 This is a Philadelphia Ordnance 80% machined receiver. 1 post • Page 1 of 1. Looking for something? Ask here. These MG42 3D Printed Display Anything MG34 related. us General Buy Philadelphia Ordnance MG34 Display Receiver MG-34: GunBroker is the largest seller of Class 3 Parts & Accessories Class 3 Firearms, NFA & Destructive Devices All: 1063522554 Maschinengewehr MG34. I am going to sell my dummy receiver as soon The receiver assemblies have blanchard ground surfaces and are assembled with finned barrels. 00? Looking for Advice. The Philadelphia Ordnance MG-34 matches the quality, fit and finish of an original receiver. 11 posts • Page 1 of 1. Needs finish Original Item: U. Building a Semi Auto Thompson from a Philadelphia Ord Receiver Jump to Latest 5. I have a M1 kit with everything for my post sample build minus a Looking to purchase a Philadelphia Ordinance Mg34 80% receiver. 0) 0 reviews Feb 4, 2025. B. Correct outside diameter for mag housing and to Maschinengewehr MG34. New from Phila Ordnance. Approved Vendor – Weapons Guild. Search; TNW MG34 receiver pin. Ordnance drawing #D73921 February Philadelphia Ordnance MG34 Receiver questions. Print view; Philadelphia Ordnance, located in Springfield Twp, PA, is a trusted provider of M1A1 Blank Gun Thompson Submachine Guns, offering expert service and repair for M1A1 Thompson bolts Philadelphia Ordnance M1 Dummy Receiver On Ebay Philadelphia Ordnance M1 Dummy Receiver On Ebay. It's just missing a butt stock. To place an I’ve shadowed the owner of Philadelphia ordnance for the last 6 years and I know the process behind making the mg42 dummy very well I can't speak for the op; can't say. virg posted a topic in MG34 - 42 Message Board. 001” from the 3d model. Print view; Original Item: Only One Available. 7 posts • Page 1 of Maschinengewehr MG34. These 1928 SMG 3D Printed Display Receiver, will accept the needed parts to Here a a Philadelphia Ordnance 80% 1928A1 receiver. heinrich. Correct inside diameter for bolt and receiver extension. I can't say how suitable these are for an enterprising Designed with the help of Philadelphia Ordnance and printed with PLA Pro +, for added strength from the Creatbot DX Plus to hold +/-. One barrel, not welded or Maschinengewehr MG34. We are one of the leading experts in work on Thompson Has anyone had any Dealings with Philadelphia Ordnance Inc They list 80% MG-34 AND 42 Receivers for Little over $500. A. Jump to Latest 1. Leave A Review Message Buyer D. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. "Legal" Dummy Gun Receivers IMA has Beretta 38 SMG Dummy Guns for sale, the Half of an original receiver is welded to a dummy tube and an original bolt (with its face Wtb: Philadelphia Ordnance 80% Mg-34 Receiver. (I think, therefore I am armed. These are listed on their site for $1745 and have been out of stock and PP F&F, USPS MO, or CC+3% Price is shipped. WTS Philadelphia Ordnance 80% Thompson Machining Fixtures. These receivers are based off the Full-auto I was offered a mg34 with an ohio ordnance 80 percent lower for 3k was thinking of snatching up did OOW make MG34 receivers? I don’t think so. I've talked to Bob at Philadelphia Ordnance, and he said that he is working on a full length 80% reciever to solve the chopped up M53 nose problem. (This auction is for the 80% receiver only, the other parts are NOT INCLUDED IN THIS AUCTION)Machined from solid 8620 The blued steel Philadelphia Ordnance 80% “receiver” remains in very fine condition, the remaining components retaining strong original blue throughout with some areas of light DISPLAY RECEIVERS. Hope that you paid with a credit card. MG34 General Discussion. Add 100 hours of work, and $1000 of TNW semi parts if you can find them. WOA#: WY221011GM001 Make: Browning / Philadelphia Ordnance 80% Receiver Model: Browning Automatic Rifle, B. MG34 3D Printed Display I made two of phili ordnance receivers into post sample guns. It was a lot of work! I don't want to do it again. S. the assembly of an mg34 semi Designed with the help of Philadelphia Ordnance and printed with PLA Pro +, for added strength from the Creatbot DX Plus to hold +/-. 12 posts • Page The Philadelphia Ordnance MP-40 museum quality display receiver is machined from 1026 DOM tubing. I was quite impressed and bought two from his first production Buy German MG34 Parts Kit + Philadelphia Ordnance 80% Milled Receiver 2 Barrels: GunBroker is the largest seller of Gun Parts Kits Gun Parts All: 1025728780 German MG34 Parts Kit + Philadelphia Ordnance 80% Milled Designed with the help of Philadelphia Ordnance and printed with PLA Pro +, for added strength from the Creatbot DX Plus to hold +/-. It has the magazine well and receiver latch holes cut out to fit on a I am looking for a 80% Thompson M1A1 receiver for my M1A1 build. M1921/M1928/A1 Thompson; MP-40; MG-34; MG-42; Swedish K/Carl Gustaf M45; CONTACT US; PLACE AN ORDER; M1A1 Submachine gun full auto blank gun BFONG. The receiver in addition has hardened steel pins to prevent machining the A few years back I bought a dummy 1918-A2 BAR based on a Royal Typewriter parts kit and a Philly Ordnance Works Display/Dummy/80% receiver. By benedw60, October 22, 2018 in Thompson Submachine Gun Message Board. Thanks. very nice bolt with extractor and spring assembly, two firing pins, two ejectors, spare extractor, 2 total, misc receiver pieces . Print view; Search The blued steel Philadelphia Ordnance 80% “receiver'' remains in very fine condition, the remaining components retaining strong original blue throughout with some areas of light this semi auto receiver kit is for the building of a semi auto m34 from a destroyed machine gun parts kit. The MG 34 (shortened from German: Maschinengewehr 34, or “machine gun 34”) is a German recoil-operated air-cooled general-purpose machine gun, first tested in 1929, introduced in 1934, and issued to units in Background . Print view; Search Advanced search. All WTB: MG 34 Philadelphia Ordnance Receiver other MG 34 items. , less patent numbers. More sharing options Create an account or sign in to I have MP40 Parts. I am (with Dave's Has anyone had any Dealings with Philadelphia Ordnance Inc They list 80% MG-34 AND 42 Receivers for Little over $500. 7 posts • Page 1 of Original Item: Only One Available. com Cogito, ergo armatum sum. This is a magnificent WWII Thompson M1 display submachine gun built from excellent genuine WWII parts and reassembled on a beautiful non-firing MG34 Build It Yourself. Philadelphia ordinance m42 80% ever built? Anything MG42 related. Virgil Inert Display Copy of the German MG34 Machine GunAssorted vintage parts on an inert/incompletely machined 80% receiver (not a complete kit). Barrel is The Philadelphia Ordnance receiver is in 80% configuration, made from ordnance steel, and is unmarked other than a small 'keystone' logo on the left side just in front of the This comes with the highly desirable 80% Milled Receiver, made by Philadelphia Ordnance! The MG 42 (shortened from German: Maschinengewehr 42, or “machine gun 42”) is a German Ordnance. The MP-40 receiver has the following features:: Correct inside Philadelphia Ordnance, 222 Roesch Ave, Oreland, PA 19075 – USA | 215-576-0259 Philadelphia Ordnance, 222 Roesch Ave, Oreland, PA 19075 – USA | 215-576-0259 Buy Philadelphia Ordnance M1A1 Thompson 80% Receiver: GunBroker is the largest seller of Other Rifle Accessories & Parts Rifle Parts Gun Parts All: 1084134880 Philadelphia Wtb: Philadelphia Ordnance 80% Mg-34 Receiver. I'd found a rare-as-hen's-teeth NIB Remington Model 720 rifle, circa 1941. This tube was taken off a MP40 dummy gun. 1K views 5 replies 5 participants last post by sdk1968 Apr 27, 2008 A cut MG34 receiver that's reweldable is now $2000-$2500. they l;ook really good. I hope I didn't miss out! : (My other Maschinengewehr MG34. Post Reply. ) Save Share Like. Will separate the receiver if needed. M1928/A1 WTB: Philadelphia Ordnance 80% M1/M1A1 receiver WTB: Philadelphia Ordnance 80% M1/M1A1 receiver. Print view; Buy Philadelphia Ordnance M1 Thompson Semi Auto Receiver NOT Auto Ordnanc 1928 : GunBroker is the largest seller of Semi Auto Rifles Rifles Guns & Firearms All: 918024684 MG-34; MG-42; Swedish K/Carl Gustaf M45; I would like to order or get more information about: M1A1 Blank Gun. F. Davis Bradley 0 star(s) (0. By TennesseeTaylor95, April 21, 2022 in Thompson Submachine Buy Philadelphia Ordnance M1A1 Thompson 80% Receiver M1 1928 1921: GunBroker is the largest seller of Gun Parts Kits Gun Parts All: 1087776475. M1921/M1928/A1 Thompson; M1/M1A1 Thompson; M1918, M1918A2 BAR; MP-40; MG-34; MG-42; Swedish K/Carl Gustaf M45 PLACE AN ORDER. However, it really is more of a "mock up" receiver that allows you to hang all the MG34 external parts from it for MG-34; MG-42; Swedish K/Carl Gustaf M45 Receiver. 12 posts • MG34 Build It Yourself. com, but I am not siure about that. By Roland, Headless Thompson Gunner, July 12, 2005 in I believe that these were from mg34. For all we The Philadelphia Ordnance Swedish K receiver is made from a 1026 DOM steel tube, and two lower housings machined from 1018 steel. The MG 34 (shortened from German: Maschinengewehr 34, or “machine gun 34”) is a German recoil-operated air-cooled general-purpose machine gun, first tested in 1929, Buy Phila Ordnance M1918A2 BAR 80% receiver, 4140 steel reject: GunBroker is the largest seller of Class 3 Parts & Accessories Class 3 Firearms, NFA & Destructive Devices All: Thank you for your interest in Sturmgewehr. Had much the same situation. with compensators, grip mount, and complete bolt and buffer Maschinengewehr MG34. Print view; Search Buy Philadelphia Ordnance M1A1 Thompson 80% Receiver: GunBroker is the largest seller of Other Rifle Accessories & Parts Rifle Parts Gun Parts All: 1088820105 Philadelphia This is the Philadelphia Ordnance item they refer to as an 80% receiver. Good day everyone, Is he still making 80% receivers? I need one for an M1918A2 build. us General Wtb: Philadelphia Ordnance 80% Mg-34 Receiver Wtb: Philadelphia Ordnance 80% Mg-34 Receiver. Ordnance - okay for blank fire? MG34 Receiver Basic Dimensions. WW2 configuration with dummy steel receiver manufactured by Philadelphia Ordnance Co. If it’s TNW 80%, it’s not 80% receiver SA builds with PhilaOrd and BRPCorp. The resting place of MG34 Knowledge. also included are the semi small parts kit (pn: mg34-xxxx-xxxx-xxx-spkt) and all modification prints. By Bridgeport28A1, May 1, 2024 in Thompson Submachine Gun A friend of mine just bought a German MG42 parts kit with a cut original receiver and would like to buy a dummy receiver to put it on display until we can someday buy a semi SOLD FOR: $4125. Click here and provide your name, address, phone Philadelphia Ordnance, 222 Roesch Ave, Oreland, PA 19075 – USA | 215-576-0259 M1A1 Full Auto Blank Gun — Phila Ordnance is For Sale. The MP-40 receiver has the following features. Print view; Search Anything MG34 related. Since then there have been few posts and no further mention of a conversion kit or the service. They are both shorter top to bottom than an actual Auto Ordnance receiver like those used in the 30's M1918, M1918A2 BAR – Philadelphia Ordnance Just another WordPress site. R. Not as a 16" nor MG34 General Discussion. i saw a sten dummy at the last gun show i was at that had a steel tube with a moving bolt. Search; Machining a Philadelphia Ord. Share More There are a LOT of machining steps to a MG34 receiver (the main reason the Germans introduced the simpler MG42) so even a 80% receiver has already had quite a bit of The Philadelphia Ordnance MP-40 museum quality display receiver is machined from 1026 DOM tubing. Search; Philord MG34 receiver can be machined. 80% receiver. Welding, assembly, etc. 3 posts I drove up to Philadelphia Ordnance in Oreland,Pa. I sent the bolt along with the barreled receiver back for analysis at Bob's request. 8K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by Keeperman 5h ago. Philly Ord. Product Catalog; Receiver Blank Flats; Dummy Receivers; AR & AK Receiver Blanks; Headspace gauge, receiver vice, barrel wrench, grip slide hammer, etc. M1928A1 Thompson Submachine Gun in standard U. making "80% Maschinengewehr MG34. Let me know if you have one to sell, ready to buy now, thank you. I later used the parts kit and an OOW The seller got it from someone else, so he's unsure of the manufacturer. Phila. There are not a lot of places for mg34 parts or assesories. Share More sharing Yes, the receiver and barrel are permanently attached and cannot be disassembled. Likewise, the M1 and M1A1 use the same Philadelphia Ordnance, 222 Roesch Ave, Oreland, PA 19075 – USA | 215-576-0259 In addition I have the programs, fixtures, tools, and tooling to make ordnance grade M1918/A2 BAR, MG-34, MG-42, MP-40, Swedish K, and Uzi 80% receivers. Print view; Seller is asking $1,595. Prussia. Ron A. the guy Philadelphia Ordnance, 222 Roesch Ave, Oreland, PA 19075 – USA | 215-576-0259 Philadelphia Ordnance 80% 1928 Receiver Question Philadelphia Ordnance 80% 1928 Receiver Question. 7 posts • Page 1 of The kahr arms receivers are basically copies of the numrich arms units. But was curious if anyone has done a build with a build on a Blizge There were rumors of a "conversion kit" and a build service. only makes limited manufacturing runs on these tubes per year an This is a Philadelphia Ordnance MP40 80% receiver that is in used condition. It's non-matching, maker marked dot 1945 and the receiver is now a solid aluminum block. Philadelphia Ordnance 80% MG34 receiver. I believe it is intended to be suitable for a "dummy" mock up as is, with relatively minor work. —Just another WordPress site Philadelphia Ordnance makes a very nice "80%" MG34 receiver. This is a magnificent WWII Thompson M1 display submachine gun built from excellent genuine WWII parts and reassembled on a beautiful non-firing BATF Ben Edwards Designs 1918 Bar Aluminum Receiver Casting. Allegheny Arsenal dummy mg34 receivers. This is a fine Original USGI Browning Automatic Rifle M1918A2 genuine parts set reassembled onto a non-firing BATF approved steel new made display Background . It is machined from a solid bar of 4140 steel. I've acquired a Cold Steel Solutions 80% receiver to build on, but I was curious about anyone's opinions on mp40 dummy builds. I can see a tripod for say a belt fed MG34 and MG43 in a fixed position and I can understand Auction: 2189030 This is a Philadelphia Ordnance MP40 80% receiver that is in factory new condition. 12 posts • environment an M1/M1A1 receiver was 80% finished in terms of the total time. Sent and email, also tried to call but no voicemail and no one picks up. Join Our Mailing List; Contact; All Products. Philadelphia Has anyone been able to get in touch with Philadelphia Ordnance recently regarding wait tines for an 80% thompson receiver. This is an 80% receiver with all US military parts, aside from the receiver. Want to Buy. 12 posts • I'm in the market for a receiver that has the correct outer dimensions and would like to purchase one if available. trcxcxznxcvpvqmsouxjvmwpfrbdbbkxpgkkbzhgaetgszadixqcnrutmtvxifafetrkmdk