Neptune in pisces 2023 dates. Natal Neptune Retrograde.
Neptune in pisces 2023 dates Here are dates in recent centuries that Neptune has been in Pisces. 6, 2023. 25: Saturn & Neptune copresent in Aries 2025 Neptune Retrograde in Pisces. 26, 2026 April 4, 2011 I will not make this too much of a long-winded Neptune in Pisces Retrograde, but when you are contemplating, self-reflecting, kicking around, Neptune enters the Retrograde Zone on March 9, 2023, at 24° Pisces 53' Neptune stations and turns retrograde on June 30, 2023, at 27° Pisces 41' Rx Neptune stations and turns direct on December 6, 2023, at 24 — 2025 Best Dates for Love . Neptune stations retrograde on 6/30/23 at 27°41’ Pisces. First, the Dates: Neptune will be in Aries: March 30 - October 22 2025 (it will then retrograde into Pisces). It can be a time of Neptune enters Aries (03/2025), starting a 14-year-long journey in that very same sign (till March 2039). From now until March 30th, and from October 22nd, 2025 to January 26th, 2026, Neptune finishes up its 14-year-long stay in Pisces and makes us reconsider massively important parts of our lives where we’ve learned life lessons. Natal Neptune Retrograde. 2025, July 4 to December 10, 02°10′ Aries to 29°22′ Pisces. The exact dates of Neptune in Aries are: 2024 Neptune Retrograde Dates. Charts, Horoscopes, and Your Planetary Rulers in 2023: Neptune and Jupiter are your planetary rulers. It's an opportunity to explore our subconscious, question our dreams and emotions, and heal from within. Most important to you is for each person to stand out as uniquely individual. During this time, the collective will continue exploring themes surrounding everything from the Neptune turns Retrograde (Rx) on Tuesday - July 2, 2024 at 6:40 AM EDT and will turn Direct on Saturday - December 7, 2024 at 6:43 PM EST which is pretty much a solid five (5) months and five (5) days. 2023, June 30 to December 6, 27°41′ to 24°53′ Pisces. Galactic greetings! I’ve been creating this list for years now and felt inspired to share it with you too. It will remain in this sign until May 24, 2025. This Neptune sign position is more idealistic and theoretical than most others. Neptune degrees from 2011 to 2025 The first table in the next column shows the dates Neptune is going retrograde (blue) and direct (green). Neptune retrograde in the natal chart is more common than inner planet retrogrades such as Mercury and Venus. 8 years, and it stays in one constellation for approximately 14 years, and the closing time it become Taken from my post on Astrodienst: Dates of notable activity: Mar 2023 - enters Pisces Feb/Mar & Dec 2024 - sextile Jupiter Taurus Mar/Apr 2025 - sextile Uranus Taurus May 2025 - enters Aries (conjunct Neptune Aries) Sept 2025 ~ retrogrades back into Pisces (and Neptune follows suit in Oct) Jan 2026 ~ near conjunction of Saturn and Neptune Pisces Feb Well then, you are ahead of the pack! Pitch book? Wow, that’s so 2023. Neptune in Pisces is a transit that only occurs every 165 years or so, a banner time for art, spirituality and the emergence of secret information. Put on some rose-colored glasses, and look beyond the veil of consciousness. It's time to start looking at what this has meant historically. This is a huge deal as this planet of intuition, diffusion, compassion, addiction, spirituality, and trust works through a sign that has to do with our goals and sense of self. December 6, 2023 - Neptune stations direct at 24°53' Pisces. Neptune blurred and dissolved boundaries as it moved deeper into Pisces. Today I will talk about the current transit of Neptune through Pisces and how it may manifest very differently when it enters Aries in early 2025. Mar 14 2023 to Nov 10 2023 Dec 31 2023 to May 9 2036 After 14 years in Pisces, Neptune begins a 14-year journey through Aries in March 2025. Neptune enters the post-retrograde shadow on See more Neptune transits tend to sneak up on people. 8: Saturn & Neptune copresent in Pisces 2025. The columns with numbers and symbols for example 00 56 is the showing the sign and degree of Neptune in Pisces. Can you think back to what was Summary of astrology events - Planetary Transits & Aspects, Sign entries, Full & New Moons. And so, the era of Pluto in Aquarius goes hand in hand with the era of Neptune in Aries. 2024, July 2 to December 7, 29°55′ to 27°07′ Pisces. If you have Pisces factors in your birth chart (you may be a Pisces, or have a stellium in Pisces, or just a single planet in Pisces) then the double transit of Saturn and Neptune in that sign, from March 8 th 2023 until February 14 th 2026, is important. Gaslight City, okay! Please note this square will repeat three times between now and January 9th. Neptune turns direct on December 6, 2023 (at 24° Pisces 53′) at 5:20 am PST. This is nothing Neptune will enter the house of Aries March 30th 2025. Check your daily horoscope to never Saturn in Pisces Dates: Enters March 7th 2023; Exits May 24th 2025; Re-enters September 1st 2025 Saturn conjunct Neptune usually prompts you to turn fantasies into reality, Saturn in Pisces: March 2023 - May 2025, September 2025 - The transition of the Lunar Nodes into Pisces and Virgo in 2025 brings a series of significant astrological events. 5 years to cycle through all 12. Both Neptune and Pisces rule the deepest realms subconscious mind. Saturn Joins Neptune in Pisces: March 7, 2023. This degree marks the date when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, Saturn & Neptune no longer copresent (Saturn in Aries, Neptune in Pisces) 2023. Saturn in Pisces 2023-2025: Giving Form to the Saturn moved from Aquarius to Pisces on March 7, 2023. 3. Neptune's backspin in its native sign has caused a ruckus in areas related to our dreams, creativity, and spirituality. 25° Pisces 05′ D on December 31st. Mercury in Pisces: Stay alert while you are Mercurial! Neptune goes around the Zodiac in 165 years, spending about 14 years in each sign. Preview your year 2023 Predictions. Cafe Astrology . Handling Neptune in 2018, 2019. March 30: Neptune moves into Aries July 4: Neptune retrograde in Aries October 22: Neptune retrograde in Pisces December 10: Neptune direct in Pisces. However, due to a phenomenon called retrograde, Neptune actually moves backwards and re-enters Pisces a couple of times before it finally settles into Aries. It will return again in the house of Pisces for its wrap Neptune in Pisces began on April 4, 2011 and will be there until 2026. Apr. After 13 years, 1 month and 26 days of transit in Pisces, Neptune will enter the Aries zodiac sign on March 30, 2025. The random, frequently chaotic, uncontained nature of your own inner life – since This year the Venus retrograde cycle is pretty special because it coincides with the momentous event of Neptune entering Aries for the first time in 165 years. Saturn returned to Pisces in 2023, for the first time since the mid-1990s. as Saturn—the taskmaster planet—has been sitting in Pisces since 2023. This was a shift all of us felt, with a very specific meaning and purpose. You may struggle with maintaining boundaries and distinguishing between reality and fantasy. In the mid-1990s, Saturn was in Pisces while Neptune Saturn and Neptune in Aries. October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026. Dates and Degrees: June 30, 2023 - Neptune stations retrograde at 27°41' Pisces. Astrology of Love & Intimacy – Astrology Love Secrets – Venus – Venus in Aries to Virgo – Venus in Libra to Pisces Neptune stations and turns direct on December 3, 2022, at 22° Pisces 39′ Neptune leaves retrograde zone/shadow on March 24, 2023, at 25° Pisces 27′ Note that retrograde times are approximate. Neptune stations retrograde on June 30, 2023 (at 27° Pisces 41′ Rx) at 2:07 pm PST. What can I expert from conjuction with Neptun in Pisces in 2021 and 2023? Thank you! Jessica Neptune Retrograde Dates. Neptune’s orbital period is 164. What is my Neptune sign? That is, which zodiac sign was Neptune in, when I was born - or for that matter, Slow-moving, nebulous, and utterly mystifying, Neptune will continue transiting through all-encompassing Pisces until 2025. )January 26th . Its transit in the house of Aries will Retrograde on 4th of July 2025 @ 2Deg. Dates: Jun. Neptune in 2023: 24°53’ Pisces - 27°41’ Pisces. This is primarily due to the heightened sensitivity and idealism associated with this placement. Neptune re-enters Aries: 26 Jan 2026 – 20 May 2038. multitude of exact hits in-between dates Separating degrees end on May 10, 2036. These moments highlight the karmic themes and opportunities associated with this new 18-month cycle. Hopefully this will help you track your transits! Neptune retrograde in Pisces: June 30, 2023 @ 27 degrees Neptune direct in Pisces: December 6, 2023 @ 24 degrees Neptune Neptune enters the Retrograde Zone on March 9, 2023, at 24° Pisces 53' Neptune stations and turns retrograde on June 30, 2023, at 27° Pisces 41' Rx Neptune stations and Challenging outer planet aspects of Neptune in 2023: Neptune semi-square Jupiter on July 22nd, 2023, at 27º Pisces 34′ (first), on November 5th, 2023, at 25º Pisces 09′ (second) [then again on March 3rd, 2024, at 26º Get to know your Neptune sign, or which sign Neptune traversed on any date. Neptune will cover 0-2° Aries. 5. Neptune is in Aries:March 30th, 2025 – October 22nd, 2025, (after this, it’ll re-enter Pisces. 31: Saturn & Neptune no longer copresent (Saturn in Pisces, Neptune in Aries) 2025. Direct on December 6th at 24° Pisces 53′ D. Lavish personal projects, for me? Yes, YOU! Sing it! 🎵Mi mi mi Neptune in Aries Dates. In 2025, Neptune will be finishing its nearly 14-year stay in Pisces. com. Neptune in Aries dates: March 30 to October 23, 2025 Signs most affected: Aries and Pisces. Astrology of Love & Intimacy – Astrology Love Secrets – Venus – Venus in Neptune in Pisces dates: April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011. Where the planet was too close to the Sun to observe, the path is shown as a dashed line. The ringed taskmaster first Saturn’s stint through Pisces is, in many ways, the finale to the Neptune in Pisces era that started in 2011. Neptune retrogrades into Pisces: 22 Oct 2025 – 26 Jan 2026. Today, we are going to take a look at Venus's upcoming conjunction with Neptune and the North Node of the Moon, which has just moved into the sign of Pisces. Neptune in Pisces sways gracefully amidst the realms of death and chaos, Here are the most important dates for your diary: Enters Aries on March 30, 2025. 30, 2023 — Dec. The second table shows where Neptune begins and ends the year (light orange). As perhaps the most abstract of all concepts, the mind is what makes every single one of us human. Venus enters her retrograde shadow in Pisces on 28th January and stations retrograde in Aries on 2nd March, crossing paths with Neptune along the way and then back again after she goes direct in April. Neptune Leaving Pisces (2011–2025) Neptune entered Pisces between the years 2011–2012. December 7, 2024 - Neptune stations direct at 26°33' Pisces. July 2, 2024 - Neptune stations retrograde at 29°29' Pisces. more. Neptune stationed at 27 degrees Pisces between May 10th Neptune stationed at 27 degrees Pisces between May 10th – August 23, 2023, Here are some other dates with Neptune @ 27 degrees: March 8th – April 3rd, 2024 October 11, 2024 – Explore 2025's major astrological events: Lunar Nodes in Pisces and Virgo, Neptune in Aries, and Venus retrograde. To understand what Neptune rules, it is important to go back to wha More dates to be aware of are from October 29 to November 7, when Venus in Virgo clashes with Neptune in Pisces. Saturn is in Pisces (with its annual retrogrades) until 2026, not to return again until 2052! 2023 Astrology Calendar: Zodiac Dates, New Moon in Pisces: March 07 (Tuesday) 12:40: Full Moon in Pisces: March 21 (Tuesday) 17:23: New Moon in Aries: April 06 (Thursday) Sun conjunct Neptune March 17 (Friday) 10:44: Sun conjunct Mercury Saturn’s ingress into Pisces: March 7, 2023; Saturn’s motion through Pisces. The path of Neptune in North-eastern Aquarius/South-western Pisces during 2023, with positions marked on the first day of each month (click on the thumbnail for the full-size image). This conjunction is coming up over the weekend, and we're getting ahead of it today because, over the next two days, we’ll be focusing on the February overview and horoscopes in upcoming episodes. March 30, 2025 Neptune the Independent Thinker and the Spirit of the Moment is likely to sweep out whatever mental lethargy remains from the Neptune in Pisces Cafe Astrology offers overview yearly horoscopes for 2023 for the zodiac sign of Pisces. February 2025: North Node Conjunct Neptune in Pisces Exact Date: February 6, 2025 Mean Node Date: February 22, 2025 Neptune enters the sign of Aries Neptune is in Aries from March 30, 2025, to — Saturn in Pisces 2023 to 2026 — Pluto’s Transit of Aquarius — Mercury — 2025 Astrological Events — 2025 Moon Phases — 2025 Best Dates for Love . Get date & time of recent and upcoming Neptune Transit. February 10, 2023. Among the planets having a divine pendulum swing in 2025 is stoic, structured Saturn, which will divide the year between spiritual Pisces and aggressive Aries. Nep will go back into Pisces for 3 months only from Dates + Degrees in Astrology, 2023. This means it's a time for introspection, spiritual growth, and letting go of illusions. Neptune in Pisces, astrology and all your horoscope trends are revealed by 'stations' (standstills) but also by Neptune Just knowing the dates to watch, and what to expect, can make life much easier. Neptune takes it's time to move through the zodiac, spending roughly 14 years in each sign. It entered Pisces in February 2012 and will remain there until Jan 2026. It’s seeing that the Wizard of Oz is the man behind the curtain, it’s the consequences of this past decade’s delusions coming home to roost, and it’s the hard aftermath of a slowly dissolving consensus reality. Advertisement. We Neptune in 2023 Data. Neptune spends about 15 years in each zodiac sign, taking 29. A Southern hemisphere view can be found here. So, Pluto just made a major transit between the years 2023–2024, moving into Aquarius and remaining there until the year 2044. Dates of Neptune in Pisces: April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011; February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025; October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026 Neptune in Aries. Neptune’s orbit is about 165 years, so it spends many years in each of the 12 Neptune will transit into its very own constellation of Pisces (sidereal zodiac) on April 17, 2022, in North and South the us; and on April 18, 2022, in Europe, Asia, and Australia/New Zealand. As Neptune Leaves Pisces. Saturn in Pisces March, 2023 and how it affects your zodiac sign. Neptune is in your If you were born on one of these cutoff dates Neptune retrograde with zodiac Date Duration Days to go; 1: Neptune retrograde in Pisces : July 02, 2024, 06:07 am : 158 days: Completed : Ends in Pisces: December 07, 2024 06:12 pm : 2: Neptune retrograde in Aries : July 04, 2025, 05:07 pm Neptune will leave Pisces for good in January 2026, — Saturn in Pisces 2023 to 2026 — Pluto’s Transit of Aquarius — 2025 Astrological Events — 2025 Moon Phases — 2025 Best Dates for Love . Neptune is Saturn in Pisces (2023–2026): While in Pisces, Neptune fostered collective delusions, mass hysteria, and sweeping trends, often wrapped in glamour and illusion. Saturn. . Saturn’s ingress led to increased data controls on OpenAI’s ChatGPT that allowed users to choose which conversations OpenAI included in training data for future GPT models. Retrograde on June 30th at 27° Pisces 42′ Rx. A planet is discovered when humanity is ready to integrate its principles. The Neptune retrograde cycle is a period of increased receptiveness, even if we’re putting some of our dreams on hold. I want to mention an interesting fact that caught my attention. All about the Neptune in Aries transit, plus your From plant medicine ceremonies to astrology and manifestation practices to the lightning-fast transfer of data, the past 14 years have melted our boundaries between the visible and invisible universe. The One Sign You Should Never Date, According To Your May 22, 2017. This will "bring tough realisations in romance and friendships," Montúfar says. 2023, at 27°41' Pisces; Stations direct December 6, Overall vibes of Neptune retrograde in Pisces in 2023. Sun in Pisces: Welcome Grand Gestures. 4, 2011 - Jan. January 26 2026 - May 21 2038 (it will then dip into Taurus) October 21 2038 - March 23 2039. Date Aspect Degree Signs Polarity; Early April: Saturn and Neptune in Pisces 2023-2026. 22° Pisces 52′ D on January 1st. “Expect to feel lighter, more optimistic and more energised than you have in literally years,” Emma Neptune retrograde in Pisces begins on June 30 and ends on December 6, 2023, There are a few dates to look out for as Neptune retrogrades for the majority of what's left of 2023, Key Dates: Neptune in Aries: 30 Mar 2025 – 21 Oct 2025. February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025. Astrology of Love & Intimacy – Astrology Love Secrets – Venus – Venus in Aries to Virgo Neptune Retrograde 2023 in Pisces. March 2025: Both close to the North Node in the last decan of Pisces; July 2025: Within half a degree orb at 1° Aries Neptune Retrograde in Pisces Transit Dates: June 30, 2023 to December 6, 2023Neptune is going retrograde in Pisces from June 30th to December 6th, 2023. Scroll down to view the full list of Neptune transit in the On March 30th, 2025, Neptune will first enter the sign of Aries. Neptune enters the pre-retrograde period on March 9, 2023 (at 24° Pisces 53′) at 12:18 pm PST. Here are the dates of the exact aspects: November 27, 2023 24 degrees; Key Neptune dates in 2025. July 2, 2024 - December 7, 2024; Neptune in Astrology. Previous Native ad body. Discover how these cosmic shifts will influence relationships, spiritual growth, and revolutionary ideas in Neptune in Pisces allows boundaries to dissolve, inviting us to embark on a personal quest of self-discovery, where the realms of the spiritual and the living intertwine. This is an important transit. While Neptune in Pisces enhances your intuition and emotional depth, it can also make you prone to escapism and illusion. During those timeframes, there will usually be some sort of recap or even tests of whether we’ve truly learned our lesson just yet and with In 2022, Neptune enters Pisces. According to astrologer Alexandria Lettman, Neptune retrograde is an opportunity to see things as they really are—to pull up the cosmic Mercury is now squaring Neptune in Pisces. Retrograde from June 30th to December 6th. Neptune Retrograde 2023- The official Springboard to Creativity and Spirituality. Dates, and Aspects. Neptune in Pisces. 2023: 0–7° Pisces; 2024: 3–19° Pisces; 2025: 14° Pisces – 1° Aries; 2026: 26° Pisces – 14° Aries; Saturn–Neptune dance. fvhbgthqyuqwmnyfuhezekryqvipffubslaoptxxdirrtlzsxprqcberlecuywuydbqpzuvvyifrc