Eso thieves guild quests The Thieves Guild focuses on improving your criminal pursuits such as fencing, bounties, or decreasing your detection range. See this guide for more information about the location. Quests in MMOs often leave much to be desired, and Elder Scrolls Online is no different. (You can also unlock the skill line the first time you loot a Thieves Trove, but Thieves Guild Daily Quest in ESO Thieves Guild Heists Thieves Guild Heists are unlocked by reaching rank 3 in the Thieves Guild skill line. Story Quests 1. Where Narahni wants you to find her A thieves guild questline that actually involves sneaking and stealingimagine! Website: http://pcoutcast. These include pickpocketing, unlocking safeboxes, gathering items for consignment requests, and more. 50 points Title: Scoundrel: Abah's Watch Style Master: Learn every chapter in the Abah's Watch style book, found by completing Tip Board quests in the Thieves Guild. All items available in the Thieves Guild Outfit Style in the Elder Scrolls Online. Main Quest; Daedric Quests; Dark Brotherhood; The College of Winterhold; The Companions; Oblivion: Thieves Guild Quests Category page. Where to find the daily quests for the Fighter's Guild, Mages Guild, Undaunted, Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood in the Elder Scrolls Online. There are a variety of quests to undertake as part of the Thieves Guild DLC. 2. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Join the Thieves Guild by completing quest "Partners in Crime" in Hew's Bane. 3. Thieves’ Guild Rank points; top. Today I explain the story of the ESO Thieves Guild Questline! We'll discuss the lore and events of the Thieves Guild story along with a quest by quest synops Forever Hold Your Peace is another interesting and enjoyable quest of the Thieves guild, with multiple options to complete each individual task in Elder Scro The One That Got Away is the closing quest of the Thieves guild questline series in Elder Scrolls Online – ESO. Most quests for the Thieves Guild will involve stealing an item or helping a guild mate. Although she can be seen following other players, you cannot make us of her services unless you summon her yourself. You can join them by simply visiting the Fighters Guild Hall in Glenumbra, Auridon or Stonefalls. Heists, a new quest type, allow you to The elderly former thief does have dementia but is kind. my soul shrivels up inside of me. 3 Velsa; 3. Be sure to explore Bahraha's Gloom, a despoiled Yokudan tomb in the You will receive her at the conclusion of the Thieves Guild storyline after completing the quest The One That Got Away. twitch. Find out the fastest way to level up, the rewards, the ranks, and the FAQs for this guild. Is there any consequences? Komplettlösungen zu den Quests der Diebesgilde aus The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild. Read the Tip Board in the Thieves Den. While picking an outfit at What is Reputation in the ESO Thieves Guild? Reputation is a key component of levelling in ESO. Talk to Quen Meet Quen at the Windhelm/Woodhearth/[?] Docks Travel to Fulstrom Homestead Enter Fulstrom Manor Enter the Treasury Steal the Giovessen Skull Follow Quen's Lead Complete One: Return the Giovessen Skull [?] Fight the Iron Wheel Defeat the Iron Wheel Talk to Quen in the Cellar Skyrim: The Thieves Guild Faction Quests Walkthrough. Below, we've listed all of the related quests as Once you have demonstrated your worth to the guild (completing the Thieves’ Guild quest line up to and including ‘The Long Game’, and achieved rank 5 in the guild skill line), you will receive a brief quest called Master of Heists to unlock By completing Thieves Guild Daily Quests you can gain reputation for the Guild and advance your rank, earn pieces from Overland Sets that drop in the zone. The quests on hand for ESO’s Thieves Guild are pretty standard fare, with most just being fetch quests. Learn how to unlock and progress the Thieves Guild skill line in ESO by completing quests and jobs in Hew's Bane. Where the Thieves Guild is concerned, your reputation is increased by completing quests and jobs that will benefit the Once you meet him in a Thieves Guild quest, speak to Fa'ren-dar, the master of heists, to get started! Visit New Delves and Defeat Challenging World Bosses . Guild Job Quests: Kari, a precise Nord woman who keeps accounts of the guild's finances, as well as accounts of information and rumours runs the Guild Job Board. Heists are unlocked only after reaching the requisite rank in the Thieves Guild skill line. Main article: Thieves Guild The Thieves Guild is a faction in The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild. Thieves Guild. Thieves Guild Skill Master: Reach the max rank of the Thieves Guild Skill Line. Here you will learn everything you need to know in order to join the Thieves Guild and how to level this skill line the best way! Leveraging ESO's Outlaw Refuges, Thieves Guild quests take you all over Tamriel to engage in – and profit from – criminal activity. Be aware that you need to complete Partners in Crime, Cleaning House,the Long Game and Master of Heists Quests of the Thieves Guild storyline to unlock the Heist Dailies. By ArzyeL January 6, 2025 January 19, 2025. Walkthrough To start the daily quests for the Fighters Guild in ESO, you will first need to be a member of the Fighters Guild. The interact button (E by default) will immediately quit the quest dialog, if the quest is not the Covetous Countess. The Thieves Guild skill-line which is leveled up by completing quests for the Thieves Guild. Read the Heist Board next to Fa'ren-dar in the Thieves Den. Main Quest; Daedric Quests; Dark Brotherhood; I finished the thieves guild and dark brotherhood quests and skill lines on my stamblade and wanted to try it out on a magblade with practically unlimited stealth and do both quest lines all over again like that Reply reply Lithl • I don't know much about jailbreaker so I'll look into that one. The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild. This Guide will show you where to find and how to accept all available Thieves Guild Daily Quests in the Hew’s Bane zone in ESO! Quick Walkthrough []. Lady Balina and Lord Wallavir won't exist in the city before starting this quest or reaching the related objectives. Talk to Zeira in the Thieves Den. The credo Ultimate Thieves Guild Daily Quests Guide for ESO – Hew’s Bane Dailies. This will unlock the Thieves Guild skill line if you have not already done so. ESO Morrowind; Summerset; Elsweyr; Greymoor; More add-ons; ESO Plus; Crown Store; Skyrim. There are so many and so many categories that I ended up stockpiling as many as I could to ensure I had the Treasures to turn in that she asked for. " To get the Heist Dailies, you need to complete "The Long Game. This will direct you to find Quen, a thief who is known to frequent Outlaw Refuges across Tamriel. Reputation with the Fighters Guild is increased by destroying Dark Anchors and killing Daedra, they will also offer rewards such as a set of achievements, special cosmetic gear and more for destroying Dark Anchors. The capital of Hew’s Bane is Abah’s Landing which is the home of the Thieves Guild and the setting for many of the new Thieves Guild quests. The main quest line of the Thieves Guild is fairly interesting but doesn’t last long. 50 points Dro-m'Athra Style Master ESO Achievement Furnishing Guide for Elder Scrolls Online Housing. Cleaning House: Investigate a retired member's connectio The following are Quests that appear in The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild. Main Quest; Daedric Quests; Dark Brotherhood; The College of Winterhold; The Companions; Thieves Guild; Thieves Guild: Quests Category page. The Thieves Guild is one of the most popular guilds in all of Elder Scrolls lore, so it To participate in Mages Guild daily quests, you must first be a member of the Mages Guild in ESO. Join the Thieves Guild by completing quest "Partners in Crime" in Hew's Bane. Some of the Assistant types you'll find in ESO are bankers, merchants, and fences. If you can find a large smuggled shipment, those items count (after you fence them). Thieves Guild DLC; Dark Brotherhood DLC; Orsinium DLC; Clockwork City DLC; Horns of the Reach DLC; There are Thieves Guild Sets ESO. ESO Daily Quests Guides. com/pcoutca Everyone has a price is a follow up mission related to Walks-Softly of the Thieves guild in Elder Scrolls Online - ESO. Keep picking it up and ditching it until she asks for something you ready have. Partners in Crime: Help a novice thiefpull off her biggest heist yet. facebook. Websites ESO-Hub Discord Bot ESO Server Status AlcastHQ WH40K:Darktide Throne & Liberty See also: Thieves Guild (Online) The Elder Scrolls Online: The Thieves Guild is a DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online. just south of Alik's Desert. The guild has been a constant presence on the continent of Tamriel, and with the implementation of the new content players could finally throw their lot in with the shady family In size, this update seemed smaller than Orsinium, as Hew's Bane is a small region with Abah's Landing, the jewel of Hew's Bane, but it brought ESO the Thieves Guild, a completely new skill line, many new gameplay features and QOL changes. As a result languages others than english, french or german are not supported (ie custom localizations of ESO). Dark Brotherhood, Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Psijic Order, Thieves Guild and Undaunted. It was released on March 7th, 2016 for PC and Mac, March 22nd for Xbox One, and March 23rd for However, unlike those guilds, the Thieves Guild reputation gain is isolated to being earned by completing specific quests and jobs for the guild through the various quests in the Thieves guild questline, associated side quest NPC’s, and job boards and thus it is largely pigeon holed to the city of Abah’s Landing and the surrounding province The Thieves Guild skill-line is part of the "Guild" category in the Elder Scrolls Online. The Den's Market — A merchant's stall in the Thieves Den run by Tavrina. 10. 2 Schleicht-leise; 3. Complete the Thieves Guild questline ending with Prison Break; Start. You will receive Pirharri the Smuggler as a reward for completing the quest The One That Got Away. Other Guild Skills - ESO. Wenn du die Quest annimmst, wirst du aufgefordert, jemanden namens Quen in einer beliebigen Diebes-Unterschlupf zu finden. Find out the rewards, locations and tips for completing the Thieves Guild missions. After you've joined the Thieves Guild in light of your daring infiltration with The following is a list of Quest Items that appear in The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild, along with the quest in which they appear. Edit Edit source History Talk (0) The following are quests in Elder Scrolls Online Thieves Guild Quests. Talk to Fa'ren-dar and travel to the Hideaway. A list of quests in Elder Scrolls Online associated with the Thieves Guild. (Optional) Complete the heist within 8 minutes. Title: Scoundrel: Style Motifs Abah's Watch Style Master: 50: Learn every chapter in the Abah's Watch style book, found by completing Tip Board quests in ESO Morrowind; Summerset; Elsweyr; Greymoor; More add-ons; ESO Plus; Crown Store; Skyrim. After completing a Now go to the Thieves Den in the western part of town and talk to Zeira to complete the quest. The daily quests are obtained from the Fighters Guild Hall that is located in the main hub city for each alliance. By Meg Pelliccio. (Optional) Continue pickpocketing craft supplies or any treasures in a second zone. Seems like Walks-Softly kidnapped his Partners in Crime is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild. Return to the Thieves Den and talk to Fa'ren-dar. You do not need to follow the path, I hardly ever pop up on the forums these days, but with the Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood Celebration event going on, I made a guide to help people learn to do heists and sacraments like a pro! If you struggle to complete heists and sacraments within the time limits and want to learn how to set yourself up so that (after some practice) you The Fighters Guild; The Mages Guild; Undaunted; The Thieves Guild (Requires Thieves Guild DLC) The Dark Brotherhood (Requires Dark Brotherhood DLC) Undaunted Enclave in ESO After joining these guilds, players are able to return to the main guild hall to obtain daily quests. Quests. The easy way to do this is to Thieves Guild is an NPC association in The Elder Scrolls Online, it is a group of thieves who are being hunted by the Iron Wheel for a high-stakes heist in Taneth that went horribly wrong. ; Detailed Walkthrough []. Some Outfit style: Thieves Guild - ESO. I already did this quest before, but I don't remember what I choice I made. Diebesunterschlupfe haben dieses besondere Zeichen und The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Thieves Guild Quests contain some of the best storytelling in the game. 1 Beutezüge; Returning Thieves Guild heist with or without the time bonus: Daily +125: Returning relic retrieving quest offered by Alvur Baren in Mages Guild: Daily +125: Returning delve quest offered by Wayllod at High Isle: Daily +25 / +5: Fence a purple-quality stolen item: 24 hours +10 / +1: Win a game of Tales of Tribute: 1 hour +10 / +1: Begin a Black Immediately Repeatable Quests are quests that can be repeated as soon as they are finished. Then accept the Thieves Guild quest. The Covetous Countess is a farmable Tip Board Quest for the Thieves Guild and is easily THE most farmable, if you have the right Treasures. Prerequisites . Thieves Guild Sets are Armor Sets that were added to ESO with the Thieves Guild DLC. Return to Fa'ren-dar at the entrance. 2 Killing Daedra or Undead also increases The Long Game is a quite interesting mission of the Thieves Guild questline in Elder Scrolls Online - ESO, where you have multiple choices to complete each i In this ESO quests guide we're going to explore all the different quests we can undertake and also the best order to play the main quest in. Once you have demonstrated your worth to the guild (completing the Thieves’ Guild quest line up to and including ‘The Long Game’, and achieved rank 5 in the guild skill line), you will receive a brief quest called Master of Heists to unlock the heist board, near the entrance with the fence, will To find the beginning of Loche's trail, head to the shop's eastern exit, and follow the colored footprints to the large intersection nearby. " You can accept and complete one reacquisition quest per day. gl/Ie7gyq Twitter: ht Thieves Guild (DLC) Thieves Guild (DLC) - ESO. ; Detailed Leveraging ESO's Outlaw Refuges, Thieves Guild quests take you all over Tamriel to engage in – and profit from – criminal activity. Thieves Guild Arm Cops: Thieves Guild Axe: Thieves Guild Battle Axe: Thieves Guild Belt: Learned from the Thieves Guild Crafting Style, acquired by completing Heist quests for the Thieves Guild. com/MortismalGaming/?ref=aymt_homepage_panelTwitter: https://twitter. It also brought us the Maw of Lorkhaj, to this day a fan-favorite trial due to its well crafted story, gameplay mechanics and The following are Thieves Guild faction quests in The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild. Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood in the Elder Scrolls Online. If you Give Ni We still aren't done with the ESO Thieves Guild DLC! Today we are working on the That Which Was Lost quest to help out Velsa, as we always said we would!Supp Thieves Guild Access To access Hew's Bane and the Thieves Guild Skill Line, you must be an ESO Plus member or own the Thieves Guild DLC. ESO-Hub Discord Bot ESO Server Status AlcastHQ WH40K:Darktide Throne & Liberty. I think TG and DB are honestly the worst part of ESO; I even found the Psijic questline of running all over the map to close those rifts more enjoyable. Quest Information. Heists. The Iron Wheel Prisoner Transfer note lacks the typical golden glow of readable notes. Ok so - in the quest you find Nicolas (ex guildmaster) in prison cell, and you have a choice to give him a lockpick or just leave him there. You can also earn style pages for the Abah’s Watch and Outlaw motifs ! You can find the Thieves Guild in Abah's Landing located in the Hew's Bane. ; Find the Weeping Stone and three Hidden Caches. The safest, most methodical way to run through the repeatable Thieves Guild Plucking Fingers, Idle Hands, Under Our Thumb quests is, first, to equip oneself with The Blade of Woe by completing the initial Dark Brotherhood quest. For the DLC, see The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild. When you are there, find and speak to the NPC called Cardea Gallus. Detailed Walkthrough []. There are five different heist quests available, but similarly to the basic Thieves Guild dailies you can utilize the share quest feature with friends to complete multiple each day on the same character. She's sending me to the guild's heist master to get vetted for work. Prior to Update 39, this quest required you to have reached Thieves Guild Rank 7. The Thieves Guild skill-line only has passive skills. Los nuevos miembros del gremio de ladrones vivirán una nueva página de la historia At the Heist Board in the Thieves Den you can pick up the Heist Daily Repeatable Quests which send you in an instanced area to obtain stolen goods. The Thieves Guild DLC features a questline involving stealing from the shadows, and recovering lost treasures to restore the guild's reputation. ; Pickpocket a few crafting supplies, or a lot of any treasures, in the indicated zone. Name: Welcome to the Thieves Guild. It contains thieves guild, dark brotherhood guild, imperial city and Orsinium DLC's. This ESO Daily Quests Guides Page offers a list of all Daily Quests in the game!Detailed Guides for every Daily Quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online!How to unlock Daily Quests in the various zones, where Thieves Guild introduces the eponymous Thieves Guild faction, along with the zone of Hew's Bane. To get the daily quests from the Reacquisition Board, you have to complete the quest "Partners in Crime. This is a How to join the Thieves Guild Guide for ESO. Remains-Silent; Residents Quick Walkthrough []. [if you take the quest from Velsa] <or> Velsa left me a note to Where to find the daily quests for the Fighter's Guild, Mages Guild, Undaunted, Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood in the Elder Scrolls Online. Using a stealthy Thief Build to complete the Dark Brotherhood quests can be very helpful, since you can complete all tasks while remaining undetected! You can use the same Thief Build to also complete Daily Quests for the Thieves Guild, gain rewards and advance your rank for both easily. Guides for all ESO achievement furnishing. They are organized below first by type and faction (main quest, Great House quests, guild faction quests, other faction quests, miscellaneous quests, and expansion pack quests), then by related settlement. Larceny quests are the only way to continue gaining Reputation with the guild once you've exhausted the story content, which is needed to max out the skill line. Blue Bottle Trading — A guild kiosk in the Abah's Landing Thieves Den run by Dahnadreel. Published Dec 19, 2024 The One That Got Away is a quest in Elder Scrolls Online. To join the Thieves Guild, pick ten or more pockets successfully or break into a store without an Open spell, then wait for a letter. Reacquisition quests task you with recovering valuable items from specific targets around Hew's Bane. You will also be given a random piece of foot armor from the Bahraha's Curse set. 4. Keep following them, heading up the stairs to the west and climbing on the city's rooftops, passing through Sharper's Alley and continuing south to the large gate of the Warehouse District. The loyalty reward for Thieves Guild is a Jackal pet. They include Overland and Crafted Sets from the Hew’s Bane Zone, Trial Sets from the Maw of Lorkhaj Trial, as well as Not having ever done the Thieves guild, and having the event require that level 3 be achieved to take part in the event, I'm slogging through it. Websites. The Thieves Guild DLC will be set in a new zone called Hew’s Bane. Prison Break is an important quest of the Thieves guild in Elder Scrolls Online – ESO, where You need to rescue Zeira from iron wheel’s prison. The ex-thief's former apprentice is high up on the guild's ladder and will give you a better reward for maintaining his master's dignity. Coin-for-Keep — A moneylender's stall in the Thieves Den run by Norerama. Steal, loot, and pickpocket your way to fabulous wealth. com Youtube: https://goo. Here you will learn everything you need to know in order to join the Thieves Guild and how to level this skill line the best way! Any thieving act such as opening a Thieves Trove or looting a Treasure Chest will open the Thieves Guild skill She will offer you formal membership of the Thieves Guild, which will unlock the related skill line and costume as well as several daily quests. This is a list of quests for the Fighters Guild in The Elder Scrolls Online. If you wish to Completing the "Partners in Crime" Thieves Guild quest also grants you access to the Reacquisition Board, just outside the Abah's Landing Thieves Den. Velsa let me in on one of the perks of being a member of the Thieves Guild: Heists. Zeira isn’t convinced that Nicolas died in a s This page lists all the categories of quests in Morrowind. com/JesseBabcock18Twitch: http://www. Go to the Collections menu, select the Stories Tab, and select Zone DLC. The Thieves Guild DLC quickly became a fan favorite after its release on March 23, 2016. These include primary quests, and additional side quests that usually involve helping a related character. Zeira thinks that Velsa, a retire Mortym Links:Facebook: https://www. Pages in category "Online-Quests-Thieves Guild" The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total. It is 4000 crowns but usually goes on sale for 2000 crowns and worth it (the imperial city DLC is free now) The daily quests are obtained from the Fighters Guild Hall that is located in the main hub city for each alliance. Travel all around Tamriel doing jobs for the Thieves Guild. ; Recover Silver-Claw's ledger from his old warehouse (Tresspassing). Edit: Also grab any thieves loot stashes. In the crown store there is a DLC bundle named guilds and glory dlc mega pack. 4 Zeira; 4 Tägliche Quests. And the Undaunted skill-line which is leveled up by I didn't find any information in the internet, so I need your help with one matter. ; Meet Zeira by the flooded district of Abah's Landing. This addon removes the possibility to accept the other quests on the Thieves Guild tip board. Return to Kari in the Thieves Den. These quests can be completed once per day and offer some extra rewards Dort findest du die Option Thieves Guild (Diebesgilde). Heists, a new quest type, allow you to Larceny quests are repeatable quests offered in the Thieves Den to members of the Thieves Guild. (Optional) Continue pickpocketing craft supplies or any treasures in a third zone. I just noticed that while ESO Sheogorath is For other uses, see Fighters Guild Quests. She will offer you formal membership of the Thieves Guild, which will unlock the related skill line and costume as well as several daily quests. Quick Walkthrough []. Welcome to the Thieves Guild is awarded for completing the Partners in Crime quest, which will gain you entry into the Thieves Guild. It focuses on stealth and the Justice System. The Vestige can become their newest recruit, with tasks involving stealing from the shadows, and The Long Game is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online: Thieves Guild. The Thieves Guild DLC is the third expansion pack for Elder Scrolls Online. ESO Thieves Guild That Which Was Lost is a follow up quest related to Velsa and Narahni of the Thieves guild in Elder Scrolls Online – ESO. Cleaning House is the second mission/quest that you get from the Thieves guild DLC questline of Elder Scrolls Online - ESO. Talk to Zeira Meet Walks-Softly at the harbor Complete One: Eavesdrop on Captain Evani Steal Captain Evani's Log Meet Quen at the harbor Complete one: Eavesdrop on the Imperial Client Search Ventilias Proximus' private room Meet Velsa at Silver-Claw's shop Talk to Silver-Claw Meet Percius Thieves Guild Skill Master: 50: Reach the max rank of the Thieves Guild Skill Line. You can join the Mages Guild by visiting the Mages Guild Hall in Glenumbra, Auridon or Stonefalls and speaking to the NPC just inside Plucking Fingers, Idle Hands, Under Our Thumb Quests – Thieves Guild. Also, you can abandon the quest and go back to the board and refuse quests until you get the countess again. The Thieves Guild can be found in the Hew's Bane zone in the Abah's Landing city. You may join the Thieves Guild in 2 ways. It's included with the Gold Edition of ESO and the Guilds Blackmarket Sales — A fence's stall in the Thieves Den run by Waylamud. A matter involving Nicolas requires the guild's attention, and Zeira wants me to handle it personally. Resumen El gremio de ladrones está reclutando nuevos miembros. ; Find Velsa at her villa. ) 37 Rekasha met a nervous noobie at the Outlaws Refuge today. The Guild protects its members and frowns upon freelance thieves. Inhaltsverzeichnis. Note from Zeira in the Thieves Den . Learn more about all the available Guild skill-lines in the Elder Scrolls Online. 1 Quen; 3. These quests are limited to the Thieves Guild DLC, which can also be used to level your Thieves Guild skill line, and the Dark Brotherhood DLC doing the Dark Brotherhood Contracts that also Thieves Guild Overview . *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will Learn how to join the Thieves Guild and access its daily quests and heists in Elder Scrolls Online. Idronea Elval in The Rift. You may choose to rat out the quest giver to a thieves' guild superior or to the ex-thief's adult child caretaker. ; Escape the warehouse and return to the Thieves Den. Website: http://pcoutcast. . While presented as a hint to progress the quest, consulting the other Thieves Guild members concerning Nicolas' fate isn't mandatory. 1 Hauptquest; 2 Nebenquests; 3 Quests anderer Gildenmitglieder. These are Wayrest in Stormhaven, Elden Root in Grahtwood (behind the throne room of the Upper Level of the Elden Root tree), and Mournhold in Deshaan. While presented as a hint to progress the quest, staying close to Magnifica Falorah while going to the prison isn't mandatory. gl/Ie7gyq Twitter: http://twitter. - v5 added ut8 Thief Build in ESO. Suche Nur Titel durchsuchen Von: Thieves Guild. The DLC was also available for purchase as part of the Thieves Guild Collector's Edition bundle for 4,000 . In Abah's Landing, the guild is being hunted by the Iron Wheel for a high-stakes heist in Taneth that went horribly wrong. Viaja a Perdición de Hew, al sur de la península de Páramo del Martillo para entrar en el gremio y ayudarles en su lucha contra la Rueda de Hierro. They are often part of a group or cluster of quests that can be completed together. ppvwub zweedz tmccesp jbuo jwopz ztrghi chza rvu snpjst poxzi evqaobsgd xterz ztpyo sliqa ncjv