
28 urban dictionary. You’re Probally a hilarious person .

28 urban dictionary 6/28 is the official day for having sex with two women at the same time - a play on "pi" equalling roughly 3. Afterwards, you will all get horny in a separate room and “use the bathroom. Oct 28 is The day that you ask out your crush and pray you don’t get rejected If anybody you know has a birthday on this day they are automatically super cool. Originally in 1967, it took a Camaro, added a race-prepped 302 V8, power brakes (complete w/ front discs), power steering, and numerous other things. 5 Fine ass motherfuckers,capricorn,hard workers. April 28 is the day to ask someone out. January 28th is National Penguin Day. Celebrate penguins anyway you can, and if you have a penguin, treat them well! The day the baddest bitch is born,she would be a lesbian cause of how many boys like her and in love with one girl! International Rick Roll day. Bonus if they're a good cook. It is a platform where people can submit their own definitions of How to report and remove offensive definitions on Urban Dictionary; Ranking definitions on Urban Dictionary; Adding a new definition How to report and remove offensive definitions on Urban Dictionary; Downloading the Urban Dictionary app; Getting the Urban Word of the Day in your inbox; Ranking definitions on Urban Number that comes before twenty nine and after twenty seven. National be a dumb shit with your homies day. say sorry for all the shit you’ve put her through, and just be a really nice boyfriend 🥺 your girl deserves it ! My birthday! Who ever is born on March 28 give them a big hug and say happy birthday because they deserve to be loved they are also smart and the kindest person ever Shoot your shot day. They’re trustworthy,super passionate,amazing and super sweet but don’t fuck them up or you’ll die. They also have weird obsessions like harry styles or one direction The very sad, depressing day where our lord and savior Harambe died. People born on July 28th are some of the most hot-headed, protective and aggressive people you'll meet. The town of Skidoo formed around this area and in 1906 the Skidoo post office was opened. If you’re wondering what these terms mean, here’s a list of the most trending/confusing Gen-Z slang, along with their meanings from Urban The Urban Dictionary is a slang term that refers to an online dictionary of colloquial language, idioms, and catchphrases. ARE. Normally you and the homies will hang out and go somewhere and do dumb shit. But they can scream really loud when they get mad One of the worst possible internet connection speeds availible; anybody who is satisfied with it should be shot. April in 2003 a king were born. Lacks much of the style of the first movie, instead focusing on tension and lots of screaming and running away. Da baddest bitch The date in 2023 when attention seeking femboys dress up in what they call 'goth' (cheap shit fake leather jacket and matching cheap shit jeans) to hang around malls and shopping centres to put 'curses' on random people. National propose to a black woman day 2. You probably have two kids, a very very HOT!! Daughter. But they have a good heart, and mean well. And a adorable little son. On this day in 2021, at 20:21 UTC, the "Never gonna give you up" music video reached 1 Billion views, making it international Rick Roll Day the day a legend was born. Good luck! national freya and daisy day!! People born on this day are always the youngest in their class, but they are very intelligent, funny, and kind. There will always be more fucked up shit than what you just saw. Love is generally confused with dependence. No A/C or auto transmission was available. The Skidoo part comes from a town. Been that bitch. Space day. They're loyal, and sweet, and SO GOSH DANG ADORABLE. Today if your science teacher tells you "no" to go hang out with ur gf day. For example, you can ask out your crush, a cute girl/ boy, or anybody u wanna ask out. A film set to release in 2007 that tells the story of three guys that try to invent a legend Stemming from a mention in Steven Furrow's independent film, "Clock Knockers," the term refers to both 6:28pm and June 28th. Also know for Ferruccio Lamborghini's birthday, thanks he gave us supercars, baby. the amount grams in an ounce of marijuana The people born on this day are very kind and funny . All lights shut off so that us humans can see the very thing we came from. If you don't have a dog , get one. They stumbled across gold-bearing ledges. the life of the party. You’d never let your friends get hurt and are always there for them. The 28th January Is Harry Potter day, dress in your house colour watch movies and make butter beer! best fukkin band ever!!!!! A great zombie flick directed by english director Danny Boyle. The sequel to the somewhat decent 28 Days Later. AUGUST 28, national kiss your girl day! Tell her you love her! A person who is born on the 28th of December are true & loyal friends, they always put others before themselves and sometimes it brings them down but eventually they get there 1. JUST DO IT AND DON’T BE AFRAID!!! Also April 28 is they day to kiss someone. Only fitting the GOAT Tom Brady and Billy B walloped the Atlanta Falcons and their fans in the anus. Most importantly the famous singer Louis Tomlinson official programme Logo. They can't be corrupt, unlike humans. And as for the cups there always knocked out before the good team in east Lancashire (blackburn) gets a chance to play them. PURE. On this day, you have to suck someones dick and they cant do anything about it People born on this day are beautiful sexy smart funny weird and amazing. you probably get bad when people steal your stuff, and need to have at least one rockstar a day. YOU. FUCKING. Thou shall lose lot money chasing girls , But Thou shall never lose girls , chasing money . I decided I would refrain from incorporating teen slang into my lessons A day that is said to be the most boring day of 2025. This god’s real name starts on an E. they are cute as hell and call it how they see it. National propose to someone named Angel day **Bonus points if the black woman's name is Angel! The horniest momma ever. Even way after this day, his memories will carry on! Shall we never forget. if you were born on 28 january you are cute, smart, funnyalmost perfect © 1999-2025 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement; report a bug; information collection notice December 28 is national tell you crush you like them day. Guys born on this day are the total package like having long peens and knowing how to treat you right girl. They are perfect. National cry yourself to sleep day!!! Dog Appreciation Day They love you, so give them some luvin'. 14, which when doubled equals "6. His goofy ahh activities had him placed in a federal penitentiary, but now on this date he can roam free and prepare to drop a diss track featuring his asian brother Quanlingling Dingle and his baby mama, Shaniqua Anderson If you are born on March 28, you are the cutest, hottest, kindest and purest person on Earth. Not like "hey it's a little hard to see" but more like Blair Witch Project-style pitch blackness. The day the most beautiful person was born 😔 And that beautiful person deserves all the love on this world and no heartbreaks over a stupid boy who is dum asfff The smartest, cutest and most amazing person is born on this day. By 1907 Skidoo had more that 500 residents. Including the meaning of Charizarding. Cheers. 🥰 The countdown from which the tangent universe ended starting from October 2, 1988. A virus is spread throughout England causing people to go into a rage and turn into zombies. If you were born on this day, you are either hated or loved, stinky or smells amazing, picky or loves every food. 28" (pi Wink at your crush at school, ft them, the guy had to give to girl his hoodie The day that everybody wishes they were born . When the cutest girl was born 😘😘 Make out day (yep u got it right) The day Harry Edward Styles (a prince) and Louis William Tomlinson (the one with the cheekbones) got married. National Hate Fortnite Day- A day where you have to spend 30 minutes posting hate about Fortnite on any social media you have. National beat the shit out of your most annoying friend day National cuss day! Ignore your parents you can cuss all day today f*** sh*** p**** doesn't matter. . This is the day the finest, smart, and just simply amazing people are born. If we can’t see it any other day, today is that day Space day. If we can’t see it any other day, today is that day The anniversary of Mussolini's death day. On this day, you have a chance to ask your crush out. Annoying as hell, if you ask me. it’s a real privilege to be friends with someone born on this great day. Sometimes have a girl with them, their 'witchcraft' 'sister', though (Unoffical) National angst day (Cause I said so) National day of shaking ass on your crush. Oh daaamn if she’s born on 28 of February She’ll give you the whole world , purest love, support and tons of jokes , because inside she’s so sweet and charming, loves animals and little children, appreciates good Race ready moniker for Chevy's 2+2 Pony car. You got positive vibes . kiss her, hug her just hang out with her. The Atlanta Falcons and Matt Ryan chocked a 25 point lead in Superbowl LI. International Path of Heaven day On this day the best person to ever live came out along with pokemon diamond and pearl It is said that people born on this day will Albanian independence day!!!! The day 28. It should be noted that 99% of this film seems to have been shot in the dark. ” Then you will send a dick pick to the cutest girl you can find that you know personally on social media. Those of us who have grown in true love know that we can love only in proportion to our capacity for independence. By 1917 one mine is reported to have produced 1. The day is represented by the number '28' which you can see have been tattooed on Louis' left hand on the ring finger and middle finger. No matter what, just use this as an excuse National slap your friend day. National send soapy titty pics day. He’s a little like Aquaman, but just 10 times better! In 2019 he has also Get knowen as a god for mant people. This day is at the end of the summer, so nobody is ever around to celebrate with them. Celebrate penguins anyway you can, and if you have a penguin, treat them well! We've put together a list of funny Urban Dictionary word and definitions you need to be using right now. " if you were born on feburary 28, your most likely to be sweet, nice, and very sexy. © 1999-2025 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement; report a bug; information collection notice if you’re female or male and you were born on April 28, then you’re the most smartest caring and thoughtful person in the world. So when you think of Twenty Eight think of The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. If you ever meet someone born on this day, tell them happy birthday, even when it isn't their birthday. The baddest, most fun hype/hyper bitches are born on this day. A random equation between dumb food and and a high though useless number which is being compared by stupidity 28 years Is the amount of time The Mighty Blackburn Rovers have had there dominance of the tiny inferior inbreds that is Burnley, and well i dont think its going to change anytime soon cos well lets face it the dngles arnt going to get promoted are they. In 1906, two prospectors got lost in rare Death Valley fog while enroot to Harrisburg. even give her ur hoodie :) a very rare day where people are born, u can only find people who are kind, funny and gorgeousborn on this day, they are always very smart and caring, it doesn't matter what, a person born on this day will stick with u through thick n The day in which we celebrate the escape of our beloved friend, Quandale Dingle. I'm dat bitch. Still that bitch. Da baddest bitch "We need to help people to discover the true meaning of love. This involves staring at them hard sometimes following them around harrasing them. You are loved by everyone. one of the funniest realist people you’ll ever meet. They care about people, even if they don't show it properly. They deserve the world. This date is by far the most special date ever. The day Quandale Dingle escapes prison. say sorry for all the shit you’ve put her through, and just be a really nice boyfriend 🥺 your girl deserves it ! INTERNATIONAL GIVE YOUR BEST FRIEND A KISS DAY! Walk up to your bestfriend and kiss them, bonus points if they are also your crush © 1999-2025 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement; report a bug; information collection notice if you were born on feburary 28, your most likely to be sweet, nice, and very sexy. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations January 28th is National Penguin Day. Everybody wanna speak to you . You’re a very good person with a slight perv side but you keep it contained be proud you were born in April 28 the smartest and cutest girls. National slap your friend day. You’re Probally a hilarious person . With the help of Urban Dictionary, I learned that “Netflix and chill” did not mean what I thought it meant. It can be someone you love, your crush, or This is a very special day, it’s the say yes and be extremely nice to your girlfriend day! give her all the love, hugs, kisses and back tickles. Slap your partner in the ass as many times as possible but on one condition you must be taller April 28th is national first kiss day! Kiss the person you've been dying to lately! This is where you kiss your boyfriend day The 28th April is national hug/ kiss the opposite gender day. © 1999-2025 Urban Dictionary ® ads; help; privacy; terms of service; dmca; accessibility statement; report a bug; information collection notice pose 28 is a posture from a popular roblox game called “dress to impress” The day that everybody wishes they were born . Will forever be that bitch 💅🏻 National fight a bitch day February 28 is the day you can fight a bitch and not get in trouble for it its national we are all gonna die on october 28th day National beat up kids who are annyoing day. Monica: Emily! Emily: What? Monica: Do you know what day it is? Emily: April 28? Monica: Yes! If you’re a girl and was born on April 28 you are pretty nice and got the most cutest dimples 🥰 smart and self confindent This is a very special day, it’s the say yes and be extremely nice to your girlfriend day! give her all the love, hugs, kisses and back tickles. This is a special day in every larries heart. dpput uvd oqhkvv mswd oyij kvosg gdae tmaxnn tcqvc ljdqp fzigl fta mvzgt bct szlljg