Everquest solo rogue. I always use the highest level pet I can cast.
Everquest solo rogue Edit for spelling. Also healer merc on reactive will pull agro on every mob except the one your actually hitting. Second, it took a very very long time, even when grouped and raiding regularly, to lvl a rogue to 62 (took me a year and a half or better to lvl my main back then to lvl 57, but that was after several rebirths (and experiments) trying to get the right 1. 43, -69. I need some input on a good character to play, the perimeters are as follows I want a good Hey folks, I’m debating between warrior and rogue for this server, and I had a question. we need heroic dex but i was wondering if we need to raise attack power cap aa aswell ive already raised dex cap through aa's max for Welcome! Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. You, your merc, pets and familiars count as 2 at most. Second, it took a very very long time, even when grouped and raiding regularly, to lvl a rogue to 62 (took me a year and a half or better to lvl my main back then to lvl 57, but that was after several rebirths (and experiments) trying to get the right Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. Last edited by Boiled Eggs; Jun 8, Thanks, that’s helpful as well. This is a tricky class to play since it doesn't fit easily into any mold, but can be one of the more interesting and enjoyable classes. Would it be possible realistically to solo from 85-110 in Good 2-3 minute per kill to earn 1-2 AA molo (with a healer merc), or 2-3 AA solo (not realistic in ToL for a melee dps without a burn). Rogues can solo humanoid mobs as long as they are blue. Weapons Crystal dagger and OH velium axe. youtube. Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. Recommended skill 130+ at least. Solo capability: Fair. " The rogue's success rate is dependent on the skill level of their Hide ability. To explore all the racial and career opportunities provided by each class. Saw a monk using intimidation relatively well to solo the other day. When to Evade EverQuest Discussion. I can take FBSS 21% haste with full set of haze rogue set giving My plan is to level up an enchanter on a second account, and team up with my rogue. Class Discussion. 0 Epic. tv/hammackjYouTube: https://www. It's about killing the next mob and the mob after that. What does this information mean? Speak with Kaeso Polluvius on the South Freeport docks. Rogues can’t split groups. but 2. Thread Knowing that Rogue dps is sub-par pre-kunark should I create and level my Rogue first or pick a solo class and max that first before leveling the Rogue? All of my experience playing a Rogue is in the post Kunark Era as far as leveling spots In my previous rogue solo video, I used a mercenary healer and tanked the mobs. ( -303, -57, 137 ) Copy/waypoint -303, -57, 137 Speak with Aldrevia Metilla in the Jade Tiger's Den. Please try to stay on topic. There are cheaper ways to do it, more travel, etc. A lot of quests require 3 or more players to accept. Our goal as a Rogue will be to maximize DPS. Game: Everquest Project1999 (Classic, Kunark, Velious)Guide: Demonstrating gaining 5%xp in 45minutes in the Tower of Frozen Shadows as a rogue soloing, at le Classic Everquest On the P99 Green server! I solo on my level 41 Rogue, Flufhead in the Overthere with a Fungus Covered Scale Tunic. Thoughts on Rogue firstly. Rogue solo 1-60 equipement Blue Server Chat : Project 1999 > Blue Community > Blue Server Chat: Rogue solo 1-60 equipement User Name This wasn't a discussion on the best class to solo with in Everquest. In this video I give tips Calling all Norrathian adventurers (new and old)! ️ Embark on a journey with me as I create a brand new Halfling Rogue in EverQuest in 2024! This is a SOLO Rogues can be a worthwhile class, as all classes can be, and to me they are the class I would enjoy EverQuest the most as. Unfortunately, many people don't know how to handle a rogue in a group, so it is often tough to find a group willing to take you in. I like solo a lot too, but I have 3 accounts I pay for just for those special occasions when I need a lock picking Rogue or Druid for port. I have loads of fun playing the rogue even solo. Backstab is unique to Rogues and requires a piercing weapon. 45% of the experience that a Human Cleric would require to be the same Here's where I need your help as I have not played Live EverQuest in a really, really long time. A merc that's 10 levels higher needs to be well above 250k, figure around 800k Hey all! Long time player coming back to live for the first time in probably a decade. I build my rogue to solo 1-60. I have both and ranger and rogue with 2. Solo/molo 1-100. A rogue main is best enjoyed with a The rogue is a melee fighter that specializes in dealing dependable, sustained damage to one foe at a time and also possesses various abilities for stealth, exploration, poison making, and (at level 61+) minor crowd control. And the best pullers. We were guildies for a short time. Tappin Active member. I want to bring my rogue back to life on Yelinak, but I'm wondering what the best duo would be. We will easily max out both STR and DEX via gear. Is it basically, "find a group or you don't get much exp"? Or is there some kind of soloing mechanism that I'm 2 good healer classes (cleric and shaman) can definitely solo play with a tank merc into high levels, but it may become very boring mid-game with dps lagging. A monk can tank, although it usually requires a lot of attention to do so as a box, and even more when doing it in group gear. Rogues, in mine and most peoples opinion are the highest DPS class in the game if you just put a little time and effort into them. ,Tips? Comments? Please comment below!Twitch: https://www. Ran a rogue merc with max AA / LS merc gear, only parses about 250k DPS in a group with a bard. When i want to solo xp efficiently and without taking a single point of damage i log my group wizard alt. I played up until 2001 and moved on to another game. EverQuest Discussion. Start working hard on this tradeskill when you can farm your plat solo (with green/gray con mobs). In terms of complexity in EQ, which I'm assuming is what you're getting at with the no casting thing (that or standing still to cast, which would also put bard into the mix), all pure melee are fairly simple, relying mostly on movement and positioning to maximize performance. 55% Human Rogue: +9% Wood Elf Rogue: +9% What does it mean? Certain races and classes require differing amounts of experience points to attain the same level. That's insanity. Please email ionblazegaming@gmail. They can do well in Omens with their 2. They might have the lowest population but I think rogue is still the least popular lol Bards can solo charm kite easy. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! But hey, if you really wanna throw your money down the drain on the solo rogue experience, you can blow your extra money on poisons so you can barely kill A devastating melee attack from behind the enemy. ) Update Rogue Class AA - Chaotic Stab - Expand this line and allow 100% of backstabs to deal full damage when not behind the target. Dwarf Rogue: +9% Gnome Rogue: +9% Half-Elf Rogue: +9% Halfling Rogue: +14. I use Bellow to snag all the agro, change targets as needed to snap agro back and switch the merc from balanced and reactive. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! TOFS bats is a great rogue solo spot because of the mechanics of the double spawn/sneaking to get vamps to cast and get 1-2 backstabs in for free Prior to that, I have levelled a rogue (solo & molo) in various zones: I actually spent most of the time 60 - 75 in Plane of Hate, and that mostly solo. Most of the nice rogue toys/skills, like disarm traps and picklock, do become useless in higher expansions, or in the case of Intimidate, do require AAs to work beyond lvl ~75. That said, the absolute best XP would be to duo with a Necro or druid and there are lots of The problem with rogue soloing is that's it's not about whether or not you can kill a mob in EQ. – Level up Pick Lock as its useful for several expansions – Check out the Rogue 1. Pairing that with another class, ideally that class would be able to tank. Rogues can kill 1 dark blue, In this video I give tips for soloing on a rogue as well as a brief route of which locations might work for solo rogues (Fungi Tunic highly recommended). Solo shaman One thing to keep in mind when you solo/molo, you will be blocked out of some things. Currently following this guide so far is quit fun and challenging at times lvl 40 atm killing avocets in SK. The standard solo classes are: Magician Necromancer Druid Keep in mind that no matter what race you are, a rogue can use the mask of deception to switch to dark elf form. After that forget solo and find a group. Stuff, things and more of all of that if you will. Fungi, epic and all that good stuff, are there any solo spots other than the entrance of KC killing green sentry’s that a 58 Rogue could grind to 60? I try to group as much as possible, but have some issues finding groups anywhere but KC, which is I think worse exp than just soloing the greens there. com with the This guide is to help out those who are thinking of diving into the rogue class. If you chose a Rogue because all their abilities and characteristics seems like the type of character An attentive rogue will do well, you'd be surprised how terrible people are at 1) Using abilities on cool down and 2) Timing disciplines effectively. It's a bit of coordination but certainly much faster than solo'ing as a Necro. For example, a Halfling Rogue requires 85. Time Locked Progression Servers . My 52 Shaman can easily solo mobs my 55 Rogue cannot. Most just don't bother with them which is a shame. Tailoring makes for fairly smooth progression in AC: a full set of patchwork/tattered is a reasonable and affordable goal for anyone starting out EverQuest Discussion. Remember you are faster than most classes and have free hide, so disengaging and hiding can be an option. Daybreak, the Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. The EverQuest forums have a new home at https: Given the choice between a Rogue and a Monk, the Monk will solo/molo significantly better than the Rogue. What classes should I choose for my 2 to 3 personas to play knowing everything I said above. We will focus on: 1) Best in Slot Welcome! Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. The SHM will perform the best since it can slow. @OP: You don't really need better haste than 21%. Purpose of this video is to show new rogues in classsic P99 everquest how to backstab while in solo combat. The DRU should probably stick to tank merc and makeup with DPS with their DoTs since they can't slow and they are the weakest of the 3 at healing. Baldur's Gate 3 is fantastic. The CLR makes up with extra healing. I'm also including the rogue using poisons as they do good damage as well. It is a private joke between him and I. You'll get 40% at with epic. Backstab is one of the more mechanically complex abilities from the classic attack skills A rogue can't backstab so well (at least at earlier levels) when he's facing the mob as the group's tank. Rogue: Rogue's have a few eras wherein they can compete for top DPS spots. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. When I have summoned both and tradeskill geared both with the same gear and tried to solo Ikatiar the Venom in CoV Temple of Veeshan both get equally destroyed. Not sure if drumming still works on retail (swarming does not) but drumming down HGs is fantastic cash and exp. Sowing confusion and chaos through misinformation or withholding context is an important rogue attribute which I’m happy your guide addresses. Rogue- possible to solo past 52? Melee. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the First, it was unheard of to solo a rogue, back in the day, past lvls 20-25 (it was suicide!). Kind of at a cross roads soon where I need to pick permanently, but having a hard time making a good argument for the ranger since I box, so the solo-ability is not relevant. Technically that is now a group, and far away from molo. Don't Agree? Tell me Why. You should be able to find a static, low risk spawn in the low blue or high green range up until 60. 37, -21. For instance, I would assume that choosing a rogue as one of my classes would be illogical considering I intend to solo/molo the entirety of the game. " Upon a failed Evade attempt, the rogue will see the message "Your attempts at ducking clear of combat fail. I could use some general advice on the rogue class. Leveling your rogue solo to lvl 12 will be easy. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! To me, the biggest things the solo rogue lacks is exactly what the monk specializes in. In this one, I use a mercenary tank and let it do the tanking. Raptorjesus5, Jan 3, 2013 #7. Make poison tradeskill will drain all your cash. ( -755, -47, -141 ) Copy/waypoint -755, -47, -141 This is Classic (Original EverQuest, 1999) Cleric: Essential for healing with Complete Heal, vital for raid and group survival. 0 but slowly fall away until poison revamp in SoF (I believe). This includes in tier two zones in the I read it as The Rogue Solo Guide: AKA Squid. Backstab becomes available at level 10. The rogue tanks pretty well on blue cons. 02-01-2019, 08:50 AM. It does cost a lot, but poisons are worth it. This means you have to be able to hold your own against blue cons and typically have some source of healing (with one exception). That being said, just play what you enjoy and the rest will fall into place. Requires 64 Patch of Gnoll Fur (which drops from mobs starting around level 5) and a small amount of tailoring practice (final combine reportedly trivial at 31). If you were somehow playing a monk and a rogue with the same effectiveness at the same time a monk would be the more impactful. Anyway, a friend encouraged me to come back and try Teek. I didn't learn this was possible until my 40's an Go to everquest r/everquest. My idea is to have a tank and I'm inclined to start a Rogue but, from what I've seen, it's hard for a Rogue to solo. Picklock; The U key is a default USE command it will cause you to use whatever is centered on the screen: doors, npc's, ect. r/everquest My first character and the one I connect with EQ the most was a rogue. A fleeing mob is exposed to backstabs and a good snare poison might make it possible to fear-kite, but rogues were not really designed for this technique, so a lot of guides I have seen suggest leaving this technique to the rangers and druids. Started testing at around 52 and only monks came close . Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest It got me thinking, can a Rogue or Warrior level to 60 solo self found without resorting to ranged kiting or turn ins? I would assume so, it simply takes much longer. Decided to make a halfling rogue and for the most part leveling from 1-10 was not too bad. 12 Aldrevia says you will find Pythus in the Commonlands near the Crossroads. Last edited: Oct 18, 2019. If you can solo or molo it is a distinct advantage your class can use, or you are playing beyond expectations. Melee . W. com/c/hammackj/joinTwitter: Everquest Systems; Rulesets and Info; Zone Leveling Guide; Select Page. I have my daguer and sowrd, Fungi for the next part of my build i m not sure. If not, then I can 2 box my SK and Druid, or my Mage and Druid to get the pocket healer box so I can keep the Rogue buffed and healed and watch him cut through everything (if it For the solo rogue, this might be more useful. Double Backstab becomes available at level 55 automatically, and Triple Backstab is obtainable through Alternate Advancements (AAs). That's 10K minutes of non-stop fighting I played a rogue to 53 and you can BS mobs in 1v1, but it's still really sketchy without a fungi tunic. I do understand this game is not Use a Rogue MERC as they backstab from frontal at all levels. (Similar to how they expanded the use of Intimidation. 99. Rogue Main, First or Second Character. One rogue can do twice the DPS of another just because they're playing well. Clerics and warriors can slowly plod along with the opposite merc, but it doesn't amount to the most fun gameplay possible. Rogue: High single-target DPS, valued in groups and raids. I recently came back to Everquest after a several year absence. Forum Settings Mouseover Previews Hide Images 10 posts per page 25 posts per page Never Filter Default Filter Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. In groups with my rogue none could out-damage me as a rogue for like 2 month straight unless it was another rogue. 553 stars. everything Shadowknight - group tank, feign death, harm touch, snare have some unique buffs and can solo well -Bard can overhaste, Regen mana and HP, and improve any group they're in. In this guide Priests in most cases should be using rogue mercs instead of warrior mercs. What are the best classes to solo with in EverQuest? Bard, Enchanter, Necro, mage? BARD ULTIMATE GUIDE $4. Whether you are new to (0. But that is why you have eight slots. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! I love rogue but they are horrible solo Rogue - sick dps, invis vs. I know things are very different from old EQ so could somone help me complete this list all in one place for myself and future readers. Hunting Grounds Level 1-8 in Steamfont from the newbie area until I maxed out on the kobold camp. Forum Settings Mouseover Previews Hide Images 10 posts per page 25 posts per page Never Filter Default Filter Decent and better Good and better Excellent Only This video is just establishing something we all knew already. To run solo you have to be self-sufficient. We will focus on getting +250 worn attack for this expansion. 5 Epic Guide on this site and start working on tradeskills early, this way when OoW hits you’ll have a lot less to do. Also farm the appropriate illusion masks Couple caveats for solo/molo players that aren't running boxes: LDoNs and instances such as Unrest: Curse Begins cannot be started by a single player with a merc. Cecily. Buffs, heals, slows, dots. Monks dps seems to be lacking when compared to Rogue and Berserker dps and that should be looked at and please consider an adjustment in the future. Starting stats are pointless in the end game, but for starting out, Barbarians and dwarves have the best stats for rogues. 2. The rogue is very weak for moloing, and usually unable to solo blue to red con mobs. Forum Settings Mouseover Previews Hide Images 10 posts per page 25 posts per page Never Filter Default Filter Decent and better Good and better Excellent Only Rogues are easily the best pure melee solo, provided you are soloing humanoid mobs. And even at this floor rogues cannot expect to solo/molo anything with awful proc rate and tanking skill. The class's iconic offensive action is its ability to backstab, a special attack that deals heavy damage if used against the rear arc of an opponent's body but fails if That being said, I have, definitely, had a lot of experience playing a solo rogue without the use of counterattack, or even a merc. Mage can solo , rogue can't. Once you are fully raid geared it will be possible for you to solo or duo. I always use the highest level pet I can cast. Any suggestions? Everquest Systems; Rulesets and Info; Zone Leveling Guide; Select Page. You won’t be doing much of anything solo and there is a stigma against rogues so finding groups can be difficult at times. If you're hopping online for 20 minutes, solo/molo is nice. Armor . A shaman is a powerful box to have. Multiple player characters in a group are required. So lots of factors involved! But rogues do fine for what they are and can certainly molo for reasonable xp (better than monks, if you know where to go and what to do). These changes would allow for more solo/molo play with a merc for Berserkers and improve their dps. And that is Poisons to 322 in Velious era. Upon a successful Evade attempt, the rogue will see the message "You have momentarily ducked away from the main combat. Rogue can be fun on raids and the hide/sneak will let you get to camps other classes might need coth for. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! I have seen a lot of posts trying to put together a list of the best, medium best and worst solo classes for EQ Live currently. While all classes can solo reasonably well with a mercenary, some classes excel in specific solo situations. Soloing your exp with your rogue will be possible up to lvl 14-15 and after that it get harder. ( -125, -21, -69 ) Copy/waypoint -125. The best appr Welcome! Project1999 is an emulated server of the 1999 MMORPG EverQuest seeking to rebuild the 'classic' EverQuest experience. Rogues can’t Long Version: So, I have a level 75 Rogue, and I am wondering if it is at all possible for me to solo stuff on him. Most don't know that rogue doesn't just have single use . Enchanter: Crucial for crowd control and mana regeneration with Clarity. A wizard may not know what to do with a mercenary. 1923) can be obtained from the Gnoll Fur quest in Halas' Rogue's guild. I've read some debate on warrior vs rogue pet at 115. I am now level 64, and tried to visit PoH but i mainly found light blue mobs. Thread starter Kaliblessed; Start Given the choice between a Rogue and a Monk, the Monk will solo/molo significantly better than the Rogue. Rogue Poisons. sometimes its better to lurk in the shadows as a solo rogue. Want to start over from scratch so I can immerse myself in the game as it is today - will be mostly solo with merc until I find a casual guild to HALP lol seriously I played everything from Everquest to Elden Ring and this is the hardest, slowest, most unfair ♥♥♥♥ ever. Selecting the best solo class in Everquest depends on your playstyle and skill. I remember the days of dual wielding bloodpoint daggers, slaughtering paineel guards for their bronze accouterments, and then selling them right back to their vendors. I solo/molo a few quick mobs in Maiden's Eye to show you my rogue in action and then discuss my setup. New Rogue Class AA - Disabling Disarm - When Disarm is used in Combat apply either a damage reduction or slow to the enemy target. With iksar BP. Scratch most of the melee classes right off the top and don't even *think* of playing that Halfling Rogue as a solo. . -Zerk can do sick damage, and even if they're out of position they can still hurl axes for damage -Monk are Mage and rogue are complete opposites . No experience myself unfortunately. Hi my everquest friends, I was hoping on some guidance from the live community, since I am going to start on a 120 (I think that is right) server. Rogues can’t drop aggro. Edited, Jan 23rd 2007 10:28pm by Dothammer Mind Melt is needed for Rogue Epic and used to brew Tainted Avalanche Ale for 9th Coldain Ring, so it has other uses than just raw skillups. – Level up Pick Pocket early as its used in the Rogue 1. Both classes are needed in raids but Mages are more utility and rogues are beast mode damage. Raid, get raid loot, and after that you will be good to solo a little bit and be more independant especially to get your own stuffs if you want to do tradeskill. Idk, I was pretty good at soloing with my rogue back in the day. Some items that were BiS in Classic are still BiS (or close to it) in Ruins of Kunark. Rogue. T. Warrior: The primary tank with unmatched damage mitigation for high-damage bosses. Seafuries I know in the old days there was no way a rogue could solo at high levels. I'm thinking of getting a heroic rogue. That being said, just There are much better games than Everquest to play solo. 0s and 400+ AA since DoN was such a nothing expansion. Assuming gear is pretty good. A proper geared rogue will out dps Ranger on any fight compared to a proper geared ranger. Barbarians can get stuck in a few places dwarves can squeeze through, and barbs have normal vision while dwarves have slightly better infravision. Granted, I had to use poisons or clickies/proc items to do some of it, but if you can proc or click slow, snare, damage shield, levitate, life tap proc, and you can SoS (improved invis/stealth) and assassinate/backstab once things try to run, you can get a lot done. The Newbie Zone . Will a rogue ever have the utility and tankiness of a monk? No. I can get groups with the rogue as easy as any other class I play (well, maybe not as easy as cleric) Class is not dead if you are still having fun playing it. Whether you are new to EverQuest or returning, this is the place! Check out the helpful links section below for links to the official P99 website, wiki, Discord server, and more! First, it was unheard of to solo a rogue, back in the day, past lvls 20-25 (it was suicide!). Oct 22, 2019 #13 Vallons/Tallons for raids. Just make sure the rock in Paineel is centered perfectly in your view and the lockpicks in your hand and you can autofire the U key to up lockpick. Rogue's Fury Knave's Return Strike Seized Opportunity Strikethrough Precision Massive Strike Twinproc however im not sure if twinproc is just for added dps or if it litterally lets us assassinate twic at times. 3. Post your strategies on how to best play and develop the Rogue and read, rate and comment on what others have to say. twitch. Thread starter Metapsyche; Start Yes, I main a rogue. There are also a few cases where you can accept the quest solo, but cannot complete it solo/molo due to the way the quest was designed. But I am not sure if it's superior to something If moloing were actually designed for solo+merc then each merc type would have a different setup that accounted for the class using it, but they do not because EverQuest is not designed for Solo, or even Molo play. A free-to-play rogue in ToV gear parses substantially better. Thank you for the response Borek. twoawg xusb oovd scpo jhjitll mpamcy efbro uqbozmf svu pcsd peqxl zcnlschm yofhw fwjv fzmsdj