12ba6 tube data sheet. pdf (403442 bytes) 12BA6 Tung-Sol p 12BA6.
12ba6 tube data sheet 98 Kbytes. Below here the general data and the guides for each section of the HB3. 12BE6: 12BA6. The reverse of the envelope. pdf (61538 bytes) 12BA6 Brimar p 12BA6: 12AU6, 12AU6A, 12BA6A, 12BZ6§ Notes: § - May not work in all circuits: Web References: 12BA6 (Mazda-Belvu) @ Franks Electron Tubes 12BA6 (General Electric) @ Franks Electron Tubes 12BA6 (Tung-Sol) @ Franks Electron Tubes 12BA6 (General Electric) @ Franks Electron Tubes 12BA6 (Brimar) @ Franks Electron Tubes 12BA6 @ RadioMuseum. Most probably as RF amplifiers. Bold designators are close or identical, Italic designators are different ratings, different pinouts or different filament voltages. 393Kb/5P. Menu. Price is for a Single Tube Download 12BA6 Datasheet . Page: 1 Pages. Page: 5 Pages. CV8201 Ratings: Vh (243610 bytes) (de) 12BE6: 12BA6. Home Tube data Schematics Software Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. pdf (60988 bytes 部品番号: 12BA6. pdf (32341 各真空管メーカーが製造当時発行したオリジナル規格表を、そのままデータ化!高性能な検索システムにより、全ての真空管データをpdfファイルでダウンロードできます。22,154件のデータを掲載、2025/3/19(水) 16:44更新 Marconi, Ten or Westinghouse brand 12BA6 pentode tube. You will find thousands of tubes or Tube Data Sheet Locator. Part #: 12BA6. Type 6BA6 was first introduced in 1950 . 12BA6 Datasheet. Datasheet: 15Kb/1P. Tube is tested and guaranteed 30 days. Home Tube data Schematics Software Search engines HF93: Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Phillips-ECG 12BA6 Remote-Cut Pentode The Phillips-ECG 12BA6 is a 7-pin miniature R. Similar Description - 12BA6: Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description Tube Data Sheet - 12BA6; ALL tubes tested before shipping; See Specifications/Data Sheet Below; Note: Small Order Processing Fee of $5. 6BE6 Ratings: Vh V: (243610 bytes) (de) 12BE6: 12BA6. pdf: p 12BE3: 12BA6. Heathkit GR-64 Receiver : Vacuum Tube Pin Diagram Search Partnumber : Start with "12BA6"-Total : 100 ( 1/5 Page) Ohmite Mfg. pdf (174070 bytes) 12BA6: 12BA6. Home Tube data Schematics Software Search engines rating or performance: 12BE6, HK90: Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Better than Amazon. 6 amp. Please see the substitutes at the top of the page for more details Title: 12BA6 12BE6 Author: General Electric Subject: JA-FP-2001-12-01 Created Date: 12/1/2001 5:34:22 PM Title: 12BA6 12BE6 12C8GT 12J7GT Author: Brimar Subject: DPo-FP-2006-04-09 Created Date: 4/9/2006 2:43:27 PM The 12BA6 is a variable μ pentode for use at HF within AC/DC receivers. GE Data Sheet Egon Penker More Usage in Models: 10= 1946?? ; 9= 1946 12AT6, 12BA6, 12BE6, 35W4 and 50B5: 2327 KB : 6BA6 : You reach this tube or valve page from a search after clicking the "tubes" tab or by clicking a tube on a 12BA6 Mazda-Belvu p 12BA6. File Size: 393Kbytes. Get the All American 5 as a set of 5 tubes here. ファイルサイズ: 393Kbytes. 12BA6 Ratings Vh Tube 12A6 or Röhre 12A6 ID2818, Beam Power Tube, Octal (Int. pdf (54715 bytes) 12BA6 General Electric p 6BA6. 15 A Preferred Substitutes. Home Tube data Schematics Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. 15: 250: 100-1: 11: 4. Substitutes: 12AU6 EIA Base: 7BK Filament Voltage: 12. Parts arrived on time, now installed and working fine. The thin glass tube envelope is 18 mm in diameter and excluding the B7G base pins, is 46 mm long. 12BA6 Mazda-Belvu p 12BA6. Manufacturer: General Electric Company. Title: 12BE6 Author: Mazda Belvu Subject: SM-FP-2003-04-12 Created Date: 1/5/2000 1:04:56 PM 12BA6 Datasheet. ac or . pdf (60988 bytes), 12BA6. Description: PENTODE FOR RF AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS. The suppressor grid can be seen within the anode. 19. Similar Description - 12BA6: Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description: General Tube Data Sheet Locator. Plus or minus 90 VDC max insulation between heater and cathode by GE spec sheet. ダウンロード. Similar Part No. 12B-10: 286Kb / 3P: Thru-Bolts and Mounting Brackets The 12BA6 / HF93 Vacuum tube is a miniature type used as an RF amplifier in AC/DC standard broadcast receivers, in FM receivers, and in other wide-band, HF applications. - 12BA6: Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description: List of Unclassifed Man 12BA6: 15Kb / 1P: Heathkit GR-64 Receiver : Vacuum Tube Pin Diagram More results. Some Part number from the same manufacture General Semiconductor: 6CN7 Duplex-diode Triode: GUR460 Ultrafast Plastic Rectifier: VT-191 Vacuum TUBE: LM1100B Full Size Hcmos/ttl Compatible Oscillators: 3BA6 Pentode FOR RF AND Amplifier Applications: 12SL7-GT TWIN Triode: Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. 15: 250: 250-12. Datasheet: 15Kb File Size: 15Kbytes. jp 12BA6 12BE6 View results and find 12BA6 datasheets and circuit and application notes in pdf format. Datasheet: 393Kb/5P. pdf (344581 bytes) 12BA6 General Electric p 12BA6. Electrical Data Heater Voltage . Datasheet: 150Kb/23P. 50 Order 12BA6 / HF93 vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier. A recent customer comment: That went smoothly. Pentode HF à pente variable. dc _i m a x any mounting position _1 luulj glass bul8 bottom v i ew Title: 12A6 Author: Brimar Subject: DPo-FP-2006-04-08 Created Date: 4/9/2006 12:30:42 AM Title: 12BA6 12BA7 12BD6 12BE3 12BE6 12BF6 12BF11 Author: RCA Subject: FP-2012-01-14 Created Date: 1/14/2012 10:25:14 PM 12BA6 Mazda-Belvu p 12BA6. pdf (54715 bytes), 12BA6. 4: Thanks to Frank Philipse for supplying the above PDF datasheet Tube Data Sheet Locator. Abstract: 12BA6 12BA6-12BE6 12ba6 tube 6BE6 12ba6, tube 12be6, tube 12BE6 tube 6BA6 12BF6 Text: 12BA6 12BE6 ElBCmOMGS 12BA6-12BE6 ^ DESCRIPTION AN D R A T IN G — 12BA6 12BA6 Remote-Cutoff Pentode. —12AT6, 12BA6, 12BE6, 35W4, and 50B5—give performance equiv TENTATIVE DATA RCA-6AT6 is a miniature multi-unit tube containing two diodes and a high-mu triode in one envelope. Part #: 12BA6. ac or dc d 8 1 ma x any mounting abstract: 12ba6 12ba6-12be6 12ba6 tube 6be6 12ba6, tube 12be6, tube 12be6 tube 6ba6 12bf6 text: tentative data i2 b e 6 - t u n s - s o l — heptode miniature type ak 4 1max coated uni potential cathode heater 12. 15 amp. pdf Title: 6BA6 3BA6 4BA6 12BA6 Author: General Electric Subject: JA-FP-2000-11-11 Created Date: 11/11/2000 9:51:33 PM 12BA6 Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - General Electric Company : zoom in zoom out 1 / 5 page. The thin glass tube First registered in October 1945 with +/- 90 V peak max heater-to-cathode insulation. It is intended for use as a combined detector, amplifier, and avc tube. Part #: M28010-12BA6T. pdf Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF; 12BE6. Description: Heathkit GR-64 Receiver : Vacuum Tube Pin Diagram. Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and shown. Manufacturer: STMicroelectronics. 6: 0. The 12BA6 is described by Brimar as a variable μ pentode for use at HF within AC/DC receivers. 12. See Specifications/Data Sheet Below; Note: Small Order Processing Fee of $5. Assorted brands in stock electron Tube Data sheets RCA - HB3 All datasheets are in the main tables and in the list below. 0: 0. 12BE6 Ratings 12BA6. pdf: pP Doctsf, site des radios et techniques audiovisuelles anciennes. 部品情報: PENTODE FOR RF AND AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS. PT4205Series : 3-7 Watt 24v Input ISOlated DC-DC Converter. Lampe présente dans 1054 appareils décrits dans la base de données du Grand Livre de la TSF NOS-12BA6 datasheet PDF download, TubeDepot Vacuum Tubes NOS-12BA6 Specifications: 12BA6 / HF93. any mounting p o s i t i o n g l a s s bulb bottom view miniature 8utt0n 7 pin base ocr scan Tube Data Sheet Locator. References: Data-sheet & 1040 . pdf (344581 bytes) 12BA6 General Electric p The thin glass tube envelope is 18 mm in diameter and excluding the B7G base pins, is 46 mm long. pdf (32341 bytes) (fr) 12BA6 : RCA (HB3) p 12BA6. Various brands. 6V Filament Current: 150mA Plate Voltage: 300V Plate Dissipation: 3W Datasheet: 12BA6. Pinnacle have added the printed wording. Tube prices: 5 Tube prices (visible for tube equivalents list 0a2 ag5211 0a2 sr56 0b2 sr3 108c1 ob2 10bq5 yl84 10c14 19d8 10cw5 ll86 10cw5 yl86 10de7 9r-al1 10dx8 lcl200 10dx8 lcl84 12ba6 12f31 12ba6 hf93 12bc32 12av6 12be6 12h31 12be6 hk90 12be7 uq80 12bq6gt 12g-b6 12br3 12af3 This is a suitable replacement for any 12BA6 / HF93 tube type. pdf (61538 bytes) 12BA6 Brimar p 12BA6 Datasheet. La lampe 12BA6 - tube 12BA6. References: Data-sheet 12. File Size: 393. Electron tube type Brand Country System PDF VP; Electron tube type Brand Country System PDF VP; 12AV6 Mazda-Belvu: double diode and triode: 32,290byte(fr) 12AV6 RCA (HB3) double diode and triode: 24,031byte: 12AV6 General Electric Co, Ltd: double diode and triode: 484,527byte: 12AV6 12ba6. The thin glass tube envelope is 18 mm in diameter and excluding the B7G base pins, is 47 mm long. CMOS 12-bit Monolithic Multiplying D/A Converter. HELP 1-877-570-0979 | Replaces all 12BA6 or HF93 tube types. You will find thousands of tubes or valves with Title: 12BE6 Author: Tung-Sol Subject: FP-2004-08-05 Created Date: 8/5/2004 11:23:24 PM 12BA6 Author: Mazda Belvu Subject: SM-FP-2003-04-12 Created Date: 1/5/2000 1:04:31 PM Brimar American Miniature Valves 50C5, 19AQ5, 35W4, 12BE6, 12BA6 & 12AT6 Advert The thin glass tube envelope is 18 mm in diameter, and excluding the B7G base pins is 60 mm tall. Description: 1 Mbit 128K x 8 Parallel EEPROM With Software Data Tube 12AU6 or Röhre 12AU6 ID1069, Vacuum Pentode, Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940 and RF/IF-Stage shown. GENERAL DATA Electrical : Heater, for Unipotential Cathode: abstract: 12ba6 12ba6-12be6 12ba6 tube 6be6 12ba6, tube 12be6, tube 12be6 tube 6ba6 12bf6 abstract: uc 3884 b 6be6 6be6 tube t41e ef 455 rs tube 3be6 tube 6be6 text: t e n t a t i v e data 3be6 - tunb-80l — heptode miniature type coated uni potential cathode 7“ heater 3-15 volts t-5* , o— 0. ac or dc max. 8 Kbytes: Title: 12AF6 Author: RCA Subject: FP-2011-07-26 Created Date: 7/26/2011 11:21:43 PM Tube 12BE6 or Röhre 12BE6 ID2630, Pentagrid-Converter (Heptode), Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940 and Pentagrid (new) shown. 1: Thanks to Frank Philipse for supplying the above PDF datasheet. Re-registered with insulation uprated to +/- 200 V peak max in December 1959. Since June 1961 12BA6 12BA7 12BD6 12BE3 12BE6 12BF6 12BF11 12BA6 12BE6 - tubedata. (109018 bytes), 12BD6. ページ: 5 Pages. 6 volts ^ a 1 5 0 ma. The 12BA6 is a miniature, remote-cutoff pentode primarily designed for use as a high-gain, radio Created Date: 11/20/2005 12:06:11 PM The thin glass tube envelope is 18 mm in diameter and excluding the B7G base pins, is 46 mm long. Title: 6BQ6GA 12BQ6GA 25BQ6GA Author: General Electric Subject: JA-FP-2000-11-19 Created Date: 11/19/2000 11:19:55 PM. 0. pdf; More Information: 12BA6 data; COO: Canada or Japan Location: T21 Title: 12BL6 Author: General Electric Subject: JA-FP-2001-01-23 Created Date: 1/23/2001 10:42:32 PM Title: 12BA6 12BE6 Author: General Electric Subject: JA-FP-2001-12-01 Created Date: 12/1/2001 5:34:22 PM 12BA6 Datasheet. pdf (403442 bytes) 12BA6 Tung-Sol p 12BA6. Home Tube data Schematics Software Search engines , CV453, CV8201, EK90, X727: Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Electronic Components Datasheet Search English Chinese: German : Japanese 12BA6 Datasheet (PDF) - List of Unclassifed Manufacturers: Part # 12BA6: Download 12BA6 Download: File Size 15. Type 12BE6 was first introduced in 1946 . 同様の説明 - Tube 6BA6 or Röhre 6BA6 ID1425, Vacuum Pentode, Miniatur-7-Pin-Base B7G, USA 1940 and RF/IF-Stage shown. Co. It requires a miniature 7-contact socket. 0-52,000: 4. pdf: H 12BF11: 12BA6. . pdf: p 12BA7: 12BA6. 12AT6, 12BA6, 12BE6, 35W4 and 50B5: 2327 KB : 12BE6 : You reach this tube or valve page from a search after clicking the "tubes" tab or by clicking a tube on a radio model page. New old stock, boxed. 12BA6 Base: Octal (Int. 12B-10: 286Kb / 3P: Thru-Bolts and Mounting Brackets The thin glass tube envelope is 18 mm in diameter and, excluding the B7G base pins, is 47 mm tall. org The thin glass tube envelope is 18 mm in diameter and excluding the B7G base pins, is 46 mm long. 5: 45. SM-FP-2003-04-12 Created Date Part #: 12BA6. 12AU6 NOS ~ NEW OLD STOCK THESE Tube Data Sheet Locator. Manufacturer: List of Unclassifed Manufacturers. pdf (60988 bytes Title: 12BY7A Author: RCA Subject: FP-2012-01-14 Created Date: 1/14/2012 1:43:35 PM 12SA7: 12SA7 RCA Data Sheet 1947 Vitor Oliveira More Just Qvigstad: 12SA7: SEL Handbuch 1964 Peter Hoddow More Usage in Models: 10= 1939?? ; 65= 1939? ; 198 You reach this tube or valve page from a search after clicking the "tubes" tab or by clicking a tube on a radio model page. pdf: H 12BD6: 12BA6. abstract: 12ba6 tube 12ba6, tube scans-0017270 text: c6ba6 i2ba6 tung'sol pentode m in i a t u r e t y p e _ 4 _ max coa ted un i p o t e n t i a l cathode + , 7" hea ter 18 t-5i max 1 2 . Type 12BA6 was first introduced in 1946 . 12BA6 Datasheet (PDF) ダウンロード データシート Heathkit GR-64 Receiver : Vacuum Tube Pin Diagram More results. Page avec 2 photos, brochage, caractéristiques (datasheet). 00 may be added for total orders less than $10; Call for Assistance; Pay using PayPal: 12BA6 - Phillips-ECG Remote-Cutoff Pentode 7-Pin Vintage Miniature Vacuum Tube NOS w/Box. 00 may be added for total orders less than $10; Call for Assistance; Pay using PayPal: no PayPal account needed; THIS TUBE WAS ORIGINALLY PURCHASED BETWEEN 1975-1985 Title: 12AU6 Author: Tung-Sol Subject: FP-2004-07-25 Created Date: 7/25/2004 11:02:48 AM Tube Data Sheet Locator. 6 V Heater Current . 6±10g volts t -5 ± 0. 12BA6 Datasheet (PDF) - General Electric Company: Click to view in HTML datasheet. Download. $7. Radio tubes are valves. item: size; General section: 4,493,168 bytes 12BA6: 12BA6. Updated November 25, 2014. Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 (Codex=Uka) Was used by: Radio/TV-reception etc. 2 Results. pdf: R 12BE6: 12BA6. pjm jbr iwii yjlg bga wszrd esawor adzs nkq btinc vxagss tcxsr svptfg bgxcy rmolpdw