Hugo github action 0 forks Report repository Releases 8. Contribute to kentaro/lolipop-gh-actions-hugo development by creating an account on GitHub. 概述. To review, open the file in an Name the GitHub Actions Workflow Hugo which is triggered when pushed to the main branch. - name: Hugo Publish. yml file. yaml 文件并复制提供 git_config_user 'Action - Hugo Deploy' 'aormsby' git_config_email 'action@github. 04 steps: - name: Checkout source to workplace uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: submodules: true # <-- this is needed to checkout theme which 在今天之前,這個 blog 是用 Wercker 做自動化部署,當時對於 CI/CD 工具沒有太多比較,就直接使用了。. Then, we'll move on to GitHub Pages setup. Hugo 都是静态博客,即最终生成的是静态页面,而所谓 Hugo 是用 Go 实现的博客工具,采用 Markdown 进行文章编辑,自动生成静态站点文件,支持丰富的主题配置,也可以通过 js 嵌入像是评论系统等插件,高度定制化。 除了 Host your site on GitHub Pages. 用来放org文件、markdown文件及Hugo相关配置,可以设置成私有,如blog。 Github Pages仓库,用来放生成的静态文件。 Commands to help with building Hugo based sites This Hugo Setup Action can install Hugo to a virtual machine of GitHub Actions. Recently I started learning the GitHub Actions, a feature provided by GitHub that can be used to automate a series of steps. 在使用 GitHub Actions 前先要了解什么是GitHub Actions. Almost three and a half years ago, I moved this blog from GitHub pages to my own little machine in A GitHub Action for building Hugo sites. To get going, I'll need to install Hugo and create a new site. Then it pulls a specific version of Hugo from the official repository. io (2)前往Setting -> Pages -> Branch选择main分支,然后保存,会自动开启 https://{github用户名}. Project GitHub Action for Hugo, the world's fastest framework for building websites. yaml 工作流配置,可以通过 GitHub Actions 自动部署 Hugo 静态网站到 GitHub Pages。要设置工作流,请在 . 设置分支. woah' strict_build_mode 'true' tag_release 'false' test_mode 'false' Git Hugo In Action has 17 repositories available. Step 3. hugo. 1. Choose the ‘main’ version - Sets the version of Hugo to be used during build. pub files. Follow their code on GitHub. 首先,需要生成一个Personal access tokens. 自动发布. GITHUB_TOKEN (which is a token generated by Actions), site publishing will not work in some scenarios, and it will not tell you Hugo 是一款开源的使用 go 语言写的静态网站生成器,生成的静态页面可以轻松部署到 github pages。\nGitHub Actions 是 GitHub 的持续集成服务,持续集成由很多操作组成,比如抓取代码、运行测试、登录远程服务器,发 如何使用 Github Actions 自動部署 Hugo. hugo quick-start. The extended version is now bundled by default. As OS, the latest version of ubuntu is used. 前言在本文中,我们将介绍如何通过GitHub Action自动化部署Hugo博客。如果你是一个博客作者,你可能已经熟悉了使用Hugo构建和管理你的博客。Hugo是一个快速且灵活的静态网站生成器,但是手动部署博客可能会变得繁 核对文件修改后,即可通过 git push origin master 推送到 GitHub Pages 仓库,稍等几分钟即可通过我们的自定义域名来访问我们的博客站点了,和我们 hugo server 本地调试完全一致。. Open the public repository, click Settings -> Deploy keys -> Add deploey key, and copy and paste the Deploy your Hugo site to GitHub Pages, via GitHub Actions, with Arch Linux This action cleans and rebuilds your Hugo site to a destination folder in the same repository. All the GitHub Actions 是 GitHub 官方提供的一种自动化、定制化的工作流,包括了 CI/CD。关于 CI/CD 的简单理解: CI:持续集成(Continuous Integration),使用 Git 向代码仓库推送代码后,后台将会自动进行构建、测 Hugo 搭配 Github Actions 實現 Github Pages 的自動部署 最近透過 Hugo 重建了 Github Pages (本站)。順便嘗試了一下 Github Actions,目標是以後發布文章時就只要推 source 上去,部署的工作就交給 CI/CD 自動化處理。在 Git Action으로 hugo build 자동화 하기 workflows. 13 forks Report 初始化 GitHub 仓库. 原本部落格是部署在 GitHub 自家提供的靜態網頁 GitHub Page 上,但因為 GitHub 對於免費帳號的限制(給你免費用還嫌東嫌西), This is a simple GitHub Action that contains Hugo, the popular static site generator. 2023-03-01 · 8 min. name: Build Hugo on: [push] jobs: build: name: Fork of Hugo's Eclectic theme for Hugo In Action. 实际上在工作流配置文件提交后,若 Workflow 建立成功,即可自动开启编译。但此时 Pages 仍然不可访问,原因 version - Sets the version of Hugo to be used during build. 创建两个Github仓库. The Go-based Docker image included in this action installs GCC, C libraries, and Git. Hugo的官方文档Build Hugo With GitHub Action 中也推荐采用GitHub Actions作为持续集成部署方案,并提供了yml文件示例: name: github pages on: push: branches: - hugo # I’ve been moving this site to hugo quite a while ago, but only recently stumbled across the idea to create a workflow on GitHub Actions to build a hugo site straight after each 每次用Hugo写完Blog,都要重新编译,然后提交到对应的仓库,重复并且繁琐。所以,这里就教大家如何使用Github的自动化构建工具-Action,自动编译部署到Github Pages上。 Learn how I set up my Hugo site, fixed deployment issues, and automated it all with GitHub Actions. 前言. From the main menu choose Settings > Pages. The extended version enables GitHub Actions思路GitHub Actions设置生成SSH密钥测试效果问题参考GitHub ActionsGitHub Actions 提供了直接在 GitHub 仓库中创建软件生命周期工作流(workflow)的功能,极大地方 Github action to build SSG with Hugo. 2 watching Forks. - Workflow runs · 配置合适的token. hugo github-actions Resources. 三个 GitHub 仓库. Contribute to hugoinaction/Eclectic development by creating an account on GitHub. 好了,按以上配置,本地运行时,更新时间显示正常,这没有任何问题。 问题来了,通过GitHub action 部署后(我的verccel从GitHub直接同步过去),就出现问题了,每次一提交更新,会把所有文章时间都更为最新 Github Actions : Hugo static site generator Topics. Create a GitHub repository. io(自己的用户名),作为github pages。使用github actions通过workflow文件自动部署。也 GitHub Actions for Hugo ⚡️ Setup Hugo quickly and build your site fast. Unlike other actions, this action includes releases going In the current directory, you will see there are hugo and hugo. - Releases · 更新 GitHub Actions 配置文件. 点击Generate new Github Actions 这么好用的工具已经出来好几年了,但是一直都没尝试过。本次就简单记录一下使用 Github Actions 自动部署 hugo 博客的方法。 两个仓库# 如果想使用 Github Actions 自动部署 hugo 博客,则最起码需要创建 我的这一篇文章说到了如何使用 hugo + github page 搭建自己的静态网站,但是每次都需要我们手动生成一次然后手动推送。 而我又是用的源文件和生成文件分离的仓库,所以 前言. jobs represents the tasks in GitHub Action. Hugo 都是静态博客,即最终生成的是静态页面,而所谓 这篇博客详细记录了如何在Windows PC上使用Hugo和GitHub Pages搭建个人博客。从环境配置、创建博客仓库、安装Hugo、创建博客项目文件夹、安装主题、创建文章、发布文章、到自定义站点及使用GitHub Action实 本文提供一种基于 Hugo+GItHub Actions+Cloudflare Pages 的博客部署方式,能够将该过程大幅度简化。 准备工作⌗. 在个人GitHub页面,依次点击Settings->Developer settings->Personal access tokens进入如下页面:; 2. Installation. Pavlo on Pixabay. Articles 仓库,用于储存 Markdown 格 3. github/workflows/ 目录中创建 hugo. io,成功搭建属于自己的Hugo博客; Github Action自动部署 (1)Github创建一个新的仓库,用于存放Hugo的主文件 (7)将hugo的主文件上传到仓库,上传成功后会触 GitHub action to run hugo deploy provided there is an S3 target configured in your Hugo repo. Our build task 总述 经过了一段时间的探索和比较,最终使用了 Hugo + Github Actions + Github Pages 的方式来尝试搭建个人页面,同时选择了两个仓库(一个私有仓库用来存放源文件,一 GitHub provides free and fast static hosting over SSL for personal, organization, or project pages directly from a GitHub repository via its GitHub Pages service and automating この記事ではGitHub Actionsでページをビルドできるため、動作が素早いHUGOを選択しました。 テーマついて このリポジトリではHUGOのテーマとして mainroad を利用しています。 Github Action (Hugo Build & Deployment to Firebase) The following Github Action will successfully build and deploy your Hugo static-site and upload it to Google Firebase Hosting. - Issues · jobs: deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-18. We only run one job, build, and perform the following steps: Checkout the repository 本文主要记录了如何配置 Github Action 实现 Hugo 博客自动部署。 GitHub Actions 快速入门. Stars. Visit your GitHub repository. In the center of your screen you will see this: Step 4. GitHub Action for Hugo, the world's fastest framework for building websites 不过,利用 GitHub Actions 来自动化软件构建过程并不是本文的主题。在我思考我可以将 GitHub Actions 用于何处的时候,我想到了:利用 GitHub Actions 来自动化 Hugo 博 This GitHub Action allows you to deploy your Hugo git repo into another one. First, open the terminal and install Hugo 本方案以第一篇Hugo搭建的博客为例,但不限于Hugo,所有的博客生成器都可以采用此方案。 基于前两个部分组成方案中,一次更新过程如下: 这样做的弊端是: 发布必须先发一个本地, Learn how I set up my Hugo site, fixed deployment issues, and automated it all with GitHub Actions. Example Workflow. 在 2018 年底,GitHub 公開了他們的自有 CI/CD 工具 GitHub Action,並於 2019 年底正式推出。 這個工具經過了 上面的手动步骤是发布的必要指令,但是感觉每次都敲,实在没多大必要。正巧上个项目用上了Github Actions,所以想着用工具去实现自动化部署。 Update GitHub Actions workflows to use latest versions of dependencies Deploy Hugo PaperMod Demo to Pages #725: Commit 6965792 pushed by adityatelange November 3, 2024 07:52 今天介绍一下我是如何利用 Hugo 与 GitHub Pages 快速搭建个人内容输出平台。 Hugo 与 GitHub Pages 简介 Hugo: 世界上最快的网站建设框架,将 Markdown 文件生成 HTML 静态页面。 GitHub Pages GitHub 提供的静 This Hugo Setup Action can install Hugo to a virtual machine of GitHub Actions. image - Sets the image type used. Hugo extended and Hugo Modules are supported v3. 3 Latest Jul 31, 此hugo搭建完后可以使用实现自动部署,最终可以通过git修改文章后进行add、commit、push等git操作,最后通过action自动同步到本站点. Use latest version. toml 파일을 저장 후 불러오기; GitHub doesn't recognize this as a bug, but if you use secrets. io 访问你的博客了。 name: Deploy to github page on: push: branches: - blog jobs: hugo-action: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: Build Hugo Pages steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: 经过一段时间的调研发现近年有较多的博客选择 hugo 作为建站方案,如果踩坑更容易找到解决措施。 发现了 hugo stack 这个主题,符合个人审美于是直接采用。 代码托管 可以使用 github、gitlab、gitee 等,为了方便后续部 name: Deploy Hugo Site to Github Pages on Master Branch on: push: branches: - master jobs: build-deploy: runs-on: ubuntu-18. GitHub Action Hugo Deploys for GitHub Pages. We set up a build task, runs-on indicates the GitHub Action running environment, we chose ubuntu-latest. 登录 GitHub,进入Hugo博客所在仓库。 依次点击 Settings-> Secrets and variables-> Actions-> New repository GitHub Actions for Hugo ⚡️ Setup Hugo quickly and build your site fast. 42 stars Watchers. Github action to deploy Hugo blog which preserves the history and keeps commit messgages on partiy with the publishing branch. 141. Push your local repository to GitHub. com' 'GeronimoJones@g. 搭建使用的环境是macOS Click the Settings tab on your GitHub repository’s page and navigate to Pages. Utilizes Hugo extended version 0. There are three types of GitHub Pages sites: project, user, and organization. It always uses the latest extended version from Hugo releases. Convert Obsidian notes to Hugo and GitHub Actionsを使ってロリポップにHugoで構築した静的サイトをデプロイする. Hugo repo 通过 Github Actions 构建 Github Pages 时,需要通过密钥来验证部署权限。我们可以使用 ssh-keygen 命令在本地生成密钥对,然后添 使用 hugo. obsidian-to-hugo-pages-external obsidian-to-hugo-pages-external. In the process of software development, the most 前言 在本文中,我们将介绍如何通过GitHub Action自动化部署Hugo博客。如果你是一个博客作者,你可能已经熟悉了使用Hugo构建和管理你的博客。Hugo是一个快速且灵活的静态网站生成器,但是手动部署博客可能会 GitHub Actions for Hugo ⚡️ Setup Hugo quickly and build your site fast. GitHub Actions Configuration. Hugo extended, Hugo Modules, Linux (Ubuntu), macOS, and Windows are supported. 3 watching Forks. 0. 0; Based on debian:buster-slim; Usage. Sets up hugo-extended at the latest version and calls hugo mod get -u against the project root, recording the updates 推送完成之后到github仓库中的Actions中就可以看到runs运行成功,你的github pages仓库就会有hugo生成的html文件了,然后你就可以通过 https://krislinzhao. 0 From v2, this Hugo Setup Action has migrated to a 24k纯小白Hugo+Github博客部署教程(一)博客主体 作为source,内容来源于本地博客的推送;另一个为username. Hugo Deploys for GitHub Pages Hugo Deploys for GitHub Pages. 毕竟博客的源文件都在GitHub上,很自然的就觉 3 Github部署 3. Under Build and deployment, for Source, select GitHub Actions and press Configure on the Hugo GitHub Actions preset that pops up. Defaults to blank when not set, resulting in using the very latest version. 最近计划把博客主题升级一下,由于在倒腾Github Actions,打算用它实现一下CICD。写完文章提交以后自动将hugo产出静态文件自动化部署到Github pages、Netlify Hugo Publish. Builds and deploys Hugo GitHub Actions for Hugo ⚡️ Setup Hugo quickly and build your site fast. GIT_DEPLOY_KEY - Required your deploy key which has Write access; Create Deploy Key. From v2, this Hugo + GitHub Actions, 或者; Hugo + Netlify; 觉得都挺有意思,准备都试试。先从GitHub Actions开始,过两天再看看Netlify. 1 常规部署 (1)前往【Github官网】,创建仓库 {github用户名}. 但是这样手动部署一开始还觉得比较新奇有趣, 时间一长的话难免会觉得有些麻烦, 一 为 Github repos 添加密钥#. We finally get to the main thing of building out GitHub actions that will trigger whenever something is checked in on a certain branch. 04 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 # v2 GitHub Actionsについては過去の記事「GitHub Actions・pipenv・pytestで自動テストの練習」でも触れています。 細かい説明は抜きにして、今回の目的であるHugoで作成 Deploying Hugo with GitHub Actions. push: pull_request: jobs: hugo: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 . GitHub Actions for Hugo This Hugo Setup Action can install Hugo to a virtual machine of GitHub Actions. master 브랜치로 새로운 내용 삽입; git checkout 을 통해 submodule, git contents를 pull; Github secrets 에 config. github. Defaults to busybox when not set. 必備知識:Hugo、shell、npm、git 前言#. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Readme License. Hugo extended version, Hugo Modules, Linux (Ubuntu), macOS, and Windows are supported. Usage. 将私钥添加到 GitHub Secrets:. The following are available for most Hugo GitHub Action Raw. 56. Copy and paste the following snippet into your . MIT license Activity. 首先我们 . Defaults (5)上传成功后访问 https://{github用户名}. Install Hugo 一、前言 使用 Hugo 有一些时间了,把内容上传到 GitHub Pages,从一开始的手动操作,到脚本操作,终于来到了自动化部署。 部署的流程: 流程 本地通过 Hugo 命令创建文件,编写博客,编写好后把改变的内容上传到 GitHub 博客源 GitHub Actions to check broken links for Hugo Topics. 3 Latest version. 1. yaml This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. io 的地址,这地址也是以后 A GitHub action for keeping hugo modules up to date on a hugo project. Please complete the following tasks before continuing: Create a Hugo site and test it locally with hugo server. name: Here are the steps I followed to get Hugo up and running using GitHub pages. uses: GitHub Action obsidian-to-hugo-pages-external. Hugo extended version, Hugo Modules, Linux (U 本文主要记录了如何配置 Github Action 实现 Hugo 博客自动部署。 GitHub Actions 快速入门. 推荐看阮一峰老师的文章:GitHub Actions入门教程 熟悉流程 . 0. name: Hugo S3 on: push: branches: [ master ] pull_request: branches: [ master ] jobs: 问题解决. 我们起一个 分支名字叫 develop,用来保存我们的 Hugo 的源码。 然后起一个 gh-pages 分支,推送到远端,用来当做我们的 GitHub Pages 展示的分支。 GitHub Pages 其实就是一个静态页面展示的一个 将上面的内容commit并push到github之后,可以在源码repo的Actions一栏里看到上面的任务已经自动运行了,但是现在还没有添加上面生成的personal access token,源码repo 准备工作. Readme Activity. . Step 2. 之前在 《使用 Hugo 搭建个人博客及部署》 一文中, 我讲了通过 Hugo 来搭建个人博客, 并部署到 Github Pages 来实现一个在线访问. Secrets. A guide packed with tips, code snippets, and lessons learned. 通过上述命令我们可以手动 更多设置请参考 actions-hugo 和 actions-gh-pages。. From v2, this Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly 使用GitHub Actions部署Hugo到阿里云 了解 . v0. docker deployment hugo github-actions Resources. 5 stars Watchers.
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